2155 lines
54 KiB
2155 lines
54 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// r_main.c
#include "globaldef.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "matrixlib.h"
//define PASSAGES
oldrefdef_t r_oldrefdef;
void *colormap;
vec3_t viewlightvec;
alight_t r_viewlighting = {128, 192, (int)viewlightvec};
float r_time1;
int r_numallocatededges;
qboolean r_drawpolys;
qboolean r_drawculledpolys;
qboolean r_worldpolysbacktofront;
qboolean r_recursiveaffinetriangles = true;
int r_pixbytes = 1;
float r_aliasuvscale = 1.0;
int r_outofsurfaces;
int r_outofedges;
qboolean r_dowarp, r_dowarpold, r_viewchanged, r_docrapold, r_doshrooms;
qboolean inwat; // leilei - for underwater sounds
int r_docrap;
mplane_t *mirror_plane;
int numbtofpolys;
btofpoly_t *pbtofpolys;
mvertex_t *r_pcurrentvertbase;
int c_surf;
int r_maxsurfsseen, r_maxedgesseen, r_cnumsurfs;
qboolean r_surfsonstack;
int r_clipflags;
byte *r_warpbuffer;
byte *r_lowbuffer;
byte *r_fogbuffer;
byte *r_reflectbuffer;
byte *r_lowreflectbuffer;
byte *r_warpreflectbuffer;
byte *r_shadowbuffer;
byte *r_res2buffer;
byte *r_res3buffer;
byte *r_res4buffer;
byte *r_res5buffer;
extern cvar_t *temp2;
byte *r_stack_start;
cvar_t *r_shadowhack;
qboolean r_fov_greater_than_90;
// view origin
vec3_t vup, base_vup;
vec3_t vpn, base_vpn;
vec3_t vright, base_vright;
vec3_t r_origin;
// screen size info
refdef_t r_refdef;
float xcenter, ycenter;
float xscale, yscale;
float xscaleinv, yscaleinv;
float xscaleshrink, yscaleshrink;
float aliasxscale, aliasyscale, aliasxcenter, aliasycenter;
int screenwidth;
float pixelAspect;
float screenAspect;
float verticalFieldOfView;
float xOrigin, yOrigin;
mplane_t screenedge[4];
// refresh flags
int r_framecount = 1; // so frame counts initialized to 0 don't match
int r_visframecount;
int d_spanpixcount;
int r_polycount;
int r_drawnpolycount;
int r_wholepolycount;
void R_ApplyFog(void);
void R_ApplyDof(void);
char viewmodname[VIEWMODNAME_LENGTH+1];
int modcount;
int *pfrustum_indexes[4];
int r_frustum_indexes[4*6];
int reinit_surfcache = 1; // if 1, surface cache is currently empty and
// must be reinitialized for current cache size
mleaf_t *r_viewleaf, *r_oldviewleaf;
texture_t *r_notexture_mip;
float r_aliastransition, r_resfudge;
int d_lightstylevalue[256]; // 8.8 fraction of base light value
float dp_time1, dp_time2, db_time1, db_time2, rw_time1, rw_time2;
float se_time1, se_time2, de_time1, de_time2
#ifndef VMTOC
, dv_time1, dv_time2
void R_MarkLeaves (void);
cvar_t *r_draworder;
cvar_t *r_speeds;
cvar_t *r_timegraph;
cvar_t *r_graphheight;
cvar_t *r_clearcolor;
cvar_t *r_waterwarp;
cvar_t *r_fullbright;
cvar_t *r_drawentities;
cvar_t *r_drawviewmodel;
cvar_t *r_aliasstats;
cvar_t *r_dspeeds;
cvar_t *r_drawflat;
cvar_t *r_ambient;
cvar_t *r_reportsurfout;
cvar_t *r_maxsurfs;
cvar_t *r_numsurfs;
cvar_t *r_reportedgeout;
cvar_t *r_maxedges;
cvar_t *r_numedges;
cvar_t *r_aliastransbase;
cvar_t *r_aliastransadj;
cvar_t *r_lerpmodels;
cvar_t *r_lerpmove;
cvar_t *r_lowdetail;
cvar_t *r_lowworld;
cvar_t *r_filter;
cvar_t *r_shading;
cvar_t *r_shift1; // Only used for debugging
cvar_t *r_shift2; // Too
cvar_t *r_lowmodels;
cvar_t *r_coloredlights;
cvar_t *r_coloredlightmethod;
cvar_t *r_shiftlights;
cvar_t *r_particlesort;
cvar_t *r_truecolor;
cvar_t *r_overbrightBits;
cvar_t *r_fullbrights;
cvar_t *r_overbrightmdl;
cvar_t *r_coloreddyns;
cvar_t *r_menucolor;
cvar_t *r_dynamic;
cvar_t *r_waterblend; // 0 - alpha 1 - additive 2 - multiply 3 - gelmap (ewwww!)
cvar_t *r_tranquality; // 0 - use palmap(32768) 1 - use d_15to8 (65536) 2 - use d_8to24?
cvar_t *r_lightquality; // 0 - less dynlight calcs 1 - normal dynlight calcs
cvar_t *r_shadequality; // 0 -
cvar_t *r_shadedither; // 0 - normal 1- noise dither 2- some dither 2 3- some dither 3
cvar_t *r_shinygrays;
cvar_t *r_fogquality; // 0 - quick fog precision 1 - precise fog precision (lol redundancy)
cvar_t *r_waterquality; // 0 - stabdard 1 - refractions 2. reflections and refractions
cvar_t *r_fogdither; // 0 - fog is a normal 64 rows 1 - fog is dithered into more rows 2 - fog is dithered even further
cvar_t *r_dither; // 0 - lookups 1 - ditherups
cvar_t *r_virtualmode; // 0 - Off
// 1 - 160x100
// 2 - 320x200
// 3 - 320x400
// 4 - 360x480
// 5 - 640x400
cvar_t *r_alphashift;
cvar_t *r_particlespray;
cvar_t *r_particleblood;
cvar_t *r_particlegunshot;
cvar_t *r_particlesparks;
cvar_t *r_particletrails;
cvar_t *r_particlebloodfade;
cvar_t *r_particletrans;
cvar_t *r_particleset;
cvar_t *r_flares;
cvar_t *r_flamehack;
cvar_t *r_particlelit;
cvar_t *r_particlesprite;
cvar_t *r_muzzlehack;
extern cvar_t *scr_fov;
void CreatePassages (void);
void SetVisibilityByPassages (void);
void R_InitTextures (void)
int x,y, m;
byte *dest;
// create a simple checkerboard texture for the default
r_notexture_mip = Hunk_AllocName (sizeof(texture_t) + 16*16+8*8+4*4+2*2, "notexture");
r_notexture_mip->width = r_notexture_mip->height = 16;
r_notexture_mip->offsets[0] = sizeof(texture_t);
r_notexture_mip->offsets[1] = r_notexture_mip->offsets[0] + 16*16;
r_notexture_mip->offsets[2] = r_notexture_mip->offsets[1] + 8*8;
r_notexture_mip->offsets[3] = r_notexture_mip->offsets[2] + 4*4;
for (m=0 ; m<4 ; m++)
dest = (byte *)r_notexture_mip + r_notexture_mip->offsets[m];
for (y=0 ; y< (16>>m) ; y++)
for (x=0 ; x< (16>>m) ; x++)
if ( (y< (8>>m) ) ^ (x< (8>>m) ) ) // leilei - grey checkerboard
*dest++ = 4;// was 0
*dest++ = 8;// was 0xff;
extern cvar_t *r_novis;
// 2001-09-18 New cvar system by Maddes (Init) start
void R_Init_Cvars (void)
r_draworder = Cvar_Get ("r_draworder", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_speeds = Cvar_Get ("r_speeds", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_timegraph = Cvar_Get ("r_timegraph", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_graphheight = Cvar_Get ("r_graphheight", "10", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_drawflat = Cvar_Get ("r_drawflat", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_ambient = Cvar_Get ("r_ambient", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_clearcolor = Cvar_Get ("r_clearcolor", "2", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_waterwarp = Cvar_Get ("r_waterwarp", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_fullbright = Cvar_Get ("r_fullbright", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_drawentities = Cvar_Get ("r_drawentities", "1", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_drawviewmodel = Cvar_Get ("r_drawviewmodel", "1", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_aliasstats = Cvar_Get ("r_polymodelstats", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_dspeeds = Cvar_Get ("r_dspeeds", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_reportsurfout = Cvar_Get ("r_reportsurfout", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_maxsurfs = Cvar_Get ("r_maxsurfs", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_numsurfs = Cvar_Get ("r_numsurfs", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_reportedgeout = Cvar_Get ("r_reportedgeout", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_maxedges = Cvar_Get ("r_maxedges", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_numedges = Cvar_Get ("r_numedges", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_aliastransbase = Cvar_Get ("r_aliastransbase", "200", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_aliastransadj = Cvar_Get ("r_aliastransadj", "100", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_novis = Cvar_Get ("r_novis", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_virtualmode = Cvar_Get ("r_virtualmode", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_filter = Cvar_Get ("r_filter", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_shading = Cvar_Get ("r_shading", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_lowworld = Cvar_Get ("r_lowworld", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_lowmodels = Cvar_Get ("r_lowmodels", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_coloredlights = Cvar_Get ("r_coloredlights", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_coloredlightmethod = Cvar_Get ("r_coloredlightmethod", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_shiftlights = Cvar_Get ("r_shiftlights", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_particlesort = Cvar_Get ("r_particlesort", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_fogdither = Cvar_Get ("r_fogdither", "2", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_fogquality = Cvar_Get ("r_fogquality", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_waterquality = Cvar_Get ("r_waterquality", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_truecolor = Cvar_Get ("r_truecolor", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_overbrightBits = Cvar_Get ("r_overbrightBits", "1", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_fullbrights = Cvar_Get ("r_fullbrights", "1", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_coloreddyns = Cvar_Get ("r_coloreddyns", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_shift1 = Cvar_Get ("sh1", "1", CVAR_ORIGINAL); // debugging
r_shift2 = Cvar_Get ("sh2", "2", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_waterblend = Cvar_Get ("r_waterblend", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_tranquality = Cvar_Get ("r_tranquality", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_lightquality = Cvar_Get ("r_lightquality", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_shadequality = Cvar_Get ("r_shadequality", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_shadedither = Cvar_Get ("r_shadedither", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_shinygrays = Cvar_Get ("r_shinygrays", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_dither = Cvar_Get ("r_dither", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_menucolor = Cvar_Get ("r_menucolor", "1",CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_alphashift = Cvar_Get ("r_alphashift", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_lowworld = Cvar_Get ("r_lowworld", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_shadowhack = Cvar_Get ("r_shadowhack", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_overbrightmdl = Cvar_Get ("r_overbrightmdl", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_particlespray = Cvar_Get ("r_particlespray", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_particleblood = Cvar_Get ("r_particleblood", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_particlegunshot = Cvar_Get ("r_particlegunshot", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_particlesparks = Cvar_Get ("r_particlesparks", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_particletrails = Cvar_Get ("r_particletrails", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_particlebloodfade = Cvar_Get ("r_particlebloodfade", "0.5", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_particletrans = Cvar_Get ("r_particletrans", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_particleset = Cvar_Get ("r_particleset", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_flares = Cvar_Get ("r_flares", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_flamehack = Cvar_Get ("r_flamehack", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_particlesprite = Cvar_Get ("r_particlesprite", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_muzzlehack = Cvar_Get ("r_muzzlehack", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_dynamic = Cvar_Get ("r_dynamic", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL);
r_particlelit = Cvar_Get ("r_particlelit", "0", CVAR_ORIGINAL);
Cvar_SetValue (r_maxedges, (float)NUMSTACKEDGES);
Cvar_SetValue (r_maxsurfs, (float)NUMSTACKSURFACES);
// 2001-09-18 New cvar system by Maddes (Init) end
extern int overbrightmdl;
void R_Init (void)
int dummy;
// FILE *f;
// get stack position so we can guess if we are going to overflow
r_stack_start = (byte *)&dummy;
R_InitTurb ();
Cmd_AddCommand ("timerefresh", R_TimeRefresh_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("pointfile", R_ReadPointFile_f);
view_clipplanes[0].leftedge = true;
view_clipplanes[1].rightedge = true;
view_clipplanes[1].leftedge = view_clipplanes[2].leftedge =
view_clipplanes[3].leftedge = false;
view_clipplanes[0].rightedge = view_clipplanes[2].rightedge =
view_clipplanes[3].rightedge = false;
r_refdef.xOrigin = XCENTERING;
r_refdef.yOrigin = YCENTERING;
R_InitParticles ();
R_InitFlares ();
if (COM_CheckParm("-old320200"))
screenfake = 1;
if (COM_CheckParm("-old320400"))
screenfake = 2;
if (COM_CheckParm("-old360480"))
screenfake = 3;
if (COM_CheckParm("-old640400"))
screenfake = 4;
// TODO: collect 386-specific code in one place
#if id386broken
Sys_MakeCodeWriteable ((long)R_EdgeCodeStart, (long)R_EdgeCodeEnd - (long)R_EdgeCodeStart);
#endif // id386
#if id386fog
//Sys_MakeCodeWriteable ((int)D_Draw16StartFog, (int)D_Draw16EndFog - (int)D_Draw16StartFog);
D_Init ();
void R_Presets (void)
if (COM_CheckParm ("-glsuck")){
// Cvar_SetValue (r_overbrightBits, 0);
// Cvar_SetValue (r_fullbrights, 0);
// Cvar_SetValue (r_alphashift, 1);
// Cvar_SetValue (r_filter, 1);
void FogStuffs (void);
void Fog_ParseWorldspawn (void);
extern int lightingavailable;
extern int lightingcantbeavailable;
void R_NewMap (void)
int i;
// clear out efrags in case the level hasn't been reloaded
// FIXME: is this one short?
