Fork 0
forked from fte/fteqw
Shpoike 7e9d138d5f Try to fix up some q2 protocol/ice quirks.
Add r_imagelist_wad command to show lumps in the current map's wad list.
Hide the gpu utilisation info unless developer. its misleading on account of power profiles.
Make the menu not flash/animate so much when something else has focus.
Add QTV streaming option when browsing servers (assuming servers are configured properly).
Show people's health+armour+weapons on the scoreboard, if we have that information.
"enemyskin solid; enemycolor 0x00ff00" will make enemies full green without needing any external texture files.
Add ENGINE_HAS_ZIP build option, to have the engine look for concated(self-extracter style) zips for use in single-file games.
Small speedup for hl2bsp load times.
ftemaster now supports bad-word filters. Basic, probably easy enough to hack around, but at least we tried, admins can extra words as needed. People should at least realise they're being naughty.
Misc fixes for ftemaster's html generation.
Add support for a couple of quirky hlbsps.
Don't attempt to auto-use setangles_delta when sv_nqplayerphysics is active, to avoid compat quirks with AD.
2024-12-28 16:24:00 +00:00

4270 lines
111 KiB

Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// sbar.c -- status bar code
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "shader.h"
extern cvar_t *hud_tracking_show;
extern cvar_t *hud_miniscores_show;
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_drawtitle = CVARD("scr_scoreboard_drawtitle", "1", "Wastes screen space when looking at the scoreboard.");
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_forcecolors = CVARD("scr_scoreboard_forcecolors", "0", "Makes the scoreboard colours obey enemycolor/teamcolor rules."); //damn americans
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_newstyle = CVARD("scr_scoreboard_newstyle", "1", "Display team colours and stuff in a style popularised by Electro. Looks more modern, but might not quite fit classic huds."); // New scoreboard style ported from Electro, by Molgrum
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_showfrags = CVARD("scr_scoreboard_showfrags", "0", "Display kills+deaths+teamkills, as determined by fragfile.dat-based conprint parsing. These may be inaccurate if you join mid-game.");
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_showlocation = CVARD("scr_scoreboard_showlocation", "1", "Display player location names when playing mvd/qtv streams, if available.");
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_showhealth = CVARD("scr_scoreboard_showhealth", "3", "Display health information when playing mvd/qtv streams.\n0: off\n1: on\n2: show armour too. 3: combined health ('+' says more armour than health allows).");
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_showweapon = CVARD("scr_scoreboard_showweapon", "1", "Display weapon information when playing mvd/qtv streams.");
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_showflags = CVARD("scr_scoreboard_showflags", "2", "Display flag caps+touches on the scoreboard, where our fragfile.dat supports them.\n0: off\n1: on\n2: on only if someone appears to have interacted with a flag.");
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_fillalpha = CVARD("scr_scoreboard_fillalpha", "0.7", "Transparency amount for newstyle scoreboard.");
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_backgroundalpha = CVARD("scr_scoreboard_backgroundalpha", "0.5", "Further multiplier for the background alphas.");
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_teamscores = CVARD("scr_scoreboard_teamscores", "1", "Makes +showscores act as +showteamscores. Because reasons.");
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_teamsort = CVARD("scr_scoreboard_teamsort", "0", "On the scoreboard, sort players by their team BEFORE their personal score.");
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_titleseperator = CVAR("scr_scoreboard_titleseperator", "1");
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_showruleset = CVAR("scr_scoreboard_showruleset", "1");
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_afk = CVARD("scr_scoreboard_afk", "1", "Show 'afk' in the packetloss column when they're afk.");
static cvar_t scr_scoreboard_ping_status = CVARD("scr_scoreboard_ping_status", "25 50 100 150", "Threshholds required to switch ping display from green to white, yellow, megenta and red.");
static cvar_t sbar_teamstatus = CVARD("sbar_teamstatus", "1", "Display the last team say from each of your team members just above the sbar area.");
static cvar_t cl_sbaralpha = CVARAFD("cl_sbaralpha", "0.75", "scr_sbaralpha", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Specifies the transparency of the status bar. Only Takes effect when cl_sbar is set to 2."); //with premultiplied alpha, this needs to affect the RGB values too.
//rogue changed and added defines
#define RIT_SHELLS (1u<<7)
#define RIT_NAILS (1u<<8)
#define RIT_ROCKETS (1u<<9)
#define RIT_CELLS (1u<<10)
#define RIT_AXE (1u<<11)
#define RIT_LAVA_NAILGUN (1u<<12)
#define RIT_LAVA_SUPER_NAILGUN (1u<<13)
#define RIT_MULTI_GRENADE (1u<<14)
#define RIT_MULTI_ROCKET (1u<<15)
#define RIT_PLASMA_GUN (1u<<16)
#define RIT_ARMOR1 (1u<<23)
#define RIT_ARMOR2 (1u<<24)
#define RIT_ARMOR3 (1u<<25)
#define RIT_LAVA_NAILS (1u<<26)
#define RIT_PLASMA_AMMO (1u<<27)
#define RIT_MULTI_ROCKETS (1u<<28)
#define RIT_SHIELD (1u<<29)
#define RIT_ANTIGRAV (1u<<30)
#define RIT_SUPERHEALTH (1u<<31)
//hipnotic added defines
#define HIT_WETSUIT (1<<(23+2))
#define HIT_EMPATHY_SHIELDS (1<<(23+3))
int sb_updates; // if >= vid.numpages, no update needed
qboolean sbar_parsingteamstatuses; //so we don't eat it if its not displayed
#define STAT_MINUS 10 // num frame for '-' stats digit
static apic_t *sb_nums[2][11];
static apic_t *sb_colon, *sb_slash;
static apic_t *sb_ibar;
static apic_t *sb_sbar;
static apic_t *sb_scorebar;
apic_t *sb_weapons[7][8]; // 0 is active, 1 is owned, 2-5 are flashes
static apic_t *sb_ammo[4];
static apic_t *sb_sigil[4];
static apic_t *sb_armor[3];
static apic_t *sb_items[32];
static apic_t *sb_faces[7][2]; // 0 is gibbed, 1 is dead, 2-6 are alive
// 0 is static, 1 is temporary animation
static apic_t *sb_face_invis;
static apic_t *sb_face_quad;
static apic_t *sb_face_invuln;
static apic_t *sb_face_invis_invuln;
//rogue pictures.
static qboolean sbar_rogue;
static apic_t *rsb_invbar[2];
static apic_t *rsb_weapons[5];
static apic_t *rsb_items[2];
static apic_t *rsb_ammo[3];
static apic_t *rsb_teambord;
//all must be found for any to be used.
//hipnotic pictures and stuff
static qboolean sbar_hipnotic;
static apic_t *hsb_weapons[7][5]; // 0 is active, 1 is owned, 2-5 are flashes
static apic_t *hsb_items[2];
//end hipnotic
static qboolean sbarfailed;
#ifdef HEXEN2
qboolean sbar_hexen2;
static const char *puzzlenames;
#ifdef NQPROT
static void Sbar_CTFScores_f(void);
vrect_t sbar_rect; //screen area that the sbar must fit.
float sbar_rect_left;
int sb_lines; // scan lines to draw
void Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (playerview_t *pv, int start);
void Sbar_TeamOverlay (playerview_t *pv);
static void Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay (playerview_t *pv);
void Sbar_ChatModeOverlay(playerview_t *pv);
static int Sbar_PlayerNum(playerview_t *pv)
int num;
num = pv->spectator?Cam_TrackNum(pv):-1;
if (num < 0)
num = pv->playernum;
return num;
static int Sbar_TopColour(player_info_t *p)
if (cl.teamfortress)
if (!Q_strcasecmp(p->team, "red"))
return 4;
if (!Q_strcasecmp(p->team, "blue"))
return 13;
if (scr_scoreboard_forcecolors.ival)
return p->ttopcolor;
return p->rtopcolor;
static int Sbar_BottomColour(player_info_t *p)
if (cl.teamfortress)
if (!Q_strcasecmp(p->team, "red"))
return 4;
if (!Q_strcasecmp(p->team, "blue"))
return 13;
if (scr_scoreboard_forcecolors.ival)
return p->tbottomcolor;
return p->rbottomcolor;
//Draws a pre-marked-up string with no width limit. doesn't support new lines
void Draw_ExpandedString(struct font_s *font, float x, float y, conchar_t *str)
int px, py;
unsigned int codeflags, codepoint;
Font_BeginString(font, x, y, &px, &py);
str = Font_Decode(str, &codeflags, &codepoint);
px = Font_DrawChar(px, py, codeflags, codepoint);
//Draws a marked-up string using the regular char set with no width limit. doesn't support new lines
void Draw_FunString(float x, float y, const void *str)
conchar_t buffer[2048];
COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, str, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false);
Draw_ExpandedString(font_default, x, y, buffer);
void Draw_FunStringU8(unsigned int flags, float x, float y, const void *str)
conchar_t buffer[2048];
COM_ParseFunString(flags, str, buffer, sizeof(buffer), PFS_FORCEUTF8);
Draw_ExpandedString(font_default, x, y, buffer);
//Draws a marked up string using the alt char set (legacy mode would be |128)
void Draw_AltFunString(float x, float y, const void *str)
conchar_t buffer[2048];
COM_ParseFunString(CON_ALTMASK, str, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false);
Draw_ExpandedString(font_default, x, y, buffer);
//Draws a marked up string no wider than $width virtual pixels.
void Draw_FunStringWidthFont(struct font_s *font, float x, float y, const void *str, int width, int rightalign, qboolean highlight)
conchar_t buffer[2048];
conchar_t *w;
int px, py;
int fw = 0;
unsigned int codeflags, codepoint;
//be generous and round up, to avoid too many issues with truncations
width = ceil((width*(float)vid.rotpixelwidth)/vid.width);
if (highlight&4)
codeflags = (highlight&1)?CON_ALTMASK:CON_WHITEMASK;
if (highlight&2)
codeflags |= CON_BLINKTEXT;
COM_ParseFunString(codeflags, str, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false);
Font_BeginString(font, x, y, &px, &py);
if (rightalign)
for (w = buffer; *w; )
w = Font_Decode(w, &codeflags, &codepoint);
fw += Font_CharWidth(codeflags, codepoint);
if (rightalign == 2)
if (fw < width)
px += (width-fw)/2;
width = fw;
px += width;
if (fw > width)
fw = width;
px -= fw;
for (w = buffer; *w; )
w = Font_Decode(w, &codeflags, &codepoint);
width -= Font_CharWidth(codeflags, codepoint);
if (width < 0)
px = Font_DrawChar(px, py, codeflags, codepoint);
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
static void DrawHUDString (char *string, float x, float y, int centerwidth, qboolean alt)
vec2_t fontscale = {8,8};
R_DrawTextField(x, y, centerwidth, 1024, string, alt?CON_ALTMASK:CON_WHITEMASK, CPRINT_TALIGN, font_default, fontscale);
#define STAT_MINUS 10 // num frame for '-' stats digit
static char *q2sb_nums[2][11] =
{"num_0", "num_1", "num_2", "num_3", "num_4", "num_5",
"num_6", "num_7", "num_8", "num_9", "num_minus"},
{"anum_0", "anum_1", "anum_2", "anum_3", "anum_4", "anum_5",
"anum_6", "anum_7", "anum_8", "anum_9", "anum_minus"}
static mpic_t *Sbar_Q2CachePic(char *name)
mpic_t *pic = R2D_SafeCachePic(strncmp(name, "../", 3)?va("pics/%s.pcx", name):va("%s.pcx", name+3));
#if defined(IMAGEFMT_PCX)
if (pic->width == 0 && pic->height == 0)
int xmin,ymin,swidth,sheight;
size_t length;
pcx_t *pcx = (pcx_t*)COM_LoadTempFile(strncmp(name, "../", 3)?va("pics/%s.pcx", name):va("%s.pcx", name+3), 0, &length);
if (pcx && length >= sizeof(*pcx))
xmin = LittleShort(pcx->xmin);
ymin = LittleShort(pcx->ymin);
swidth = LittleShort(pcx->xmax)-xmin+1;
sheight = LittleShort(pcx->ymax)-ymin+1;
if (pcx->manufacturer == 0x0a
&& pcx->version == 5
&& pcx->encoding == 1
&& pcx->bits_per_pixel == 8
&& swidth <= 1024
&& sheight <= 1024)
pic->width = swidth;
pic->height = sheight;
return pic;
#define ICON_WIDTH 24
#define ICON_HEIGHT 24
#define CHAR_WIDTH 16
#define ICON_SPACE 8
static void SCR_DrawField (float x, float y, int color, float width, int value)
char num[16], *ptr;
int l;
int frame;
mpic_t *p;
int pw,ph;
if (width < 1)
// draw number string
if (width > 5)
width = 5;
snprintf (num, sizeof(num), "%i", value);
l = strlen(num);
if (l > width)
l = width;
x += 2 + CHAR_WIDTH*(width - l);
ptr = num;
while (*ptr && l)
if (*ptr == '-')
frame = STAT_MINUS;
frame = *ptr -'0';
p = Sbar_Q2CachePic(q2sb_nums[color][frame]);
if (p && R_GetShaderSizes(p, &pw, &ph, false)>0)
R2D_ScalePic (x,y,pw, ph, p);
char *Get_Q2ConfigString(int i)
return cl.image_name[i-Q2CS_IMAGES]?cl.image_name[i-Q2CS_IMAGES]:"";
if (i >= Q2CS_ITEMS && i < Q2CS_ITEMS + Q2MAX_ITEMS)
return cl.item_name[i-Q2CS_ITEMS]?cl.item_name[i-Q2CS_ITEMS]:"";
if (i == Q2CS_STATUSBAR)
return cl.q2statusbar;
if (i == Q2CS_NAME)
return cl.levelname;
return cl.model_name [i-Q2CS_MODELS];
return cl.sound_name [i-Q2CS_SOUNDS];
if (i == Q2CS_AIRACCEL)
return cl.q2airaccel;
return cl.configstring_general[i-Q2CS_PLAYERSKINS]?cl.configstring_general[i-Q2CS_PLAYERSKINS]:"";
return "";
void Sbar_ExecuteLayoutString (char *s, int seat)
int x, y;
int value;
int width;
int index;
int pw, ph;
// q2clientinfo_t *ci;
mpic_t *p;
q2player_state_t *ps = &cl.q2frame.seat[seat].playerstate;
if (cls.state != ca_active)
if (!s[0])
x = sbar_rect.x;
y = sbar_rect.y;
width = 3;
while (s)
s = COM_Parse (s);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "xl"))
{ //relative to left
s = COM_Parse (s);
x = sbar_rect.x + atoi(com_token);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "xr"))
{ //relative to right
s = COM_Parse (s);
x = sbar_rect.x + sbar_rect.width + atoi(com_token);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "xv"))
{ //relative to central 640*480 box.
