/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "globaldef.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "winquake.h" #endif void (*vid_menudrawfn)(void); void (*vid_menukeyfn)(int key); extern cvar_t *loadscreen; enum {m_none, m_main, m_singleplayer, m_load, m_save, m_multiplayer, m_setup, m_net, m_options, m_video, m_keys, m_help, m_quit, m_serialconfig, m_modemconfig, m_lanconfig, m_gameoptions, m_search, m_slist, m_keys2, m_broken} m_state; void M_Menu_Main_f (void); void M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f (void); void M_Menu_Load_f (void); void M_Menu_Save_f (void); void M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (void); void M_Menu_Setup_f (void); void M_Menu_Net_f (void); void M_Menu_Options_f (void); void M_Menu_Keys_f (void); void M_Menu_Keys_f2 (void); // leilei void M_Menu_Video_f (void); void M_Menu_Help_f (void); void M_Menu_Quit_f (void); void M_Menu_SerialConfig_f (void); void M_Menu_ModemConfig_f (void); void M_Menu_LanConfig_f (void); void M_Menu_GameOptions_f (void); void M_Menu_Search_f (void); void M_Menu_ServerList_f (void); void M_Main_Draw (void); void M_SinglePlayer_Draw (void); void M_Load_Draw (void); void M_Save_Draw (void); void M_MultiPlayer_Draw (void); void M_Setup_Draw (void); void M_Net_Draw (void); // void M_Options_Draw (void); // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes void M_Keys_Draw (void); void M_Video_Draw (void); void M_Help_Draw (void); void M_Quit_Draw (void); void M_SerialConfig_Draw (void); void M_ModemConfig_Draw (void); void M_LanConfig_Draw (void); void M_GameOptions_Draw (void); void M_Search_Draw (void); void M_ServerList_Draw (void); void M_Main_Key (int key); void M_SinglePlayer_Key (int key); void M_Load_Key (int key); void M_Save_Key (int key); void M_MultiPlayer_Key (int key); void M_Setup_Key (int key); void M_Net_Key (int key); // void M_Options_Key (int key); // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes void M_Keys_Key (int key); void M_Video_Key (int key); void M_Help_Key (int key); void M_Quit_Key (int key); void M_SerialConfig_Key (int key); void M_ModemConfig_Key (int key); void M_LanConfig_Key (int key); void M_GameOptions_Key (int key); void M_Search_Key (int key); void M_ServerList_Key (int key); qboolean m_entersound; // play after drawing a frame, so caching // won't disrupt the sound qboolean m_recursiveDraw; extern int menu_scaled; int m_return_state; qboolean m_return_onerror; char m_return_reason [32]; #define StartingGame (m_multiplayer_cursor == 1) #define JoiningGame (m_multiplayer_cursor == 0) #define SerialConfig (m_net_cursor == 0) #define DirectConfig (m_net_cursor == 1) #define IPXConfig (m_net_cursor == 2) #define TCPIPConfig (m_net_cursor == 3) void M_ConfigureNetSubsystem(void); extern cvar_t *v_contrast; extern cvar_t *v_saturation; // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes start // menu entry types #define MENU_SELECTABLE 0 #define MENU_DRAW_ONLY 1 #define MENU_INVISIBLE 2 #define MENU_SOUND1 "misc/menu1.wav" #define MENU_SOUND2 "misc/menu2.wav" #define MENU_SOUND3 "misc/menu3.wav" typedef struct menu_definition_s { int funcno; // Unique number used for displaying and executing a menu entry. Zero = end of menu definition // First entry in menu definition defines the ESC function int type; // Entry type flag, use above DEFINEs and M_Menu_DrawCheck() } menu_definition_t; // data of current displayed menu int *current_cursor; menu_definition_t *current_menu; int menu_last_index, menu_first_index; extern cvar_t *r_menucolor; #ifndef BENCH extern cvar_t *s_pitchin; extern cvar_t *s_oldspatial; #endif extern cvar_t *r_coloredlights; extern cvar_t *r_shiftlighting; extern cvar_t *r_truecolor; extern cvar_t *r_waterquality; extern cvar_t *r_fogquality; extern cvar_t *r_fogdither; extern cvar_t *r_overbrightBits; extern cvar_t *r_fullbrights; extern cvar_t *r_coloreddyns; extern cvar_t *r_particlespray; extern cvar_t *r_particleset; extern cvar_t *r_particleblood; extern cvar_t *r_flares; extern cvar_t *cl_bobmodel; extern cvar_t *cl_bobfall; extern cvar_t *cl_bob2; extern cvar_t *cl_leanmodel; extern cvar_t *cl_followmodel; extern cvar_t *cl_gundraw; extern cvar_t *r_shading; extern cvar_t *cl_gunhold; extern cvar_t *sv_standstill; extern cvar_t *scr_scale; extern cvar_t *scr_retroscale; extern cvar_t *r_shadowhack; extern cvar_t *r_alphashift; extern cvar_t *r_tranquality; extern cvar_t *r_lightquality; extern cvar_t *r_shadedither; extern cvar_t *r_shinygrays; extern cvar_t *r_lowmodels; extern cvar_t *r_lowdetail; extern cvar_t *r_virtualmode; extern cvar_t *r_lowworld; extern cvar_t *r_filter; extern cvar_t *r_dither; extern cvar_t *d_mipdetail; extern cvar_t *r_overbrightmdl; extern cvar_t *r_wateralpha; extern cvar_t *r_waterblend; extern cvar_t *r_flamehack; extern cvar_t *r_particlesprite; extern cvar_t *r_lerpmodels; extern cvar_t *midivolume; extern cvar_t *autosaver; extern cvar_t *loadscreen; extern cvar_t *r_dynamic; extern cvar_t *r_muzzlehack; extern cvar_t *cl_diecam; extern cvar_t *scr_aspectmode; extern cvar_t *s_underwater; extern cvar_t *s_gibs; extern cvar_t *s_blood; extern cvar_t *s_playerdeath; #ifdef _WIN32 extern cvar_t *vid_stretch_by_2; #endif // function number definitions // Menus #define MENU_OFF 1 #define MENU_MAIN 2 #define MENU_SINGLEPLAYER 3 #define MENU_MULTIPLAYER 4 #define MENU_OPTIONS 5 #define MENU_HELP 6 #define MENU_QUIT 7 // Options #define MENU_CUSTOMIZE_CONTROLS 101 #define MENU_GO_TO_CONSOLE 102 #define MENU_LOAD_DEFAULT_CFG 103 #define MENU_BRIGHTNESS 105 #define MENU_MOUSESPEED 106 #define MENU_CD_VOLUME 107 #define MENU_SOUND_VOLUME 108 #define MENU_ALWAYS_RUN 109 #define MENU_INVERT_MOUSE 110 #define MENU_LOOKSPRING 111 #define MENU_LOOKSTRAFE 112 #define MENU_VIDEO_RESOLUTION 113 #define MENU_USE_MOUSE 114 #define MENU_CONTROL_OPTIONS 120 #define MENU_MOUSELOOK 121 #define MENU_SOUND_OPTIONS 130 #define MENU_EXTERNAL_DATA 140 #define MENU_EXTERNAL_ENT 141 #define MENU_EXTERNAL_VIS 142 #define MENU_EXTERNAL_LIT 143 #define MENU_CLIENT_OPTIONS 150 #define MENU_CL_ENTITIES_MIN 151 #define MENU_CL_ENTITIES_TEMP_MIN 152 #define MENU_CL_ENTITIES_STATIC_MIN 153 #define MENU_CL_COMPATIBILITY 154 #define MENU_SERVER_OPTIONS 160 #define MENU_SV_ENTITIES 161 #define MENU_SV_ENTITIES_TEMP 162 #define MENU_SV_ENTITIES_STATIC 163 #define MENU_SV_ENTITIES_COPY_TO_CL 164 #define MENU_PR_ZONE_MIN_STRINGS 165 #define MENU_BUILTIN_REMAP 166 #define MENU_SV_COMPATIBILITY 167 #define MENU_NVS_ENABLE 168 #define MENU_VIDEO_OPTIONS 170 #define MENU_CON_ALPHA 171 #define MENU_CON_HEIGHT 172 #define MENU_SHOW_FPS 173 #define MENU_GL_MAXDEPTH 174 #define MENU_COLOR 175 #define MENU_SOUND_PITCH 176 #define MENU_COLORED 177 #define MENU_LOWDETAIL 178 #define MENU_LOWWORLD 179 #define MENU_LOWMODELS 180 #define MENU_LERPMODELS 181 #define MENU_MIDI_VOLUME 182 #define MENU_COLOREDDYNS 183 #define MENU_TRANQUALITY 184 #define MENU_LIGHTQUALITY 185 #define MENU_ALPHASHIFT 186 #define MENU_WATERALPHA 187 #define MENU_WATERBLEND 188 #define MENU_CUSTOMIZE_CONTROLS2 189 #define MENU_CLASSICSPAT 190 #define MENU_SHADOWHACK 191 #define MENU_BROKEN_OPTIONS 192 #define MENU_OVERBRIGHT 193 #define MENU_VIEW_OPTIONS 194 #define MENU_SPRAY 196 #define MENU_BLOODHACK 197 #define MENU_PARTICLESET 198 #define MENU_STRETCHMODE 199 #define MENU_OLDSTATBAR 200 #define MENU_PSET_VANILLA 202 #define MENU_PSET_DP 203 #define MENU_PSET_FAKE 204 #define MENU_PSET_PLASMA 205 #define MENU_PSET_WEEEEE 206 #define MENU_FILTERING 207 #define MENU_COLORMAP_OPTIONS 208 #define MENU_OVERBRIGHTS 209 #define MENU_FULLBRIGHTS 210 #define MENU_REVERT_COLORMAP 211 #define MENU_MIPDETAIL 212 #define MENU_GUNDRAW 213 #define MENU_GUNHOLD 214 #define MENU_BOBMODEL 215 #define MENU_LEANMODEL 216 #define MENU_FOLLOWMODEL 217 #define MENU_INTERNAL_OPTIONS 218 #define MENU_DITHERING 219 #define MENU_SCREENSCALE 220 #define MENU_AUTOSAVER 221 #define MENU_LOADSCREEN 222 #define MENU_CONTRAST 223 #define MENU_SATURATION 224 #define MENU_BLOODLEVEL 225 #define MENU_DYNAMIC 226 #define MENU_MUZZLEBLEND 228 #define MENU_FOGQUALITY 229 #define MENU_WATERQUALITY 230 #define MENU_SHADEDITHER 231 #define MENU_PARTICLESPRITES 232 #define MENU_FLAMEHACK 233 #define MENU_FLARES 234 #define MENU_SHADING 235 #define MENU_DEATHCAM 247 #define MENU_ASPECT 248 #define MENU_RETROSCALE 249 #define MENU_GIBBURST 250 #define MENU_PLAYERDEATH 251 #define MENU_UNDERWATER 252 #define MENU_STANDSTILL 253 #define MENU_BLOODBURST 254 #define MENU_SHINYGRAYS 255 extern int nolookups; // menu definitions int options_cursor; menu_definition_t m_menu_options[] = { // Options Menu {MENU_MAIN, MENU_OPTIONS}, // this is the ESC key function and title {MENU_GO_TO_CONSOLE, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_CONTROL_OPTIONS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_CUSTOMIZE_CONTROLS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_VIDEO_OPTIONS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_SOUND_OPTIONS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_VIEW_OPTIONS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_INTERNAL_OPTIONS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_VIDEO_RESOLUTION, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_LOAD_DEFAULT_CFG, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_AUTOSAVER, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {0, 0}, // end of submenu }; menu_definition_t m_menu_internal_options[] = { // Options Menu {MENU_OPTIONS, MENU_OPTIONS}, // this is the ESC key function and title {MENU_EXTERNAL_DATA, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_CLIENT_OPTIONS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_SERVER_OPTIONS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {0, 0}, // end of submenu }; int shadowhack; extern cvar_t *r_shadowhack; cvar_t *menu_quitscreen; int control_options_cursor; menu_definition_t m_menu_control_options[] = { // Control Options {MENU_OPTIONS, MENU_OPTIONS}, // this is the ESC key function and title {MENU_ALWAYS_RUN, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_MOUSELOOK, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_MOUSESPEED, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_INVERT_MOUSE, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_LOOKSPRING, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_LOOKSTRAFE, MENU_SELECTABLE}, #ifdef _WIN32 {MENU_USE_MOUSE, MENU_INVISIBLE}, // only present in windowed mode on Win32 #endif {0, 0}, // end of submenu }; int sound_options_cursor; menu_definition_t m_menu_sound_options[] = { // Sound Options {MENU_OPTIONS, MENU_OPTIONS}, // this is the ESC key function and title {MENU_CD_VOLUME, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_MIDI_VOLUME, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_SOUND_VOLUME, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_SOUND_PITCH, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_CLASSICSPAT, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_UNDERWATER, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {0, 0}, // end of submenu }; int external_data_cursor; menu_definition_t m_menu_external_data[] = { // External Data {MENU_INTERNAL_OPTIONS, MENU_OPTIONS}, // this is the ESC key function and title {MENU_EXTERNAL_ENT, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_EXTERNAL_VIS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_EXTERNAL_LIT, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {0, 0}, // end of submenu }; int client_options_cursor; menu_definition_t m_menu_client_options[] = { // Client Options {MENU_INTERNAL_OPTIONS, MENU_OPTIONS}, // this is the ESC key function and title {MENU_CL_ENTITIES_MIN, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_CL_ENTITIES_TEMP_MIN, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_CL_ENTITIES_STATIC_MIN, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_CL_COMPATIBILITY, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {0, 0}, // end of submenu }; int server_options_cursor; menu_definition_t m_menu_server_options[] = { // Server Options {MENU_INTERNAL_OPTIONS, MENU_OPTIONS}, // this is the ESC key function and title {MENU_SV_ENTITIES, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_SV_ENTITIES_TEMP, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_SV_ENTITIES_STATIC, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_SV_ENTITIES_COPY_TO_CL, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_PR_ZONE_MIN_STRINGS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_BUILTIN_REMAP, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_SV_COMPATIBILITY, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_NVS_ENABLE, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {0, 0}, // end of submenu }; int video_options_cursor; int view_options_cursor; int internal_options_cursor; menu_definition_t m_menu_video_options[] = { // Video Options {MENU_OPTIONS, MENU_OPTIONS}, // this is the ESC key function and title {MENU_LOWDETAIL, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // VIRTUAL RES {MENU_BRIGHTNESS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // BRIGHTNESS {MENU_SATURATION, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // COLOR {MENU_CONTRAST, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // CONTRACT {MENU_MIPDETAIL, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // TEXTURE DETAIL {MENU_FILTERING, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // TEXTURE FILTERING {MENU_SHADEDITHER, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // SHADED DITHER {MENU_LERPMODELS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // INTERPOLATION {MENU_SHADOWHACK, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // MODEL SHADOWS {MENU_SHADING, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // MODEL SHADING {MENU_SHINYGRAYS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // CHROME METAL {MENU_DYNAMIC, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // DYNAMIC LIGHTS {MENU_COLOREDDYNS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // COLOUR DYNLIGHTS {MENU_COLORED, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // COLORED LIGHTS {MENU_FLARES, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // FLARES {MENU_FLAMEHACK, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // FLAMES {MENU_MUZZLEBLEND, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // MUZZLEBLEND {MENU_TRANQUALITY, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // HQ WATER {MENU_WATERALPHA, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // WATER ALPHA {MENU_WATERBLEND, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // WATER BLEND {MENU_WATERQUALITY, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // REFRACTIONS #ifdef _WIN32 {MENU_USE_MOUSE, MENU_INVISIBLE}, // only present in windowed mode on Win32 #endif {0, 0}, // end of submenu }; menu_definition_t m_menu_view_options[] = { // VIEW Options {MENU_OPTIONS, MENU_OPTIONS}, // this is the ESC key function and title {MENU_ASPECT, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // ASPECT {MENU_SCREENSCALE, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // GFX SCALE {MENU_RETROSCALE, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // AUTOSCALE {MENU_OLDSTATBAR, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // DRAW HUD {MENU_SHOW_FPS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // SHOW FPS {MENU_BOBMODEL, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // BOB {MENU_FOLLOWMODEL, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // FOLLOW {MENU_LEANMODEL, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // LEAN {MENU_GUNDRAW, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // DRAW {MENU_GUNHOLD, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // FALL {MENU_DEATHCAM, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // DEATHCAM {MENU_PARTICLESET, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // PARTS {MENU_BLOODLEVEL, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // VIOLENCE LEVEL {MENU_BLOODBURST, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // BLOOD SOUNDS {MENU_GIBBURST, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // GIB SOUNDS FSH {MENU_PLAYERDEATH, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // QUIET DEATH {MENU_STANDSTILL, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // STAND STILL {MENU_LOADSCREEN, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // LOADING SCREENS {MENU_CON_ALPHA, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // CON ALPHA {MENU_CON_HEIGHT, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // CON HEIGHT {MENU_COLOR, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // MENU FADE {0, 0}, // end of submenu }; int broken_options_cursor; menu_definition_t m_menu_broken_options[] = { // Video Options {MENU_OPTIONS, MENU_OPTIONS}, // this is the ESC key function and title // {MENU_LOWWORLD, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // {MENU_LOWMODELS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_ALPHASHIFT, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_OVERBRIGHT, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_SPRAY, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_PARTICLESET, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_BLOODHACK, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {0, 0}, // end of submenu }; int colormap_options_cursor; menu_definition_t m_menu_colormap_options[] = { // Video Options {MENU_OPTIONS, MENU_OPTIONS}, // this is the ESC key function and title {MENU_OVERBRIGHTS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, {MENU_FULLBRIGHTS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // {MENU_REVERT_COLORMAP, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // causes a crash. {0, 0}, // end of submenu }; extern int lilchar; /* ================ M_DrawCharacter Draws one solid graphics character ================ */ void M_DrawCharacter (int cx, int line, int num) { if (menu_scaled) Draw_Character_Scaled ( cx + ((vid.vconwidth - 320)>>1), line, num); else Draw_Character ( cx + ((vid.width - 320)>>1), line, num); } void M_Print (int cx, int cy, char *str) { while (*str) { M_DrawCharacter (cx, cy, (*str)+128); str++; cx += 8; } } void M_PrintWhite (int cx, int cy, char *str) { //int ye; if(lilchar) ye = 4; else ye = 8; while (*str) { M_DrawCharacter (cx, cy, *str); str++; cx += 8; } } void M_DrawPic (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic) { if (menu_scaled) Draw_Pic_Scaled (x + ((vid.vconwidth - 320)>>1), y, pic); else Draw_Pic (x + ((vid.width - 320)>>1), y, pic); } byte identityTable[256]; byte translationTable[256]; void M_BuildTranslationTable(int top, int bottom) { int j; byte *dest, *source; for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) identityTable[j] = j; dest = translationTable; source = identityTable; memcpy (dest, source, 256); if (top < 128) // the artists made some backwards ranges. sigh. memcpy (dest + TOP_RANGE, source + top, 16); else for (j=0 ; j<16 ; j++) dest[TOP_RANGE+j] = source[top+15-j]; if (bottom < 128) memcpy (dest + BOTTOM_RANGE, source + bottom, 16); else for (j=0 ; j<16 ; j++) dest[BOTTOM_RANGE+j] = source[bottom+15-j]; } void M_DrawPicTranslate (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic) { if (menu_scaled) Draw_PicTranslate_Scaled (x + ((vid.vconwidth - 320)>>1), y, pic, translationTable); else Draw_PicTranslate (x + ((vid.width - 320)>>1), y, pic, translationTable); } void M_DrawTextBox (int x, int y, int width, int lines) { qpic_t *p; int cx, cy; int n; // draw left side cx = x; cy = y; p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_tl.lmp"); M_DrawPic (cx, cy, p); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_ml.lmp"); for (n = 0; n < lines; n++) { cy += 8; M_DrawPic (cx, cy, p); } p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_bl.lmp"); M_DrawPic (cx, cy+8, p); // draw middle cx += 8; while (width > 0) { cy = y; p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_tm.lmp"); M_DrawPic (cx, cy, p); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_mm.lmp"); for (n = 0; n < lines; n++) { cy += 8; if (n == 1) p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_mm2.lmp"); M_DrawPic (cx, cy, p); } p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_bm.lmp"); M_DrawPic (cx, cy+8, p); width -= 2; cx += 16; } // draw right side cy = y; p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_tr.lmp"); M_DrawPic (cx, cy, p); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_mr.lmp"); for (n = 0; n < lines; n++) { cy += 8; M_DrawPic (cx, cy, p); } p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_br.lmp"); M_DrawPic (cx, cy+8, p); } //============================================================================= int m_save_demonum; /* ================ M_ToggleMenu_f ================ */ void M_ToggleMenu_f (void) { m_entersound = true; if (key_dest == key_menu) { if (m_state != m_main) { M_Menu_Main_f (); VID_HandlePause(true); return; } VID_HandlePause(false); key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; return; } if (key_dest == key_console) { Con_ToggleConsole_f (); } else { M_Menu_Main_f (); VID_HandlePause(true); } } //============================================================================= /* MAIN MENU */ int m_main_cursor; #define MAIN_ITEMS 5 void M_Menu_Main_f (void) { if (key_dest != key_menu) { m_save_demonum = cls.demonum; cls.demonum = -1; } key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_main; m_entersound = true; } void M_Main_Draw (void) { int f; qpic_t *p; M_DrawPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp") ); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/ttl_main.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, p); M_DrawPic (72, 32, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/mainmenu.lmp") ); // 2001-10-20 TIMESCALE extension by Tomaz/Maddes start // f = (int)(host_time * 10)%6; f = (int)(realtime * 10)%6; // 2001-10-20 TIMESCALE extension by Tomaz/Maddes end M_DrawPic (54, 32 + m_main_cursor * 20,Draw_CachePic( va("gfx/menudot%i.lmp", f+1 ) ) ); } void M_Main_Key (int key) { switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: VID_HandlePause(false); key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; cls.demonum = m_save_demonum; if (cls.demonum != -1 && !cls.demoplayback && cls.state != ca_connected) CL_NextDemo (); break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); if (++m_main_cursor >= MAIN_ITEMS) m_main_cursor = 0; break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); if (--m_main_cursor < 0) m_main_cursor = MAIN_ITEMS - 1; break; // leilei - xb controller standard case K_AUX29: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); if (--m_main_cursor < 0) m_main_cursor = MAIN_ITEMS - 1; break; case K_AUX31: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); if (++m_main_cursor >= MAIN_ITEMS) m_main_cursor = 0; break; case K_ENTER: m_entersound = true; switch (m_main_cursor) { case 0: M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f (); break; case 1: M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (); break; case 2: M_Menu_Options_f (); break; case 3: M_Menu_Help_f (); break; case 4: M_Menu_Quit_f (); break; } } } //============================================================================= /* SINGLE PLAYER MENU */ int m_singleplayer_cursor; #define SINGLEPLAYER_ITEMS 3 void M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_singleplayer; m_entersound = true; } void M_SinglePlayer_Draw (void) { int f; qpic_t *p; M_DrawPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp") ); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/ttl_sgl.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, p); M_DrawPic (72, 32, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/sp_menu.lmp") ); f = (int)(realtime * 10)%6; M_DrawPic (54, 32 + m_singleplayer_cursor * 20,Draw_CachePic( va("gfx/menudot%i.lmp", f+1 ) ) ); } void M_SinglePlayer_Key (int key) { switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Main_f (); break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); if (++m_singleplayer_cursor >= SINGLEPLAYER_ITEMS) m_singleplayer_cursor = 0; break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); if (--m_singleplayer_cursor < 0) m_singleplayer_cursor = SINGLEPLAYER_ITEMS - 1; break; case K_ENTER: m_entersound = true; switch (m_singleplayer_cursor) { case 0: #ifndef linux if (sv.active) if (!SCR_ModalMessage("Are you sure you want to\nstart a new game?\n")) break; #endif key_dest = key_game; if (sv.active) Cbuf_AddText ("disconnect\n"); Cbuf_AddText ("maxplayers 1\n"); Cbuf_AddText ("map start\n"); break; case 1: M_Menu_Load_f (); break; case 2: M_Menu_Save_f (); break; } } } //============================================================================= /* LOAD/SAVE MENU */ int load_cursor; // 0 < load_cursor < MAX_SAVEGAMES #define MAX_SAVEGAMES 12 char m_filenames[MAX_SAVEGAMES][SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH+1]; int loadable[MAX_SAVEGAMES]; void M_ScanSaves (void) { int i, j; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; FILE *f; int version; for (i=0 ; iwidth)/2, 4, p); for (i=0 ; i< MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++) M_Print (16, 32 + 8*i, m_filenames[i]); // line cursor M_DrawCharacter (8, 32 + load_cursor*8, 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); } void M_Save_Draw (void) { int i; qpic_t *p; p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_save.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, p); for (i=0 ; ivalue) SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque (); // issue the load command Cbuf_AddText (va ("load s%i\n", load_cursor) ); return; case K_UPARROW: case K_LEFTARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); load_cursor--; if (load_cursor < 0) load_cursor = MAX_SAVEGAMES-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); load_cursor++; if (load_cursor >= MAX_SAVEGAMES) load_cursor = 0; break; } } void M_Save_Key (int k) { switch (k) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f (); break; case K_ENTER: m_state = m_none; key_dest = key_game; VID_HandlePause(false); Cbuf_AddText (va("save s%i\n", load_cursor)); return; case K_UPARROW: case K_LEFTARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); load_cursor--; if (load_cursor < 0) load_cursor = MAX_SAVEGAMES-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); load_cursor++; if (load_cursor >= MAX_SAVEGAMES) load_cursor = 0; break; } } //============================================================================= /* MULTIPLAYER MENU */ int m_multiplayer_cursor; #define MULTIPLAYER_ITEMS 3 void M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_multiplayer; m_entersound = true; } void M_MultiPlayer_Draw (void) { int f; qpic_t *p; M_DrawPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp") ); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, p); M_DrawPic (72, 32, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/mp_menu.lmp") ); // 2001-10-20 TIMESCALE extension by Tomaz/Maddes start // f = (int)(host_time * 10)%6; f = (int)(realtime * 10)%6; // 2001-10-20 TIMESCALE extension by Tomaz/Maddes end #ifdef QSB_NET // leilei - warn, because it most likely will not work. M_PrintWhite ((320/2) - ((27*8)/2), 148, "WARNING: This build is an\nexperi-"); M_PrintWhite ((320/2) - ((27*8)/2), 156, "mental build with a highly raised "); M_PrintWhite ((320/2) - ((27*8)/2), 164, "max datagram value. Compatibility "); M_PrintWhite ((320/2) - ((27*8)/2), 172, "with other clients not guaranteed."); M_PrintWhite ((320/2) - ((27*8)/2), 180, " USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! PERIOD!!!"); #endif M_DrawPic (54, 32 + m_multiplayer_cursor * 20,Draw_CachePic( va("gfx/menudot%i.lmp", f+1 ) ) ); if (serialAvailable || ipxAvailable || tcpipAvailable) return; M_PrintWhite ((320/2) - ((27*8)/2), 148, "No Communications Available"); } void M_MultiPlayer_Key (int key) { switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Main_f (); break; case K_JOY2: M_Menu_Main_f (); break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); if (++m_multiplayer_cursor >= MULTIPLAYER_ITEMS) m_multiplayer_cursor = 0; break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); if (--m_multiplayer_cursor < 0) m_multiplayer_cursor = MULTIPLAYER_ITEMS - 1; break; case K_ENTER: m_entersound = true; switch (m_multiplayer_cursor) { case 0: if (serialAvailable || ipxAvailable || tcpipAvailable) M_Menu_Net_f (); break; case 1: if (serialAvailable || ipxAvailable || tcpipAvailable) M_Menu_Net_f (); break; case 2: M_Menu_Setup_f (); break; } case K_JOY1: m_entersound = true; switch (m_multiplayer_cursor) { case 0: if (serialAvailable || ipxAvailable || tcpipAvailable) M_Menu_Net_f (); break; case 1: if (serialAvailable || ipxAvailable || tcpipAvailable) M_Menu_Net_f (); break; case 2: M_Menu_Setup_f (); break; } } } //============================================================================= /* SETUP MENU */ int setup_cursor = 4; int setup_cursor_table[] = {40, 56, 80, 104, 140}; char setup_hostname[16]; char setup_myname[16]; int setup_oldtop; int setup_oldbottom; int setup_top; int setup_bottom; #define NUM_SETUP_CMDS 5 void M_Menu_Setup_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_setup; m_entersound = true; strcpy(setup_myname, cl_name->string); strcpy(setup_hostname, hostname->string); setup_top = setup_oldtop = ((int)cl_color->value) >> 4; setup_bottom = setup_oldbottom = ((int)cl_color->value) & 15; } void M_Setup_Draw (void) { qpic_t *p; M_DrawPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp") ); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, p); M_Print (64, 40, "Hostname"); M_DrawTextBox (160, 32, 16, 1); M_Print (168, 40, setup_hostname); M_Print (64, 56, "Your name"); M_DrawTextBox (160, 48, 16, 1); M_Print (168, 56, setup_myname); M_Print (64, 80, "Shirt color"); M_Print (64, 104, "Pants color"); M_DrawTextBox (64, 140-8, 14, 1); M_Print (72, 140, "Accept Changes"); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/bigbox.lmp"); M_DrawPic (160, 