Attempted to clean up build configs slightly, now ALWAYS using a build config. Now enabling wayland renderer by default on linux (activates by default only when x11 fails). Given linux servers the ability to chroot (will be used by default if run as suid-root). Fixed a couple of vulkan warnings. Makefile now treats speex like any other library. git-svn-id: fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
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490 lines
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#ifdef VKQUAKE
#if defined(__LP64__) || defined(_WIN64)
#define VulkanAPIRandomness void*
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1300
#define VulkanAPIRandomness __int64
#define VulkanAPIRandomness long long
#define VkRetardedDescriptorSet VulkanAPIRandomness
#define VkRetardedShaderModule VulkanAPIRandomness
#define VkRetardedPipelineLayout VulkanAPIRandomness
#define VkRetardedDescriptorSetLayout VulkanAPIRandomness
#define VkRetardedBuffer VulkanAPIRandomness
#define VkRetardedDeviceMemory VulkanAPIRandomness
//These are defined later in the source tree. This file should probably be moved to a later spot.
struct pubprogfuncs_s;
struct globalvars_s;
struct texture_s;
struct texnums_s;
struct vbo_s;
struct mesh_s;
struct batch_s;
struct entity_s;
struct dlight_s;
struct galiasbone_s;
struct dlight_s;
struct font_s;
typedef enum
SKEL_RELATIVE, //relative to parent.
SKEL_ABSOLUTE, //relative to model. doesn't blend very well.
SKEL_INVERSE_RELATIVE, //pre-inverted. faster than regular relative but has weirdness with skeletal objects. blends okay.
SKEL_INVERSE_ABSOLUTE, //final renderable type.
SKEL_QUATS //quat+org, 7 floats rather than 12. better lerping.
} skeltype_t;
#define FRAME_BLENDS 4
#define FST_BASE 0 //base frames
#define FS_REG 1 //regular frames
#define FS_COUNT 2 //regular frames
typedef struct {
struct framestateregion_s {
int frame[FRAME_BLENDS];
float frametime[FRAME_BLENDS];
float lerpweight[FRAME_BLENDS];
float subblendfrac; //hl models are weird
float subblend2frac; //very weird.
int endbone;
} g[FS_COUNT];
float *bonestate;
int bonecount;
skeltype_t skeltype;
float bonecontrols[MAX_BONE_CONTROLLERS]; //hl special bone controllers
} framestate_t;
#define NULLFRAMESTATE (framestate_t*)NULL
//function prototypes
#if defined(SERVERONLY)
#define qrenderer QR_NONE
#define FNC(n) (n) //FNC is defined as 'pointer if client build, direct if dedicated server'
#define FNC(n) (*n)
extern r_qrenderer_t qrenderer;
extern char *q_renderername;
apic_t *R2D_LoadAtlasedPic(const char *name);
void R2D_ImageAtlas(float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, apic_t *pic);
#define R2D_ScalePicAtlas(x,y,w,h,p) R2D_ImageAtlas(x,y,w,h,0,0,1,1,p)
mpic_t *R2D_SafeCachePic (const char *path);
mpic_t *R2D_SafePicFromWad (const char *name);
void R2D_DrawCrosshair (void);
void R2D_ScalePic (float x, float y, float width, float height, mpic_t *pic);
void R2D_SubPic(float x, float y, float width, float height, mpic_t *pic, float srcx, float srcy, float srcwidth, float srcheight);
void R2D_TransPicTranslate (float x, float y, int width, int height, qbyte *pic, unsigned int *palette);
void R2D_TileClear (float x, float y, float w, float h);
void R2D_FadeScreen (void);
void R2D_Font_Changed(void);
void R2D_ConsoleBackground (int firstline, int lastline, qboolean forceopaque);
void R2D_EditorBackground (void);
void R2D_Image(float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, mpic_t *pic);
void R2D_Image2dQuad(vec2_t points[], vec2_t texcoords[], mpic_t *pic);
void R2D_ImageColours(float r, float g, float b, float a);
void R2D_ImagePaletteColour(unsigned int i, float a);
void R2D_FillBlock(float x, float y, float w, float h);
void R2D_Line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, mpic_t *pic);
extern void (*R2D_Flush)(void);
extern void (*Draw_Init) (void);
extern void (*R_Init) (void);
extern void (*R_DeInit) (void);
extern void (*R_RenderView) (void); // must set r_refdef first
extern qboolean (*VID_Init) (rendererstate_t *info, unsigned char *palette);
extern void (*VID_DeInit) (void);
extern char *(*VID_GetRGBInfo) (int *stride, int *truevidwidth, int *truevidheight, enum uploadfmt *fmt); //if stride is negative, then the return value points to the last line intead of the first. this allows it to be freed normally.