s = COM_Parse (s);
x = sbar_rect.x + (sbar_rect.width-320)/2 + atoi(com_token);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "yt"))
{ //relative to top
s = COM_Parse (s);
y = sbar_rect.y + atoi(com_token);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "yb"))
{ //relative to bottom
s = COM_Parse (s);
y = sbar_rect.y + sbar_rect.height + atoi(com_token);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "yv"))
{ //relative to central 640*480 box.
s = COM_Parse (s);
y = sbar_rect.y + (sbar_rect.height-240)/2 + atoi(com_token);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "pic"))
{ // draw a pic from a stat number
s = COM_Parse (s);
index = atoi(com_token);
if (index < 0 || index >= countof(ps->stats))
Host_EndGame ("Bad stat index");
value = ps->stats[index];
if (value >= Q2MAX_IMAGES || value < 0)
Host_EndGame ("Pic >= Q2MAX_IMAGES");
if (*Get_Q2ConfigString(Q2CS_IMAGES+value))
// SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x, y);
// SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x+23, y+23);
p = Sbar_Q2CachePic(Get_Q2ConfigString(Q2CS_IMAGES+value));
if (p && R_GetShaderSizes(p, &pw, &ph, false)>0)
R2D_ScalePic (x, y, pw, ph, p);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "client"))
{ // draw a deathmatch client block
int score, ping, time;
s = COM_Parse (s);
x = sbar_rect.x + sbar_rect.width/2 - 160 + atoi(com_token);
s = COM_Parse (s);
y = sbar_rect.y + sbar_rect.height/2 - 120 + atoi(com_token);
// SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x, y);
// SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x+159, y+31);
s = COM_Parse (s);
value = atoi(com_token);
if (value >= MAX_CLIENTS || value < 0)
Host_EndGame ("client >= MAX_CLIENTS");
s = COM_Parse (s);
score = atoi(com_token);
s = COM_Parse (s);
ping = atoi(com_token);
s = COM_Parse (s);
time = atoi(com_token);
Draw_AltFunString (x+32, y, cl.players[value].name);
Draw_FunString (x+32, y+8, "Score: ");
Draw_AltFunString (x+32+7*8, y+8, va("%i", score));
Draw_FunString (x+32, y+16, va("Ping: %i", ping));
Draw_FunString (x+32, y+24, va("Time: %i", time));
p = R2D_SafeCachePic(va("players/%s_i.pcx", InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&cl.players[value].userinfo, "skin")));
if (!p || !R_GetShaderSizes(p, NULL, NULL, false)) //display a default if the icon couldn't be found.
p = R2D_SafeCachePic("players/male/grunt_i.pcx");
R2D_ScalePic (x, y, 32, 32, p);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "ctf"))
{ // draw a ctf client block
int score, ping;
char block[80];
s = COM_Parse (s);
x = sbar_rect.x + sbar_rect.width/2 - 160 + atoi(com_token);
s = COM_Parse (s);
y = sbar_rect.y + sbar_rect.height/2 - 120 + atoi(com_token);
// SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x, y);
// SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x+159, y+31);
s = COM_Parse (s);
value = atoi(com_token);
if (value >= MAX_CLIENTS || value < 0)
Host_EndGame ("client >= MAX_CLIENTS");
s = COM_Parse (s);
score = atoi(com_token);
s = COM_Parse (s);
ping = atoi(com_token);
if (ping > 999)
ping = 999;
sprintf(block, "%3d %3d %-12.12s", score, ping, cl.players[value].name);
// if (value == cl.playernum)
// Draw_Alt_String (x, y, block);
// else
Draw_FunString (x, y, block);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "picn"))
{ // draw a pic from a name
s = COM_Parse (s);
// SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x, y);
// SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x+23, y+23);
p = Sbar_Q2CachePic(com_token);
if (p && R_GetShaderSizes(p, &pw, &ph, false)>0)
R2D_ScalePic (x, y, pw, ph, p);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "num"))
{ // draw a number
s = COM_Parse (s);
width = atoi(com_token);
s = COM_Parse (s);
index = atoi(com_token);
if (index < 0 || index >= countof(ps->stats))
value = 0;
value = ps->stats[index];
SCR_DrawField (x, y, 0, width, value);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "hnum"))
{ // health number
int color;
width = 3;
value = ps->stats[Q2STAT_HEALTH];
if (value > 25)
color = 0; // green
else if (value > 0)
color = (cl.q2frame.serverframe>>2) & 1; // flash
color = 1;
if (ps->stats[Q2STAT_FLASHES] & 1)
p = Sbar_Q2CachePic("field_3");
if (p && R_GetShaderSizes(p, &pw, &ph, false)>0)
R2D_ScalePic (x, y, pw, ph, p);
SCR_DrawField (x, y, color, width, value);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "anum"))
{ // ammo number
int color;
width = 3;
value = ps->stats[Q2STAT_AMMO];
if (value > 5)
color = 0; // green
else if (value >= 0)
color = (cl.q2frame.serverframe>>2) & 1; // flash
continue; // negative number = don't show
if (ps->stats[Q2STAT_FLASHES] & 4)
p = Sbar_Q2CachePic("field_3");
if (p && R_GetShaderSizes(p, &pw, &ph, false)>0)
R2D_ScalePic (x, y, pw, ph, p);
SCR_DrawField (x, y, color, width, value);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "rnum"))
{ // armor number
int color;
width = 3;
value = ps->stats[Q2STAT_ARMOR];
if (value < 1)
color = 0; // green
if (ps->stats[Q2STAT_FLASHES] & 2)
R2D_ScalePic (x, y, 64, 64, R2D_SafeCachePic("field_3"));
SCR_DrawField (x, y, color, width, value);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "stat_string"))
s = COM_Parse (s);
index = atoi(com_token);
if (index < 0 || index >= Q2MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS)
Host_EndGame ("Bad stat_string index");
index = ps->stats[index];
if (index < 0 || index >= Q2MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS)
Host_EndGame ("Bad stat_string index");
Draw_FunString (x, y, Get_Q2ConfigString(index));
if (!strcmp(com_token, "cstring"))
s = COM_Parse (s);
DrawHUDString (com_token, x, y, 320, false);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "string"))
s = COM_Parse (s);
Draw_FunString (x, y, com_token);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "cstring2"))
s = COM_Parse (s);
DrawHUDString (com_token, x, y, 320, true);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "string2"))
s = COM_Parse (s);
Draw_AltFunString (x, y, com_token);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "if"))
{ // draw a number
s = COM_Parse (s);
index = atoi(com_token);
if (index < 0 || index >= countof(ps->stats))
value = 0;
value = ps->stats[index];
if (!value)
{ // skip to endif
while (s && strcmp(com_token, "endif") )
s = COM_Parse (s);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "endif"))
{ //conditional was taken (so its endif wasn't ignored)
if (*com_token)
static float throttle;
Con_ThrottlePrintf(&throttle, 2, "Unknown layout command \"%s\"\n", com_token);
static void Sbar_Q2DrawInventory(int seat)
int keys[1], keymods[1];
char cmd[1024];
const char *boundkey;
q2player_state_t *ps = &cl.q2frame.seat[seat].playerstate;
unsigned int validlist[Q2MAX_ITEMS], rows, i, item, selected = ps->stats[Q2STAT_SELECTED_ITEM];
int first;
unsigned int maxrows = ((240-24*2-8*2)/8);
//draw background
float x = sbar_rect.x + (sbar_rect.width - 256)/2;
float y = sbar_rect.y + (sbar_rect.height - 240)/2;
int deflang = TL_FindLanguage(""); //ffs... read: english
if (y < sbar_rect.y)
y = sbar_rect.y; //try to fix small-res 3-way splitscreen slightly
R2D_ScalePic(x, y, 256, 240, Sbar_Q2CachePic("inventory"));
//move into the frame
x += 24;
y += 24;
//figure out which items we have
for (i = 0, rows = 0, first = -1; i < Q2MAX_ITEMS; i++)
if (!cl.inventory[seat][i])
if (i <= selected)
first = rows;
validlist[rows++] = i;
first -= maxrows/2;
first = min(first, (signed)(rows-maxrows));
first = max(0, first);
rows = min(rows, first+maxrows);
//match q2, because why not.
Draw_FunString(x, y, "hotkey ### item");y+=8;
Draw_FunString(x, y, "------ --- ----");y+=8;
for (i = first; i < rows; i++)
item = validlist[i];
Q_snprintfz(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "use %s", TL_Translate(deflang, Get_Q2ConfigString(Q2CS_ITEMS+item)));
if (!M_FindKeysForCommand(0, 0, cmd, keys, keymods, countof(keys)))
boundkey = ""; //we don't actually know which ones can be selected at all.
boundkey = Key_KeynumToString(keys[0], keymods[0]);
Q_snprintfz(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%6s %3i %s", boundkey, cl.inventory[seat][item], TL_Translate(com_language, Get_Q2ConfigString(Q2CS_ITEMS+item)));
Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, cmd, 256-24*2+8, false, item != selected); y+=8;
Tab key down
void Sbar_ShowTeamScores (void)
int seat = CL_TargettedSplit(false);
if (cl.playerview[seat].sb_showteamscores)
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (CSQC_ConsoleCommand(seat, Cmd_Argv(0)))
cl.playerview[seat].sb_showteamscores = true;
sb_updates = 0;
Tab key up
void Sbar_DontShowTeamScores (void)
int seat = CL_TargettedSplit(false);
cl.playerview[seat].sb_showteamscores = false;
sb_updates = 0;
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (CSQC_ConsoleCommand(seat, Cmd_Argv(0)))
Tab key down
void Sbar_ShowScores (void)
int seat = CL_TargettedSplit(false);
if (scr_scoreboard_teamscores.ival)
if (cl.playerview[seat].sb_showscores)
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (CSQC_ConsoleCommand(seat, Cmd_Argv(0)))
cl.playerview[seat].sb_showscores = true;
sb_updates = 0;
#ifdef HEXEN2
static void Sbar_Hexen2InvLeft_f(void)
int seat = CL_TargettedSplit(false);
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (CSQC_ConsoleCommand(seat, Cmd_Argv(0)))
if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2)
CL_SendSeatClientCommand(true, seat, "invprev");
int tries = 15;
playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[seat];
pv->sb_hexen2_item_time = realtime;
while (tries-- > 0)
if (pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item < 0)
pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item = 14;
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_CNT_FIRST+pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item] > 0)
static void Sbar_Hexen2InvRight_f(void)
int seat = CL_TargettedSplit(false);
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (CSQC_ConsoleCommand(seat, Cmd_Argv(0)))
if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2)
CL_SendSeatClientCommand(true, seat, "invnext");
int tries = 15;
playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[seat];
pv->sb_hexen2_item_time = realtime;
while (tries-- > 0)
if (pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item > 14)
pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item = 0;
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_CNT_FIRST+pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item] > 0)
static void Sbar_Hexen2InvUse_f(void)
int seat = CL_TargettedSplit(false);
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (CSQC_ConsoleCommand(seat, Cmd_Argv(0)))
if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2)
CL_SendSeatClientCommand(true, seat, "invuse");
playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[seat];
Cmd_ExecuteString(va("impulse %d\n", 100+pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item), Cmd_ExecLevel);
static void Sbar_Hexen2ShowInfo_f(void)
int seat = CL_TargettedSplit(false);
playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[seat];
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (CSQC_ConsoleCommand(seat, Cmd_Argv(0)))
pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info = true;
static void Sbar_Hexen2DontShowInfo_f(void)
int seat = CL_TargettedSplit(false);
playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[seat];
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (CSQC_ConsoleCommand(seat, Cmd_Argv(0)))
pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info = false;
static void Sbar_Hexen2PInfoPlaque_f(void)
int seat = CL_TargettedSplit(false);
playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[seat];
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (CSQC_ConsoleCommand(seat, Cmd_Argv(0)))
pv->sb_hexen2_infoplaque = true;
static void Sbar_Hexen2MInfoPlaque_f(void)
int seat = CL_TargettedSplit(false);
playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[seat];
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (CSQC_ConsoleCommand(seat, Cmd_Argv(0)))
pv->sb_hexen2_infoplaque = false;
Tab key up
void Sbar_DontShowScores (void)
int seat = CL_TargettedSplit(false);
if (scr_scoreboard_teamscores.ival)
cl.playerview[seat].sb_showscores = false;
sb_updates = 0;
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (CSQC_ConsoleCommand(seat, Cmd_Argv(0)))
void Sbar_Changed (void)
sb_updates = 0; // update next frame
static qboolean sbar_loaded;
static apic_t *Sbar_PicFromWad(char *name)
apic_t *ret;
char savedname[MAX_QPATH];
Q_strncpyz(savedname, name, sizeof(savedname));
ret = R2D_LoadAtlasedPic(savedname);
if (ret)
return ret;
return NULL;
void Sbar_Flush (void)
sbar_loaded = false;
memset(sb_weapons, 0, sizeof(sb_weapons));
void Sbar_Start (void) //if one of these fails, skip the entire status bar.
int i;
size_t lumpsize;
qbyte lumptype;
if (sbar_loaded)
memset(sb_weapons, 0, sizeof(sb_weapons));
sbar_loaded = true;
COM_FlushFSCache(false, true); //make sure the fs cache is built if needed. there's lots of loading here.
if (!wad_base) //the wad isn't loaded. This is an indication that it doesn't exist.
