3404 lines
85 KiB
3404 lines
85 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// r_surf.c: surface-related refresh code
#include "globaldef.h"
#include "r_local.h"
// hmm
drawsurf_t r_drawsurf;
int lightleft, sourcesstep, blocksize, sourcetstep;
int lightdelta, lightdeltastep;
int lightright, lightleftstep, lightrightstep, blockdivshift;
int lightlefta[3];
int sourcesstep, blocksize, sourcetstep;
int lightrighta[3];
int lightleftstepa[3], lightrightstepa[3], blockdivshift;
extern cvar_t *temp2;
unsigned blockdivmask;
void *prowdestbase;
unsigned char *pbasesource;
unsigned int *pbasesource24;
int surfrowbytes; // used by ASM files
unsigned int dynlightenabled; // r_dynamic
int r_stepback;
int r_lightwidth;
int r_lightwidther;
int r_numhblocks, r_numvblocks;
unsigned char *r_source, *r_sourcemax;
unsigned long *r_source24;
unsigned char *r_sourcemax24;
int *r_lightptr;
int *r_lightptr_r;
int *r_lightptr_g;
int *r_lightptr_b;
int coloredmethod;
extern byte palmap[32][32][32];
extern unsigned char palmap3[65535];
static char *rgb_colormap_red;
static char *rgb_colormap_green;
static char *rgb_colormap_blue;
void PalmapStaticized ()
int i, j, k;
rgb_colormap_red = host_colormap_red;
rgb_colormap_green = host_colormap_green;
rgb_colormap_blue = host_colormap_blue;
// test
int blocklights[18*18*3]; // LordHavoc: .lit support (*3 for RGB)
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip0 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip1 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip2 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip3 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8Fast_mip0 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8Fast_mip1 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8Fast_mip2 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8Fast_mip3 (void);
#ifdef id386rgb
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBASM_mip0(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBASM_mip1(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBASM_mip2(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBASM_mip3(void);
// 8-bit target - 8-bit textures - colored lighting - nearest
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBX_mip0(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBX_mip1(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBX_mip2(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBX_mip3(void);
// 8-bit target - 8-bit textures - colored lighting - nearest - lookup method
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGBX_mip0(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGBX_mip1(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGBX_mip2(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGBX_mip3(void);
// 8-bit target - 8-bit textures - colored lighting - dithered
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBXD_mip0(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBXD_mip1(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBXD_mip2(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBXD_mip3(void);
// 8-bit target - 24-bit textures - colored lighting - dithered
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXD_mip0(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXD_mip1(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXD_mip2(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXD_mip3(void);
// 8-bit target - 24-bit textures - colored lighting - nearest
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBX_mip0(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBX_mip1(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBX_mip2(void);
void D_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBX_mip3(void);
static void (*surfmiptable[4])(void) = {
#ifdef EXPREND
static void (*surfmiptableshadow[4])(void) = {
static void (*surfmiptablediffuse[4])(void) = {
static void (*surfmiptable8RGBX[4])(void) =
#if id386rgb
static void (*surfmiptable8RGBXD[4])(void) =
static void (*surfmiptable888RGB[4])(void) =
#ifdef twentyfourbithack
static void (*surfmiptable824RGBXD[4])(void) =
static void (*surfmiptable824RGBX[4])(void) =
// leilei - fast versions of these
// are just the same, sans lightstepping
// which actually brings a cool speed boost
#if !id386
static void (*surfmiptablefast[4])(void) = {
// our c versions suck for the time being.
static void (*surfmiptablefast[4])(void) = {
// Macros for initiating the RGB light deltas.
#define MakeLightDelta() { light[0] = lightrighta[0]; light[1] = lightrighta[1]; light[2] = lightrighta[2];};
#define PushLightDelta() { light[0] += lightdelta[0]; light[1] += lightdelta[1]; light[2] += lightdelta[2]; };
#define FinishLightDelta() { psource += sourcetstep; lightrighta[0] += lightrightstepa[0];lightlefta[0] += lightleftstepa[0];lightdelta[0] += lightdeltastep[0]; lightrighta[1] += lightrightstepa[1];lightlefta[1] += lightleftstepa[1];lightdelta[1] += lightdeltastep[1]; lightrighta[2] += lightrightstepa[2];lightlefta[2] += lightleftstepa[2];lightdelta[2] += lightdeltastep[2]; prowdest += surfrowbytes;}
// Low Colored Light Quality
#define MIP888RGB(i) {prowdest[i] = palmap[rgb_colormap_red [(light[0] & 0xFF00) + psource[i]]][rgb_colormap_green [(light[1] & 0xFF00) + psource[i]]][rgb_colormap_blue [(light[2] & 0xFF00) + psource[i]]]; }
// High Colored Light Quality
#define MIP8RGBX(i) { if (psource[i] < host_fullbrights){ pix = psource[i]; pix24 = (unsigned char *)&d_8to24table[pix]; trans[0] = (pix24[0] * (light[0])) >> 17; trans[1] = (pix24[1] * (light[1])) >> 17; trans[2] = (pix24[2] * (light[2])) >> 17; if (trans[0] & ~63) trans[0] = 63; if (trans[1] & ~63) trans[1] = 63; if (trans[2] & ~63) trans[2] = 63; prowdest[i] = palmap2[trans[0]][trans[1]][trans[2]]; } else prowdest[i] = psource[i];}
// Ultra Colored Light Quality (15bpp Span driver required)
#define MIP8RGBXD(i) { if (psource[i] < host_fullbrights) { pix = psource[i]; pix24 = (unsigned char *)&d_8to24table[pix]; trans[0] = ((int)pix24[0] * light[0]) >> 18; trans[1] = ((int)pix24[1] * light[1]) >> 18; trans[2] = ((int)pix24[2] * light[2]) >> 18; if (trans[0] & ~31) trans[0] = 31; if (trans[1] & ~31) trans[1] = 31; if (trans[2] & ~31) trans[2] = 31; prowdest[i] = (trans[0] << 10) | (trans[1] << 5) | trans[2]; }else{ pix = psource[i]; pix24 = (unsigned char *)&d_8to24table[pix]; trans[0] = ((int)pix24[0]) >> 3; trans[1] = ((int)pix24[1]) >> 3; trans[2] = ((int)pix24[2]) >> 3; prowdest[i] = (trans[0] << 10) | (trans[1] << 5) | trans[2]; } }
#define MIP824RGBXD(i) { pix24 = (unsigned char *)&psource[i]; trans[0] = ((int)pix24[0] * light[0]) >> 18; trans[1] = ((int)pix24[1] * light[1]) >> 18; trans[2] = ((int)pix24[2] * light[2]) >> 18; if (trans[0] & ~31) trans[0] = 31; if (trans[1] & ~31) trans[1] = 31; if (trans[2] & ~31) trans[2] = 31; prowdest[i] = (trans[0] << 10) | (trans[1] << 5) | trans[2]; }
// yo dawg i heard you like macros so we put some macros in your macros while you macro
#define Mip0Stuff(i) { MakeLightDelta(); i(15); PushLightDelta(); i(14); PushLightDelta(); PushLightDelta(); i(13); PushLightDelta(); i(12); PushLightDelta(); i(11); PushLightDelta(); i(10); PushLightDelta(); i(9); PushLightDelta(); i(8); PushLightDelta(); i(7); PushLightDelta(); i(6); PushLightDelta(); i(5); PushLightDelta(); i(4); PushLightDelta(); i(3); PushLightDelta(); i(2); PushLightDelta(); i(1); PushLightDelta(); i(0); FinishLightDelta();}
#define Mip1Stuff(i) { MakeLightDelta(); i(7); PushLightDelta(); i(6); PushLightDelta(); i(5); PushLightDelta(); i(4); PushLightDelta(); i(3); PushLightDelta(); i(2); PushLightDelta(); i(1); PushLightDelta(); i(0); FinishLightDelta();}
#define Mip2Stuff(i) { MakeLightDelta();i(3); PushLightDelta(); i(2); PushLightDelta(); i(1); PushLightDelta(); i(0); FinishLightDelta();}
#define Mip3Stuff(i) { MakeLightDelta(); i(1); PushLightDelta(); i(0); FinishLightDelta();}
void R_AddDynamicLights (void)
msurface_t *surf;
int lnum;
int sd, td;
float dist, rad, minlight;
vec3_t impact, local;
vec3_t origin_for_ent; // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix
int s, t;
int i;
int smax, tmax;
mtexinfo_t *tex;
surf = r_drawsurf.surf;
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
tex = surf->texinfo;
for (lnum=0 ; lnum<MAX_DLIGHTS ; lnum++)
