fte particle scripts are disabled (classic works). I'll fix these in the new year. Redid framestate stuff again. Slightly better now, but this is the bulk of the changes here. Reworked the renderqueue to provide batches of items instead of individual items. This cleans up the particle rendering code significantly, and is a step towards multiple concurrent particle systems. fte's scripted particles are broken as I'm trying to find a way to rework them to batch types together, rather than having to restart each batch after each particle when you have two particles in a trail. I'll fix it some time. Reworked some alias model code regarding skeletal models. Added some conceptual skeletal bone control builtins available to csqc. Currently it can query the bone names and save off animation states, but can't animate - its just not complete. Added more info to glsl custom shaders. Updated surface sorting on halflife maps to properly cope with alphaed entities, rather than just texture-based blends (q2-style). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@3095 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
1121 lines
29 KiB
1121 lines
29 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// client.h
#include "particles.h"
typedef struct
char name[64];
int width;
int height;
int cachedbpp;
qboolean failedload; // the name isn't a valid skin
cache_user_t cache;
} skin_t;
// player_state_t is the information needed by a player entity
// to do move prediction and to generate a drawable entity
typedef struct
int messagenum; // all player's won't be updated each frame
double state_time; // not the same as the packet time,
// because player commands come asyncronously
usercmd_t command; // last command for prediction
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t viewangles; // only for demos, not from server
vec3_t velocity;
int weaponframe;
int modelindex;
int frame;
int skinnum;
int effects;
float scale;
qbyte colourmod[3];
qbyte alpha;
float fatness;
int flags; // dead, gib, etc
int pm_type;
float waterjumptime;
qboolean onground;
qboolean jump_held;
int jump_msec; // hack for fixing bunny-hop flickering on non-ZQuake servers
int hullnum;
float lerpstarttime;
int oldframe;
} player_state_t;
#if defined(Q2CLIENT) || defined(Q2SERVER)
typedef enum
// can accelerate and turn
// no acceleration or turning
Q2PM_GIB, // different bounding box
} q2pmtype_t;
typedef struct
{ //shared with q2 dll
q2pmtype_t pm_type;
short origin[3]; // 12.3
short velocity[3]; // 12.3
qbyte pm_flags; // ducked, jump_held, etc
qbyte pm_time; // each unit = 8 ms
short gravity;
short delta_angles[3]; // add to command angles to get view direction
// changed by spawns, rotating objects, and teleporters
} q2pmove_state_t;
typedef struct
{ //shared with q2 dll
q2pmove_state_t pmove; // for prediction
// these fields do not need to be communicated bit-precise
vec3_t viewangles; // for fixed views
vec3_t viewoffset; // add to pmovestate->origin
vec3_t kick_angles; // add to view direction to get render angles
// set by weapon kicks, pain effects, etc
vec3_t gunangles;
vec3_t gunoffset;
int gunindex;
int gunframe;
float blend[4]; // rgba full screen effect
float fov; // horizontal field of view
int rdflags; // refdef flags
short stats[Q2MAX_STATS]; // fast status bar updates
} q2player_state_t;
typedef struct colourised_s {
char name[64];
unsigned int topcolour;
unsigned int bottomcolour;
char skin[64];
struct colourised_s *next;
} colourised_t;
typedef struct player_info_s
int userid;
char userinfo[EXTENDED_INFO_STRING];
char teamstatus[128];
// scoreboard information
char team[MAX_INFO_KEY];
float entertime;
int frags;
int ping;
qbyte pl;
qboolean ignored;
colourised_t *colourised;
// skin information
unsigned int rtopcolor; //real, according to their userinfo
unsigned int rbottomcolor;
unsigned int ttopcolor; //team, according to colour forcing
unsigned int tbottomcolor;
#ifdef SWQUAKE
struct palremap_s *palremap;
int spectator;
skin_t *skin;
struct model_s *model;
unsigned short vweapindex;
int prevcount;
int stats[MAX_CL_STATS];
int statsf[MAX_CL_STATS];
} player_info_t;
typedef struct
// generated on client side
usercmd_t cmd[MAX_SPLITS]; // cmd that generated the frame
