fix q2bsp textures. fix some vulkan validation issues. MOVE_OTHERONLY is now an official feature (replacing MOVE_ONLYENT which is now removed, same functionality, better behaved behaviour). network up edited brushes on initial connect. still needs more work for entity editing, but should otherwise be okay for now. add sys_browserredirect console command for emscripten builds (can be used to trigger window redirections - including download requests) git-svn-id: fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
415 lines
12 KiB
415 lines
12 KiB
static float cureffect;
static float curmodified;
const textfield_linedesc_t fields[100] =
{"shader", "shader <shadername>\\n{\\nshaderbody\\n}"},
{"texture", "texture <shadername>"},
{"tcoords", "tcoords <s1> <t1> <s2> <t2> [coordscale] [randcount] [randsinc]\ncoordscale is an optional divisor for more readable numbers.\nrandcount is a the number of images used in particlefont image.\nrandsinc is the amount to add to s coords to display each sequential randomized image."},
{"rotationstart", "rotationstart <minangle> [maxangle]\nan angle of 45 will give you a particle aligned to screen coords"},
{"rotationspeed", "rotationspeed <min> <max>\nspecifies a range of rotational speeds. You probably want to set the min value as negative."},
{"beamtexstep", "beamtexstep <documentme>"},
{"scale", "scale <min> [max]\nValues are 4 times higher than quake units"},
{"scalerand", "use scale instead"},
{"scalefactor", "scalefactor <factor>\nHow much the particle shrinks with distance.\n1=true scaling"},
{"scaledelta", "scaledelta <changepersecond>\nHow much the particle's scale changes per second"},
{"step", "step <dist>\nworld distance between each particle within a particle trail."},
{"count", "count <multiplier>\nProvides a multiplier value independant from the particle() builtin or other mechanisms"},
{"alpha", "alpha <val>\nInitial opacity of particle. 0 is invisible, 1 is fully visible."},
{"alphachange", "depricated. use alphadelta"},
{"alphadelta", "alphadelta <alphapersecond>\n How much the alpha value changes per second"},
{"die", "die <min> [max]\nHow long the particle lives for"},
{"diesubrand", "depricated. use die"},
{"randomvel", "<documentme>"},
{"veladd", "<documentme>"},
{"orgadd", "<documentme>"},
{"friction", "<documentme>"},
{"gravity", "gravity <grav>\nParticle's downwards velocity will be increased by this much per second"},
{"clipbounce", "<documentme>"},
{"assoc", "assoc <othereffectname>\nWhen the effect is spawned, the associated effect will also be spawned. Can chain."},
{"inwater", "inwater <othereffectname>\nIf the particle effect is spawned underwater, the named effect will be used instead."},
{"model", "model <modelname> <firstframe> <lastframe> <framerate> <alpha>\nSpawns a the sprite/model when the effect is spawned.\nCan be specified multiple times and a random model line will be used.\nModels with only 1 frame will animate skins instead."},
{"colorindex", "colourindex <min> <max>\nIf set, the particle's colour will be set to this palette index instead of the particle's rgb field."},
{"colorrand", "depricated"},
{"citracer", "citracer\nFlag that syncronizes colorindex-based palette indexes with spawn ordering ala quake."},
{"red", "depricated, use rgb."},
{"green", "depricated, use rgb."},
{"blue", "depricated, use rgb."},
{"rgb", "rgb <red> <green> <blue>\nInitial colour of particle, in a scale of 0 to 255."},
{"reddelta", "depricated, use rgbdelta."},
{"greendelta", "depricated, use rgbdelta."},
{"bluedelta", "depricated, use rgbdelta."},
{"rgbdelta", "rgbdelta <red> <green> <blue>\nSpecifies the change in particle colours over a second of time. The effective range is 0 to 255, but larger values might be needed for short-lived effects."},
