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2014-04-12 12:29:30 +00:00
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "quakedef.h"
#ifdef GLOBOT
#include "bot.h"
globot_t globot; // This struct is used to store global stuff that aint client specific
This function only returns a random number in the range 0 - 1
float Random (void)
return (rand ()&0x7fff) / ((float)0x7fff);
This function is pretty much the same as Random except
that it returns a value in the range min - max
float RandomRange (float min, float max)
return (Random() * (max - min)) + min;
This function is used to cycle thro all avaliable clients
(this is just a recoded PF_nextent)
edict_t *Nextent (edict_t *edict)
int e;
edict_t *ent;
e = NUM_FOR_EDICT (edict); // Get the edictnum
while (1) // Loop until we get a return
e++; // Increase e with 1
if (e == sv.num_edicts) // If gone through all edict's
return sv.edicts; // then return
ent = EDICT_NUM (e); // Get the edict from the new edictnum
if (!ent->free) // If it exists
return ent; // then return it
This function is used to decide if a bot can see his enemy or not
(this is just a recoded PF_traceline)
qboolean Traceline (vec3_t v1, vec3_t v2, edict_t *ent, edict_t *enemy)
trace_t trace;
trace = SV_Move (v1, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, v2, true, ent);
if (trace.fraction == 1) // If the trace found its way to the enemy
return true; // Then the bot can see him
return false; // Otherwise he cant
This function is used to decide if the bot should turn around or not
(this is just a recoded PF_vectoangles)
void CalcAngles (vec3_t oldvector, vec3_t newvector)
float forward;
float yaw, pitch;
if (oldvector[1] == 0 && oldvector[0] == 0)
yaw = 0;
if (oldvector[2] > 0)
pitch = 90;
pitch = 270;
yaw = (int) (atan2(oldvector[1], oldvector[0]) * 180 / M_PI);
if (yaw < 0)
yaw += 360;
forward = sqrt (oldvector[0]*oldvector[0] + oldvector[1]*oldvector[1]);
pitch = (int) (atan2(oldvector[2], forward) * 180 / M_PI);
if (pitch < 0)
pitch += 360;
newvector[0] = pitch;
newvector[1] = yaw;
newvector[2] = 0;
This function is used to calcualte the maximum
amount of clients and to set some default values
void BotInit (void)
client_t *client;
int i; = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->world); // Find the world entity
globot.MaxClients = 0; // Reset the MaxClients counter
for (i=0, client=svs.clients; i<svs.maxclients; i++, client++) // Keep looping as long as there are clients
globot.MaxClients++; // Increase MaxClients with 1
client->edict->bot.ClientNo = -1; // We dont want anyone to have a client number until they have connected
client->edict->bot.menudone = false; // Of course we have not gone past the Team Fortress menu yet
client->edict->bot.Active = false; // Of course noone is active... the game havent started yet :)
client->edict->bot.isbot = false; // And noone is a bot either... or human...
for (i=1; i<16; i++)
globot.botactive[i] = false;
if (globot.MaxClients > 16) // We dont allow more then 16 players right now
globot.MaxClients = 16;
This function is used to give each bot a different name
TODO: Read and parse names from a file
char *PickBotName (int r)
if (r == 1) return "windshield wiper";
else if (r == 2) return "nosefart";
else if (r == 3) return "WILDEBEEST";
else if (r == 4) return "Human";
else if (r == 5) return "Aye";
else if (r == 6) return "Utrvis";
else if (r == 7) return "Whoop";
else if (r == 8) return "BurninNgtWear";
else if (r == 9) return "nonsensicalous";
else if (r == 10) return "a dog";
else if (r == 11) return "Damn, I";
else if (r == 12) return "Hard Man";
else if (r == 13) return "complete as whole";
else if (r == 14) return "AN UPSET";
else if (r == 15) return "Starter";
return "GloBot";
This function is used to "fake" a real
client so the bot shows up on the scoreboard
void UpdateClient (client_t *client, int ClientNo)
MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, svc_updatename);
MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, ClientNo);
MSG_WriteString (&sv.reliable_datagram, client->name);
MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, svc_updatefrags);
MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, ClientNo);
MSG_WriteShort (&sv.reliable_datagram, client->old_frags);
MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, svc_updatecolors);
MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, ClientNo);
MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, client->colors);
This function is used to connect the bot's
void BotConnect (client_t *client, int ClientNo, int color, char *name)
edict_t *self = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->self); // Make a backup of the current QC self
edict_t *bot = client->edict;
int randombot;
bot->bot.isbot = true; // And yes this is a bot
bot->bot.Active = true; // and hes active
bot->bot.enemy = bot; // Now why is he chasing himself?