if ( !(surf->dlightbits & (1<<lnum) ) )
continue; // not lit by this light
rad = cl_dlights[lnum].radius;
if (cl_dlights[lnum].unmark)
continue; // don't add the one who doesn't want to be
VectorSubtract (cl_dlights[lnum].origin, currententity->origin, origin_for_ent); // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix
// dist = DotProduct (origin_for_ent, surf->plane->normal); // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
dist = DotProduct (origin_for_ent, surf->plane->normal) - // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
rad -= fabs(dist);
minlight = cl_dlights[lnum].minlight;
if (rad < minlight)
minlight = rad - minlight;
impact[0] = origin_for_ent[0] - // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
impact[1] = origin_for_ent[1] - // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
impact[2] = origin_for_ent[2] - // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
local[0] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[0]) + tex->vecs[0][3];
local[1] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[1]) + tex->vecs[1][3];
local[0] -= surf->texturemins[0];
local[1] -= surf->texturemins[1];
for (t = 0 ; t<tmax ; t++)
td = local[1] - t*16;
if (td < 0)
td = -td;
for (s=0 ; s<smax ; s++)
sd = local[0] - s*16;
if (sd < 0)
sd = -sd;
if (sd > td)
dist = sd + (td>>1);
dist = td + (sd>>1);
if (dist < minlight)
unsigned temp;
temp = (rad - dist)*256;
i = t*smax + s;
if (!cl_dlights[lnum].dark)
blocklights[i] += temp;
if (blocklights[i] > temp)
blocklights[i] -= temp;
blocklights[i] = 0;
void R_AddDynamicLightsRGB ()
msurface_t *surf;
int lnum;
int sd, td;
float dist, rad, minlight;
vec3_t impact, local;
int s, t;
int i;
int smax, tmax;
mtexinfo_t *tex;
vec3_t origin_for_ent; // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix
// 2001-09-11 Colored lightning by LordHavoc/Sarcazm/Maddes start
float cred, cgreen, cblue, brightness;
unsigned *bl;
// 2001-09-11 Colored lightning by LordHavoc/Sarcazm/Maddes end
surf = r_drawsurf.surf;
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
tex = surf->texinfo;
for (lnum=0 ; lnum<MAX_DLIGHTS ; lnum++)
if ( !(surf->dlightbits & (1<<lnum) ) )
continue; // not lit by this light
rad = cl_dlights[lnum].radius;
if (cl_dlights[lnum].unmark)
continue; // don't add the one who doesn't want to be
VectorSubtract (cl_dlights[lnum].origin, currententity->origin, origin_for_ent); // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix
dist = DotProduct (origin_for_ent, surf->plane->normal) - // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
rad -= fabs(dist);
minlight = cl_dlights[lnum].minlight;
if (rad < minlight)
minlight = rad - minlight;
// mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
impact[0] = origin_for_ent[0] - surf->plane->normal[0]*dist;
impact[1] = origin_for_ent[1] - surf->plane->normal[1]*dist;
impact[2] = origin_for_ent[2] - surf->plane->normal[2]*dist;
local[0] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[0]) + tex->vecs[0][3];
local[1] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[1]) + tex->vecs[1][3];
local[0] -= surf->texturemins[0];
local[1] -= surf->texturemins[1];
// 2001-09-11 Colored lightning by LordHavoc/Sarcazm/Maddes start
cred = cl_dlights[lnum].color[0] * 256.0f;
cgreen = cl_dlights[lnum].color[1] * 256.0f;
cblue = cl_dlights[lnum].color[2] * 256.0f;
bl = blocklights;
// 2001-09-11 Colored lightning by LordHavoc/Sarcazm/Maddes end
for (t = 0 ; t<tmax ; t++)
td = local[1] - t*16;
if (td < 0)
td = -td;
for (s=0 ; s<smax ; s++)
sd = local[0] - s*16;
if (sd < 0)
sd = -sd;
if (sd > td)
dist = sd + (td>>1);
dist = td + (sd>>1);
if (dist < minlight)
brightness = rad - dist;
bl[0] += (int) (brightness * cred);
bl[1] += (int) (brightness * cgreen);
bl[2] += (int) (brightness * cblue);
bl += 3;
// leilei - shadowhack continued
void R_AddDynamicLightsCrude (void)
msurface_t *surf;
int lnum;
int sd, td;
float dist, rad, minlight;
vec3_t impact, local;
vec3_t origin_for_ent; // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix
int s, t;
int i;
int smax, tmax;
mtexinfo_t *tex;
surf = r_drawsurf.surf;
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
tex = surf->texinfo;
for (lnum=0 ; lnum<MAX_DLIGHTS ; lnum++)
if ( !(surf->dlightbits & (1<<lnum) ) )
continue; // not lit by this light
rad = cl_dlights[lnum].radius;
if (cl_dlights[lnum].unmark)
continue; // don't add the one who doesn't want to be
VectorSubtract (cl_dlights[lnum].origin, currententity->origin, origin_for_ent); // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix
dist = DotProduct (origin_for_ent, surf->plane->normal) - // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
rad -= fabs(dist);// + ((rad) * 0.2);
minlight = cl_dlights[lnum].minlight;
if (rad < minlight)
minlight = rad - minlight;
impact[0] = origin_for_ent[0] - // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
impact[1] = origin_for_ent[1] - // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
impact[2] = origin_for_ent[2] - // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
local[0] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[0]) + tex->vecs[0][3];
local[1] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[1]) + tex->vecs[1][3];
local[0] -= surf->texturemins[0];
local[1] -= surf->texturemins[1];
for (t = 0 ; t<tmax ; t++)
td = local[1] - t*16;
if (td < 0)
td = -td;
for (s=0 ; s<smax ; s++)
sd = local[0] - s*16;
if (sd < 0)
sd = -sd;
if (sd > td)
dist = sd + (td>>1);
dist = td + (sd>>1);
if (dist < minlight)
unsigned temp;
// leilei - approximate of the amiga port's "crude lighting"
temp = rad * 66;
i = t*smax + s;
if (!cl_dlights[lnum].dark)
blocklights[i] += temp;
if (blocklights[i] > temp)
blocklights[i] -= temp;
blocklights[i] = 0;
void R_AddDynamicLightsRGBCrude ()
msurface_t *surf;
int lnum;
int sd, td;
float dist, rad, minlight;
vec3_t impact, local;
int s, t;
int i;
int smax, tmax;
mtexinfo_t *tex;
vec3_t origin_for_ent; // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix
// 2001-09-11 Colored lightning by LordHavoc/Sarcazm/Maddes start
float cred, cgreen, cblue, brightness;
unsigned *bl;
// 2001-09-11 Colored lightning by LordHavoc/Sarcazm/Maddes end
surf = r_drawsurf.surf;
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
tex = surf->texinfo;
for (lnum=0 ; lnum<MAX_DLIGHTS ; lnum++)
if ( !(surf->dlightbits & (1<<lnum) ) )
continue; // not lit by this light
rad = cl_dlights[lnum].radius;
if (cl_dlights[lnum].unmark)
continue; // don't add the one who doesn't want to be
VectorSubtract (cl_dlights[lnum].origin, currententity->origin, origin_for_ent); // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix
dist = DotProduct (origin_for_ent, surf->plane->normal) - // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
rad -= fabs(dist);
minlight = cl_dlights[lnum].minlight;
if (rad < minlight)
minlight = rad - minlight;
// mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
impact[0] = origin_for_ent[0] - surf->plane->normal[0]*dist;
impact[1] = origin_for_ent[1] - surf->plane->normal[1]*dist;
impact[2] = origin_for_ent[2] - surf->plane->normal[2]*dist;
local[0] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[0]) + tex->vecs[0][3];
local[1] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[1]) + tex->vecs[1][3];
local[0] -= surf->texturemins[0];
local[1] -= surf->texturemins[1];
// 2001-09-11 Colored lightning by LordHavoc/Sarcazm/Maddes start
cred = cl_dlights[lnum].color[0] * 256.0f;
cgreen = cl_dlights[lnum].color[1] * 256.0f;
cblue = cl_dlights[lnum].color[2] * 256.0f;
bl = blocklights;
// 2001-09-11 Colored lightning by LordHavoc/Sarcazm/Maddes end
for (t = 0 ; t<tmax ; t++)
td = local[1] - t*16;
if (td < 0)
td = -td;
for (s=0 ; s<smax ; s++)
sd = local[0] - s*16;
if (sd < 0)
sd = -sd;
if (sd > td)
dist = sd + (td>>1);
dist = td + (sd>>1);
if (dist < minlight)
brightness = rad - dist;
bl[0] += (int) (brightness * cred);
bl[1] += (int) (brightness * cgreen);
bl[2] += (int) (brightness * cblue);
bl += 3;
void R_AddShadows (void)
msurface_t *surf;
int lnum;
int sd, td;
float dist, rad, minlight;
vec3_t impact, local;
int s, t;
int i;
int smax, tmax;
mtexinfo_t *tex;
vec3_t origin_for_ent; // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix
surf = r_drawsurf.surf;
