try to get game controller defaults a little closer to QS. mess with r_dynamic 2 a little, to more closely match vanilla. fix under-lighting bug on models. added extra model lighting pathway for greater vanilla compat, as part of software-banding. fix proquake-client compat issue. git-svn-id: fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2449 lines
64 KiB
2449 lines
64 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// view.c -- player eye positioning
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "winquake.h"
#include "glquake.h"
#include <ctype.h> // for isdigit();
cvar_t r_projection = CVARD("r_projection", "0", "0: regular perspective.\n1: stereographic (aka: pannini).\n2: fisheye.\n3: panoramic.\n4: lambert azimuthal equal-area.\n5: Equirectangular");
cvar_t ffov = CVARFD("ffov", "", 0, "Allows you to set a specific field of view for when a custom projection is specified. If empty, will use regular fov cvar, which might get messy.");
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(MINIMAL)
//amusing gimmick / easteregg.
#include "winquake.h"
cvar_t itburnsitburnsmakeitstop = CVARFD("itburnsitburnsmakeitstop", "0", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "Ouch");
The view is allowed to move slightly from it's true position for bobbing,
but if it exceeds 8 pixels linear distance (spherical, not box), the list of
entities sent from the server may not include everything in the pvs, especially
when crossing a water boudnary.
cvar_t vsec_enabled[SIDEVIEWS] = {CVAR("v2_enabled", "2"), CVAR("v3_enabled", "0"), CVAR("v4_enabled", "0"), CVAR("v5_enabled", "0")};
cvar_t vsec_x[SIDEVIEWS] = {CVAR("v2_x", "0"), CVAR("v3_x", "0.25"), CVAR("v4_x", "0.5"), CVAR("v5_x", "0.75")};
cvar_t vsec_y[SIDEVIEWS] = {CVAR("v2_y", "0"), CVAR("v3_y", "0"), CVAR("v4_y", "0"), CVAR("v5_y", "0")};
cvar_t vsec_scalex[SIDEVIEWS] = {CVAR("v2_scalex", "0.25"), CVAR("v3_scalex", "0.25"), CVAR("v4_scalex", "0.25"), CVAR("v5_scalex", "0.25")};
cvar_t vsec_scaley[SIDEVIEWS] = {CVAR("v2_scaley", "0.25"), CVAR("v3_scaley", "0.25"), CVAR("v4_scaley", "0.25"), CVAR("v5_scaley", "0.25")};
cvar_t vsec_yaw[SIDEVIEWS] = {CVAR("v2_yaw", "180"), CVAR("v3_yaw", "90"), CVAR("v4_yaw", "270"), CVAR("v5_yaw", "0")};
cvar_t cl_rollspeed = CVAR("cl_rollspeed", "200");
cvar_t cl_rollangle = CVAR("cl_rollangle", "2.0");
cvar_t v_deathtilt = CVAR("v_deathtilt", "1");
cvar_t cl_bob = CVAR("cl_bob","0.02");
cvar_t cl_bobcycle = CVAR("cl_bobcycle","0.6");
cvar_t cl_bobup = CVAR("cl_bobup","0.5");
cvar_t v_kicktime = CVAR("v_kicktime", "0.5");
cvar_t v_kickroll = CVAR("v_kickroll", "0.6");
cvar_t v_kickpitch = CVAR("v_kickpitch", "0.6");
cvar_t v_iyaw_cycle = CVAR("v_iyaw_cycle", "2");
cvar_t v_iroll_cycle = CVAR("v_iroll_cycle", "0.5");
cvar_t v_ipitch_cycle = CVAR("v_ipitch_cycle", "1");
cvar_t v_iyaw_level = CVAR("v_iyaw_level", "0.3");
cvar_t v_iroll_level = CVAR("v_iroll_level", "0.1");
cvar_t v_ipitch_level = CVAR("v_ipitch_level", "0.3");
cvar_t v_idlescale = CVAR("v_idlescale", "0");
cvar_t crosshair = CVARF("crosshair", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
cvar_t crosshaircolor = CVARF("crosshaircolor", "255 255 255", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
cvar_t crosshairsize = CVARF("crosshairsize", "8", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
cvar_t cl_crossx = CVARF("cl_crossx", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
cvar_t cl_crossy = CVARF("cl_crossy", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
cvar_t crosshaircorrect = CVARF("crosshaircorrect", "0", CVAR_SEMICHEAT);
cvar_t crosshairimage = CVAR("crosshairimage", "");
cvar_t crosshairalpha = CVAR("crosshairalpha", "1");
cvar_t gl_cshiftpercent = CVAR("gl_cshiftpercent", "100");
cvar_t gl_cshiftenabled = CVARF("gl_polyblend", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
cvar_t v_bonusflash = CVAR("v_bonusflash", "1");
cvar_t v_contentblend = CVARF("v_contentblend", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
cvar_t v_damagecshift = CVAR("v_damagecshift", "1");
cvar_t v_quadcshift = CVAR("v_quadcshift", "1");
cvar_t v_suitcshift = CVAR("v_suitcshift", "1");
cvar_t v_ringcshift = CVAR("v_ringcshift", "1");
cvar_t v_pentcshift = CVAR("v_pentcshift", "1");
cvar_t v_gunkick = CVAR("v_gunkick", "0");
cvar_t v_gunkick_q2 = CVAR("v_gunkick_q2", "1");
cvar_t v_viewheight = CVAR("v_viewheight", "0");
cvar_t v_projectionmode = CVAR("v_projectionmode", "0");
cvar_t v_depthsortentities = CVARAD("v_depthsortentities", "0", "v_reorderentitiesrandomly", "Reorder entities for transparency such that the furthest entities are drawn first, allowing nearer transparent entities to draw over the top of them.");
cvar_t scr_autoid = CVARD("scr_autoid", "1", "Display nametags above all players while spectating.");
cvar_t scr_autoid_team = CVARD("scr_autoid_team", "1", "Display nametags above team members. 0: off. 1: display with half-alpha if occluded. 2: hide when occluded.");
cvar_t scr_autoid_health = CVARD("scr_autoid_health", "1", "Display health as part of nametags (when known).");
cvar_t scr_autoid_armour = CVARD("scr_autoid_armor", "1", "Display armour as part of nametags (when known).");
cvar_t scr_autoid_weapon = CVARD("scr_autoid_weapon", "1", "Display the player's best weapon as part of their nametag (when known).");
cvar_t scr_autoid_teamcolour = CVARD("scr_autoid_teamcolour", STRINGIFY(COLOR_BLUE), "The colour for the text on the nametags of team members.");
cvar_t scr_autoid_enemycolour = CVARD("scr_autoid_enemycolour", STRINGIFY(COLOR_WHITE), "The colour for the text on the nametags of non-team members.");
cvar_t chase_active = CVAR("chase_active", "0");
cvar_t chase_back = CVAR("chase_back", "48");
cvar_t chase_up = CVAR("chase_up", "24");
extern cvar_t cl_chasecam;
player_state_t *view_message;
float V_CalcRoll (vec3_t angles, vec3_t velocity)
vec3_t forward, right, up;
float sign;
float side;
float value;
AngleVectors (angles, forward, right, up);
side = DotProduct (velocity, right);
sign = side < 0 ? -1 : 1;
side = fabs(side);
value = cl_rollangle.value;
if (side < cl_rollspeed.value)
side = side * value / cl_rollspeed.value;
side = value;
return side*sign;
float V_CalcBob (playerview_t *pv, qboolean queryold)
float cycle;
float hspeed, bob;
vec3_t hvel;
if (pv->spectator)
return 0;
if (cl_bobcycle.value <= 0 || cl.intermissionmode != IM_NONE)
return 0;
if (!pv->onground || cl.paused)
pv->bobcltime = cl.time;
return pv->bob; // just use old value
pv->bobtime += cl.time - pv->bobcltime;
pv->bobcltime = cl.time;
cycle = pv->bobtime - (int)(pv->bobtime/cl_bobcycle.value)*cl_bobcycle.value;
cycle /= cl_bobcycle.value;
if (cycle < cl_bobup.value)
cycle = M_PI * cycle / cl_bobup.value;
cycle = M_PI + M_PI*(cycle-cl_bobup.value)/(1.0 - cl_bobup.value);
// bob is proportional to simulated velocity in the xy plane
// (don't count Z, or jumping messes it up)
hspeed = DotProduct(pv->simvel, pv->gravitydir);
VectorMA(pv->simvel, hspeed, pv->gravitydir, hvel);
hspeed = VectorLength(hvel);
hspeed = bound(0, hspeed, 400);
bob = hspeed * bound(0, cl_bob.value, 0.05);
pv->bob = bob*0.3 + bob*0.7*sin(cycle);
return pv->bob;
cvar_t v_centermove = CVAR("v_centermove", "0.15");
cvar_t v_centerspeed = CVAR("v_centerspeed","500");
void V_StartPitchDrift (playerview_t *pv)
#if 1
if (pv->laststop == cl.time)
return; // something else is keeping it from drifting
if (pv->nodrift || !pv->pitchvel)
pv->pitchvel = v_centerspeed.value;
pv->nodrift = false;
pv->driftmove = 0;
void V_StopPitchDrift (playerview_t *pv)
pv->laststop = cl.time;
pv->nodrift = true;
pv->pitchvel = 0;
void V_CenterView_f(void)
int pnum = CL_TargettedSplit(false);
Moves the client pitch angle towards cl.idealpitch sent by the server.
