1381 lines
34 KiB
1381 lines
34 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// snd_mem.c: sound caching
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "winquake.h"
#include "fs.h"
typedef struct
int format;
int rate;
int bitwidth;
int numchannels;
int loopstart;
int samples;
int dataofs; // chunk starts this many bytes from file start
} wavinfo_t;
static wavinfo_t GetWavinfo (char *name, qbyte *wav, int wavlength);
#define LINEARUPSCALE(in, inrate, insamps, out, outrate, outlshift, outrshift) \
{ \
scale = inrate / (double)outrate; \
infrac = floor(scale * 65536); \
outsamps = insamps / scale; \
inaccum = 0; \
outnlsamps = floor(1.0 / scale); \
outsamps -= outnlsamps; \
while (outsamps) \
{ \
*out = ((0xFFFF - inaccum)*in[0] + inaccum*in[1]) >> (16 - outlshift + outrshift); \
inaccum += infrac; \
in += (inaccum >> 16); \
inaccum &= 0xFFFF; \
out++; \
outsamps--; \
} \
while (outnlsamps) \
{ \
*out = (*in >> outrshift) << outlshift; \
out++; \
outnlsamps--; \
} \
#define LINEARUPSCALESTEREO(in, inrate, insamps, out, outrate, outlshift, outrshift) \
{ \
scale = inrate / (double)outrate; \
infrac = floor(scale * 65536); \
outsamps = insamps / scale; \
inaccum = 0; \
outnlsamps = floor(1.0 / scale); \
outsamps -= outnlsamps; \
while (outsamps) \
{ \
out[0] = ((0xFFFF - inaccum)*in[0] + inaccum*in[2]) >> (16 - outlshift + outrshift); \
out[1] = ((0xFFFF - inaccum)*in[1] + inaccum*in[3]) >> (16 - outlshift + outrshift); \
inaccum += infrac; \
in += (inaccum >> 16) * 2; \
inaccum &= 0xFFFF; \
out += 2; \
outsamps--; \
} \
while (outnlsamps) \
{ \
out[0] = (in[0] >> outrshift) << outlshift; \
out[1] = (in[1] >> outrshift) << outlshift; \
out += 2; \
outnlsamps--; \
} \
#define LINEARUPSCALESTEREOTOMONO(in, inrate, insamps, out, outrate, outlshift, outrshift) \
{ \
scale = inrate / (double)outrate; \
infrac = floor(scale * 65536); \
outsamps = insamps / scale; \
inaccum = 0; \
outnlsamps = floor(1.0 / scale); \
outsamps -= outnlsamps; \
while (outsamps) \
{ \
*out = ((((0xFFFF - inaccum)*in[0] + inaccum*in[2]) >> (16 - outlshift + outrshift)) + \
(((0xFFFF - inaccum)*in[1] + inaccum*in[3]) >> (16 - outlshift + outrshift))) >> 1; \
inaccum += infrac; \
in += (inaccum >> 16) * 2; \
inaccum &= 0xFFFF; \
out++; \
outsamps--; \
} \
while (outnlsamps) \
{ \
out[0] = (((in[0] >> outrshift) << outlshift) + ((in[1] >> outrshift) << outlshift)) >> 1; \
out++; \
outnlsamps--; \
} \
#define LINEARDOWNSCALE(in, inrate, insamps, out, outrate, outlshift, outrshift) \
{ \
scale = outrate / (double)inrate; \
infrac = floor(scale * 65536); \
inaccum = 0; \
insamps--; \
outsampleft = 0; \
while (insamps) \
{ \
inaccum += infrac; \
if (inaccum >> 16) \
{ \
inaccum &= 0xFFFF; \
outsampleft += (infrac - inaccum) * (*in); \
*out = outsampleft >> (16 - outlshift + outrshift); \
out++; \
outsampleft = inaccum * (*in); \
} \
else \
outsampleft += infrac * (*in); \
in++; \
insamps--; \
} \
outsampleft += (0xFFFF - inaccum) * (*in);\
*out = outsampleft >> (16 - outlshift + outrshift); \
#define LINEARDOWNSCALESTEREO(in, inrate, insamps, out, outrate, outlshift, outrshift) \
{ \
scale = outrate / (double)inrate; \
infrac = floor(scale * 65536); \
inaccum = 0; \