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
tex = surf->texinfo;
for (lnum=0 ; lnum<MAX_SHADOWS ; lnum++)
if ( !(surf->shadowbits & (1<<lnum) ) )
continue; // not lit by this light
rad = cl_shadows[lnum].radius;
VectorSubtract (cl_shadows[lnum].origin, currententity->origin, origin_for_ent); // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix
dist = DotProduct (origin_for_ent, surf->plane->normal) - // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
rad -= fabs(dist);
minlight = cl_shadows[lnum].minlight;
if (rad < minlight)
minlight = rad - minlight;
impact[0] = origin_for_ent[0] -
impact[1] = origin_for_ent[1] -
impact[2] = origin_for_ent[2] -
local[0] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[0]) + tex->vecs[0][3];
local[1] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[1]) + tex->vecs[1][3];
local[0] -= surf->texturemins[0];
local[1] -= surf->texturemins[1];
for (t = 0 ; t<tmax ; t++)
td = local[1] - t*16;
if (td < 0)
td = -td;
for (s=0 ; s<smax ; s++)
sd = local[0] - s*16;
if (sd < 0)
sd = -sd;
if (sd > td)
dist = sd + (td>>1);
dist = td + (sd>>1);
if (dist < minlight)
unsigned temp;
temp = (rad - dist)*256;
i = t*smax + s;
//if (!cl_shadows[lnum].dark)
// blocklights[i] += temp;
// else
if (blocklights[i] > temp)
blocklights[i] -= temp;
blocklights[i] = 0;
void R_AddShadowsRGB ()
msurface_t *surf;
int lnum;
int sd, td;
float dist, rad, minlight;
vec3_t impact, local;
vec3_t origin_for_ent; // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix
int s, t;
int i;
int smax, tmax;
mtexinfo_t *tex;
// 2001-09-11 Colored lightning by LordHavoc/Sarcazm/Maddes start
float cred, cgreen, cblue, brightness;
unsigned *bl;
// 2001-09-11 Colored lightning by LordHavoc/Sarcazm/Maddes end
surf = r_drawsurf.surf;
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
tex = surf->texinfo;
for (lnum=0 ; lnum<MAX_SHADOWS ; lnum++)
if ( !(surf->shadowbits & (1<<lnum) ) )
continue; // not lit by this light
rad = cl_shadows[lnum].radius;
VectorSubtract (cl_shadows[lnum].origin, currententity->origin, origin_for_ent); // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix
// dist = DotProduct (cl_shadows[lnum].origin, surf->plane->normal) -
dist = DotProduct (origin_for_ent, surf->plane->normal) - // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
rad -= fabs(dist);
minlight = cl_shadows[lnum].minlight;
if (rad < minlight)
minlight = rad - minlight;
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
impact[i] = origin_for_ent[i] - // mankrip - dynamic lights on moving brush models fix - edited
//impact[i] = cl_shadows[lnum].origin[i] -
local[0] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[0]) + tex->vecs[0][3];
local[1] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[1]) + tex->vecs[1][3];
local[0] -= surf->texturemins[0];
local[1] -= surf->texturemins[1];
// 2001-09-11 Colored lightning by LordHavoc/Sarcazm/Maddes start
cred = -256;
cgreen = -256;
cblue = -256;
bl = blocklights;
// 2001-09-11 Colored lightning by LordHavoc/Sarcazm/Maddes end
for (t = 0 ; t<tmax ; t++)
td = local[1] - t*16;
if (td < 0)
td = -td;
for (s=0 ; s<smax ; s++)
sd = local[0] - s*16;
if (sd < 0)
sd = -sd;
if (sd > td)
dist = sd + (td>>1);
dist = td + (sd>>1);
if (dist < minlight)
// 2001-09-11 Colored lightning by LordHavoc/Sarcazm/Maddes start
// blocklights[t*smax + s] += (rad - dist)*256;
brightness = rad - dist;
bl[0] += (int) (brightness * cred);
bl[1] += (int) (brightness * cgreen);
bl[2] += (int) (brightness * cblue);
bl += 3;
// 2001-09-11 Colored lightning by LordHavoc/Sarcazm/Maddes end
Combine and scale multiple lightmaps into the 8.8 format in blocklights
extern cvar_t *r_lightquality;
void R_BuildLightMap (void)
int smax, tmax;
int t;
int i, size;
byte *lightmap;
unsigned scale;
int maps;
int crude;
msurface_t *surf;
crude = r_lightquality->value;
surf = r_drawsurf.surf;
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
size = smax*tmax;
lightmap = surf->samples;
if (r_fullbright->value || !cl.worldmodel->lightdata)
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
blocklights[i] = 0;
// clear to ambient
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
blocklights[i] = r_refdef.ambientlight<<8;
// add all the lightmaps
if (lightmap)
for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXLIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != 255 ;
scale = r_drawsurf.lightadj[maps]; // 8.8 fraction
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
blocklights[i] += lightmap[i] * scale;
lightmap += size; // skip to next lightmap
// add all the dynamic lights
if (surf->dlightframe == r_framecount && dynlightenabled){
if (!crude)
R_AddDynamicLightsCrude ();
R_AddDynamicLights ();
// and shadows
if (surf->shadowframe == r_framecount){
R_AddShadows ();
// bound, invert, and shift
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
t = (255*256 - (int)blocklights[i]) >> (8 - VID_CBITS);
if (t < (1 << 6))
t = (1 << 6);
blocklights[i] = t;
// fteqw version
// optimized and fixed by leilei for less rendering bugs
// fixed fullbright stuff ~eukara
extern cvar_t *temp2;
extern cvar_t *r_coloredlightmethod;
extern cvar_t *r_shiftlights;
void R_BuildLightMapRGB (void)
int smax, tmax;
int i, size;
qbyte *lightmap;
unsigned scale;
int maps;
int crude;
msurface_t *surf;
int r;
int sample;
int overrights = overbrights; // localing
int shifted;
crude = r_lightquality->value;
if (r_fullbright->value || !cl.worldmodel->lightdata)
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
blocklights[i] = 32768;
if (r_shiftlights->value)
shifted = 1;
shifted = 0;
if (overrights > 1)
sample = 131032;
else if (overrights == 1)
sample = 65536;
sample = 65536;
if (coloredmethod)
sample = 32768; // overbright over this and our fast lightmaps complain.
surf = r_drawsurf.surf;
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
size = smax*tmax*3;
lightmap = surf->samples;
// clear to ambient
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
blocklights[i] = r_refdef.ambientlight<<8;
// add all the lightmaps
if (lightmap)
for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXLIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != 255 ;
scale = r_drawsurf.lightadj[maps]; // 8.8 fraction
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i+=3)
blocklights[i] += lightmap[i] * scale;
blocklights[i+1] += lightmap[i+1] * scale;
blocklights[i+2] += lightmap[i+2] * scale;
lightmap += size; // skip to next lightmap
// add all the dynamic lights
if (surf->dlightframe == r_framecount && dynlightenabled)
if (!crude)
R_AddDynamicLightsRGBCrude ();
R_AddDynamicLightsRGB ();
// and shadows
if (surf->shadowframe == r_framecount)
R_AddShadowsRGB ();
if (coloredmethod)
int t, re;
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
t = blocklights[i] / 2;
if (t < 1024)
t = 1024;
if (t > sample)
t = sample;
t = t >> (8 - VID_CBITS);
if (t < (1 << 6))
t = (1 << 6);
r = t;
blocklights[i] = r;
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
r = blocklights[i] >> shifted;
blocklights[i] = (r < 256) ? 256 : (r > sample) ? sample : r; // leilei - made min 256 to rid visual artifacts and gain speed
Returns the proper texture for a given time and base texture
texture_t *R_TextureAnimation (texture_t *base)
int reletive;
int count;
if (currententity->frame)
if (base->alternate_anims)
base = base->alternate_anims;
if (!base->anim_total)
return base;
reletive = (int)(cl.time*10) % base->anim_total;
count = 0;
while (base->anim_min > reletive || base->anim_max <= reletive)
base = base->anim_next;
if (!base)
base = base; // leilei - TFN bb2 workaround
// Sys_Error ("R_TextureAnimation: broken cycle");
if (++count > 100)
Sys_Error ("R_TextureAnimation: infinite cycle");
return base;
int hqlite;
int ditheredrend; // dithering
extern cvar_t *r_lightquality;
extern cvar_t *r_dither;
extern byte palmap2[64][64][64]; // Higher quality for lighting
#ifdef EXPREND
extern int shadowpass;
extern cvar_t *r_coloredlightmethod;
void R_DrawSurface (void)
unsigned char *basetptr;
int smax, tmax, twidth;
int u;
int soffset, basetoffset, texwidth;
int horzblockstep;
unsigned char *pcolumndest;
#ifdef EXPREND
unsigned char *pcolumnshadowdest;
void (*pblockdrawer)(void);
texture_t *mt;
int merp = 1;
#ifdef twentyfourbithack