If the user is adjusting pitch manually, either with lookup/lookdown,
mlook and mouse, or klook and keyboard, pitch drifting is constantly stopped.
Drifting is enabled when the center view key is hit, mlook is released and
lookspring is non 0, or when
void V_DriftPitch (playerview_t *pv)
float delta, move;
if (!pv->onground || cls.demoplayback )
pv->driftmove = 0;
pv->pitchvel = 0;
// don't count small mouse motion
if (pv->nodrift)
if (Length(pv->simvel) < 200)
pv->driftmove = 0;
pv->driftmove += host_frametime;
if ( pv->driftmove > v_centermove.value)
V_StartPitchDrift (pv);
delta = 0 - pv->viewangles[PITCH];
if (!delta)
pv->pitchvel = 0;
move = host_frametime * pv->pitchvel;
pv->pitchvel += host_frametime * v_centerspeed.value;
//Con_Printf ("move: %f (%f)\n", move, host_frametime);
if (delta > 0)
if (move > delta)
pv->pitchvel = 0;
move = delta;
pv->viewangles[PITCH] += move;
else if (delta < 0)
if (move > -delta)
pv->pitchvel = 0;
move = -delta;
pv->viewangles[PITCH] -= move;
static void QDECL V_Gamma_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue);
cshift_t cshift_empty = { {130,80,50}, 0 };
cshift_t cshift_water = { {130,80,50}, 128 };
cshift_t cshift_slime = { {0,25,5}, 150 };
cshift_t cshift_lava = { {255,80,0}, 150 };
cshift_t cshift_server = { {130,80,50}, 0 };
cvar_t v_gamma = CVARFCD("gamma", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_RENDERERCALLBACK, V_Gamma_Callback, "Controls how bright the screen is. Setting this to anything but 1 without hardware gamma requires glsl support and can noticably harm your framerate.");
cvar_t v_contrast = CVARFCD("contrast", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, V_Gamma_Callback, "Scales colour values linearly to make your screen easier to see. Setting this to anything but 1 without hardware gamma will reduce your framerates a little.");
cvar_t v_brightness = CVARFCD("brightness", "0.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, V_Gamma_Callback, "Brightness is how much 'white' to add to each and every pixel on the screen.");
qbyte gammatable[256]; // palette is sent through this
qboolean gammaworks;
float hw_blend[4]; // rgba 0.0 - 1.0
void BuildGammaTable (float g)
int i, inf;
if (g == 1.0)
for (i=0 ; i<256 ; i++)
gammatable[i] = i;
for (i=0 ; i<256 ; i++)
inf = 255 * pow ( (i+0.5)/255.5 , g ) + 0.5;
if (inf < 0)
inf = 0;
if (inf > 255)
inf = 255;
gammatable[i] = inf;
void BuildGammaTable (float g, float c, float b)
int i, inf;
// g = bound (0.1, g, 3);
// c = bound (1, c, 3);
if (g == 1 && c == 1)
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
gammatable[i] = i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
//the 0.5s are for rounding.
inf = 255 * (pow ((i + 0.5) / 255.5 * c, g) + b) + 0.5;
if (inf < 0)
inf = 0;
else if (inf > 255)
inf = 255;
gammatable[i] = inf;
static void QDECL V_Gamma_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue)
BuildGammaTable (v_gamma.value, v_contrast.value, v_brightness.value);
V_UpdatePalette (true);
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX)
void W32_BlowChunk(vec3_t pos, float radius)
vec3_t center;
if (Matrix4x4_CM_Project(pos, center, r_refdef.viewangles, r_refdef.vieworg, r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.fov_y))
int mid_x = center[0]*r_refdef.vrect.width+r_refdef.vrect.x;
int mid_y = (1-center[1])*r_refdef.vrect.height+r_refdef.vrect.y;
HRGN tmp = CreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0);
HRGN newrgn = CreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0);
HRGN oldrgn = CreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0);
HRGN hole = CreateEllipticRgn(mid_x-radius, mid_y-radius, mid_x+radius, mid_y+radius);
if (GetWindowRgn(mainwindow, oldrgn) <= NULLREGION)
RECT rect;
GetWindowRect(mainwindow, &rect);
oldrgn = CreateRectRgn(0,0,rect.right-rect.left,;
CombineRgn(tmp, oldrgn, hole, RGN_XOR);
CombineRgn(newrgn, oldrgn, tmp, RGN_AND);
SetWindowRgn(mainwindow, newrgn, TRUE);
void V_ParseDamage (playerview_t *pv)
int armor, blood;
vec3_t from;
int i;
vec3_t forward, right, up;
float side;
float count;
armor = MSG_ReadByte ();
blood = MSG_ReadByte ();
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
from[i] = MSG_ReadCoord ();
pv->faceanimtime = cl.time + 0.2; // but sbar face into pain frame
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(MINIMAL) && !defined(_XBOX)
if (itburnsitburnsmakeitstop.value > 0)
W32_BlowChunk(from, (armor+blood) * itburnsitburnsmakeitstop.value);
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (CSQC_Parse_Damage(pv-cl.playerview, armor, blood, from))
count = blood*0.5 + armor*0.5;
if (count < 10)
count = 10;
#ifdef ANDROID
//later versions of android might support strength values, but the simple standard interface is duration only.
if (v_damagecshift.value >= 0)
count *= v_damagecshift.value;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].percent += 3*count;
if (pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].percent < 0)
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].percent = 0;
if (pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].percent > 150)
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].percent = 150;
if (armor > blood)
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].destcolor[0] = 200;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].destcolor[1] = 100;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].destcolor[2] = 100;
else if (armor)
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].destcolor[0] = 220;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].destcolor[1] = 50;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].destcolor[2] = 50;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].destcolor[0] = 255;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].destcolor[1] = 0;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].destcolor[2] = 0;
// calculate view angle kicks
VectorSubtract (from, pv->simorg, from);
VectorNormalize (from);
AngleVectors (pv->simangles, forward, right, up);
side = DotProduct (from, right);
pv->v_dmg_roll = count*side*v_kickroll.value;
side = DotProduct (from, forward);
pv->v_dmg_pitch = count*side*v_kickpitch.value;
pv->v_dmg_time = v_kicktime.value;
void V_cshift_f (void)
int r, g, b, p;
playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[CL_TargettedSplit(true)];
r = g = b = p = 0;
if (Cmd_Argc() >= 5)
r = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
g = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));
b = atoi(Cmd_Argv(3));
p = atoi(Cmd_Argv(4));
if (Cmd_FromGamecode())
if (Cmd_Argc() >= 5)
qboolean term = false;
int i;
char *c = Cmd_Argv(4);
// malice jumbles commands into a v_cshift so this attempts to fix
while (isdigit(*c) || *c == '.')
if (*c)
term = true;
for (i = 5; i < Cmd_Argc(); i++)
Cbuf_AddText(" ", RESTRICT_SERVER);
Cbuf_AddText(Cmd_Argv(i), RESTRICT_SERVER);
term = true;
if (term)
Cbuf_AddText("\n", RESTRICT_SERVER);
else if (Cmd_Argc() > 1)
Con_DPrintf("broken v_cshift from gamecode\n");
// ensure we always clear out or set for nehahra
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_SERVER].destcolor[0] = r;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_SERVER].destcolor[1] = g;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_SERVER].destcolor[2] = b;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_SERVER].percent = p;
if (Cmd_Argc() != 5 && Cmd_Argc() != 1)
Con_Printf("v_cshift: v_cshift <r> <g> <b> <alpha>\n");
cshift_empty.destcolor[0] = r;
cshift_empty.destcolor[1] = g;
cshift_empty.destcolor[2] = b;
cshift_empty.percent = p;
When you run over an item, the server sends this command
void V_BonusFlash_f (void)
playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[CL_TargettedSplit(true)];
float frac;
if (!gl_cshiftenabled.ival)
frac = 0;
else if (Cmd_FromGamecode())
frac = v_bonusflash.value;
frac = 1;
//still adheres to gl_cshiftpercent even when forced.
float minfrac = atof(Cmd_Argv(5));
if (frac < minfrac)
frac = minfrac;
frac *= gl_cshiftpercent.value / 100.0;
if (frac)
if (Cmd_Argc() > 1)
{ //this is how I understand DP expects them.