sbarfailed = true;
sbarfailed = false;
for (i=0 ; i<10 ; i++)
sb_nums[0][i] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("num_%i",i));
sb_nums[1][i] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("anum_%i",i));
#ifdef HEXEN2
sbar_hexen2 = false;
if (W_GetLumpName("tinyfont", &lumpsize, &lumptype))
sbar_hexen2 = true;
// if (sb_nums[0][0] && sb_nums[0][0]->width < 13)
// sbar_hexen2 = true;
sb_nums[0][10] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("num_minus");
sb_nums[1][10] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("anum_minus");
sb_colon = Sbar_PicFromWad ("num_colon");
sb_slash = Sbar_PicFromWad ("num_slash");
sb_weapons[0][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_shotgun");
sb_weapons[0][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_sshotgun");
sb_weapons[0][2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_nailgun");
sb_weapons[0][3] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_snailgun");
sb_weapons[0][4] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_rlaunch");
sb_weapons[0][5] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_srlaunch");
sb_weapons[0][6] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_lightng");
sb_weapons[1][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_shotgun");
sb_weapons[1][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_sshotgun");
sb_weapons[1][2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_nailgun");
sb_weapons[1][3] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_snailgun");
sb_weapons[1][4] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_rlaunch");
sb_weapons[1][5] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_srlaunch");
sb_weapons[1][6] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_lightng");
for (i=0 ; i<5 ; i++)
sb_weapons[2+i][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_shotgun",i+1));
sb_weapons[2+i][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_sshotgun",i+1));
sb_weapons[2+i][2] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_nailgun",i+1));
sb_weapons[2+i][3] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_snailgun",i+1));
sb_weapons[2+i][4] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_rlaunch",i+1));
sb_weapons[2+i][5] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_srlaunch",i+1));
sb_weapons[2+i][6] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_lightng",i+1));
sb_ammo[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_shells");
sb_ammo[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_nails");
sb_ammo[2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_rocket");
sb_ammo[3] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_cells");
sb_armor[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_armor1");
sb_armor[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_armor2");
sb_armor[2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_armor3");
sb_items[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_key1");
sb_items[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_key2");
sb_items[2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_invis");
sb_items[3] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_invuln");
sb_items[4] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_suit");
sb_items[5] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_quad");
sb_sigil[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_sigil1");
sb_sigil[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_sigil2");
sb_sigil[2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_sigil3");
sb_sigil[3] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_sigil4");
sb_faces[4][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face1");
sb_faces[4][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_p1");
sb_faces[3][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face2");
sb_faces[3][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_p2");
sb_faces[2][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face3");
sb_faces[2][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_p3");
sb_faces[1][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face4");
sb_faces[1][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_p4");
sb_faces[0][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face5");
sb_faces[0][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_p5");
sb_face_invis = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_invis");
sb_face_invuln = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_invul2");
sb_face_invis_invuln = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_inv2");
sb_face_quad = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_quad");
sb_ibar = Sbar_PicFromWad ("ibar");
sb_sbar = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sbar");
sb_scorebar = Sbar_PicFromWad ("scorebar");
//try to detect rogue wads, and thus the stats we will be getting from the server.
sbar_rogue = COM_CheckParm("-rogue") || !!W_GetLumpName("r_lava", &lumpsize, &lumptype);
if (sbar_rogue)
rsb_invbar[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_invbar1");
rsb_invbar[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_invbar2");
rsb_weapons[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_lava");
rsb_weapons[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_superlava");
rsb_weapons[2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_gren");
rsb_weapons[3] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_multirock");
rsb_weapons[4] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_plasma");
rsb_items[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_shield1");
rsb_items[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_agrav1");
rsb_teambord = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_teambord");
rsb_ammo[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_ammolava");
rsb_ammo[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_ammomulti");
rsb_ammo[2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_ammoplasma");
sbar_hipnotic = COM_CheckParm("-hipnotic") || !!W_GetLumpName("inv_mjolnir", &lumpsize, &lumptype);
if (sbar_hipnotic)
hsb_weapons[0][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_laser");
hsb_weapons[0][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_mjolnir");
hsb_weapons[0][2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_gren_prox");
hsb_weapons[0][3] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_prox_gren");
hsb_weapons[0][4] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_prox");
hsb_weapons[1][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_laser");
hsb_weapons[1][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_mjolnir");
hsb_weapons[1][2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_gren_prox");
hsb_weapons[1][3] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_prox_gren");
hsb_weapons[1][4] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_prox");
for (i=0 ; i<5 ; i++)
hsb_weapons[2+i][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_laser",i+1));
hsb_weapons[2+i][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_mjolnir",i+1));
hsb_weapons[2+i][2] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_gren_prox",i+1));
hsb_weapons[2+i][3] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_prox_gren",i+1));
hsb_weapons[2+i][4] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_prox",i+1));
hsb_items[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_wsuit");
hsb_items[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_eshld");
void Sbar_Init (void)
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_drawtitle, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_forcecolors, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_newstyle, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_showfrags, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_showlocation, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_showhealth, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_showweapon, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_showflags, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_showruleset, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_afk, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_ping_status, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_fillalpha, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_backgroundalpha, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_teamscores, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_teamsort, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&scr_scoreboard_titleseperator, "Scoreboard settings");
Cvar_Register(&sbar_teamstatus, "Status bar settings");
Cvar_Register(&cl_sbaralpha, "Status bar settings");
Cmd_AddCommand ("+showscores", Sbar_ShowScores);
Cmd_AddCommand ("-showscores", Sbar_DontShowScores);
Cmd_AddCommand ("+showteamscores", Sbar_ShowTeamScores);
Cmd_AddCommand ("-showteamscores", Sbar_DontShowTeamScores);
#ifdef NQPROT
Cmd_AddCommand ("ctfscores", Sbar_CTFScores_f); //server->client score updates.
#ifdef HEXEN2
//stuff to get hexen2 working out-of-the-box
Cmd_AddCommand ("invleft", Sbar_Hexen2InvLeft_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("invright", Sbar_Hexen2InvRight_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("invprev", Sbar_Hexen2InvLeft_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("invnext", Sbar_Hexen2InvRight_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("invuse", Sbar_Hexen2InvUse_f);
Cmd_AddCommandD ("+showinfo", Sbar_Hexen2ShowInfo_f, "Hexen2 Compat");
Cmd_AddCommandD ("-showinfo", Sbar_Hexen2DontShowInfo_f, "Hexen2 Compat");
Cmd_AddCommandD ("+infoplaque", Sbar_Hexen2PInfoPlaque_f, "Hexen2 Compat");
Cmd_AddCommandD ("-infoplaque", Sbar_Hexen2MInfoPlaque_f, "Hexen2 Compat");
Cmd_AddCommandD ("+showdm", Sbar_ShowScores, "Hexen2 Compat");
Cmd_AddCommandD ("-showdm", Sbar_DontShowScores, "Hexen2 Compat");
Cbuf_AddText("alias +crouch \"impulse 22\"\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText("alias -crouch \"impulse 22\"\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
// drawing routines are reletive to the status bar location
static void Sbar_DrawPic (float x, float y, float w, float h, apic_t *pic)
R2D_ImageAtlas(sbar_rect.x + x /* + ((sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1) */, sbar_rect.y + y + (sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT), w, h, 0, 0, 1, 1, pic);
static void Sbar_DrawMPic (float x, float y, float w, float h, mpic_t *pic)
R2D_ScalePic(sbar_rect.x + x /* + ((sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1) */, sbar_rect.y + y + (sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT), w, h, pic);
JACK: Draws a portion of the picture in the status bar.
static void Sbar_DrawSubPic(float x, float y, float width, float height, apic_t *pic, int srcx, int srcy, int srcwidth, int srcheight)
float newsl, newtl, newsh, newth;
newsl = (srcx)/(float)srcwidth;
newsh = newsl + (width)/(float)srcwidth;
newtl = (srcy)/(float)srcheight;
newth = newtl + (height)/(float)srcheight;
R2D_ImageAtlas (sbar_rect.x + x, sbar_rect.y + y+(sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT), width, height, newsl, newtl, newsh, newth, pic);
Draws one solid graphics character
void Sbar_DrawCharacter (float x, float y, int num)
int px, py;
Font_BeginString(font_default, sbar_rect.x + x + 4, sbar_rect.y + y + sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT, &px, &py);
Font_DrawChar(px, py, CON_WHITEMASK, num | 0xe000);
void Sbar_DrawString (float x, float y, char *str)
Draw_FunString (sbar_rect.x + x /*+ ((sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1) */, sbar_rect.y + y+ sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT, str);
void Sbar_DrawExpandedString (float x, float y, conchar_t *str)
Draw_ExpandedString (font_default, sbar_rect.x + x /*+ ((sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1) */, sbar_rect.y + y+ sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT, str);
void Draw_TinyString (float x, float y, const qbyte *str)
float xstart;
int px, py;
unsigned int codepoint;
int error;
if (!font_tiny)
font_tiny = Font_LoadFont("gfx/tinyfont", 8, 1, 0, 0);
if (!font_tiny)
Font_BeginString(font_tiny, x, y, &px, &py);
xstart = px;
while (*str)
codepoint = unicode_decode(&error, str, (char const**)&str, true);
if (codepoint == '\n')
px = xstart;
py += Font_CharHeight();
px = Font_DrawChar(px, py, CON_WHITEMASK, codepoint);
void Sbar_DrawTinyString (float x, float y, char *str)
Draw_TinyString (sbar_rect.x + x /*+ ((sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1) */, sbar_rect.y + y+ sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT, str);
void Sbar_DrawTinyStringf (float x, float y, char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
char string[256];
va_start (argptr, fmt);
vsnprintf (string, sizeof(string)-1, fmt, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
Draw_TinyString (sbar_rect.x + x /*+ ((sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1) */, sbar_rect.y + y+ sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT, string);
void Sbar_FillPC (float x, float y, float w, float h, unsigned int pcolour)
if (pcolour >= 16)
R2D_ImageColours (SRGBA(((pcolour&0xff0000)>>16)/255.0f, ((pcolour&0xff00)>>8)/255.0f, (pcolour&0xff)/255.0f, 1.0));
R2D_FillBlock (x, y, w, h);
R2D_ImagePaletteColour(Sbar_ColorForMap(pcolour), 1.0);
R2D_FillBlock (x, y, w, h);
static void Sbar_FillPCDark (float x, float y, float w, float h, unsigned int pcolour, float alpha)
if (pcolour >= 16)
R2D_ImageColours (SRGBA(((pcolour&0xff0000)>>16)/1024.0f, ((pcolour&0xff00)>>8)/1024.0f, (pcolour&0xff)/1024.0f, alpha));
R2D_FillBlock (x, y, w, h);
R2D_ImagePaletteColour(Sbar_ColorForMap(pcolour)-1, alpha);
R2D_FillBlock (x, y, w, h);
int Sbar_itoa (int num, char *buf)
char *str;
int pow10;
int dig;
str = buf;
if (num < 0)
*str++ = '-';
num = -num;
for (pow10 = 10 ; num >= pow10 && pow10>=10; pow10 *= 10)
if (pow10 > 0)
pow10 /= 10;
dig = num/pow10;
*str++ = '0'+dig;
num -= dig*pow10;
} while (pow10 != 1);
*str = 0;
return str-buf;
void Sbar_DrawNum (float x, float y, int num, int digits, int color)
char str[16];
char *ptr;
int l, frame;
#undef small
int small=false;
if (digits < 0)
small = true;
l = Sbar_itoa (num, str);
ptr = str;
if (l > digits)
ptr += (l-digits);
if (small)
if (l < digits)
x += (digits-l)*8;
while (*ptr)
Sbar_DrawCharacter(x, y, *ptr+18 - '0');
if (l < digits)
x += (digits-l)*24;
while (*ptr)
if (*ptr == '-')
frame = STAT_MINUS;
frame = *ptr -'0';
Sbar_DrawPic (x, y, 24, 24, sb_nums[color][frame]);
x += 24;
#ifdef HEXEN2
static void Sbar_Hexen2DrawNum (float x, float y, int num, int digits)
char str[12];
char *ptr;
int l, frame;
l = Sbar_itoa (num, str);
ptr = str;
if (l > digits)
ptr += (l-digits);
//hexen2 hud has it centered
if (l < digits)
x += ((digits-l)*13)/2;
while (*ptr)
if (*ptr == '-')
frame = STAT_MINUS;
frame = *ptr -'0';
Sbar_DrawPic (x, y, 12, 16, sb_nums[0][frame]);
x += 13;
#ifdef NQPROT
//this stuff was added to the rerelease's ctf mod.
int cl_ctfredscore;
int cl_ctfbluescore;
int cl_ctfflags;
static void Sbar_CTFScores_f(void)
{ //issued via stuffcmds.
cl_ctfredscore = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
cl_ctfbluescore = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));
cl_ctfflags = atoi(Cmd_Argv(3)) | 0x100; //base|carried|dropped | base|carried|dropped
static void Sbar_DrawCTFScores(playerview_t *pv)
if (cl_ctfflags)
int i, x, y, sy;
static struct
int colour;
int *score;
const char *base, *held, *dropped; //at base, held, dropped.
int shift;
} team[] =
{4, &cl_ctfredscore, "gfx/redf1.lmp", "gfx/redf2.lmp", "gfx/redf3.lmp", 0},
{13, &cl_ctfbluescore, "gfx/bluef1.lmp", "gfx/bluef2.lmp", "gfx/bluef3.lmp", 3},
x = sbar_rect.x + sbar_rect.width - (48+2);
sy = sbar_rect.y + sbar_rect.height-sb_lines;
if (!cl_sbar.value && sb_lines > 24 && scr_viewsize.value>=100 && !cl_hudswap.value)
x -= 42; //QW hud nudges it in by 24 to not cover ammo.
for (i = 0, y=sy-17; i < countof(team); i++, y -= 18)
if (cl.players[pv->playernum].rbottomcolor == team[i].colour)
Sbar_FillPC (x-1, y-1, 48+2, 16+2, 12);
Sbar_FillPC (x+16, y, 32, 16, team[i].colour);
R2D_ImageColours(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
for (i = 0, y=sy-17; i < countof(team); i++, y -= 18)
int fl = (cl_ctfflags>>team[i].shift)&7;
mpic_t *pic = NULL;
if (fl == 1)
pic = R2D_SafeCachePic(team[i].base);
else if (fl == 2)
pic = R2D_SafeCachePic(team[i].held);
else if (fl == 4)
pic = R2D_SafeCachePic(team[i].dropped);
if (pic)
R2D_ScalePic(x, y, 16, 16, pic);
for (i = 0, y=sy-17; i < countof(team); i++, y -= 18)
Draw_FunStringWidth (x+16, y+((16-8)/2), va("%i", *team[i].score), 32, 2, false);
typedef struct {
char team[16+1];
int frags;
int players;
int plow, phigh, ptotal;
int topcolour, bottomcolour;
qboolean ownteam;
} team_t;
static int playerteam[MAX_CLIENTS];
static team_t teams[MAX_CLIENTS];
static int teamsort[MAX_CLIENTS];
static int scoreboardteams;
static qboolean consistentteams; //can hide the 'team' displays when colours are enough.
