
615 lines
14 KiB

Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; f not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// wad.c
#include "globaldef.h"
int wad_numlumps;
lumpinfo_t *wad_lumps;
byte *wad_base;
byte *wad_extra; // leilei - optional, but extra wad stuff!
void SwapPic (qpic_t *pic);
Lowercases name and pads with spaces and a terminating 0 to the length of
Used so lumpname lookups can proceed rapidly by comparing 4 chars at a time
Space padding is so names can be printed nicely in tables.
Can safely be performed in place.
void W_CleanupName (char *in, char *out)
int i;
int c;
for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++ )
c = in[i];
if (!c)
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
c += ('a' - 'A');
out[i] = c;
for ( ; i< 16 ; i++ )
out[i] = 0;
void W_LoadWadFile (char *filename)
lumpinfo_t *lump_p;
wadinfo_t *header;
unsigned i;
int infotableofs;
loadedfile_t *fileinfo; // 2001-09-12 Returning information about loaded file by Maddes
fileinfo = COM_LoadHunkFile (filename);
if (!fileinfo)
Sys_Error ("W_LoadWadFile: couldn't load %s\n\nAre you sure you are running this engine with \na valid game dataset? Check your working target\ndirectory to ensure that it is correct.", filename);
wad_base = fileinfo->data; // 2001-09-12 Returning information about loaded file by Maddes
header = (wadinfo_t *)wad_base;
if (header->identification[0] != 'W'
|| header->identification[1] != 'A'
|| header->identification[2] != 'D'
|| header->identification[3] != '2')
Sys_Error ("Wad file %s doesn't have WAD2 id\n",filename);
wad_numlumps = LittleLong(header->numlumps);
infotableofs = LittleLong(header->infotableofs);
wad_lumps = (lumpinfo_t *)(wad_base + infotableofs);
for (i=0, lump_p = wad_lumps ; i<wad_numlumps ; i++,lump_p++)
lump_p->filepos = LittleLong(lump_p->filepos);
lump_p->size = LittleLong(lump_p->size);
W_CleanupName (lump_p->name, lump_p->name);
if (lump_p->type == TYP_QPIC)
SwapPic ( (qpic_t *)(wad_base + lump_p->filepos));
lumpinfo_t *W_GetLumpinfo (char *name)
int i;
lumpinfo_t *lump_p;
char clean[16];
W_CleanupName (name, clean);
for (lump_p=wad_lumps, i=0 ; i<wad_numlumps ; i++,lump_p++)
if (!strcmp(clean, lump_p->name))
return lump_p;
// Sys_Error ("W_GetLumpinfo: %s not found", name);
return NULL;
void *W_GetLumpName (char *name)
lumpinfo_t *lump;
lump = W_GetLumpinfo (name);
Con_DPrintf("WARNING: Can't get LumpName for %s!\n", name);
return (void *)(wad_base + lump->filepos);
return NULL;
void *W_GetLumpNum (int num)
lumpinfo_t *lump;
if (num < 0 || num > wad_numlumps)
Sys_Error ("W_GetLumpNum: bad number: %i", num);
lump = wad_lumps + num;
return (void *)(wad_base + lump->filepos);
automatic byte swapping
void SwapPic (qpic_t *pic)
pic->width = LittleLong(pic->width);
pic->height = LittleLong(pic->height);
int image_width, image_height;
// based on original code by LordHavoc
#define TEXWAD_MAXIMAGES 16384
typedef struct
char name[16];
FILE *file;
int position;
int size;
} texwadlump_t;
texwadlump_t texwadlump[TEXWAD_MAXIMAGES];
void W_LoadTextureWadFile (char *filename, int complain)
lumpinfo_t *lumps, *lump_p;
wadinfo_t header;
unsigned i, j;
int infotableofs;
FILE *file;
int numlumps;
COM_FOpenFile (filename, &file, NULL);
if (!file)
if (complain)
Con_Printf ("W_LoadTextureWadFile: couldn't find %s\n", filename);
if (fread(&header, sizeof(wadinfo_t), 1, file) != 1)
{Con_Printf ("W_LoadTextureWadFile: unable to read wad header");return;}
