/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // // surf8.s // x86 assembly-language 8 bpp surface block drawing code. // #ifndef NOASM #include "asm_i386.h" #include "asm.h" #include "asm_draw.h" #if id386 .data sb_v: .long 0 .text .align 4 .globl C(R_Surf8Start) C(R_Surf8Start): //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Surface block drawer for mip level 0 //---------------------------------------------------------------------- .align 4 .globl C(R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip0) C(R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip0): pushl %ebp // preserve caller's stack frame pushl %edi pushl %esi // preserve register variables pushl %ebx // for (v=0 ; v> blockdivshift; // lightrightstep = (lightptr[1] - lightright) >> blockdivshift; // lightdeltastep = ((lightleftstep - lightrightstep) & 0xFFFFF) | // 0xF0000000; movl 4(%ebx),%ecx // lightptr[1] movl (%ebx),%ebx // lightptr[0] subl %eax,%ebx subl %edx,%ecx sarl $4,%ecx orl $0xF0000000,%ebp sarl $4,%ebx movl %ecx,C(lightrightstep) subl %ecx,%ebx andl $0xFFFFF,%ebx orl $0xF0000000,%ebx subl %ecx,%ecx // high word must be 0 in loop for addressing movl %ebx,C(lightdeltastep) subl %ebx,%ebx // high word must be 0 in loop for addressing Lblockloop8_mip0: movl %ebp,C(lightdelta) movb 14(%esi),%cl sarl $4,%ebp movb %dh,%bh movb 15(%esi),%bl addl %ebp,%edx movb %dh,%ch addl %ebp,%edx movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%ah LBPatch0: movb 13(%esi),%bl movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch1: movb 12(%esi),%cl movb %dh,%bh addl %ebp,%edx rorl $16,%eax movb %dh,%ch addl %ebp,%edx movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%ah LBPatch2: movb 11(%esi),%bl movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch3: movb 10(%esi),%cl movl %eax,12(%edi) movb %dh,%bh addl %ebp,%edx movb %dh,%ch addl %ebp,%edx movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%ah LBPatch4: movb 9(%esi),%bl movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch5: movb 8(%esi),%cl movb %dh,%bh addl %ebp,%edx rorl $16,%eax movb %dh,%ch addl %ebp,%edx movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%ah LBPatch6: movb 7(%esi),%bl movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch7: movb 6(%esi),%cl movl %eax,8(%edi) movb %dh,%bh addl %ebp,%edx movb %dh,%ch addl %ebp,%edx movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%ah LBPatch8: movb 5(%esi),%bl movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch9: movb 4(%esi),%cl movb %dh,%bh addl %ebp,%edx rorl $16,%eax movb %dh,%ch addl %ebp,%edx movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%ah LBPatch10: movb 3(%esi),%bl movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch11: movb 2(%esi),%cl movl %eax,4(%edi) movb %dh,%bh addl %ebp,%edx movb %dh,%ch addl %ebp,%edx movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%ah LBPatch12: movb 1(%esi),%bl movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch13: movb (%esi),%cl movb %dh,%bh addl %ebp,%edx rorl $16,%eax movb %dh,%ch movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%ah LBPatch14: movl C(lightright),%edx movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch15: movl C(lightdelta),%ebp movl %eax,(%edi) addl C(sourcetstep),%esi addl C(surfrowbytes),%edi addl C(lightrightstep),%edx addl C(lightdeltastep),%ebp movl %edx,C(lightright) jc Lblockloop8_mip0 // if (pbasesource >= r_sourcemax) // pbasesource -= stepback; cmpl C(r_sourcemax),%esi jb LSkip_mip0 subl C(r_stepback),%esi LSkip_mip0: movl C(r_lightptr),%ebx decl sb_v jnz Lv_loop_mip0 popl %ebx // restore register variables popl %esi popl %edi popl %ebp // restore the caller's stack frame ret //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Surface