static struct
unsigned char upper;
short frags;
} nqteam[14];
void Sbar_PQ_Team_New(unsigned int lower, unsigned int upper)
if (lower >= 14)
nqteam[lower].upper = upper;
void Sbar_PQ_Team_Frags(unsigned int lower, int frags)
if (lower >= 14)
nqteam[lower].frags = frags;
void Sbar_PQ_Team_Reset(void)
memset(nqteam, 0, sizeof(nqteam));
unsigned int Sbar_ColorForMap (unsigned int m)
if (m >= 16)
return m;
m = (m > 13) ? 13 : m;
m *= 16;
return m < 128 ? m + 8 : m + 8;
int scoreboardlines;
int fragsort[MAX_CLIENTS];
void Sbar_SortFrags (qboolean includespec, qboolean doteamsort)
int i, j, k;
if (!cl.teamplay)
doteamsort = false;
// sort by frags
scoreboardlines = 0;
for (i=0 ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++)
if (cl.players[i].name[0] &&
(!cl.players[i].spectator || includespec))
fragsort[scoreboardlines] = i;
for (i=0 ; i<scoreboardlines ; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < scoreboardlines; j++)
int w1, w2;
int t1 = playerteam[fragsort[i]];
int t2 = playerteam[fragsort[j]];
//teams are already sorted by frags
w1 = t1<0?-999:-teamsort[t1];
w2 = t2<0?-999:-teamsort[t2];
//okay, they're on the same team then? go ahead and sort by personal frags
if (!doteamsort || w1 == w2)
w1 = cl.players[fragsort[i]].spectator==1?-999:cl.players[fragsort[i]].frags;
w2 = cl.players[fragsort[j]].spectator==1?-999:cl.players[fragsort[j]].frags;
if (w1 < w2)
k = fragsort[i];
fragsort[i] = fragsort[j];
fragsort[j] = k;
void Sbar_SortTeams (playerview_t *pv)
int i, j, k;
player_info_t *s;
char t[16+1];
int ownnum;
unsigned int seen;
char *end;
// request new ping times every two second
scoreboardteams = 0;
consistentteams = false;
if (!cl.teamplay)
memset(teams, 0, sizeof(teams));
// sort the teams
for (i = 0; i < cl.allocated_client_slots; i++)
teams[i].plow = 999;
ownnum = Sbar_PlayerNum(pv);
for (i = 0; i < cl.allocated_client_slots; i++)
playerteam[i] = -1;
s = &cl.players[i];
if (!s->name[0] || s->spectator)
// find his team in the list
Q_strncpyz(t, s->team, sizeof(t));
if (!t[0])
continue; // not on team
if (cls.protocol == CP_NETQUAKE)
k = Sbar_BottomColour(s);
if (!k) //team 0 = spectator
for (j = 0; j < scoreboardteams; j++)
if (teams[j].bottomcolour == k)
for (j = 0; j < scoreboardteams; j++)
if (!strcmp(teams[j].team, t))
/*if (cl.teamfortress)
teams[j].topcolour = teams[j].bottomcolour = TF_TeamToColour(t);
else*/ if (j == scoreboardteams || i == ownnum)
teams[j].topcolour = Sbar_TopColour(s);
teams[j].bottomcolour = Sbar_BottomColour(s);
if (j == scoreboardteams)
{ // create a team for this player
strcpy(teams[j].team, t);
playerteam[i] = j;
teams[j].frags += s->frags;
if (teams[j].plow > s->ping)
teams[j].plow = s->ping;
if (teams[j].phigh < s->ping)
teams[j].phigh = s->ping;
teams[j].ptotal += s->ping;
// sort
for (i = 0; i < scoreboardteams; i++)
teamsort[i] = i;
// good 'ol bubble sort
for (i = 0; i < scoreboardteams - 1; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < scoreboardteams; j++)
if (teams[teamsort[i]].frags < teams[teamsort[j]].frags)
k = teamsort[i];
teamsort[i] = teamsort[j];
teamsort[j] = k;
seen = 0;
for (i = 0; i < scoreboardteams; i++)
//make sure the colour is one of quake's valid non-fullbright colour ranges.
if (teams[i].bottomcolour < 0 || teams[i].bottomcolour > 13)
//don't allow multiple teams with the same colour but different names.
if (seen & (1<<teams[i].bottomcolour))
seen |= (1<<teams[i].bottomcolour);
if (*teams[i].team == 't')
{ //fte servers use t%i for nq team names
if (teams[i].bottomcolour != strtoul(teams[i].team+1, &end, 10) || *end)
if (teams[i].bottomcolour != strtoul(teams[i].team, &end, 10) || *end)
if (teams[i].bottomcolour == 4 && !strcasecmp(teams[i].team, "red"))
else if (teams[i].bottomcolour == 13 && !strcasecmp(teams[i].team, "blue"))
//if we got this far, we had no dupe colours and every name checked out.
consistentteams = true;
void Sbar_SoloScoreboard (void)
int l;
float time;
char str[80];
int minutes, seconds, tens, units;
Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, 320, 24, sb_scorebar);
// time
time = cl.servertime;
minutes = time / 60;
seconds = time - 60*minutes;
tens = seconds / 10;
units = seconds - 10*tens;
sprintf (str,"Time :%3i:%i%i", minutes, tens, units);
Sbar_DrawString (184, 4, str);
// draw level name
l = strlen (cl.levelname);
Sbar_DrawString (232 - l*4, 12, cl.levelname);
void Sbar_CoopScoreboard (void)
float time;
char str[80];
int minutes, seconds, tens, units;
int l;
int pnum = 0; //doesn't matter, should all be the same
sprintf (str,"Monsters:%3i /%3i", cl.playerview[pnum].stats[STAT_MONSTERS], cl.playerview[pnum].stats[STAT_TOTALMONSTERS]);
Sbar_DrawString (8, 4, str);
sprintf (str,"Secrets :%3i /%3i", cl.playerview[pnum].stats[STAT_SECRETS], cl.playerview[pnum].stats[STAT_TOTALSECRETS]);
Sbar_DrawString (8, 12, str);
// time
time = cl.servertime;
minutes = time / 60;
seconds = time - 60*minutes;
tens = seconds / 10;
units = seconds - 10*tens;
sprintf (str,"Time :%3i:%i%i", minutes, tens, units);
Sbar_DrawString (184, 4, str);
// draw level name
l = strlen (cl.levelname);
Sbar_DrawString (232 - l*4, 12, cl.levelname);
void Sbar_DrawInventory (playerview_t *pv)
int i;
char num[6];
conchar_t numc[6];
float time;
int flashon;
qboolean headsup;
qboolean hudswap;
float wleft, wtop;
apic_t *ibar;
headsup = !(cl_sbar.value || (scr_viewsize.value<100));
hudswap = cl_hudswap.value; // Get that nasty float out :)
//coord for the left of the weapons, with hud
wleft = hudswap?sbar_rect_left:(sbar_rect.width-24);
wtop = -180;//68-(7-0)*16;
if (sbar_hipnotic)
wtop -= 16*2;
if (sbar_rogue)
ibar = rsb_invbar[0];
ibar = rsb_invbar[1];
ibar = sb_ibar;
if (!headsup)
if (cl_sbar.ival != 1 && scr_viewsize.value >= 100)
R2D_ImageColours (cl_sbaralpha.value, cl_sbaralpha.value, cl_sbaralpha.value, cl_sbaralpha.value);
Sbar_DrawPic (0, -24, 320, 24, ibar);
R2D_ImageColours (1, 1, 1, 1);
// weapons
for (i=0 ; i<7 ; i++)
if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & (IT_SHOTGUN<<i) )
time = pv->item_gettime[i];
flashon = (int)((cl.time - time)*10);
if (flashon < 0)
flashon = 0;
if (flashon >= 10)
if ( pv->stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON] == (IT_SHOTGUN<<i) )
flashon = 1;
flashon = 0;
flashon = (flashon%5) + 2;
if (headsup)
if (i || sbar_rect.height>200)
Sbar_DrawSubPic (wleft,wtop+i*16, 24,16, sb_weapons[flashon][i],0,0,(i==6)?(sbar_hipnotic?32:48):24, 16);
Sbar_DrawPic (i*24, -16, (i==6)?(sbar_hipnotic?32:48):24, 16, sb_weapons[flashon][i]);
if (flashon > 1)
sb_updates = 0; // force update to remove flash
if (sbar_hipnotic)
int grenadeflashing=0;
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & (1<<hipweapons[i]))
time = pv->item_gettime[hipweapons[i]];
flashon = (int)((cl.time - time)*10);
if (flashon >= 10)
if (pv->stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON] == (1<<hipweapons[i]))
flashon = 1;
flashon = 0;
flashon = (flashon%5) + 2;
// check grenade launcher
if (i==2)
if (flashon)
grenadeflashing = 1;
Sbar_DrawPic (headsup?wleft:96, headsup?wtop+4*16:-16, 24, 16, hsb_weapons[flashon][2]);
else if (i==3)
if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & (IT_SHOTGUN<<4))
if (flashon && !grenadeflashing)
Sbar_DrawPic (headsup?wleft:96, headsup?wtop+4*16:-16, 24, 16, hsb_weapons[flashon][3]);
else if (!grenadeflashing)
Sbar_DrawPic (headsup?wleft:96, headsup?wtop+4*16:-16, 24, 16, hsb_weapons[0][3]);
Sbar_DrawPic (headsup?wleft:96, headsup?wtop+4*16:-16, 24, 16, hsb_weapons[flashon][4]);
// else if (i == 1)
// Sbar_DrawPic (176 + (i*24), -16, 24, 16, hsb_weapons[flashon][i]);
if (headsup)
Sbar_DrawPic (headsup?wleft:(176 + (i*24)), headsup?wtop+(i+7)*16:-16, 24, 16, hsb_weapons[flashon][i]);
Sbar_DrawPic (headsup?wleft:(176 + (i*24)), headsup?wtop+(i+7)*16:-16, 24, 16, hsb_weapons[flashon][i]);
if (flashon > 1)
sb_updates = 0; // force update to remove flash
if (sbar_rogue)
// check for powered up weapon.
for (i=0;i<5;i++)
if (pv->stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON] == (RIT_LAVA_NAILGUN << i))
if (headsup)
if (sbar_rect.height>200)
Sbar_DrawSubPic ((hudswap) ? 0 : (sbar_rect.width-24),-68-(5-i)*16, 24, 16, rsb_weapons[i],0,0,((i==4)?48:24),16);
Sbar_DrawPic ((i+2)*24, -16, (i==4)?48:24, 16, rsb_weapons[i]);
flashon = 0;
// items
for (i=(sbar_hipnotic?2:0) ; i<6 ; i++)
if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & (1<<(17+i)))
time = pv->item_gettime[17+i];
if (time && time > cl.time - 2 && flashon )
{ // flash frame
sb_updates = 0;
Sbar_DrawPic (192 + i*16, -16, 16, 16, sb_items[i]);
if (time && time > cl.time - 2)
sb_updates = 0;
if (sbar_hipnotic)
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & (1<<(24+i)))
time = pv->item_gettime[24+i];
if (time && time > cl.time - 2 && flashon ) // flash frame
sb_updates = 0;
Sbar_DrawPic (288 + i*16, -16, 16, 16, hsb_items[i]);
if (time && time > cl.time - 2)
sb_updates = 0;
if (sbar_rogue)
// new rogue items
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & (1<<(29+i)))
time = pv->item_gettime[29+i];
if (time && time > cl.time - 2 && flashon ) // flash frame
sb_updates = 0;
Sbar_DrawPic (288 + i*16, -16, 16, 16, rsb_items[i]);
if (time && time > cl.time - 2)
sb_updates = 0;
// sigils
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & (1<<(28+i)))
time = pv->item_gettime[28+i];
if (time && time > cl.time - 2 && flashon )
{ // flash frame
sb_updates = 0;
Sbar_DrawPic (320-32 + i*8, -16, 8, 16, sb_sigil[i]);
if (time && time > cl.time - 2)
sb_updates = 0;
// ammo counts
if (headsup)
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
Sbar_DrawSubPic((hudswap) ? sbar_rect_left : (sbar_rect.width-42), -24 - (4-i)*11, 42, 11, ibar, 3+(i*48), 0, 320, 24);
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
snprintf (num, sizeof(num), "%4i", pv->stats[STAT_SHELLS+i] );
numc[0] = CON_WHITEMASK|0xe000|((num[0]!=' ')?(num[0] + 18-'0'):' ');
numc[1] = CON_WHITEMASK|0xe000|((num[1]!=' ')?(num[1] + 18-'0'):' ');
numc[2] = CON_WHITEMASK|0xe000|((num[2]!=' ')?(num[2] + 18-'0'):' ');
numc[3] = CON_WHITEMASK|0xe000|((num[3]!=' ')?(num[3] + 18-'0'):' ');
numc[4] = 0;
if (headsup)
Sbar_DrawExpandedString(((hudswap) ? sbar_rect_left+3 : (sbar_rect.width-39)) - 4, -24 - (4-i)*11, numc);
Sbar_DrawExpandedString((6*i+1)*8 - 2 - 4, -24, numc);
static qboolean PointInBox(float px, float py, float x, float y, float w, float h)
if (px >= x && px < x+w)
if (py >= y && py < y+h)
return true;
return false;
int Sbar_TranslateHudClick(void)
int i;
float vx = mousecursor_x - sbar_rect.x;
float vy = mousecursor_y - (sbar_rect.y + (sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT));
qboolean headsup = !(cl_sbar.value || (scr_viewsize.value<100));
qboolean hudswap = cl_hudswap.value; // Get that nasty float out :)
//inventory. clicks do specific-weapon impulses.
if (sb_lines > 24)
for (i=0 ; i<7 ; i++)
if (headsup)
if (i || sbar_rect.height>200)
if (PointInBox (vx, vy, (hudswap) ? 0 : (sbar_rect.width-24),-68-(7-i)*16, 24,16))
return '2' + i;
if (PointInBox (vx, vy, i*24, -16, (i==6)?48:24, 16))
return '2' + i;
//armour. trigger backtick, to toggle the console (which enables the on-screen keyboard on android).
if (PointInBox (vx, vy, 0, 0, 96, 24))
return '`';
//face. do showscores.
if (PointInBox (vx, vy, 112, 0, 96, 24))
return K_TAB;
//currentammo+icon. trigger '/' binding, which defaults to weapon-switch (impulse 10)
if (PointInBox (vx, vy, 224, 0, 96, 24))
return '/';
return 0;
void Sbar_DrawFrags (playerview_t *pv)
int i, k, l;
int top, bottom;
float x, y;
int f;
int ownnum;
char num[12];
player_info_t *s;
Sbar_SortFrags (false, false);
ownnum = Sbar_PlayerNum(pv);
// draw the text
l = scoreboardlines <= 4 ? scoreboardlines : 4;
x = 23;
// xofs = (sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1;
y = sbar_rect.height - SBAR_HEIGHT - 23;
for (i=0 ; i<l ; i++)
k = fragsort[i];
s = &cl.players[k];
if (!s->name[0])
if (s->spectator)
// draw background
top = Sbar_TopColour(s);
bottom = Sbar_BottomColour(s);
// Draw_Fill (xofs + x*8 + 10, y, 28, 4, top);
// Draw_Fill (xofs + x*8 + 10, y+4, 28, 3, bottom);
Sbar_FillPC (sbar_rect.x+x*8 + 10, sbar_rect.y+y, 28, 4, top);
Sbar_FillPC (sbar_rect.x+x*8 + 10, sbar_rect.y+y+4, 28, 3, bottom);
R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1);
// draw number
f = s->frags;
sprintf (num, "%3i",f);
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( (x+1)*8 , -24, num[0]);
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( (x+2)*8 , -24, num[1]);
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( (x+3)*8 , -24, num[2]);
if (k == ownnum)
Sbar_DrawCharacter (x*8+2, -24, 16);
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( (x+4)*8-4, -24, 17);
R2D_ImageColours(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
void Sbar_DrawFace (playerview_t *pv)
int f, anim;
Sbar_DrawPic (112, 0, 24, 24, sb_face_invis_invuln);
if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_QUAD)
Sbar_DrawPic (112, 0, 24, 24, sb_face_quad );
Sbar_DrawPic (112, 0, 24, 24, sb_face_invis );
Sbar_DrawPic (112, 0, 24, 24, sb_face_invuln);
if (pv->stats[STAT_HEALTH] >= 100)
f = 4;
f = pv->stats[STAT_HEALTH] / 20;
if (f < 0)
if (cl.time <= pv->faceanimtime)
anim = 1;
sb_updates = 0; // make sure the anim gets drawn over
anim = 0;
Sbar_DrawPic (112, 0, 24, 24, sb_faces[f][anim]);
void Sbar_DrawNormal (playerview_t *pv)
if (cl_sbar.value || (scr_viewsize.value<100))
if (cl_sbar.ival != 1 && scr_viewsize.value >= 100)
R2D_ImageColours (cl_sbaralpha.value, cl_sbaralpha.value, cl_sbaralpha.value, cl_sbaralpha.value);
Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, 320, 24, sb_sbar);
R2D_ImageColours (1, 1, 1, 1);
//hipnotic's keys appear to the right of health.