double senttime; // time cmd was sent off
int delta_sequence; // sequence number to delta from, -1 = full update
int cmd_sequence;
// received from server
double receivedtime; // time message was received, or -1
player_state_t playerstate[MAX_CLIENTS]; // message received that reflects performing
// the usercmd
packet_entities_t packet_entities;
qboolean invalid; // true if the packet_entities delta was invalid
int server_time;
int client_time;
int server_message_num;
} frame_t;
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
typedef struct
qboolean valid; // cleared if delta parsing was invalid
int serverframe;
int servertime; // server time the message is valid for (in msec)
int deltaframe;
qbyte areabits[MAX_Q2MAP_AREAS/8]; // portalarea visibility bits
q2player_state_t playerstate;
int num_entities;
int parse_entities; // non-masked index into cl_parse_entities array
} q2frame_t;
typedef struct
int destcolor[3];
int percent; // 0-256
} cshift_t;
#define CSHIFT_BONUS 2
#define NUM_CSHIFTS 5
// client_state_t should hold all pieces of the client state
#define MAX_SWLIGHTS 32 //sw lighting, aka: r_dynamic, uses unsigned ints as a mask for cached lit flags. We could increase this on 64bit platforms or by just using more fields.
#define MAX_RTLIGHTS 256 //r_shadow_realtime_world needs a LOT of lights.
#define MAX_RTLIGHTS 0 //but sw rendering doesn't have that.
typedef struct dlight_s
int key; // so entities can reuse same entry
qboolean noppl, nodynamic, noflash, isstatic;
vec3_t origin;
float radius;
float die; // stop lighting after this time
float decay; // drop this each second
float minlight; // don't add when contributing less
float color[3];
float channelfade[3];
struct shadowmesh_s *worldshadowmesh;
int style; //multiply by style values if > 0
float dist;
struct dlight_s *next;
} dlight_t;
typedef struct
int length;
int colour;
} lightstyle_t;
#define MAX_EFRAGS 512
#define MAX_DEMOS 8
#define MAX_DEMONAME 16
typedef enum {
ca_disconnected, // full screen console with no connection
ca_demostart, // starting up a demo
ca_connected, // netchan_t established, waiting for svc_serverdata
ca_onserver, // processing data lists, donwloading, etc
ca_active // everything is in, so frames can be rendered
} cactive_t;
typedef enum {
} dltype_t; // download type
// the client_static_t structure is persistant through an arbitrary number
// of server connections
typedef struct
// connection information
cactive_t state;
enum {
} protocol;
qboolean resendinfo;
qboolean findtrack;
int framecount;
int realip_ident;
netadr_t realserverip;
// network stuff
netchan_t netchan;
float lastarbiatarypackettime; //used to mark when packets were sent to prevent mvdsv servers from causing us to disconnect.
// private userinfo for sending to masterless servers
char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
char servername[MAX_OSPATH]; // name of server from original connect
int qport;
struct ftenet_connections_s *sockets;
vfsfile_t *downloadqw; // file transfer from server
char downloadtempname[MAX_OSPATH];
char downloadname[MAX_OSPATH];
int downloadpercent;
int downloadchunknum;
// demo loop control
int demonum; // -1 = don't play demos
char demos[MAX_DEMOS][MAX_DEMONAME]; // when not playing
// demo recording info must be here, because record is started before
// entering a map (and clearing client_state_t)
qboolean demorecording;
#ifdef NQPROT
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
} demoplayback;
qboolean timedemo;
vfsfile_t *demofile;
float td_lastframe; // to meter out one message a frame
int td_startframe; // host_framecount at start
float td_starttime; // realtime at second frame of timedemo
int challenge;
float latency; // rolling average
qboolean allow_anyparticles;
qboolean allow_lightmapgamma;
qboolean allow_rearview;
qboolean allow_skyboxes;
qboolean allow_mirrors;
qboolean allow_watervis;
qboolean allow_shaders;
qboolean allow_luma;
qboolean allow_bump;
float allow_fbskins; //fraction of allowance
#ifdef FISH
qboolean allow_fish;
qboolean allow_cheats;
qboolean allow_semicheats; //defaults to true, but this allows a server to enforce a strict ruleset (smackdown type rules).