bot->bot.connecttime = sv.time;
bot->bot.ClientNo = ClientNo; // Now we get a clientnumber
randombot = ceil (RandomRange (0, 15));
while (globot.botactive[randombot])
randombot = ceil (RandomRange (0, 15));
globot.botactive[randombot] = true;
if (name[0] != '0')
strcpy (client->name, name);
strcpy (client->name, PickBotName (randombot));
if (color != 666)
client->colors = color * 14 + color; // The bot must have a color
bot-> = color + 1; // And to be in a team
client->colors = randombot * 14 + randombot; // The bot must have a color
bot-> = randombot + 1; // And to be in a team
client->old_frags = 0; // And since he just joined he cant have got any frags yet
bot->v.colormap = ClientNo; // Without this he wont be using any colored clothes
bot->v.netname = client->name - pr_strings; // Everyone wants a name
UpdateClient (client, ClientNo); // Update the scoreboard
pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(bot); // Update the QC self to be the bot
PR_ExecuteProgram (pr_global_struct->SetNewParms); // Now call some QC functions
PR_ExecuteProgram (pr_global_struct->ClientConnect); // Now call some more QC functions
PR_ExecuteProgram (pr_global_struct->PutClientInServer); // Now call yet some more QC functions
pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG (self); // Get back to the backup
Create a player to split onto....
int splitmeup;
client_t *splitplayer; // leilei - splitscreen
void LoserConnect (client_t *client, int ClientNo, int color, char *name)
edict_t *self = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->self); // Make a backup of the current QC self
edict_t *bot = client->edict;
int randombot;
splitmeup = 2;
bot->bot.isbot = 35; // And yes this is a human who ignores some builtins
bot->bot.Active = true; // and hes active
bot->bot.enemy = bot; // Now why is he chasing himself?
bot->bot.connecttime = sv.time;
bot->bot.ClientNo = ClientNo; // Now we get a clientnumber
randombot = ceil (RandomRange (0, 15));
while (globot.botactive[randombot])
randombot = ceil (RandomRange (0, 15));
globot.botactive[randombot] = true;
if (name[0] != '0')
strcpy (client->name, name);
strcpy (client->name, "Scud");
if (color != 666)
client->colors = color * 16 + color; // The bot must have a color
bot-> = color + 1; // And to be in a team
client->colors = randombot * 16 + randombot; // The bot must have a color
bot-> = randombot + 1; // And to be in a team
client->old_frags = 0; // And since he just joined he cant have got any frags yet
bot->v.colormap = ClientNo; // Without this he wont be using any colored clothes
bot->v.netname = client->name - pr_strings; // Everyone wants a name
UpdateClient (client, ClientNo); // Update the scoreboard
pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(bot); // Update the QC self to be the bot
PR_ExecuteProgram (pr_global_struct->SetNewParms); // Now call some QC functions
PR_ExecuteProgram (pr_global_struct->ClientConnect); // Now call some more QC functions
PR_ExecuteProgram (pr_global_struct->PutClientInServer); // Now call yet some more QC functions
pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG (self); // Get back to the backup
splitplayer = client;
This function is used to find an empty client spot
void NextFreeClient (void)
client_t *client;
int i, color;
char name[32];
if (Cmd_Argc() == 2)
color = Q_atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
sprintf (name, "0");
else if (Cmd_Argc() == 3)
color = Q_atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
sprintf (name, "%s", Cmd_Argv(2));
color = 666;
sprintf (name, "0");
for (i=0, client=svs.clients; i<svs.maxclients; i++, client++) // Keep looping as long as there are free client slots
if (!client->edict->bot.Active) // We found a free client slot
BotConnect (client, i, color, name); // so why not connect a bot?