for (i=0 ; i<cl.worldmodel->numleafs ; i++)
cl.worldmodel->leafs[i].efrags = NULL;
r_viewleaf = NULL;
R_ClearParticles ();
R_ClearFlares ();
lightingavailable = 0;
lightingcantbeavailable = 0;
FogStuffs(); // gen new fog, read fog, etc etc
r_cnumsurfs = r_maxsurfs->value;
if (r_cnumsurfs <= MINSURFACES)
r_cnumsurfs = MINSURFACES;
if (r_cnumsurfs > NUMSTACKSURFACES)
surfaces = Hunk_AllocName (r_cnumsurfs * sizeof(surf_t), "surfaces");
surface_p = surfaces;
surf_max = &surfaces[r_cnumsurfs];
r_surfsonstack = false;
// surface 0 doesn't really exist; it's just a dummy because index 0
// is used to indicate no edge attached to surface
// R_SurfacePatch ();
r_surfsonstack = true;
r_maxedgesseen = 0;
r_maxsurfsseen = 0;
r_numallocatededges = r_maxedges->value;
if (r_numallocatededges < MINEDGES)
r_numallocatededges = MINEDGES;
if (r_numallocatededges <= NUMSTACKEDGES)
auxedges = NULL;
auxedges = Hunk_AllocName (r_numallocatededges * sizeof(edge_t),
r_dowarpold = false;
r_viewchanged = false;
CreatePassages ();
#ifdef INTERPOL7
R_FinalizeAliasVerts ();
// leilei - sun hack
// TODO: Determine origin of sun from the map's sunlight key
// TODO2 : very obnoxious lens reflections
vec3_t sun;
sun[0] = 1750;
sun[1] = 1750;
sun[2] = 1750;
R_FlareTest(sun, 1, 255, 255, 180, 0, NULL);
void R_SetVrect (vrect_t *pvrectin, vrect_t *pvrect, int lineadj)
int h;
float size;
size = 100.0;
if (cl.intermission)
lineadj = 0;
h = pvrectin->height;
pvrect->width = pvrectin->width;
if (pvrect->width < 96)
size = 96.0 / pvrectin->width;
pvrect->width = 96; // min for icons
pvrect->width &= ~7;
pvrect->height = pvrectin->height * size;
if (pvrect->height > pvrectin->height)
pvrect->height = pvrectin->height;
pvrect->height &= ~1;
pvrect->x = (pvrectin->width - pvrect->width)/2;
pvrect->y = 0;
if (lcd_x->value)
pvrect->y >>= 1;
pvrect->height >>= 1;
if (v_detail->value == 1)
pvrect->y >>= 1;
pvrect->height >>= 1;
if (v_detail->value == 2)
pvrect->x >>= 1;
pvrect->width >>= 1;
Called every time the vid structure or r_refdef changes.
Guaranteed to be called before the first refresh
extern cvar_t *scr_fov_adapt;
void R_ViewChanged (vrect_t *pvrect, int lineadj, float aspect)
int i;
float res_scale;
r_viewchanged = true;
#ifndef linux
lineadj *= (vid.conheight / vid.vconheight); // leilei - PLEASE FIX ME HERE!
R_SetVrect (pvrect, &r_refdef.vrect, lineadj);
r_refdef.horizontalFieldOfView = 2.0 * tan (r_refdef.fov_x/360*M_PI);
r_refdef.fvrectx = (float)r_refdef.vrect.x;
r_refdef.fvrectx_adj = (float)r_refdef.vrect.x - 0.5;
r_refdef.vrect_x_adj_shift20 = (r_refdef.vrect.x<<20) + (1<<19) - 1;
r_refdef.fvrecty = (float)r_refdef.vrect.y;
r_refdef.fvrecty_adj = (float)r_refdef.vrect.y - 0.5;
r_refdef.vrectright = r_refdef.vrect.x + r_refdef.vrect.width;
r_refdef.vrectright_adj_shift20 = (r_refdef.vrectright<<20) + (1<<19) - 1;
r_refdef.fvrectright = (float)r_refdef.vrectright;
r_refdef.fvrectright_adj = (float)r_refdef.vrectright - 0.5;
r_refdef.vrectrightedge = (float)r_refdef.vrectright - 0.99;
r_refdef.vrectbottom = r_refdef.vrect.y + r_refdef.vrect.height;
r_refdef.fvrectbottom = (float)r_refdef.vrectbottom;
r_refdef.fvrectbottom_adj = (float)r_refdef.vrectbottom - 0.5;
r_refdef.aliasvrect.x = (int)(r_refdef.vrect.x * r_aliasuvscale);
r_refdef.aliasvrect.y = (int)(r_refdef.vrect.y * r_aliasuvscale);
r_refdef.aliasvrect.width = (int)(r_refdef.vrect.width * r_aliasuvscale);
r_refdef.aliasvrect.height = (int)(r_refdef.vrect.height * r_aliasuvscale);
r_refdef.aliasvrectright = r_refdef.aliasvrect.x +
r_refdef.aliasvrectbottom = r_refdef.aliasvrect.y +
// pixelAspect = aspect;
xOrigin = r_refdef.xOrigin;
yOrigin = r_refdef.yOrigin;
// screenAspect = r_refdef.vrect.width*pixelAspect / r_refdef.vrect.height;
// verticalFieldOfView = r_refdef.horizontalFieldOfView / screenAspect;
if (scr_fov_adapt->value)
pixelAspect = 1;
verticalFieldOfView = 2.0 * tan (r_refdef.fov_y/360*M_PI);
pixelAspect = aspect;
screenAspect = r_refdef.vrect.width*pixelAspect / r_refdef.vrect.height;
verticalFieldOfView = r_refdef.horizontalFieldOfView / screenAspect;
// values for perspective projection
// if math were exact, the values would range from 0.5 to to range+0.5
// hopefully they wll be in the 0.000001 to range+.999999 and truncate
// the polygon rasterization will never render in the first row or column
// but will definately render in the [range] row and column, so adjust the
// buffer origin to get an exact edge to edge fill
xcenter = ((float)r_refdef.vrect.width * XCENTERING) +
r_refdef.vrect.x - 0.5;
aliasxcenter = xcenter * r_aliasuvscale;
ycenter = ((float)r_refdef.vrect.height * YCENTERING) +
r_refdef.vrect.y - 0.5;
aliasycenter = ycenter * r_aliasuvscale;
xscale = r_refdef.vrect.width / r_refdef.horizontalFieldOfView;
aliasxscale = xscale * r_aliasuvscale;
xscaleinv = 1.0 / xscale;
yscale = xscale * pixelAspect;
yscale = (scr_fov_adapt->value) ? r_refdef.vrect.height / verticalFieldOfView :
xscale * pixelAspect;
aliasyscale = yscale * r_aliasuvscale;
yscaleinv = 1.0 / yscale;
xscaleshrink = (r_refdef.vrect.width-6)/r_refdef.horizontalFieldOfView;
yscaleshrink = xscaleshrink*pixelAspect;
// blahtest
// left side clip
screenedge[0].normal[0] = -1.0 / (xOrigin*r_refdef.horizontalFieldOfView);
screenedge[0].normal[1] = 0;
screenedge[0].normal[2] = 1;
screenedge[0].type = PLANE_ANYZ;
// right side clip
screenedge[1].normal[0] =
1.0 / ((1.0-xOrigin)*r_refdef.horizontalFieldOfView);
screenedge[1].normal[1] = 0;
screenedge[1].normal[2] = 1;
screenedge[1].type = PLANE_ANYZ;
// top side clip