float maxfps; //server capped
unsigned long fteprotocolextensions;
unsigned long z_ext;
#ifdef NQPROT
int signon;
translation_t language;
colourised_t *colourised;
} client_static_t;
extern client_static_t cls;
extern int nq_dp_protocol;
typedef struct downloadlist_s {
char name[128];
char localname[128];
unsigned int size;
unsigned int flags;
#define DLLF_VERBOSE 1 //tell the user that its downloading
#define DLLF_REQUIRED 2 //means that it won't load models etc until its downloaded (ie: requiredownloads 0 makes no difference)
#define DLLF_OVERWRITE 4 //overwrite it even if it already exists
struct downloadlist_s *next;
} downloadlist_t;
typedef struct {
float lerptime;
float framechange; //marks time of last frame change - for halflife model sequencing.
float oldframechange;
float lerprate; //inverse rate...
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles;
trailstate_t *trailstate; //when to next throw out a trail
trailstate_t *emitstate; //when to next emit
unsigned short frame;
} lerpents_t;
// the client_state_t structure is wiped completely at every
// server signon
typedef struct
int fpd;
int servercount; // server identification for prespawns
float gamespeed;
qboolean csqcdebug;
qboolean allowsendpacket;
char serverinfo[MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING];
int parsecount; // server message counter
int oldparsecount;
int oldvalidsequence;
int ackedinputsequence; //in quakeworld/q2 this is always equal to validsequence. dp can differ.
int validsequence; // this is the sequence number of the last good
// packetentity_t we got. If this is 0, we can't
// render a frame yet
int movemessages; // since connecting to this server
// throw out the first couple, so the player
// doesn't accidentally do something the
// first frame
int spectator;
double last_ping_request; // while showing scoreboard
double last_servermessage;
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
q2frame_t q2frame;
q2frame_t q2frames[Q2UPDATE_BACKUP];
// sentcmds[cl.netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK] = cmd
frame_t frames[UPDATE_BACKUP];
lerpents_t *lerpents;
int maxlerpents; //number of slots allocated.
lerpents_t lerpplayers[MAX_CLIENTS];
// information for local display
int stats[MAX_SPLITS][MAX_CL_STATS]; // health, etc
float statsf[MAX_SPLITS][MAX_CL_STATS]; // health, etc
char *statsstr[MAX_SPLITS][MAX_CL_STATS]; // health, etc
float item_gettime[MAX_SPLITS][32]; // cl.time of aquiring item, for blinking
float faceanimtime[MAX_SPLITS]; // use anim frame if cl.time < this
cshift_t cshifts[NUM_CSHIFTS]; // color shifts for damage, powerups
cshift_t prev_cshifts[NUM_CSHIFTS]; // and content types
// the client maintains its own idea of view angles, which are
// sent to the server each frame. And only reset at level change
// and teleport times
vec3_t viewangles[MAX_SPLITS];
// the client simulates or interpolates movement to get these values
double time; // this is the time value that the client
// is rendering at. always <= realtime
float servertime; //current server time, bound between gametime and gametimemark
float mtime; //server time as on the server when we last received a packet. not allowed to decrease.
float oldmtime; //server time as on the server for the previously received packet.
float gametime;
float gametimemark;
float oldgametime; //used as the old time to lerp cl.time from.
float oldgametimemark; //if it's 0, cl.time will casually increase.