if (sbar_hipnotic)
if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_KEY1)
Sbar_DrawPic (209, 3, 16, 9, sb_items[0]);
if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_KEY2)
Sbar_DrawPic (209, 12, 16, 9, sb_items[1]);
// armor
Sbar_DrawNum (24, 0, 666, 3, 1);
Sbar_DrawMPic (0, 0, 24, 24, draw_disc);
if (sbar_rogue)
Sbar_DrawNum (24, 0, pv->stats[STAT_ARMOR], 3,
pv->stats[STAT_ARMOR] <= 25);
if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_ARMOR3)
Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, 24, 24, sb_armor[2]);
else if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_ARMOR2)
Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, 24, 24, sb_armor[1]);
else if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_ARMOR1)
Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, 24, 24, sb_armor[0]);
Sbar_DrawNum (24, 0, pv->stats[STAT_ARMOR], 3,
pv->stats[STAT_ARMOR] <= 25);
if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR3)
Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, 24, 24, sb_armor[2]);
else if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR2)
Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, 24, 24, sb_armor[1]);
else if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR1)
Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, 24, 24, sb_armor[0]);
// face
Sbar_DrawFace (pv);
// health
Sbar_DrawNum (136, 0, pv->stats[STAT_HEALTH], 3
, pv->stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 25);
// ammo icon
if (sbar_rogue)
if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_SHELLS)
Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, 24, 24, sb_ammo[0]);
else if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_NAILS)
Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, 24, 24, sb_ammo[1]);
else if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_ROCKETS)
Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, 24, 24, sb_ammo[2]);
else if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_CELLS)
Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, 24, 24, sb_ammo[3]);
else if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_LAVA_NAILS)
Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, 24, 24, rsb_ammo[0]);
else if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_PLASMA_AMMO)
Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, 24, 24, rsb_ammo[1]);
else if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_MULTI_ROCKETS)
Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, 24, 24, rsb_ammo[2]);
if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_SHELLS)
Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, 24, 24, sb_ammo[0]);
else if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_NAILS)
Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, 24, 24, sb_ammo[1]);
else if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ROCKETS)
Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, 24, 24, sb_ammo[2]);
else if (pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_CELLS)
Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, 24, 24, sb_ammo[3]);
Sbar_DrawNum (248, 0, pv->stats[STAT_AMMO], 3
, pv->stats[STAT_AMMO] <= 10);
qboolean Sbar_ShouldDraw (playerview_t *pv)
extern qboolean editoractive;
qboolean headsup;
if (scr_con_current == vid.height)
return false; // console is full screen
if (editoractive)
return false;
headsup = !(cl_sbar.value || (scr_viewsize.value<100));
if ((sb_updates >= vid.numpages) && !headsup)
return false;
return true;
void Sbar_DrawScoreboard (playerview_t *pv)
qboolean isdead;
if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2)
if (Key_Dest_Has(~kdm_game))
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (CSQC_DrawScores(pv))
/*no scoreboard in single player (if you want bots, set deathmatch)*/
if (sv.state && sv.allocated_client_slots == 1)
isdead = false;
if (pv->spectator && cls.demoplayback == DPB_MVD)
int t = pv->cam_spec_track;
if (t >= 0 && CAM_ISLOCKED(pv) && cl.players[t].statsf[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0)
isdead = true;
else if (!pv->spectator && pv->statsf[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0)
isdead = true;
if (isdead)// && !cl.spectator)
if (cl.teamplay > 0 && !pv->sb_showscores)
Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (pv, 0);
else if (pv->sb_showscores)
Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (pv, 0);
else if (pv->sb_showteamscores)
sb_updates = 0;
#ifdef HEXEN2
static void Sbar_Hexen2DrawActiveStuff(playerview_t *pv)
int x = r_refdef.grect.x + r_refdef.grect.width;
int y = 0;
//rings are vertical...
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_RINGS_ACTIVE] & 8)
{ //turning...
R2D_ScalePic(x-32, r_refdef.grect.y+y, 32, 32, R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/rngtrn%d.lmp", ((int)(cl.time*16)%15)+1)));
y += 32;
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_RINGS_ACTIVE] & 2)
{ //water breathing
R2D_ScalePic(x-32, r_refdef.grect.y+y, 32, 32, R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/rngwtr%d.lmp", ((int)(cl.time*16)%15)+1)));
y += 32;
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_RINGS_ACTIVE] & 1)
{ //flight
R2D_ScalePic(x-32, r_refdef.grect.y+y, 32, 32, R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/rngfly%d.lmp", ((int)(cl.time*16)%15)+1)));
y += 32;
if (y) //if we drew the rings column, move artifacts over so they don't fight
x -= 50;
//artifacts are horizontal (without stomping on rings)...
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_ARTIFACT_ACTIVE] & 4)
{ //tome of power
x -= 32;
R2D_ScalePic(x, r_refdef.grect.y, 32, 32, R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/pwrbook%d.lmp", ((int)(cl.time*16)%15)+1)));
x -= 18;
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_ARTIFACT_ACTIVE] & 1)
{ //boots
x -= 32;
R2D_ScalePic(x, r_refdef.grect.y, 32, 32, R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/durhst%d.lmp", ((int)(cl.time*16)%15)+1)));
x -= 18;
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_ARTIFACT_ACTIVE] & 2)
{ //invincibility
x -= 32;
R2D_ScalePic(x, r_refdef.grect.y, 32, 32, R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/durshd%d.lmp", ((int)(cl.time*16)%15)+1)));
x -= 18;
static void Sbar_Hexen2DrawItem(playerview_t *pv, float x, float y, int itemnum)
int num;
Sbar_DrawMPic(x, y, 29, 28, R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/arti%02d.lmp", itemnum)));
num = pv->stats[STAT_H2_CNT_FIRST+itemnum];
if(num > 0)
if (num > 99)
num = 99;
if (num >= 10)
Sbar_DrawMPic(x+20, y+21, 4, 6, R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/artinum%d.lmp", num/10)));
Sbar_DrawMPic(x+20+4, y+21, 4, 6, R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/artinum%d.lmp", num%10)));
static void Sbar_Hexen2DrawInventory(playerview_t *pv)
int i;
int x, y=-37;
int activeleft = 0;
int activeright = 0;
/*always select an artifact that we actually have whether we are drawing the full bar or not.*/
/*NOTE: Hexen2 reorders them in collection order.*/
for (i = 0; i < STAT_H2_CNT_COUNT; i++)
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_CNT_FIRST+(i+pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item)%STAT_H2_CNT_COUNT])
pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item = (pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item + i)%STAT_H2_CNT_COUNT;
if (pv->sb_hexen2_item_time+3 < realtime)
if (!pv->stats[STAT_H2_CNT_FIRST+pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item])
return; //no items... don't confuse the user.
for (i = pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item; i < STAT_H2_CNT_COUNT; i++)
if (pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item == i || pv->stats[STAT_H2_CNT_FIRST+i] > 0)
for (i = pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item == i || pv->stats[STAT_H2_CNT_FIRST+i] > 0)
if (activeleft > 3 + (activeright<=3?(4-activeright):0))
activeleft = 3 + (activeright<=3?(4-activeright):0);
x=320/2-114 + (activeleft-1)*33;
for (i = pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item-1; x>=320/2-114; i--)
if (!pv->stats[STAT_H2_CNT_FIRST+i])
if (i == pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item)
Sbar_DrawMPic(x+9, y-12, 11, 11, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/artisel.lmp"));
Sbar_Hexen2DrawItem(pv, x, y, i);
x -= 33;
x=320/2-114 + activeleft*33;
for (i = pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item; i < STAT_H2_CNT_COUNT && x < 320/2-114+7*33; i++)
if (i != pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item && !pv->stats[STAT_H2_CNT_FIRST+i])
if (i == pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item)
Sbar_DrawMPic(x+9, y-12, 11, 11, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/artisel.lmp"));
Sbar_Hexen2DrawItem(pv, x, y, i);
static void Sbar_Hexen2DrawPuzzles (playerview_t *pv)
unsigned int i, place=0, x, y, mid, j;
char name[64];
const char *line;
mpic_t *pic;
puzzlenames = FS_LoadMallocFile("puzzles.txt", NULL);
if (!puzzlenames)
puzzlenames = Z_StrDup("");
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (pv->statsstr[STAT_H2_PUZZLE1+i] && *pv->statsstr[STAT_H2_PUZZLE1+i])
pic = R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/puzzle/%s.lmp", pv->statsstr[STAT_H2_PUZZLE1+i]));
strcpy(name, "Unknown");
for (line = puzzlenames; (line = COM_Parse(line)); )
if (!Q_strcasecmp(com_token, pv->statsstr[STAT_H2_PUZZLE1+i]))
while (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t')
for (j = 0; j < countof(name)-1; j++)
if (*line == '\r' || *line == '\n' || !*line)
name[j] = *line++;
name[j] = 0;
line = strchr(line, '\n');
if (!line)
if (r_refdef.grect.width < 320)
{ //screen too narrow for side by side. depend on height.
x = r_refdef.grect.x + 10;
y = 50 + place*32;
if (y+26 > r_refdef.grect.height)
y += sbar_rect.y;
mid = r_refdef.grect.x + r_refdef.grect.width;
R2D_ScalePic(x, y, 26, 26, pic);
Draw_FunStringWidth(x+35, y+(26-8)/2, name, mid-(x+35), false, false);
else if (place < 4)
{ //first four are on the left.
x = r_refdef.grect.x + 10;
y = 50 + place*32;
if (y+26 > r_refdef.grect.height)
y += sbar_rect.y;
mid = r_refdef.grect.x + r_refdef.grect.width/2;
R2D_ScalePic(x, y, 26, 26, pic);
R_DrawTextField(x+35, y, mid-(x+35), 26, name, CON_WHITEMASK, CPRINT_LALIGN, font_default, NULL);
{ //last four are on the right
x = r_refdef.grect.x + r_refdef.grect.width - 10 - 26;
y = 50 + (place-4)*32;
if (y+26 > r_refdef.grect.height)
y += sbar_rect.y;
mid = r_refdef.grect.x + r_refdef.grect.width/2;
R2D_ScalePic(x, y, 26, 26, pic);
R_DrawTextField(mid, y, x-(35-26)-mid, 26, name, CON_WHITEMASK, CPRINT_RALIGN, font_default, NULL);
static void Sbar_Hexen2DrawExtra (playerview_t *pv)
unsigned int i, slot;
unsigned int pclass;
int ringpos[] = {6, 44, 81, 119};
//char *ringimages[] = {"gfx/ring_f.lmp", "gfx/ring_w.lmp", "gfx/ring_t.lmp", "gfx/ring_r.lmp"}; //unused variable
float val;
char *pclassname[] = {
// if (!pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info)
// return;
pclass = cl.players[pv->playernum].h2playerclass;
if (pclass >= sizeof(pclassname)/sizeof(pclassname[0]))
pclass = 0;
Sbar_DrawMPic(0, 46, 160, 98, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/btmbar1.lmp"));
Sbar_DrawMPic(160, 46, 160, 98, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/btmbar2.lmp"));
Sbar_DrawTinyString (11, 48, pclassname[pclass]);
Sbar_DrawTinyString (11, 58, "int");
Sbar_DrawTinyStringf (33, 58, "%02d", pv->stats[STAT_H2_INTELLIGENCE]);
Sbar_DrawTinyString (11, 64, "wis");
Sbar_DrawTinyStringf (33, 64, "%02d", pv->stats[STAT_H2_WISDOM]);
Sbar_DrawTinyString (11, 70, "dex");
Sbar_DrawTinyStringf (33, 70, "%02d", pv->stats[STAT_H2_DEXTERITY]);
Sbar_DrawTinyString (58, 58, "str");
Sbar_DrawTinyStringf (80, 58, "%02d", pv->stats[STAT_H2_STRENGTH]);
Sbar_DrawTinyString (58, 64, "lvl");
Sbar_DrawTinyStringf (80, 64, "%02d", pv->stats[STAT_H2_LEVEL]);
Sbar_DrawTinyString (58, 70, "exp");
Sbar_DrawTinyStringf (80, 70, "%06d", pv->stats[STAT_H2_EXPERIENCE]);
Sbar_DrawTinyString (11, 79, "abilities");
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_FLAGS] & (1<<22))
Sbar_DrawTinyString (8, 89, T_GetString(400 + 2*(pclass-1) + 0));
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_FLAGS] & (1<<23))
Sbar_DrawTinyString (8, 96, T_GetString(400 + 2*(pclass-1) + 1));
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_ARMOUR1+i] > 0)
Sbar_DrawMPic (164+i*40, 115, 28, 19, R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/armor%d.lmp", i+1)));
Sbar_DrawTinyStringf (168+i*40, 136, "+%d", pv->stats[STAT_H2_ARMOUR1+i]);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_FLIGHT_T+i] > 0)
Sbar_DrawMPic (ringpos[i], 119, 32, 22, R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/ring_f.lmp")));
val = pv->stats[STAT_H2_FLIGHT_T+i];
if (val > 100)
val = 100;
if (val < 0)
val = 0;
Sbar_DrawMPic(ringpos[i]+29 - (int)(26 * (val/(float)100)),142, 26, 1, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/ringhlth.lmp"));
Sbar_DrawMPic(ringpos[i]+29, 142, 26, 1, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/rhlthcvr.lmp"));
slot = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (pv->statsstr[STAT_H2_PUZZLE1+i] && *pv->statsstr[STAT_H2_PUZZLE1+i])
Sbar_DrawMPic (194+(slot%4)*31, slot<4?51:82, 26, 26, R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/puzzle/%s.lmp", pv->statsstr[STAT_H2_PUZZLE1+i])));
Sbar_DrawMPic(134, 50, 49, 56, R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/cport%d.lmp", pclass)));
static int Sbar_Hexen2ArmourValue(playerview_t *pv)
int i;
float ac = 0;
WARNING: these values match the engine - NOT the gamecode!