screenedge[2].normal[0] = 0;
screenedge[2].normal[1] = -1.0 / (yOrigin*verticalFieldOfView);
screenedge[2].normal[2] = 1;
screenedge[2].type = PLANE_ANYZ;
// bottom side clip
screenedge[3].normal[0] = 0;
screenedge[3].normal[1] = 1.0 / ((1.0-yOrigin)*verticalFieldOfView);
screenedge[3].normal[2] = 1;
screenedge[3].type = PLANE_ANYZ;
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
VectorNormalize (screenedge[i].normal);
res_scale = sqrt ((double)(r_refdef.vrect.width * r_refdef.vrect.height) /
(320.0 * 152.0)) * (2.0 / r_refdef.horizontalFieldOfView);
r_aliastransition = r_aliastransbase->value * res_scale;
r_resfudge = r_aliastransadj->value * res_scale;
if (scr_fov->value <= 90.0)
r_fov_greater_than_90 = false;
r_fov_greater_than_90 = true;
// TODO: collect 386-specific code in one place
#if id386
if (lowworld){
Sys_MakeCodeWriteable ((long)R_Surf8FastStart, (long)R_Surf8FastEnd - (long)R_Surf8FastStart);
R_Surf8FastPatch ();
colormap = vid.colormap;
#if id386rgb
else if (coloredlights)
Sys_MakeCodeWriteable ((long)R_Surf8RGBASMStart, (long)R_Surf8RGBASMEnd - (long)R_Surf8RGBASMStart);
R_Surf8PatchRGB ();
colormap = vid.colormap;
Sys_MakeCodeWriteable ((long)R_Surf8Start, (long)R_Surf8End - (long)R_Surf8Start);
R_Surf8Patch ();
colormap = vid.colormap;
#endif // id386
D_ViewChanged ();
cvar_t *r_novis;
void R_MarkLeaves (void)
byte fatvis[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8];
byte *vis;
mnode_t *node;
int i;
byte solid[4096];
if (r_oldviewleaf == r_viewleaf)
r_oldviewleaf = r_viewleaf;
if (reflectpass){
vis = Mod_LeafPVS (r_viewleaf, cl.worldmodel);
else if (r_novis->value)
vis = solid;
memset (solid, 0xff, (cl.worldmodel->numleafs+7)>>3);
vis = Mod_LeafPVS (r_viewleaf, cl.worldmodel);
for (i=0 ; i<cl.worldmodel->numleafs ; i++)
if (vis[i>>3] & (1<<(i&7)))
node = (mnode_t *)&cl.worldmodel->leafs[i+1];
if (node->visframe == r_visframecount)
node->visframe = r_visframecount;
node = node->parent;
} while (node);
#ifdef VMTOC
static void R_DrawAliasEntity(qboolean viewmodel)
float lightvec[3] = {-1, 0, 0}; // FIXME: remove and do real lighting
int j;
alight_t lighting;
int lnum;
dlight_t *dl;
vec3_t dist;
float add;
if (!currententity->model)
currententity->leifect = 0;
if (viewmodel)
if (!r_drawviewmodel->value || chase_active->value || cl.intermission || reflectpass)
if (cl.items & IT_INVISIBILITY)
if (cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0)
VectorCopy(currententity->origin, r_entorigin);
VectorSubtract(r_origin, r_entorigin, modelorg);
// see if the bounding box lets us trivially reject, also sets trivial accept status
if (!R_AliasCheckBBox())
j = R_LightPoint(currententity->origin);
if (viewmodel)
// always give some light on gun
if (j < 24)
j = 24;
lighting.ambientlight = j;
lighting.shadelight = j;
lighting.plightvec = lightvec;
if (coloredlights){
lighting.ramb = j;
lighting.gamb = j;
lighting.bamb = j;
lighting.rlightvec = rlightvec;
lighting.glightvec = glightvec;
lighting.blightvec = blightvec;
// add dynamic lights
for (lnum = 0, dl = cl_dlights; lnum < MAX_DLIGHTS; lnum++, dl++)
if (!dl->radius)
if (dl->unmark) // leilei - skip world light
if (dl->die < cl.time)
VectorSubtract(currententity->origin, dl->origin, dist);
add = dl->radius - Length(dist);
if (add > 0){
lighting.ambientlight += (int)add;
lighting.ramb += ((int)add * (dl->color[0] / 255);
lighting.gamb += ((int)add * (dl->color[1] / 255);
lighting.bamb += ((int)add * (dl->color[2] / 255);
// clamp lighting so it doesn't overbright as much
if (lighting.ambientlight > 128)
lighting.ambientlight = 128;
if (lighting.ramb > 128)
lighting.ramb = 128;
if (lighting.gamb > 128)
lighting.gamb = 128;
if (lighting.bamb > 128)
lighting.bamb = 128;
if (lighting.ambientlight + lighting.shadelight > 192)
lighting.shadelight = 192 - lighting.ambientlight;
if (lighting.ramb + lighting.rlight > 192)
lighting.rlight = 192 - lighting.ramb;
if (lighting.gamb + lighting.glight > 192)
lighting.glight = 192 - lighting.gamb;
if (lighting.bamb + lighting.blight > 192)
lighting.blight = 192 - lighting.bamb;
R_AliasDrawModel(&lighting, viewmodel);
static void R_DrawViewModel(void)
entity_t viewent;
memset(&viewent, 0, sizeof(viewent));
VectorCopy(cl.weapon_origin, viewent.origin);
VectorCopy(cl.weapon_angles, viewent.angles);
viewent.model = cl.model_precache[cl.stats[STAT_WEAPON]];
viewent.frame = cl.stats[STAT_WEAPONFRAME];
// draw model
currententity = &viewent;
#ifdef SCALEE
currententity->scale2 = 1.0f;
void R_DrawEntitiesOnList(void)
int i;
// if r_drawentities is false, don't draw entities (including weaponmodels)
if (!r_drawentities->value)
// draw the regular weaponmodel
// draw entities
for (i = 0; i < cl_numvisedicts; i++)
currententity = cl_visedicts[i];
if (currententity == &cl_entities[cl.viewentity] && !chase_active->value && !reflectpass)
// don't draw the player
switch (currententity->model->type)
case mod_sprite:
VectorCopy(currententity->origin, r_entorigin);
VectorSubtract(r_origin, r_entorigin, modelorg);
case mod_alias:
if (currententity->viewmodel)
vec3_t oldorigin, oldangles;
vec3_t forward, unused, up;
matrix4x4_t mat, mat2, mat3;
VectorCopy(currententity->origin, oldorigin);
VectorCopy(currententity->angles, oldangles);
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&mat, cl.weapon_origin[0], cl.weapon_origin[1], cl.weapon_origin[2], -cl.weapon_angles[0], cl.weapon_angles[1], cl.weapon_angles[2], 1.0f);
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&mat2, oldorigin[0], oldorigin[1], oldorigin[2], -oldangles[0], oldangles[1], oldangles[2], 1.0f);
