vulkan, wasapi, quake injector features added. irc, avplug, cef plugins/drivers reworked/updated/added openal reverb, doppler effects added. 'dir' console command now attempts to view clicked files. lots of warning fixes, should now only be deprecation warnings for most targets (depending on compiler version anyway...). SendEntity finally reworked to use flags properly. effectinfo improved, other smc-targetted fixes. mapcluster stuff now has support for linux. .basebone+.baseframe now exist in ssqc. qcc: -Fqccx supports qccx syntax, including qccx hacks. don't expect these to work in fteqw nor dp though. qcc: rewrote function call handling to use refs rather than defs. this makes struct passing more efficient and makes the __out keyword usable with fields etc. qccgui: can cope a little better with non-unicode files. can now represent most quake chars. qcc: suppressed warnings from *extensions.qc git-svn-id: fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
373 lines
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373 lines
18 KiB
#ifndef PROGSLIB_H
#define PROGSLIB_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define VARGS __cdecl
#if (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1))
#ifdef _WIN32
#define LIKEPRINTF(x) __attribute__((format(ms_printf,x,x+1)))
#define LIKEPRINTF(x) __attribute__((format(printf,x,x+1)))
#define LIKEPRINTF(x)
#ifndef VARGS
#define VARGS
#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__i386__) //supported arch
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) //supported compilers (yay for inline asm)
//#define QCJIT
#ifdef _WIN32
#define PDECL __cdecl
#define PDECL
#ifdef QCJIT
#define QCGC
struct edict_s;
struct entvars_s;
struct globalvars_s;
struct qcthread_s;
typedef struct pubprogfuncs_s pubprogfuncs_t;
typedef void (ASMCALL *builtin_t) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *gvars);
enum ereftype_e
ER_OBJECT //custom sized, no vm/engine fields.
#define isfree ereftype != ER_ENTITY
//used by progs engine. All nulls is reset.
typedef struct {
char *varname;
struct fdef_s *ofs32;
int spare[2];
} evalc_t;
#define sizeofevalc sizeof(evalc_t)
typedef enum {ev_void, ev_string, ev_float, ev_vector, ev_entity, ev_field, ev_function, ev_pointer, ev_integer, ev_variant, ev_struct, ev_union, ev_accessor} etype_t;
enum {
DEBUG_TRACE_OFF, //debugging should be off.
DEBUG_TRACE_INTO, //debug into functions
DEBUG_TRACE_OVER, //switch debugging off while executing child functions (and back on afterwards)
DEBUG_TRACE_OUT, //keep running until the end of the current function (trigger single-stepping again at that point)
DEBUG_TRACE_ABORT, //give up with an endgame.
DEBUG_TRACE_NORESUME //line number or something changed, but we should still be sitting at the debugger.
typedef struct fdef_s
unsigned int type; // if DEF_SAVEGLOBAL bit is set
// the variable needs to be saved in savegames
int ofs; //runtime offset. add fieldadj to get the real array index.
unsigned int progsofs; //used at loading time, so maching field offsets (unions/members) are positioned at the same runtime offset.
char * name;
} fdef_t;
//the number of pointers to variables (as opposed to functions - those are fine) in these structures is excessive.
//Many of the functions are also obsolete.
struct pubprogfuncs_s
int progsversion; //PROGSTRUCT_VERSION
void (PDECL *CloseProgs) (pubprogfuncs_t *inst);
void (PDECL *Configure) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, size_t addressablesize, int max_progs, pbool enableprofiling); //configure buffers and memory. Used to reset and must be called first. Flushes a running VM.
progsnum_t (PDECL *LoadProgs) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, const char *s); //load a progs
int (PDECL *InitEnts) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int max_ents); //returns size of edicts for use with nextedict macro
void (PDECL *ExecuteProgram) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, func_t fnum); //start execution
struct globalvars_s *(PDECL *globals) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, progsnum_t num); //get the globals of a progs
struct entvars_s *(PDECL *entvars) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct edict_s *ent); //return a pointer to the entvars of an ent. can be achieved via the edict_t structure instead, so obsolete.
void (VARGS *RunError) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, char *msg, ...) LIKEPRINTF(2); //builtins call this to say there was a problem
void (PDECL *PrintEdict) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct edict_s *ed); //get a listing of all vars on an edict (sent back via 'print')
struct edict_s *(PDECL *EntAlloc) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, pbool object, size_t extrasize);
void (PDECL *EntFree) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct edict_s *ed);
struct edict_s *(PDECL *EDICT_NUM) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, unsigned int n); //get the nth edict
unsigned int (PDECL *NUM_FOR_EDICT) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct edict_s *e); //so you can find out what that 'n' will be
char *(PDECL *VarString) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int first); //returns a string made up of multiple arguments
struct progstate_s **progstate; //internal to the library.