insamps--; \
outsampleft = 0; \
outsampright = 0; \
while (insamps) \
{ \
inaccum += infrac; \
if (inaccum >> 16) \
{ \
inaccum &= 0xFFFF; \
outsampleft += (infrac - inaccum) * in[0]; \
outsampright += (infrac - inaccum) * in[1]; \
out[0] = outsampleft >> (16 - outlshift + outrshift); \
out[1] = outsampright >> (16 - outlshift + outrshift); \
out += 2; \
outsampleft = inaccum * in[0]; \
outsampright = inaccum * in[1]; \
} \
else \
{ \
outsampleft += infrac * in[0]; \
outsampright += infrac * in[1]; \
} \
in += 2; \
insamps--; \
} \
outsampleft += (0xFFFF - inaccum) * in[0];\
outsampright += (0xFFFF - inaccum) * in[1];\
out[0] = outsampleft >> (16 - outlshift + outrshift); \
out[1] = outsampright >> (16 - outlshift + outrshift); \
#define LINEARDOWNSCALESTEREOTOMONO(in, inrate, insamps, out, outrate, outlshift, outrshift) \
{ \
scale = outrate / (double)inrate; \
infrac = floor(scale * 65536); \
inaccum = 0; \
insamps--; \
outsampleft = 0; \
while (insamps) \
{ \
inaccum += infrac; \
if (inaccum >> 16) \
{ \
inaccum &= 0xFFFF; \
outsampleft += (infrac - inaccum) * ((in[0] + in[1]) >> 1); \
*out = outsampleft >> (16 - outlshift + outrshift); \
out++; \
outsampleft = inaccum * ((in[0] + in[1]) >> 1); \
} \
else \
outsampleft += infrac * ((in[0] + in[1]) >> 1); \
in += 2; \
insamps--; \
} \
outsampleft += (0xFFFF - inaccum) * ((in[0] + in[1]) >> 1);\
*out = outsampleft >> (16 - outlshift + outrshift); \
#define STANDARDRESCALE(in, inrate, insamps, out, outrate, outlshift, outrshift) \
{ \
scale = inrate / (double)outrate; \
infrac = floor(scale * 65536); \
outsamps = insamps / scale; \
inaccum = 0; \
while (outsamps) \
{ \
*out = (*in >> outrshift) << outlshift; \
inaccum += infrac; \
in += (inaccum >> 16); \
inaccum &= 0xFFFF; \
out++; \
outsamps--; \
} \
#define STANDARDRESCALESTEREO(in, inrate, insamps, out, outrate, outlshift, outrshift) \
{ \
scale = inrate / (double)outrate; \
infrac = floor(scale * 65536); \
outsamps = insamps / scale; \
inaccum = 0; \
while (outsamps) \
{ \
out[0] = (in[0] >> outrshift) << outlshift; \
out[1] = (in[1] >> outrshift) << outlshift; \
inaccum += infrac; \
in += (inaccum >> 16) * 2; \
inaccum &= 0xFFFF; \
out += 2; \
outsamps--; \
} \
#define STANDARDRESCALESTEREOTOMONO(in, inrate, insamps, out, outrate, outlshift, outrshift) \
{ \
scale = inrate / (double)outrate; \
infrac = floor(scale * 65536); \
outsamps = insamps / scale; \
inaccum = 0; \
while (outsamps) \
{ \
out[0] = (((in[0] >> outrshift) << outlshift) + ((in[1] >> outrshift) << outlshift)) >> 1; \
inaccum += infrac; \
in += (inaccum >> 16) * 2; \
inaccum &= 0xFFFF; \
out++; \
outsamps--; \
} \
#define QUICKCONVERT(in, insamps, out, outlshift, outrshift) \
{ \
while (insamps) \
{ \
*out = (*in >> outrshift) << outlshift; \
out++; \
in++; \
insamps--; \
} \
#define QUICKCONVERTSTEREOTOMONO(in, insamps, out, outlshift, outrshift) \
{ \
while (insamps) \
{ \
*out = (((in[0] >> outrshift) << outlshift) + ((in[1] >> outrshift) << outlshift)) >> 1; \
out++; \
in += 2; \
insamps--; \
} \
// SND_ResampleStream: takes a sound stream and converts with given parameters. Limited to
// 8-16-bit signed conversions and mono-to-mono/stereo-to-stereo conversions.
