From 28f7d24bb8f5325cee0e78fc7ae72a522e8fdf5a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: eukos <>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2015 21:45:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] More compiler optimisations, cleaned menu, ammo and armor
 only display if not NULL.

 Makefile      |   2 +-
 engine/menu.c | 437 ++------------------------------------------------
 engine/sbar.c |   4 +-
 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 427 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8a754f7..615bd97 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ BUILD_RELEASE_DIR=.release
 CC=gcc -m32
 BASE_CFLAGS=-Dstricmp=strcasecmp -Wunused -I./include/
-RELEASE_CFLAGS=$(BASE_CFLAGS) -O2 -funroll-loops -ffast-math
+RELEASE_CFLAGS=$(BASE_CFLAGS) -O2 -funroll-loops -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -funsigned-char -fno-strength-reduce
 LDFLAGS=-lm -ldl 
 XLDFLAGS=-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXext -lXxf86dga
diff --git a/engine/menu.c b/engine/menu.c
index b8d847f..a4730ce 100644
--- a/engine/menu.c
+++ b/engine/menu.c
@@ -85,17 +85,6 @@ void M_LanConfig_Key (int key);
 void M_GameOptions_Key (int key);
 void M_Search_Key (int key);
 void M_ServerList_Key (int key);
-void Preset_Q101(void);
-void Preset_Q107(void);
-void Preset_Q64(void);
-void Preset_GLQ(void);
-void Preset_D(void);
-void Preset_U(void);
-void Preset_Xtreem(void);
-void Preset_Lei(void);
-void Preset_Crap(void);
 qboolean	m_entersound;		// play after drawing a frame, so caching
 								// won't disrupt the sound
 qboolean	m_recursiveDraw;
@@ -319,17 +308,9 @@ extern cvar_t *vid_stretch_by_2;
 #define MENU_FLAMEHACK					233
 #define MENU_FLARES						234
 #define MENU_SHADING						235
-#define MENU_PRESET_OPTIONS				236
 #define MENU_HUD_OPTIONS				237
-#define MENU_PRESET_Q101				238
-#define MENU_PRESET_Q107				239
-#define MENU_PRESET_GLQ					240
-#define MENU_PRESET_Q64					241
-#define MENU_PRESET_D					242
-#define MENU_PRESET_U					243
-#define MENU_PRESET_XTREEM				244
-#define MENU_PRESET_LEI					245
-#define MENU_PRESET_CRAP				246
 #define MENU_DEATHCAM					247
 #define MENU_ASPECT						248
@@ -365,7 +346,7 @@ menu_definition_t	m_menu_options[] =
 	//{MENU_HUD_OPTIONS, MENU_SELECTABLE}, // completely unfinished
@@ -502,15 +483,7 @@ menu_definition_t	m_menu_quality_options[] =
 menu_definition_t	m_menu_preset_options[] =
 {	// Video Options
 	{MENU_OPTIONS, MENU_OPTIONS},	// this is the ESC key function and title
 	{0, 0},	// end of submenu
@@ -1879,17 +1852,11 @@ void M_DrawCheckboxAspect (int x, int y, int on)
 void M_DrawCheckboxVirtual (int x, int y, int on)
 	if (on == 1)
-		M_Print (x, y, "crap");
-	else if (on == 2)
 		M_Print (x, y, "low");
-	else if (on == 3)
-		M_Print (x, y, "320x400");
-	else if (on == 4)
-		M_Print (x, y, "360x480");
-	else if (on == 5)
-		M_Print (x, y, "640x400");
+	else if (on == 2)
+		M_Print (x, y, "medium");
-		M_Print (x, y, "normal");
+		M_Print (x, y, "high");
@@ -1898,26 +1865,13 @@ void M_DrawCheckboxCLight (int x, int y, int on)
 	if (on == 1)
 		M_Print (x, y, "low");
 	else if (on == 2)
-		M_Print (x, y, "high");
+		M_Print (x, y, "medium");
 	else if (on == 3)
-		M_Print (x, y, "ultra(dither)");
+		M_Print (x, y, "high");
 		M_Print (x, y, "off");
-void M_DrawCheckboxTexFilter (int x, int y, int on)
-	if (on == 1)
-		M_Print (x, y, "kernel");
-	else if (on == 2)
-		M_Print (x, y, "bilinear");
-	else if (on == 3)