if(header.identification[0] != 'W'
|| header.identification[1] != 'A'
|| header.identification[2] != 'D'
|| header.identification[3] != '3')
{Con_Printf ("W_LoadTextureWadFile: Wad file %s doesn't have WAD3 id\n",filename);return;}
numlumps = LittleLong(header.numlumps);
if (numlumps < 1 || numlumps > TEXWAD_MAXIMAGES)
{Con_Printf ("W_LoadTextureWadFile: invalid number of lumps (%i)\n", numlumps);return;}
infotableofs = LittleLong(header.infotableofs);
if (fseek(file, infotableofs, SEEK_SET))
{Con_Printf ("W_LoadTextureWadFile: unable to seek to lump table");return;}
if (!(lumps = malloc(sizeof(lumpinfo_t)*numlumps)))
{Con_Printf ("W_LoadTextureWadFile: unable to allocate temporary memory for lump table");return;}
if (fread(lumps, sizeof(lumpinfo_t), numlumps, file) != (unsigned)numlumps)
{Con_Printf ("W_LoadTextureWadFile: unable to read lump table");return;}
for (i=0, lump_p = lumps ; i<(unsigned)numlumps ; i++,lump_p++)
W_CleanupName (lump_p->name, lump_p->name);
for (j = 0;j < TEXWAD_MAXIMAGES;j++)
if (texwadlump[j].name[0]) // occupied slot, check the name
if (!strcmp(lump_p->name, texwadlump[j].name)) // name match, replace old one
else // empty slot
break; // abort loading
W_CleanupName (lump_p->name, texwadlump[j].name);
texwadlump[j].file = file;
texwadlump[j].position = LittleLong(lump_p->filepos);
texwadlump[j].size = LittleLong(lump_p->disksize);
// leaves the file open
byte *W_ConvertWAD3Texture(miptex_t *tex)
byte *in, *data, *out, *pal;
int d, p;
in = (byte *)((int) tex + tex->offsets[0]);
data = out = malloc(tex->width * tex->height * 4);
if (!data)
return NULL;
image_width = tex->width;
image_height = tex->height;
pal = in + (((image_width * image_height) * 85) >> 6);
pal += 2;
for (d = 0;d < image_width * image_height;d++)
p = *in++;
if (tex->name[0] == '{' && p == 255)
out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = out[3] = 0;
p *= 3;
out[0] = pal[p];
out[1] = pal[p+1];
out[2] = pal[p+2];
out[3] = 255;
out += 4;
return data;
byte *W_ConvertWAD3TextureFTE(miptex_t *tex, int *width, int *height, int alphaed) //returns rgba
byte *in, *data, *out, *pal;
int d, p;
int alpha = 0;
// if (tex->name[0] == '{')
// alpha = 1;
// else if (!strncmp(tex->name, "window", 6) || !strncmp(tex->name, "glass", 5))
// alpha = 2;
//use malloc here if you want, but you'll have to free it again... NUR!
data = out = Hunk_TempAllocMore(((tex->width*4 * tex->height) * 85)/64); //sw mip
if (!data)
return NULL;
in = (byte *)tex + tex->offsets[0];
*width = tex->width;
*height = tex->height;
pal = in + (((tex->width * tex->height) * 85) >> 6);
pal += 2;
for (d = 0;d < (tex->width * tex->height* 85)/64;d++) //sw mip
p = *in++;
if (alpha==1 && p == 255) //only allow alpha on '{' textures
out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = out[3] = 0;
else if (alpha == 2)
p *= 3;
out[0] = pal[p];
out[1] = pal[p+1];
out[2] = pal[p+2];
out[3] = (out[0]+out[1]+out[2])/3;
p *= 3;
out[0] = pal[p];
out[1] = pal[p+1];
out[2] = pal[p+2];
out[3] = 255;
out += 4;
return data;
extern byte *host_origpal;
// just for quake palette...
byte *W_ConvertWAD3TextureFTEQ(miptex_t *tex, int *width, int *height, int alphaed) //returns rgba
byte *in, *data, *out, *pal;
int d, p;
int alpha = 0;
// if (tex->name[0] == '{')
// alpha = 1;
// else if (!strncmp(tex->name, "window", 6) || !strncmp(tex->name, "glass", 5))
// alpha = 2;
//use malloc here if you want, but you'll have to free it again... NUR!
