/*** * * Copyright (c) 1998, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * ****/ #include "csg.h" int nummapbrushes; brush_t mapbrushes[MAX_MAP_BRUSHES]; int numbrushsides; side_t brushsides[MAX_MAP_SIDES]; int g_nMapFileVersion; /* ================== textureAxisFromPlane ================== */ vec3_t baseaxis[18] = { {0,0,1}, {1,0,0}, {0,-1,0}, // floor {0,0,-1}, {1,0,0}, {0,-1,0}, // ceiling {1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {0,0,-1}, // west wall {-1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {0,0,-1}, // east wall {0,1,0}, {1,0,0}, {0,0,-1}, // south wall {0,-1,0}, {1,0,0}, {0,0,-1} // north wall }; void TextureAxisFromPlane(plane_t *pln, vec3_t xv, vec3_t yv) { int bestaxis; vec_t dot,best; int i; best = 0; bestaxis = 0; for (i=0 ; i<6 ; i++) { dot = DotProduct (pln->normal, baseaxis[i*3]); if (dot > best) { best = dot; bestaxis = i; } } VectorCopy (baseaxis[bestaxis*3+1], xv); VectorCopy (baseaxis[bestaxis*3+2], yv); } /* ================= ParseBrush ================= */ void ParseBrush (entity_t *mapent) { brush_t *b; bface_t *f, *f2; int planepts[3][3]; vec3_t t1, t2, t3; int i,j; vec_t d; int planenum; side_t *side; int contents; if (nummapbrushes == MAX_MAP_BRUSHES) Error ("nummapbrushes == MAX_MAP_BRUSHES"); b = &mapbrushes[nummapbrushes]; nummapbrushes++; b->firstside = numbrushsides; b->entitynum = num_entities-1; b->brushnum = nummapbrushes - mapent->firstbrush - 1; mapent->numbrushes++; do { if (!GetToken (true)) break; if (!strcmp (token, "}") ) break; if (numbrushsides == MAX_MAP_SIDES) Error ("numbrushsides == MAX_MAP_SIDES"); side = &brushsides[numbrushsides]; numbrushsides++; b->numsides++; // read the three point plane definition for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { if (i != 0) GetToken (true); if (strcmp (token, "(") ) Error ("parsing brush"); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { GetToken (false); side->planepts[i][j] = atoi(token); } GetToken (false); if (strcmp (token, ")") ) Error ("parsing brush"); } // read the texturedef GetToken (false); strcpy (side->td.name, token); if (g_nMapFileVersion < 220) { GetToken (false); side->td.shift[0] = atof(token); GetToken (false); side->td.shift[1] = atof(token); GetToken (false); side->td.rotate = atof(token); } else { // texture U axis GetToken (false); if (strcmp (token, "[")) { Error("missing '[ in texturedef"); } GetToken (false); side->td.UAxis[0] = atof(token); GetToken (false); side->td.UAxis[1] = atof(token); GetToken (false); side->td.UAxis[2] = atof(token); GetToken (false); side->td.shift[0] = atof(token); GetToken (false); if (strcmp (token, "]")) { Error("missing ']' in texturedef"); } // texture V axis GetToken (false); if (strcmp (token, "[")) { Error("missing '[ in texturedef"); } GetToken (false); side->td.VAxis[0] = atof(token); GetToken (false); side->td.VAxis[1] = atof(token); GetToken (false); side->td.VAxis[2] = atof(token); GetToken (false); side->td.shift[1] = atof(token); GetToken (false); if (strcmp (token, "]")) { Error("missing ']' in texturedef"); } // Texture rotation is implicit in U/V axes. GetToken(false); side->td.rotate = 0; } // texure scale GetToken (false); side->td.scale[0] = atof(token); GetToken (false); side->td.scale[1] = atof(token); } while (1); b->contents = contents = BrushContents (b); // // origin brushes are removed, but they set // the rotation origin for the rest of the brushes // in the entity // if (contents == CONTENTS_ORIGIN) { char string[32]; vec3_t origin; b->contents = CONTENTS_SOLID; CreateBrush (mapent->firstbrush + b->brushnum); // to get sizes b->contents = contents; for (i = 0; i < NUM_HULLS; i++) { b->hulls[i].faces = NULL; } if (b->entitynum == 0) { printf ("Entity %i, Brush %i: origin brushes not allowed in world" , b->entitynum, b->brushnum); return; } VectorAdd (b->hulls[0].mins, b->hulls[0].maxs, origin); VectorScale (origin, 0.5, origin); sprintf (string, "%i %i %i", (int)origin[0], (int)origin[1], (int)origin[2]); SetKeyValue (&entities[b->entitynum], "origin", string); } } /* ================ ParseMapEntity ================ */ qboolean ParseMapEntity (void) { entity_t *mapent; epair_t *e; if (!GetToken (true)) return false; if (strcmp (token, "{") ) Error ("ParseEntity: { not found"); if (num_entities == MAX_MAP_ENTITIES) Error ("num_entities == MAX_MAP_ENTITIES"); mapent = &entities[num_entities]; num_entities++; mapent->firstbrush = nummapbrushes; mapent->numbrushes = 0; do { if (!GetToken (true)) Error ("ParseEntity: EOF without closing brace"); if (!strcmp (token, "}") ) break; if (!strcmp (token, "{") ) ParseBrush (mapent); else { e = ParseEpair (); if (!strcmp(e->key, "mapversion")) { g_nMapFileVersion = atoi(e->value); } e->next = mapent->epairs; mapent->epairs = e; } } while (1); if ( mapent->numbrushes == 1 && mapbrushes[mapent->firstbrush].contents == CONTENTS_ORIGIN ) { brushhull_t *hull = mapbrushes[mapent->firstbrush].hulls; Error("Found an entity with ONLY an origin brush near(%.0f,%.0f,%.0f)!\n", hull->mins[0], hull->mins[1], hull->mins[2] ); } GetVectorForKey (mapent, "origin", mapent->origin); // group entities are just for editor convenience // toss all brushes into the world entity if ( !onlyents && !strcmp ("func_group", ValueForKey (mapent, "classname"))) { // this is pretty gross, because the brushes are expected to be // in linear order for each entity brush_t *temp; int newbrushes; int worldbrushes; int i; newbrushes = mapent->numbrushes; worldbrushes = entities[0].numbrushes; temp = malloc(newbrushes*sizeof(brush_t)); memcpy (temp, mapbrushes + mapent->firstbrush, newbrushes*sizeof(brush_t)); for (i=0 ; i