64, p); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/menuplyr.lmp"); M_BuildTranslationTable(setup_top*16, setup_bottom*16); M_DrawPicTranslate (172, 72, p); M_DrawCharacter (56, setup_cursor_table [setup_cursor], 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); if (setup_cursor == 0) M_DrawCharacter (168 + 8*strlen(setup_hostname), setup_cursor_table [setup_cursor], 10+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); if (setup_cursor == 1) M_DrawCharacter (168 + 8*strlen(setup_myname), setup_cursor_table [setup_cursor], 10+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); } void M_Setup_Key (int k) { int l; switch (k) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (); break; case K_JOY2: M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (); break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); setup_cursor--; if (setup_cursor < 0) setup_cursor = NUM_SETUP_CMDS-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); setup_cursor++; if (setup_cursor >= NUM_SETUP_CMDS) setup_cursor = 0; break; case K_LEFTARROW: if (setup_cursor < 2) return; S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND3); if (setup_cursor == 2) setup_top = setup_top - 1; if (setup_cursor == 3) setup_bottom = setup_bottom - 1; break; case K_RIGHTARROW: if (setup_cursor < 2) return; forward: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND3); if (setup_cursor == 2) setup_top = setup_top + 1; if (setup_cursor == 3) setup_bottom = setup_bottom + 1; break; case K_ENTER: if (setup_cursor == 0 || setup_cursor == 1) return; if (setup_cursor == 2 || setup_cursor == 3) goto forward; // setup_cursor == 4 (OK) if (strcmp(cl_name->string, setup_myname) != 0) Cbuf_AddText ( va ("name \"%s\"\n", setup_myname) ); if (strcmp(hostname->string, setup_hostname) != 0) Cvar_Set(hostname, setup_hostname); if (setup_top != setup_oldtop || setup_bottom != setup_oldbottom) Cbuf_AddText( va ("color %i %i\n", setup_top, setup_bottom) ); m_entersound = true; M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (); break; case K_JOY1: if (setup_cursor == 0 || setup_cursor == 1) return; if (setup_cursor == 2 || setup_cursor == 3) goto forward; // setup_cursor == 4 (OK) if (strcmp(cl_name->string, setup_myname) != 0) Cbuf_AddText ( va ("name \"%s\"\n", setup_myname) ); if (strcmp(hostname->string, setup_hostname) != 0) Cvar_Set(hostname, setup_hostname); if (setup_top != setup_oldtop || setup_bottom != setup_oldbottom) Cbuf_AddText( va ("color %i %i\n", setup_top, setup_bottom) ); m_entersound = true; M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (); break; case K_BACKSPACE: if (setup_cursor == 0) { if (strlen(setup_hostname)) setup_hostname[strlen(setup_hostname)-1] = 0; } if (setup_cursor == 1) { if (strlen(setup_myname)) setup_myname[strlen(setup_myname)-1] = 0; } break; default: if (k < 32 || k > 127) break; if (setup_cursor == 0) { l = strlen(setup_hostname); if (l < 15) { setup_hostname[l+1] = 0; setup_hostname[l] = k; } } if (setup_cursor == 1) { l = strlen(setup_myname); if (l < 15) { setup_myname[l+1] = 0; setup_myname[l] = k; } } } if (setup_top > 13) setup_top = 0; if (setup_top < 0) setup_top = 13; if (setup_bottom > 13) setup_bottom = 0; if (setup_bottom < 0) setup_bottom = 13; } //============================================================================= /* NET MENU */ int m_net_cursor; int m_net_items; int m_net_saveHeight; char *net_helpMessage [] = { /* .........1.........2.... */ " ", " Two computers connected", " through two modems. ", " ", " ", " Two computers connected", " by a null-modem cable. ", " ", " Novell network LANs ", " or Windows 95 DOS-box. ", " ", "(LAN=Local Area Network)", " Commonly used to play ", " over the Internet, but ", " also used on a Local ", " Area Network. " }; void M_Menu_Net_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_net; m_entersound = true; m_net_items = 4; if (m_net_cursor >= m_net_items) m_net_cursor = 0; m_net_cursor--; M_Net_Key (K_DOWNARROW); } void M_Net_Draw (void) { int f; qpic_t *p; M_DrawPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp") ); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, p); f = 32; if (serialAvailable) { p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/netmen1.lmp"); } else { p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/dim_modm.lmp"); // leilei - dim the modem thing. } if (p) M_DrawPic (72, f, p); f += 19; if (serialAvailable) { p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/netmen2.lmp"); } else { p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/dim_drct.lmp"); } if (p) M_DrawPic (72, f, p); f += 19; if (ipxAvailable) p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/netmen3.lmp"); else p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/dim_ipx.lmp"); M_DrawPic (72, f, p); f += 19; if (tcpipAvailable) p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/netmen4.lmp"); else p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/dim_tcp.lmp"); M_DrawPic (72, f, p); if (m_net_items == 5) // JDC, could just be removed { f += 19; p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/netmen5.lmp"); M_DrawPic (72, f, p); } f = (320-26*8)/2; M_DrawTextBox (f, 134, 24, 4); M_Print (f, 142, net_helpMessage[m_net_cursor*4+0]); M_Print (f, 150, net_helpMessage[m_net_cursor*4+1]); M_Print (f, 158, net_helpMessage[m_net_cursor*4+2]); M_Print (f, 166, net_helpMessage[m_net_cursor*4+3]); // 2001-10-20 TIMESCALE extension by Tomaz/Maddes start f = (int)(realtime * 10)%6; // 2001-10-20 TIMESCALE extension by Tomaz/Maddes end M_DrawPic (54, 32 + m_net_cursor * 20,Draw_CachePic( va("gfx/menudot%i.lmp", f+1 ) ) ); } void M_Net_Key (int k) { again: switch (k) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (); break; case K_JOY2: M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (); break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); if (++m_net_cursor >= m_net_items) m_net_cursor = 0; break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); if (--m_net_cursor < 0) m_net_cursor = m_net_items - 1; break; case K_ENTER: m_entersound = true; switch (m_net_cursor) { case 0: M_Menu_SerialConfig_f (); break; case 1: M_Menu_SerialConfig_f (); break; case 2: M_Menu_LanConfig_f (); break; case 3: M_Menu_LanConfig_f (); break; case 4: // multiprotocol break; } case K_JOY1: m_entersound = true; switch (m_net_cursor) { case 0: M_Menu_SerialConfig_f (); break; case 1: M_Menu_SerialConfig_f (); break; case 2: M_Menu_LanConfig_f (); break; case 3: M_Menu_LanConfig_f (); break; case 4: // multiprotocol break; } } if (m_net_cursor == 0 && !serialAvailable) goto again; if (m_net_cursor == 1 && !serialAvailable) goto again; if (m_net_cursor == 2 && !ipxAvailable) goto again; if (m_net_cursor == 3 && !tcpipAvailable) goto again; } //============================================================================= /* OPTIONS MENU */ #define SLIDER_RANGE 10 //int options_cursor; // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes void M_Menu_Options_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_options; m_entersound = true; // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes start current_menu = m_menu_options; current_cursor = &options_cursor; } void M_DrawSlider (int x, int y, float range) { int i; if (range < 0) range = 0; if (range > 1) range = 1; M_DrawCharacter (x-8, y, 128); for (i=0 ; i 665) M_Print (x, y, "you're evil"); else if (on > 96) M_Print (x, y, "thats too much"); else if (on > 80) M_Print (x, y, "you monster"); else if (on > 64) M_Print (x, y, "get out"); else if (on > 48) M_Print (x, y, "insane"); else if (on > 24) M_Print (x, y, "you're ill"); else M_Print (x, y, "original"); } void M_DrawCheckboxLoad (int x, int y, int on) { if (on == 1) M_Print (x, y, "some"); else if (on == 2) M_Print (x, y, "always"); else if (on == 3) M_Print (x, y, "too much"); else M_Print (x, y, "none"); } void M_DrawCheckboxDeathcam (int x, int y, int on) { if (on == 1) M_Print (x, y, "yes"); else if (on == 2) M_Print (x, y, "arena"); else if (on == 3) M_Print (x, y, "tournament"); else if (on == 4) M_Print (x, y, "a shame"); else M_Print (x, y, "no"); } void M_DrawCheckboxAspect (int x, int y, int on) { if (on == 1) M_Print (x, y, "hor+ Qspasm"); else if (on == 2) M_Print (x, y, "hor+ MH"); else if (on == 3) M_Print (x, y, "idunnolol"); else if (on == 4) M_Print (x, y, "what"); else M_Print (x, y, "vert-"); } void M_DrawCheckboxVirtual (int x, int y, int on) { if (on == 1) M_Print (x, y, "low"); else if (on == 2) M_Print (x, y, "medium"); else M_Print (x, y, "high"); } void M_DrawCheckboxCLight (int x, int y, int on) { if (on == 1) M_Print (x, y, "low"); else if (on == 2) M_Print (x, y, "medium"); else if (on == 3) M_Print (x, y, "high"); else M_Print (x, y, "off"); } void M_DrawCheckboxBobmodel (int x, int y, int on) { if (on == 1) M_Print (x, y, "arc"); else if (on == 3) M_Print (x, y, "fig. 8"); else if (on == 4) M_Print (x, y, "subtl 8"); else if (on == 5) M_Print (x, y, "ads"); else if (on == 6) M_Print (x, y, "ads 2"); else if (on == 7) M_Print (x, y, "6"); else if (on == 8) M_Print (x, y, "7"); else if (on == 9) M_Print (x, y, "8"); else if (on == 10) M_Print (x, y, "9"); else if (on == 2) M_Print (x, y, "arc 2"); else M_Print (x, y, "thrust"); } void M_DrawCheckboxDetail (int x, int y, int on) { if (on == 1) M_Print (x, y, "medium"); else if (on == 2) M_Print (x, y, "low"); else if (on == 3) M_Print (x, y, "lowest"); else M_Print (x, y, "high"); } void M_DrawCheckboxWblend (int x, int y, int on) { if (on == 1) M_Print (x, y, "additive"); else if (on == 2) M_Print (x, y, "multiply"); else if (on == 3) M_Print (x, y, "tint"); else M_Print (x, y, "alpha"); } void M_DrawCheckboxSmode (int x, int y, int on) { if (on == 1) M_Print (x, y, "2x2"); else if (on == 2) M_Print (x, y, "2x1"); else if (on == 3) M_Print (x, y, "1x2"); else M_Print (x, y, "1x1"); } int M_DrawFunction (menu_definition_t *menu_definition, int y) { float r; switch (menu_definition->funcno) { // Options menu case MENU_CUSTOMIZE_CONTROLS: M_Print (16, y, " Customize controls"); y += 8; break; case MENU_CUSTOMIZE_CONTROLS2: M_Print (16, y, " Extra Controls"); y += 8; break; case MENU_GO_TO_CONSOLE: M_Print (16, y, " Go to console"); y += 8; break; case MENU_LOAD_DEFAULT_CFG: M_PrintWhite (16, y, " Reset to defaults"); y += 8; break; case MENU_VIDEO_RESOLUTION: M_Print (16, y, " Video Resolution"); y += 8; break; // Control options menu case MENU_CONTROL_OPTIONS: M_Print (16, y, " Control options"); y += 8; break; case MENU_MOUSESPEED: M_Print (16, y, " Mouse Speed"); r = (sensitivity->value - 1)/10; M_DrawSlider (220, y, r); y += 8; break; case MENU_ALWAYS_RUN: M_Print (16, y, " Always Run"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, cl_forwardspeed->value > 200); y += 8; break; case MENU_LOOKSPRING: M_Print (16, y, " Lookspring"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, lookspring->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_LOOKSTRAFE: M_Print (16, y, " Lookstrafe"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, lookstrafe->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_MOUSELOOK: M_Print (16, y, " Mouselook"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, m_look->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_INVERT_MOUSE: M_Print (16, y, " Invert Mouse"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, m_pitch->value < 0); y += 8; break; #ifdef _WIN32 case MENU_USE_MOUSE: M_Print (16, y, " Use Mouse"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, _windowed_mouse->value); y += 8; break; #endif // Sound options menu case MENU_SOUND_OPTIONS: M_Print (16, y, " Sound options"); y += 8; break; case MENU_CD_VOLUME: M_Print (16, y, " CD Music Volume"); r = bgmvolume->value; M_DrawSlider (220, y, r); y += 8; break; case MENU_MIDI_VOLUME: #ifndef linux M_Print (16, y, " MIDI Music Volume"); #else M_Print (16, y, " Tracker Volume"); #endif r = midivolume->value; M_DrawSlider (220, y, r); y += 8; break; case MENU_SOUND_VOLUME: M_Print (16, y, " Sound Volume"); r = volume->value; M_DrawSlider (220, y, r); y += 8; break; #ifndef BENCH case MENU_SOUND_PITCH: M_Print (16, y, " Pitch Variancy"); r = (s_pitchin->value)/2; M_DrawSlider (220, y, r); y += 8; break; #endif // External data menu case MENU_EXTERNAL_DATA: M_Print (16, y, " External data"); y += 8; break; case MENU_EXTERNAL_ENT: M_Print (16, y, " Entity data"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, external_ent->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_EXTERNAL_VIS: M_Print (16, y, " Visibility data"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, external_vis->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_EXTERNAL_LIT: M_Print (16, y, " Colored Light"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, external_lit->value); y += 8; break; // Client options menu case MENU_CLIENT_OPTIONS: M_Print (16, y, " Client options"); y += 8; break; case MENU_CL_ENTITIES_MIN: M_Print (16, y, " Min. normal ents"); M_Print (220, y, va("%i", (int)cl_entities_min->value)); y += 8; break; case MENU_CL_ENTITIES_TEMP_MIN: M_Print (16, y, " Min. temp ents"); M_Print (220, y, va("%i", (int)cl_entities_min_temp->value)); y += 8; break; case MENU_CL_ENTITIES_STATIC_MIN: M_Print (16, y, " Min. static ents"); M_Print (220, y, va("%i", (int)cl_entities_min_static->value)); y += 8; break; case MENU_CL_COMPATIBILITY: M_Print (16, y, " Client Compatibility"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, cl_compatibility->value); y += 8; M_Print (16, y, " (for demo recording)"); y += 8; break; // Server options menu case MENU_SERVER_OPTIONS: M_Print (16, y, " Server options"); y += 8; break; case MENU_SV_ENTITIES: M_Print (16, y, " Normal ents"); M_Print (220, y, va("%i", (int)sv_entities->value)); y += 8; break; case MENU_SV_ENTITIES_TEMP: M_Print (16, y, " Temp ents"); M_Print (220, y, va("%i", (int)sv_entities_temp->value)); y += 8; break; case MENU_SV_ENTITIES_STATIC: M_Print (16, y, " Static ents"); M_Print (220, y, va("%i", (int)sv_entities_static->value)); y += 8; break; case MENU_SV_ENTITIES_COPY_TO_CL: M_Print (16, y, " ent setup to client"); y += 8; break; case MENU_PR_ZONE_MIN_STRINGS: M_Print (16, y, " String zone in KB"); M_Print (220, y, va("%i", (int)pr_zone_min_strings->value)); y += 8; break; case MENU_BUILTIN_REMAP: M_Print (16, y, " Builtin Remapping"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, pr_builtin_remap->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_SV_COMPATIBILITY: M_Print (16, y, " Server Compatibility"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, sv_compatibility->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_NVS_ENABLE: M_Print (16, y, " Enhanced SVC (BETA)"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, nvs_svc_enable->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_INTERNAL_OPTIONS: M_Print (16, y, " Advanced options"); y += 8; break; // Video options menu case MENU_VIDEO_OPTIONS: M_Print (16, y, " Video options"); y += 8; break; case MENU_VIEW_OPTIONS: M_Print (16, y, " View options"); y += 