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].destcolor[0] = atof(Cmd_Argv(1))*255;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].destcolor[1] = atof(Cmd_Argv(2))*255;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].destcolor[2] = atof(Cmd_Argv(3))*255;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].percent = atof(Cmd_Argv(4))*255*frac;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].destcolor[0] = 215;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].destcolor[1] = 186;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].destcolor[2] = 69;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].percent = 50*frac;
void V_DarkFlash_f (void)
playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[CL_TargettedSplit(true)];
float frac;
if (!gl_cshiftenabled.ival)
frac = 0;
frac = 1;
frac *= gl_cshiftpercent.value / 100.0;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].destcolor[0] = 0;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].destcolor[1] = 0;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].destcolor[2] = 0;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].percent = 255*frac;
void V_WhiteFlash_f (void)
playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[CL_TargettedSplit(true)];
float frac;
if (!gl_cshiftenabled.ival)
frac = 0;
frac = 1;
frac *= gl_cshiftpercent.value / 100.0;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].destcolor[0] = 255;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].destcolor[1] = 255;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].destcolor[2] = 255;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].percent = 255*frac;
Underwater, lava, etc each has a color shift
FIXME: Uses Q1 contents
void V_SetContentsColor (int contents)
int i;
playerview_t *pv = r_refdef.playerview;
if (contents & FTECONTENTS_LAVA)
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_CONTENTS] = cshift_lava;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_CONTENTS] = cshift_slime;
else if (contents & FTECONTENTS_WATER)
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_CONTENTS] = cshift_water;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_CONTENTS] = cshift_empty;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_CONTENTS].percent *= v_contentblend.value;
if (pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_CONTENTS].percent)
{ //bound contents so it can't go negative
if (pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_CONTENTS].percent < 0)
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_CONTENTS].percent = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_CONTENTS].destcolor[0] < 0)
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_CONTENTS].destcolor[0] = 0;
void V_CalcPowerupCshift (playerview_t *pv)
int im = pv->stats[STAT_ITEMS];
if (im & IT_QUAD)
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].destcolor[0] = 0;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].destcolor[1] = 0;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].destcolor[2] = 255;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].percent = 30*v_quadcshift.value;
else if (im & IT_SUIT)
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].destcolor[0] = 0;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].destcolor[1] = 255;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].destcolor[2] = 0;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].percent = 20*v_suitcshift.value;
else if (im & IT_INVISIBILITY)
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].destcolor[0] = 100;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].destcolor[1] = 100;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].destcolor[2] = 100;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].percent = 100*v_ringcshift.value;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].destcolor[0] = 255;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].destcolor[1] = 255;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].destcolor[2] = 0;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].percent = 30*v_pentcshift.value;
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].percent = 0;
if (pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_POWERUP].percent<0)
void V_CalcBlend (float *hw_blend)
extern qboolean r2d_canhwgamma;
float a2;
int j, seat;
float *blend;
playerview_t *pv;
memset(hw_blend, 0, sizeof(float)*4);
for (seat = 0; seat < cl.splitclients; seat++)
pv = &cl.playerview[seat];
memset(pv->screentint, 0, sizeof(pv->screentint));
//don't apply it to the server, we'll blend the two later if the user has no hardware gamma (if they do have it, we use just the server specified value) This way we avoid winnt users having a cheat with flashbangs and stuff.
for (j=0 ; j<NUM_CSHIFTS ; j++)
if (!gl_cshiftpercent.value || !gl_cshiftenabled.ival)
a2 = ((pv->cshifts[j].percent * gl_cshiftpercent.value) / 100.0) / 255.0;
a2 = pv->cshifts[j].percent / 255.0; //don't allow modification of this one.
if (!a2)
/*server blend always goes into sw, ALWAYS*/
blend = pv->screentint;
/*flashing things should not change hardware gamma ramps - windows is too slow*/
/*splitscreen should only use hw gamma ramps if they're all equal, and they're probably not*/
/*hw blends may also not be supported or may be disabled*/
if (j == CSHIFT_BONUS || j == CSHIFT_DAMAGE || gl_nohwblend.ival || !r2d_canhwgamma || cl.splitclients > 1)
blend = pv->screentint;
else //powerup or contents?
blend = hw_blend;
blend[3] = blend[3] + a2*(1-blend[3]);
a2 = a2/blend[3];
blend[0] = blend[0]*(1-a2) + pv->cshifts[j].destcolor[0]*a2/255.0;
blend[1] = blend[1]*(1-a2) + pv->cshifts[j].destcolor[1]*a2/255.0;
blend[2] = blend[2]*(1-a2) + pv->cshifts[j].destcolor[2]*a2/255.0;
if (pv->screentint[3] > 1)
pv->screentint[3] = 1;
if (pv->screentint[3] < 0)
pv->screentint[3] = 0;
for (; seat < MAX_SPLITS; seat++)
pv = &cl.playerview[seat];
memset(pv->screentint, 0, sizeof(pv->screentint));
if (hw_blend[3] > 1)
hw_blend[3] = 1;
if (hw_blend[3] < 0)
hw_blend[3] = 0;
void V_UpdatePalette (qboolean force)
extern qboolean r2d_canhwgamma;
int i;
float newhw_blend[4];
int ir, ig, ib;
float ftime;
qboolean applied;
static double oldtime;
ftime = cl.time - oldtime;
oldtime = cl.time;
if (ftime < 0)
ftime = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITS; i++)
playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[i];
// drop the damage value
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].percent -= ftime*150;
if (pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].percent <= 0)
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].percent = 0;
// drop the bonus value
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].percent -= ftime*100;
if (pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].percent <= 0)
pv->cshifts[CSHIFT_BONUS].percent = 0;
if (hw_blend[0] != newhw_blend[0] || hw_blend[1] != newhw_blend[1] || hw_blend[2] != newhw_blend[2] || hw_blend[3] != newhw_blend[3] || force)
float r,g,b,a;
static unsigned short allramps[3*2048];
unsigned int rampsize = min(vid.gammarampsize, countof(allramps)/3);
unsigned short *ramps[3] = {&allramps[0],&allramps[rampsize],&allramps[rampsize*2]};
Vector4Copy(newhw_blend, hw_blend);
a = hw_blend[3];
r = 255*hw_blend[0]*a;
g = 255*hw_blend[1]*a;
b = 255*hw_blend[2]*a;
a = 1-a;
a *= 256.0/rampsize;
for (i=0 ; i < rampsize; i++)
ir = i*a + r;
ig = i*a + g;
ib = i*a + b;
if (ir > 255)
ir = 255;
if (ig > 255)
ig = 255;
if (ib > 255)
ib = 255;
//FIXME: shit precision
ramps[0][i] = gammatable[ir]<<8;
ramps[1][i] = gammatable[ig]<<8;
ramps[2][i] = gammatable[ib]<<8;
if (qrenderer)
applied = rf->VID_ApplyGammaRamps (rampsize, allramps);
if (!applied && r2d_canhwgamma)
rf->VID_ApplyGammaRamps (0, NULL);
r2d_canhwgamma = applied;
void V_ClearCShifts (void)
int i, seat;
for (seat = 0; seat < MAX_SPLITS; seat++)
for (i = 0; i < NUM_CSHIFTS; i++)
cl.playerview[seat].cshifts[i].percent = 0;
float angledelta (float a)
a = anglemod(a);
if (a > 180)
a -= 360;
return a;
void V_CalcGunPositionAngle (playerview_t *pv, float bob)
float yaw, pitch, move;
static float oldyaw = 0;
static float oldpitch = 0;
vec3_t vw_angles;
int i;
yaw = r_refdef.viewangles[YAW];
pitch = -r_refdef.viewangles[PITCH];
yaw = angledelta(yaw - r_refdef.viewangles[YAW]) * 0.4;
if (yaw > 10)
yaw = 10;
if (yaw < -10)
yaw = -10;
pitch = angledelta(-pitch - r_refdef.viewangles[PITCH]) * 0.4;
if (pitch > 10)
pitch = 10;
if (pitch < -10)
pitch = -10;
move = host_frametime*20;
if (yaw > oldyaw)
if (oldyaw + move < yaw)
yaw = oldyaw + move;
if (oldyaw - move > yaw)
yaw = oldyaw - move;
if (pitch > oldpitch)
if (oldpitch + move < pitch)
pitch = oldpitch + move;
if (oldpitch - move > pitch)
pitch = oldpitch - move;
oldyaw = yaw;
oldpitch = pitch;
vw_angles[YAW] = r_refdef.viewangles[YAW] + yaw;
vw_angles[PITCH] = r_refdef.viewangles[PITCH] + pitch;
vw_angles[YAW] = r_refdef.viewangles[YAW];
vw_angles[PITCH] = r_refdef.viewangles[PITCH];
vw_angles[ROLL] = r_refdef.viewangles[ROLL];
AngleVectors(vw_angles, pv->vw_axis[0], pv->vw_axis[1], pv->vw_axis[2]);
VectorCopy (r_refdef.vieworg, pv->vw_origin);
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
pv->vw_origin[i] += pv->vw_axis[0][i]*bob*0.4;
// pv->vw_origin[i] += pv->vw_axis[1][i]*sin(cl.time*5.5342452354235)*0.1;
// pv->vw_origin[i] += pv->vw_axis[2][i]*bob*0.8;
// fudge position around to keep amount of weapon visible
// roughly equal with different FOV
//FIXME: should use y fov, not viewsize.