block drawer for mip level 1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------- .align 4 .globl C(R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip1) C(R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip1): pushl %ebp // preserve caller's stack frame pushl %edi pushl %esi // preserve register variables pushl %ebx // for (v=0 ; v> blockdivshift; // lightrightstep = (lightptr[1] - lightright) >> blockdivshift; // lightdeltastep = ((lightleftstep - lightrightstep) & 0xFFFFF) | // 0xF0000000; movl 4(%ebx),%ecx // lightptr[1] movl (%ebx),%ebx // lightptr[0] subl %eax,%ebx subl %edx,%ecx sarl $3,%ecx orl $0x70000000,%ebp sarl $3,%ebx movl %ecx,C(lightrightstep) subl %ecx,%ebx andl $0xFFFFF,%ebx orl $0xF0000000,%ebx subl %ecx,%ecx // high word must be 0 in loop for addressing movl %ebx,C(lightdeltastep) subl %ebx,%ebx // high word must be 0 in loop for addressing Lblockloop8_mip1: movl %ebp,C(lightdelta) movb 6(%esi),%cl sarl $3,%ebp movb %dh,%bh movb 7(%esi),%bl addl %ebp,%edx movb %dh,%ch addl %ebp,%edx movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%ah LBPatch22: movb 5(%esi),%bl movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch23: movb 4(%esi),%cl movb %dh,%bh addl %ebp,%edx rorl $16,%eax movb %dh,%ch addl %ebp,%edx movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%ah LBPatch24: movb 3(%esi),%bl movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch25: movb 2(%esi),%cl movl %eax,4(%edi) movb %dh,%bh addl %ebp,%edx movb %dh,%ch addl %ebp,%edx movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%ah LBPatch26: movb 1(%esi),%bl movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch27: movb (%esi),%cl movb %dh,%bh addl %ebp,%edx rorl $16,%eax movb %dh,%ch movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%ah LBPatch28: movl C(lightright),%edx movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch29: movl C(lightdelta),%ebp movl %eax,(%edi) movl C(sourcetstep),%eax addl %eax,%esi movl C(surfrowbytes),%eax addl %eax,%edi movl C(lightrightstep),%eax addl %eax,%edx movl C(lightdeltastep),%eax addl %eax,%ebp movl %edx,C(lightright) jc Lblockloop8_mip1 // if (pbasesource >= r_sourcemax) // pbasesource -= stepback; cmpl C(r_sourcemax),%esi jb LSkip_mip1 subl C(r_stepback),%esi LSkip_mip1: movl C(r_lightptr),%ebx decl sb_v jnz Lv_loop_mip1 popl %ebx // restore register variables popl %esi popl %edi popl %ebp // restore the caller's stack frame ret //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Surface block drawer for mip level 2 //---------------------------------------------------------------------- .align 4 .globl C(R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip2) C(R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip2): pushl %ebp // preserve caller's stack frame pushl %edi pushl %esi // preserve register variables pushl %ebx // for (v=0 ; v> blockdivshift; // lightrightstep = (lightptr[1] - lightright) >> blockdivshift; // lightdeltastep = ((lightleftstep - lightrightstep) & 0xFFFFF) | // 0xF0000000; movl 4(%ebx),%ecx // lightptr[1] movl (%ebx),%ebx // lightptr[0] subl %eax,%ebx subl %edx,%ecx sarl $2,%ecx orl $0x30000000,%ebp sarl $2,%ebx movl %ecx,C(lightrightstep) subl %ecx,%ebx andl $0xFFFFF,%ebx orl $0xF0000000,%ebx subl %ecx,%ecx // high word must be 0 in loop for addressing movl %ebx,C(lightdeltastep) subl %ebx,%ebx // high word must be 0 in loop for addressing Lblockloop8_mip2: movl %ebp,C(lightdelta) movb 2(%esi),%cl sarl $2,%ebp movb %dh,%bh movb 3(%esi),%bl addl %ebp,%edx movb %dh,%ch addl %ebp,%edx movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%ah LBPatch18: movb 1(%esi),%bl movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch19: movb (%esi),%cl movb %dh,%bh addl %ebp,%edx