// Not an in-place algorithm.
void SND_ResampleStream (const void *in, int inrate, qaudiofmt_t informat, int inchannels, int insamps, void *out, int outrate, qaudiofmt_t outformat, int outchannels, int resampstyle)
double scale;
const signed char *in8 = (const signed char *)in;
const short *in16 = (const short *)in;
signed char *out8 = (signed char *)out;
short *out16 = (short *)out;
int outsamps, outnlsamps, outsampleft, outsampright;
int infrac, inaccum;
if (insamps <= 0)
if (inchannels == outchannels && informat == outformat && inrate == outrate)
memcpy(out, in, informat*insamps*inchannels);
if (inchannels == 1 && outchannels == 1)
if (informat == QAF_S8)
if (outformat == QAF_S8)
if (inrate < outrate) // upsample
if (resampstyle)
LINEARUPSCALE(in8, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 0)
STANDARDRESCALE(in8, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 0)
else // downsample
if (resampstyle > 1)
LINEARDOWNSCALE(in8, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 0)
STANDARDRESCALE(in8, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 0)
else if (outformat == QAF_S16)
if (inrate == outrate) // quick convert
QUICKCONVERT(in8, insamps, out16, 8, 0)
else if (inrate < outrate) // upsample
if (resampstyle)
LINEARUPSCALE(in8, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 8, 0)
STANDARDRESCALE(in8, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 8, 0)
else // downsample
if (resampstyle > 1)
LINEARDOWNSCALE(in8, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 8, 0)
STANDARDRESCALE(in8, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 8, 0)
else if (informat == QAF_S16) // 16-bit
if (outformat == QAF_S16)
if (inrate < outrate) // upsample
if (resampstyle)
LINEARUPSCALE(in16, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 0, 0)
STANDARDRESCALE(in16, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 0, 0)
else // downsample
if (resampstyle > 1)
LINEARDOWNSCALE(in16, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 0, 0)
STANDARDRESCALE(in16, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 0, 0)
else if (outformat == QAF_S8)
if (inrate == outrate) // quick convert
QUICKCONVERT(in16, insamps, out8, 0, 8)
else if (inrate < outrate) // upsample
if (resampstyle)
LINEARUPSCALE(in16, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 8)
STANDARDRESCALE(in16, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 8)
else // downsample
if (resampstyle > 1)
LINEARDOWNSCALE(in16, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 8)
STANDARDRESCALE(in16, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 8)
else if (outchannels == 2 && inchannels == 2)
if (informat == QAF_S8)
if (outformat == QAF_S8)
if (inrate < outrate) // upsample
if (resampstyle)
LINEARUPSCALESTEREO(in8, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 0)
STANDARDRESCALESTEREO(in8, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 0)
else // downsample
if (resampstyle > 1)
LINEARDOWNSCALESTEREO(in8, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 0)
STANDARDRESCALESTEREO(in8, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 0)
if (inrate == outrate) // quick convert
insamps *= 2;
QUICKCONVERT(in8, insamps, out16, 8, 0)
else if (inrate < outrate) // upsample
if (resampstyle)
LINEARUPSCALESTEREO(in8, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 8, 0)
STANDARDRESCALESTEREO(in8, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 8, 0)
else // downsample
if (resampstyle > 1)
LINEARDOWNSCALESTEREO(in8, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 8, 0)
STANDARDRESCALESTEREO(in8, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 8, 0)
else if (informat == QAF_S16) // 16-bit
if (outformat == QAF_S16)
if (inrate < outrate) // upsample
if (resampstyle)
LINEARUPSCALESTEREO(in16, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 0, 0)
STANDARDRESCALESTEREO(in16, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 0, 0)
else // downsample
if (resampstyle > 1)
LINEARDOWNSCALESTEREO(in16, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 0, 0)
STANDARDRESCALESTEREO(in16, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 0, 0)
else if (outformat == QAF_S8)
if (inrate == outrate) // quick convert
insamps *= 2;
QUICKCONVERT(in16, insamps, out8, 0, 8)
else if (inrate < outrate) // upsample
if (resampstyle)
LINEARUPSCALESTEREO(in16, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 8)
STANDARDRESCALESTEREO(in16, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 8)