-		M_Print (x, y, "error diffusion");
-	else
-		M_Print (x, y, "nearest");
 void M_DrawCheckboxBobmodel (int x, int y, int on)
 	if (on == 1)
@@ -1944,7 +1898,6 @@ void M_DrawCheckboxBobmodel (int x, int y, int on)
 		M_Print (x, y, "thrust");
 void M_DrawCheckboxDetail (int x, int y, int on)
 	if (on == 1)
@@ -1952,7 +1905,7 @@ void M_DrawCheckboxDetail (int x, int y, int on)
 	else if (on == 2)
 		M_Print (x, y, "low");
 	else if (on == 3)
-		M_Print (x, y, "crap");
+		M_Print (x, y, "lowest");
 		M_Print (x, y, "high");
@@ -2011,44 +1964,6 @@ int M_DrawFunction (menu_definition_t *menu_definition, int y)
 			y += 8;
-		case MENU_PRESET_Q101:
-			M_Print (16, y, "      Feel: Quake 1.01");
-			y += 8;
-			break;
-		case MENU_PRESET_Q107:
-			M_Print (16, y, "      Feel: Quake 1.07");
-			y += 8;
-			break;
-			M_Print (16, y, "      Feel:    GLQuake");
-			y += 8;
-			break;
-		case MENU_PRESET_Q64:
-			M_Print (16, y, "      Feel:    Quake64");
-			y += 8;
-			break;
-		case MENU_PRESET_D:
-			M_Print (16, y, "      Feel:       damn");
-			y += 8;
-			break;
-		case MENU_PRESET_U:
-			M_Print (16, y, "      Feel:     fake  ");
-			y += 8;
-			break;
-			M_Print (16, y, "      Feel: XTREEM!!!!");
-			y += 8;
-			break;
-			M_Print (16, y, "      Feel:  My choice");
-			y += 8;
-			break;
-			M_Print (16, y, "      Feel:       Crap");
-			y += 8;
-			break;
 			M_Print (16, y, "      Video Resolution");
 			y += 8;
@@ -2151,19 +2066,19 @@ int M_DrawFunction (menu_definition_t *menu_definition, int y)
-			M_Print (16, y, "    Entity data (.ENT)");
+			M_Print (16, y, "           Entity data");
 			M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, external_ent->value);
 			y += 8;
-			M_Print (16, y, "Visibility data (.VIS)");
+			M_Print (16, y, "       Visibility data");
 			M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, external_vis->value);
 			y += 8;
-			M_Print (16, y, "  Colored Light (.LIT)");
+			M_Print (16, y, "         Colored Light");
 			M_DrawCheckbox (220, y, external_lit->value);
 			y += 8;
@@ -2266,10 +2181,6 @@ int M_DrawFunction (menu_definition_t *menu_definition, int y)
 			M_Print (16, y, "       Quality options");
 			y += 8;
-			M_Print (16, y, "               Presets");
-			y += 8;
-			break;
 			M_Print (16, y, "           HUD options");
 			y += 8;
@@ -2825,25 +2736,6 @@ void M_ExecFunction (menu_definition_t *menu_definition, int key)
-		case MENU_PRESET_Q101:
-			if (key == K_ENTER){Preset_Q101();	m_changesound = true;}break;
-		case MENU_PRESET_Q107:
-			if (key == K_ENTER){Preset_Q107();	m_changesound = true;}break;
-			if (key == K_ENTER){Preset_GLQ();	m_changesound = true;}break;
-		case MENU_PRESET_Q64:
-			if (key == K_ENTER){Preset_Q64();	m_changesound = true;}break;
-		case MENU_PRESET_D:
-			if (key == K_ENTER){Preset_D();	m_changesound = true;}break;
-		case MENU_PRESET_U:
-			if (key == K_ENTER){Preset_U();	m_changesound = true;}break;
-			if (key == K_ENTER){Preset_Xtreem();	m_changesound = true;}break;
-			if (key == K_ENTER){Preset_Lei();	m_changesound = true;}break;
-			if (key == K_ENTER){Preset_Crap();	m_changesound = true;}break;
 			if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1|| key == K_ESCAPE)
@@ -3206,14 +3098,6 @@ void M_ExecFunction (menu_definition_t *menu_definition, int key)
-			if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1  || key == K_ESCAPE)
-			{
-				current_menu = m_menu_preset_options;
-				current_cursor = &preset_options_cursor;