if (coloredlights == 2)
merp = 1;
if (!palmap2)
hqlite = 0; // don't do 18-bit lighting if we don't have this table
coloredlights = 0; // disable colored lights anyway. :(
hqlite = 1; // always use hqlite
// calculate the lightings
if (coloredlights)
R_BuildLightMapRGB ();
R_BuildLightMap ();
// calculate the lightings
surfrowbytes = r_drawsurf.rowbytes;
mt = r_drawsurf.texture;
r_source = (byte *)mt + mt->offsets[r_drawsurf.surfmip];
// the fractional light values should range from 0 to (VID_GRADES - 1) << 16
// from a source range of 0 - 255
// texwidth = (mt->width) >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
texwidth = mt->width >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
blocksize = 16 >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
blockdivshift = 4 - r_drawsurf.surfmip;
blockdivmask = (1 << blockdivshift) - 1;
r_lightwidth = (r_drawsurf.surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
// r_lightwidth = ((r_drawsurf.surf->extents[0]>>4)+1);
//r_lightwidther = (r_drawsurf.surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
r_numhblocks = r_drawsurf.surfwidth >> blockdivshift;
r_numvblocks = r_drawsurf.surfheight >> blockdivshift;
#ifndef EXPREND
if (lowworld){
if (coloredlights == 1)
if (coloredmethod)
pblockdrawer = surfmiptable888RGB[r_drawsurf.surfmip]; // 18-bit lookups
pblockdrawer = surfmiptable8RGBX[r_drawsurf.surfmip]; // 18-bit lookups
else if (coloredlights == 2)
pblockdrawer = surfmiptable8RGBXD[r_drawsurf.surfmip]; // 18-bit lookups
pblockdrawer = surfmiptablefast[r_drawsurf.surfmip]; // use old fashioned grays
if (coloredlights == 1){
if (coloredmethod) pblockdrawer = surfmiptable888RGB[r_drawsurf.surfmip]; // 18-bit lookups
else pblockdrawer = surfmiptable8RGBX[r_drawsurf.surfmip]; // 18-bit lookups
// pblockdrawer = surfmiptable8RGBX[r_drawsurf.surfmip];
else if (coloredlights == 2){
pblockdrawer = surfmiptable8RGBXD[r_drawsurf.surfmip];
pblockdrawer = surfmiptable[r_drawsurf.surfmip]; // use old fashioned grays
// TODO: only needs to be set when there is a display settings change
horzblockstep = blocksize;
if (shadowpass)
pblockdrawer = surfmiptableshadow[r_drawsurf.surfmip]; // use old fashioned grays
pblockdrawer = surfmiptablediffuse[r_drawsurf.surfmip]; // use old fashioned grays
horzblockstep = blocksize;
// pblockdrawer = surfmiptable[r_drawsurf.surfmip]; // use old fashioned grays
smax = mt->width >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
twidth = texwidth;
tmax = mt->height >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
sourcetstep = texwidth;
r_stepback = tmax * twidth;
r_sourcemax = r_source + (tmax * smax);
soffset = r_drawsurf.surf->texturemins[0];
basetoffset = r_drawsurf.surf->texturemins[1];
// << 16 components are to guarantee positive values for %
soffset = ((soffset >> r_drawsurf.surfmip) + (smax << 16)) % smax;
basetptr = &r_source[((((basetoffset >> r_drawsurf.surfmip)
+ (tmax << 16)) % tmax) * twidth)];
#ifdef EXPREND
if (shadowpass)
pcolumndest = r_drawsurf.shadowdat;
pcolumndest = r_drawsurf.surfdat;
pcolumndest = r_drawsurf.surfdat;
if (coloredlights == 2)
horzblockstep *= 2;
for (u=0 ; u<r_numhblocks; u++)
if (coloredlights)
r_lightptr = blocklights + u * 3;
r_lightptr = blocklights + u;
#ifdef EXPREND
prowdestbase = pcolumndest;
prowdestbase = pcolumndest;
pbasesource = basetptr + soffset;
soffset = soffset + blocksize;
if (soffset >= smax)
soffset = 0;
pcolumndest += horzblockstep;
prowdestbase = pcolumndest;
pbasesource = basetptr + soffset;
soffset = soffset + blocksize;
if (soffset >= smax)
soffset = 0;
pcolumndest += horzblockstep;
// scary 32-bit version
void R_DrawSurface32 (void)
#ifdef twentyfourbithack
unsigned char *basetptr;
unsigned long *basetptr24;
int smax, tmax, twidth;
int u;
int soffset24, basetoffset, texwidth;
int horzblockstep;
unsigned char *pcolumndest;
void (*pblockdrawer)(void);
texture_t *mt;
int merp = 4;
int surmip;
R_BuildLightMapRGB ();
// calculate the lightings
surfrowbytes = r_drawsurf.rowbytes;
mt = r_drawsurf.texture;
surmip = r_drawsurf.surfmip;
r_source24 = (unsigned char *)mt + mt->offsets[surmip];
// the fractional light values should range from 0 to (VID_GRADES - 1) << 16
// from a source range of 0 - 255
texwidth = (mt->width) >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
blocksize = 16 >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
blockdivshift = 4 - r_drawsurf.surfmip;
blockdivmask = (1 << blockdivshift) - 1;
r_lightwidth = ((r_drawsurf.surf->extents[0]>>4)+1);
r_numhblocks = r_drawsurf.surfwidth >> blockdivshift;
r_numvblocks = r_drawsurf.surfheight >> blockdivshift;
horzblockstep = blocksize;
if (coloredlights == 2)
pblockdrawer = surfmiptable824RGBXD[r_drawsurf.surfmip];
pblockdrawer = surfmiptable824RGBX[r_drawsurf.surfmip]; // we always use rgb lighting in 32-bit surfaces
// TODO: only needs to be set when there is a display settings change
smax = mt->width >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
twidth = texwidth;
tmax = mt->height >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
sourcetstep = texwidth;
r_stepback = tmax * twidth;
r_sourcemax24 = r_source24 + (tmax * smax);
soffset24 = r_drawsurf.surf->texturemins[0];
basetoffset = r_drawsurf.surf->texturemins[1];
// << 16 components are to guarantee positive values for %
basetptr24 = &r_source24[((((basetoffset >> r_drawsurf.surfmip) + (tmax << 16)) % tmax) * twidth)];
soffset24 = ((soffset24 >> r_drawsurf.surfmip) + (smax << 16)) % (smax);
pcolumndest = r_drawsurf.surfdat;
if (coloredlights == 2)
horzblockstep *= 2;
for (u=0 ; u<r_numhblocks; u++)
r_lightptr = blocklights + u * 3;
prowdestbase = pcolumndest;
pbasesource24 = basetptr24 + soffset24;
soffset24 = soffset24 + blocksize;
if (soffset24 >= smax)
soffset24 = 0;
pcolumndest += horzblockstep;
#if !id386
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip0 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 4;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 4;
for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> 4;
light = lightright;
for (b=15; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
light += lightstep;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip1 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 3;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 3;
for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> 3;
light = lightright;
for (b=7; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
light += lightstep;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip2 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 2;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 2;
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> 2;
light = lightright;
for (b=3; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
light += lightstep;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip3 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 1;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 1;
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> 1;
light = lightright;
for (b=1; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
light += lightstep;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
FIXME: make this work
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock16 (void)
int k;
unsigned char *psource;
int lighttemp, lightstep, light;
unsigned short *prowdest;
prowdest = (unsigned short *)prowdestbase;
for (k=0 ; k<blocksize ; k++)
unsigned short *pdest;
unsigned char pix;
int b;
psource = pbasesource;
lighttemp = lightright - lightleft;
lightstep = lighttemp >> blockdivshift;
light = lightleft;
pdest = prowdest;
for (b=0; b<blocksize; b++)
pix = *psource;
*pdest = vid.colormap16[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
psource += sourcesstep;
light += lightstep;
pbasesource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest = (unsigned short *)((long)prowdest + surfrowbytes);
prowdestbase = prowdest;
#ifdef EXPREND
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8D_mip0 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++)
for (b=15; b>=0; b--)
prowdest[b] = psource[b];
psource += sourcetstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8D_mip1 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
for (b=7; b>=0; b--)