extern void (*VID_SetWindowCaption) (const char *msg);
extern void SCR_Init (void);
extern void SCR_DeInit (void);
extern qboolean (*SCR_UpdateScreen) (void);
extern void SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque (void);
extern void SCR_EndLoadingPlaque (void);
extern void SCR_DrawConsole (qboolean noback);
extern void SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole (void);
extern void SCR_CenterPrint (int pnum, const char *str, qboolean skipgamecode);
void R_DrawTextField(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *text, unsigned int defaultmask, unsigned int fieldflags, struct font_s *font, vec2_t fontscale);
#define CPRINT_LALIGN (1<<0) //L
#define CPRINT_TALIGN (1<<1) //T
#define CPRINT_RALIGN (1<<2) //R
#define CPRINT_BALIGN (1<<3) //B
#define CPRINT_BACKGROUND (1<<4) //P
#define CPRINT_OBITUARTY (1<<16) //O (show at 2/3rds from top)
#define CPRINT_PERSIST (1<<17) //P (doesn't time out)
#define CPRINT_TYPEWRITER (1<<18) // (char at a time)
#define CPRINT_CURSOR (1<<19) //C (use a mouse cursor, also enabled by the presence of a (auto) link)
//mod_purge flags
enum mod_purge_e
MP_MAPCHANGED, //new map. old stuff no longer needed, can skip stuff if it'll be expensive.
MP_FLUSH, //user flush command. anything flushable goes.
MP_RESET //*everything* is destroyed. renderer is going down, or at least nothing depends upon it.
enum mlverbosity_e
const char *Mod_GetEntitiesString(struct model_s *mod);
void Mod_SetEntitiesStringLen(struct model_s *mod, const char *str, size_t strsize);
void Mod_SetEntitiesString(struct model_s *mod, const char *str, qboolean docopy);
void Mod_ParseEntities(struct model_s *mod);
extern void Mod_ClearAll (void);
extern void Mod_Purge (enum mod_purge_e type);
extern qboolean Mod_PurgeModel (struct model_s *mod, enum mod_purge_e ptype);
extern struct model_s *Mod_FindName (const char *name); //find without loading. needload should be set.