vec3_t simorg[MAX_SPLITS];
vec3_t simvel[MAX_SPLITS];
vec3_t simangles[MAX_SPLITS];
float rollangle[MAX_SPLITS];
float minpitch;
float maxpitch;
// pitch drifting vars
float pitchvel[MAX_SPLITS];
qboolean nodrift[MAX_SPLITS];
float driftmove[MAX_SPLITS];
double laststop[MAX_SPLITS];
float crouch[MAX_SPLITS]; // local amount for smoothing stepups
qboolean onground[MAX_SPLITS];
float viewheight[MAX_SPLITS];
qboolean paused; // send over by server
float punchangle[MAX_SPLITS]; // temporar yview kick from weapon firing
int intermission; // don't change view angle, full screen, etc
float completed_time; // latched ffrom time at intermission start
#define Q2MAX_VISIBLE_WEAPONS 32 //q2 has about 20.
int numq2visibleweapons; //q2 sends out visible-on-model weapons in a wierd gender-nutral way.
char *q2visibleweapons[Q2MAX_VISIBLE_WEAPONS];//model names beginning with a # are considered 'sexed', and are loaded on a per-client basis. yay. :(
// information that is static for the entire time connected to a server
char model_name[MAX_MODELS][MAX_QPATH];
char sound_name[MAX_SOUNDS][MAX_QPATH];
char image_name[Q2MAX_IMAGES][MAX_QPATH];
struct model_s *model_precache[MAX_MODELS];
struct sfx_s *sound_precache[MAX_SOUNDS];
char model_csqcname[MAX_CSQCMODELS][MAX_QPATH];
struct model_s *model_csqcprecache[MAX_CSQCMODELS];
//used for q2 sky/configstrings
char skyname[MAX_QPATH];
float skyrotate;
vec3_t skyaxis;
char levelname[40]; // for display on solo scoreboard
int playernum[MAX_SPLITS];
int splitclients; //we are running this many clients split screen.
// refresh related state
struct model_s *worldmodel; // cl_entitites[0].model
struct efrag_s *free_efrags;
int num_entities; // stored bottom up in cl_entities array
int num_statics; // stored top down in cl_entitiers
int cdtrack; // cd audio
entity_t viewent[MAX_SPLITS]; // weapon model
// all player information
player_info_t players[MAX_CLIENTS];
downloadlist_t *downloadlist;
downloadlist_t *faileddownloads;
int viewentity[MAX_SPLITS];
qboolean gamedirchanged;
int waterlevel[MAX_SPLITS]; //for smartjump
char q2statusbar[1024];
char q2layout[1024];
int parse_entities;
int surpressCount;
float lerpfrac;
vec3_t predicted_origin;
vec3_t predicted_angles;
vec3_t prediction_error;
float predicted_step_time;
float predicted_step;
// localized movement vars
float entgravity[MAX_SPLITS];
float maxspeed[MAX_SPLITS];
float bunnyspeedcap;
qboolean fixangle; //received a fixangle - so disable prediction till the next packet.
int teamplay;
int deathmatch;
qboolean teamfortress; //*sigh*. This is used for teamplay stuff. This sucks.