rorl $16,%eax movb %dh,%ch movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%ah LBPatch20: movl C(lightright),%edx movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch21: movl C(lightdelta),%ebp movl %eax,(%edi) movl C(sourcetstep),%eax addl %eax,%esi movl C(surfrowbytes),%eax addl %eax,%edi movl C(lightrightstep),%eax addl %eax,%edx movl C(lightdeltastep),%eax addl %eax,%ebp movl %edx,C(lightright) jc Lblockloop8_mip2 // if (pbasesource >= r_sourcemax) // pbasesource -= stepback; cmpl C(r_sourcemax),%esi jb LSkip_mip2 subl C(r_stepback),%esi LSkip_mip2: movl C(r_lightptr),%ebx decl sb_v jnz Lv_loop_mip2 popl %ebx // restore register variables popl %esi popl %edi popl %ebp // restore the caller's stack frame ret //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Surface block drawer for mip level 3 //---------------------------------------------------------------------- .align 4 .globl C(R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip3) C(R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip3): pushl %ebp // preserve caller's stack frame pushl %edi pushl %esi // preserve register variables pushl %ebx // for (v=0 ; v> blockdivshift; // lightrightstep = (lightptr[1] - lightright) >> blockdivshift; // lightdeltastep = ((lightleftstep - lightrightstep) & 0xFFFFF) | // 0xF0000000; movl 4(%ebx),%ecx // lightptr[1] movl (%ebx),%ebx // lightptr[0] subl %eax,%ebx subl %edx,%ecx sarl $1,%ecx sarl $1,%ebx movl %ecx,C(lightrightstep) subl %ecx,%ebx andl $0xFFFFF,%ebx sarl $1,%ebp orl $0xF0000000,%ebx movl %ebx,C(lightdeltastep) subl %ebx,%ebx // high word must be 0 in loop for addressing movb 1(%esi),%bl subl %ecx,%ecx // high word must be 0 in loop for addressing movb %dh,%bh movb (%esi),%cl addl %ebp,%edx movb %dh,%ch movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%al LBPatch16: movl C(lightright),%edx movb %al,1(%edi) movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch17: movb %al,(%edi) movl C(sourcetstep),%eax addl %eax,%esi movl C(surfrowbytes),%eax addl %eax,%edi movl C(lightdeltastep),%eax movl C(lightdelta),%ebp movb (%esi),%cl addl %eax,%ebp movl C(lightrightstep),%eax sarl $1,%ebp addl %eax,%edx movb %dh,%bh movb 1(%esi),%bl addl %ebp,%edx movb %dh,%ch movb 0x12345678(%ebx),%al LBPatch30: movl C(sourcetstep),%edx movb %al,1(%edi) movb 0x12345678(%ecx),%al LBPatch31: movb %al,(%edi) movl C(surfrowbytes),%ebp addl %edx,%esi addl %ebp,%edi // if (pbasesource >= r_sourcemax) // pbasesource -= stepback; cmpl C(r_sourcemax),%esi jb LSkip_mip3 subl C(r_stepback),%esi LSkip_mip3: movl C(r_lightptr),%ebx decl sb_v jnz Lv_loop_mip3 popl %ebx // restore register variables popl %esi popl %edi popl %ebp // restore the caller's stack frame ret .globl C(R_Surf8End) C(R_Surf8End): //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Code patching routines //---------------------------------------------------------------------- .data .align 4 LPatchTable8: .long LBPatch0-4 .long LBPatch1-4 .long LBPatch2-4 .long LBPatch3-4 .long LBPatch4-4 .long LBPatch5-4 .long LBPatch6-4 .long LBPatch7-4 .long LBPatch8-4 .long LBPatch9-4 .long LBPatch10-4 .long LBPatch11-4 .long LBPatch12-4 .long LBPatch13-4 .long LBPatch14-4 .long LBPatch15-4 .long LBPatch16-4 .long LBPatch17-4 .long LBPatch18-4 .long LBPatch19-4 .long LBPatch20-4 .long LBPatch21-4 .long LBPatch22-4 .long LBPatch23-4 .long LBPatch24-4 .long LBPatch25-4 .long LBPatch26-4 .long LBPatch27-4 .long LBPatch28-4 .long LBPatch29-4 .long LBPatch30-4 .long LBPatch31-4 .text .align 4 .globl C(R_Surf8Patch) C(R_Surf8Patch): pushl %ebx movl C(colormap),%eax movl $LPatchTable8,%ebx movl $32,%ecx LPatchLoop8: movl (%ebx),%edx addl $4,%ebx movl %eax,(%edx) decl %ecx jnz LPatchLoop8 popl %ebx ret #endif // id386 #endif