// lighting.c #include "light.h" /* NOTES ----- */ float scaledist = 1.0; float scalecos = 0.5; float rangescale = 0.5; byte *filebase, *file_p, *file_end; dmodel_t *bspmodel; vec3_t bsp_origin; qboolean extrasamples; qboolean hicolor; qboolean clamp192 = true; float minlights[MAX_MAP_FACES]; lightentity_t lightentities[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES]; int numlightentities; /* ================== LoadEntities ================== */ void LoadEntities (void) { char *s, *s2; entity_t *e; lightentity_t *le; int i, j; ParseEntities (); // go through all the entities for (i=1 ; iclassname, s); s = ValueForKey( e, "_light" ); if( s ) { double v1, v2, v3; v1 = v2 = v3 = 0; if( sscanf( s, "%lf %lf %lf", &v1, &v2, &v3) != 3 ) v2 = v3 = v1; le->light[0] = v1; le->light[1] = v2; le->light[2] = v3; } else { le->light[0] = DEFAULTLIGHTLEVEL; le->light[1] = DEFAULTLIGHTLEVEL; le->light[2] = DEFAULTLIGHTLEVEL; } le->style = FloatForKey (e, "style"); le->angle = FloatForKey (e, "angle"); GetVectorForKey (e, "origin", le->origin); s = ValueForKey (e, "target"); if (!s[0]) continue; // find matching targetname for (j=1 ; jtargetent = true; GetVectorForKey (&entities[j], "origin", le->targetorigin); break; } } if (j == num_entities) printf ("WARNING: entity %i has unmatched target %s\n", i, s); } qprintf ("%d lightentities\n", numlightentities); } byte *GetFileSpace (int size) { byte *buf; ThreadLock(); file_p = (byte *)(((long)file_p + 3)&~3); buf = file_p; file_p += size; ThreadUnlock(); if (file_p > file_end) Error ("GetFileSpace: overrun"); return buf; } /* ============= LightWorld ============= */ void LightWorld (void) { filebase = file_p = dlightdata; file_end = filebase + MAX_MAP_LIGHTING; RunThreadsOnIndividual (numfaces, true, LightFace); lightdatasize = file_p - filebase; printf ("lightdatasize: %i\n", lightdatasize); } /* ======== main light modelfile ======== */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i; double start, end; char source[1024]; printf("Light.exe Version 1.3 Id Software and valve (%s)\n", __DATE__ ); printf ("----- LightFaces ----\n"); // default to 24-bit light info hicolor = true; for (i=1 ; i