-				m_entersound = true;
-			}
-			break;
 			if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_JOY1 || key == K_ESCAPE)
@@ -5767,301 +5651,6 @@ extern cvar_t *cl_bobmodel_up;
 extern cvar_t *cl_bobmodel_speed;
 extern cvar_t *cl_bob;
-void Preset_Q101 (void) // Quake 1.01
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel,		"0");	// thrust
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_side,	"0.3");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_up,	"0.15");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bob,		"0.02");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_speed,	"7");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_leanmodel,		"0");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_followmodel,	"0");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobfall,		"0");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_gundraw,		"0");
-	Cvar_Set(r_shading,			"1");	// uniform normal shading
-	Cvar_Set(r_menucolor,		"1");	// brown menu
-	Cvar_Set(s_pitchin,			"0");	// normal sound pitch
-	Cvar_Set(s_oldspatial,		"1");	// long distance spatial
-	Cvar_Set(r_flares,			"0");	// don't flares
-	Cvar_Set(r_particleset,		"0");	// normal particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_particletrans,	"0");	// don't have blend particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_particleblood,	"0");	// don't use new blood
-	Cvar_Set(r_coloredlights,	"0");	// don't have colored lightin
-	Cvar_Set(r_filter,			"0");	// don't filter textures
-	Cvar_Set(r_muzzlehack,		"0");	// don't hack the muzzleflash
-	Cvar_Set(r_lerpmodels,		"0");	// don't interpolate
-	Cvar_Set(r_particlespray,	"0");	// don't spray particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_shadowhack,		"0");	// don't model shadows
-	Cvar_Set(r_shadedither,		"0");	// don't dither
-	Cvar_Set(cl_sbar,			"1");	// use old status bar
-	Cvar_Set(d_mipdetail,		"0");	// normal detail
-	Cvar_Set(s_underwater,		"0");	// don't sound pitch in water
-	Cvar_Set(r_wateralpha,		"1");	// don't blend water
-	Cvar_Set(r_waterquality,	"0");	// don't do water fx
-	Cvar_Set(r_depthoffield,	"0");	// and the depth of field	
-	Cvar_Set(r_lowworld,		"0");
-	Cvar_Set(r_dynamic,			"1");	
-	Cvar_Set(r_shinygrays,		"0");	// don't shine
-	Cvar_Set(cl_diecam,			"0");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_gibs,			"0");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_playerdeath,		"0");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_blood,			"0");	
-	fullbrights = 32;	// use the standard colormap fullbrights
-	overbrights = 1;	// normal overbrights
-	GrabColorMap();		// regenerate colormap
-void Preset_Q107 (void) // Quake 1.07
-	Preset_Q101();	// old preset, but...
-	Cvar_Set(r_menucolor,		"15");	// dotty menu
-	Cvar_Set(s_oldspatial,		"0");	// short distance spatial
-void Preset_GLQ (void) // GLQuake
-	Preset_Q101();	// old preset, but...
-	Cvar_Set(r_filter,			"1");	// filter textures
-	Cvar_Set(r_particleset,		"1");	// glquake particleset (if available)
-	Cvar_Set(r_menucolor,		"16");	// alpha blend black menu
-	Cvar_Set(r_dynamic,			"0");	// we don't have flashblend yet :(
-	Cvar_Set(v_gamma,				"1");	// glquake doesn't do gamma lol
-//	Cvar_Set(v_intensity,			"0");	
-//	Cvar_Set(contrast,			"0");	
-	fullbrights = 0;	// no fullbrights
-	overbrights = 0;	// no overbrights
-	GrabColorMap();		// regenerate colormap
-void Preset_Q64 (void) 
-	Preset_Q101();	// old preset, but...