qboolean hexen2pickups;
qboolean sendprespawn;
int contentstage;
double ktprogametime;
enum {
} ktprostate;
} client_state_t;
extern unsigned int cl_teamtopcolor;
extern unsigned int cl_teambottomcolor;
extern unsigned int cl_enemytopcolor;
extern unsigned int cl_enemybottomcolor;
//FPD values
//(commented out ones are ones that we don't support)
#define FPD_NO_FORCE_SKIN 256
#define FPD_NO_FORCE_COLOR 512
#define FPD_LIMIT_PITCH (1 << 14) //limit scripted pitch changes
#define FPD_LIMIT_YAW (1 << 15) //limit scripted yaw changes
// cvars
extern cvar_t cl_warncmd;
extern cvar_t cl_upspeed;
extern cvar_t cl_forwardspeed;
extern cvar_t cl_backspeed;
extern cvar_t cl_sidespeed;
extern cvar_t cl_movespeedkey;
extern cvar_t cl_yawspeed;
extern cvar_t cl_pitchspeed;
extern cvar_t cl_anglespeedkey;
extern cvar_t cl_shownet;
extern cvar_t cl_sbar;
extern cvar_t cl_hudswap;
extern cvar_t cl_pitchdriftspeed;
extern cvar_t lookspring;
extern cvar_t lookstrafe;
extern cvar_t sensitivity;
extern cvar_t m_pitch;
extern cvar_t m_yaw;
extern cvar_t m_forward;
extern cvar_t m_side;
extern cvar_t _windowed_mouse;
extern cvar_t name;
extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_playercount;
extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_frj;
extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_semicheats;
extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_packet;
extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_particle_lightning;
extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_overlongsounds;
extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_larger_models;
extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_modified_eyes;
extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_sensative_texture_replacements;
extern cvar_t ruleset_allow_localvolume;
#define MAX_STATIC_ENTITIES 256 // torches, etc
extern client_state_t cl;
// FIXME, allocate dynamically
extern entity_state_t *cl_baselines;
extern efrag_t cl_efrags[MAX_EFRAGS];
extern entity_t cl_static_entities[MAX_STATIC_ENTITIES];
extern trailstate_t *cl_static_emit[MAX_STATIC_ENTITIES];
extern lightstyle_t cl_lightstyle[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES];
extern dlight_t cl_dlights[MAX_DLIGHTS];
extern int dlights_running, dlights_software;
extern int cl_baselines_count;
extern qboolean nomaster;
extern float server_version; // version of server we connected to
// cl_main
dlight_t *CL_AllocDlight (int key);
dlight_t *CL_NewDlight (int key, float x, float y, float z, float radius, float time, int type);
void CL_DecayLights (void);
void CL_ParseDelta (struct entity_state_s *from, struct entity_state_s *to, int bits, qboolean);
void CL_Init (void);
void Host_WriteConfiguration (void);
void CL_CheckServerInfo(void);
void CL_EstablishConnection (char *host);
void CL_Disconnect (void);
void CL_Disconnect_f (void);
void CL_Reconnect_f (void);
void CL_NextDemo (void);
void CL_Startdemos_f (void);
void CL_Demos_f (void);
void CL_Stopdemo_f (void);
void CL_Changing_f (void);
void CL_Reconnect_f (void);
void CL_ConnectionlessPacket (void);
qboolean CL_DemoBehind(void);
void CL_SaveInfo(vfsfile_t *f);
void CL_SetInfo (char *key, char *value);
void CL_BeginServerConnect(void);
void CLNQ_BeginServerConnect(void);
#define MAX_VISEDICTS 1024
extern int cl_numvisedicts, cl_oldnumvisedicts;
extern entity_t *cl_visedicts, *cl_oldvisedicts;
extern entity_t cl_visedicts_list[2][MAX_VISEDICTS];
extern char emodel_name[], pmodel_name[], prespawn_name[], modellist_name[], soundlist_name[];
qboolean TraceLineN (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t impact, vec3_t normal);
qboolean Q2TraceLineN (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t impact, vec3_t normal);