8; break; case MENU_COLORMAP_OPTIONS: M_Print (16, y, " Shading Options"); y += 8; break; case MENU_BRIGHTNESS: M_Print (16, y, " Brightness"); r = (1.0 - v_gamma->value) / 0.5; M_DrawSlider (220, y, r); y += 8; break; case MENU_CONTRAST: M_Print (16, y, " Intensity"); r = (v_contrast->value - 1) / 2; M_DrawSlider (220, y, r); y += 8; break; case MENU_SATURATION: M_Print (16, y, " Color"); r = (v_saturation->value) / 3; M_DrawSlider (220, y, r); y += 8; break; case MENU_BLOODLEVEL: M_Print (16, y, " Violence Level"); r = (r_particleblood->value) / 16; //M_DrawSlider (220, y, r); M_DrawCheckboxBlood2 (220, y, r_particleblood->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_WATERQUALITY: M_Print (16, y, " Water Refractions"); r = (r_waterquality->value); M_DrawCheckboxWaterQuality (220, y, r_waterquality->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_CON_ALPHA: M_Print (16, y, " Console alpha"); r = (1.0 - con_alpha->value); M_DrawSlider (220, y, r); y += 8; break; case MENU_WATERALPHA: M_Print (16, y, " Water Opacity"); r = (r_wateralpha->value); M_DrawSlider (220, y, r); y += 8; break; case MENU_COLOR: M_Print (16, y, " Menu Fade Color"); r = (r_menucolor->value)/16; M_DrawSlider (220, y, r); y += 8; break; case MENU_COLORED: M_Print (16, y, " Colored Lighting"); M_DrawCheckboxCLight (220, y, r_coloredlights->value); //M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_coloredlights->value); y += 8; break; #ifdef _WIN32 case MENU_STRETCHMODE: M_Print (16, y, " Video Stretch Mode"); M_DrawCheckboxSmode (220, y, vid_stretch_by_2->value); y += 8; break; #endif case MENU_COLOREDDYNS: M_Print (16, y, " Colored dynlights"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_coloreddyns->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_OVERBRIGHT: M_Print (16, y, " Overbright Models"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_overbrightmdl->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_SCREENSCALE: M_Print (16, y, " Graphics Scale"); r = (scr_scale->value - 1)/ 3; M_DrawSlider (220, y, r); y += 8; break; case MENU_RETROSCALE: M_Print (16, y, " Automatic Scaling"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, scr_retroscale->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_OLDSTATBAR: M_Print (16, y, " Draw HUD"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, cl_sbar->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_SPRAY: M_Print (16, y, " spray particles"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_particlespray->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_BLOODHACK: M_Print (16, y, " blood level"); M_DrawCheckboxBlood (220, y, r_particleblood->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_PARTICLESET: M_Print (16, y, " particle set"); M_DrawCheckboxPset (220, y, r_particleset->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_LOWDETAIL: M_Print (16, y, " virtual resolution"); M_DrawCheckboxVirtual (220, y, r_virtualmode->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_LOWWORLD: M_Print (16, y, " fast lighting"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_lowworld->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_FILTERING: M_Print (16, y, " texture filtering"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_filter->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_DITHERING: M_Print (16, y, " dithering"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_dither->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_SHADOWHACK: M_Print (16, y, " model shadows"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_shadowhack->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_DYNAMIC: M_Print (16, y, " dynamic lights"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_dynamic->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_MUZZLEBLEND: M_Print (16, y, " muzzleflash blend"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_muzzlehack->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_SHINYGRAYS: M_Print (16, y, " chrome metal"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_shinygrays->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_LOWMODELS: M_Print (16, y, " The Worst Models !"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_lowmodels->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_LERPMODELS: M_Print (16, y, " Model Interpolation"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_lerpmodels->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_TRANQUALITY: M_Print (16, y, " HQ Water Lookup"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_tranquality->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_MIPDETAIL: M_Print (16, y, " Texture Detail"); M_DrawCheckboxDetail (220, y, d_mipdetail->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_ALPHASHIFT: M_Print (16, y, " Alpha Colorshift"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_alphashift->value); y += 8; break; #ifndef BENCH case MENU_CLASSICSPAT: M_Print (16, y, " Old Attenuation"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, s_oldspatial->value); y += 8; break; #endif case MENU_LIGHTQUALITY: M_Print (16, y, " HQ Colored Lighting"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_lightquality->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_SHADEDITHER: M_Print (16, y, " Dithered Shading"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_shadedither->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_SHADING: M_Print (16, y, " Model Shading"); M_DrawCheckboxShading (220, y, r_shading->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_CON_HEIGHT: M_Print (16, y, " Console height"); r = scr_conheight->value; M_DrawSlider (220, y, r); y += 8; break; case MENU_PARTICLESPRITES: M_Print (16, y, " Particle Sprites"); r = (r_particlesprite->value)/2; M_DrawCheckboxPsprites (220, y, r_particlesprite->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_FLAMEHACK: M_Print (16, y, " Modify Fires"); r = (r_flamehack->value)/2; M_DrawCheckboxFlamehack (220, y, r_flamehack->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_FLARES: M_Print (16, y, " Light Corona Flares"); r = (r_flares->value)/2; M_DrawCheckboxFlares (220, y, r_flares->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_WATERBLEND: M_Print (16, y, " Water Blend Mode"); r = (r_waterblend->value)/3; M_DrawCheckboxWblend (220, y, r_waterblend->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_SHOW_FPS: M_Print (16, y, " Show FPS"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, cl_showfps->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_OVERBRIGHTS: M_Print (16, y, " Overbrights"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_overbrightBits->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_FULLBRIGHTS: M_Print (16, y, " Fullbrights"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, r_fullbrights->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_REVERT_COLORMAP: M_Print (16, y, " Revert Colormap"); y += 8; break; case MENU_BOBMODEL: M_Print (16, y, " Weapon Bob Method"); M_DrawCheckboxBobmodel (220, y, cl_bobmodel->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_LEANMODEL: M_Print (16, y, " Weapon Leaning"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, cl_leanmodel->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_FOLLOWMODEL: M_Print (16, y, " Weapon Following"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, cl_followmodel->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_GUNDRAW: M_Print (16, y, " Weapon Drawing"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, cl_gundraw->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_GUNHOLD: M_Print (16, y, " Fall Bobbing"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, cl_bobfall->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_UNDERWATER: M_Print (16, y, " Underwater Pitch"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, s_underwater->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_PLAYERDEATH: M_Print (16, y, " Quiet Deaths"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, s_playerdeath->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_GIBBURST: M_Print (16, y, " Gib sounds Gush"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, s_gibs->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_BLOODBURST: M_Print (16, y, " Blood sounds"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, s_blood->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_STANDSTILL: M_Print (16, y, " 'standstill' mode"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, sv_standstill->value); y += 8; break; #ifdef GLQUAKE case MENU_GL_MAXDEPTH: M_Print (16, y, " Max. draw depth"); M_Print (220, y, va("%i", (int)gl_maxdepth->value)); y += 8; break; #endif case MENU_AUTOSAVER: M_Print (16, y, " Autosaver"); M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, autosaver->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_LOADSCREEN: M_Print (16, y, " Loading Screen"); M_DrawCheckboxLoad (220, y, loadscreen->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_DEATHCAM: M_Print (16, y, " Death Camera"); M_DrawCheckboxDeathcam (220, y, cl_diecam->value); y += 8; break; case MENU_ASPECT: M_Print (16, y, " Aspect Method"); M_DrawCheckboxAspect (220, y, scr_aspectmode->value); y += 8; break; default: M_Print (16, y, " Unknown function"); y += 8; break; } return y; } void M_Menu_DrawCheck(menu_definition_t *menu_definition) { int i; menu_first_index = menu_last_index = 0; i = 1; while (menu_definition[i].funcno != 0) { // adjust ignore flag to current situation switch (menu_definition[i].funcno) { #ifdef _WIN32 case MENU_USE_MOUSE: // only present in windowed mode on Win32 if (modestate == MS_WINDOWED) menu_definition[i].type = MENU_SELECTABLE; // full usage else menu_definition[i].type = MENU_INVISIBLE; // ignore completely break; #endif case MENU_VIDEO_RESOLUTION: if (vid_menudrawfn) menu_definition[i].type = MENU_SELECTABLE; // full usage else menu_definition[i].type = MENU_INVISIBLE; // ignore completely break; } // find first and last valid index if (menu_definition[i].type == MENU_SELECTABLE) // selectable { if (menu_first_index == 0) menu_first_index = i; menu_last_index = i; } i++; } } void M_Menu_Draw (menu_definition_t *menu_definition, int *current_index) { qpic_t *p; int i, last_valid_index; int y; // Adjust ignore flags to current situation M_Menu_DrawCheck(menu_definition); // check selection for cursor drawing if (*current_index < menu_first_index) { *current_index = menu_first_index; } else if (*current_index > menu_last_index) { *current_index = menu_last_index; } else { last_valid_index = 0; i = 1; while (menu_definition[i].funcno != 0) { // check cursor if (menu_definition[i].type == MENU_SELECTABLE) // selectable { last_valid_index = i; if (*current_index == 0) // nothing choosen, then use first valid selection *current_index = i; } else if (i == *current_index) // incorrect selection, jump back to last valid selection *current_index = last_valid_index; i++; } } // Left side plaque and title if (menu_definition[0].type) { switch (menu_definition[0].type) { case MENU_OPTIONS: M_DrawPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp") ); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_option.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, p); break; } } // display menu with cursor y = 32; i = 1; while (menu_definition[i].funcno != 0) { if (menu_definition[i].type != MENU_INVISIBLE) // drawable menu point { if (i == *current_index) // draw cursor M_DrawCharacter (200, y, 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); y = M_DrawFunction(&menu_definition[i], y); } i++; } } void M_ExecFunction (menu_definition_t *menu_definition, int key) { qboolean m_changesound; int dir; // determine direction for sliders dir = 0; switch (key) { case K_RIGHTARROW: case K_JOY1: case K_ENTER: dir = 1; break; case K_LEFTARROW: dir = -1; break; } // execute function m_changesound = false; switch (menu_definition->funcno) { case MENU_MAIN: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = NULL; M_Menu_Main_f (); } break; // Options menu case MENU_OPTIONS: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = m_menu_options; current_cursor = &options_cursor; m_entersound = true; } break; case MENU_CUSTOMIZE_CONTROLS: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = NULL; M_Menu_Keys_f (); } break; case MENU_CUSTOMIZE_CONTROLS2: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = NULL; M_Menu_Keys_f2 (); } break; case MENU_GO_TO_CONSOLE: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = NULL; m_state = m_none; Con_ToggleConsole_f (); } break; case MENU_LOAD_DEFAULT_CFG: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 ) { Cbuf_AddText ("exec default.cfg\n"); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_VIDEO_RESOLUTION: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1|| key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = NULL; M_Menu_Video_f (); } break; // Control options menu case MENU_CONTROL_OPTIONS: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = m_menu_control_options; current_cursor = &control_options_cursor; m_entersound = true; } break; case MENU_MOUSESPEED: if (dir != 0) { sensitivity->value += dir * 0.5; if (sensitivity->value < 1) sensitivity->value = 1; if (sensitivity->value > 11) sensitivity->value = 11; Cvar_SetValue (sensitivity, sensitivity->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_ALWAYS_RUN: if (dir != 0) { if (cl_forwardspeed->value > 200) { Cvar_Set (cl_forwardspeed, "200"); Cvar_Set (cl_backspeed, "200"); } else { Cvar_Set (cl_forwardspeed, "400"); Cvar_Set (cl_backspeed, "400"); } m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_LOOKSPRING: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (lookspring, !lookspring->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_LOOKSTRAFE: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (lookstrafe, !lookstrafe->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_MOUSELOOK: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (m_look, !m_look->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_INVERT_MOUSE: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (m_pitch, -m_pitch->value); m_changesound = true; } break; #ifdef _WIN32 case MENU_USE_MOUSE: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (_windowed_mouse, !