-	Cvar_Set(r_filter,			"2");	// filter textures slantedly
-	Cvar_Set(r_particleset,		"1");	// glquake particleset (if available)
-	Cvar_Set(r_menucolor,		"16");	// alpha blend black menu
-	Cvar_Set(d_mipdetail,		"64");	// low detail because n64 sucks
-	Cvar_Set(r_coloredlights,	"1");	
-	Cvar_Set(r_dynamic,			"0");	// we don't have flashblend yet :(
-	Cvar_Set(r_shading,			"0");	// simple shading	
-	fullbrights = 0;	// no fullbrights
-	overbrights = 0;	// no overbrights
-	GrabColorMap();		// regenerate colormap
-void Preset_U (void) // U
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel,		"3");	// fig 8
-	Cvar_Set(cl_leanmodel,		"0");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_followmodel,	"0");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_side,	"0.3");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_up,	"0.15");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_speed,	"7");
-	Cvar_Set(r_lowworld,		"0");
-	Cvar_Set(r_depthoffield,	"0");	// and the depth of field
-	Cvar_Set(r_shading,			"2");	// point shading
-	Cvar_Set(r_menucolor,		"16");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_pitchin,			"1.4");	// normal sound pitch
-	Cvar_Set(s_oldspatial,		"1");	// long distance spatial
-	Cvar_Set(r_flares,			"2");	// don't flares
-	Cvar_Set(r_particleset,		"2");	// normal particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_particletrans,	"1");	// don't have blend particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_particleblood,	"0");	// don't use new blood
-	Cvar_Set(r_coloredlights,	"2");	// don't have colored lightin
-	Cvar_Set(r_filter,			"1");	// don't filter textures
-	Cvar_Set(r_muzzlehack,		"1");	// don't hack the muzzleflash
-	Cvar_Set(r_lerpmodels,		"1");	// don't interpolate
-	Cvar_Set(r_particlespray,	"0");	// don't spray particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_shadowhack,		"0");	// don't model shadows
-	Cvar_Set(r_shadedither,		"1");	// don't dither
-	Cvar_Set(cl_sbar,			"0");	// use old status bar
-	Cvar_Set(d_mipdetail,		"0");	// normal detail
-	Cvar_Set(s_underwater,		"0");	// don't sound pitch in water
-	Cvar_Set(r_wateralpha,		"0.6");	// don't blend water
-	Cvar_Set(r_waterquality,	"0");	// don't do water fx
-	Cvar_Set(r_dynamic,			"1");	
-	Cvar_Set(cl_diecam,			"3");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_gibs,			"0");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_playerdeath,		"1");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_blood,			"0");	
-	fullbrights = 32;	// use the standard colormap fullbrights
-	overbrights = 1;	// normal overbrights
-	GrabColorMap();		// regenerate colormap
-void Preset_Lei (void) 
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel,		"3");	// fig 8
-	Cvar_Set(cl_leanmodel,		"1");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_followmodel,	"1");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobfall,		"1");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_gundraw,		"1");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_side,	"0.3");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_up,	"0.15");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_speed,	"7");
-	Cvar_Set(r_depthoffield,	"0");	// and the depth of field
-	Cvar_Set(r_shading,			"2");	// point shading
-	Cvar_Set(r_menucolor,		"0");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_pitchin,			"2");	// normal sound pitch
-	Cvar_Set(s_oldspatial,		"1");	// long distance spatial
-	Cvar_Set(r_flares,			"2");	// don't flares
-	Cvar_Set(r_particleset,		"2");	// normal particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_particletrans,	"1");	// don't have blend particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_particleblood,	"9");	// don't use new blood
-	Cvar_Set(r_coloredlights,	"2");	// don't have colored lightin
-	Cvar_Set(r_filter,			"0");	// don't filter textures
-	Cvar_Set(r_muzzlehack,		"1");	// don't hack the muzzleflash
-	Cvar_Set(r_lerpmodels,		"1");	// interpolate