if (r_refdef.drawsbar) //no sbar = no viewsize cvar.
if (scr_viewsize.value == 110)
pv->vw_origin[2] += 1;
else if (scr_viewsize.value == 100)
pv->vw_origin[2] += 2;
else if (scr_viewsize.value == 90)
pv->vw_origin[2] += 1;
else if (scr_viewsize.value == 80)
pv->vw_origin[2] += 0.5;
void V_BoundOffsets (int pnum)
// absolutely bound refresh reletive to entity clipping hull
// so the view can never be inside a solid wall
if (r_refdef.vieworg[0] < cl.playerview[pnum].simorg[0] - 14)
r_refdef.vieworg[0] = cl.playerview[pnum].simorg[0] - 14;
else if (r_refdef.vieworg[0] > cl.playerview[pnum].simorg[0] + 14)
r_refdef.vieworg[0] = cl.playerview[pnum].simorg[0] + 14;
if (r_refdef.vieworg[1] < cl.playerview[pnum].simorg[1] - 14)
r_refdef.vieworg[1] = cl.playerview[pnum].simorg[1] - 14;
else if (r_refdef.vieworg[1] > cl.playerview[pnum].simorg[1] + 14)
r_refdef.vieworg[1] = cl.playerview[pnum].simorg[1] + 14;
if (r_refdef.vieworg[2] < cl.playerview[pnum].simorg[2] - 22)
r_refdef.vieworg[2] = cl.playerview[pnum].simorg[2] - 22;
else if (r_refdef.vieworg[2] > cl.playerview[pnum].simorg[2] + 30)
r_refdef.vieworg[2] = cl.playerview[pnum].simorg[2] + 30;
Idle swaying
void V_AddIdle (playerview_t *pv)
//defaults: for use if idlescale is locked and the var isn't.
float yaw_cycle = 2;
float roll_cycle = 0.5;
float pitch_cycle = 1;
float yaw_level = 0.3;
float roll_level = 0.1;
float pitch_level = 0.3;
if (v_iyaw_cycle.flags & CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE || !(v_idlescale.flags & CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE))
yaw_cycle = v_iyaw_cycle.value;
if (v_iroll_cycle.flags & CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE || !(v_idlescale.flags & CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE))
roll_cycle = v_iroll_cycle.value;
if (v_ipitch_cycle.flags & CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE || !(v_idlescale.flags & CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE))
pitch_cycle = v_ipitch_cycle.value;
if (v_iyaw_level.flags & CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE || !(v_idlescale.flags & CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE))
yaw_level = v_iyaw_level.value;
if (v_iroll_level.flags & CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE || !(v_idlescale.flags & CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE))
roll_level = v_iroll_level.value;
if (v_ipitch_level.flags & CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE || !(v_idlescale.flags & CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE))
pitch_level = v_ipitch_level.value;
r_refdef.viewangles[ROLL] += v_idlescale.value * sin(cl.time*roll_cycle) * roll_level;
r_refdef.viewangles[PITCH] += v_idlescale.value * sin(cl.time*pitch_cycle) * pitch_level;
r_refdef.viewangles[YAW] += v_idlescale.value * sin(cl.time*yaw_cycle) * yaw_level;
// pv->viewent.angles[ROLL] -= v_idlescale.value * sin(cl.time*roll_cycle) * roll_level;
// pv->viewent.angles[PITCH] -= v_idlescale.value * sin(cl.time*pitch_cycle) * pitch_level;
// pv->viewent.angles[YAW] -= v_idlescale.value * sin(cl.time*yaw_cycle) * yaw_level;
Roll is induced by movement and damage
void V_CalcViewRoll (playerview_t *pv)
float side;
float adjspeed;
side = V_CalcRoll (pv->simangles, pv->simvel);
adjspeed = fabs(cl_rollangle.value);
if (adjspeed<1)
if (adjspeed>45)
adjspeed = 45;
if (side > pv->rollangle)
pv->rollangle += host_frametime * adjspeed;
if (pv->rollangle > side)
pv->rollangle = side;
else if (side < pv->rollangle)
pv->rollangle -= host_frametime * adjspeed;
if (pv->rollangle < side)
pv->rollangle = side;
r_refdef.viewangles[ROLL] += pv->rollangle;
if (pv->v_dmg_time > 0)
r_refdef.viewangles[ROLL] += pv->v_dmg_time/v_kicktime.value*pv->v_dmg_roll;
r_refdef.viewangles[PITCH] += pv->v_dmg_time/v_kicktime.value*pv->v_dmg_pitch;
pv->v_dmg_time -= host_frametime;
void V_CalcIntermissionRefdef (playerview_t *pv)
float old;
VectorCopy (pv->simorg, r_refdef.vieworg);
VectorCopy (pv->simangles, r_refdef.viewangles);
if (cl.intermissionmode == IM_H2FINALE)
VectorMA(r_refdef.vieworg, -pv->viewheight, pv->gravitydir, r_refdef.vieworg);
// always idle in intermission
old = v_idlescale.value;
v_idlescale.value = 1;
V_AddIdle (pv);
v_idlescale.value = old;
float CalcFov (float fov_x, float width, float height)
float a;
float x;
if (fov_x <= 0 || fov_x > 179)
Sys_Error ("Bad fov: %f", fov_x);
x = fov_x/360*M_PI;
x = tan(x);
x = width/x;
a = atan (height/x);
a = a*360/M_PI;
return a;
void V_ApplyAFov(playerview_t *pv)
//explicit fov overrides aproximate fov.
//aproximate fov is our regular fov value. explicit is settable by gamecode for weird aspect ratios
if (!r_refdef.fov_x || !r_refdef.fov_y)
extern cvar_t r_stereo_separation;
float ws;
float afov = r_refdef.afov;
if (!afov) //make sure its sensible.
afov = scr_fov.value;
if (pv && pv->statsf[STAT_VIEWZOOM]) //match dp - viewzoom only happens when defaulted.
afov = bound(0.001, afov, 170);
ws = 1;
if (r_refdef.stereomethod == STEREO_WEBVR)
ws = 0.5;
if (r_refdef.stereomethod == STEREO_CROSSEYED && r_stereo_separation.value)
ws = 0.5;
//attempt to retain a classic fov
if (ws*r_refdef.vrect.width < (r_refdef.vrect.height*640)/432)
r_refdef.fov_y = CalcFov(afov, (ws*r_refdef.vrect.width*r_refdef.pxrect.width)/vid.fbvwidth, (r_refdef.vrect.height*r_refdef.pxrect.height)/vid.fbvheight);
r_refdef.fov_x = afov;//CalcFov(r_refdef.fov_y, 432, 640);
r_refdef.fov_y = CalcFov(afov, 640, 432);
r_refdef.fov_x = CalcFov(r_refdef.fov_y, r_refdef.vrect.height, r_refdef.vrect.width*ws);
if (!r_refdef.fovv_x || !r_refdef.fovv_y)
extern cvar_t r_stereo_separation;
float ws;
float afov = scr_fov_viewmodel.value;
if (afov)
afov = bound(0.001, afov, 170);
ws = 1;
if (r_refdef.stereomethod == STEREO_WEBVR)
ws = 0.5;
if (r_refdef.stereomethod == STEREO_CROSSEYED && r_stereo_separation.value)
ws = 0.5;
//attempt to retain a classic fov
if (ws*r_refdef.vrect.width < (r_refdef.vrect.height*640)/432)
r_refdef.fovv_y = CalcFov(afov, (ws*r_refdef.vrect.width*r_refdef.pxrect.width)/vid.fbvwidth, (r_refdef.vrect.height*r_refdef.pxrect.height)/vid.fbvheight);
r_refdef.fovv_x = afov;//CalcFov(r_refdef.fov_y, 432, 640);
r_refdef.fovv_y = CalcFov(afov, 640, 432);
r_refdef.fovv_x = CalcFov(r_refdef.fovv_y, r_refdef.vrect.height, r_refdef.vrect.width*ws);
r_refdef.fovv_x = r_refdef.fov_x;
r_refdef.fovv_y = r_refdef.fov_y;
if (r_refdef.useperspective)
if (r_refdef.mindist < 1)
r_refdef.mindist = 1;
if (r_refdef.maxdist && r_refdef.maxdist < 100)
r_refdef.maxdist = 0; //small values should just use infinite.