extern struct model_s *Mod_ForName (const char *name, enum mlverbosity_e verbosity); //finds+loads
extern struct model_s *Mod_LoadModel (struct model_s *mod, enum mlverbosity_e verbose); //makes sure a model is loaded
extern void *Mod_Extradata (struct model_s *mod); // handles caching
extern void Mod_TouchModel (const char *name);
extern const char *Mod_FixName (const char *modname, const char *worldname); //remaps the name appropriately
const char *Mod_ParseWorldspawnKey (struct model_s *mod, const char *key, char *buffer, size_t sizeofbuffer);
extern long relitsurface;
extern struct model_s *lightmodel;
extern void Mod_Think (void);
extern qboolean Mod_GetModelEvent (struct model_s *model, int animation, int eventidx, float *timestamp, int *eventcode, char **eventdata);
extern int Mod_SkinNumForName (struct model_s *model, int surfaceidx, const char *name);
extern int Mod_FrameNumForName (struct model_s *model, int surfaceidx, const char *name);
extern float Mod_GetFrameDuration (struct model_s *model, int surfaceidx, int framenum);
extern int Mod_GetFrameCount (struct model_s *model);
#undef FNC
extern qboolean Mod_GetTag (struct model_s *model, int tagnum, framestate_t *framestate, float *transforms);
extern int Mod_TagNumForName (struct model_s *model, const char *name);
void Mod_AddSingleSurface(struct entity_s *ent, int surfaceidx, shader_t *shader);
int Mod_GetNumBones(struct model_s *model, qboolean allowtags);
int Mod_GetBoneRelations(struct model_s *model, int firstbone, int lastbone, framestate_t *fstate, float *result);
int Mod_GetBoneParent(struct model_s *model, int bonenum);
struct galiasbone_s *Mod_GetBoneInfo(struct model_s *model, int *numbones);
const char *Mod_GetBoneName(struct model_s *model, int bonenum);
void Draw_FunString(float x, float y, const void *str);
void Draw_AltFunString(float x, float y, const void *str);
void Draw_FunStringWidth(float x, float y, const void *str, int width, int rightalign, qboolean highlight);
extern int r_regsequence;
#define Mod_Q1LeafPVS Mod_LeafPVS
// qbyte *Mod_LeafPVS (struct mleaf_s *leaf, struct model_s *model, qbyte *buffer);
typedef struct image_s
#ifdef _DEBUG
char dbgident[32];
char *ident; //allocated on end
char *subpath; //allocated on end
int regsequence;
int width; //this is the logical size. the physical size is not considered important (except for render targets, which should not be loaded from disk).
int height;
int depth;
uploadfmt_t format;
int status; //TEX_
unsigned int flags;
struct image_s *next;
struct image_s *prev;
struct image_s *aliasof;
int nosyntaxerror;
#if defined(D3DQUAKE) || defined(SWQUAKE)
void *ptr; //texture
void *ptr2; //view
#ifdef GLQUAKE
int num;
#ifdef VKQUAKE
VkRetardedDescriptorSet vkdescriptor;
struct vk_image_s *vkimage;
void *fallbackdata;
int fallbackwidth;
int fallbackheight;
uploadfmt_t fallbackfmt;
} image_t;
#if 1
typedef image_t *texid_t;
#define texid_tf texid_t
#define TEXASSIGN(d,s) d=s
#define TEXASSIGNF(d,s) d=s
#define TEXVALID(t) ((t))
#define TEXLOADED(tex) ((tex) && (tex)->status == TEX_LOADED)
#define TEXDOWAIT(tex) do{if ((tex) && (tex)->status == TEX_LOADING) COM_WorkerPartialSync((tex), &(tex)->status, TEX_LOADING);}while(0)
typedef struct texid_s texid_t[1];
typedef struct texid_s texid_tf;
#define TEXASSIGN(d,s) memcpy(&d,&s,sizeof(d))
#define TEXASSIGNF(d,s) memcpy(&d,&s,sizeof(d))
#define TEXVALID(t) 1
#define Image_LinearFloatFromsRGBFloat(c) (((c) <= 0.04045f) ? (c) * (1.0f / 12.92f) : (float)pow(((c) + 0.055f)*(1.0f/1.055f), 2.4f))
#define Image_sRGBFloatFromLinearFloat(c) (((c) < 0.0031308f) ? (c) * 12.92f : 1.055f * (float)pow((c), 1.0f/2.4f) - 0.055f)
struct pendingtextureinfo
PTI_CUBEMAP, //mips are packed (to make d3d11 happy)
PTI_2D_ARRAY, //looks like a 3d texture, but depth doesn't change.
PTI_CUBEMAP_ARRAY, //looks like PTI_2D_ARRAY, with depth*6
} type;
uploadfmt_t encoding; //0
void *extrafree;
int mipcount;
void *data;
size_t datasize;
int width;
int height;
int depth;
qboolean needfree;
} mip[72]; //enough for a 4096 cubemap. or a really smegging big 2d texture...