data = out = Hunk_TempAllocMore(((tex->width*4 * tex->height) * 85)/64); //sw mip
if (!data)
return NULL;
in = (byte *)tex + tex->offsets[0];
*width = tex->width;
*height = tex->height;
pal = host_origpal;
for (d = 0;d < (tex->width * tex->height* 85)/64;d++) //sw mip
p = *in++;
if (alpha==1 && p == 255) //only allow alpha on '{' textures
out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = out[3] = 0;
else if (alpha == 2)
p *= 3;
out[0] = pal[p];
out[1] = pal[p+1];
out[2] = pal[p+2];
out[3] = (out[0]+out[1]+out[2])/3;
p *= 3;
out[0] = pal[p];
out[1] = pal[p+1];
out[2] = pal[p+2];
out[3] = 255;
out += 4;
return data;
byte *W_ConvertWAD3Texture24(miptex_t *tex, int cal)
byte *in, *data, *out, *pal;
int d, p;
in = (byte *)((int) tex + tex->offsets[0]);
data = out = malloc(tex->width * tex->height * 3);
if (!data)
return NULL;
image_width = tex->width;
image_height = tex->height;
pal = in + (((image_width * image_height) * 85) >> 6);
pal += 2;
for (d = 0;d < image_width * image_height;d++)
p = *in++;
p *= 3;
out[0] = pal[p];
out[1] = 0;// pal[p+1];
out[2] = 0;// pal[p+2];
out += 3;
//out ++;
return data;
extern byte *host_otherpal;
byte *RemapTex(miptex_t *tex)
byte *in, *data, *out, *pal;
int d, p;
in = (byte *)((int) tex + tex->offsets[0]);
data = out = malloc(tex->width * tex->height * 4);
if (!data)
return NULL;
image_width = tex->width;
image_height = tex->height;
//pal = in + (((image_width * image_height) * 85) >> 6);
pal = host_otherpal;
// pal += 2;
for (d = 0;d < image_width * image_height;d++)
p = *in++;
if (tex->name[0] == '{' && p == 255)
out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = out[3] = 0;
p *= 3;
out[0] = pal[p];
out[1] = pal[p+1];
out[2] = pal[p+2];
out[3] = 255;
out += 4;
return data;
int FindOurColor(miptex_t *tex)
byte *in, *data, *out, *pal;
int d, p, color;
in = (byte *)((int) tex + tex->offsets[0]);
data = out = malloc(tex->width * tex->height * 4);
if (!data)
return 0;
image_width = tex->width;
image_height = tex->height;
//pal = in + (((image_width * image_height) * 85) >> 6);
pal = host_otherpal;
// pal += 2;
for (d = 0;d < image_width * image_height;d++)
p = *in++;
//p *= 3;
if (p > host_fullbrights){
color = p; // we got a fullbright so we can sue it.
return color;
color = p;
// out[0] = pal[p];
// out[1] = pal[p+1];
// out[2] = pal[p+2];
// out[3] = 255;
// out += 4;
return color;
byte *RemapTexEGA(miptex_t *tex)
byte *in, *data, *out, *pal;
int d, p;
in = (byte *)((int) tex + tex->offsets[0]);
data = out = malloc(tex->width * tex->height * 4);
if (!data)
return NULL;
image_width = tex->width;
image_height = tex->height;
pal = host_otherpal;
for (d = 0;d < image_width * image_height;d++)
p = *in++;
p = coltranslate[p];
out[0] = p;
return data;
char wads[4096];
void Mod_ParseInfoFromEntityLump(char *data) //actually, this should be in the model code.
extern model_t *loadmodel;
char key[128];
char skyname[64];
float skyrotate = 0;
vec3_t skyaxis = {0, 0, 0};
wads[0] = '\0';
if (isDedicated) //don't bother
// this hack is necessary to ensure Quake 2 maps get their
// default skybox
if (loadmodel->fromgame == fg_quake2)
strcpy(skyname, "unit1_");
skyname[0] = '\0';
if (data)
if ((data=COM_Parse(data))) //read the map info.
if (com_token[0] == '{')
while (1)
if (!(data=COM_Parse(data)))
break; // error
if (com_token[0] == '}')
break; // end of worldspawn
if (com_token[0] == '_')
strcpy(key, com_token + 1); //_ vars are for comments/utility stuff that arn't visible to progs. Ignore them.
strcpy(key, com_token);
if (!((data=COM_Parse(data))))
break; // error
if (!strcmp("wad", key)) // for HalfLife maps
if (loadmodel->fromgame == fg_halflife)
strncat(wads, ";", 4095); //cache it for later (so that we don't play with any temp memory yet)
strncat(wads, com_token, 4095); //cache it for later (so that we don't play with any temp memory yet)
else if (!strcmp("skyname", key)) // for HalfLife maps
strncpy(skyname, com_token, sizeof(skyname));
else if (!strcmp("sky", key)) // for Quake2 maps
strncpy(skyname, com_token, sizeof(skyname));
else if (!strcmp("skyrotate", key))
skyrotate = atof(com_token);
else if (!strcmp("skyaxis", key))
char *s;
strncpy(key, com_token, sizeof(key));
s = COM_Parse(key);
if (s)
skyaxis[0] = atof(s);
s = COM_Parse(s);
if (s)
skyaxis[1] = atof(s);
if (s)
skyaxis[2] = atof(s);
skyrotate = VectorNormalize(skyaxis);
// R_SetSky(skyname, skyrotate, skyaxis);