_windowed_mouse->value); m_changesound = true; } break; #endif // Sound options menu case MENU_SOUND_OPTIONS: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = m_menu_sound_options; current_cursor = &sound_options_cursor; m_entersound = true; } break; case MENU_BROKEN_OPTIONS: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = m_menu_broken_options; current_cursor = &sound_options_cursor; m_entersound = true; } break; case MENU_COLORMAP_OPTIONS: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = m_menu_colormap_options; current_cursor = &sound_options_cursor; m_entersound = true; } break; case MENU_CD_VOLUME: if (dir != 0) { #ifdef _WIN32 bgmvolume->value += dir * 1.0; #else bgmvolume->value += dir * 0.1; #endif if (bgmvolume->value < 0) bgmvolume->value = 0; if (bgmvolume->value > 1) bgmvolume->value = 1; Cvar_SetValue (bgmvolume, bgmvolume->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_MIDI_VOLUME: if (dir != 0) { midivolume->value += dir * 0.1; if (midivolume->value < 0) midivolume->value = 0; if (midivolume->value > 1) midivolume->value = 1; Cvar_SetValue (midivolume, midivolume->value); #ifndef BENCH MIDI_Update(); #endif m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_SOUND_VOLUME: if (dir != 0) { volume->value += dir * 0.1; if (volume->value < 0) volume->value = 0; if (volume->value > 1) volume->value = 1; Cvar_SetValue (volume, volume->value); m_changesound = true; } break; #ifndef BENCH case MENU_SOUND_PITCH: if (dir != 0) { s_pitchin->value += dir * 0.1; if (s_pitchin->value < 0) s_pitchin->value = 0; if (s_pitchin->value > 2) s_pitchin->value = 2; Cvar_SetValue (s_pitchin, s_pitchin->value); m_changesound = true; } break; #endif // External data menu case MENU_EXTERNAL_DATA: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = m_menu_external_data; current_cursor = &external_data_cursor; m_entersound = true; } break; case MENU_EXTERNAL_ENT: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (external_ent, !external_ent->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_EXTERNAL_VIS: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (external_vis, !external_vis->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_EXTERNAL_LIT: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (external_lit, !external_lit->value); m_changesound = true; } break; // Client options menu case MENU_CLIENT_OPTIONS: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = m_menu_client_options; current_cursor = &client_options_cursor; m_entersound = true; } break; case MENU_CL_ENTITIES_MIN: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (cl_entities_min, cl_entities_min->value + dir * 50); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_CL_ENTITIES_TEMP_MIN: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (cl_entities_min_temp, cl_entities_min_temp->value + dir * 32); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_CL_ENTITIES_STATIC_MIN: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (cl_entities_min_static, cl_entities_min_static->value + dir * 32); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_CL_COMPATIBILITY: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (cl_compatibility, !cl_compatibility->value); m_changesound = true; } break; // Server options menu case MENU_SERVER_OPTIONS: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = m_menu_server_options; current_cursor = &server_options_cursor; m_entersound = true; } break; case MENU_SV_ENTITIES: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (sv_entities, sv_entities->value + dir * 50); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_SV_ENTITIES_TEMP: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (sv_entities_temp, sv_entities_temp->value + dir * 32); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_SV_ENTITIES_STATIC: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (sv_entities_static, sv_entities_static->value + dir * 32); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_SV_ENTITIES_COPY_TO_CL: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1) { Cvar_SetValue (cl_entities_min, sv_entities->value); Cvar_SetValue (cl_entities_min_temp, sv_entities_temp->value); Cvar_SetValue (cl_entities_min_static, sv_entities_static->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_PR_ZONE_MIN_STRINGS: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (pr_zone_min_strings, pr_zone_min_strings->value + dir * 32); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_BUILTIN_REMAP: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (pr_builtin_remap, !pr_builtin_remap->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_SV_COMPATIBILITY: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (sv_compatibility, !sv_compatibility->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_NVS_ENABLE: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (nvs_svc_enable, !nvs_svc_enable->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_INTERNAL_OPTIONS: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = m_menu_internal_options; current_cursor = &internal_options_cursor; m_entersound = true; } break; // Video options menu case MENU_VIDEO_OPTIONS: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = m_menu_video_options; current_cursor = &video_options_cursor; m_entersound = true; } break; // View options menu case MENU_VIEW_OPTIONS: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE) { current_menu = m_menu_view_options; current_cursor = &view_options_cursor; m_entersound = true; } break; case MENU_BRIGHTNESS: if (dir != 0) { v_gamma->value -= dir * 0.05; if (v_gamma->value < 0.5) v_gamma->value = 0.5; if (v_gamma->value > 1) v_gamma->value = 1; Cvar_SetValue (v_gamma, v_gamma->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_CONTRAST: if (dir != 0) { v_contrast->value += dir * 0.2; if (v_contrast->value < 1) v_contrast->value = 1; if (v_contrast->value > 3) v_contrast->value = 3; Cvar_SetValue (v_contrast, v_contrast->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_SATURATION: if (dir != 0) { v_saturation->value += dir * 0.2; if (v_saturation->value < 0) v_saturation->value = 0; if (v_saturation->value > 3) v_saturation->value = 3; Cvar_SetValue (v_saturation, v_saturation->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_BLOODLEVEL: if (dir != 0) { r_particleblood->value += dir * 4; if (r_particleblood->value < -4) r_particleblood->value = -4; if (r_particleblood->value > 16) r_particleblood->value = 16; Cvar_SetValue (r_particleblood, r_particleblood->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_WATERQUALITY: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_waterquality, !r_waterquality->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_CON_ALPHA: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (con_alpha, con_alpha->value - dir * 0.1); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_WATERALPHA: if (dir != 0) { r_wateralpha->value += dir * 0.05; if (r_wateralpha->value < 0) r_wateralpha->value = 0; if (r_wateralpha->value > 1) r_wateralpha->value = 1; Cvar_SetValue (r_wateralpha, r_wateralpha->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_REVERT_COLORMAP: if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1) { ColormapForceLoad(); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_COLOR: if (dir != 0) { r_menucolor->value += dir * 1; if (r_menucolor->value < 0) r_menucolor->value = 0; if (r_menucolor->value > 15) r_menucolor->value = 15; Cvar_SetValue (r_menucolor, r_menucolor->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_WATERBLEND: if (dir != 0) { r_waterblend->value += dir * 1; if (r_waterblend->value < 0) r_waterblend->value = 3; if (r_waterblend->value > 3) r_waterblend->value = 0; Cvar_SetValue (r_waterblend, r_waterblend->value); m_changesound = true; } break; #ifdef _WIN32 case MENU_STRETCHMODE: if (dir != 0) { vid_stretch_by_2->value += dir * 1; if (vid_stretch_by_2->value < 0) vid_stretch_by_2->value = 3; if (vid_stretch_by_2->value > 3) vid_stretch_by_2->value = 0; Cvar_SetValue (vid_stretch_by_2, vid_stretch_by_2->value); m_changesound = true; } break; #endif case MENU_COLORED: if (dir != 0) { r_coloredlights->value += dir * 1; if (r_coloredlights->value < 0) r_coloredlights->value = 3; if (r_coloredlights->value > 3) r_coloredlights->value = 0; Cvar_SetValue (r_coloredlights, r_coloredlights->value); m_changesound = true; } break; #ifndef GLQUAKE case MENU_OVERBRIGHT: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_overbrightmdl, !r_overbrightmdl->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_MIPDETAIL: if (dir != 0) { d_mipdetail->value += dir * 1; if (d_mipdetail->value < 0) d_mipdetail->value = 3; if (d_mipdetail->value > 3) d_mipdetail->value = 0; Cvar_SetValue (d_mipdetail, d_mipdetail->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_SCREENSCALE: if (dir != 0) { scr_scale->value += dir * 1; if (scr_scale->value < 1) scr_scale->value = 1; if (scr_scale->value > 4) scr_scale->value = 4; Cvar_SetValue (scr_scale, scr_scale->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_RETROSCALE: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (scr_retroscale, !scr_retroscale->value); m_changesound = true; } break; #endif case MENU_SPRAY: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_particlespray, !r_particlespray->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_BLOODHACK: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_particleblood, !r_particleblood->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_PARTICLESET: if (dir != 0) { r_particleset->value += dir * 1; if (r_particleset->value < 0) r_particleset->value = 3; if (r_particleset->value > 3) r_particleset->value = 0; Cvar_SetValue (r_particleset, r_particleset->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_FLAMEHACK: if (dir != 0) { r_flamehack->value += dir * 1; if (r_flamehack->value < 0) r_flamehack->value = 3; if (r_flamehack->value > 3) r_flamehack->value = 0; Cvar_SetValue (r_flamehack, r_flamehack->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_FLARES: if (dir != 0) { r_flares->value += dir * 1; if (r_flares->value < 0) r_flares->value = 2; if (r_flares->value > 2) r_flares->value = 0; Cvar_SetValue (r_flares, r_flares->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_PARTICLESPRITES: if (dir != 0) { r_particlesprite->value += dir * 1; if (r_particlesprite->value < 0) r_particlesprite->value = 2; if (r_particlesprite->value > 2) r_particlesprite->value = 0; Cvar_SetValue (r_particlesprite, r_particlesprite->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_LOADSCREEN: if (dir != 0) { loadscreen->value += dir * 1; if (loadscreen->value < 0) loadscreen->value = 2; if (loadscreen->value > 2) loadscreen->value = 0; Cvar_SetValue (loadscreen, loadscreen->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_DEATHCAM: if (dir != 0) { cl_diecam->value += dir * 1; if (cl_diecam->value < 0) cl_diecam->value = 4; if (cl_diecam->value > 4) cl_diecam->value = 0; Cvar_SetValue (cl_diecam, cl_diecam->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_ASPECT: if (dir != 0) { scr_aspectmode->value += dir * 1; vid.recalc_refdef = 1; if (scr_aspectmode->value < 0) scr_aspectmode->value = 2; if (scr_aspectmode->value > 2) scr_aspectmode->value = 0; Cvar_SetValue (scr_aspectmode, scr_aspectmode->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_BOBMODEL: if (dir != 0) { cl_bobmodel->value += dir * 1; if (cl_bobmodel->value < 0) cl_bobmodel->value = 4; if (cl_bobmodel->value > 4) cl_bobmodel->value = 0; Cvar_SetValue (cl_bobmodel, cl_bobmodel->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_LEANMODEL: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (cl_leanmodel, !cl_leanmodel->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_FOLLOWMODEL: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (cl_followmodel, !cl_followmodel->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_GUNDRAW: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (cl_gundraw, !cl_gundraw->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_GUNHOLD: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (cl_bobfall, !cl_bobfall->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_COLOREDDYNS: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_coloreddyns, !r_coloreddyns->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_OVERBRIGHTS: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_overbrightBits, !r_overbrightBits->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_FULLBRIGHTS: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_fullbrights, !r_fullbrights->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_UNDERWATER: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (s_underwater, !s_underwater->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_GIBBURST: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (s_gibs, !s_gibs->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_BLOODBURST: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (s_blood, !s_blood->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_PLAYERDEATH: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (s_playerdeath, !s_playerdeath->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_STANDSTILL: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (sv_standstill, !sv_standstill->value); m_changesound = true; } break; #ifndef GLQUAKE case MENU_LOWDETAIL: if (dir != 0) { r_virtualmode->value += dir * 1; if (r_virtualmode->value < 0) r_virtualmode->value = 2; if (r_virtualmode->value > 2) r_virtualmode->value = 0; Cvar_SetValue (r_virtualmode, r_virtualmode->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_SHADING: if (dir != 0) { r_shading->value += dir * 1; if (r_shading->value < 0) r_shading->value = 2; if (r_shading->value > 2) r_shading->value = 0; Cvar_SetValue (r_shading, r_shading->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_LOWWORLD: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_lowworld, !r_lowworld->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_FILTERING: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_filter, !r_filter->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_DITHERING: // obsolete if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_dither, !r_dither->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_SHADOWHACK: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_shadowhack, !r_shadowhack->value); shadowhack = r_shadowhack->value; m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_DYNAMIC: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_dynamic, !r_dynamic->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_MUZZLEBLEND: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_muzzlehack, !r_muzzlehack->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_SHINYGRAYS: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_shinygrays, !r_shinygrays->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_LOWMODELS: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_lowmodels, !r_lowmodels->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_LIGHTQUALITY: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_lightquality, !r_lightquality->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_SHADEDITHER: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_shadedither, !r_shadedither->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_TRANQUALITY: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_tranquality, !r_tranquality->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_AUTOSAVER: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (autosaver, !autosaver->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_ALPHASHIFT: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_alphashift, !r_alphashift->value); m_changesound = true; } break; #endif