called to apply any dirty refdef bits and recalculates pending data.
void V_ApplyRefdef (void)
float size;
int h;
qboolean full = false;
// force the status bar to redraw
Sbar_Changed ();
if (r_refdef.playerview->gamerectknown != cls.framecount)
r_refdef.playerview->gamerectknown = cls.framecount;
r_refdef.playerview->gamerect = r_refdef.grect;
#ifndef QUAKEHUD
r_refdef.vrect = r_refdef.grect;
// intermission is always full screen
if (cl.intermissionmode != IM_NONE || !r_refdef.drawsbar)
size = 120;
size = scr_viewsize.value;
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2) //q2 never has a hud.
sb_lines = 0;
if (size >= 120)
sb_lines = 0; // no status bar at all
else if (size >= 110)
sb_lines = 24; // no inventory
sb_lines = 24+16+8;
if (scr_viewsize.value >= 100.0 || scr_chatmode)
full = true;
size = 100.0;
size = scr_viewsize.value;
if (cl.intermissionmode != IM_NONE || !r_refdef.drawsbar)
full = true;
size = 100.0;
sb_lines = 0;
size /= 100.0;
if (cl_sbar.value!=1 && full)
h = r_refdef.grect.height;
h = r_refdef.grect.height - sb_lines;
if (h < 0)
h = 0;
r_refdef.vrect.width = r_refdef.grect.width * size;
if (r_refdef.vrect.width < 96)
r_refdef.vrect.width = 96; // min for icons
r_refdef.vrect.height = r_refdef.grect.height * size;
if (cl_sbar.value==1 || !full)
if (r_refdef.vrect.height > r_refdef.grect.height - sb_lines)
r_refdef.vrect.height = r_refdef.grect.height - sb_lines;
else if (r_refdef.vrect.height > r_refdef.grect.height)
r_refdef.vrect.height = r_refdef.grect.height;
if (r_refdef.vrect.height < 0)
r_refdef.vrect.height = 0;
r_refdef.vrect.x = (r_refdef.grect.width - r_refdef.vrect.width)/2;
if (full)
r_refdef.vrect.y = 0;
r_refdef.vrect.y = (h - r_refdef.vrect.height)/2;
if (scr_chatmode)
if (scr_chatmode != 2)
r_refdef.vrect.height = r_refdef.vrect.y=r_refdef.grect.height/2;
r_refdef.vrect.width = r_refdef.vrect.x=r_refdef.grect.width/2;
if (r_refdef.vrect.width<320 || r_refdef.vrect.height<200) //disable hud if too small
r_refdef.vrect.x += r_refdef.grect.x;
r_refdef.vrect.y += r_refdef.grect.y;
if (r_refdef.dirty & RDFD_FOV)
r_refdef.dirty = 0;
if (chase_active.ival && cls.allow_cheats)
V_EditExternalModels(0, NULL, 0);
if (v_depthsortentities.ival)
//if the view entities differ, removes all externalmodel flags except for adding it to the new entity, and removes weaponmodels.
//returns the number of view entities that were stripped out
int V_EditExternalModels(int newviewentity, entity_t *viewentities, int maxviewenties)
int i;
int viewents = 0;
for (i = 0; i < cl_numvisedicts; )
if (cl_visedicts[i].keynum == newviewentity && newviewentity)
cl_visedicts[i].flags |= RF_EXTERNALMODEL;
cl_visedicts[i].flags &= ~RF_EXTERNALMODEL;
if (cl_visedicts[i].flags & RF_WEAPONMODEL)
if (viewents < maxviewenties)
viewentities[viewents++] = cl_visedicts[i];
memmove(&cl_visedicts[i], &cl_visedicts[i+1], sizeof(*cl_visedicts) * (cl_numvisedicts-(i+1)));
return viewents;
//this is for transparency effects, so we actually want the furthest first
//this is contrary for overdraw performance, but transparency doesn't work like that
//we use angles[0] to hold distance. the renderer shouldn't be using it anyway.
static int QDECL V_DepthSortTwoEntities(const void *p1,const void *p2)
const entity_t *a = p1;
const entity_t *b = p2;
if (a->angles[0] < b->angles[0])
return -1;
if (a->angles[0] > b->angles[0])
return 1;
return 0;
void V_DepthSortEntities(float *vieworg)
int i;
vec3_t disp;
for (i = 0; i < cl_numvisedicts; i++)
if (cl_visedicts[i].flags & RF_WEAPONMODEL)
{ //weapon models have their own extra matrix thing going on. don't mess up because of it.
cl_visedicts[i].angles[0] = 0;
if (cl_visedicts[i].rtype == RT_MODEL && cl_visedicts[i].model && cl_visedicts[i].model->type == mod_brush)
VectorAdd(cl_visedicts[i].model->maxs, cl_visedicts[i].model->mins, disp);
VectorMA(cl_visedicts[i].origin, 0.5, disp, disp);
VectorSubtract(disp, vieworg, disp);
VectorSubtract(cl_visedicts[i].origin, vieworg, disp);
cl_visedicts[i].angles[0] = DotProduct(disp,disp); //don't bother with sqrts
qsort(cl_visedicts, cl_numvisedicts, sizeof(cl_visedicts[0]), V_DepthSortTwoEntities);
clears the refdef to defaults.
void V_ClearRefdef(playerview_t *pv)
r_refdef.playerview = pv;
r_refdef.dirty = ~0;
r_refdef.grect.x = 0;
r_refdef.grect.y = 0;
r_refdef.grect.width = vid.fbvwidth;//vid.width;
r_refdef.grect.height = vid.fbvheight;//vid.height;
r_refdef.afov = scr_fov.value; //will have a better value applied if fov is bad. this allows setting.
r_refdef.fov_x = 0;
r_refdef.fov_y = 0;
r_refdef.fovv_x = 0;
r_refdef.fovv_y = 0;
r_refdef.drawsbar = cl.intermissionmode == IM_NONE;
r_refdef.flags = 0;
r_refdef.areabitsknown = false;
// memset(r_refdef.postprocshader, 0, sizeof(r_refdef.postprocshader));
// memset(r_refdef.postprocsize, 0, sizeof(r_refdef.postprocsize));
// r_refdef.postproccube = 0;
void V_CalcRefdef (playerview_t *pv)
float bob;
float viewheight;
r_refdef.playerview = pv;
memset(&r_refdef.globalfog, 0, sizeof(r_refdef.globalfog));
r_refdef.time = cl.servertime;
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2)
VectorCopy (pv->simorg, r_refdef.vieworg);
VectorCopy (pv->simangles, r_refdef.viewangles);
if (v_viewheight.value < -7)
else if (v_viewheight.value > 4)
else if (v_viewheight.value)
bob = V_CalcBob (pv, false);
// refresh position from simulated origin
VectorCopy (pv->simorg, r_refdef.vieworg);
r_refdef.useperspective = true;
r_refdef.mindist = bound(0.1, gl_mindist.value, 4);
r_refdef.maxdist = gl_maxdist.value;
// never let it sit exactly on a node line, because a water plane can
// dissapear when viewed with the eye exactly on it.
