/*** * * Copyright (c) 1996-2001, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting * object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from * Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited * without written permission from Valve LLC. * ****/ #ifndef EFFECTS_H #define EFFECTS_H #define SF_BEAM_STARTON 0x0001 #define SF_BEAM_TOGGLE 0x0002 #define SF_BEAM_RANDOM 0x0004 #define SF_BEAM_RING 0x0008 #define SF_BEAM_SPARKSTART 0x0010 #define SF_BEAM_SPARKEND 0x0020 #define SF_BEAM_DECALS 0x0040 #define SF_BEAM_SHADEIN 0x0080 #define SF_BEAM_SHADEOUT 0x0100 #define SF_BEAM_TEMPORARY 0x8000 #define SF_SPRITE_STARTON 0x0001 #define SF_SPRITE_ONCE 0x0002 #define SF_SPRITE_TEMPORARY 0x8000 class CSprite : public CPointEntity { public: void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); int ObjectCaps( void ) { int flags = 0; if ( pev->spawnflags & SF_SPRITE_TEMPORARY ) flags = FCAP_DONT_SAVE; return (CBaseEntity :: ObjectCaps() & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION) | flags; } void EXPORT AnimateThink( void ); void EXPORT ExpandThink( void ); void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); void Animate( float frames ); void Expand( float scaleSpeed, float fadeSpeed ); void SpriteInit( const char *pSpriteName, const Vector &origin ); inline void SetAttachment( edict_t *pEntity, int attachment ) { if ( pEntity ) { pev->skin = ENTINDEX(pEntity); pev->body = attachment; pev->aiment = pEntity; pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_FOLLOW; } } void TurnOff( void ); void TurnOn( void ); inline float Frames( void ) { return m_maxFrame; } inline void SetTransparency( int rendermode, int r, int g, int b, int a, int fx ) { pev->rendermode = rendermode; pev->rendercolor.x = r; pev->rendercolor.y = g; pev->rendercolor.z = b; pev->renderamt = a; pev->renderfx = fx; } inline void SetTexture( int spriteIndex ) { pev->modelindex = spriteIndex; } inline void SetScale( float scale ) { pev->scale = scale; } inline void SetColor( int r, int g, int b ) { pev->rendercolor.x = r; pev->rendercolor.y = g; pev->rendercolor.z = b; } inline void SetBrightness( int brightness ) { pev->renderamt = brightness; } inline void AnimateAndDie( float framerate ) { SetThink(AnimateUntilDead); pev->framerate = framerate; pev->dmgtime = gpGlobals->time + (m_maxFrame / framerate); pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time; } void EXPORT AnimateUntilDead( void ); virtual int Save( CSave &save ); virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore ); static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[]; static CSprite *SpriteCreate( const char *pSpriteName, const Vector &origin, BOOL animate ); private: float m_lastTime; float m_maxFrame; }; class CBeam : public CBaseEntity { public: void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); int ObjectCaps( void ) { int flags = 0; if ( pev->spawnflags & SF_BEAM_TEMPORARY ) flags = FCAP_DONT_SAVE; return (CBaseEntity :: ObjectCaps() & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION) | flags; } void EXPORT TriggerTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); // These functions are here to show the way beams are encoded as entities. // Encoding beams as entities simplifies their management in the client/server architecture inline void SetType( int type ) { pev->rendermode = (pev->rendermode & 0xF0) | (type&0x0F); } inline void SetFlags( int flags ) { pev->rendermode = (pev->rendermode & 0x0F) | (flags&0xF0); } inline void SetStartPos( const Vector& pos ) { pev->origin = pos; } inline void SetEndPos( const Vector& pos ) { pev->angles = pos; } void SetStartEntity( int entityIndex ); void SetEndEntity( int entityIndex ); inline void SetStartAttachment( int attachment ) { pev->sequence = (pev->sequence & 0x0FFF) | ((attachment&0xF)<<12); } inline void SetEndAttachment( int attachment ) { pev->skin = (pev->skin & 0x0FFF) | ((attachment&0xF)<<12); } inline void SetTexture( int spriteIndex ) { pev->modelindex = spriteIndex; } inline void SetWidth( int width ) { pev->scale = width; } inline void SetNoise( int amplitude ) { pev->body = amplitude; } inline void SetColor( int r, int g, int b ) { pev->rendercolor.x = r; pev->rendercolor.y = g; pev->rendercolor.z = b; } inline void SetBrightness( int brightness ) { pev->renderamt = brightness; } inline void SetFrame( float frame ) { pev->frame = frame; } inline void SetScrollRate( int speed ) { pev->animtime = speed; } inline int GetType( void ) { return pev->rendermode & 0x0F; } inline int GetFlags( void ) { return pev->rendermode & 0xF0; } inline int GetStartEntity( void ) { return pev->sequence & 0xFFF; } inline int GetEndEntity( void ) { return pev->skin & 0xFFF; } const Vector &GetStartPos( void ); const Vector &GetEndPos( void ); Vector Center( void ) { return (GetStartPos() + GetEndPos()) * 0.5; }; // center point of beam inline int GetTexture( void ) { return pev->modelindex; } inline int GetWidth( void ) { return pev->scale; } inline int GetNoise( void ) { return pev->body; } // inline void GetColor( int r, int g, int b ) { pev->rendercolor.x = r; pev->rendercolor.y = g; pev->rendercolor.z = b; } inline int GetBrightness( void ) { return pev->renderamt; } inline int GetFrame( void ) { return pev->frame; } inline int GetScrollRate( void ) { return pev->animtime; } // Call after you change start/end positions void RelinkBeam( void ); // void SetObjectCollisionBox( void ); void DoSparks( const Vector &start, const Vector &end ); CBaseEntity *RandomTargetname( const char *szName ); void BeamDamage( TraceResult *ptr ); // Init after BeamCreate() void BeamInit( const char *pSpriteName, int width ); void PointsInit( const Vector &start, const Vector &end ); void PointEntInit( const Vector &start, int endIndex ); void EntsInit( int startIndex, int endIndex ); void HoseInit( const Vector &start, const Vector &direction ); static CBeam *BeamCreate( const char *pSpriteName, int width ); inline void LiveForTime( float time ) { SetThink(SUB_Remove); pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + time; } inline void BeamDamageInstant( TraceResult *ptr, float damage ) { pev->dmg = damage; pev->dmgtime = gpGlobals->time - 1; BeamDamage(ptr); } }; #define SF_MESSAGE_ONCE 0x0001 // Fade in, not out #define SF_MESSAGE_ALL 0x0002 // Send to all clients class CLaser : public CBeam { public: void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd ); void TurnOn( void ); void TurnOff( void ); int IsOn( void ); void FireAtPoint( TraceResult &point ); void EXPORT StrikeThink( void ); void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); virtual int Save( CSave &save ); virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore ); static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[]; CSprite *m_pSprite; int m_iszSpriteName; Vector m_firePosition; }; #endif //EFFECTS_H