//small context for easy vbo creation.
typedef struct
size_t maxsize;
size_t pos;
int vboid[2];
void *vboptr[2];
void *fallback;
} vbobctx_t;
typedef union vboarray_s
void *sysptr;
#ifdef GLQUAKE
int vbo;
void *addr;
} gl;
#if defined(D3D8QUAKE) || defined(D3D9QUAKE) || defined(D3D11QUAKE)
void *buff;
unsigned int offs;
} d3d;
#ifdef VKQUAKE
VkRetardedBuffer buff;
unsigned int offs;
} vk;
{ //matches the biggest version. currently vulkan. this ensures that plugins can allocate model data without caring about renderers.
qint64_t buff;
unsigned int offs;
} pad;
} vboarray_t;
//scissor rects
typedef struct
float x;
float y;
float width;
float height;
double dmin;
double dmax;
} srect_t;
typedef struct texnums_s {
char mapname[MAX_QPATH]; //the 'official' name of the diffusemap. used to generate filenames for other textures.
texid_t base; //regular diffuse texture. may have alpha if surface is transparent
texid_t bump; //normalmap. height values packed in alpha.
texid_t specular; //specular lighting values.
texid_t upperoverlay; //diffuse texture for the upper body(shirt colour). no alpha channel. added to base.rgb
texid_t loweroverlay; //diffuse texture for the lower body(trouser colour). no alpha channel. added to base.rgb
texid_t paletted; //8bit paletted data, just because.
texid_t fullbright;
texid_t reflectcube;
texid_t reflectmask;
} texnums_t;
//not all modes accept meshes - STENCIL(intentional) and DEPTHONLY(not implemented)
typedef enum backendmode_e
BEM_STANDARD, //regular mode to draw surfaces akin to q3 (aka: legacy mode). lightmaps+delux+ambient
BEM_DEPTHONLY, //just a quick depth pass. textures used only for alpha test (shadowmaps).
BEM_WIREFRAME, //for debugging or something
BEM_STENCIL, //used for drawing shadow volumes to the stencil buffer.
BEM_DEPTHDARK, //a quick depth pass. textures used only for alpha test. additive textures still shown as normal.
BEM_CREPUSCULAR, //sky is special, everything else completely black
BEM_FOG, //drawing a fog volume
BEM_LIGHT, //we have a valid light
} backendmode_t;
typedef struct rendererinfo_s {
char *description;
char *name[4];
r_qrenderer_t rtype;
//FIXME: all but the vid stuff really should be filled in by the video code, simplifying system-specific stuff.
//FIXME: remove these...
void (*Draw_Init) (void);
void (*Draw_Shutdown) (void);
void (*IMG_UpdateFiltering) (image_t *imagelist, int filtermip[3], int filterpic[3], int mipcap[2], float anis);
qboolean (*IMG_LoadTextureMips) (texid_t tex, const struct pendingtextureinfo *mips);
void (*IMG_DestroyTexture) (texid_t tex);
void (*R_Init) (void); //FIXME - merge implementations
void (*R_DeInit) (void); //FIXME - merge implementations
void (*R_RenderView) (void); // must set r_refdef first
//FIXME: keep these...
qboolean (*VID_Init) (rendererstate_t *info, unsigned char *palette);
void (*VID_DeInit) (void);
void (*VID_SwapBuffers) (void); //force a buffer swap, regardless of what's displayed.
qboolean (*VID_ApplyGammaRamps) (unsigned int size, unsigned short *ramps);
void *(*VID_CreateCursor) (const char *filename, float hotx, float hoty, float scale); //may be null, stub returns null
qboolean (*VID_SetCursor) (void *cursor); //may be null
void (*VID_DestroyCursor) (void *cursor); //may be null
void (*VID_SetWindowCaption) (const char *msg);
//FIXME: remove these...
char *(*VID_GetRGBInfo) (int *bytestride, int *truevidwidth, int *truevidheight, enum uploadfmt *fmt);
qboolean (*SCR_UpdateScreen) (void);
//Select the current render mode and modifier flags
void (*BE_SelectMode)(backendmode_t mode);
/*Draws an entire mesh list from a VBO. vbo can be null, in which case the chain may be drawn without batching.