-	Cvar_Set(r_particlespray,	"0");	// don't spray particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_shadowhack,		"1");	// don't model shadows
-	Cvar_Set(r_shadedither,		"1");	// don't dither
-	Cvar_Set(cl_sbar,			"1");	// use old status bar
-	Cvar_Set(d_mipdetail,		"0");	// normal detail
-	Cvar_Set(s_underwater,		"1");	// don't sound pitch in water
-	Cvar_Set(r_wateralpha,		"0.3");	// don't blend water
-	Cvar_Set(r_waterquality,	"1");	// don't do water fx
-	Cvar_Set(r_lowworld,		"0");
-	Cvar_Set(r_dynamic,			"1");	
-	Cvar_Set(cl_diecam,			"3");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_gibs,			"1");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_playerdeath,		"1");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_blood,			"1");
-	Cvar_Set(r_shinygrays,		"1");	// do shine
-	fullbrights = 32;	// use the standard colormap fullbrights
-	overbrights = 1;	// normal overbrights
-	GrabColorMap();		// regenerate colormap
-void Preset_D (void) 
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel,		"1");	// Arc
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bob,		"0.07");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_leanmodel,		"0");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_followmodel,	"0");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_side,	"0.6");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_up,	"-0.5");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_speed,	"2");
-	Cvar_Set(r_lowworld,		"0");
-	Cvar_Set(r_shading,			"0");	// uniform normal shading
-	Cvar_Set(r_menucolor,		"17");	// brown menu
-	Cvar_Set(s_pitchin,			"1");	// normal sound pitch
-	Cvar_Set(s_oldspatial,		"1");	// long distance spatial
-	Cvar_Set(r_flares,			"0");	// don't flares
-	Cvar_Set(r_particleset,		"0");	// normal particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_particletrans,	"0");	// don't have blend particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_particleblood,	"0");	// don't use new blood
-	Cvar_Set(r_coloredlights,	"0");	// don't have colored lightin
-	Cvar_Set(r_filter,			"0");	// don't filter textures
-	Cvar_Set(r_muzzlehack,		"0");	// don't hack the muzzleflash
-	Cvar_Set(r_lerpmodels,		"0");	// don't interpolate
-	Cvar_Set(r_particlespray,	"0");	// don't spray particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_shadowhack,		"0");	// don't model shadows
-	Cvar_Set(r_shadedither,		"0");	// don't dither
-	Cvar_Set(r_shinygrays,		"0");	// don't shine
-	Cvar_Set(cl_sbar,			"1");	// use old status bar
-	Cvar_Set(d_mipdetail,		"0");	// normal detail
-	Cvar_Set(s_underwater,		"0");	// don't sound pitch in water
-	Cvar_Set(r_wateralpha,		"1");	// don't blend water
-	Cvar_Set(r_waterquality,	"0");	// don't do water fx
-	Cvar_Set(r_depthoffield,	"0");	// and the depth of field	
-	Cvar_Set(r_dynamic,			"1");	
-	Cvar_Set(cl_diecam,			"0");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_gibs,			"0");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_playerdeath,		"1");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_blood,			"0");	
-	fullbrights = 32;	// use the standard colormap fullbrights
-	overbrights = 0;	// no overbrights
-	GrabColorMap();		// regenerate colormap
-void Preset_Xtreem (void) // Everything set high
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel,		"3");	// thrust
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_side,	"0.3");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_up,	"0.15");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bob,		"0.02");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_speed,	"7");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_leanmodel,		"1");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_followmodel,	"1");
-	Cvar_Set(r_shading,			"2");	// dithered shading
-	Cvar_Set(r_menucolor,		"1");	// brown menu
-	Cvar_Set(s_pitchin,			"2");	// normal sound pitch
-	Cvar_Set(s_oldspatial,		"1");	// long distance spatial
-	Cvar_Set(r_flares,			"2");	// don't flares