Even the gamecode's values are misleading due to an indexing bug.
static int acv[5][4] =
{8, 6, 2, 4},
{4, 8, 6, 2},
{2, 4, 8, 6},
{6, 2, 4, 8},
{6, 2, 4, 8}
int classno;
classno = cl.players[pv->playernum].h2playerclass;
if (classno >= 1 && classno <= 5)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_ARMOUR1+i])
ac += acv[classno][i];
ac += pv->stats[STAT_H2_ARMOUR1+i]/5.0;
return ac;
static void Sbar_Hexen2DrawBasic(playerview_t *pv)
int chainpos;
int val, maxval;
Sbar_DrawMPic(0, 0, 160, 46, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/topbar1.lmp"));
Sbar_DrawMPic(160, 0, 160, 46, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/topbar2.lmp"));
Sbar_DrawMPic(0, -23, 51, 23, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/topbumpl.lmp"));
Sbar_DrawMPic(138, -8, 39, 8, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/topbumpm.lmp"));
Sbar_DrawMPic(269, -23, 51, 23, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/topbumpr.lmp"));
maxval = pv->stats[STAT_H2_MAXMANA];
val = pv->stats[STAT_H2_BLUEMANA];
val = bound(0, val, maxval);
Sbar_DrawTinyStringf(201, 22, "%03d", val);
Sbar_DrawMPic(190, 26-(int)((val*18.0)/(float)maxval+0.5), 3, 19, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/bmana.lmp"));
Sbar_DrawMPic(190, 27, 3, 19, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/bmanacov.lmp"));
maxval = pv->stats[STAT_H2_MAXMANA];
val = pv->stats[STAT_H2_GREENMANA];
val = bound(0, val, maxval);
Sbar_DrawTinyStringf(243, 22, "%03d", val);
Sbar_DrawMPic(232, 26-(int)((val*18.0)/(float)maxval+0.5), 3, 19, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/gmana.lmp"));
Sbar_DrawMPic(232, 27, 3, 19, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/gmanacov.lmp"));
val = pv->stats[STAT_HEALTH];
if (val < -99)
val = -99;
Sbar_Hexen2DrawNum(58, 14, val, 3);
val = Sbar_Hexen2ArmourValue(pv);
Sbar_Hexen2DrawNum(105, 14, val, 2);
// SetChainPosition(cl.v.health, cl.v.max_health);
chainpos = (195.0f*pv->stats[STAT_HEALTH]) / pv->stats[STAT_H2_MAXHEALTH];
if (chainpos < 0)
chainpos = 0;
Sbar_DrawMPic(45+((int)chainpos&7), 38, 222, 5, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/hpchain.lmp"));
Sbar_DrawMPic(45+(int)chainpos, 36, 35, 9, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/hpgem.lmp"));
Sbar_DrawMPic(43, 36, 10, 10, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/chnlcov.lmp"));
Sbar_DrawMPic(267, 36, 10, 10, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/chnrcov.lmp"));
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_CNT_FIRST+pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item])
Sbar_Hexen2DrawItem(pv, 144, 3, pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item);
static void Sbar_Hexen2DrawMinimal(playerview_t *pv)
int y;
y = -16;
Sbar_DrawMPic(3, y, 31, 17, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/bmmana.lmp"));
Sbar_DrawMPic(3, y+18, 31, 17, R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/gmmana.lmp"));
Sbar_DrawTinyStringf(10, y+6, "%03d", pv->stats[STAT_H2_BLUEMANA]);
Sbar_DrawTinyStringf(10, y+18+6, "%03d", pv->stats[STAT_H2_GREENMANA]);
Sbar_Hexen2DrawNum(38, y+18, pv->stats[STAT_HEALTH], 3);
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_CNT_FIRST+pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item])
Sbar_Hexen2DrawItem(pv, 320-32, y+10, pv->sb_hexen2_cur_item);
static void Sbar_DrawTeamStatus(playerview_t *pv)
int p;
int y;
int track;
#ifdef NQPROT
if (!sbar_teamstatus.ival)
y = -32;
track = Cam_TrackNum(pv);
if (track == -1 || !pv->spectator)
track = pv->playernum;
for (p = 0; p < cl.allocated_client_slots; p++)
if (pv->playernum == p) //self is not shown
if (track == p) //nor is the person you are tracking
if (cl.players[p].teamstatustime < realtime)
if (!*cl.players[p].teamstatus) //only show them if they have something. no blank lines thanks
if (strcmp(cl.players[p].team, cl.players[track].team))
if (*cl.players[p].name)
Sbar_DrawString (0, y, cl.players[p].teamstatus);
sbar_parsingteamstatuses = true;
qboolean Sbar_UpdateTeamStatus(player_info_t *player, char *status)
qboolean aswhite = false;
char *outb;
int outlen;
char *msgstart;
char *ledstatus;
if (*status != '\r')// && !(strchr(status, 0x86) || strchr(status, 0x87) || strchr(status, 0x88) || strchr(status, 0x89)))
if (*status != 'x' || status[1] != '\r')
return false;
if (*status == '\r')
while (*status == ' ' || *status == '\r')
ledstatus = status;
if (*(unsigned char*)ledstatus >= 0x86 && *(unsigned char*)ledstatus <= 0x89)
msgstart = strchr(status, ':');
if (!status)
return false;
if (msgstart)
status = msgstart+1;
ledstatus = NULL;
ledstatus = NULL;
ledstatus = NULL;
while (*status == ' ' || *status == '\r')
//fixme: handle { and } stuff (assume red?)
outb = player->teamstatus;
outlen = sizeof(player->teamstatus)-1;
if (ledstatus)
*outb++ = *ledstatus;
while(outlen>0 && *status)
if (*status == '{')
if (aswhite)
if (*status == '}')
aswhite = false;
*outb++ = *status++;
*outb++ = *status++|128;
player->teamstatustime = realtime + 10;
*outb = '\0';
if (sbar_teamstatus.value == 2)
return sbar_parsingteamstatuses;
return false;
static void Sbar_Voice(int y)
int loudness;
if (!snd_voip_showmeter.ival)
loudness = S_Voip_Loudness(snd_voip_showmeter.ival==2);
if (loudness >= 0)
int w;
int x=0;
int s, i;
float range = loudness/100.0f;
w = 0;
Font_BeginString(font_default, sbar_rect.x + min(320,sbar_rect.width)/2, sbar_rect.y + y + sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT, &x, &y);
w += Font_CharWidth(CON_WHITEMASK, 0xe080);
w += Font_CharWidth(CON_WHITEMASK, 0xe081)*16;
w += Font_CharWidth(CON_WHITEMASK, 0xe082);
w += Font_CharWidth(CON_WHITEMASK, 'M');
w += Font_CharWidth(CON_WHITEMASK, 'i');
w += Font_CharWidth(CON_WHITEMASK, 'c');
w += Font_CharWidth(CON_WHITEMASK, ' ');
x -= w/2;
x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, CON_WHITEMASK, 'M');
x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, CON_WHITEMASK, 'i');
x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, CON_WHITEMASK, 'c');
x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, CON_WHITEMASK, ' ');
x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, CON_WHITEMASK, 0xe080);
s = x;
for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++)
x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, CON_WHITEMASK, 0xe081);
Font_DrawChar(x, y, CON_WHITEMASK, 0xe082);
Font_DrawChar(s + (x-s) * range - Font_CharWidth(CON_WHITEMASK, 0xe083)/2, y, CON_WHITEMASK, 0xe083);
void SCR_StringXY(const char *str, float x, float y);
void SCR_DrawClock(void);
void SCR_DrawGameClock(void);
static void Sbar_DrawUPS(playerview_t *pv)
extern cvar_t show_speed;
static double lastupstime;
double t;
static float lastups;
char str[80];
float *vel;
int track;
extern cvar_t show_speed_x;
extern cvar_t show_speed_y;
if (!show_speed.ival)
t = Sys_DoubleTime();
if ((t - lastupstime) >= 1.0/20)
if (pv->spectator)
track = Cam_TrackNum(pv);
track = -1;
if (track != -1)
vel = cl.inframes[cl.validsequence&UPDATE_MASK].playerstate[track].velocity;
vel = pv->simvel;
lastups = sqrt((vel[0]*vel[0]) + (vel[1]*vel[1]));
lastupstime = t;
sprintf(str, "%3.1f UPS", lastups);
SCR_StringXY(str, show_speed_x.value, show_speed_y.value);
void Sbar_Draw (playerview_t *pv)
qboolean headsup;
char st[512];
int sbarwidth;
qboolean minidmoverlay;
extern cvar_t scr_centersbar;
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (CSQC_DrawHud(pv))
headsup = !(cl_sbar.value || (scr_viewsize.value<100));
if ((sb_updates >= vid.numpages) && !headsup)
sbar_parsingteamstatuses = false;
if (CLHL_DrawHud())
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2)
int seat = pv - cl.playerview;
if (seat >= cl.splitclients)
seat = cl.splitclients-1;
if (seat < 0)
seat = 0;
sbar_rect = r_refdef.grect;
R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1);
if (*cl.q2statusbar)
Sbar_ExecuteLayoutString(cl.q2statusbar, seat);
if (*cl.q2layout && (cl.q2frame.seat[seat].playerstate.stats[Q2STAT_LAYOUTS] & 1))
Sbar_ExecuteLayoutString(cl.q2layout[seat], seat);
if (cl.q2frame.seat[seat].playerstate.stats[Q2STAT_LAYOUTS] & 2)
R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1);
minidmoverlay = cl.deathmatch && hud_miniscores_show->ival;
sbar_rect = r_refdef.grect;
sbarwidth = 320;
if (minidmoverlay && sbar_rect.width >= 640 && cl.teamplay)
sbarwidth += 320;
else if (minidmoverlay && sbar_rect.width >= 512)
sbarwidth += 192;
minidmoverlay = 0;
if (scr_centersbar.ival)
float ofs = (sbar_rect.width - 320)/2;
if (ofs > sbar_rect.width-sbarwidth)
ofs = sbar_rect.width-sbarwidth;
sbar_rect.x += ofs;
sbar_rect.width -= ofs;
sbar_rect_left = -ofs;
#ifdef HEXEN2
if (sbar_hexen2)
extern cvar_t scr_conspeed;
float targlines;
//hexen2 hud
if (cl_sbar.value == 1 || scr_viewsize.value<100)
R2D_TileClear (r_refdef.grect.x, r_refdef.grect.y+sbar_rect.height - sb_lines, r_refdef.grect.width, sb_lines);
if (pv->sb_hexen2_infoplaque)
qboolean foundone = false;
int i;
char *text = Z_StrDup("Objectives:\n");
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
if (pv->stats[STAT_H2_OBJECTIVE1 + i/32] & (1<<(i&31)))
Z_StrCat(&text, va("%s\n", T_GetInfoString(i)));
foundone = true;
if (!foundone)
Z_StrCat(&text, va("<No Current Objectives>\n"));
R_DrawTextField(r_refdef.grect.x, r_refdef.grect.y, r_refdef.grect.width, r_refdef.grect.height, text, CON_WHITEMASK, CPRINT_BACKGROUND|CPRINT_LALIGN, font_default, NULL);
if (pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info)
targlines = 46+98; //extra stuff shown when hitting tab
else if (sb_lines > SBAR_HEIGHT)
targlines = sb_lines; //viewsize 100 stuff...
targlines = -23; //viewsize 110/120 transparent overlay. negative covers the extra translucent details above.
if (targlines > pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info_lines)
{ //expand
pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info_lines += scr_conspeed.value*host_frametime;
if (pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info_lines > targlines)
pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info_lines = targlines;
{ //shrink
pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info_lines -= scr_conspeed.value*host_frametime;
if (pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info_lines < targlines)
pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info_lines = targlines;
if (sb_lines > 0 && pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info_lines < 46)
if (pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info_lines > -23)
sbar_rect.y -= pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info_lines - SBAR_HEIGHT; //Sbar_DrawMPic... eww.
if (pv->sb_hexen2_extra_info_lines > 46)
if (minidmoverlay)
Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay (pv);
if (!cls.deathmatch)
if (pv->sb_showscores || pv->sb_showteamscores || pv->stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0)
if (sbarfailed) //files failed to load.
//fallback hud
if (pv->stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0) //when dead, show nothing
// if (scr_viewsize.value != 120)
// Cvar_Set(&scr_viewsize, "120");
Sbar_DrawString (0, -8, va("Health: %i", pv->stats[STAT_HEALTH]));
Sbar_DrawString (0, -16, va(" Armor: %i", pv->stats[STAT_ARMOR]));
if (cl_sbar.value == 1 || scr_viewsize.value<100)
if (sbar_rect.x>r_refdef.grect.x)
{ // left
R2D_TileClear (r_refdef.grect.x, r_refdef.grect.y+sbar_rect.height - sb_lines, sbar_rect.x - r_refdef.grect.x, sb_lines);
if (sbar_rect.x + 320 <= r_refdef.grect.x + sbar_rect.width && !headsup)
R2D_TileClear (sbar_rect.x + 320, r_refdef.grect.y+sbar_rect.height - sb_lines, sbar_rect.width - (320), sb_lines);
//standard quake(world) hud.
// main area
if (sb_lines > 0)
if (pv->spectator)
if (pv->cam_state == CAM_FREECAM || pv->cam_state == CAM_PENDING)
if (hud_tracking_show->ival || cl_sbar.ival)
{ //this is annoying.
Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, 320, 24, sb_scorebar);
Sbar_DrawString (160-7*8,4, "SPECTATOR MODE");
if (pv->cam_state == CAM_FREECAM)
Sbar_DrawString(160-14*8+4, 12, "Press [ATTACK] for AutoCamera");
if (pv->sb_showscores || pv->sb_showteamscores || pv->stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0)
Sbar_SoloScoreboard ();
// else if (cls.gamemode != GAME_DEATHMATCH)
// Sbar_CoopScoreboard ();
Sbar_DrawNormal (pv);
if (hud_tracking_show->ival)
Q_snprintfz(st, sizeof(st), "Tracking %-.64s",
Sbar_DrawString(0, -8, st);
else if (pv->sb_showscores || pv->sb_showteamscores || (pv->stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 && cl.splitclients == 1))
if (pv == cl.playerview)
if (!cls.deathmatch)
if (cl_sbar.value || (scr_viewsize.value<100))
Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, 320, 24, sb_scorebar);
Sbar_CoopScoreboard ();
Sbar_SoloScoreboard ();
Sbar_DrawNormal (pv);
// top line
if (sb_lines > 24)
if (!pv->spectator || pv->cam_state == CAM_WALLCAM || pv->cam_state == CAM_EYECAM)
Sbar_DrawInventory (pv);
else if (cl_sbar.ival)
Sbar_DrawPic (0, -24, 320, 24, sb_scorebar); //make sure we don't get HoM
if (!headsup && minidmoverlay)
Sbar_DrawFrags (pv);
if (minidmoverlay)
Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay (pv);
if (sb_lines > 0)
R2D_ImageColours (1, 1, 1, 1);
if (sb_lines > 24)
else if (sb_lines > 0)
Sbar_DrawUPS (pv);
void Sbar_IntermissionNumber (float x, float y, int num, int digits, int color, qboolean left)
char str[12];
char *ptr;
int l, frame;
l = Sbar_itoa (num, str);
ptr = str;
if (l > digits)
ptr += (l-digits);
if (!left)
if (l < digits)
x += (digits-l)*24;
while (*ptr)
if (*ptr == '-')
frame = STAT_MINUS;
frame = *ptr -'0';
R2D_ScalePicAtlas (x,y, 24, 24, sb_nums[color][frame]);
x += 24;
#define COL_TEAM_LOWAVGHIGH COLUMN("low/avg/high", 12*8, {sprintf (num, "%3i/%3i/%3i", plow, pavg, phigh); Draw_FunString ( x, y, num); })
#define COL_TEAM_TEAM if (!consistentteams){COLUMN("team", 4*8, {Draw_FunStringWidth ( x, y, tm->team, 4*8, false, false); })}
#define COL_TEAM_TOTAL COLUMN("total", 5*8, {Draw_FunString ( x, y, va("%5i", tm->frags)); \
if (ourteam)\
Draw_FunString ( x - 1*8, y, "^Ue010");\
Draw_FunString ( x + 5*8, y, "^Ue011");\
#define COL_TEAM_PLAYERS COLUMN("players", 7*8, {Draw_FunString ( x, y, va("%5i", tm->players)); })
team frags
added by Zoid
void Sbar_TeamOverlay (playerview_t *pv)
mpic_t *pic;
int i, k;
int x, y, l;
char num[12];
team_t *tm;
int plow, phigh, pavg;
int pw,ph;
vrect_t gr = r_refdef.grect;
int rank_width = 320-32*2;
int startx;
int trackplayer;
qboolean ourteam;
if (!pv)
pv = &cl.playerview[0];
// request new ping times every two second
if (!cl.teamplay)
Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(pv, 0);
// sort the teams
y = gr.y;
if (scr_scoreboard_drawtitle.ival)
pic = R2D_SafeCachePic ("gfx/ranking.lmp");
if (pic && R_GetShaderSizes(pic, &pw, &ph, false)>0)
k = (pw * 24) / ph;
R2D_ScalePic (gr.x+(gr.width-k)/2, y, k, 24, pic);
y += 24;
x = l = gr.x + (gr.width - 320)/2 + 36;
startx = x;
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
y += 8;
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw top border
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock(startx - 3, y - 1, rank_width - 1, 1);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw the title row background
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (1, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock(startx - 2, y, rank_width - 3, 9);
R2D_ImageColours (1,1,1,1);
#define COLUMN(title, cwidth, code) Draw_FunString(x, y, title), x+=cwidth + 8;
// if (rank_width+(cwidth)+8 <= vid.width) {showcolumns |= (1<<COLUMN##title); rank_width += cwidth+8;}
// Draw_FunString(x, y, "low/avg/high");
// Draw_FunString(x+13*8, y, "team");
// Draw_FunString(x+18*8, y, "total");
// Draw_FunString(x+24*8, y, "players");
y += 8;
// Draw_String(x, y, "------------ ---- ----- -------");
x = l;
#undef COLUMN
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw top border (under header)
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y + 1, rank_width - 1, 1);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Don't go over the black border, move the rest down
y += 2;
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw left border
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y - 10, 1, 9);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw right border
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3 + rank_width - 2, y - 10, 1, 9);
else if (scr_scoreboard_titleseperator.ival)
#define COLUMN(title, cwidth, code) {char buf[64*6]; int t = (cwidth)/8; int c=0; while (t-->0) {buf[c++] = '^'; buf[c++] = 'U'; buf[c++] = 'e'; buf[c++] = '0'; buf[c++] = '1'; buf[c] = (c==5?'d':(!t?'f':'e')); c++;} buf[c] = 0; Draw_FunString(x, y, buf); x += cwidth + 8;}
// Draw_FunString(x, y, "^Ue01d^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01f ^Ue01d^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01f ^Ue01d^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01f ^Ue01d^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01f");
y += 8;
#undef COLUMN
if (pv->spectator)
trackplayer = Cam_TrackNum(pv);
trackplayer = pv->playernum;
// draw the text
for (i=0 ; i < scoreboardteams && y <= vid.height-10 ; i++)
k = teamsort[i];
tm = teams + k;
ourteam = !strncmp(cl.players[trackplayer].team, tm->team, 16);
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Render the main background transparencies behind players row
// TODO: Alpha values on the background
int background_color;
float backalpha;
if (!(strcmp("red", tm->team)))
background_color = 4; // forced red
else if (!(strcmp("blue", tm->team)))
background_color = 13; // forced blue
background_color = tm->bottomcolour;
backalpha = scr_scoreboard_backgroundalpha.value*scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value;
if (ourteam)
backalpha *= 1.7;
Sbar_FillPCDark (startx - 2, y, rank_width - 3, 8, background_color, backalpha);
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y, 1, 8); // Electro - Border - Left
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3 + rank_width - 2, y, 1, 8); // Electro - Border - Right
R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1);
// draw pings
plow = tm->plow;
if (plow < 0 || plow > 999)
plow = 999;
phigh = tm->phigh;
if (phigh < 0 || phigh > 999)
phigh = 999;
if (!tm->players)
pavg = 999;
pavg = tm->ptotal / tm->players;
if (pavg < 0 || pavg > 999)
pavg = 999;
x = l;
#if 1
#define COLUMN(title, cwidth, code) code; x+=cwidth + 8;
#undef COLUMN
sprintf (num, "%3i/%3i/%3i", plow, pavg, phigh);
Draw_FunString ( x, y, num);
// draw team
Q_strncpyz (team, tm->team, sizeof(team));
Draw_FunString (x + 104, y, team);
// draw total
sprintf (num, "%5i", tm->frags);
Draw_FunString (x + 104 + 40, y, num);
// draw players
sprintf (num, "%5i", tm->players);
Draw_FunString (x + 104 + 88, y, num);
if (!strncmp(cl.players[trackplayer].team, tm->team, 16))
Draw_FunString ( x + 104 - 8, y, "^Ue010");
Draw_FunString ( x + 104 + 32, y, "^Ue011");
y += 8;
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y, rank_width - 1, 1); // Electro - Border - Bottom
y += 8;
Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(pv, y-gr.y);
ping time frags name
#define NOFILL
//for reference:
//define COLUMN(title, width, code)
#define COLUMN_PING COLUMN(ping, 4*8, \
{ \
int p = s->ping; \
if (p < 0 || p > 999) p = 999; \
if (p >= scr_scoreboard_ping_status.vec4[3] && scr_scoreboard_ping_status.vec4[3] && *scr_scoreboard_ping_status.string) \
sprintf(num, S_COLOR_RED"%4i", p); \
else if (p >= scr_scoreboard_ping_status.vec4[2] && scr_scoreboard_ping_status.vec4[2]) \
sprintf(num, S_COLOR_MAGENTA"%4i", p); \
else if (p >= scr_scoreboard_ping_status.vec4[1] && scr_scoreboard_ping_status.vec4[1]) \
sprintf(num, S_COLOR_YELLOW"%4i", p); \
else if (p >= scr_scoreboard_ping_status.vec4[0] || !scr_scoreboard_ping_status.vec4[0]) \
sprintf(num, S_COLOR_WHITE"%4i", p); \
else \
sprintf(num, S_COLOR_GREEN"%4i", p); \
Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, num, 4*8+4, false, highlight); \
#define COLUMN_PL COLUMN(pl, 2*8, \
{ \
int p = s->pl; \
sprintf(num, "%2i", p); \
Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, num, 2*8+4, false, highlight); \
#define COLUMN_TIME COLUMN(time, 4*8, \
{ \
if (scr_scoreboard_afk.ival && s->chatstate&2) \
sprintf (num, S_COLOR_RED"afk"); \
else \
{ \
total = realtime - s->realentertime; \
minutes = (int)total/60; \
sprintf (num, "%4i", minutes); \
} \
Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, num, 4*8+4, false, highlight); \
#define COLUMN_FRAGS COLUMN(frags, 5*8, \
{ \
int cx; int cy; \
if (s->spectator && s->spectator != 2) \
{ \
Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, "spectator", 5*8+4, false, false); \
} \
else \
{ \
f = s->frags; \
sprintf(num, "%3i",f); \
Font_BeginString(font_default, x+8, y, &cx, &cy); \
Font_DrawChar(cx, cy, CON_WHITEMASK, num[0] | 0xe000); \
Font_BeginString(font_default, x+16, y, &cx, &cy); \
Font_DrawChar(cx, cy, CON_WHITEMASK, num[1] | 0xe000); \
Font_BeginString(font_default, x+24, y, &cx, &cy); \
Font_DrawChar(cx, cy, CON_WHITEMASK, num[2] | 0xe000); \
if (isme) \
{ \
Font_BeginString(font_default, x, y, &cx, &cy); \
Font_DrawChar(cx, cy, CON_WHITEMASK, 16 | 0xe000); \
Font_BeginString(font_default, x+32, y, &cx, &cy); \
Font_DrawChar(cx, cy, CON_WHITEMASK, 17 | 0xe000); \
} \
Font_EndString(font_default); \
} \
},{ \
if (!s->spectator) \
{ \
if (skip==8) \
Sbar_FillPC(x, y+1, 40, 3, top); \
else \
Sbar_FillPC(x, y, 40, 4, top); \
Sbar_FillPC(x, y+4, 40, 4, bottom); \
} \
#define COLUMN_TEAMNAME COLUMN(team, (consistentteams?0:(4*8)), \
{ \
if (!s->spectator) \
{ \
Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, s->team, 4*8+4, false, highlight); \
} \
#define COLUMN_STAT(title, width, code, fill) COLUMN(title, width, { \
if (!(s->spectator && s->spectator != 2)) \
{ \
code \
} \
}, fill)
#define COLUMN_STAT2(title, width, code, fill) COLUMN(title, width, { \
if (!s->spectator) \
{ \
code \
} \
}, fill)
#define COLUMN_RULESET COLUMN(ruleset, 8*8, {Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, s->ruleset, 8*8+4, false, false);},NOFILL)
#define COLUMN_NAME COLUMN(name, namesize, {Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, s->name, namesize, false, highlight);},NOFILL)
#define COLUMN_KILLS COLUMN_STAT(kils, 4*8, {Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, va("%4i", Stats_GetKills(k)), 4*8+4, false, false);},NOFILL)
#define COLUMN_TKILLS COLUMN_STAT(tkil, 4*8, {Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, va("%4i", Stats_GetTKills(k)), 4*8+4, false, false);},NOFILL)
#define COLUMN_DEATHS COLUMN_STAT(dths, 4*8, {Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, va("%4i", Stats_GetDeaths(k)), 4*8+4, false, false);},NOFILL)
#define COLUMN_TOUCHES COLUMN_STAT(tchs, 4*8, {Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, va("%4i", Stats_GetTouches(k)), 4*8+4, false, false);},NOFILL)
#define COLUMN_CAPS COLUMN_STAT(caps, 4*8, {Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, va("%4i", Stats_GetCaptures(k)), 4*8+4, false, false);},NOFILL)
#define COLUMN_HEALTH COLUMN_STAT2(hlth, (scr_scoreboard_showhealth.ival==2)?7*8:4*8, { \
float t;int c; \
int a = cl.players[k].stats[STAT_ARMOR]; \
int h = cl.players[k].stats[STAT_HEALTH]; \
if (cl.players[k].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR3) {c='1';t = 0.8f;}\
else if (cl.players[k].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR2) {c='3';t = 0.6f;}\
else if (cl.players[k].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR1) {c='2';t = 0.3f;}\
else {c='7';t = 0.f ;}\
if (h <= 0) /*draw nothing*/ ; \
else if (scr_scoreboard_showhealth.ival==3&&a>0) { int m = h/(1-t); Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, va(a>m?"^%c%+4i":"^%c%4i", c,h + bound(0, m, a)), 4*8+4, false, false); } \
else if (scr_scoreboard_showhealth.ival==2) Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, (a>0)?va("^%c%3i^7/%-3i", c,a,h):va("---/%-3i", h), 7*8+4, false, false); \
else Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, va("%4i", h), 4*8+4, false, false); \
#define COLUMN_BESTWEAPON COLUMN_STAT2(wep, 4*8, { \
Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, va("%s%s%s", \
(cl.players[k].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_LIGHTNING)?"^5L":" ", \
(cl.players[k].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER)?"^1R":" ", \
(cl.players[k].stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER)?"^2G":" " \
), 4*8+4, false, false); \
#define COLUMN_LOCATION COLUMN_STAT2(loc, 8*8, { \
lerpents_t *le; \
const char *loc; \
if (k+1 < cl.maxlerpents && cl.lerpentssequence && cl.lerpents[k+1].sequence == cl.lerpentssequence) le = &cl.lerpents[k+1]; \
else if (cl.lerpentssequence && cl.lerpplayers[k].sequence == cl.lerpentssequence) le = &cl.lerpplayers[k];\
else le = NULL;\
loc = le?TP_LocationName(le->origin):""; \
Draw_FunStringWidth(x, y, loc, 8*8+4, false, false); \
#define COLUMN_AFK COLUMN(afk, 0, {int cs = atoi(InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&s->userinfo, "chat")); if (cs)Draw_FunStringWidth(x+4, y, (cs&2)?"afk":"msg", 4*8, false, false);},NOFILL)
//columns are listed here in display order
#define COLUMN(title, width, code, fill) COLUMN##title,
#undef COLUMN
#define ADDCOLUMN(id) showcolumns |= (1<<id)
void Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (playerview_t *pv, int start)
mpic_t *pic;
int i, k;
int x, y, f;
char num[12];
player_info_t *s;
int total;
int minutes;
int skip = 10;
int showcolumns;
int startx, rank_width;
qboolean isme;
vrect_t gr = r_refdef.grect;
int namesize = (cl.teamplay ? 12*8 : 16*8);
float backalpha;
int pages;
int linesperpage, firstline, lastline;
int highlight;
if (!pv)
// request new ping times every two second
if (realtime - cl.last_ping_request > 2 && !cls.demoplayback)
if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKEWORLD)
cl.last_ping_request = realtime;
CL_SendClientCommand(true, "pings");
else if (cls.protocol == CP_NETQUAKE && !cls.qex)
cl.last_ping_request = realtime;
CL_SendClientCommand(true, "ping");
if (cls.protocol == CP_NETQUAKE && !cls.qex)
if (cl.nqplayernamechanged && cl.nqplayernamechanged < realtime)
cl.nqplayernamechanged = 0;
cls.nqexpectingstatusresponse = true;
CL_SendClientCommand(true, "status");
if (start)
y = start;
y = 0;
if (scr_scoreboard_drawtitle.ival)
pic = R2D_SafeCachePic ("gfx/ranking.lmp");
if (pic)
int w, h;
if (R_GetShaderSizes(pic, &w, &h, false)>0)
k = (w * 24) / h;
R2D_ScalePic (gr.x + (gr.width-k)/2, gr.y, k, 24, pic);
y += 24;
// scores
Sbar_SortFrags(true, scr_scoreboard_teamsort.ival);
// draw the text
if (start)
y = start;
y = 24;
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Increase to fit the new scoreboard
y += 8;
start = y;
linesperpage = floor(((gr.height-10.)-y)/skip);
while (scoreboardlines > linesperpage && skip > 8)
{ //won't fit, shrink the gaps.