else // downsample
if (resampstyle > 1)
LINEARDOWNSCALESTEREO(in16, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 8)
STANDARDRESCALESTEREO(in16, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 8)
#if 0
else if (outchannels == 1 && inchannels == 2)
if (informat == QAF_S8)
if (outformat == QAF_S8)
if (inrate < outrate) // upsample
if (resampstyle)
LINEARUPSCALESTEREOTOMONO(in8, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 0)
STANDARDRESCALESTEREOTOMONO(in8, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 0)
else // downsample
STANDARDRESCALESTEREOTOMONO(in8, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 0)
else if (outformat == QAF_S16)
if (inrate == outrate) // quick convert
QUICKCONVERTSTEREOTOMONO(in8, insamps, out16, 8, 0)
else if (inrate < outrate) // upsample
if (resampstyle)
LINEARUPSCALESTEREOTOMONO(in8, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 8, 0)
STANDARDRESCALESTEREOTOMONO(in8, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 8, 0)
else // downsample
STANDARDRESCALESTEREOTOMONO(in8, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 8, 0)
else if (informat == QAF_S16) // 16-bit
if (outformat == QAF_S16)
if (inrate < outrate) // upsample
if (resampstyle)
LINEARUPSCALESTEREOTOMONO(in16, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 0, 0)
STANDARDRESCALESTEREOTOMONO(in16, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 0, 0)
else // downsample
STANDARDRESCALESTEREOTOMONO(in16, inrate, insamps, out16, outrate, 0, 0)
else if (outformat == QAF_S8)
if (inrate == outrate) // quick convert
QUICKCONVERTSTEREOTOMONO(in16, insamps, out8, 0, 8)
else if (inrate < outrate) // upsample
if (resampstyle)
LINEARUPSCALESTEREOTOMONO(in16, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 8)
STANDARDRESCALESTEREOTOMONO(in16, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 8)
else // downsample
STANDARDRESCALESTEREOTOMONO(in16, inrate, insamps, out8, outrate, 0, 8)
static qboolean ResampleSfx (sfx_t *sfx, int inrate, int inchannels, qaudiofmt_t informat, int insamps, int inloopstart, qbyte *data)
extern cvar_t snd_linearresample;
extern cvar_t snd_loadasstereo;
double scale;
sfxcache_t *sc;
int outsamps;
int len;
qaudiofmt_t outformat;
scale = snd_speed / (double)inrate;
outsamps = insamps * scale;
if (snd_loadas8bit.ival < 0)
outformat = QAF_S16;
else if (snd_loadas8bit.ival)
outformat = QAF_S8;
outformat = informat;
len = outsamps * QAF_BYTES(outformat) * inchannels;
sfx->decoder.buf = sc = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(sfxcache_t) + len);
if (!sc)
return false;
sc->numchannels = inchannels;
sc->format = outformat;
sc->speed = snd_speed;
sc->length = outsamps;
sc->soundoffset = 0;
sc->data = (qbyte*)(sc+1);
if (inloopstart == -1)
sfx->loopstart = inloopstart;
sfx->loopstart = inloopstart * scale;
SND_ResampleStream (data,
if (inchannels == 1 && snd_loadasstereo.ival)
{ //I'm implementing this to work around what looks like a firefox bug, where mono buffers don't get played (but stereo works just fine despite all the spacialisation issues associated with that).
sfxcache_t *nc = sfx->decoder.buf = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(sfxcache_t) + len*2);
*nc = *sc;
nc->data = (qbyte*)(nc+1);
SND_ResampleStream (sc->data,
nc->numchannels *= 2;
return true;
#define DSPK_RATE 140
#define DSPK_BASE 170.0
#define DSPK_EXP 0.0433
qboolean QDECL S_LoadDoomSpeakerSound (sfx_t *s, qbyte *data, size_t datalen, int sndspeed, qboolean forcedecode)
sfxcache_t *sc;
// format data from Unofficial Doom Specs v1.6
unsigned short *dataus;
int samples, len, inrate, inaccum;
qbyte *outdata;
qbyte towrite;
double timeraccum, timerfreq;
if (datalen < 4)
return NULL;
dataus = (unsigned short*)data;
if (LittleShort(dataus[0]) != 0)
return NULL;
samples = LittleShort(dataus[1]);
data += 4;
datalen -= 4;
if (datalen != samples)
return NULL;
len = (int)((double)samples * (double)snd_speed / DSPK_RATE);
sc = Cache_Alloc (&s->cache, len + sizeof(sfxcache_t), s->name);
if (!sc)
return NULL;
sc->length = len;
s->loopstart = -1;
sc->numchannels = 1;
sc->width = 1;
sc->speed = snd_speed;
timeraccum = 0;
outdata = sc->data;
towrite = 0x40;
inrate = (int)((double)snd_speed / DSPK_RATE);
inaccum = inrate;
if (*data)
timerfreq = DSPK_BASE * pow((double)2.0, DSPK_EXP * (*data));
timerfreq = 0;
while (len > 0)
timeraccum += timerfreq;
if (timeraccum > (float)snd_speed)
towrite ^= 0xFF; // swap speaker component
timeraccum -= (float)snd_speed;
if (!inaccum)
if (*data)