-	Cvar_Set(r_particleset,		"2");	// normal particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_particletrans,	"1");	// don't have blend particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_particleblood,	"8");	// don't use new blood
-	Cvar_Set(r_coloredlights,	"3");	// don't have colored lightin
-	Cvar_Set(r_filter,			"1");	// don't filter textures
-	Cvar_Set(r_muzzlehack,		"1");	// don't hack the muzzleflash
-	Cvar_Set(r_lerpmodels,		"1");	// don't interpolate
-	Cvar_Set(r_particlespray,	"0");	// don't spray particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_shadowhack,		"1");	// don't model shadows
-	Cvar_Set(r_shadedither,		"1");	// don't dither
-	Cvar_Set(cl_sbar,			"1");	// use old status bar
-	Cvar_Set(d_mipdetail,		"-1");	// normal detail
-	Cvar_Set(s_underwater,		"1");	// don't sound pitch in water
-	Cvar_Set(r_wateralpha,		"0.3");	// don't blend water
-	Cvar_Set(r_waterquality,	"2");	// don't do water fx
-	Cvar_Set(r_depthoffield,	"1");	// and the depth of field
-	Cvar_Set(r_lowworld,		"0");
-	Cvar_Set(r_dynamic,			"1");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_gibs,			"1");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_blood,			"1");		
-	fullbrights = 32;	// use the standard colormap fullbrights
-	overbrights = 1;	// normal overbrights
-	GrabColorMap();		// regenerate colormap
-void Preset_Crap (void) // Everything set low or possibly beyond low
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel,		"0");	// thrust
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_side,	"0.3");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_up,	"0.15");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bob,		"0.02");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_bobmodel_speed,	"7");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_leanmodel,		"0");
-	Cvar_Set(cl_followmodel,	"0");
-	Cvar_Set(r_lowworld,		"1");
-	Cvar_Set(r_shading,			"0");	// dithered shading
-	Cvar_Set(r_menucolor,		"15");	// brown menu
-	Cvar_Set(s_pitchin,			"0");	// normal sound pitch
-	Cvar_Set(s_oldspatial,		"0");	// long distance spatial
-	Cvar_Set(r_flares,			"0");	// don't flares
-	Cvar_Set(r_particleset,		"0");	// normal particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_particletrans,	"0");	// don't have blend particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_particleblood,	"0");	// don't use new blood
-	Cvar_Set(r_coloredlights,	"0");	// don't have colored lightin
-	Cvar_Set(r_filter,			"0");	// don't filter textures
-	Cvar_Set(r_muzzlehack,		"0");	// don't hack the muzzleflash
-	Cvar_Set(r_lerpmodels,		"0");	// don't interpolate
-	Cvar_Set(r_particlespray,	"0");	// don't spray particles
-	Cvar_Set(r_shadowhack,		"0");	// don't model shadows
-	Cvar_Set(r_shadedither,		"0");	// don't dither
-	Cvar_Set(cl_sbar,			"1");	// use old status bar
-	Cvar_Set(d_mipdetail,		"9");	// normal detail
-	Cvar_Set(s_underwater,		"0");	// don't sound pitch in water
-	Cvar_Set(r_wateralpha,		"1");	// don't blend water
-	Cvar_Set(r_waterquality,	"0");	// don't do water fx
-	Cvar_Set(r_depthoffield,	"0");	// and the depth of field
-	Cvar_Set(r_dynamic,			"0");	
-	Cvar_Set(cl_diecam,			"0");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_gibs,			"0");	
-	Cvar_Set(s_blood,			"0");	
-	fullbrights = 32;	// use the standard colormap fullbrights
-	overbrights = 1;	// normal overbrights
-	GrabColorMap();		// regenerate colormap
 /* Menu Subsystem */
diff --git a/engine/sbar.c b/engine/sbar.c
index b61084c..5f0b464 100644
--- a/engine/sbar.c
+++ b/engine/sbar.c
@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ void Sbar_DrawNormal (void)
 		Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, sb_sbar, 0);
 // armor
-	if(hud_armor->value)
+	if(hud_armor->value && cl.stats[STAT_ARMOR])
 	if (cl.items & IT_INVULNERABILITY)
 		Sbar_DrawNum (hud_armor_posx->value + 24, hud_armor_posy->value, 666, 3, 1, (int)hud_armor_align->value);
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ void Sbar_DrawNormal (void)
 // ammo icon
-	if(hud_ammo->value)
+	if(hud_ammo->value && cl.stats[STAT_AMMO])
 		if (cl.items & IT_SHELLS)