Matrix4x4_Concat(&mat3, &mat, &mat2);
Matrix4x4_ToVectors(&mat3, forward, unused, up, currententity->origin);
AnglesFromVectors(currententity->angles, forward, up, true);
VectorCopy(oldorigin, currententity->origin);
VectorCopy(oldangles, currententity->angles);
extern vec3_t lightcolor; // used by model rendering
extern cvar_t *r_shading;
extern cvar_t *temp1;
extern int deathcam_yesiamdead;
void R_DrawEntitiesOnList (void)
int i, j;
vec3_t rgb;
int lnum;
alight_t lighting;
// FIXME: remove and do real lighting
float lightvec[3] = {-1, 0, 0};
float rlightvec[3] = {-1, 0, 0};
float glightvec[3] = {-1, 0, 0};
float blightvec[3] = {-1, 0, 0};
// float rlightvec[3] = {3, 0, 0};
// float glightvec[3] = {0, 3, 0};
// float blightvec[3] = {0, 0, 3};
// float lightvec[3] = {-1, -1, -1};
vec3_t dist;
float add;
if (!r_drawentities->value)
for (i=0 ; i<cl_numvisedicts ; i++)
currententity = cl_visedicts[i];
if (currententity == &cl_entities[cl.viewentity])
// 2000-01-09 ChaseCam fix by FrikaC start
if (!chase_active->value && !reflectpass && !deathcam_yesiamdead)
// 2000-01-09 ChaseCam fix by FrikaC end
continue; // don't draw the player
// 2000-01-09 ChaseCam fix by FrikaC start
currententity->angles[0] *= 0.3;
// 2000-01-09 ChaseCam fix by FrikaC end
switch (currententity->model->type)
case mod_sprite:
VectorCopy (currententity->origin, r_entorigin);
VectorSubtract (r_origin, r_entorigin, modelorg);
R_DrawSprite ();
//VectorSubtract( backEnd.viewParms.or.origin, point, local );
case mod_alias:
VectorCopy (currententity->origin, r_entorigin);
VectorSubtract (r_origin, r_entorigin, modelorg);
// see if the bounding box lets us trivially reject, also sets
// trivial accept status
if (R_AliasCheckBBox ())
j = R_LightPoint (currententity->origin);
lighting.ambientlight = j;
lighting.shadelight = j;
lighting.plightvec = lightvec;
lighting.ramb = (int)lightcolor[0];
lighting.gamb = (int)lightcolor[1];
lighting.bamb = (int)lightcolor[2];
lighting.rlight = (int)lightcolor[0];
lighting.glight = (int)lightcolor[1];
lighting.blight = (int)lightcolor[2];
lighting.rlightvec = rlightvec;
lighting.glightvec = glightvec;
lighting.blightvec = blightvec;
for (lnum=0 ; lnum<MAX_DLIGHTS ; lnum++)
if (cl_dlights[lnum].die >= cl.time && !cl_dlights[lnum].unmark)
VectorSubtract (currententity->origin,
add = cl_dlights[lnum].radius - Length(dist);
if (add > 0){
lighting.ambientlight += add;
lighting.ramb += ((int)add * (cl_dlights[lnum].color[0]));
lighting.gamb += ((int)add * (cl_dlights[lnum].color[1]));
lighting.bamb += ((int)add * (cl_dlights[lnum].color[2]));
for (lnum=0 ; lnum<MAX_DLIGHTS ; lnum++)
if (cl_dlights[lnum].die >= cl.time && !cl_dlights[lnum].unmark)
VectorSubtract (currententity->origin,
add = cl_dlights[lnum].radius - Length(dist);
if (add > 0){
lighting.ambientlight += add;
if (!overbrightmdl){
// clamp lighting so it doesn't overbright as much
if (lighting.ambientlight > 128)
lighting.ambientlight = 128;
if (lighting.ambientlight + lighting.shadelight > 192)
lighting.shadelight = 192 - lighting.ambientlight;
if (lighting.ramb + lighting.ramb > 192)
lighting.rlight = 192 - lighting.ramb;
if (lighting.gamb + lighting.gamb > 192)
lighting.glight = 192 - lighting.gamb;
if (lighting.bamb + lighting.bamb > 192)
lighting.blight = 192 - lighting.bamb;
if (lighting.ramb + lighting.ramb > 128)
lighting.rlight = 128 - lighting.ramb;
if (lighting.gamb + lighting.gamb > 128)
lighting.glight = 128 - lighting.gamb;
if (lighting.bamb + lighting.bamb > 128)
lighting.blight = 128 - lighting.bamb;
// HACK - apply flares to static fires and torches.
// TODO: make this only work on makestatic (do it somewhere else? loadpointlight?)
if (!cls.demoplayback && !cl.paused && !reflectpass){ // leilei - HACK - don't try this at demo (Crash workaround)
// Torch
if (!strcmp (currententity->model->name, "progs/flame.mdl"))
vec3_t offsetup;
if(r_flamehack->value == 2)
currententity->effects |= EF_MUZZLEHACK;
if(r_flamehack->value == 3){
currententity->effects |= EF_MUZZLEHACK;
VectorCopy(currententity->origin, offsetup);
offsetup[2] += 2;
R_EntityFireParticles (currententity, offsetup, 0.7f); // this sucks atm......
// Flame
// since some mods use this model for weapons, we have to do extra work
// and make this an 'instant' flare
if (!strcmp (currententity->model->name, "progs/flame2.mdl"))
vec3_t offsetup;
if (currententity->leifect == 12) break; // already a certain fire
currententity->leifect = 0;
// currententity->effects == NULL;
if(r_flamehack->value == 2){
currententity->effects |= EF_ADDITIVE;
currententity->leifect = 0;
if(r_flamehack->value == 3){
VectorCopy(currententity->origin, offsetup);
offsetup[2] -= 12;
currententity->leifect = 15; // it's a fire.
R_EntityFireParticles (currententity, offsetup, 1.0f); // this sucks atm......
// Big Flame (marcher)
if (!strcmp (currententity->model->name, "progs/flamebig.mdl"))
vec3_t offsetup;
int fer, fee;
int fa = 24;
if(r_flamehack->value > 2)
currententity->effects |= EF_ADDITIVE;
/* if (!currententity->gotaflare)
if (r_flares->value > 1){
VectorCopy(currententity->origin, offsetup);
offsetup[2] += 12;
offsetup[2] += fer;
R_FlareTest(offsetup,12,55,32,15,0, NULL);
currententity->gotaflare = 1;
// Candle flame (marcher and rogue)
if (!strcmp (currententity->model->name, "progs/candle.mdl") || !strcmp (currententity->model->name, "progs/flamecan.mdl"))
vec3_t offsetup;
if(r_flamehack->value > 2)
currententity->effects |= EF_MUZZLEHACK;
// Apply this to static entities only somehow.