// the server protocol only specifies to 1/8 pixel, so add 1/16 in each axis
r_refdef.vieworg[0] += 1.0/16;
r_refdef.vieworg[1] += 1.0/16;
r_refdef.vieworg[2] += 1.0/16;
VectorCopy (pv->simangles, r_refdef.viewangles);
V_CalcViewRoll (pv);
V_AddIdle (pv);
viewheight = pv->viewheight;
if (viewheight == DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT && cls.protocol == CP_QUAKEWORLD && !(cls.z_ext & Z_EXT_VIEWHEIGHT))
if (view_message && view_message->flags & PF_GIB)
viewheight = 8; // gib view height
else if (view_message && view_message->flags & PF_DEAD)
viewheight = 16; // corpse view height
if (pv->stats[STAT_HEALTH] < 0 && (!pv->spectator || pv->cam_state == CAM_EYECAM) && v_deathtilt.value) // PF_GIB will also set PF_DEAD
if (!pv->spectator || cl_chasecam.ival)
r_refdef.viewangles[ROLL] = 80*v_deathtilt.value; // dead view angle
// v_viewheight only affects the view if the player is alive
viewheight += bob;
viewheight += pv->crouch;
VectorMA(r_refdef.vieworg, -viewheight, pv->gravitydir, r_refdef.vieworg);
// set up gun position
V_CalcGunPositionAngle (pv, bob);
// set up the refresh position
if (v_gunkick.value)
r_refdef.viewangles[PITCH] += pv->punchangle_cl*v_gunkick.value;
VectorMA(r_refdef.viewangles, v_gunkick.value, pv->punchangle_sv, r_refdef.viewangles);
VectorMA(r_refdef.vieworg, v_gunkick.value, pv->punchorigin, r_refdef.vieworg);
if (chase_active.ival && cls.allow_cheats) //cheat restriction might be lifted some time when any wallhacks are solved.
vec3_t axis[3];
vec3_t camorg, camdir;
trace_t tr;
float len;
//r_refdef.viewangles[0] += chase_pitch.value;
//r_refdef.viewangles[1] += chase_yaw.value;
//r_refdef.viewangles[2] += chase_roll.value;
if (chase_active.ival >= 2)
r_refdef.viewangles[0] = 90;
if (chase_active.ival >= 3)
r_refdef.viewangles[1] = 0;
AngleVectors(r_refdef.viewangles, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]);
VectorScale(axis[0], -chase_back.value, camdir);
if (pv->pmovetype == PM_6DOF)
VectorMA(camdir, chase_up.value, axis[2], camdir);
VectorMA(camdir, -chase_up.value, pv->gravitydir, camdir);
len = VectorLength(camdir);
VectorMA(r_refdef.vieworg, (len+128)/len, camdir, camorg); //push it 128qu further
if (cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->funcs.NativeTrace)
cl.worldmodel->funcs.NativeTrace(cl.worldmodel, 0, 0, NULL, r_refdef.vieworg, camorg, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, true, MASK_WORLDSOLID, &tr);
if (!tr.startsolid)
if (tr.fraction < 1)
//we found a plane, bisect it weirdly to push 4qu infront
float d1,d2, frac;
VectorMA(r_refdef.vieworg, 1, camdir, camorg);
d1 = DotProduct(r_refdef.vieworg, tr.plane.normal) - (tr.plane.dist+4);
d2 = DotProduct(camorg, tr.plane.normal) - (tr.plane.dist+4);
frac = d1 / (d1-d2);
frac = bound(0, frac, 1);
VectorMA(r_refdef.vieworg, frac, camdir, r_refdef.vieworg);
VectorMA(r_refdef.vieworg, 1, camdir, r_refdef.vieworg);
void DropPunchAngle (playerview_t *pv)
if (pv->punchangle_cl < 0)
pv->punchangle_cl += 10*host_frametime;
if (pv->punchangle_cl > 0)
pv->punchangle_cl = 0;
pv->punchangle_cl -= 10*host_frametime;
if (pv->punchangle_cl < 0)
pv->punchangle_cl = 0;
The player's clipping box goes from (-16 -16 -24) to (16 16 32) from
the entity origin, so any view position inside that will be valid
qboolean r_secondaryview;
#ifdef PEXT_VIEW2
entity_t *CL_EntityNum(int num)
int i;
for (i=0 ; i<cl_numvisedicts ; i++)
if (cl_visedicts[i].keynum == num)
return &cl_visedicts[i];
return NULL;
float CalcFov (float fov_x, float width, float height);
static void SCR_VRectForPlayer(vrect_t *vrect, int pnum, unsigned maxseats)
#if MAX_SPLITS > 4
#pragma warning "Please change this function to cope with the new MAX_SPLITS value"
case 1:
vrect->width = vid.fbvwidth;
vrect->height = vid.fbvheight;
vrect->x = 0;
vrect->y = 0;
if (scr_chatmode == 2)
vrect->y += vrect->height;
case 2: //horizontal bands
case 3:
#ifdef GLQUAKE
if (qrenderer == QR_OPENGL && vid.rotpixelwidth > vid.rotpixelheight * 2
&& r_projection.ival == PROJ_PANORAMA /*panoramic view always stacks player views*/
{ //over twice as wide as high, assume dual moniter, horizontal.
vrect->width = vid.fbvwidth/cl.splitclients;
vrect->height = vid.fbvheight;
vrect->x = 0 + vrect->width*pnum;
vrect->y = 0;
//stack them vertically
vrect->width = vid.fbvwidth;
vrect->height = vid.fbvheight/cl.splitclients;
vrect->x = 0;
vrect->y = 0 + vrect->height*pnum;
case 4: //4 squares
vrect->width = vid.fbvwidth/2;
vrect->height = vid.fbvheight/2;
vrect->x = (pnum&1) * vrect->width;
vrect->y = (pnum&2)/2 * vrect->height;
Sys_Error("cl.splitclients is invalid.");
void Draw_ExpandedString(float x, float y, conchar_t *str);
static void SCR_DrawAutoID(vec3_t org, player_info_t *pl, qboolean isteam)
conchar_t buffer[256];
int len;
vec3_t center;
vec3_t tagcenter;
float alpha;
qboolean obscured;
int x, y;
int r;
float barwidth;
qboolean haveinfo;
unsigned int textflags;
int h;
char *pname;
int health;
int armour;
unsigned int items;
static vec4_t healthcolours[] =
{0.7, 0.45, 0.45, 1},
{0.3, 0, 0, 1},
{1, 0, 0, 1},
{1, 0.4, 0, 1},
{1, 1, 1, 1}
static vec4_t armourcolours[] =
{25, 170, 0, 0.2},
{25, 170, 0, 1},
{225, 220, 0, 0.2},
{225, 220, 0, 1},
{255, 0, 0, 0.2},
{255, 0, 0, 1}
extern cvar_t tp_name_sg,tp_name_ssg,tp_name_ng,tp_name_sng,tp_name_gl,tp_name_rl,tp_name_lg;
static cvar_t *wbitnames[] =
VectorCopy(org, tagcenter);
tagcenter[2] += 32;
if (!Matrix4x4_CM_Project(tagcenter, center, r_refdef.viewangles, r_refdef.vieworg, r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.fov_y))
return; //behind the camera
if (center[0] < 0 || center[0] > 1 || center[1] < 0 || center[1] > 1)
return; //off the side of the screen
obscured = !TP_IsPlayerVisible(org);
if (obscured && !isteam)
return; //only teammembers are drawn when obscured
if (isteam)
textflags = scr_autoid_teamcolour.ival << CON_FGSHIFT;
textflags = scr_autoid_enemycolour.ival << CON_FGSHIFT;
if (obscured)
if (scr_autoid_team.ival == 2)
textflags |= CON_HALFALPHA;
alpha = 0.25;
alpha = 1;
x = center[0]*r_refdef.vrect.width+r_refdef.vrect.x;
y = (1-center[1])*r_refdef.vrect.height+r_refdef.vrect.y;
if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_MVD || cls.demoplayback == DPB_EZTV)
health = pl->statsf[STAT_HEALTH];
armour = pl->statsf[STAT_ARMOR];
items = pl->stats[STAT_ITEMS];
pname = pl->name;
haveinfo = true;
health = pl->;
armour = pl->tinfo.armour;
items = pl->tinfo.items;
pname = ((*pl->tinfo.nick)?pl->tinfo.nick:(cl.teamfortress?"-":pl->name));
haveinfo = pl->tinfo.time > cl.time;
if (strcmp(pname, "-")) //a tinfo nick of - hides names. this can be used for TF to hide names for spies.
y -= 8;
len = COM_ParseFunString(textflags, pname, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false) - buffer;
Draw_ExpandedString(x - len*4, y, buffer);
if (!haveinfo)
return; //we don't trust the info that we have, so no ids.