{"rgbdeltatime", "rgbdeltatime <age>\nOnce the particle reaches this age, its rgb values will stop changing."},
{"redrand", "depricated"},
{"greenrand", "depricated"},
{"bluerand", "depricated"},
{"rgbrand", "rgbrand <red> <green> <blue>\nThis rgb value will be multiplied by a random value between 0 and 1 and added to the particle's initial rgb value. All three channels channels are scaled independantly."},
{"rgbrandsync", "rgbrandsync <red> <green> <blue>\nThis rgb value will be multiplied by a random value between 0 and 1 and added to the particle's initial rgb value. All three channels will be scaled the same."},
{"redrandsync", "depricated"},
{"greenrandsync", "depricated"},
{"bluerandsync", "depricated"},
{"stains", "stains <radius>\nSpecifies a multiplier for the radius of a stain if the particle impacts upon a wall"},
{"blend", "blend <blendmode>\nOne of add, subtract, blendcolour, or blendalpha. Particles with additive blend modes will render fastest due to no depth sorting requirement."},
{"spawnmode", "<documentme>"},
{"type", "type <rendertype>\nOne of:\nbeam - quads generated between particles\nspark - a single line drawn in direction of motion\nsparkfan - triangle fan oriented in direction of motion\ntexturedspark - quads extruded along line of motion\ndecal - motionless effect that attaches to surfaces around the center of the effect\nnormal - simple screen-facing quad"},
{"isbeam", "depricated, use type."},
{"spawntime", "<documentme>"},
{"spawnchance", "<documentme>"},
{"cliptype", "<documentme>"},
{"clipcount", "<documentme>"},
{"emit", "<documentme>"},
{"emitinterval", "<documentme>"},
{"emitintervalrand", "<documentme>"},
{"emitstart", "<documentme>"},
{"areaspread", "<documentme>"},
{"areaspreadvert", "<documentme>"},
{"offsetspread", "<documentme>"},
{"offsetspreadvert", "<documentme>"},
{"spawnorg", "<documentme>"},
{"spawnvel", "<documentme>"},
{"spawnparm1", "<documentme>"},
{"spawnparm2", "<documentme>"},
{"up", "<documentme>"},
{"rampmode", "<documentme>"},
{"rampindexlist", "<documentme>"},
{"rampindex", "<documentme>"},
{"ramp", "<documentme>"},
{"perframe", "<documentme>"},
{"averageout", "<documentme>"},
{"nostate", "<documentme>"},
{"nospreadfirst", "<documentme>"},
{"nospreadlast", "<documentme>"},
{"lightradius", "<documentme>"},
{"lightradiusfade", "<documentme>"},
{"lightradiusrgb", "<documentme>"},
{"lightradiusrgbfade", "<documentme>"},
{"lighttime", "<documentme>"},
strip static textfield_t tf_particle;
typedef struct
string efname;
int start;
int end;
} particledesc_t;
strip particledesc_t pdesc[MAXPARTICLETYPES];
int numptypes;
string particlesfile;
static entity ptrailent;
static void(string descname) saveparticle;
static void(float newef) selecteffect =
if (newef == cureffect)
if (curmodified)
curmodified = FALSE;
cureffect = floor(newef);
if (cureffect < 0)
cureffect = 0;
textfield_fill(&tf_particle, substring(particlesfile, pdesc[cureffect].start, pdesc[cureffect].end - pdesc[cureffect].start));
if (ptrailent)
ptrailent = world;
static int(string src, int *start) skipblock =
string line;
int ls = *start, le;
int level = 0;
/*parse a string from the start of one { to its closing }*/
le = strstrofs(particlesfile, "\n", ls);
if (le < 0)
line = substring(particlesfile, ls, le - ls);
line = argv(0);
if (line == "{")
if (!level)
*start = le+1;
else if (line == "}")
if (level == 1)
return ls;
else if (!level)
return le+1;
ls = le+1;
return ls;
static void() updateloadedparticles =
string line;
int ls, le;
int ce = cureffect;
ls = 0;
le = strstrofs(particlesfile, "\n", ls);
if (le < 0)
// print("line: ", substring(particlesfile, ls, le - ls), "\n");
if (le - ls > 7)