case MENU_OLDSTATBAR: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (cl_sbar, !cl_sbar->value); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_LERPMODELS: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (r_lerpmodels, !r_lerpmodels->value); m_changesound = true; } break; #ifndef BENCH case MENU_CLASSICSPAT: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (s_oldspatial, !s_oldspatial->value); m_changesound = true; } break; #endif case MENU_CON_HEIGHT: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (scr_conheight, scr_conheight->value + dir * 0.1); m_changesound = true; } break; case MENU_SHOW_FPS: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (cl_showfps, !cl_showfps->value); m_changesound = true; } break; #ifdef GLQUAKE case MENU_GL_MAXDEPTH: if (dir != 0) { Cvar_SetValue (gl_maxdepth, gl_maxdepth->value + dir * 256); m_changesound = true; } break; #endif } if (m_changesound) { S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND3); } } void M_Menu_Key (menu_definition_t *menu_definition, int *current_index, int key) { qboolean m_movesound; m_movesound = false; switch (key) { case K_UPARROW: case K_DOWNARROW: if (menu_first_index != 0 && menu_first_index != menu_last_index) { int dir; int old_index; if (key == K_UPARROW) { dir = -1; } else { dir = 1; } old_index = *current_index; do { *current_index += dir; if (*current_index < menu_first_index) { *current_index = menu_last_index; } else if (*current_index > menu_last_index) { *current_index = menu_first_index; } } while (menu_definition[*current_index].type != MENU_SELECTABLE); if (*current_index != old_index) { m_movesound = true; } } break; case K_ESCAPE: M_ExecFunction(&menu_definition[0], key); break; default: if (*current_index > 0) { M_ExecFunction(&menu_definition[*current_index], key); } } if (m_movesound) { S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); } } // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes start //============================================================================= /* KEYS MENU */ // more usefull menu bindings ~eukara char *bindnames[][2] = { {"+attack", "attack"}, {"impulse 10", "next weapon"}, {"impulse 12", "previous weapon"}, {"+forward", "walk forward"}, {"+back", "backpedal"}, {"+moveleft", "step left"}, {"+moveright", "step right"}, {"+left", "turn left"}, {"+right", "turn right"}, {"+jump", "jump"}, {"+speed", "run/walk"}, {"+lookup", "look up"}, {"+lookdown", "look down"}, {"+strafe", "sidestep"}, {"centerview", "center view"}, {"+moveup", "move up"}, {"+movedown", "move down"}, {"messagemode", "chat"}, {"pause", "pause"}, {"screenshot", "screenshot"}, {"toggleconsole", "toggle console"}, }; char *extrabinds[][2] = { {"+use", "use"}, {"impulse 9", "cheat"}, {"disconnect", "disconnect"} }; void InitCustomKeyList (void) { loadedfile_t *fileinfo; // leilei - custom key bind thing lists fileinfo = COM_LoadHunkFile ("keys.lst"); if (!fileinfo) { Con_Printf ("couldn't load keys.lst! Custom binds not available."); return; } } /* =============== Cmd_Exec_f =============== void Cmd_Exec_f (void) { char *f; int mark; loadedfile_t *fileinfo; // 2001-09-12 Returning information about loaded file by Maddes if (Cmd_Argc () != 2) { Con_Printf ("exec : execute a script file\n"); return; } mark = Hunk_LowMark (); // 2001-09-12 Returning information about loaded file by Maddes start f = (char *)COM_LoadHunkFile (Cmd_Argv(1)); if (!f) fileinfo = COM_LoadHunkFile (Cmd_Argv(1)); if (!fileinfo) // 2001-09-12 Returning information about loaded file by Maddes end { Con_Printf ("couldn't exec %s\n",Cmd_Argv(1)); return; } f = (char *)fileinfo->data; // 2001-09-12 Returning information about loaded file by Maddes Con_Printf ("execing %s\n",Cmd_Argv(1)); Cbuf_InsertText (f); Hunk_FreeToLowMark (mark); } */ #define NUMCOMMANDS (sizeof(bindnames)/sizeof(bindnames[0])) #define KEYS_SIZE 14 int NUMCOMMANDS2; int keys_cursor; int keys_top = 0; int bind_grab; void M_Menu_Keys_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_keys; m_entersound = true; } void M_Menu_Keys_f2 (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_keys2; m_entersound = true; } void M_FindKeysForCommand (char *command, int *twokeys) { int count; int j; int l; char *b; twokeys[0] = twokeys[1] = -1; l = strlen(command); count = 0; for (j=0 ; j<256 ; j++) { b = keybindings[j]; if (!b) continue; if (!strncmp (b, command, l) ) { twokeys[count] = j; count++; if (count == 2) break; } } } void M_UnbindCommand (char *command) { int j; int l; char *b; l = strlen(command); for (j=0 ; j<256 ; j++) { b = keybindings[j]; if (!b) continue; if (!strncmp (b, command, l) ) Key_SetBinding (j, ""); } } void M_Keys_Draw (void) { int i; //, l // 2001-12-10 Reduced compiler warnings by Jeff Ford int keys[2]; char *name; int x, y; qpic_t *p; p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/ttl_cstm.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, p); if (keys_top) M_Print (6, 80, "-"); if (keys_top + KEYS_SIZE < (int)NUMCOMMANDS) M_Print (6, 80 + ((KEYS_SIZE-1)*8), "+"); // search for known bindings for (i = 0; i < KEYS_SIZE; i++) { y = 80 + 8*i; M_Print (16, y, bindnames[i+keys_top][1]); M_FindKeysForCommand (bindnames[i+keys_top][0], keys); if (keys[0] == -1) { M_Print (140, y, "???"); } else { name = Key_KeynumToString (keys[0]); M_Print (140, y, name); x = strlen(name) * 8; if (keys[1] != -1) { M_Print (140 + x + 8, y, "or"); M_Print (140 + x + 32, y, Key_KeynumToString (keys[1])); } } } if (bind_grab) { M_Print (12, 64, "Press a key or button for this action"); M_DrawCharacter (130, 80 + (keys_cursor-keys_top)*8, '='); } else { M_Print (18, 64, "Enter to change, backspace to clear"); M_DrawCharacter (130, 80 + (keys_cursor-keys_top)*8, 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); } } // For mods void M_Keys_Draw2 (void) { int i; int keys[2]; char *name; int x, y; qpic_t *p; NUMCOMMANDS2 = (sizeof(extrabinds)/sizeof(extrabinds[0])); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/ttl_cstm.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, p); if (bind_grab) M_Print (12, 32, "Press a key or button for this action"); else M_Print (18, 32, "Enter to change, backspace to clear"); // search for known bindings for (i=0 ; i= NUMCOMMANDS) keys_cursor = 0; break; case K_JOY1: case K_ENTER: // go into bind mode M_FindKeysForCommand (bindnames[keys_cursor][0], keys); S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND2); if (keys[1] != -1) M_UnbindCommand (bindnames[keys_cursor][0]); bind_grab = true; break; case K_BACKSPACE: // delete bindings case K_DEL: // delete bindings S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND2); M_UnbindCommand (bindnames[keys_cursor][0]); break; } if (keys_cursor < keys_top) keys_top = keys_cursor; else if (keys_cursor >= keys_top+KEYS_SIZE) keys_top = keys_cursor - KEYS_SIZE + 1; } void M_Keys_Key2 (int k) { char cmd[80]; int keys[2]; if (bind_grab) { // defining a key S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); if (k == K_ESCAPE) { bind_grab = false; } else if (k != '`') { sprintf (cmd, "bind \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", Key_KeynumToString (k), extrabinds[keys_cursor][0]); Cbuf_InsertText (cmd); } bind_grab = false; return; } switch (k) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Options_f (); break; case K_LEFTARROW: case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); keys_cursor--; if (keys_cursor < 0) keys_cursor = NUMCOMMANDS2-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); keys_cursor++; if (keys_cursor >= NUMCOMMANDS2) keys_cursor = 0; break; case K_ENTER: // go into bind mode M_FindKeysForCommand (extrabinds[keys_cursor][0], keys); S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND2); if (keys[1] != -1) M_UnbindCommand (extrabinds[keys_cursor][0]); bind_grab = true; break; case K_BACKSPACE: // delete bindings case K_DEL: // delete bindings S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND2); M_UnbindCommand (extrabinds[keys_cursor][0]); break; } } //============================================================================= /* VIDEO MENU */ void M_Menu_Video_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_video; m_entersound = true; } void M_Video_Draw (void) { (*vid_menudrawfn) (); } void M_Video_Key (int key) { (*vid_menukeyfn) (key); } //============================================================================= /* HELP MENU */ int help_page; #define NUM_HELP_PAGES 6 void M_Menu_Help_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_help; m_entersound = true; help_page = 0; } void M_Help_Draw (void) { M_DrawPic (0, 0, Draw_CachePic ( va("gfx/help%i.lmp", help_page)) ); } void M_Help_Key (int key) { switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Main_f (); break; case K_UPARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: m_entersound = true; if (++help_page >= NUM_HELP_PAGES) help_page = 0; break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_LEFTARROW: m_entersound = true; if (--help_page < 0) help_page = NUM_HELP_PAGES-1; break; } } //============================================================================= /* QUIT MENU */ int msgNumber; int m_quit_prevstate; qboolean wasInMenus; //#ifndef _WIN32 #ifndef PROTO char *quitMessage [] = { /* .........1.........2.... */ " Are you gonna quit ", " this game just like ", " everything else? ", " ", " Milord, methinks that ", " thou art a lowly ", " quitter. Is this true? ", " ", " Do I need to bust your ", " face open for trying ", " to quit? ", " ", " Man, I oughta smack you", " for trying to quit! ", " Press Y to get ", " smacked out. ", " Press Y to quit like a ", " big loser in life. ", " Press N to stay proud ", " and successful! ", " If you press Y to ", " quit, I will summon ", " Satan all over your ", " hard drive! ", " Um, Asmodeus dislikes ", " his children trying to ", " quit. Press Y to return", " to your Tinkertoys. ", " If you quit now, I'll ", " throw a blanket-party ", " for you next time! ", " " }; #else char *quitMessage [] = { /* .........1.........2.... */ " Why are you leaving me ", " for that cruddy OS ", " you live with?? ", " ", " Ok why don't you just ", " get the heck out of ", " this game you loser. ", " ", " Is this game too coool ", " for your face trying ", " to quit? ", " ", " Man, I oughta poke you", " for trying to quit! ", " Press Y to get ", " poked out. ", " Press Y to quit like a ", " addicted cig smoker. ", " Press N to quit like ", " a big loser in life ", " If you press Y to ", " quit, I will ", " format ntfs on your ", " ext3 partition! ", " IF YOU PRESS y YOU LOS ", " YOUR CHANCES IN WINNING", " A NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", " so prease press N.. ", " ", " GET OUT OF HERE ", " ", " " }; #endif //#endif void M_Menu_Quit_f (void) { if (m_state == m_quit) return; wasInMenus = (key_dest == key_menu); key_dest = key_menu; m_quit_prevstate = m_state; m_state = m_quit; m_entersound = true; msgNumber = rand()&7; VID_HandlePause(false); } void M_Quit_Key (int key) { switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: case 'n': case 'N': if (wasInMenus) { m_state = m_quit_prevstate; m_entersound = true; } else { key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; } break; case 'Y': case 'y': key_dest = key_console; Host_Quit_f (); break; default: break; } } void M_Quit_Draw (void) { if (wasInMenus) { m_state = m_quit_prevstate; m_recursiveDraw = true; M_Draw (); m_state = m_quit; } if (menu_quitscreen->value == 1){ M_DrawTextBox (0, 0, 38, 23); M_PrintWhite (16, 12, " Quake version 1.09 by id Software\n\n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 28, "Programming Art \n"); M_Print (16, 36, " John Carmack Adrian Carmack\n"); M_Print (16, 44, " Michael Abrash Kevin Cloud\n"); M_Print (16, 52, " John Cash Paul Steed\n"); M_Print (16, 60, " Dave 'Zoid' Kirsch\n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 68, "Design Biz\n"); M_Print (16, 76, " John Romero Jay Wilbur\n"); M_Print (16, 84, " Sandy Petersen Mike Wilson\n"); M_Print (16, 92, " American McGee Donna Jackson\n"); M_Print (16, 100, " Tim Willits Todd Hollenshead\n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 108, "Support Projects\n"); M_Print (16, 116, " Barrett Alexander Shawn Green\n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 124, "Sound Effects\n"); M_Print (16, 132, " Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails\n\n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 140, "Quake is a trademark of Id Software,\n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 148, "inc., (c)1996 Id Software, inc. All\n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 156, "rights reserved. NIN logo is a\n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 164, "registered trademark licensed to\n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 172, "Nothing Interactive, Inc. All rights\n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 180, "reserved. Press y to exit\n"); } else if (menu_quitscreen->value == 2){ M_DrawTextBox (0, 0, 38, 23); M_PrintWhite (16, 12, " ENGOO version 2.70 \n\n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 28, " \n"); M_Print (16, 36, " Based on QIP Engine by Maddes and \n"); M_Print (16, 44, " \n"); M_Print (16, 52, " \n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 60, " Programming by \n"); M_Print (16, 68, " leilei \n"); M_Print (16, 76, " \n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 84, " LOTS of HELP from \n"); M_Print (16, 92, " LordHavoc - Lighting\n"); M_Print (16, 100, " Spike - Memory\n"); M_Print (16, 108, " Fitz - Fog\n"); M_Print (16, 116, " Qbism - Optimizations\n"); M_Print (16, 124, " Mankrip - Optimizations\n"); M_Print (16, 132, " Andrewj - Dithering\n"); M_Print (16, 140, " Tomaz - Snow/Rain and Bots\n"); M_Print (16, 148, " MH - Vid code /interpol\n"); M_Print (16, 156, " Siggi - 2D Scaling\n"); M_Print (16, 164, " Taniwha - Aspect\n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 172, " This engine is licensed under the\n"); M_PrintWhite (16, 180, " GNU GPL v2. Read COPYING for more.