//========= Copyright © 1996-2001, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============ // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //============================================================================= #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include "sys_ded.h" #include "conproc.h" #include "dedicated.h" #include "exefuncs.h" #include "crc.h" #include "dll_state.h" #include "enginecallback.h" #include "md5.h" #if defined( _WIN32 ) #include "../utils/procinfo/procinfo.h" #endif #ifdef _WIN32 static const char *g_pszengine = "sw.dll"; #else static const char *g_pszengine = "engine_i386.so"; static char g_szEXEName[ 256 ]; #endif #define MINIMUM_WIN_MEMORY 0x0c00000 #define MAXIMUM_WIN_MEMORY 0x2000000 // max 32 mb #define FIFTEEN_MEGS ( 15 * 1024 * 1024 ) #ifdef _WIN32 static HANDLE hinput; static HANDLE houtput; #endif // System Memory & Size static unsigned char *gpMemBase = NULL; static int giMemSize = 0x1800000; // 24 Mb Linux heapsize exefuncs_t ef; static char console_text[256]; static int console_textlen; static long hDLLThirdParty = 0L; char *gpszCmdLine = NULL; void Sys_Sleep( int msec ) { #ifdef _WIN32 Sleep( msec ); #else usleep(msec * 1000); #endif } void *Sys_GetProcAddress( long library, const char *name ) { #ifdef _WIN32 return ( void * )GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)library, name ); #else // LINUX return dlsym( (void *)library, name ); #endif } long Sys_LoadLibrary( char *lib ) { void *hDll = NULL; #ifdef _WIN32 hDll = ::LoadLibrary( lib ); #else char cwd[1024]; char absolute_lib[1024]; if (!getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd))) Sys_ErrorMessage(1, "Sys_LoadLibrary: Couldn't determine current directory."); if (cwd[strlen(cwd)-1] == '/') cwd[strlen(cwd)-1] = 0; sprintf(absolute_lib, "%s/%s", cwd, lib); hDll = dlopen( absolute_lib, RTLD_NOW ); if ( !hDll ) { Sys_ErrorMessage( 1, dlerror() ); } #endif return (long)hDll; } void Sys_FreeLibrary( long library ) { if ( !library ) return; #ifdef _WIN32 ::FreeLibrary( (HMODULE)library ); #else dlclose( (void *)library ); #endif } int Sys_GetExecutableName( char *out ) { #ifdef _WIN32 if ( !::GetModuleFileName( ( HINSTANCE )GetModuleHandle( NULL ), out, 256 ) ) { return 0; } #else strcpy( out, g_szEXEName ); #endif return 1; } /* ============== Sys_ErrorMessage Engine is erroring out, display error in message box ============== */ void Sys_ErrorMessage( int level, const char *msg ) { #ifdef _WIN32 MessageBox( NULL, msg, "Half-Life", MB_OK ); PostQuitMessage(0); #else printf( "%s\n", msg ); exit( -1 ); #endif } #ifdef _WIN32 /* ============== UpdateStatus Update status line at top of console if engine is running ============== */ void UpdateStatus( int force ) { static double tLast = 0.0; double tCurrent; char szPrompt[256]; int n, spec, nMax; char szMap[32]; float fps; if ( !engineapi.Host_GetHostInfo ) return; tCurrent = (float)( timeGetTime() / 1000.0f ); engineapi.Host_GetHostInfo( &fps, &n, &spec, &nMax, szMap ); if ( !force ) { if ( ( tCurrent - tLast ) < 0.5f ) return; } tLast = tCurrent; sprintf( szPrompt, "%.1f fps %2i(%2i spec)/%2i on %16s", (float)fps, n, spec, nMax, szMap); WriteStatusText( szPrompt ); } #endif /* ================ Sys_ConsoleOutput Print text to the dedicated console ================ */ void Sys_ConsoleOutput (char *string) { #ifdef _WIN32 unsigned long dummy; char text[256]; if (console_textlen) { text[0] = '\r'; memset(&text[1], ' ', console_textlen); text[console_textlen+1] = '\r'; text[console_textlen+2] = 0; WriteFile(houtput, text, console_textlen+2, &dummy, NULL); } WriteFile(houtput, string, strlen(string), &dummy, NULL); if (console_textlen) { WriteFile(houtput, console_text, console_textlen, &dummy, NULL); } UpdateStatus( 1 /* force */ ); #else printf( "%s", string ); fflush( stdout ); #endif } /* ============== Sys_Printf Engine is printing to console ============== */ void Sys_Printf(char *fmt, ...) { // Dump text to debugging