/* if (!currententity->gotaflare)
if (r_flares->value > 1){
VectorCopy(currententity->origin, offsetup);
offsetup[2] += 7;
R_FlareTest(offsetup,12,47,16,9,0, NULL);
currententity->gotaflare = 1;
R_AliasDrawModel (&lighting);
extern int nolookups;
void R_DrawViewModel (void)
// FIXME: remove and do real lighting
float lightvec[3] = {-1, 0, 0};
float rlightvec[3] = {-1, 0, 0};
float glightvec[3] = {-1, 0, 0};
float blightvec[3] = {-1, 0, 0};
int j;
int lnum;
vec3_t dist;
float add;
dlight_t *dl;
if (!r_drawviewmodel->value)
// 2000-01-09 ChaseCam fix by FrikaC start
if (chase_active->value || reflectpass || deathcam_yesiamdead)
// 2000-01-09 ChaseCam fix by FrikaC end
if (!r_muzzlehack->value && cl.items & IT_INVISIBILITY)
if (cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0)
currententity = &cl.viewent;
if (!currententity->model)
VectorCopy (currententity->origin, r_entorigin);
VectorSubtract (r_origin, r_entorigin, modelorg);
VectorCopy (vup, viewlightvec);
VectorInverse (viewlightvec);
if (!nolookups)
if (r_muzzlehack->value)
currententity->muzzlehack = 1;
if (r_muzzlehack->value && cl.items & IT_INVISIBILITY)
//currententity->alpha = 0.1;
currententity->cloaked = 1;
//currententity->alpha = 0;
currententity->cloaked = 0;
j = R_LightPoint (currententity->origin);
if (j < 24)
j = 24; // always give some light on gun
r_viewlighting.ambientlight = j;
r_viewlighting.shadelight = j;
r_viewlighting.ramb = lightcolor[0];
r_viewlighting.gamb = lightcolor[1];
r_viewlighting.bamb = lightcolor[2];
r_viewlighting.rlight = (int)lightcolor[0];
r_viewlighting.glight = (int)lightcolor[1];
r_viewlighting.blight = (int)lightcolor[2];
// add dynamic lights
for (lnum=0 ; lnum<MAX_DLIGHTS ; lnum++)
dl = &cl_dlights[lnum];
if (!dl->radius)
if (dl->unmark) // leilei - skip world light
if (dl->die < cl.time)
VectorSubtract (currententity->origin, dl->origin, dist);
add = dl->radius - Length(dist);
if (add > 0){
r_viewlighting.ambientlight += add;
r_viewlighting.ramb += ((int)add * (dl->color[0]));
r_viewlighting.gamb += ((int)add * (dl->color[1]));
r_viewlighting.bamb += ((int)add * (dl->color[2]));
// clamp lighting so it doesn't overbright as much
if (r_viewlighting.ambientlight > 128)
r_viewlighting.ambientlight = 128;
if (r_viewlighting.ambientlight + r_viewlighting.shadelight > 192)
r_viewlighting.shadelight = 192 - r_viewlighting.ambientlight;
r_viewlighting.plightvec = lightvec;
if (r_viewlighting.ramb + r_viewlighting.rlight > 192)
r_viewlighting.rlight = 192 - r_viewlighting.ramb;
if (r_viewlighting.gamb + r_viewlighting.glight > 192)
r_viewlighting.glight = 192 - r_viewlighting.gamb;
if (r_viewlighting.bamb + r_viewlighting.blight > 192)
r_viewlighting.blight = 192 - r_viewlighting.bamb;
if (r_viewlighting.ramb + r_viewlighting.ramb > 128)
r_viewlighting.rlight = 128 - r_viewlighting.ramb;
if (r_viewlighting.gamb + r_viewlighting.gamb > 128)
r_viewlighting.glight = 128 - r_viewlighting.gamb;
if (r_viewlighting.bamb + r_viewlighting.bamb > 128)
r_viewlighting.blight = 128 - r_viewlighting.bamb;
if (r_viewlighting.rlight + r_viewlighting.ramb > 128){
r_viewlighting.rlight = 64;r_viewlighting.ramb = 64;}
if (r_viewlighting.glight + r_viewlighting.gamb > 128){
r_viewlighting.glight = 64;r_viewlighting.gamb = 64;}
if (r_viewlighting.blight + r_viewlighting.bamb > 128){
r_viewlighting.blight = 64;r_viewlighting.bamb = 64;}
r_viewlighting.rlightvec = rlightvec;
r_viewlighting.glightvec = glightvec;
r_viewlighting.blightvec = blightvec;
R_AliasDrawModel (&r_viewlighting);
int R_BmodelCheckBBox (model_t *clmodel, float *minmaxs)
int i, *pindex, clipflags;
vec3_t acceptpt, rejectpt;
double d;
clipflags = 0;
if (currententity->angles[0] || currententity->angles[1]
|| currententity->angles[2])
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
d = DotProduct (currententity->origin, view_clipplanes[i].normal);
d -= view_clipplanes[i].dist;
if (d <= -clmodel->radius)
if (d <= clmodel->radius)
clipflags |= (1<<i);
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
// generate accept and reject points
// FIXME: do with fast look-ups or integer tests based on the sign bit
// of the floating point values
pindex = pfrustum_indexes[i];
rejectpt[0] = minmaxs[pindex[0]];
rejectpt[1] = minmaxs[pindex[1]];
rejectpt[2] = minmaxs[pindex[2]];
d = DotProduct (rejectpt, view_clipplanes[i].normal);
d -= view_clipplanes[i].dist;
if (d <= 0)
acceptpt[0] = minmaxs[pindex[3+0]];
acceptpt[1] = minmaxs[pindex[3+1]];
acceptpt[2] = minmaxs[pindex[3+2]];
d = DotProduct (acceptpt, view_clipplanes[i].normal);
d -= view_clipplanes[i].dist;
if (d <= 0)
clipflags |= (1<<i);
return clipflags;
extern int r_wlightframecount;
void R_DrawBEntitiesOnList (void)
int i, k, clipflags;
vec3_t oldorigin;
model_t *clmodel;
float minmaxs[6];
if (!r_drawentities->value)
VectorCopy (modelorg, oldorigin);
insubmodel = true;
r_dlightframecount = r_framecount;
r_shadowframecount = r_framecount;
r_wlightframecount = r_framecount;
for (i=0 ; i<cl_numvisedicts ; i++)
currententity = cl_visedicts[i];
switch (currententity->model->type)
case mod_brush:
clmodel = currententity->model;
// see if the bounding box lets us trivially reject, also sets
// trivial accept status
// leilei - unrolled
minmaxs[0] = currententity->origin[0] +
minmaxs[3+0] = currententity->origin[0] +
minmaxs[1] = currententity->origin[1] +
minmaxs[3+1] = currententity->origin[1] +
minmaxs[2] = currententity->origin[2] +
minmaxs[3+2] = currententity->origin[2] +
clipflags = R_BmodelCheckBBox (clmodel, minmaxs);
if (clipflags != BMODEL_FULLY_CLIPPED)
VectorCopy (currententity->origin, r_entorigin);
VectorSubtract (r_origin, r_entorigin, modelorg);
// FIXME: is this needed?