h = 0;
barwidth = 32;
//display health bar
if (scr_autoid_health.ival)
float frac = health / 100.0;
if (frac < 0)
frac = 0;
r = frac;
frac -= r;
if (r > countof(healthcolours)-2)
r = countof(healthcolours)-2;
frac = 1;
h += 8;
y -= 8;
R2D_ImageColours(healthcolours[r][0], healthcolours[r][1], healthcolours[r][2], healthcolours[r][3]*alpha);
R2D_FillBlock(x - barwidth*0.5 + barwidth * frac, y, barwidth * (1-frac), 8);
R2D_ImageColours(healthcolours[r][0], healthcolours[r][1], healthcolours[r][2], healthcolours[r][3]*alpha);
R2D_FillBlock(x - barwidth*0.5, y, barwidth * frac, 8);
if (health <= 0) //armour+weapons are not relevant when dead
if (scr_autoid_armour.ival)
//display armour bar above that
if (items & IT_ARMOR3)
r = 4, health = 200;
else if (items & IT_ARMOR2)
r = 2, health = 150;
else if (items & IT_ARMOR1)
r = 0, health = 100;
else r = -1;
if (r >= 0)
h += 8;
y -= 8;
armour = bound(0, armour, health);
barwidth = 32;
R2D_ImageColours(armourcolours[r][0], armourcolours[r][1], armourcolours[r][2], armourcolours[r][3]*alpha);
R2D_FillBlock(x - barwidth*0.5 + barwidth * armour/(float)health, y, barwidth * (health-armour)/(float)health, 8);
R2D_ImageColours(armourcolours[r][0], armourcolours[r][1], armourcolours[r][2], armourcolours[r][3]*alpha);
R2D_FillBlock(x - barwidth*0.5, y, barwidth * armour/(float)health, 8);
if (scr_autoid_weapon.ival)
if (h < 8)
h = 8;
y += (h-8)/2;
for (r = countof(wbitnames)-1; r>=0; r--)
if (items & (1<<r))
R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1);
if (r >= 0)
len = COM_ParseFunString(textflags, wbitnames[r]->string, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false) - buffer;
if (textflags & CON_HALFALPHA)
for (r = 0; r < len; r++)
if (!(buffer[r] & CON_RICHFORECOLOUR))
buffer[r] |= CON_HALFALPHA;
if (len && (buffer[0] & CON_CHARMASK) == '{' && (buffer[len-1] & CON_CHARMASK) == '}')
{ //these are often surrounded by {} to make them white in chat messages, and recoloured.
buffer[len-1] = 0;
Draw_ExpandedString(x + barwidth*0.5 + 4, y, buffer+1);
Draw_ExpandedString(x + barwidth*0.5 + 4, y, buffer);
#include "pr_common.h"
msurface_t *Mod_GetSurfaceNearPoint(model_t *model, vec3_t point);
char *Shader_GetShaderBody(shader_t *s, char *fname, size_t fnamesize);
extern vec3_t nametagorg[MAX_CLIENTS];
extern qboolean nametagseen[MAX_CLIENTS];
extern cvar_t r_showshaders, r_showfields, r_projection;
void R_DrawNameTags(void)
int i;
lerpents_t *le;
qboolean isteam;
char *ourteam;
int ourcolour;
if (r_projection.ival) //we don't actually know how to transform the points unless the projection is coded in advance. and it isn't.
if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2)
return; //FIXME: q2 has its own ent logic, which messes stuff up here.
if (r_showfields.ival && cls.allow_cheats)
world_t *w = NULL;
wedict_t *e;
vec3_t org;
vec3_t screenspace;
vec3_t diff;
if ((r_showfields.ival & 3) == 1)
w = &;
else if ((r_showfields.ival & 3) == 2)
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
extern world_t csqc_world;
w = &csqc_world;
else if ((r_showfields.ival & 3) == 3)
inframe_t *frame;
packet_entities_t *pak;
entity_state_t *state;
model_t *mod;
frame = &cl.inframes[cl.parsecount & UPDATE_MASK];
pak = &frame->packet_entities;
for (i=0 ; i<pak->num_entities ; i++)
state = &pak->entities[i];
mod = cl.model_precache[state->modelindex];
if (mod && mod->loadstate == MLS_LOADED)
VectorInterpolate(mod->mins, 0.5, mod->maxs, org);
VectorAdd(org, state->origin, org);
if (Matrix4x4_CM_Project(org, screenspace, r_refdef.viewangles, r_refdef.vieworg, r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.fov_y))
char *entstr;
int x, y;
entstr = va("%i", state->number);
if (entstr)
vec2_t scale = {8,8};
x = screenspace[0]*r_refdef.vrect.width+r_refdef.vrect.x;
y = (1-screenspace[1])*r_refdef.vrect.height+r_refdef.vrect.y;
R_DrawTextField(x, y, vid.width - x, vid.height - y, entstr, CON_WHITEMASK, CPRINT_TALIGN|CPRINT_LALIGN, font_default, scale);
if (w && w->progs)
int best = 0;
float bestscore = 0, score = 0;
for (i = 1; i < w->num_edicts; i++)
e = WEDICT_NUM(w->progs, i);
if (ED_ISFREE(e))
VectorInterpolate(e->v->mins, 0.5, e->v->maxs, org);
VectorAdd(org, e->v->origin, org);
VectorSubtract(org, r_refdef.vieworg, diff);
if (DotProduct(diff, diff) < 16*16)
continue; //ignore stuff too close(like the player themselves)
score = DotProduct(diff, vpn);// r_refdef.viewaxis[0]);
if (score > bestscore)
int hitent;
vec3_t imp;
if (CL_TraceLine(r_refdef.vieworg, org, imp, NULL, &hitent)>=1 || hitent == i)
best = i;
bestscore = score;
if (best)
e = WEDICT_NUM(w->progs, best);
VectorInterpolate(e->v->mins, 0.5, e->v->maxs, org);
VectorAdd(org, e->v->origin, org);
if (Matrix4x4_CM_Project(org, screenspace, r_refdef.viewangles, r_refdef.vieworg, r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.fov_y))
char asciibuffer[8192];
char *entstr;
size_t buflen;
int x, y;
sprintf(asciibuffer, "entity %i ", e->entnum);
buflen = strlen(asciibuffer);
entstr = w->progs->saveent(w->progs, asciibuffer, &buflen, sizeof(asciibuffer), (edict_t*)e); //will save just one entities vars
if (entstr)
vec2_t scale = {8,8};
x = screenspace[0]*r_refdef.vrect.width+r_refdef.vrect.x;
y = (1-screenspace[1])*r_refdef.vrect.height+r_refdef.vrect.y;
R_DrawTextField(x, y, vid.width - x, vid.height - y, entstr, CON_WHITEMASK, CPRINT_TALIGN|CPRINT_LALIGN, font_default, scale);
#if defined(CSQC_DAT) || !defined(CLIENTONLY)
if (r_showshaders.ival && cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->loadstate == MLS_LOADED)
trace_t trace;
char *str;
vec3_t targ;
vec2_t scale = {12,12};
msurface_t *surf;
VectorMA(r_refdef.vieworg, 8192, vpn, targ);
cl.worldmodel->funcs.NativeTrace(cl.worldmodel, 0, PE_FRAMESTATE, NULL, r_refdef.vieworg, targ, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, false, ~0, &trace);
surf = Mod_GetSurfaceNearPoint(cl.worldmodel, trace.endpos);
if (surf)
shader_t *shader = surf->texinfo->texture->shader;
char *body = shader?Shader_GetShaderBody(shader, NULL, 0):NULL;
if (body)
str = va("%s\n{%s\n", surf->texinfo->texture->name, body);
str = va("hit '%s'", surf->texinfo->texture->name);
str = "hit nothing";
R_DrawTextField(r_refdef.vrect.x + r_refdef.vrect.width/4, r_refdef.vrect.y, r_refdef.vrect.width/2, r_refdef.vrect.height, str, CON_WHITEMASK, CPRINT_LALIGN, font_default, scale);
if (((!r_refdef.playerview->spectator && !cls.demoplayback) || !scr_autoid.ival) && (!cl.teamplay || !scr_autoid_team.ival))
if (cls.state != ca_active || !cl.validsequence || cl.intermissionmode != IM_NONE)
if (r_refdef.playerview->cam_state != CAM_FREECAM && r_refdef.playerview->cam_spec_track >= 0)
ourteam = cl.players[r_refdef.playerview->cam_spec_track].team;
ourcolour = cl.players[r_refdef.playerview->cam_spec_track].rbottomcolor;
ourteam = cl.players[r_refdef.playerview->playernum].team;
ourcolour = cl.players[r_refdef.playerview->playernum].rbottomcolor;
for (i = 0; i < cl.allocated_client_slots; i++)
if (!*cl.players[i].name)
continue; //slot is empty.
if (!nametagseen[i])
if (i+1 < cl.maxlerpents && cl.lerpentssequence && cl.lerpents[i+1].sequence == cl.lerpentssequence)
le = &cl.lerpents[i+1];
VectorCopy(le->origin, nametagorg[i]);
else if (cl.lerpplayers[i].sequence == cl.lerpentssequence)
le = &cl.lerpplayers[i];
VectorCopy(le->origin, nametagorg[i]);
else if (cl.players[i].tinfo.time > cl.time)
VectorCopy(cl.players[i], nametagorg[i]);
//while cl.lerpplayers exists, it tends to not be configured properly.
if (i == r_refdef.playerview->playernum)
continue; // Don't draw tag for the local player
if (cl.players[i].spectator)
if (i == Cam_TrackNum(r_refdef.playerview)) //no tag for the player that you're tracking, either.
if (!cl.teamplay || !scr_autoid_team.ival)
isteam = false;
else if ((cl.teamfortress && !r_refdef.playerview->spectator) || cls.protocol == CP_NETQUAKE) //teamfortress should go by their colours instead, because spies. primarily this is to allow enemy spies to appear through walls as well as your own team (note that the qc will also need tinfo stuff for tf, to avoid issues with just checking player names).
isteam = cl.players[i].rbottomcolor == ourcolour;
isteam = !strcmp(cl.players[i].team, ourteam);
if (!isteam)
if ((!r_refdef.playerview->spectator && !cls.demoplayback) || !scr_autoid.ival)
continue; //only show our team when playing, too cheaty otherwise.
