This is a novelty engine running in software mode, aka on your CPU.

This is _not_ a daily-driver Quake engine. This is featurebloat at its finest, to show off what software-rendering can do.
_If you want a stable Quake engine, look elsewhere._ This is testing ground.

This might turn into something mature in the future depending on how much time I have.

Got it running using most of the original stock X11 code.
Everything runs (including fancy water effects) except for a few things:

- No statusbar colours (code seems to segfault, hmm?)
- Won't set the virtual resolution to crap.

Sound is done via OSS, not ALSA (aoss will most likely not work without raping your ears)

Also I wouldn't bother trying to compile this with the original RELEASE ASM compiler optimsations since they seem to mess with the massive lookup table which will in return cause a segmentation fault.

Also the input SUUUUUUUCKKS but that can be fixed.

Carried over soundfixes from reQuiem