prowdest[b] = psource[b];
psource += sourcetstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8D_mip2 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
for (b=3; b>=0; b--)
prowdest[b] = psource[b];
psource += sourcetstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8D_mip3 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
for (b=1; b>=0; b--)
prowdest[b] = psource[b];
psource += sourcetstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8S_mip0 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 4;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 4;
for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> 4;
light = lightright;
for (b=15; b>=0; b--)
//prowdest[b] = light;
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) +15];
light += lightstep;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8S_mip1 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 3;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 3;
for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> 3;
light = lightright;
for (b=7; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00)];
light += lightstep;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8S_mip2 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 2;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 2;
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> 2;
light = lightright;
for (b=3; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
light += lightstep;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8S_mip3 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 1;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 1;
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> 1;
light = lightright;
for (b=1; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
light += lightstep;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
#if id386
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip0fast (void)
int v, i, b, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
light = r_lightptr[0];
for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++)
for (b=15; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip1fast (void)
int v, i, b, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
light = r_lightptr[0];
for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
for (b=7; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip2fast (void)
int v, i, b, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
light = r_lightptr[0];
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
for (b=3; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip3fast (void)
int v, i, b, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
light = r_lightptr[0];
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
for (b=1; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
extern unsigned d_8to24table[256];
extern byte *lmmap;
extern byte palmap2[64][64][64];
// =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=
// ASMME: surf8rgb.s
// =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=
// final!!! Crap cleaned out and slightly more optimized
extern byte transTable[256][256];
// leilei - i put them all here, cutting lots of bloat. I also deprecated hqlite. :(
// it's seemingly faster (!) doing it through one function instead of four
// 18-bit version
// Unrolled
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBX_mip0()
unsigned int v, i;
unsigned int lightstep[3], light[3];
unsigned int lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
unsigned char *pix24;
unsigned trans[3];
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 4;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 4;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 4;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 4;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 4;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 4;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 4;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 4;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 4;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 4;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 4;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 4;
for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++)
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBX_mip1()
unsigned int v, i;
unsigned int lightstep[3], light[3];
unsigned int lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
unsigned char *pix24;
unsigned trans[3];
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 3;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 3;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 3;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 3;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 3;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 3;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 3;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 3;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 3;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 3;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 3;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 3;
for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBX_mip2()
unsigned int v, i;
unsigned int lightstep[3], light[3];
unsigned int lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
unsigned char *pix24;
unsigned trans[3];
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 2;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 2;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 2;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 2;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 2;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 2;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 2;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 2;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 2;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 2;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 2;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 2;
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBX_mip3()
unsigned int v, i;
unsigned int lightstep[3], light[3];
unsigned int lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
unsigned char *pix24;
unsigned trans[3];
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 1;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 1;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 1;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 1;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 1;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 1;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 1;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 1;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 1;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 1;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 1;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 1;
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
// 8RGBXD - dithered, 8-bit texture mip block
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBXD_mip0 ()
unsigned v, i;
unsigned lightstep[3],light[3];
unsigned lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned char pix, *psource;
unsigned short *prowdest;
unsigned char *pix24;
unsigned trans[3];
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = (unsigned short *)prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 4;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 4;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 4;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 4;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 4;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 4;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 4;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 4;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 4;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 4;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 4;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 4;
for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++)
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBXD_mip1 ()
unsigned v, i;
unsigned lightstep[3],light[3];
