/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // nvs_server_data.c // 2000-05-02 NVS SVC by Maddes #include "globaldef.h" /* The conversion tables consist of boolean values, that define which data is send to a client of the corresponding NVS version. The version tables hold a entry for every change in the SVC message. An entry contains the NVS version the change occured, plus its number of data/writes, message size in bytes, pointer to the conversion table. Determining the message size: byte/char/angle = 1 byte short/coord/entity = 2 bytes long = 4 bytes float = 4 bytes string = unknown (assume typical length, e.g. names are 16 bytes + 1 EOS) Now add all send writes for a version together and use the result as the message size. Remember that you only add the writes which are true in corresponding version table line. */ /* ******************************************************************* * S V C M E S S A G E S W I T H O U T S U B M E S S A G E S * ******************************************************************* */ /* SVC_PARTICLE [byte] svc_particle [coord] origin [coord] origin [coord] origin [char] velocity [char] velocity [char] velocity [byte] count [byte] color 1 +2+2+2 +1+1+1 +1 +1 */ qboolean svc_particle_000_conversion[] = { true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true}; msg_version_t svc_particle_versions[] = { {0.00, 9, 12, svc_particle_000_conversion} // 0.0 is end mark of table }; /* SVC_SETANGLE [byte] svc_setangle [byte] angle [byte] angle [byte] angle [float] newangle [float] newangle [float] newangle 1 +1+1+1 +4+4+4 */ qboolean svc_setangle_050_conversion[] = { true, false, false, false, true, true, true }; qboolean svc_setangle_000_conversion[] = { true, true, true, true, false, false, false }; msg_version_t svc_setangle_versions[] = { {0.50, 7, 1+4+4+4, svc_setangle_050_conversion}, {0.00, 4, 1+1+1+1, svc_setangle_000_conversion} // 0.0 is end mark of table }; /* SVC LookUp Table */ msg_lookup_t svc_lookup[] = { {svc_particle, svc_particle_versions}, {svc_setangle, svc_setangle_versions}, {-1, NULL} // -1 is end mark of table }; /* ************************************************************* * S V C M E S S A G E S W I T H S U B M E S S A G E S * ************************************************************* Note: each has it own lookup table */ /* ************************************************* * S V C _ T E M P E N T I T Y M E S S A G E S * ************************************************* */ /* TE_EXPLOSION [byte] svc_temp_entity [byte] te_explosion [coord] x [coord] y [coord] z [coord] red [coord] green [coord] blue [coord] alpha 1+1 +2+2+2 +2+2+2+2 */ qboolean te_explosion_050_conversion[] = {true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true}; qboolean te_explosion_000_conversion[] = {true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false}; msg_version_t te_explosion_versions[] = { {0.50, 9, 1+1+2+2+2+2+2+2+2, te_explosion_050_conversion}, {0.00, 5, 1+1+2+2+2, te_explosion_000_conversion} // 0.0 is end mark of table }; /* SVC_TEMP_ENTITY LookUp Table */ msg_lookup_t te_lookup[] = { {TE_EXPLOSION, te_explosion_versions}, {-1, NULL} // -1 is end mark of table }; // 2001-09-20 Configurable limits by Maddes start /* *************************************** * S V C _ L I M I T M E S S A G E S * *************************************** */ // 2001-09-20 Configurable entity limits by Maddes start /* LIM_ENTITIES [byte] svc_limit [byte] lim_entities [short] edicts [short] static edicts [short] temp edicts 1+1 +2+2+2 */ qboolean lim_entities_000_conversion[] = { true, true, true, true, true}; msg_version_t lim_entities_versions[] = { {0.00, 5, 1+1+2+2+2, lim_entities_000_conversion} // 0.0 is end mark of table // HACK!!! Using version 0.00 for lowest version the // client must now when sending this command on connect }; // 2001-09-20 Configurable entity limits by Maddes end /* SVC_LIMIT LookUp Table */ msg_lookup_t limit_lookup[] = { {LIM_ENTITIES, lim_entities_versions}, // 2001-09-20 Configurable entity limits by Maddes {-1, NULL} // -1 is end mark of table }; // 2001-09-20 Configurable limits by Maddes end /* ******************************************************* * S V C _ E X T R A _ V E R S I O N M E S S A G E S * ******************************************************* */ /* VERSION_TYPE [byte] svc_extra_version [byte] version_type [float] version 1+1 +4 */ /* qboolean version_any_XYY_conversion[] = { true, true, true}; qboolean version_any_000_conversion[] = {false, false, false}; msg_version_t version_any_versions[] = { {X.YY, 3, 1+1+4, version_any_XYY_conversion}, {0.00, 0, 0, version_any_000_conversion}, }; */ /* SVC_EXTRA_VERSION LookUp Table */ msg_lookup_t version_lookup[] = { // {VERSION_TYPE, version_any_versions}, {-1, NULL} // -1 is end mark of table };