\n"); } else // old classic dos version threats { M_DrawTextBox (56, 76, 24, 4); M_Print (64, 84, quitMessage[msgNumber*4+0]); M_Print (64, 92, quitMessage[msgNumber*4+1]); M_Print (64, 100, quitMessage[msgNumber*4+2]); M_Print (64, 108, quitMessage[msgNumber*4+3]); } } void M_Quit_Draw_Credits (void) { if (wasInMenus) { m_state = m_quit_prevstate; m_recursiveDraw = true; M_Draw (); m_state = m_quit; } //#ifdef _WIN32 //ndif } //============================================================================= /* SERIAL CONFIG MENU */ int serialConfig_cursor; int serialConfig_cursor_table[] = {48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 132}; #define NUM_SERIALCONFIG_CMDS 6 static int ISA_uarts[] = {0x3f8,0x2f8,0x3e8,0x2e8}; static int ISA_IRQs[] = {4,3,4,3}; int serialConfig_baudrate[] = {9600,14400,19200,28800,38400,57600}; int serialConfig_comport; int serialConfig_irq ; int serialConfig_baud; char serialConfig_phone[16]; void M_Menu_SerialConfig_f (void) { int n; int port; int baudrate; qboolean useModem; key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_serialconfig; m_entersound = true; if (JoiningGame && SerialConfig) serialConfig_cursor = 4; else serialConfig_cursor = 5; (*GetComPortConfig) (0, &port, &serialConfig_irq, &baudrate, &useModem); // map uart's port to COMx for (n = 0; n < 4; n++) if (ISA_uarts[n] == port) break; if (n == 4) { n = 0; serialConfig_irq = 4; } serialConfig_comport = n + 1; // map baudrate to index for (n = 0; n < 6; n++) if (serialConfig_baudrate[n] == baudrate) break; if (n == 6) n = 5; serialConfig_baud = n; m_return_onerror = false; m_return_reason[0] = 0; } void M_SerialConfig_Draw (void) { qpic_t *p; int basex; char *startJoin; char *directModem; M_DrawPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp") ); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); basex = (320-p->width)/2; M_DrawPic (basex, 4, p); if (StartingGame) startJoin = "New Game"; else startJoin = "Join Game"; if (SerialConfig) directModem = "Modem"; else directModem = "Direct Connect"; M_Print (basex, 32, va ("%s - %s", startJoin, directModem)); basex += 8; M_Print (basex, serialConfig_cursor_table[0], "Port"); M_DrawTextBox (160, 40, 4, 1); M_Print (168, serialConfig_cursor_table[0], va("COM%u", serialConfig_comport)); M_Print (basex, serialConfig_cursor_table[1], "IRQ"); M_DrawTextBox (160, serialConfig_cursor_table[1]-8, 1, 1); M_Print (168, serialConfig_cursor_table[1], va("%u", serialConfig_irq)); M_Print (basex, serialConfig_cursor_table[2], "Baud"); M_DrawTextBox (160, serialConfig_cursor_table[2]-8, 5, 1); M_Print (168, serialConfig_cursor_table[2], va("%u", serialConfig_baudrate[serialConfig_baud])); if (SerialConfig) { M_Print (basex, serialConfig_cursor_table[3], "Modem Setup..."); if (JoiningGame) { M_Print (basex, serialConfig_cursor_table[4], "Phone number"); M_DrawTextBox (160, serialConfig_cursor_table[4]-8, 16, 1); M_Print (168, serialConfig_cursor_table[4], serialConfig_phone); } } if (JoiningGame) { M_DrawTextBox (basex, serialConfig_cursor_table[5]-8, 7, 1); M_Print (basex+8, serialConfig_cursor_table[5], "Connect"); } else { M_DrawTextBox (basex, serialConfig_cursor_table[5]-8, 2, 1); M_Print (basex+8, serialConfig_cursor_table[5], "OK"); } M_DrawCharacter (basex-8, serialConfig_cursor_table [serialConfig_cursor], 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); if (serialConfig_cursor == 4) M_DrawCharacter (168 + 8*strlen(serialConfig_phone), serialConfig_cursor_table [serialConfig_cursor], 10+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); if (*m_return_reason) M_PrintWhite (basex, 148, m_return_reason); } void M_SerialConfig_Key (int key) { int l; switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Net_f (); break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); serialConfig_cursor--; if (serialConfig_cursor < 0) serialConfig_cursor = NUM_SERIALCONFIG_CMDS-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); serialConfig_cursor++; if (serialConfig_cursor >= NUM_SERIALCONFIG_CMDS) serialConfig_cursor = 0; break; case K_LEFTARROW: if (serialConfig_cursor > 2) break; S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND3); if (serialConfig_cursor == 0) { serialConfig_comport--; if (serialConfig_comport == 0) serialConfig_comport = 4; serialConfig_irq = ISA_IRQs[serialConfig_comport-1]; } if (serialConfig_cursor == 1) { serialConfig_irq--; if (serialConfig_irq == 6) serialConfig_irq = 5; if (serialConfig_irq == 1) serialConfig_irq = 7; } if (serialConfig_cursor == 2) { serialConfig_baud--; if (serialConfig_baud < 0) serialConfig_baud = 5; } break; case K_RIGHTARROW: if (serialConfig_cursor > 2) break; forward: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND3); if (serialConfig_cursor == 0) { serialConfig_comport++; if (serialConfig_comport > 4) serialConfig_comport = 1; serialConfig_irq = ISA_IRQs[serialConfig_comport-1]; } if (serialConfig_cursor == 1) { serialConfig_irq++; if (serialConfig_irq == 6) serialConfig_irq = 7; if (serialConfig_irq == 8) serialConfig_irq = 2; } if (serialConfig_cursor == 2) { serialConfig_baud++; if (serialConfig_baud > 5) serialConfig_baud = 0; } break; case K_ENTER: if (serialConfig_cursor < 3) goto forward; m_entersound = true; if (serialConfig_cursor == 3) { (*SetComPortConfig) (0, ISA_uarts[serialConfig_comport-1], serialConfig_irq, serialConfig_baudrate[serialConfig_baud], SerialConfig); M_Menu_ModemConfig_f (); break; } if (serialConfig_cursor == 4) { serialConfig_cursor = 5; break; } // serialConfig_cursor == 5 (OK/CONNECT) (*SetComPortConfig) (0, ISA_uarts[serialConfig_comport-1], serialConfig_irq, serialConfig_baudrate[serialConfig_baud], SerialConfig); M_ConfigureNetSubsystem (); if (StartingGame) { M_Menu_GameOptions_f (); break; } m_return_state = m_state; m_return_onerror = true; key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; if (SerialConfig) Cbuf_AddText (va ("connect \"%s\"\n", serialConfig_phone)); else Cbuf_AddText ("connect\n"); break; case K_BACKSPACE: if (serialConfig_cursor == 4) { if (strlen(serialConfig_phone)) serialConfig_phone[strlen(serialConfig_phone)-1] = 0; } break; default: if (key < 32 || key > 127) break; if (serialConfig_cursor == 4) { l = strlen(serialConfig_phone); if (l < 15) { serialConfig_phone[l+1] = 0; serialConfig_phone[l] = key; } } } if (DirectConfig && (serialConfig_cursor == 3 || serialConfig_cursor == 4)) { // 1999-12-24 explicit brackets by Maddes if (key == K_UPARROW) serialConfig_cursor = 2; else serialConfig_cursor = 5; } // 1999-12-24 explicit brackets by Maddes if (SerialConfig && StartingGame && serialConfig_cursor == 4) { // 1999-12-24 explicit brackets by Maddes if (key == K_UPARROW) serialConfig_cursor = 3; else serialConfig_cursor = 5; } // 1999-12-24 explicit brackets by Maddes } //============================================================================= /* MODEM CONFIG MENU */ int modemConfig_cursor; int modemConfig_cursor_table [] = {40, 56, 88, 120, 156}; #define NUM_MODEMCONFIG_CMDS 5 char modemConfig_dialing; char modemConfig_clear [16]; char modemConfig_init [32]; char modemConfig_hangup [16]; void M_Menu_ModemConfig_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_modemconfig; m_entersound = true; (*GetModemConfig) (0, &modemConfig_dialing, modemConfig_clear, modemConfig_init, modemConfig_hangup); } void M_ModemConfig_Draw (void) { qpic_t *p; int basex; M_DrawPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp") ); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); basex = (320-p->width)/2; M_DrawPic (basex, 4, p); basex += 8; if (modemConfig_dialing == 'P') M_Print (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[0], "Pulse Dialing"); else M_Print (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[0], "Touch Tone Dialing"); M_Print (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[1], "Clear"); M_DrawTextBox (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[1]+4, 16, 1); M_Print (basex+8, modemConfig_cursor_table[1]+12, modemConfig_clear); if (modemConfig_cursor == 1) M_DrawCharacter (basex+8 + 8*strlen(modemConfig_clear), modemConfig_cursor_table[1]+12, 10+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); M_Print (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[2], "Init"); M_DrawTextBox (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[2]+4, 30, 1); M_Print (basex+8, modemConfig_cursor_table[2]+12, modemConfig_init); if (modemConfig_cursor == 2) M_DrawCharacter (basex+8 + 8*strlen(modemConfig_init), modemConfig_cursor_table[2]+12, 10+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); M_Print (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[3], "Hangup"); M_DrawTextBox (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[3]+4, 16, 1); M_Print (basex+8, modemConfig_cursor_table[3]+12, modemConfig_hangup); if (modemConfig_cursor == 3) M_DrawCharacter (basex+8 + 8*strlen(modemConfig_hangup), modemConfig_cursor_table[3]+12, 10+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); M_DrawTextBox (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[4]-8, 2, 1); M_Print (basex+8, modemConfig_cursor_table[4], "OK"); M_DrawCharacter (basex-8, modemConfig_cursor_table [modemConfig_cursor], 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); } void M_ModemConfig_Key (int key) { int l; switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_SerialConfig_f (); break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); modemConfig_cursor--; if (modemConfig_cursor < 0) modemConfig_cursor = NUM_MODEMCONFIG_CMDS-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); modemConfig_cursor++; if (modemConfig_cursor >= NUM_MODEMCONFIG_CMDS) modemConfig_cursor = 0; break; case K_LEFTARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: if (modemConfig_cursor == 0) { if (modemConfig_dialing == 'P') modemConfig_dialing = 'T'; else modemConfig_dialing = 'P'; S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); } break; case K_ENTER: if (modemConfig_cursor == 0) { if (modemConfig_dialing == 'P') modemConfig_dialing = 'T'; else modemConfig_dialing = 'P'; m_entersound = true; } if (modemConfig_cursor == 4) { (*SetModemConfig) (0, va ("%c", modemConfig_dialing), modemConfig_clear, modemConfig_init, modemConfig_hangup); m_entersound = true; M_Menu_SerialConfig_f (); } break; case K_BACKSPACE: if (modemConfig_cursor == 1) { if (strlen(modemConfig_clear)) modemConfig_clear[strlen(modemConfig_clear)-1] = 0; } if (modemConfig_cursor == 2) { if (strlen(modemConfig_init)) modemConfig_init[strlen(modemConfig_init)-1] = 0; } if (modemConfig_cursor == 3) { if (strlen(modemConfig_hangup)) modemConfig_hangup[strlen(modemConfig_hangup)-1] = 0; } break; default: if (key < 32 || key > 127) break; if (modemConfig_cursor == 1) { l = strlen(modemConfig_clear); if (l < 15) { modemConfig_clear[l+1] = 0; modemConfig_clear[l] = key; } } if (modemConfig_cursor == 2) { l = strlen(modemConfig_init); if (l < 29) { modemConfig_init[l+1] = 0; modemConfig_init[l] = key; } } if (modemConfig_cursor == 3) { l = strlen(modemConfig_hangup); if (l < 15) { modemConfig_hangup[l+1] = 0; modemConfig_hangup[l] = key; } } } } //============================================================================= /* LAN CONFIG MENU */ int lanConfig_cursor = -1; int lanConfig_cursor_table [] = {72, 92, 124}; #define NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS 3 int lanConfig_port; char lanConfig_portname[6]; char lanConfig_joinname[22]; void M_Menu_LanConfig_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_lanconfig; m_entersound = true; if (lanConfig_cursor == -1) { if (JoiningGame && TCPIPConfig) lanConfig_cursor = 2; else lanConfig_cursor = 1; } if (StartingGame && lanConfig_cursor == 2) lanConfig_cursor = 1; lanConfig_port = DEFAULTnet_hostport; sprintf(lanConfig_portname, "%u", lanConfig_port); m_return_onerror = false; m_return_reason[0] = 0; } void M_LanConfig_Draw (void) { qpic_t *p; int basex; char *startJoin; char *protocol; M_DrawPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp") ); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); basex = (320-p->width)/2; M_DrawPic (basex, 4, p); if (StartingGame) startJoin = "New Game"; else startJoin = "Join Game"; if (IPXConfig) protocol = "IPX"; else protocol = "TCP/IP"; M_Print (basex, 32, va ("%s - %s", startJoin, protocol)); basex += 8; M_Print (basex, 52, "Address:"); if (IPXConfig) M_Print (basex+9*8, 52, my_ipx_address); else M_Print (basex+9*8, 52, my_tcpip_address); M_Print (basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[0], "Port"); M_DrawTextBox (basex+8*8, lanConfig_cursor_table[0]-8, 6, 1); M_Print (basex+9*8, lanConfig_cursor_table[0], lanConfig_portname); if (JoiningGame) { M_Print (basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[1], "Search for local games..."); M_Print (basex, 108, "Join game at:"); M_DrawTextBox (basex+8, lanConfig_cursor_table[2]-8, 22, 1); M_Print (basex+16, lanConfig_cursor_table[2], lanConfig_joinname); } else { M_DrawTextBox (basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[1]-8, 2, 1); M_Print (basex+8, lanConfig_cursor_table[1], "OK"); } M_DrawCharacter (basex-8, lanConfig_cursor_table [lanConfig_cursor], 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); if (lanConfig_cursor == 0) M_DrawCharacter (basex+9*8 + 8*strlen(lanConfig_portname), lanConfig_cursor_table [0], 10+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); if (lanConfig_cursor == 2) M_DrawCharacter (basex+16 + 8*strlen(lanConfig_joinname), lanConfig_cursor_table [2], 10+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); if (*m_return_reason) M_PrintWhite (basex, 148, m_return_reason); } void M_LanConfig_Key (int key) { int l; switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Net_f (); break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); lanConfig_cursor--; if (lanConfig_cursor < 0) lanConfig_cursor = NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); lanConfig_cursor++; if (lanConfig_cursor >= NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS) lanConfig_cursor = 0; break; case K_ENTER: if (lanConfig_cursor == 0) break; m_entersound = true; M_ConfigureNetSubsystem (); if (lanConfig_cursor == 1) { if (StartingGame) { M_Menu_GameOptions_f (); break; } M_Menu_Search_f(); break; } if (lanConfig_cursor == 2) { m_return_state = m_state; m_return_onerror = true; key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; Cbuf_AddText ( va ("connect \"%s\"\n", lanConfig_joinname) ); break; } break; case K_BACKSPACE: if (lanConfig_cursor == 0) { if (strlen(lanConfig_portname)) lanConfig_portname[strlen(lanConfig_portname)-1] = 0; } if (lanConfig_cursor == 2) { if (strlen(lanConfig_joinname)) lanConfig_joinname[strlen(lanConfig_joinname)-1] = 0; } break; default: if (key < 32 || key > 127) break; if (lanConfig_cursor == 2) { l = strlen(lanConfig_joinname); if (l < 21) { lanConfig_joinname[l+1] = 0; lanConfig_joinname[l] = key; } } if (key < '0' || key > '9') break; if (lanConfig_cursor == 0) { l = strlen(lanConfig_portname); if (l < 5) { lanConfig_portname[l+1] = 0; lanConfig_portname[l] = key; } } } if (StartingGame && lanConfig_cursor == 2) { // 1999-12-24 explicit brackets by Maddes if (key == K_UPARROW) lanConfig_cursor = 1; else lanConfig_cursor = 0; } // 1999-12-24 explicit brackets by Maddes l = Q_atoi(lanConfig_portname); if (l > 65535) l = lanConfig_port; else lanConfig_port = l; sprintf(lanConfig_portname, "%u", lanConfig_port); } //============================================================================= /* GAME OPTIONS MENU */ typedef struct { char *name; char *description; } level_t; level_t levels[] = { {"start", "Entrance"}, // 0 {"e1m1", "Slipgate Complex"}, // 1 {"e1m2", "Castle of the Damned"}, {"e1m3", "The Necropolis"}, {"e1m4", "The Grisly Grotto"}, {"e1m5", "Gloom Keep"}, {"e1m6", "The Door To Chthon"}, {"e1m7", "The House of Chthon"}, {"e1m8", "Ziggurat Vertigo"}, {"e2m1", "The Installation"}, // 9 {"e2m2", "Ogre Citadel"}, {"e2m3", "Crypt of Decay"}, {"e2m4", "The Ebon Fortress"}, {"e2m5", "The Wizard's