VectorCopy (modelorg, r_worldmodelorg);
r_pcurrentvertbase = clmodel->vertexes;
// FIXME: stop transforming twice
R_RotateBmodel ();
// calculate dynamic lighting for bmodel if it's not an
// instanced model
if (clmodel->firstmodelsurface != 0)
for (k=0 ; k<MAX_DLIGHTS ; k++)
if ((cl_dlights[k].die < cl.time && !cl_dlights[k].unmark) ||
R_MarkLights (&cl_dlights[k], 1<<k,
clmodel->nodes + clmodel->hulls[0].firstclipnode);
for (k=0 ; k<MAX_SHADOWS ; k++)
if ((cl_shadows[k].die < cl.time) ||
R_MarkShadows (&cl_shadows[k], 1<<k,
clmodel->nodes + clmodel->hulls[0].firstclipnode);
for (k=0 ; k<MAX_WLIGHTS ; k++)
if ((cl_wlights[k].die < cl.time) ||
R_MarkWLights (&cl_wlights[k], 1<<k,
clmodel->nodes + clmodel->hulls[0].firstclipnode);
// if the driver wants polygons, deliver those. Z-buffering is on
// at this point, so no clipping to the world tree is needed, just
// frustum clipping
if (r_drawpolys | r_drawculledpolys)
R_ZDrawSubmodelPolys (clmodel);
r_pefragtopnode = NULL;
// leilei - unrolled
r_emins[0] = minmaxs[0];
r_emaxs[0] = minmaxs[3];
r_emins[1] = minmaxs[1];
r_emaxs[1] = minmaxs[4];
r_emins[2] = minmaxs[2];
r_emaxs[2] = minmaxs[5];
R_SplitEntityOnNode2 (cl.worldmodel->nodes);
if (r_pefragtopnode)
currententity->topnode = r_pefragtopnode;
if (r_pefragtopnode->contents >= 0)
// not a leaf; has to be clipped to the world BSP
r_clipflags = clipflags;
R_DrawSolidClippedSubmodelPolygons (clmodel);
// falls entirely in one leaf, so we just put all the
// edges in the edge list and let 1/z sorting handle
// drawing order
R_DrawSubmodelPolygons (clmodel, clipflags);
currententity->topnode = NULL;
// put back world rotation and frustum clipping
// FIXME: R_RotateBmodel should just work off base_vxx
VectorCopy (base_vpn, vpn);
VectorCopy (base_vup, vup);
VectorCopy (base_vright, vright);
VectorCopy (base_modelorg, modelorg);
VectorCopy (oldorigin, modelorg);
R_TransformFrustum ();
insubmodel = false;
void R_EdgeDrawing (void)
edge_t ledges[NUMSTACKEDGES +
((CACHE_SIZE - 1) / sizeof(edge_t)) + 1];
surf_t lsurfs[NUMSTACKSURFACES +
((CACHE_SIZE - 1) / sizeof(surf_t)) + 1];
if (auxedges)
r_edges = auxedges;
r_edges = (edge_t *)
(((long)&ledges[0] + CACHE_SIZE - 1) & ~(CACHE_SIZE - 1));
if (r_surfsonstack)
surfaces = (surf_t *)
(((long)&lsurfs[0] + CACHE_SIZE - 1) & ~(CACHE_SIZE - 1));
surf_max = &surfaces[r_cnumsurfs];
// surface 0 doesn't really exist; it's just a dummy because index 0
// is used to indicate no edge attached to surface
// R_SurfacePatch ();
R_BeginEdgeFrame ();
if (r_dspeeds->value)
rw_time1 = Sys_FloatTime ();
R_RenderWorld ();
if (r_drawculledpolys)
R_ScanEdges ();
// only the world can be drawn back to front with no z reads or compares, just
// z writes, so have the driver turn z compares on now
D_TurnZOn ();
if (r_dspeeds->value)
rw_time2 = Sys_FloatTime ();
db_time1 = rw_time2;
R_DrawBEntitiesOnList ();
if (r_dspeeds->value)
db_time2 = Sys_FloatTime ();
se_time1 = db_time2;
if (!r_dspeeds->value)
VID_UnlockBuffer ();
S_ExtraUpdate (); // don't let sound get messed up if going slow
VID_LockBuffer ();
if (!(r_drawpolys | r_drawculledpolys))
R_ScanEdges ();
int low_widdth, low_heighht;
int overbrightmdl;
int particleset;
int particlespray;
int particleblood;
r_refdef must be set before the first call
int amilow;
extern int playersnd; // leilei - dsp effects
int reflectpass; // leilei - water reflection
int waterinsight; // leilei - water pixel shader
vec3_t reflectorg; // leilei - water reflection
extern pixel_t *d_viewbuffer;
#ifdef EXPREND
int shadowpass;
void R_RenderShadows_ (void)
R_SetupFrame ();
R_MarkLeaves (); // done here so we know if we're in water
Sys_LowFPPrecision ();
r_drawwater = 1;
r_foundwater = r_drawwater = 0;
R_EdgeDrawing ();
R_DrawEntitiesOnList ();
R_DrawViewModel ();
// R_DrawParticles ();
if (r_foundwater && !reflectpass)
r_drawwater = true;
R_EdgeDrawing ();
Sys_HighFPPrecision ();
int particletypeonly;
void R_RenderView_ (void)
byte warpbuffer[WARP_WIDTH * WARP_HEIGHT];
byte lowbuffer[LOW_WIDTH * LOW_HEIGHT];
// reflections
byte reflectbuffer[WARP_WIDTH * WARP_HEIGHT];
r_warpbuffer = warpbuffer;
r_reflectbuffer = reflectbuffer;
r_lowbuffer = lowbuffer;
if (reflectpass){
float d;
// leilei - water reflections
// **- TODO -** proper mirror surface matrix
// flip it good
r_refdef.viewangles[PITCH] *= -1;
// Con_Printf("%f %f %f mirror\n", mirror_plane->normal[0],mirror_plane->normal[1],mirror_plane->normal[2]);
d = DotProduct (r_refdef.vieworg, mirror_plane->normal) - mirror_plane->dist + temp2->value;
// VectorMA (r_refdef.vieworg, -2*d, mirror_plane->normal, r_refdef.vieworg);
VectorMA (r_refdef.vieworg, -2*d, mirror_plane->normal, r_refdef.vieworg);
d = DotProduct (vpn, mirror_plane->normal);
// VectorMA (vpn, -2*d, mirror_plane->normal, vpn);
VectorMA (vpn, -2*d, mirror_plane->normal, vpn);
// r_refdef.viewangles[0] = -asin (vpn[2])/M_PI*180;
// r_refdef.viewangles[1] = atan2 (vpn[1], vpn[0])/M_PI*180;
// r_refdef.viewangles[2] = -r_refdef.viewangles[2];
r_refdef.viewangles[ROLL] *= -1;
if (r_timegraph->value || r_speeds->value || r_dspeeds->value)
r_time1 = Sys_FloatTime ();
#ifdef SPLIT
if (cursplit){
R_SetupFrameSplit ();
R_SetupFrame ();
R_SetupFrame ();
R_MarkLeaves (); // done here so we know if we're in water
// make FDIV fast. This reduces timing precision after we've been running for a
// while, so we don't do it globally. This also sets chop mode, and we do it
// here so that setup stuff like the refresh area calculations match what's
// done in screen.c
Sys_LowFPPrecision ();
if (!cl_entities[0].model || !cl.worldmodel)
Sys_Error ("R_RenderView: NULL worldmodel");
if (reflectpass)
r_drawwater = 0;
if (!r_dspeeds->value)
VID_UnlockBuffer ();
S_ExtraUpdate (); // don't let sound get messed up if going slow
VID_LockBuffer ();
r_foundwater = r_drawwater = 0;
R_EdgeDrawing ();
if (!r_dspeeds->value)
VID_UnlockBuffer ();
S_ExtraUpdate (); // don't let sound get messed up if going slow
VID_LockBuffer ();
if (!reflectpass)
if (r_dspeeds->value)
se_time2 = Sys_FloatTime ();
de_time1 = se_time2;
R_DrawEntitiesOnList ();
if (r_dspeeds->value)
de_time2 = Sys_FloatTime ();
#ifndef VMTOC
dv_time1 = de_time2;
R_DrawViewModel ();
if (r_dspeeds->value)
dv_time2 = Sys_FloatTime ();
dp_time1 = Sys_FloatTime ();
// render our normal particles... (run particle physics etc)
R_DrawParticles ();
// test our flares.
if (!reflectpass)
R_TestFlares (); // leilei - flare testing
// if (foguse2)
// R_ApplyFog(); // you're too slow!