unsigned lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned char pix, *psource;
unsigned short *prowdest;
unsigned char *pix24;
unsigned trans[3];
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = (unsigned short *)prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 3;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 3;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 3;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 3;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 3;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 3;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 3;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 3;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 3;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 3;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 3;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 3;
for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBXD_mip2 ()
unsigned v, i;
unsigned lightstep[3],light[3];
unsigned lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned char pix, *psource;
unsigned short *prowdest;
unsigned char *pix24;
unsigned trans[3];
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = (unsigned short *)prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 2;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 2;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 2;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 2;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 2;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 2;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 2;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 2;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 2;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 2;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 2;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 2;
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8RGBXD_mip3 ()
unsigned v, i;
unsigned lightstep[3],light[3];
unsigned lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned char pix, *psource;
unsigned short *prowdest;
unsigned char *pix24;
unsigned trans[3];
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = (unsigned short *)prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 1;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 1;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 1;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 1;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 1;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 1;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 1;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 1;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 1;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 1;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 1;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 1;
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
// New (and highly experimental) triple lookup method
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGBLoops (int mip, int mif)
int v, i, b;
int mil;
int lightstep[3], lighttemp[3], light[3];
int lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
int r;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
unsigned char *pix24;
int trans[3];
int ar, g, be;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
mil = mip - 1;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> mif;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> mif;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> mif;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> mif;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> mif;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> mif;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> mif;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> mif;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> mif;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> mif;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> mif;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> mif;
for (i=0 ; i<mip ; i++)
light[0] = lightrighta[0];
light[1] = lightrighta[1];
light[2] = lightrighta[2];
for (b=mil; b>=0; b--)
ar = rgb_colormap_red [(light[0] & 0xFF00) + psource[b]];
g = rgb_colormap_green [(light[1] & 0xFF00) + psource[b]];
be = rgb_colormap_blue [(light[2] & 0xFF00) + psource[b]];
ar>>=2; g>>=2; be>>=2; // leilei - shift to 15bpp
prowdest[b] = d_15to8table[(ar<<0) + (g<<5) + (be<<10)];
light[0] += lightdelta[0];
light[1] += lightdelta[1];
light[2] += lightdelta[2];
psource += sourcetstep;
lightrighta[0] += lightrightstepa[0];
lightlefta[0] += lightleftstepa[0];
lightdelta[0] += lightdeltastep[0];
lightrighta[1] += lightrightstepa[1];
lightlefta[1] += lightleftstepa[1];
lightdelta[1] += lightdeltastep[1];
lightrighta[2] += lightrightstepa[2];
lightlefta[2] += lightleftstepa[2];
lightdelta[2] += lightdeltastep[2];
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGB_mip0 (void)
R_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGBLoops (16, 4);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGB_mip1 (void)
R_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGBLoops (8, 3);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGB_mip2 (void)
R_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGBLoops (4, 2);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGB_mip3 (void)
R_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGBLoops (2, 1);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGB_mip0()
unsigned int v, i;
unsigned int lightstep[3], light[3];
unsigned int lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 4;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 4;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 4;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 4;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 4;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 4;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 4;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 4;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 4;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 4;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 4;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 4;
for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++)
Mip0Stuff(MIP888RGB); // leilei - macrofied
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGB_mip1()
unsigned int v, i;
unsigned int lightstep[3], light[3];
unsigned int lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 3;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 3;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 3;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 3;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 3;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 3;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 3;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 3;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 3;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 3;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 3;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 3;
for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
Mip1Stuff(MIP888RGB); // leilei - macrofied
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGB_mip2()
unsigned int v, i;
unsigned int lightstep[3], light[3];
unsigned int lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 2;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 2;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 2;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 2;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 2;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 2;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 2;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 2;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 2;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 2;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 2;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 2;
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
Mip2Stuff(MIP888RGB); // leilei - macrofied