Rules for using a list: Every mesh must be part of the same VBO, shader, lightmap, and must have the same pointers set*/
void (*BE_DrawMesh_List)(shader_t *shader, int nummeshes, struct mesh_s **mesh, struct vbo_s *vbo, struct texnums_s *texnums, unsigned int be_flags);
void (*BE_DrawMesh_Single)(shader_t *shader, struct mesh_s *meshchain, struct vbo_s *vbo, unsigned int be_flags);
void (*BE_SubmitBatch)(struct batch_s *batch);
struct batch_s *(*BE_GetTempBatch)(void);
//Asks the backend to invoke DrawMeshChain for each surface, and to upload lightmaps as required
void (*BE_DrawWorld) (struct batch_s **worldbatches);
//called at init, force the display to the right defaults etc
void (*BE_Init)(void);
//Generates an optimised VBO, one for each texture on the map
void (*BE_GenBrushModelVBO)(struct model_s *mod);
//Destroys the given vbo
void (*BE_ClearVBO)(struct vbo_s *vbo, qboolean dataonly);
//Uploads all modified lightmaps
void (*BE_UploadAllLightmaps)(void);
void (*BE_SelectEntity)(struct entity_s *ent);
qboolean (*BE_SelectDLight)(struct dlight_s *dl, vec3_t colour, vec3_t axis[3], unsigned int lmode);
void (*BE_Scissor)(srect_t *rect);
/*check to see if an ent should be drawn for the selected light*/
qboolean (*BE_LightCullModel)(vec3_t org, struct model_s *model);
void (*BE_VBO_Begin)(vbobctx_t *ctx, size_t maxsize);
void (*BE_VBO_Data)(vbobctx_t *ctx, void *data, size_t size, vboarray_t *varray);
void (*BE_VBO_Finish)(vbobctx_t *ctx, void *edata, size_t esize, vboarray_t *earray, void **vbomem, void **ebomem);
void (*BE_VBO_Destroy)(vboarray_t *vearray, void *mem);
void (*BE_RenderToTextureUpdate2d)(qboolean destchanged);
char *alignment; //just to make sure that added functions cause compile warnings.
//FIXME: keep this...
int (*VID_GetPriority) (void); //so that eg x11 or wayland can be prioritised depending on environment settings
//FIXME: add getdestopres
//FIXME: add clipboard handling
} rendererinfo_t;
#define rf currentrendererstate.renderer
#define VID_SwapBuffers rf->VID_SwapBuffers
#define BE_Init rf->BE_Init
#define BE_SelectMode rf->BE_SelectMode
#define BE_GenBrushModelVBO rf->BE_GenBrushModelVBO
#define BE_ClearVBO rf->BE_ClearVBO
#define BE_UploadAllLightmaps rf->BE_UploadAllLightmaps
#define BE_LightCullModel rf->BE_LightCullModel
#define BE_SelectEntity rf->BE_SelectEntity
#define BE_SelectDLight rf->BE_SelectDLight
#define BE_GetTempBatch rf->BE_GetTempBatch
#define BE_SubmitBatch rf->BE_SubmitBatch
#define BE_DrawMesh_List rf->BE_DrawMesh_List
#define BE_DrawMesh_Single rf->BE_DrawMesh_Single
#define BE_SubmitMeshes rf->BE_SubmitMeshes
#define BE_DrawWorld rf->BE_DrawWorld
#define BE_VBO_Begin rf->BE_VBO_Begin
#define BE_VBO_Data rf->BE_VBO_Data
#define BE_VBO_Finish rf->BE_VBO_Finish
#define BE_VBO_Destroy rf->BE_VBO_Destroy
#define BE_Scissor rf->BE_Scissor
#define BE_RenderToTextureUpdate2d rf->BE_RenderToTextureUpdate2d
texid_t R2D_RT_Configure(const char *id, int width, int height, uploadfmt_t rtfmt, unsigned int imageflags);
texid_t R2D_RT_GetTexture(const char *id, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height);