if (!reflectpass)
if (r_dspeeds->value)
dp_time2 = Sys_FloatTime ();
if (r_foundwater && !reflectpass)
r_drawwater = true;
R_EdgeDrawing ();
if (!reflectpass)
if (amilow != r_virtualmode->value)
amilow = r_virtualmode->value;
if (amilow > 5)
amilow = 5;
r_docrap = amilow;
vid.recalc_refdef = true;
//if (!reflectpass)
R_DrawFlares ();
if (!reflectpass){
if (overbrightmdl != r_overbrightmdl->value)
overbrightmdl = r_overbrightmdl->value;
if (particleset != r_particleset->value)
particleset = r_particleset->value;
if (particlespray != r_particlespray->value)
particlespray = r_particlespray->value;
if (particleblood != r_particleblood->value)
particleblood = r_particleblood->value;
// now, render out lens flares afterward (sort hack)
// Screen Resolution Reduction
// if (r_docrap)
if (amilow) // 160x100
D_CrapScreen ();
if (r_dowarp){
D_WarpScreen ();
if (!reflectpass){
if (r_viewleaf->contents <= CONTENTS_WATER)
playersnd = 2;
playersnd = 0;
V_SetContentsColor (r_viewleaf->contents);
if (!reflectpass)
if (r_alphashift->value)
D_AlphaShift ();
if (!reflectpass){
if (r_timegraph->value)
R_TimeGraph ();
if (r_aliasstats->value)
R_PrintAliasStats ();
if (r_speeds->value)
R_PrintTimes ();
if (r_dspeeds->value)
R_PrintDSpeeds ();
if (r_reportsurfout->value && r_outofsurfaces)
Con_Printf ("Short %d surfaces\n", r_outofsurfaces);
if (r_reportedgeout->value && r_outofedges)
Con_Printf ("Short roughly %d edges\n", r_outofedges * 2 / 3);
// back to high floating-point precision
Sys_HighFPPrecision ();
extern int lightingavailable;
extern int lightingcantbeavailable;
void R_RenderView (void)
int dummy;
int delta;
delta = (byte *)&dummy - r_stack_start;
#ifndef VMTOC
// if (delta < -10000 || delta > 10000)
// Sys_Error ("R_RenderView: called without enough stack"); // FIXME - TACK SBUG!
if ( Hunk_LowMark() & 3 )
Sys_Error ("Hunk is missaligned");
if ( (long)(&dummy) & 3 )
Sys_Error ("Stack is missaligned");
if ( (long)(&r_warpbuffer) & 3 )
Sys_Error ("Globals are missaligned");
if ( (long)(&r_reflectbuffer) & 3 )
Sys_Error ("Globals are missaligned");
if ( (long)(&r_lowbuffer) & 3 )
Sys_Error ("Globals are missaligned");
#ifdef EXPREND
if ( (long)(&r_shadowbuffer) & 3 )
Sys_Error ("Globals are missaligned");
shadowpass = 1;
R_RenderShadows_ ();
shadowpass = 0;
R_RenderView_ ();
R_RenderView_ ();
// lights crap!
if (!lightingcantbeavailable && !lightingavailable && sv.worldmodel)
void R_InitTurb (void)
int i;
for (i=0 ; i<(SIN_BUFFER_SIZE) ; i++)
sintable[i] = AMP + sin(i*3.14159*2/CYCLE)*AMP;
intsintable[i] = AMP2 + sin(i*3.14159*2/CYCLE)*AMP2; // AMP2, not 20
//atableofnothingtable[i] = AMP2 + sin(i*3.14159*2/CYCLE)*AMP2; // AMP2, not 20
atableofnothingtable[i] = AMP2 + 0.1 *AMP2; // AMP2, not 20
// from FTEQW, though I don't really use it
// high quality fog mode with lots of more precision
// unfortunately lots of more slower
// I tried to enhance it using my same fog lookup tabes
// and added in LA-style dithering
//extern byte *addTable;
extern int truecolor;
extern qboolean r_dowarp;
extern pixel_t *d_viewbuffer;
void R_ApplyFog(void)
// test code for fog, the real implementation should use a lookup table
byte *pbuf;
//byte *pbuf;
short *zbuf;
extern short *d_pzbuffer;
int y, x, g;
float v, f,j,h;
int vd[64];
int var;
for (y=0 ; y<scr_vrect.height ; y++)
int t, s, q;
// pbuf = (qbyte *)(vid.buffer + vid.rowbytes*y);
// r_turb_prefst = (unsigned char *)((byte *)d_viewbuffer +(screenwidth * pspan->v) + pspan->u);
// pbuf = (byte *)(d_viewbuffer + vid.width*y);
//pbuf = (byte *)(d_viewbuffer + vid.rowbytes*y);
pbuf = (byte *)(d_viewbuffer + scr_vrect.y + vid.rowbytes * y);// + scr_vrect.width * y);
zbuf = d_pzbuffer + (scr_vrect.width*y);
t = (y & 1);// << 1;
s = (y & 3) << 1;
q = (y & 3) >> 1;
// for (x=0 ; x<vid.width ; x++)
for (x=0 ; x<vid.width ; x+=4)
if (!zbuf[x]){
pbuf[x] = pbuf[x];
pbuf[x+1] = pbuf[x+1];
pbuf[x+2] = pbuf[x+2];
pbuf[x+3] = pbuf[x+3];
v = 64.0f / zbuf[x];
f = 64.0f / zbuf[x+1];
j = 64.0f / zbuf[x+2];
h = 64.0f / zbuf[x+3];
// v = zbuf[x];
v = bound(0, v, 1);
f = bound(0, f, 1);
j = bound(0, j, 1);
h = bound(0, h, 1);
//v = bound(0, v, 32768);
v *= 32768;
f *= 32768;
j *= 32768;
h *= 32768;
if ((x & 1) != t){
pbuf[x] = host_fogmap[pbuf[x]+ (((int)v + 1024) >> 2 & 0xFF00)];
pbuf[x+1] = host_fogmap[pbuf[x+1]+ (((int)f) >> 2 & 0xFF00)];
pbuf[x+2] = host_fogmap[pbuf[x+2]+ (((int)j + 1024) >> 2 & 0xFF00)];
pbuf[x+3] = host_fogmap[pbuf[x+3]+ (((int)h) >> 2 & 0xFF00)];
pbuf[x] = host_fogmap[pbuf[x]+ ((int)v >> 2 & 0xFF00)];
pbuf[x+1] = host_fogmap[pbuf[x+1]+ (((int)f + 1024) >> 2 & 0xFF00)];
pbuf[x+2] = host_fogmap[pbuf[x+2]+ (((int)j) >> 2 & 0xFF00)];
pbuf[x+3] = host_fogmap[pbuf[x+3]+ (((int)h + 1024) >> 2 & 0xFF00)];
// }
extern byte transTable[256][256];
extern byte addTable[256][256];
extern cvar_t *temp3;
void R_ApplyDorf (void)
int w, h;
int u,v;
byte *dest;
int *turb;
byte *rowptr[MAXHEIGHT+(AMP2*2)];
int column[MAXWIDTH+(AMP2*2)];
float wratio, hratio;
w = r_refdef.vrect.width / 2;
h = r_refdef.vrect.height;
dest = vid.buffer + scr_vrect.y * vid.rowbytes + scr_vrect.x;
for (v = 0; v < scr_vrect.height; v++, dest += vid.rowbytes)
int *mycol = dest;
int *mycolf = dest;
byte *mydest = dest;
for (u = 0; u < scr_vrect.width; u += 4, mycol += 4, mydest += 4)
if (mydest > 208){
mydest[0] = mydest[0];
mydest[1] = mydest[0];
mydest[2] = mydest[0];
mydest[3] = mydest[0];