timerfreq = DSPK_BASE * pow((double)2.0, DSPK_EXP * (*data));
inaccum = inrate;
*outdata = towrite;
return sc;
static qboolean QDECL S_LoadDoomSound (sfx_t *s, qbyte *data, size_t datalen, int sndspeed, qboolean forcedecode)
// format data from Unofficial Doom Specs v1.6
unsigned short *dataus;
int samples, rate;
if (datalen < 8)
return false;
dataus = (unsigned short*)data;
if (LittleShort(dataus[0]) != 3)
return false;
rate = LittleShort(dataus[1]);
samples = LittleShort(dataus[2]);
data += 8;
datalen -= 8;
if (datalen != samples)
return false;
COM_CharBias(data, datalen);
return ResampleSfx (s, rate, 1, 1, samples, -1, data);
static qboolean QDECL S_LoadWavSound (sfx_t *s, qbyte *data, size_t datalen, int sndspeed, qboolean forcedecode)
wavinfo_t info;
qaudiofmt_t format;
if (datalen < 4 || strncmp(data, "RIFF", 4))
return false;
info = GetWavinfo (s->name, data, datalen);
if (info.numchannels < 1 || info.numchannels > 2)
s->loadstate = SLS_FAILED;
Con_Printf ("%s has an unsupported quantity of channels.\n",s->name);
return false;
if (info.format == 1 && info.bitwidth == 8) //unsigned bytes
COM_CharBias(data + info.dataofs, info.samples*info.numchannels);
format = QAF_S8;
else if (info.format == 1 && (info.bitwidth > 8 && info.bitwidth <= 16)) //signed shorts
COM_SwapLittleShortBlock((short *)(data + info.dataofs), info.samples*info.numchannels);
format = QAF_S16;
else if (info.format == 1 && (info.bitwidth > 16 && info.bitwidth <= 24))
{ //packed
short *out = (short *)(data + info.dataofs);
qbyte *in = (qbyte *)(data + info.dataofs);
int s;
size_t samples = info.samples*info.numchannels;
while(samples --> 0)
s = *in++<<0;
s |= *in++<<8;
s |= *in++<<16;
s |= 0 <<24;
*out++ = s>>8; //just drop the least significant bits.
format = QAF_S16;
else if (info.format == 1 && (info.bitwidth > 24 && info.bitwidth <= 32)) //24(padded) or 32bit int audio
short *out = (short *)(data + info.dataofs);
int *in = (int *)(data + info.dataofs);
size_t samples = info.samples*info.numchannels;
while(samples --> 0)
{ //in place size conversion, so we need to do it forwards.
*out++ = LittleLong(*in++)>>16; //just drop the least significant bits.
format = QAF_S16;
#ifdef MIXER_F32
else if (info.format == 3 && info.bitwidth == 32) //signed floats
if (bigendian)
size_t i = info.samples*info.numchannels;
float *ptr = (float*)(data + info.dataofs);
while(i --> 0)
ptr[i] = LittleFloat(ptr[i]);
format = QAF_F32;
else if (info.format == 3 && info.bitwidth == 64) //signed doubles, converted to floats cos doubles is just silly.
if (bigendian)
size_t i = info.samples*info.numchannels;
qint64_t *in = (qint64_t*)(data + info.dataofs);
float *out = (short *)(data + info.dataofs);
union {
qint64_t i;
double d;
} s;
while(i --> 0)
s.i = LittleI64(in[i]);
out[i] = s.d;
format = QAF_F32;
else if (info.format == 3 && info.bitwidth == 32) //signed floats
short *out = (short *)(data + info.dataofs);
float *in = (float *)(data + info.dataofs);
size_t samples = info.samples*info.numchannels;
int t;
while(samples --> 0)
{ //in place size conversion, so we need to do it forwards.
t = LittleFloat(*in++) * 32767;
t = bound(-32768, t, 32767);
*out++ = t;
format = QAF_S16;
else if (info.format == 3 && info.bitwidth == 64) //signed doubles
short *out = (short *)(data + info.dataofs);
qint64_t *in = (qint64_t *)(data + info.dataofs);
union {
qint64_t i;
double d;
} s;
size_t samples = info.samples*info.numchannels;
int t;
while(samples --> 0)
{ //in place size conversion, so we need to do it forwards.
s.i = LittleI64(*in++);
t = s.d * 32767;
t = bound(-32768, t, 32767);
*out++ = t;
format = QAF_S16;
s->loadstate = SLS_FAILED;
case 1/*WAVE_FORMAT_PCM*/:
case 3/*WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT*/: Con_Printf ("%s has an unsupported width (%i bits).\n", s->name, info.bitwidth); break;
case 6/*WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW*/: Con_Printf ("%s uses unsupported a-law format.\n", s->name); break;
case 7/*WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW*/: Con_Printf ("%s uses unsupported mu-law format.\n", s->name); break;
default: Con_Printf ("%s has an unsupported format (%#"PRIX16").\n", s->name, info.format); break;
return false;
return ResampleSfx (s, info.rate, info.numchannels, format, info.samples, info.loopstart, data + info.dataofs);
#if 1
void S_BrowserDecoded (void *ctx, void *dataptr, int frames, int channels, float rate)
sfx_t *sfx = ctx;
//make sure we were not restarting at the time... FIXME: make stricter?