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock888RGB_mip3()
unsigned int v, i;
unsigned int lightstep[3], light[3];
unsigned int lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 1;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 1;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 1;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 1;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 1;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 1;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 1;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 1;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 1;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 1;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 1;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 1;
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
Mip3Stuff(MIP888RGB); // leilei - macrofied
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
//extern cvar_t temp3;
// 824RGBXD - dithered, 24-bit texture mip block
// Looped versions for development and trial and erroring
// I will unroll the hell out of this when stuff's confirmed to function as designed.
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXDLoops (int mip, int mif)
int v, i, b, r;
int lightstep[3], light[3];
unsigned long *psource;
unsigned short *prowdest;
int mil;
unsigned char *pix24;
int trans[3];
mil = mip - 1;
psource = pbasesource24;
prowdest = (unsigned short *)prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = ((int)r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> mif;
lightleftstepa[1] = ((int)r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> mif;
lightleftstepa[2] = ((int)r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> mif;
lightrightstepa[0] = ((int)r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> mif;
lightrightstepa[1] = ((int)r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> mif;
lightrightstepa[2] = ((int)r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> mif;
for (i=0 ; i<mip ; i++)
lightstep[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> mif;
lightstep[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> mif;
lightstep[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> mif;
light[0] = lightrighta[0];
light[1] = lightrighta[1];
light[2] = lightrighta[2];
for (b=mil; b>=0; b--)
pix24 = (unsigned char *)&psource[b];
for (r=0; r<4; r++){
trans[r] = ((int)pix24[r] * light[r]) >> 18;
if (trans[r] & ~31) trans[r] = 31;
prowdest[b] = (trans[0] << 10) | (trans[1] << 5) | trans[2];
light[0] += lightstep[0];
light[1] += lightstep[1];
light[2] += lightstep[2];
psource += sourcetstep;
lightrighta[0] += lightrightstepa[0];
lightrighta[1] += lightrightstepa[1];
lightrighta[2] += lightrightstepa[2];
lightlefta[0] += lightleftstepa[0];
lightlefta[1] += lightleftstepa[1];
lightlefta[2] += lightleftstepa[2];
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax24)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXD_mip0 ()
int v, i, b, r;
int lightstep[3], light[3], lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned long *psource;
unsigned short *prowdest;
unsigned char *pix24;
int trans[3];
psource = pbasesource24;
prowdest = (unsigned short *)prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 4;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 4;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 4;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 4;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 4;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 4;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 4;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 4;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 4;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 4;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 4;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 4;
for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++)
if (psource >= r_sourcemax24)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXD_mip1 ()
int v, i, b, r;
int lightstep[3], light[3], lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned long *psource;
unsigned short *prowdest;
unsigned char *pix24;
int trans[3];
psource = pbasesource24;
prowdest = (unsigned short *)prowdestbase;
prowdest = (unsigned short *)prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 3;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 3;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 3;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 3;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 3;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 3;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 3;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 3;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 3;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 3;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 3;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 3;
for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
if (psource >= r_sourcemax24)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXD_mip2 ()
int v, i, b, r;
int lightstep[3], light[3], lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned long *psource;
unsigned short *prowdest;
unsigned char *pix24;
int trans[3];
psource = pbasesource24;
prowdest = (unsigned short *)prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 2;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 2;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 2;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 2;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 2;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 2;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 2;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 2;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 2;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 2;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 2;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 2;
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
if (psource >= r_sourcemax24)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXD_mip3 ()
int v, i, b, r;
int lightstep[3], light[3], lightdelta[3], lightdeltastep[3];
unsigned long *psource;
unsigned short *prowdest;
unsigned char *pix24;
int trans[3];
psource = pbasesource24;
prowdest = (unsigned short *)prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
lightdelta[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> 1;
lightdelta[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 1;
lightdelta[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 1;
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> 1;
lightrightstepa[0] = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> 1;
lightleftstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> 1;
lightrightstepa[1] = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> 1;
lightleftstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> 1;
lightrightstepa[2] = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> 1;
lightdeltastep[0] = (lightleftstepa[0] - lightrightstepa[0]) >> 1;
lightdeltastep[1] = (lightleftstepa[1] - lightrightstepa[1]) >> 1;
lightdeltastep[2] = (lightleftstepa[2] - lightrightstepa[2]) >> 1;
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
if (psource >= r_sourcemax24)
psource -= r_stepback;
#ifdef twentyfourbithack
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXDf_mip0 (void)
R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXDLoops (16, 4);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXDf_mip1 (void)
R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXDLoops (8, 3);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXDf_mip2 (void)
R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXDLoops (4, 2);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXDf_mip3 (void)
R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXDLoops (2, 1);
// No dithering in this one, goes straight to 8-bit spans (losing the point aren't we? Well colored lighting
// on 24-bit textures would probably choose better colors than colored lighting on translated textures
// so there's still *some* point to this.