if (substring(particlesfile, ls, 6) == "r_part")
line = substring(particlesfile, ls, le - ls);
if (argv(0) == "r_part")
pdesc[numptypes].efname = strzone(argv(1));
pdesc[numptypes].start = le+1;
le = skipblock(particlesfile, &pdesc[numptypes].start);
pdesc[numptypes].end = le;
// print("particle: ", pdesc[numptypes].efname, "\n", substring(particlesfile, pdesc[numptypes].start, pdesc[numptypes].end - pdesc[numptypes].start), "\n");
ls = le+1;
cureffect = -1;
static void(string descname) loadparticles =
filestream f;
/*kill old string*/
if notnull(particlesfile)
particlesfile = (string)0;
cureffect = 0;
/*load new string*/
if (descname != "")
f = fopen(strcat("particles/", descname, ".cfg"), FILE_READNL);
if (f >= 0)
particlesfile = strzone(fgets(f));
/*and find out where the particles are*/
static void(string descname) saveparticle =
filestream f;
string newfile;
/*only do this if there's something to save*/
if (cureffect < 0)
newfile = textfield_strcat(&tf_particle);
newfile = strcat(substring(particlesfile, 0, pdesc[cureffect].start), newfile, substring(particlesfile, pdesc[cureffect].end, -1));
particlesfile = "";
particlesfile = strzone(newfile);
if (descname != "")
f = fopen(strcat("particles/", descname, ".cfg"), FILE_WRITE);
if (f >= 0)
fputs(f, particlesfile);
/*and recalculate where the particles are*/
static void() applyparticles =
if (tf_particle.dirty)
string sln;
int i;
if (cureffect >= numptypes)
localcmd("r_part \"");
sln = strcat("+", pdesc[cureffect].efname);
for (i = cureffect + 1; i < numptypes; i+=1)
if (pdesc[i].efname == sln)
localcmd("r_part \"");
localcmd(substring(particlesfile, pdesc[i].start, pdesc[i].end - pdesc[i].start));
tf_particle.dirty = FALSE;
curmodified = TRUE;
float(float keyc, float unic, vector m) editor_particles_key =
if (m_y > 16 && m_y < 24 && m_x < 128)
string oval = strcat(cvar_string("ca_particleset"));
if (keyc == 127)
cvar_set("ca_particleset", substring(oval, 0, -2));
else if (unic)
cvar_set("ca_particleset", strcat(oval, chr2str(unic)));
return FALSE;
if (curmodified)
curmodified = FALSE;
oval = cvar_string("ca_particleset");
return TRUE;
if (m_y < 32)
return FALSE;
/*middle mouse*/
if (keyc == 514)
mousedown = 3;
else if (m_x < 128)
if (keyc == 512)
float ef, y;
ef = cureffect - 10;
if (ef < 0)
ef = 0;
y = 32;
selecteffect(ef + (m_y - y)/8);
return TRUE;
return textfield_key(&tf_particle, keyc, unic, m - '128 32 0');
return FALSE;
void(vector mousepos) editor_particles_overlay =
string n;
float ef;
vector y;
vector col;
string setname = cvar_string("ca_particleset");
if (!numptypes)
if (mousedown == 3 && cureffect >= 0 && cureffect < numptypes)
vector t = unproject(mousepos + '0 0 8192');
vector o = unproject(mousepos);
traceline(o, t, TRUE, world);
trace_endpos += trace_plane_normal * 4;
if (!ptrailent)
ptrailent = spawn();
ptrailent.origin = trace_endpos;
pointparticles(particleeffectnum(pdesc[cureffect].efname), trace_endpos, '0 0 -1', 1);
//fixme: should ONLY be done if we started dragging.
trailparticles(particleeffectnum(pdesc[cureffect].efname), ptrailent, ptrailent.origin, trace_endpos);
ptrailent.origin = trace_endpos;
else if (ptrailent)
ptrailent = world;
if (mousepos_y > 16 && mousepos_y < 24 && mousepos_x < 128)
drawstring('0 16 0', strcat(setname, ((time*4)&1)?"^1\x0b":""), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
drawstring('0 16 0', ((setname=="")?"NO SET LOADED":setname), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
ef = cureffect - 10;
if (ef < 0)
ef = 0;
y = '0 32 0';
for (; ; ef+=1)
if (ef >= numptypes)
n = pdesc[ef].efname;
col = '1 1 1';
if (ef == cureffect)
col = '1 0 0';
drawrawstring(y, n, '8 8 0', col, 1, 0);
y_y += 8;
textfield_draw('128 32 0', &tf_particle, &fields[0]);