return; // We are done now
SV_BroadcastPrintf ("Unable to connect a bot, server is full.\n"); // No free client slots = no more bots allowed
// for splitscreen's genesis
void NextFreeLoser (void)
client_t *client;
int i, color;
char name[32];
if (splitmeup){
SV_BroadcastPrintf ("Unable to connect a loser, you already got one.\n"); // No free client slots = no more bots allowed
if (Cmd_Argc() == 2)
color = Q_atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
sprintf (name, "0");
else if (Cmd_Argc() == 3)
color = Q_atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
sprintf (name, "%s", Cmd_Argv(2));
color = 666;
sprintf (name, "0");
for (i=0, client=svs.clients; i<svs.maxclients; i++, client++) // Keep looping as long as there are free client slots
if (!client->edict->bot.Active) // We found a free client slot
LoserConnect (client, i, color, name); // so why not connect a bot?
return; // We are done now
SV_BroadcastPrintf ("Unable to connect a loser, server is full.\n"); // No free client slots = no more bots allowed
This function is used to get the bot to actually
move and shoot and kill and destroy and wreak havoc and
slaughter and... oh sorry
void MoveBot (client_t *client, qboolean fire, edict_t *enemy)
if (fire) // If he has an enemy
vec3_t origin;
client->edict->v.button0 = 1; // Shoot, slaughter, kill, destroy!!!!
VectorSubtract (enemy->v.origin, client->edict->v.origin, origin);
if (Length(origin) > 200 || // If further away then 200 units from enemy
(int)client->edict->v.weapon & 4096) // or is using the axe
client->cmd.forwardmove = 400; // Then chase after the enemy
else // If closer then 200 units to enemy and not using the axe
client->cmd.forwardmove = -400; // Then stay at a distance
client->cmd.sidemove += (rand()&127)-64; // Make him strafe
if (client->cmd.sidemove > 400) // If strafing to fast
client->cmd.sidemove = 400; // Then limit the strafe speed
else if (client->cmd.sidemove < -400) // If strafing to fast
client->cmd.sidemove = -400; // Then limit the strafe speed
else // If he has no enemy
client->edict->v.button0 = 0; // Then why bother to shoot?
client->cmd.forwardmove = 400; // Let him run
switch ((int)skill->value)
case 1: // Medium
client->edict->v.v_angle[0] = client->edict->v.angles[0] + (rand()&15)-8;
client->edict->v.v_angle[1] = client->edict->v.angles[1] + (rand()&15)-8; // Adjust him to aim where he looks and make it not 100% accurate
client->edict->v.v_angle[2] = client->edict->v.angles[2] + (rand()&15)-8;
case 2: // Hard
client->edict->v.v_angle[0] = client->edict->v.angles[0] + (rand()&7)-4;
client->edict->v.v_angle[1] = client->edict->v.angles[1] + (rand()&7)-4; // Adjust him to aim where he looks and make it not 100% accurate
client->edict->v.v_angle[2] = client->edict->v.angles[2] + (rand()&7)-4;
case 3: // Nightmare
client->edict->v.v_angle[0] = client->edict->v.angles[0] + (rand()&3)-2;
client->edict->v.v_angle[1] = client->edict->v.angles[1] + (rand()&3)-2; // Adjust him to aim where he looks and make it not 100% accurate
client->edict->v.v_angle[2] = client->edict->v.angles[2] + (rand()&3)-2;
default: // Easy
client->edict->v.v_angle[0] = client->edict->v.angles[0] + (rand()&31)-16;
client->edict->v.v_angle[1] = client->edict->v.angles[1] + (rand()&31)-16; // Adjust him to aim where he looks and make it not 100% accurate
client->edict->v.v_angle[2] = client->edict->v.angles[2] + (rand()&31)-16;