// cl_input
typedef struct
int down[MAX_SPLITS][2]; // key nums holding it down
int state[MAX_SPLITS]; // low bit is down state
} kbutton_t;
extern kbutton_t in_mlook, in_klook;
extern kbutton_t in_strafe;
extern kbutton_t in_speed;
extern float in_sensitivityscale;
void CL_MakeActive(char *gamename);
void CL_RegisterSplitCommands(void);
void CL_InitInput (void);
void CL_SendCmd (double frametime);
void CL_SendMove (usercmd_t *cmd);
#ifdef NQPROT
void CL_ParseTEnt (qboolean nqprot);
void CL_ParseTEnt (void);
void CL_UpdateTEnts (void);
void CL_AddBeam (int tent, int ent, vec3_t start, vec3_t end);
void CL_ClearState (void);
void CL_ReadPackets (void);
void CL_ClampPitch (int pnum);
int CL_ReadFromServer (void);
void CL_WriteToServer (usercmd_t *cmd);
void CL_BaseMove (usercmd_t *cmd, int pnum, float extra, float wantfps);
float CL_KeyState (kbutton_t *key, int pnum);
char *Key_KeynumToString (int keynum);
int Key_StringToKeynum (char *str, int *modifier);
char *Key_GetBinding(int keynum);
void CL_UseIndepPhysics(qboolean allow);
void CL_FlushClientCommands(void);
void VARGS CL_SendClientCommand(qboolean reliable, char *format, ...);
int CL_RemoveClientCommands(char *command);
void CL_AllowIndependantSendCmd(qboolean allow);
void CL_DrawPrydonCursor(void);
// cl_demo.c
void CL_StopPlayback (void);
qboolean CL_GetMessage (void);
void CL_WriteDemoCmd (usercmd_t *pcmd);
void CL_Stop_f (void);
void CL_Record_f (void);
void CL_ReRecord_f (void);
void CL_PlayDemo_f (void);
void CL_QTVPlay_f (void);
void CL_QTVPoll (void);
void CL_QTVList_f (void);
void CL_QTVDemos_f (void);
void CL_DemoJump_f(void);
void CL_ProgressDemoTime(void);
void CL_TimeDemo_f (void);
// cl_parse.c
#define NET_TIMINGS 256
extern int packet_latency[NET_TIMINGS];
int CL_CalcNet (void);
void CL_ParseServerMessage (void);
void CL_DumpPacket(void);
void CL_ParseEstablished(void);
void CLNQ_ParseServerMessage (void);
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
void CLQ2_ParseServerMessage (void);
void CL_NewTranslation (int slot);
qboolean CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile (char *filename, char *localname, unsigned int flags);
qboolean CL_EnqueDownload(char *filename, char *localname, unsigned int flags);
downloadlist_t *CL_DownloadFailed(char *name);
qboolean CL_IsUploading(void);
void CL_NextUpload(void);
void CL_StartUpload (qbyte *data, int size);
void CL_StopUpload(void);
void CL_RequestNextDownload (void);
void CL_SendDownloadReq(sizebuf_t *msg);
qboolean CL_CheckBaselines (int size);
// view.c
void V_StartPitchDrift (int pnum);
void V_StopPitchDrift (int pnum);
void V_RenderView (void);
void V_Register (void);
void V_ParseDamage (int pnum);
void V_SetContentsColor (int contents);
void GLV_CalcBlend (void);
//used directly by csqc
void V_CalcRefdef (int pnum);
void CalcGunAngle (int pnum);
void DropPunchAngle (int pnum);
// cl_tent
void CL_RegisterParticles(void);
void CL_InitTEnts (void);
void CL_ClearTEnts (void);
void CL_ClearCustomTEnts(void);
void CL_ParseCustomTEnt(void);
void CL_ParseEffect (qboolean effect2);
void CLNQ_ParseParticleEffect (void);
void CL_ParseParticleEffect2 (void);
void CL_ParseParticleEffect3 (void);
void CL_ParseParticleEffect4 (void);
void CLDP_ParseTrailParticles(void);
void CLDP_ParsePointParticles(qboolean compact);
// cl_ents.c
void CL_SetSolidPlayers (int playernum);
void CL_SetUpPlayerPrediction(qboolean dopred);
void CL_EmitEntities (void);
void CL_ClearProjectiles (void);
void CL_ParseProjectiles (int modelindex, qboolean nails2);
void CL_ParsePacketEntities (qboolean delta);
void CL_SetSolidEntities (void);
void CL_ParsePlayerinfo (void);
void CL_ParseClientPersist(void);
//these last ones are needed for csqc handling of engine-bound ents.