extern sfx_t *known_sfx;
extern int num_sfx;
int id = sfx-known_sfx;
if (id < 0 || id >= num_sfx || sfx != &known_sfx[id])
return; //err... don't crash out!
sfx->loopstart = -1;
if (dataptr)
{ //okay, something loaded. woo.
sfx->decoder.buf = NULL;
sfx->decoder.decodedata = NULL;
ResampleSfx (sfx, rate, channels, QAF_S16, frames, -1, dataptr);
Con_Printf(CON_WARNING"Failed to decode %s\n", sfx->name);
sfx->loadstate = SLS_FAILED;
static qboolean QDECL S_LoadBrowserFile (sfx_t *s, qbyte *data, size_t datalen, int sndspeed, qboolean forcedecode)
struct sfxcache_s *buf;
if (datalen > 4 && !strncmp(data, "RIFF", 4))
return false; //do NOT use this code for wav files. we have no way to read the looping flags which would break things in certain situations. we MUST fall back on our normal loader.
s->decoder.buf = buf = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*buf)+128);
//fill with a placeholder
buf->length = 128;
buf->speed = snd_speed;
buf->format = QAF_S8; //something basic
buf->soundoffset = 0;
buf->data = (qbyte*)(buf+1);
s->loopstart = 0; //keep looping silence until it actually loads something.
return emscriptenfte_pcm_loadaudiofile(s, S_BrowserDecoded, data, datalen, sndspeed);
//web browsers contain their own decoding libraries that our openal stuff can use.
static qboolean QDECL S_LoadBrowserFile (sfx_t *s, qbyte *data, size_t datalen, int sndspeed, qboolean forcedecode)
sfxcache_t *sc;
s->decoder.buf = sc = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(sfxcache_t) + datalen);
s->loopstart = -1;
sc->data = (qbyte*)(sc+1);
sc->length = datalen;
sc->format = QAF_BLOB; //ie: not pcm
sc->speed = sndspeed;
sc->numchannels = 2;
sc->soundoffset = 0;
memcpy(sc->data, data, datalen);
return true;
qboolean QDECL S_LoadOVSound (sfx_t *s, qbyte *data, size_t datalen, int sndspeed, qboolean forcedecode);
//highest priority is last.
static struct
S_LoadSound_t loadfunc;
void *module;
} AudioInputPlugins[10] =
// {S_LoadDoomSpeakerSound},
qboolean S_RegisterSoundInputPlugin(void *module, S_LoadSound_t loadfnc)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(AudioInputPlugins)/sizeof(AudioInputPlugins[0]); i++)
if (!AudioInputPlugins[i].loadfunc)
AudioInputPlugins[i].module = module;
AudioInputPlugins[i].loadfunc = loadfnc;
return true;
return false;
void S_UnregisterSoundInputModule(void *module)
{ //unregister all sound handlers for the given module.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(AudioInputPlugins)/sizeof(AudioInputPlugins[0]); i++)
if (AudioInputPlugins[i].module == module)
AudioInputPlugins[i].module = NULL;
AudioInputPlugins[i].loadfunc = NULL;
static void S_LoadedOrFailed (void *ctx, void *ctxdata, size_t a, size_t b)
sfx_t *s = ctx;
s->loadstate = a;
static void S_LoadSoundWorker (void *ctx, void *ctxdata, size_t forcedecode, size_t b)
sfx_t *s = ctx;
char namebuffer[256];
qbyte *data;
int i;
size_t result;
char *name = s->name;
size_t filesize;
s->loopstart = -1;
if (s->syspath)
vfsfile_t *f;
if ((f = VFSOS_Open(name, "rb")))
filesize = VFS_GETLEN(f);
data = BZ_Malloc (filesize);
result = VFS_READ(f, data, filesize);
if (result != filesize)
Con_SafePrintf("S_LoadSound() fread: Filename: %s, expected %"PRIuSIZE", result was %"PRIuSIZE"\n", name, filesize, result);
Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't load %s\n", namebuffer);
COM_AddWork(WG_MAIN, S_LoadedOrFailed, s, NULL, SLS_FAILED, 0);
//Con_Printf ("S_LoadSound: %x\n", (int)stackbuf);
// load it in
const char *prefixes[] = {"sound/", ""};
const char *extensions[] = {
char altname[sizeof(namebuffer)];
char orig[16];
size_t pre, ex;
data = NULL;
filesize = 0;
if (*name == '*') //q2 sexed sounds
//clq2_parsestartsound detects this also, and should not try playing these sounds.