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXLoops (int mip, int mif)
int v, i, b, r;
int lightstep[3], light[3];
unsigned long *psource;
unsigned char *prowdest;
int mil;
unsigned char *pix24;
int trans[3];
mil = mip - 1;
psource = (unsigned long *) pbasesource24;
prowdest = (unsigned char *)prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightlefta[0] = r_lightptr[0];
lightlefta[1] = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightlefta[2] = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrighta[0] = r_lightptr[3];
lightrighta[1] = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightrighta[2] = r_lightptr[3+2];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth * 3;
lightleftstepa[0] = ((int)r_lightptr[0] - lightlefta[0]) >> mif;
lightleftstepa[1] = ((int)r_lightptr[0+1] - lightlefta[1]) >> mif;
lightleftstepa[2] = ((int)r_lightptr[0+2] - lightlefta[2]) >> mif;
lightrightstepa[0] = ((int)r_lightptr[3] - lightrighta[0]) >> mif;
lightrightstepa[1] = ((int)r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrighta[1]) >> mif;
lightrightstepa[2] = ((int)r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrighta[2]) >> mif;
for (i=0 ; i<mip ; i++)
lightstep[0] = (lightlefta[0] - lightrighta[0]) >> mif;
lightstep[1] = (lightlefta[1] - lightrighta[1]) >> mif;
lightstep[2] = (lightlefta[2] - lightrighta[2]) >> mif;
light[0] = lightrighta[0];
light[1] = lightrighta[1];
light[2] = lightrighta[2];
for (b=mil; b>=0; b--)
pix24 = (unsigned char *)&psource[b];
for (r=0; r<4; r++){
trans[r] = ((int)pix24[r] * light[r]) >> 17;
if (trans[r] & ~63) trans[r] = 63;
prowdest[b] = palmap2[trans[0]][trans[1]][trans[2]];
light[0] += lightstep[0];
light[1] += lightstep[1];
light[2] += lightstep[2];
psource += sourcetstep;
lightrighta[0] += lightrightstepa[0];
lightrighta[1] += lightrightstepa[1];
lightrighta[2] += lightrightstepa[2];
lightlefta[0] += lightleftstepa[0];
lightlefta[1] += lightleftstepa[1];
lightlefta[2] += lightleftstepa[2];
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax24)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBX_mip0 (void)
R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXLoops (16, 4);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBX_mip1 (void)
R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXLoops (8, 3);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBX_mip2 (void)
R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXLoops (4, 2);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBX_mip3 (void)
R_DrawSurfaceBlock824RGBXLoops (2, 1);
void R_GenTurbTile (pixel_t *pbasetex, void *pdest)
int *turb;
int i, j, s, t;
byte *pd;
turb = sintable + ((int)(cl.time*SPEED)&(CYCLE-1));
pd = (byte *)pdest;
for (i=0 ; i<TILE_SIZE ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<TILE_SIZE ; j++)
s = (((j << 16) + turb[i & (CYCLE-1)]) >> 16) & 63;
t = (((i << 16) + turb[j & (CYCLE-1)]) >> 16) & 63;
*pd++ = *(pbasetex + (t<<6) + s);
void R_GenTurbTile16 (pixel_t *pbasetex, void *pdest)
int *turb;
int i, j, s, t;
unsigned short *pd;
turb = sintable + ((int)(cl.time*SPEED)&(CYCLE-1));
pd = (unsigned short *)pdest;
for (i=0 ; i<TILE_SIZE ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<TILE_SIZE ; j++)
s = (((j << 16) + turb[i & (CYCLE-1)]) >> 16) & 63;
t = (((i << 16) + turb[j & (CYCLE-1)]) >> 16) & 63;
*pd++ = d_8to16table[*(pbasetex + (t<<6) + s)];
Gather up polygons. Because...... we can.
mvertex_t *r_pcurrentvertbase;
model_t *currentmodel;
int nColinElim;
void R_BuildSurfaceDisplayList (msurface_t *fa)
int i, lindex, lnumverts, s_axis, t_axis;
float dist, lastdist, lzi, scale, u, v, frac;
unsigned mask;
vec3_t local, transformed;
medge_t *pedges, *r_pedge;
mplane_t *pplane;
int newverts, newpage, lastvert; //vertpage, // 2001-12-10 Reduced compiler warnings by Jeff Ford
qboolean visible;
float *vec;
float s, t;
glpoly_t *poly;
// reconstruct the polygon
pedges = currentmodel->edges;
lnumverts = fa->numedges;
// vertpage = 0; // 2001-12-10 Reduced compiler warnings by Jeff Ford
// draw texture
poly = Hunk_Alloc (sizeof(glpoly_t) + (lnumverts-4) * VERTEXSIZE*sizeof(float));
poly->next = fa->polys;
poly->flags = fa->flags;
fa->polys = poly;
poly->numverts = lnumverts;
for (i=0 ; i<lnumverts ; i++)
lindex = currentmodel->surfedges[fa->firstedge + i];
if (lindex > 0)
r_pedge = &pedges[lindex];
vec = r_pcurrentvertbase[r_pedge->v[0]].position;
r_pedge = &pedges[-lindex];
vec = r_pcurrentvertbase[r_pedge->v[1]].position;
s = DotProduct (vec, fa->texinfo->vecs[0]) + fa->texinfo->vecs[0][3];
s /= fa->texinfo->texture->width;
t = DotProduct (vec, fa->texinfo->vecs[1]) + fa->texinfo->vecs[1][3];
t /= fa->texinfo->texture->height;
VectorCopy (vec, poly->verts[i]);
poly->verts[i][3] = s;
poly->verts[i][4] = t;
// lightmap texture coordinates
poly->verts[i][5] = s;
poly->verts[i][6] = t;
// remove co-linear points - Ed
poly->numverts = lnumverts;