linesperpage = floor(((vid.height-10.)-y)/skip);
linesperpage = max(linesperpage,1);
pages = max(1, (scoreboardlines+linesperpage-1)/linesperpage);
showcolumns = 0;
rank_width = 0;
#define COLUMN(title, cwidth, code, fill) if (rank_width+(cwidth)+8 <= gr.width && cwidth) {showcolumns |= (1<<COLUMN##title); rank_width += cwidth+8;}
//columns are listed here in priority order (if the screen is too narrow, later ones will be hidden)
if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKEWORLD)
if (cl.teamplay)
if (scr_scoreboard_showflags.ival && cl.teamplay && Stats_HaveFlags(scr_scoreboard_showflags.ival&1))
if (scr_scoreboard_showfrags.ival && Stats_HaveKills())
if (cl.teamplay)
if (scr_scoreboard_showhealth.ival && cls.demoplayback==DPB_MVD)
if (scr_scoreboard_showweapon.ival && cls.demoplayback==DPB_MVD)
if (scr_scoreboard_showlocation.ival && cls.demoplayback==DPB_MVD && TP_HaveLocations())
if (scr_scoreboard_showflags.ival && cl.teamplay && Stats_HaveFlags(scr_scoreboard_showflags.ival&1))
if (scr_scoreboard_showruleset.ival && (scr_scoreboard_showruleset.ival==2||Ruleset_GetRulesetName()))
#undef COLUMN
rank_width -= namesize;
if (rank_width < 320 && pages <= 1)
namesize += 320-rank_width;
if (namesize > 32*8)
namesize = 32*8;
rank_width += namesize;
startx = (gr.width-rank_width*pages)/2;
if (startx < 0)
startx = fmod(realtime*128, rank_width*pages) - (gr.width/2);
startx = -bound(0, startx, (rank_width*pages-gr.width));
startx += gr.x;
for (firstline = 0; firstline < scoreboardlines; firstline += linesperpage, startx += rank_width)
if (startx+rank_width < gr.x || startx > gr.x+gr.width)
lastline = min(firstline + linesperpage, scoreboardlines);
y = start + gr.y;
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw top border
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock(startx - 3, y - 1, rank_width - 1, 1);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw the title row background
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (1, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock(startx - 2, y, rank_width - 3, 9);
R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1);
x = startx;
#define COLUMN(title, width, code, fill) if (showcolumns & (1<<COLUMN##title)) {Draw_FunString(x, y, #title); x += width+8;}
#undef COLUMN
y += 8;
if (scr_scoreboard_titleseperator.ival && !scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
x = startx;
#define COLUMN(title, width, code, fill) \
if (showcolumns & (1<<COLUMN##title)) \
{ \
Draw_FunString(x, y, "^Ue01d"); \
for (i = 8; i < width-8; i+= 8) \
Draw_FunString(x+i, y, "^Ue01e"); \
Draw_FunString(x+i, y, "^Ue01f"); \
x += width+8; \
#undef COLUMN
y += 8;
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw top border (under header)
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y + 1, rank_width - 1, 1);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Don't go over the black border, move the rest down
y += 2;
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw left border
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y - 10, 1, 9);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw right border
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3 + rank_width - 2, y - 10, 1, 9);
y -= skip;
//drawfills (these are split out to aid batching)
for (i = firstline; i < lastline; i++)
char team[5];
unsigned int top, bottom;
// TODO: Sort players so that the leading teams are drawn first
k = fragsort[i];
s = &cl.players[k];
if (!s->name[0])
y += skip;
if (y > vid.height-10)
isme = (pv->cam_state == CAM_FREECAM && k == pv->playernum) ||
(pv->cam_state != CAM_FREECAM && k == pv->cam_spec_track);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Moved this up here for usage with the row background color
top = Sbar_TopColour(s);
bottom = Sbar_BottomColour(s);
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
backalpha = scr_scoreboard_backgroundalpha.value*scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value;
if (isme)
backalpha *= 1.7;
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Render the main background transparencies behind players row
// TODO: Alpha values on the background
if ((cl.teamplay) && (!s->spectator))
int background_color;
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: red vs blue are common teams, force the colours
Q_strncpyz (team, InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&s->userinfo, "team"), sizeof(team));
if (S_Voip_Speaking(k))
background_color = 0x00ff00;
else if (!(strcmp("red", team)))
background_color = 4; // forced red
else if (!(strcmp("blue", team)))
background_color = 13; // forced blue
background_color = bottom;
Sbar_FillPCDark (startx - 2, y, rank_width - 3, skip, background_color, backalpha);
else if (S_Voip_Speaking(k))
Sbar_FillPCDark (startx - 2, y, rank_width - 3, skip, 0x00ff00, backalpha);
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (2, backalpha);
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 2, y, rank_width - 3, skip);
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y, 1, skip); // Electro - Border - Left
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3 + rank_width - 2, y, 1, skip); // Electro - Border - Right
x = startx;
#define COLUMN(title, width, code, fills) \
if (showcolumns & (1<<COLUMN##title)) \
{ \
fills \
x += width+8; \
#undef COLUMN
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y + skip, rank_width - 1, 1); // Electro - Border - Bottom
R2D_ImageColours(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
y -= (i-firstline) * skip;
//text parts
for (i = firstline; i < lastline; i++)
// TODO: Sort players so that the leading teams are drawn first
k = fragsort[i];
s = &cl.players[k];
if (!s->name[0])
y += skip;
if (y > vid.height-10)
isme = (pv->cam_state == CAM_FREECAM && k == pv->playernum) ||
(pv->cam_state != CAM_FREECAM && k == pv->cam_spec_track);
if ((key_dest_absolutemouse & key_dest_mask & ~kdm_game) &&
!Key_Dest_Has(~kdm_game) &&
mousecursor_x >= startx && mousecursor_x < startx+rank_width &&
mousecursor_y >= y && mousecursor_y < y+skip)
highlight = 2;
cl.mouseplayerview = pv;
cl.mousenewtrackplayer = k;
highlight = 0;
x = startx;
#define COLUMN(title, width, code, fills) \
if (showcolumns & (1<<COLUMN##title)) \
{ \
code \
x += width+8; \
#undef COLUMN
frags name
frags team name
displayed to right of status bar if there's room
static void Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay (playerview_t *pv)
int i, k;
int top, bottom;
int x, y, f, px, py;
char num[12];
player_info_t *s;
int numlines;
char name[64+1];
team_t *tm;
// scores
Sbar_SortFrags (false, false);
// if (sbar_rect.width >= 640)
if (!scoreboardlines)
return; // no one there?
// draw the text
y = sbar_rect.y + sbar_rect.height - sb_lines - 1;
numlines = sb_lines/8;
if (numlines < 3)
return; // not enough room
// find us
for (i=0 ; i < scoreboardlines; i++)
if (fragsort[i] == pv->playernum)
if (i == scoreboardlines) // we're not there, we are probably a spectator, just display top
i = 0;
else // figure out start
i = i - numlines/2;
if (i > scoreboardlines - numlines)
i = scoreboardlines - numlines;
if (i < 0)
i = 0;
x = sbar_rect.x + 320 + 4;
for (f = i, py = y; f < scoreboardlines && py < sbar_rect.y + sbar_rect.height - 8 + 1; f++)
k = fragsort[f];
s = &cl.players[k];
if (!s->name[0])
// draw ping
top = Sbar_TopColour(s);
bottom = Sbar_BottomColour(s);
if (S_Voip_Speaking(k))
Sbar_FillPCDark (x, py, ((cl.teamplay && !consistentteams)?40:0)+48+MAX_DISPLAYEDNAME*8, 8, 0x00ff00, scr_scoreboard_backgroundalpha.value*scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
Sbar_FillPC ( x, py+1, 40, 3, top);
Sbar_FillPC ( x, py+4, 40, 4, bottom);
py += 8;
R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1);
for (/* */ ; i < scoreboardlines && y < sbar_rect.y + sbar_rect.height - 8 + 1; i++)
k = fragsort[i];
s = &cl.players[k];
if (!s->name[0])
// draw number
f = s->frags;
sprintf (num, "%3i",f);
Font_BeginString(font_default, x+8, y, &px, &py);
Font_DrawChar ( px, py, CON_WHITEMASK, num[0] | 0xe000);
Font_BeginString(font_default, x+16, y, &px, &py);
Font_DrawChar ( px, py, CON_WHITEMASK, num[1] | 0xe000);
Font_BeginString(font_default, x+24, y, &px, &py);
Font_DrawChar ( px, py, CON_WHITEMASK, num[2] | 0xe000);
if ((pv->spectator && k == pv->cam_spec_track && pv->cam_state != CAM_FREECAM) ||
(!pv->spectator && k == pv->playernum))
Font_BeginString(font_default, x, y, &px, &py);
Font_DrawChar ( px, py, CON_WHITEMASK, 16 | 0xe000);
Font_BeginString(font_default, x+32, y, &px, &py);
Font_DrawChar ( px, py, CON_WHITEMASK, 17 | 0xe000);
Q_strncpyz(name, s->name, sizeof(name));
// team and name
if (cl.teamplay && !consistentteams)
Draw_FunStringWidth (x+48, y, s->team, 32, false, false);
Draw_FunStringWidth (x+48+40, y, name, MAX_DISPLAYEDNAME*8, false, false);
Draw_FunStringWidth (x+48, y, name, MAX_DISPLAYEDNAME*8, false, false);
y += 8;
x += 48;
if (cl.teamplay && !consistentteams)
x += 40;
x += 8;
// draw teams if room
if (x + (consistentteams?40:80) > sbar_rect.x+sbar_rect.width || !cl.teamplay)
y = sbar_rect.y + sbar_rect.height - sb_lines;
// draw seperator
R2D_ImageColours(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1);
R2D_FillBlock(x, y, 2, sb_lines);
x += 2;
// for (y = sbar_rect.height - sb_lines; y < sbar_rect.height - 6; y += 2)
// Draw_ColouredCharacter(x, y, CON_WHITEMASK|14);
x += 8;
for (i=0 ; i < scoreboardteams && y <= sbar_rect.y+sbar_rect.height; i++)
k = teamsort[i];
tm = teams + k;
if (consistentteams)
// draw total
Sbar_FillPC ( x, y+1, 48, 3, tm->topcolour);
Sbar_FillPC ( x, y+4, 48, 4, tm->bottomcolour);
sprintf (num, "%i", tm->frags);
Draw_FunStringWidth(x,y,num, 40, true, false);
if (!strncmp(cl.players[pv->playernum].team, tm->team, 16))
Font_BeginString(font_default, x, y, &px, &py);
Font_DrawChar(px, py, CON_WHITEMASK, 16|0xe000);
Font_BeginString(font_default, x+40, y, &px, &py);
Font_DrawChar(px, py, CON_WHITEMASK, 17|0xe000);
// draw name
Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, tm->team, 32, false, false);
// draw total
sprintf (num, "%5i", tm->frags);
Draw_FunString(x + 40, y, num);
if (!strncmp(cl.players[pv->playernum].team, tm->team, 16))
Font_BeginString(font_default, x-8, y, &px, &py);
Font_DrawChar(px, py, CON_WHITEMASK, 16|0xe000);
Font_BeginString(font_default, x+32, y, &px, &py);
Font_DrawChar(px, py, CON_WHITEMASK, 17|0xe000);
y += 8;
void Sbar_CoopIntermission (playerview_t *pv)
mpic_t *pic;
int dig;
int num;
sbar_rect.width = vid.width;
sbar_rect.height = vid.height;
sbar_rect.x = 0;
sbar_rect.y = 0;
pic = R2D_SafeCachePic ("gfx/complete.lmp");
if (!pic)
R2D_ScalePic ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 64, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 24, 192, 24, pic);
pic = R2D_SafeCachePic ("gfx/inter.lmp");
if (pic)
R2D_ScalePic ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 0, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 56, 160, 144, pic);
// time
dig = cl.completed_time/60;
Sbar_IntermissionNumber ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 230 - 24*4, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 64, dig, 4, 0, false);
num = cl.completed_time - dig*60;
R2D_ScalePicAtlas ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 230,(sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 64, 24, 24, sb_colon);
R2D_ScalePicAtlas ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 254,(sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 64, 24, 24, sb_nums[0][num/10]);
R2D_ScalePicAtlas ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 278,(sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 64, 24, 24, sb_nums[0][num%10]);
//it is assumed that secrits/monsters are going to be constant for any player...
Sbar_IntermissionNumber ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 230 - 24*4, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 104, pv->stats[STAT_SECRETS], 4, 0, false);
R2D_ScalePicAtlas ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 230, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 104, 24, 24, sb_slash);
Sbar_IntermissionNumber ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 254, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 104, pv->stats[STAT_TOTALSECRETS], 4, 0, true);
Sbar_IntermissionNumber ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 230 - 24*4, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 144, pv->stats[STAT_MONSTERS], 4, 0, false);
R2D_ScalePicAtlas ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 230,(sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 144, 24, 24, sb_slash);
Sbar_IntermissionNumber ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 254, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 144, pv->stats[STAT_TOTALMONSTERS], 4, 0, true);
void Sbar_IntermissionOverlay (playerview_t *pv)
if (!cls.deathmatch)
else if (cl.teamplay > 0 && !pv->sb_showscores)
Sbar_TeamOverlay (pv);
Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (pv, 0);