s->loadstate = SLS_FAILED;
for (pre = 0; !data && pre < countof(prefixes); pre++)
if (name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '.' && name[2] == '/')
{ //someone's being specific. disable prefixes entirely.
if (pre)
//not relative to sound/
Q_snprintfz(namebuffer, sizeof(namebuffer), "%s", name+3);
Q_snprintfz(namebuffer, sizeof(namebuffer), "%s%s", prefixes[pre], name);
data = FS_LoadMallocFile(namebuffer, &filesize);
if (data)
COM_FileExtension(namebuffer, orig, sizeof(orig));
COM_StripExtension(namebuffer, altname, sizeof(altname));
for (ex = 0; ex < countof(extensions); ex++)
if (!strcmp(orig, extensions[ex]+1))
Q_snprintfz(namebuffer, sizeof(namebuffer), "%s%s", altname, extensions[ex]);
data = FS_LoadMallocFile(namebuffer, &filesize);
if (data)
static float throttletimer;
Con_ThrottlePrintf(&throttletimer, 1, "S_LoadSound: %s%s requested, but could only find %s\n", prefixes[pre], name, namebuffer);
if (data && !Ruleset_FileLoaded(name, data, filesize))
data = NULL;
filesize = 0;
if (!data)
//FIXME: check to see if queued for download.
if (name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '.' && name[2] == '/')
Con_DPrintf ("Couldn't load %s\n", name+3);
Con_DPrintf ("Couldn't load sound/%s\n", name);
COM_AddWork(WG_MAIN, S_LoadedOrFailed, s, NULL, SLS_FAILED, 0);
for (i = sizeof(AudioInputPlugins)/sizeof(AudioInputPlugins[0])-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (AudioInputPlugins[i].loadfunc)
if (AudioInputPlugins[i].loadfunc(s, data, filesize, snd_speed, forcedecode))
//wake up the main thread in case it decided to wait for us.
COM_AddWork(WG_MAIN, S_LoadedOrFailed, s, NULL, SLS_LOADED, 0);
if (s->loadstate != SLS_FAILED)
Con_Printf ("Format not recognised: %s\n", namebuffer);
COM_AddWork(WG_MAIN, S_LoadedOrFailed, s, NULL, SLS_FAILED, 0);
qboolean S_LoadSound (sfx_t *s, qboolean force)
if (s->loadstate == SLS_NOTLOADED && sndcardinfo)
s->loadstate = SLS_LOADING;
COM_AddWork(WG_LOADER, S_LoadSoundWorker, s, NULL, force, 0);
if (s->loadstate == SLS_FAILED)
return false; //it failed to load once before, don't bother trying again.
return true; //loaded okay, or still loading
WAV loading
typedef struct
char *wavname;
qbyte *data_p;
qbyte *iff_end;
qbyte *last_chunk;
qbyte *iff_data;
int iff_chunk_len;
} wavctx_t;
static short GetLittleShort(wavctx_t *ctx)
short val = 0;
val = *ctx->data_p;
val = val + (*(ctx->data_p+1)<<8);
ctx->data_p += 2;
return val;
static int GetLittleLong(wavctx_t *ctx)
int val = 0;
val = *ctx->data_p;
val = val + (*(ctx->data_p+1)<<8);
val = val + (*(ctx->data_p+2)<<16);
val = val + (*(ctx->data_p+3)<<24);
ctx->data_p += 4;
return val;
static unsigned int FindNextChunk(wavctx_t *ctx, char *name)
unsigned int dataleft;
while (1)
dataleft = ctx->iff_end - ctx->last_chunk;
if (dataleft < 8)
{ // didn't find the chunk
ctx->data_p = NULL;
return 0;
ctx->data_p += 4;
dataleft-= 8;
ctx->iff_chunk_len = GetLittleLong(ctx);
if (ctx->iff_chunk_len < 0)
ctx->data_p = NULL;
return 0;
if (ctx->iff_chunk_len > dataleft)
Con_DPrintf ("\"%s\" seems truncated by %i bytes\n", ctx->wavname, ctx->iff_chunk_len-dataleft);
#if 1
ctx->iff_chunk_len = dataleft;
ctx->data_p = NULL;
return 0;
dataleft-= ctx->iff_chunk_len;
// if (iff_chunk_len > 1024*1024)
// Sys_Error ("FindNextChunk: %i length is past the 1 meg sanity limit", iff_chunk_len);
ctx->data_p -= 8;