console. va_list argptr; char szText[1024]; va_start (argptr, fmt); vsprintf (szText, fmt, argptr); va_end (argptr); // Get Current text and append it. Sys_ConsoleOutput( szText ); } /* ============== Load3rdParty Load support for third party .dlls ( gamehost ) ============== */ void Load3rdParty( void ) { // Only do this if the server operator wants the support. // ( In case of malicious code, too ) if ( CheckParm( "-usegh" ) ) { hDLLThirdParty = Sys_LoadLibrary( "ghostinj.dll" ); } } /* ============ StripExtension Strips the extension off a filename. Works backward to insure stripping of extensions only, and not parts of the path that might contain a period (i.e. './hlds_run'). ============ */ void StripExtension (char *in, char *out) { char * in_current = in + strlen(in); char * out_current = out + strlen(in); int found_extension = 0; while (in_current >= in) { if ((found_extension == 0) && (*in_current == '.')) { *out_current = 0; found_extension = 1; } else { if ((*in_current == '/') || (*in_current == '\\')) found_extension = 1; *out_current = *in_current; } in_current--; out_current--; } } /* ============== CheckExeChecksum Simple self-crc check ============== */ int CheckExeChecksum( void ) { unsigned char g_MD5[16]; char szFileName[ 256 ]; unsigned int newdat = 0; unsigned int olddat; char datfile[ 256 ]; // Get our filename if ( !Sys_GetExecutableName( szFileName ) ) { return 0; } // compute raw 16 byte hash value if ( !MD5_Hash_File( g_MD5, szFileName ) ) { return 0; } StripExtension( szFileName, datfile ); strcat( datfile, ".dat" ); // Check .dat file ( or write a new one if running with -newdat ) FILE *fp = fopen( datfile, "rb" ); if ( !fp || CheckParm( "-newdat" ) ) // No existing file, or we are asked to create a new one { if ( fp ) { fclose( fp ); } newdat = *(unsigned int *)&g_MD5[0]; fp = fopen ( datfile, "wb" ); if ( fp ) { fwrite( &newdat, sizeof( unsigned int ), 1, fp ); fclose( fp ); } } else { int bOk = 0; if ( fread( &newdat, sizeof( unsigned int ), 1, fp ) == 1 ) bOk = 1; fclose( fp ); if ( bOk ) { olddat = *(unsigned int *)&g_MD5[0]; if ( olddat != newdat ) { const char *pmsg = "Your Half-Life executable appears to have been modified. Please check your system for viruses and then re-install Half-Life."; #ifdef _WIN32 MessageBox( NULL, pmsg, "Half-Life Dedicated Server", MB_OK ); #else printf( "%s\n", pmsg ); #endif return 0; } } } return 1; } /* ============== EF_VID_ForceUnlockedAndReturnState Dummy funcion called by engine ============== */ int EF_VID_ForceUnlockedAndReturnState(void) { return 0; } /* ============== EF_VID_ForceLockState Dummy funcion called by engine ============== */ void EF_VID_ForceLockState(int) { } /* ============== CheckParm Search for psz in command line to .exe, if **ppszValue is set, then the pointer is directed at the NEXT argument in the command line ============== */ char *CheckParm(const char *psz, char **ppszValue) { int i; static char sz[128]; char *pret; if (!gpszCmdLine) return NULL; pret = strstr( gpszCmdLine, psz ); // should we return a pointer to the value? if (pret && ppszValue) { char *p1 = pret; *ppszValue = NULL; while ( *p1 && (*p1 != 32)) p1++; if (p1 != 0) { char *p2 = ++p1; for ( i = 0; i < 128; i++ ) { if ( !*p2 || (*p2 == 32)) break; sz[i] = *p2++; } sz[i] = 0; *ppszValue = &sz[0]; } } return pret; } /* ============== InitInstance ============== */ int InitInstance( void ) { Load3rdParty(); #if !defined( _DEBUG ) if ( !CheckExeChecksum() ) return 0; #endif Eng_SetState( DLL_INACTIVE ); memset( &ef, 0, sizeof( ef ) ); // Function pointers used by dedicated server ef.Sys_Printf = Sys_Printf; ef.ErrorMessage = Sys_ErrorMessage; ef.VID_ForceLockState = EF_VID_ForceLockState; ef.VID_ForceUnlockedAndReturnState = EF_VID_ForceUnlockedAndReturnState; #ifdef _WIN32 // Data ef.fMMX = PROC_IsMMX(); ef.iCPUMhz = PROC_GetSpeed(); // in MHz #endif return 1; } /* ================ Sys_ConsoleInput ================ */ #ifdef _WIN32 char *Sys_ConsoleInput (void) { INPUT_RECORD recs[1024]; unsigned long dummy; int ch; unsigned long numread, numevents; while ( 1 ) { if (!GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents (hinput, &numevents)) { exit( -1 ); } if (numevents <= 0) break; if ( !ReadConsoleInput(hinput, recs, 1, &numread) ) { exit( -1 ); } if (numread != 1) { exit( -1 ); } if ( recs[0].EventType == KEY_EVENT ) { if ( !recs[0].Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown ) { ch = recs[0].Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; switch (ch) { case '\r': WriteFile(houtput, "\r\n", 2, &dummy, NULL); if (console_textlen) { console_text[console_textlen] = 0; console_textlen = 0; return console_text; } break; case '\b': if (console_textlen) { console_textlen--; WriteFile(houtput, "\b \b", 3, &dummy, NULL); } break; default: if (ch >= ' ') { if (console_textlen < sizeof(console_text)-2) { WriteFile(houtput, &ch, 1, &dummy, NULL); console_text[console_textlen] = ch; console_textlen++; } } break; } } } } return NULL; } #else char *Sys_ConsoleInput(void) { char ch; int len; fd_set fdset; struct timeval timeout; char szInput[256]; char iInput = 0; FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(0, &fdset); // stdin timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if (select (1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout) == -1 || !FD_ISSET(0, &fdset)) return NULL; while (read(0,&ch,1)) { if (iInput >= 255) continue; if (ch == 10) { char *pszret = NULL; //Null terminate string and return if we have anything szInput[iInput] = 0; if (iInput > 0) pszret = szInput; iInput = 0; return pszret; } szInput[iInput++] = ch; } return NULL; } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 /* ============== WriteStatusText ============== */ void WriteStatusText( char *szText ) { char szFullLine[81]; COORD coord; DWORD dwWritten = 0; WORD wAttrib[80]; int i; for ( i = 0; i < 80; i++ ) { wAttrib[i] = FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY; } memset( szFullLine, 0, 81 ); strcpy( szFullLine, szText ); coord.X = 0; coord.Y = 0; WriteConsoleOutputAttribute( houtput, wAttrib, 80, coord, &dwWritten ); WriteConsoleOutputCharacter( houtput, szFullLine, 80, coord, &dwWritten ); } #endif /* ============== CreateConsoleWindow Create console window ( overridable? ) ============== */ int CreateConsoleWindow( void ) { #ifdef _WIN32 if ( !AllocConsole () ) { return 0; } hinput = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE); houtput = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); InitConProc(); #endif return 1; } /* ============== DestroyConsoleWindow ============== */ void DestroyConsoleWindow( void ) { #ifdef _WIN32 FreeConsole (); // shut down QHOST hooks if necessary DeinitConProc (); #endif } /* ============== ProcessConsoleInput ============== */ void ProcessConsoleInput( void ) { char *s; if ( !engineapi.Cbuf_AddText ) return; do { s = Sys_ConsoleInput (); if (s) { char szBuf[ 256 ]; sprintf( szBuf, "%s\n", s ); engineapi.Cbuf_AddText ( szBuf ); } } while (s); } /* ================ GameInit ================ */ int GameInit(void) { char *p; #ifdef _WIN32 MEMORYSTATUS Buffer; memset( &Buffer, 0, sizeof( Buffer ) ); Buffer.dwLength = sizeof( MEMORYSTATUS ); GlobalMemoryStatus ( &Buffer ); // take the greater of all the available memory or half the total memory, // but at least 10 Mb and no more than 32 Mb, unless they explicitly // request otherwise giMemSize = Buffer.dwTotalPhys; if ( giMemSize < FIFTEEN_MEGS ) { return 0; } if ( giMemSize < (int)( Buffer.dwTotalPhys >> 1 ) ) { giMemSize = (int)( Buffer.dwTotalPhys >> 1 ); } // At least 10 mb, even if we have to swap a lot. if (giMemSize <= MINIMUM_WIN_MEMORY) { giMemSize = MINIMUM_WIN_MEMORY; } else if (giMemSize > MAXIMUM_WIN_MEMORY) { giMemSize = MAXIMUM_WIN_MEMORY; } #endif // Command line override if ( (CheckParm ("-heapsize", &p ) ) && p ) { giMemSize = atoi( p ) * 1024; } // Command line to force running with minimal memory. if (CheckParm ("-minmemory", NULL)) { giMemSize = MINIMUM_WIN_MEMORY; } // Try and allocated it #ifdef _WIN32 gpMemBase = (unsigned char *)::GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, giMemSize ); #else gpMemBase = (unsigned char *)malloc( giMemSize ); #endif if (!gpMemBase) { return 0; } #ifdef _WIN32 // Check that we are running on Win32 OSVERSIONINFO vinfo; vinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(vinfo); if ( !GetVersionEx ( &vinfo ) ) { return 0; } if ( vinfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s ) { return 0; } #endif if ( !Eng_Load( gpszCmdLine, &ef, giMemSize, gpMemBase, g_pszengine, DLL_NORMAL ) ) { return 0; } Eng_SetState( DLL_ACTIVE ); return 1; } /* ============== GameShutdown ============== */ void GameShutdown( void ) { Eng_Unload(); if ( gpMemBase ) { #ifdef _WIN32 ::GlobalFree( gpMemBase ); #else free( gpMemBase ); #endif gpMemBase = NULL; } } #ifdef _WIN32 /* ============== WinMain EXE entry point ============== */ int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { int iret = -1; // Store off command line for argument searching gpszCmdLine = strdup( GetCommandLine() ); if ( !InitInstance() ) { goto cleanup; } if ( !CreateConsoleWindow() ) { goto cleanup; } if ( !GameInit() ) { goto cleanup; } if ( engineapi.SetStartupMode ) { engineapi.SetStartupMode( 1 ); } while ( 1 ) { int bDone = 0; static double oldtime = 0.0; MSG msg; double newtime; double dtime; // Try to allow other apps to get some CPU Sys_Sleep( 1 ); if ( !engineapi.Sys_FloatTime ) break; while ( 1 ) { newtime = engineapi.Sys_FloatTime(); if ( newtime < oldtime ) { oldtime = newtime - 0.05; } dtime = newtime - oldtime; if ( dtime > 0.001 ) break; // Running really fast, yield some time to other apps Sys_Sleep( 1 ); } while ( ::PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ) ) { if (!::GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { bDone = 1; break; } ::TranslateMessage( &msg ); ::DispatchMessage( &msg ); } if ( bDone ) break; ProcessConsoleInput(); if ( engineapi.Host_Frame ) { Eng_Frame( 0, dtime ); } UpdateStatus( 0 /* don't force */ ); oldtime = newtime; } GameShutdown(); DestroyConsoleWindow(); iret = 1; cleanup: if ( gpszCmdLine ) { free( gpszCmdLine ); } return iret; } #else #define MAX_LINUX_CMDLINE 512 static char cmdline[ MAX_LINUX_CMDLINE ]; void BuildCmdLine( int argc, char **argv ) { int len; int i; for (len = 0, i = 1; i < argc; i++) { len += strlen(argv[i]) + 1; } if ( len > MAX_LINUX_CMDLINE ) { printf( "command line too long, %i max\n", MAX_LINUX_CMDLINE ); exit(-1); return; } cmdline[0] = '\0'; for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( i > 1 ) { strcat( cmdline, " " ); } strcat( cmdline, argv[ i ] ); } } char *GetCommandLine( void ) { return cmdline; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int iret = -1; #ifdef _DEBUG strcpy(g_szEXEName, "hlds_run.dbg" ); #else strcpy(g_szEXEName, *argv); #endif // Store off command line for argument searching BuildCmdLine(argc, argv); gpszCmdLine = strdup( GetCommandLine() ); if ( !InitInstance() ) { goto cleanup; } if ( !CreateConsoleWindow() ) { goto cleanup; } if ( !GameInit() ) { goto cleanup; } if ( engineapi.SetStartupMode ) { engineapi.SetStartupMode( 1 ); } while ( 1 ) { char *p; static double oldtime = 0.0; double newtime; double dtime; // Try to allow other apps to get some CPU Sys_Sleep( 1 ); if ( !engineapi.Sys_FloatTime ) break; while ( 1 ) { newtime = engineapi.Sys_FloatTime(); if ( newtime < oldtime ) { oldtime = newtime - 0.05; } dtime = newtime - oldtime; if ( dtime > 0.001 ) break; // Running really fast, yield some time to other apps Sys_Sleep( 1 ); } Eng_Frame( 0, dtime ); p = Sys_ConsoleInput(); if ( p ) { engineapi.Cbuf_AddText( p ); engineapi.Cbuf_AddText( "\n" ); } oldtime = newtime; } GameShutdown(); DestroyConsoleWindow(); iret = 1; cleanup: if ( gpszCmdLine ) { free( gpszCmdLine ); } if ( hDLLThirdParty ) { Sys_FreeLibrary( hDLLThirdParty ); hDLLThirdParty = 0L; } return iret; } #endif