SCR_DrawAutoID(nametagorg[i], &cl.players[i], isteam);
void R2D_PolyBlend (void);
void V_RenderPlayerViews(playerview_t *pv)
int oldnuments;
int oldstris;
int viewnum;
// cl.simangles[plnum][ROLL] = 0; // FIXME @@@
DropPunchAngle (pv);
oldnuments = cl_numvisedicts;
oldstris = cl_numstris;
CL_LinkViewModel ();
if (cl.intermissionmode != IM_NONE)
{ // intermission / finale rendering
V_CalcIntermissionRefdef (pv);
V_DriftPitch (pv);
V_CalcRefdef (pv);
R_RenderView ();
R2D_PolyBlend ();
if(cl.intermissionmode == IM_NONE)
cl_numvisedicts = oldnuments;
cl_numstris = oldstris;
if (scr_chatmode == 2)
vec3_t dir;
r_refdef.vrect.y -= r_refdef.vrect.height;
r_secondaryview = 2;
VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg, pv->cam_desired_position, dir);
VectorAngles(dir, NULL, r_refdef.viewangles, false);
VectorCopy(pv->cam_desired_position, r_refdef.vieworg);
R_RenderView ();
r_secondaryview = true;
/* //adjust main view height to strip off the rearviews at the top
if (vsecwidth >= 1)
r_refdef.vrect.y -= vsecheight;
r_refdef.vrect.height += vsecheight;
for (viewnum = 0; viewnum < SIDEVIEWS; viewnum++)
if (vsec_scalex[viewnum].value>0&&vsec_scaley[viewnum].value>0
&& ((vsec_enabled[viewnum].value && vsec_enabled[viewnum].value != 2) //rearview if v2_enabled = 1 and not 2
|| (vsec_enabled[viewnum].value && pv->stats[STAT_VIEW2]&&viewnum==0))) //v2 enabled if v2_enabled is non-zero
vrect_t oldrect;
vec3_t oldangles;
vec3_t oldposition;
// int oldviewent;
struct entity_s *e;
float ofx;
float ofy;
if (vsec_x[viewnum].value < 0)
vsec_x[viewnum].value = 0;
if (vsec_y[viewnum].value < 0)
vsec_y[viewnum].value = 0;
if (vsec_scalex[viewnum].value+vsec_x[viewnum].value > 1)
if (vsec_scaley[viewnum].value+vsec_y[viewnum].value > 1)
oldrect = r_refdef.vrect;
memcpy(oldangles, r_refdef.viewangles, sizeof(vec3_t));
memcpy(oldposition, r_refdef.vieworg, sizeof(vec3_t));
ofx = r_refdef.fov_x;
ofy = r_refdef.fov_y;
r_refdef.vrect.x += r_refdef.vrect.width*vsec_x[viewnum].value;
r_refdef.vrect.y += r_refdef.vrect.height*vsec_y[viewnum].value;
r_refdef.vrect.width *= vsec_scalex[viewnum].value;
r_refdef.vrect.height *= vsec_scaley[viewnum].value;
r_refdef.fov_x = 0;
r_refdef.fov_y = 0;
#ifdef PEXT_VIEW2
//secondary view entity.
if (viewnum==0&&pv->stats[STAT_VIEW2])
e = CL_EntityNum (pv->stats[STAT_VIEW2]);
if (e)
memcpy(r_refdef.viewangles, e->angles, sizeof(vec3_t));
memcpy(r_refdef.vieworg, e->origin, sizeof(vec3_t));
// cl.viewentity = cl.viewentity2;
if (e->keynum >= 1 && e->keynum <= cl.allocated_client_slots)
r_refdef.viewangles[PITCH] *= 3;
r_refdef.vieworg[2] += pv->statsf[STAT_VIEWHEIGHT];
V_EditExternalModels(e->keynum, NULL, 0);
R_RenderView ();
// r_framecount = old_framecount;
//rotate the view, keeping pitch and roll.
r_refdef.viewangles[YAW] += vsec_yaw[viewnum].value;
r_refdef.viewangles[ROLL] += sin(vsec_yaw[viewnum].value / 180 * 3.14) * r_refdef.viewangles[PITCH];
r_refdef.viewangles[PITCH] *= -cos((vsec_yaw[viewnum].value / 180 * 3.14)+3.14);
if (vsec_enabled[viewnum].value!=2)
V_EditExternalModels(pv->viewentity, NULL, 0);
R_RenderView ();
r_refdef.vrect = oldrect;
memcpy(r_refdef.viewangles, oldangles, sizeof(vec3_t));
memcpy(r_refdef.vieworg, oldposition, sizeof(vec3_t));
r_refdef.fov_x = ofx;
r_refdef.fov_y = ofy;
r_refdef.externalview = false;
void V_RenderView (void)
int viewnum;
int maxviews = cl.splitclients;
if (cls.state != ca_active)
if (cl.intermissionmode != IM_NONE)
maxviews = 1;
R_PushDlights ();
r_secondaryview = 0;
for (viewnum = 0; viewnum < maxviews; viewnum++)
if (viewnum)
//should be enough to just hack a few things.
V_EditExternalModels(cl.playerview[viewnum].viewentity, NULL, 0);
if (r_worldentity.model && r_worldentity.model->loadstate == MLS_LOADED)
CL_SetSolidEntities ();
CL_PredictMove ();
// build a refresh entity list
CL_EmitEntities ();
if (R2D_Flush)
SCR_VRectForPlayer(&r_refdef.grect, viewnum, maxviews);
#ifdef PLUGINS
Plug_SBar (r_refdef.playerview);
if (Sbar_ShouldDraw(r_refdef.playerview))
SCR_TileClear (sb_lines);
Sbar_Draw (r_refdef.playerview);
Sbar_DrawScoreboard (r_refdef.playerview);
SCR_TileClear (0);
r_refdef.playerview = NULL;
void V_Init (void)
#define VIEWVARS "View variables"
int i;
Cmd_AddCommand ("v_cshift", V_cshift_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("bf", V_BonusFlash_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("df", V_DarkFlash_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("wf", V_WhiteFlash_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("centerview", V_CenterView_f);
Cvar_Register (&v_centermove, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_centerspeed, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_idlescale, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_iyaw_cycle, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_iroll_cycle, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_ipitch_cycle, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_iyaw_level, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_iroll_level, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_ipitch_level, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_contentblend, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_damagecshift, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_quadcshift, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_suitcshift, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_ringcshift, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_pentcshift, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_gunkick, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_gunkick_q2, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_bonusflash, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_viewheight, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_depthsortentities, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&crosshaircolor, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&crosshair, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&crosshairsize, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&crosshaircorrect, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&crosshairimage, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&crosshairalpha, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&cl_crossx, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&cl_crossy, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&gl_cshiftpercent, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&gl_cshiftenabled, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&cl_rollspeed, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&cl_rollangle, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&cl_bob, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&cl_bobcycle, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&cl_bobup, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_kicktime, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_kickroll, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_kickpitch, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_deathtilt, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&scr_autoid, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&scr_autoid_team, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&scr_autoid_health, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&scr_autoid_armour, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&scr_autoid_weapon, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&scr_autoid_teamcolour, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&scr_autoid_enemycolour, VIEWVARS);
#define SECONDARYVIEWVARS "Secondary view vars"
for (i = 0; i < SIDEVIEWS; i++)
Cvar_Register (&vsec_enabled[i], SECONDARYVIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&vsec_x[i], SECONDARYVIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&vsec_y[i], SECONDARYVIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&vsec_scalex[i], SECONDARYVIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&vsec_scaley[i], SECONDARYVIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&vsec_yaw[i], SECONDARYVIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&ffov, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&r_projection, VIEWVARS);
BuildGammaTable (1.0, 1.0, 0.0); // no gamma yet
Cvar_Register (&v_gamma, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_contrast, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&v_brightness, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&chase_active, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&chase_back, VIEWVARS);
Cvar_Register (&chase_up, VIEWVARS);
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(MINIMAL)
Cvar_Register (&itburnsitburnsmakeitstop, VIEWVARS);