ctx->last_chunk = ctx->data_p + 8 + ctx->iff_chunk_len;
if ((ctx->iff_chunk_len&1) && dataleft)
if (!Q_strncmp(ctx->data_p, name, 4))
return ctx->iff_chunk_len;
static unsigned int FindChunk(wavctx_t *ctx, char *name)
ctx->last_chunk = ctx->iff_data;
return FindNextChunk (ctx, name);
#if 0
static void DumpChunks(void)
char str[5];
str[4] = 0;
memcpy (str, data_p, 4);
data_p += 4;
iff_chunk_len = GetLittleLong();
Con_Printf ("0x%x : %s (%d)\n", (int)(data_p - 4), str, iff_chunk_len);
data_p += (iff_chunk_len + 1) & ~1;
} while (data_p < iff_end);
static wavinfo_t GetWavinfo (char *name, qbyte *wav, int wavlength)
extern cvar_t snd_ignorecueloops;
wavinfo_t info;
int i;
int samples;
int chunklen;
wavctx_t ctx;
memset (&info, 0, sizeof(info));
if (!wav)
return info;
ctx.data_p = NULL;
ctx.last_chunk = NULL;
ctx.iff_chunk_len = 0;
ctx.iff_data = wav;
ctx.iff_end = wav + wavlength;
ctx.wavname = name;
// find "RIFF" chunk
chunklen = FindChunk(&ctx, "RIFF");
if (chunklen < 4 || Q_strncmp(ctx.data_p+8, "WAVE", 4))
Con_Printf("Missing RIFF/WAVE chunks in %s\n", name);
return info;
// get "fmt " chunk
ctx.iff_data = ctx.data_p + 12;
// DumpChunks ();
chunklen = FindChunk(&ctx, "fmt ");
if (chunklen < 24-8)
Con_Printf("Missing/truncated fmt chunk\n");
return info;
ctx.data_p += 8;
info.format = (unsigned short)GetLittleShort(&ctx);
info.numchannels = (unsigned short)GetLittleShort(&ctx);
info.rate = GetLittleLong(&ctx);
ctx.data_p += 4; //nAvgBytesPerSec
ctx.data_p += 2; //nBlockAlign
info.bitwidth = (unsigned short)GetLittleShort(&ctx); //meant to be a multiple of 8, but when its not we will treat it as 'nValidBits' and assume the lower bits are padded to bytes.
if (info.format == 0xfffe)
if (GetLittleShort(&ctx) >= 22) //cbSize
ctx.data_p += 2; //wValidBitsPerSample. don't really care
ctx.data_p += 4; //dwChannelMask. don't really care.
if (!memcmp(ctx.data_p, "\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x80\x00\x00\xaa\x00\x38\x9b\x71", 16))
info.format = 1; //pcm(regular ints)
else if (!memcmp(ctx.data_p, "\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x80\x00\x00\xaa\x00\x38\x9b\x71", 16))
info.format = 3; //float
//else leave it unusable.
ctx.data_p += 16; //SubFormat. convert to the real format
// get cue chunk
chunklen = FindChunk(&ctx, "cue ");
if (chunklen >= 36-8 && !snd_ignorecueloops.ival)
ctx.data_p += 32;
info.loopstart = GetLittleLong(&ctx);
// Con_Printf("loopstart=%d\n", sfx->loopstart);
// if the next chunk is a LIST chunk, look for a cue length marker
chunklen = FindNextChunk (&ctx, "LIST");
if (chunklen >= 32-8)
if (!strncmp (ctx.data_p + 28, "mark", 4))
{ // this is not a proper parse, but it works with cooledit...
ctx.data_p += 24;
i = GetLittleLong (&ctx); // samples in loop
info.samples = info.loopstart + i;
// Con_Printf("looped length: %i\n", i);
info.loopstart = -1;
// find data chunk
chunklen = FindChunk(&ctx, "data");
if (!ctx.data_p)
Con_Printf("Missing data chunk in %s\n", name);
return info;
ctx.data_p += 8;
samples = (chunklen<<3) / ((info.bitwidth+7)&~7) / info.numchannels;
if (info.samples)
if (samples < info.samples)
info.samples = samples;
Con_Printf ("Sound %s has a bad loop length\n", name);
info.samples = samples;
if (info.loopstart > info.samples)
Con_Printf ("Sound %s has a bad loop start\n", name);
info.loopstart = info.samples;
info.dataofs = ctx.data_p - wav;
return info;