void CL_SwapEntityLists(void);
void CL_LinkViewModel(void);
void CL_LinkPlayers (void);
void CL_LinkPacketEntities (void);
void CL_LinkProjectiles (void);
qboolean CL_MayLerp(void);
#ifdef Q3CLIENT
void VARGS CLQ3_SendClientCommand(const char *fmt, ...);
void CLQ3_SendAuthPacket(netadr_t gameserver);
void CLQ3_SendConnectPacket(netadr_t to);
void CLQ3_SendCmd(usercmd_t *cmd);
qboolean CLQ3_Netchan_Process(void);
void CLQ3_ParseServerMessage (void);
struct snapshot_s;
qboolean CG_FillQ3Snapshot(int snapnum, struct snapshot_s *snapshot);
void CG_InsertIntoGameState(int num, char *str);
void CG_Restart_f(void);
char *CG_GetConfigString(int num);
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
qboolean CSQC_Init (unsigned int checksum);
void CSQC_RegisterCvarsAndThings(void);
qboolean CSQC_DrawView(void);
void CSQC_Shutdown(void);
qboolean CSQC_StuffCmd(int lplayernum, char *cmd);
qboolean CSQC_LoadResource(char *resname, char *restype);
qboolean CSQC_CenterPrint(int lplayernum, char *cmd);
void CSQC_Input_Frame(int lplayernum, usercmd_t *cmd);
void CSQC_WorldLoaded(void);
qboolean CSQC_ParseTempEntity(unsigned char firstbyte);
qboolean CSQC_ConsoleCommand(char *cmd);
qboolean CSQC_KeyPress(int key, qboolean down);
int CSQC_StartSound(int entnum, int channel, char *soundname, vec3_t pos, float vol, float attenuation);
void CSQC_ParseEntities(void);
qboolean CSQC_SettingListener(void);
// cl_pred.c
void CL_InitPrediction (void);
void CL_PredictMove (void);
void CL_PredictUsercmd (int pnum, player_state_t *from, player_state_t *to, usercmd_t *u);
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
void CLQ2_CheckPredictionError (void);
void CL_CalcClientTime(void);
// cl_cam.c
#define CAM_NONE 0
#define CAM_TRACK 1
extern int autocam[MAX_SPLITS];
extern int spec_track[MAX_SPLITS]; // player# of who we are tracking
qboolean Cam_DrawViewModel(int pnum);
qboolean Cam_DrawPlayer(int pnum, int playernum);
int Cam_TrackNum(int pnum);
void Cam_Unlock(int pnum);
void Cam_Lock(int pnum, int playernum);
void Cam_SelfTrack(int pnum);
void Cam_Track(int pnum, usercmd_t *cmd);
void Cam_TrackCrosshairedPlayer(int pnum);
void Cam_FinishMove(int pnum, usercmd_t *cmd);
void Cam_Reset(void);
void Cam_TrackPlayer(int pnum, char *cmdname, char *plrarg);
void Cam_Lock(int pnum, int playernum);
void CL_InitCam(void);
void vectoangles(vec3_t vec, vec3_t ang);
#define TPM_UNKNOWN 0
#define TPM_NORMAL 1
#define TPM_TEAM 2
#define TPM_FAKED 16
void CL_Say (qboolean team, char *extra);
int TP_CategorizeMessage (char *s, int *offset, player_info_t **plr);
void TP_CheckPickupSound(char *s, vec3_t org);
qboolean TP_CheckSoundTrigger (char *str);
int TP_CountPlayers (void);
char* TP_EnemyName (void);
char* TP_EnemyTeam (void);
void TP_ExecTrigger (char *s);
qboolean TP_FilterMessage (char *s);
void TP_Init(void);
char* TP_LocationName (vec3_t location);
char* TP_MapName (void);
void TP_NewMap (void);
void TP_ParsePlayerInfo(player_state_t *oldstate, player_state_t *state, player_info_t *info);
char* TP_PlayerName (void);
char* TP_PlayerTeam (void);
void TP_SearchForMsgTriggers (char *s, int level);
qboolean TP_SoundTrigger(char *message);
void TP_StatChanged (int stat, int value);
qboolean TP_SuppressMessage(char *buf);
colourised_t *TP_FindColours(char *name);
// skin.c
typedef struct
char manufacturer;
char version;