This function is used to search for
something for the bot to shoot at
void SearchForEnemy (client_t *client)
edict_t *bot = client->edict;
edict_t *nmy = bot->bot.enemy;
vec3_t eyes1, eyes2, origin, test;
int test2;
int num;
if (nmy != bot && // If he has an enemy that aint himself
nmy-> > 0) // and has some health
VectorAdd (nmy->v.origin, nmy->v.view_ofs, eyes1); // We want the origin of the enemies eyes
VectorAdd (bot->v.origin, bot->v.view_ofs, eyes2); // We want the origin of the bots eyes
if (Traceline (eyes1, eyes2, bot, nmy)) // If the bot can see his enemy
VectorSubtract (eyes1, eyes2, origin); // Get a nice vector
CalcAngles (origin, test); // And use it to see in what direction the enemy is
test2 = test[1] - bot->v.angles[1]; // Another shortcut
if (test2 > -80 && test2 < 80) // If enemy is in front of the bot so he can see him
VectorCopy (test, bot->v.angles); // Then turn towards the enemy
MoveBot (client, true, nmy); // and start running and shooting
return; // We are done here now...
// Guess we had no enemy or couldnt see him anymore
bot->bot.enemy = bot; // Set enemy to the bot himself again
nmy = Nextent(; // Prepare to loop through clients
num = 0;
while (num < globot.MaxClients) // Keep looping as long as there are clients
if (nmy->bot.Active && // Enemy is playing
nmy != bot && // and is not the bot himself
nmy-> > 0 && // and is alive
nmy-> != bot-> // and in another team
VectorAdd (nmy->v.origin, nmy->v.view_ofs, eyes1); // We want the origin of the clients eyes
VectorAdd (bot->v.origin, bot->v.view_ofs, eyes2); // We want the origin of the bots eyes
if (Traceline (eyes1, eyes2, bot, nmy)) // If the bot can see his client
VectorSubtract (eyes1, eyes2, origin); // Get a nice vector
CalcAngles (origin, test); // And use it to see in what direction the client is
test2 = test[1] - bot->v.angles[1]; // Another shortcut
if (test2 > -60 && test2 < 60) // If client is in front of the bot so he can see him
bot->bot.enemy = nmy; // Then set him as the enemy
bot-> = -1; // and stop chasing
VectorCopy (test, bot->v.angles); // Then turn to the enemy
MoveBot (client, true, nmy); // and start running, jumping and shooting
return; // We are done here now...
nmy = Nextent(nmy); // If the client was'nt visible then continue the loop with the next client
// Guess we found no enemies
bot->v.button0 = 0; // So why waste ammo?
num = bot->; // Are we already chasing someone?
if (num == -1) // If we arent
num = (ceil (rand()%globot.MaxClients)) + NUM_FOR_EDICT(; // Then find someone to chase
nmy = EDICT_NUM(num); // And find that client
if (nmy->bot.Active && // Enemy is playing
nmy != bot && // and is not the bot himself
nmy-> > 0 && // and is alive
nmy-> != bot-> // and in another team
bot-> = num; // Then start chasing him
VectorSubtract (nmy->v.origin, bot->v.origin, origin); // Get a nice vector
CalcAngles (origin, test); // And use it to see in what direction the client is
bot->v.angles[0] = 0; // This is reset so it doesnt look like hes running into the floor if the chase client is below him
bot->v.angles[1] = test[1]; // Then turn the bot that way
bot->v.angles[2] = 0;
MoveBot (client, false, nmy); // And get him running
bot-> = -1; // Guess we found noone to chase either... so we'll stand here and see if we find anyone the next frame
This is the function where the bot checks what ammo and weapons he has...