Manse"}, {"e2m6", "The Dismal Oubliette"}, {"e2m7", "Underearth"}, {"e3m1", "Termination Central"}, // 16 {"e3m2", "The Vaults of Zin"}, {"e3m3", "The Tomb of Terror"}, {"e3m4", "Satan's Dark Delight"}, {"e3m5", "Wind Tunnels"}, {"e3m6", "Chambers of Torment"}, {"e3m7", "The Haunted Halls"}, {"e4m1", "The Sewage System"}, // 23 {"e4m2", "The Tower of Despair"}, {"e4m3", "The Elder God Shrine"}, {"e4m4", "The Palace of Hate"}, {"e4m5", "Hell's Atrium"}, {"e4m6", "The Pain Maze"}, {"e4m7", "Azure Agony"}, {"e4m8", "The Nameless City"}, {"end", "Shub-Niggurath's Pit"}, // 31 {"dm1", "Place of Two Deaths"}, // 32 {"dm2", "Claustrophobopolis"}, {"dm3", "The Abandoned Base"}, {"dm4", "The Bad Place"}, {"dm5", "The Cistern"}, {"dm6", "The Dark Zone"} }; typedef struct { char *description; int firstLevel; int levels; } episode_t; episode_t episodes[] = { {"Welcome to Quake", 0, 1}, {"Doomed Dimension", 1, 8}, {"Realm of Black Magic", 9, 7}, {"Netherworld", 16, 7}, {"The Elder World", 23, 8}, {"Final Level", 31, 1}, {"Deathmatch Arena", 32, 6} }; int startepisode; int startlevel; int maxplayers; qboolean m_serverInfoMessage = false; double m_serverInfoMessageTime; void M_Menu_GameOptions_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_gameoptions; m_entersound = true; // 2000-01-11 Set default maximum clients to 16 instead of 4 by Maddes start // if (maxplayers == 0) if (maxplayers < 2) // 2000-01-11 Set default maximum clients to 16 instead of 4 by Maddes end maxplayers = svs.maxclients; if (maxplayers < 2) maxplayers = svs.maxclientslimit; } int gameoptions_cursor_table[] = {40, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 112, 120}; #define NUM_GAMEOPTIONS 9 int gameoptions_cursor; void M_GameOptions_Draw (void) { qpic_t *p; int x; M_DrawPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp") ); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, p); M_DrawTextBox (152, 32, 10, 1); M_Print (160, 40, "begin game"); M_Print (0, 56, " Max players"); M_Print (160, 56, va("%i", maxplayers) ); M_Print (0, 64, " Game Type"); if (coop->value) M_Print (160, 64, "Cooperative"); else M_Print (160, 64, "Deathmatch"); M_Print (0, 72, " Teamplay"); if (rogue) { char *msg; switch((int)teamplay->value) { case 1: msg = "No Friendly Fire"; break; case 2: msg = "Friendly Fire"; break; case 3: msg = "Tag"; break; case 4: msg = "Capture the Flag"; break; case 5: msg = "One Flag CTF"; break; case 6: msg = "Three Team CTF"; break; default: msg = "Off"; break; } M_Print (160, 72, msg); } else { char *msg; switch((int)teamplay->value) { case 1: msg = "No Friendly Fire"; break; case 2: msg = "Friendly Fire"; break; default: msg = "Off"; break; } M_Print (160, 72, msg); } M_Print (0, 80, " Skill"); if (skill->value == 0) M_Print (160, 80, "Easy difficulty"); else if (skill->value == 1) M_Print (160, 80, "Normal difficulty"); else if (skill->value == 2) M_Print (160, 80, "Hard difficulty"); else M_Print (160, 80, "Nightmare difficulty"); M_Print (0, 88, " Frag Limit"); if (fraglimit->value == 0) M_Print (160, 88, "none"); else M_Print (160, 88, va("%i frags", (int)fraglimit->value)); M_Print (0, 96, " Time Limit"); if (timelimit->value == 0) M_Print (160, 96, "none"); else M_Print (160, 96, va("%i minutes", (int)timelimit->value)); M_Print (0, 112, " Episode"); M_Print (160, 112, episodes[startepisode].description); M_Print (0, 120, " Level"); M_Print (160, 120, levels[episodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].description); M_Print (160, 128, levels[episodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].name); // line cursor M_DrawCharacter (144, gameoptions_cursor_table[gameoptions_cursor], 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); if (m_serverInfoMessage) { if ((realtime - m_serverInfoMessageTime) < 5.0) { x = (320-26*8)/2; M_DrawTextBox (x, 138, 24, 4); x += 8; // 2000-01-11 Set default maximum clients to 16 instead of 4 by Maddes start // M_Print (x, 146, " More than 4 players "); // M_Print (x, 154, " requires using command "); // M_Print (x, 162, "line parameters; please "); M_Print (x, 146, " More players requires "); M_Print (x, 154, " using command line "); M_Print (x, 162, " parameters; please "); // 2000-01-11 Set default maximum clients to 16 instead of 4 by Maddes end M_Print (x, 170, " see techinfo.txt. "); } else { m_serverInfoMessage = false; } } } void M_NetStart_Change (int dir) { int count; switch (gameoptions_cursor) { case 1: maxplayers += dir; if (maxplayers > svs.maxclientslimit) { maxplayers = svs.maxclientslimit; // 2000-01-11 Set default maximum clients to 16 instead of 4 by Maddes start if (svs.maxclientslimit < MAX_SCOREBOARD) { // 2000-01-11 Set default maximum clients to 16 instead of 4 by Maddes end m_serverInfoMessage = true; m_serverInfoMessageTime = realtime; } // 2000-01-11 Set default maximum clients to 16 instead of 4 by Maddes } if (maxplayers < 2) maxplayers = 2; break; case 2: Cvar_Set (coop, coop->value ? "0" : "1"); break; case 3: if (rogue) count = 6; else count = 2; Cvar_SetValue (teamplay, teamplay->value + dir); if (teamplay->value > count) Cvar_Set (teamplay, "0"); else if (teamplay->value < 0) Cvar_SetValue (teamplay, count); break; case 4: Cvar_SetValue (skill, skill->value + dir); if (skill->value > 3) Cvar_Set (skill, "0"); if (skill->value < 0) Cvar_Set (skill, "3"); break; case 5: Cvar_SetValue (fraglimit, fraglimit->value + dir*10); if (fraglimit->value > 100) Cvar_Set (fraglimit, "0"); if (fraglimit->value < 0) Cvar_Set (fraglimit, "100"); break; case 6: Cvar_SetValue (timelimit, timelimit->value + dir*5); if (timelimit->value > 60) Cvar_Set (timelimit, "0"); if (timelimit->value < 0) Cvar_Set (timelimit, "60"); break; case 7: startepisode += dir; if (registered->value) count = 7; else count = 2; if (startepisode < 0) startepisode = count - 1; if (startepisode >= count) startepisode = 0; startlevel = 0; break; case 8: startlevel += dir; count = episodes[startepisode].levels; if (startlevel < 0) startlevel = count - 1; if (startlevel >= count) startlevel = 0; break; } } void M_GameOptions_Key (int key) { switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Net_f (); break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); gameoptions_cursor--; if (gameoptions_cursor < 0) gameoptions_cursor = NUM_GAMEOPTIONS-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); gameoptions_cursor++; if (gameoptions_cursor >= NUM_GAMEOPTIONS) gameoptions_cursor = 0; break; case K_LEFTARROW: if (gameoptions_cursor == 0) break; S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND3); M_NetStart_Change (-1); break; case K_RIGHTARROW: if (gameoptions_cursor == 0) break; S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND3); M_NetStart_Change (1); break; case K_ENTER: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND2); if (gameoptions_cursor == 0) { if (sv.active) Cbuf_AddText ("disconnect\n"); Cbuf_AddText ("listen 0\n"); // so host_netport will be re-examined Cbuf_AddText ( va ("maxplayers %u\n", maxplayers) ); if (loadscreen->value) SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque (); Cbuf_AddText ( va ("map %s\n", levels[episodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].name) ); return; } M_NetStart_Change (1); break; } } //============================================================================= /* SEARCH MENU */ qboolean searchComplete = false; double searchCompleteTime; void M_Menu_Search_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_search; m_entersound = false; slistSilent = true; slistLocal = false; searchComplete = false; NET_Slist_f(); } void M_Search_Draw (void) { qpic_t *p; int x; p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, p); x = (320/2) - ((12*8)/2) + 4; M_DrawTextBox (x-8, 32, 12, 1); M_Print (x, 40, "Searching..."); if(slistInProgress) { NET_Poll(); return; } if (! searchComplete) { searchComplete = true; searchCompleteTime = realtime; } if (hostCacheCount) { M_Menu_ServerList_f (); return; } M_PrintWhite ((320/2) - ((22*8)/2), 64, "No Quake servers found"); if ((realtime - searchCompleteTime) < 3.0) return; M_Menu_LanConfig_f (); } void M_Search_Key (int key) { } //============================================================================= /* SLIST MENU */ int slist_cursor; qboolean slist_sorted; void M_Menu_ServerList_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_slist; m_entersound = true; slist_cursor = 0; m_return_onerror = false; m_return_reason[0] = 0; slist_sorted = false; } void M_ServerList_Draw (void) { int n; char string [64]; qpic_t *p; if (!slist_sorted) { if (hostCacheCount > 1) { int i,j; hostcache_t temp; for (i = 0; i < hostCacheCount; i++) for (j = i+1; j < hostCacheCount; j++) if (strcmp(hostcache[j].name, hostcache[i].name) < 0) { Q_memcpy(&temp, &hostcache[j], sizeof(hostcache_t)); Q_memcpy(&hostcache[j], &hostcache[i], sizeof(hostcache_t)); Q_memcpy(&hostcache[i], &temp, sizeof(hostcache_t)); } } slist_sorted = true; } p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, p); for (n = 0; n < hostCacheCount; n++) { if (hostcache[n].maxusers) sprintf(string, "%-15.15s %-15.15s %2u/%2u\n", hostcache[n].name, hostcache[n].map, hostcache[n].users, hostcache[n].maxusers); else sprintf(string, "%-15.15s %-15.15s\n", hostcache[n].name, hostcache[n].map); M_Print (16, 32 + 8*n, string); } M_DrawCharacter (0, 32 + slist_cursor*8, 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); if (*m_return_reason) M_PrintWhite (16, 148, m_return_reason); } void M_ServerList_Key (int k) { switch (k) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_LanConfig_f (); break; case K_SPACE: M_Menu_Search_f (); break; case K_UPARROW: case K_LEFTARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); slist_cursor--; if (slist_cursor < 0) slist_cursor = hostCacheCount - 1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND1); slist_cursor++; if (slist_cursor >= hostCacheCount) slist_cursor = 0; break; case K_ENTER: S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND2); m_return_state = m_state; m_return_onerror = true; slist_sorted = false; key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; Cbuf_AddText ( va ("connect \"%s\"\n", hostcache[slist_cursor].cname) ); break; default: break; } } // preset functions here, because we declared lots of cvars already. extern cvar_t *r_particletrans; extern cvar_t *r_depthoffield; extern cvar_t *s_underwater; extern cvar_t *cl_bobmodel_side; extern cvar_t *cl_bobmodel_up; extern cvar_t *cl_bobmodel_speed; extern cvar_t *cl_bob; //============================================================================= /* Menu Subsystem */ void M_Init (void) { Cmd_AddCommand ("togglemenu", M_ToggleMenu_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_main", M_Menu_Main_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_singleplayer", M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_load", M_Menu_Load_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_save", M_Menu_Save_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_multiplayer", M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_setup", M_Menu_Setup_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_options", M_Menu_Options_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_keys", M_Menu_Keys_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_keys2", M_Menu_Keys_f2); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_video", M_Menu_Video_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("help", M_Menu_Help_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_quit", M_Menu_Quit_f); menu_quitscreen = Cvar_Get ("menu_quitscreen", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE |CVAR_ORIGINAL); // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes current_cursor = NULL; current_menu = NULL; // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes } void M_Draw (void) { if (m_state == m_none || key_dest != key_menu) return; if (!m_recursiveDraw) { scr_copyeverything = 1; // 2000-01-12 Variable console height by Fett/Maddes start // if (scr_con_current) if (con_forcedup) // 2000-01-12 Variable console height by Fett/Maddes end { Draw_ConsoleBackground (vid.height); VID_UnlockBuffer (); S_ExtraUpdate (); VID_LockBuffer (); } else Draw_FadeScreen (); scr_fullupdate = 0; } else m_recursiveDraw = false; switch (m_state) { case m_none: break; case m_main: M_Main_Draw (); break; case m_singleplayer: M_SinglePlayer_Draw (); break; case m_load: M_Load_Draw (); break; case m_save: M_Save_Draw (); break; case m_multiplayer: M_MultiPlayer_Draw (); break; case m_setup: M_Setup_Draw (); break; case m_net: M_Net_Draw (); break; // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes start /* case m_options: M_Options_Draw (); break; */ // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes end case m_keys: M_Keys_Draw (); break; case m_keys2: M_Keys_Draw2 (); break; // case m_broken: // M_Broken_Draw (); // break; case m_video: M_Video_Draw (); break; case m_help: M_Help_Draw (); break; case m_quit: M_Quit_Draw (); break; case m_serialconfig: M_SerialConfig_Draw (); break; case m_modemconfig: M_ModemConfig_Draw (); break; case m_lanconfig: M_LanConfig_Draw (); break; case m_gameoptions: M_GameOptions_Draw (); break; case m_search: M_Search_Draw (); break; case m_slist: M_ServerList_Draw (); break; // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes start default: M_Menu_Draw(current_menu, current_cursor); break; // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes end } if (m_entersound) { S_LocalSound (MENU_SOUND2); m_entersound = false; } VID_UnlockBuffer (); S_ExtraUpdate (); VID_LockBuffer (); } void M_Keydown (int key) { switch (m_state) { case m_none: return; case m_main: M_Main_Key (key); return; case m_singleplayer: M_SinglePlayer_Key (key); return; case m_load: M_Load_Key (key); return; case m_save: M_Save_Key (key); return; case m_multiplayer: M_MultiPlayer_Key (key); return; case m_setup: M_Setup_Key (key); return; case m_net: M_Net_Key (key); return; // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes start /* case m_options: M_Options_Key (key); return; */ // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes end case m_keys: M_Keys_Key (key); return; case m_keys2: M_Keys_Key2 (key); return; case m_video: M_Video_Key (key); return; case m_help: M_Help_Key (key); return; case m_quit: M_Quit_Key (key); return; case m_serialconfig: M_SerialConfig_Key (key); return; case m_modemconfig: M_ModemConfig_Key (key); return; case m_lanconfig: M_LanConfig_Key (key); return; case m_gameoptions: M_GameOptions_Key (key); return; case m_search: M_Search_Key (key); break; case m_slist: M_ServerList_Key (key); return; // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes start default: M_Menu_Key(current_menu, current_cursor, key); break; // 2002-01-31 New menu system by Maddes end } } void M_ConfigureNetSubsystem(void) { // enable/disable net systems to match desired config Cbuf_AddText ("stopdemo\n"); if (SerialConfig || DirectConfig) { Cbuf_AddText ("com1 enable\n"); } if (IPXConfig || TCPIPConfig) net_hostport = lanConfig_port; }