char encoding;
char bits_per_pixel;
unsigned short xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax;
unsigned short hres,vres;
unsigned char palette[48];
char reserved;
char color_planes;
unsigned short bytes_per_line;
unsigned short palette_type;
char filler[58];
// unsigned char data; // unbounded
} pcx_t;
qbyte *ReadPCXData(qbyte *buf, int length, int width, int height, qbyte *result);
char *Skin_FindName (player_info_t *sc);
void Skin_Find (player_info_t *sc);
qbyte *Skin_Cache8 (skin_t *skin);
qbyte *Skin_Cache32 (skin_t *skin);
void Skin_Skins_f (void);
void Skin_FlushSkin(char *name);
void Skin_AllSkins_f (void);
void Skin_NextDownload (void);
void Skin_FlushPlayers(void);
#define RSSHOT_WIDTH 320
#define RSSHOT_HEIGHT 200
void RulesetLatch(cvar_t *cvar);
void Validation_Apply_Ruleset(void);
void Validation_FlushFileList(void);
void Validation_CheckIfResponse(char *text);
void Validation_DelatchRulesets(void);
void InitValidation(void);
void Validation_IncludeFile(char *filename, char *file, int filelen);
void Validation_Auto_Response(int playernum, char *s);
extern qboolean f_modified_particles;
extern qboolean care_f_modified;
//random files (fixme: clean up)
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
void CLQ2_ParseTEnt (void);
void CLQ2_AddEntities (void);
void CLQ2_ParseBaseline (void);
void CLQ2_ParseFrame (void);
void CLQ2_RunMuzzleFlash2 (int ent, int flash_number);
void CLNQ_ParseEntity(unsigned int bits);
int CLQ2_RegisterTEntModels (void);
void NQ_P_ParseParticleEffect (void);
void CLNQ_SignonReply (void);
void NQ_BeginConnect(char *to);
void NQ_ContinueConnect(char *to);
int CLNQ_GetMessage (void);
void CL_BeginServerReconnect(void);
void SV_User_f (void); //called by client version of the function
void SV_Serverinfo_f (void);
extern qboolean editoractive;
extern qboolean editormodal;
void Editor_Draw(void);
void Editor_Init(void);
void SCR_StringToRGB (char *rgbstring, float *rgb, float rgbinputscale);
int SCR_StringToPalIndex (char *rgbstring, float rgbinputscale);
void CL_AddVWeapModel(entity_t *player, int model);
qboolean Media_PlayingFullScreen(void);
void Media_Init(void);
qboolean Media_PlayFilm(char *name);
void CIN_FinishCinematic (void);
qboolean CIN_PlayCinematic (char *arg);
qboolean CIN_DrawCinematic (void);
qboolean CIN_RunCinematic (void);
typedef struct cin_s cin_t;
struct cin_s *Media_StartCin(char *name);
int Media_UpdateForShader(int texnum, cin_t *cin);
void Media_ShutdownCin(cin_t *cin);
//these accept NULL for cin to mean the current fullscreen video
void Media_Gecko_KeyPress (struct cin_s *cin, int code, int event);
void Media_Send_Command(cin_t *cin, char *command);
void Media_Send_MouseMove(cin_t *cin, float x, float y);
void Media_Send_Resize(cin_t *cin, int x, int y);
void Media_Send_GetSize(cin_t *cin, int *x, int *y);
void Media_Send_KeyEvent(cin_t *cin, int button, int event);
void MVD_Interpolate(void);
int Stats_GetKills(int playernum);
int Stats_GetTKills(int playernum);
int Stats_GetDeaths(int playernum);
int Stats_GetTouches(int playernum);
int Stats_GetCaptures(int playernum);
qboolean Stats_HaveFlags(void);
qboolean Stats_HaveKills(void);
void VARGS Stats_Message(char *msg, ...);
int qm_strcmp(char *s1, char *s2);
int qm_stricmp(char *s1, char *s2);
void Stats_ParsePrintLine(char *line);
void Stats_NewMap(void);