And switches to the best weapon avaliable...
void SwitchWeapon (edict_t *bot)
int items = (int)bot->v.items;
int weapon = (int)bot->v.weapon;
if (bot->v.ammo_rockets >= 1 && // If the bot has some rockets
items & IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER && // and the Rocket Launcher
weapon != IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) // and aint using it
bot->v.impulse = 7; // Then use the Rocket Launcher
if (bot->v.ammo_cells >= 1 && // If the bot has some cells
bot->v.waterlevel <= 1 && // and is not in water
items & IT_LIGHTNING && // and the Lightning Gun
weapon != IT_LIGHTNING) // and aint using it
bot->v.impulse = 8; // Then use the Lightning Gun
if (bot->v.ammo_nails >= 2 && // If the bot has some nails
items & IT_SUPER_NAILGUN && // and the Super Nailgun
weapon != IT_SUPER_NAILGUN) // and aint using it
bot->v.impulse = 5; // Then use the Super Nailgun
if (bot->v.ammo_rockets >= 1 && // If the bot has some rockets
items & IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER && // and the Grenade Launcher
weapon != IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) // and aint using it
bot->v.impulse = 6; // Then use the Grenade Launcher
if (bot->v.ammo_nails >= 1 && // If the bot has some nails
items & IT_NAILGUN && // and the Nailgun
weapon != IT_NAILGUN) // and aint using it
bot->v.impulse = 4; // Then use the Nailgun
if (bot->v.ammo_shells >= 2 && // If the bot has some sheels
items & IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN && // and the Super Shotgun
weapon != IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN) // and aint using it
bot->v.impulse = 3; // Then use the Super Shotgun
if (bot->v.ammo_shells >= 1 && // If the bot has some shells
items & IT_SHOTGUN && // and the Shotgun
weapon != IT_SHOTGUN) // and aint using it
bot->v.impulse = 2; // Then use the Shotgun
This function is where everything starts...
From here we search for enemies to hunt and shoot
and make the bot to respawn if killed...
void BotPreFrame (client_t *client)
edict_t *bot = client->edict;
client->cmd.forwardmove = 0; // Stop all bots from running
SwitchWeapon (bot);
if (bot->v.deadflag == DEAD_NO) // If the bot is alive
SearchForEnemy (client); // Then search for an enemy or someone to chase
bot->v.button0 = 0; // If dead then clear all buttons
bot->v.button1 = 0;
bot->v.button2 = 0;
if (bot->v.deadflag == DEAD_RESPAWNABLE) // If dead and ready to respawn
bot->v.button1 = 1; // Then respawn
This function is used to check
if the bot is running into a wall
void BotPostFrame (client_t *client)
edict_t *bot = client->edict;
if (bot-> != -1) // If we are chasing someone
if ((bot->v.velocity[0] < 20 && bot->v.velocity[0] > -20) && // And if our speed is slow
(bot->v.velocity[1] < 20 && bot->v.velocity[1] > -20)) // (running against a wall)
bot-> = -1; // Then find a new client to chase
// This last piece here is only used by Team Fortress
if (!bot->bot.menudone) // If we have not gone past the class selection menu
if (bot-> > 5) // If we have more health then 5
bot->bot.menudone = true; // Then this is not Team Fortress so there is no menu
// Looks like we are playing Team Fortress after all
else if (sv.time > bot->bot.connecttime + 2) // If bot has been active more then 2 seconds then choose a random class and leave the menu
bot->v.impulse = 10;
else if (sv.time > bot->bot.connecttime + 1 && // If bot has been active between 1 and 2 secs
teamplay->value) // and we are playing teamplay
bot->v.impulse = 5; // Then choose a random team
This function is what allows us to use
the command "addbot" from the console
void Bot_Init (void)
Cmd_AddCommand ("addbot", NextFreeClient);
Cmd_AddCommand ("addburp", NextFreeLoser);