func_t (PDECL *FindFunction) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, const char *funcname, progsnum_t num);
int (PDECL *StartCompile) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int argv, char **argc); //1 if can compile, 0 if failed to compile
int (PDECL *ContinueCompile) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst); //2 if finished, 1 if more to go, 0 if failed
char *(PDECL *filefromprogs) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, progsnum_t prnum, char *fname, size_t *size, char *buffer); //reveals encoded/added files from already loaded progs
char *(PDECL *filefromnewprogs) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, char *prname, char *fname, size_t *size, char *buffer); //reveals encoded/added files from a progs on the disk somewhere
void (PDECL *ED_Print) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct edict_s *ed);
char *(PDECL *save_ents) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, char *buf, size_t *size, size_t maxsize, int mode); //dump the entire progs info into one big self allocated string
int (PDECL *load_ents) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, const char *s, float killonspawnflags); //restore the entire progs state (or just add some more ents) (returns edicts ize)
char *(PDECL *saveent) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, char *buf, size_t *size, size_t maxsize, struct edict_s *ed); //will save just one entities vars
struct edict_s *(PDECL *restoreent) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, const char *buf, size_t *size, struct edict_s *ed); //will restore the entity that had it's values saved (can use NULL for ed)
union eval_s *(PDECL *FindGlobal) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, const char *name, progsnum_t num, etype_t *type); //find a pointer to the globals value
char *(PDECL *AddString) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, const char *val, int minlength, pbool demarkup); //dump a string into the progs memory (for setting globals and whatnot)
void *(PDECL *Tempmem) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int ammount, char *whatfor); //grab some mem for as long as the progs stays loaded
union eval_s *(PDECL *GetEdictFieldValue)(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct edict_s *ent, char *name, etype_t type, evalc_t *s); //get an entityvar (cache it) and return the possible values
struct edict_s *(PDECL *ProgsToEdict) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int progs); //edicts are stored as ints and need to be adjusted
int (PDECL *EdictToProgs) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct edict_s *ed); //edicts are stored as ints and need to be adjusted
char *(PDECL *EvaluateDebugString) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, char *key); //evaluate a string and return it's value (according to current progs) (expands edict vars)
int debug_trace; //start calling the editor for each line executed
void (PDECL *StackTrace) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int showlocals);
int (PDECL *ToggleBreak) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, char *filename, int linenum, int mode);
int numprogs;
struct progexterns_s *parms; //these are the initial parms, they may be changed
pbool (PDECL *Decompile) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, char *fname);
int callargc; //number of args of built-in call
void (PDECL *RegisterBuiltin) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, char *, builtin_t);
char *stringtable; //qc strings are all relative. add to a qc string. this is required for support of frikqcc progs that strip string immediates.
int stringtablesize;
int stringtablemaxsize;
int fieldadjust; //FrikQCC style arrays can cause problems due to field remapping. This causes us to leave gaps but offsets identical.
struct qcthread_s *(PDECL *Fork) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst); //returns a pointer to a thread which can be resumed via RunThread.
void (PDECL *RunThread) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct qcthread_s *thread);
void (PDECL *AbortStack) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst); //annigilates the current stack, positioning on a return statement. It is expected that this is only used via a builtin!
pbool (PDECL *GetBuiltinCallInfo) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int *builtinnum, char *function, size_t sizeoffunction); //call to query the qc's name+index for the builtin
int (PDECL *RegisterFieldVar) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, unsigned int type, char *name, signed long requestedpos, signed long originalofs);
char *tempstringbase; //for engine's use. Store your base tempstring pointer here.
int tempstringnum; //for engine's use.
string_t (PDECL *TempString) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, const char *str);
string_t (PDECL *StringToProgs) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, const char *str); //commonly makes a semi-permanent mapping from some table to the string value. mapping can be removed via RemoveProgsString
const char *(ASMCALL *StringToNative) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, string_t str);
int (PDECL *QueryField) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, unsigned int fieldoffset, etype_t *type, char **name, evalc_t *fieldcache); //find info on a field definition at an offset
void (PDECL *EntClear) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, struct edict_s *e);
void (PDECL *FindPrefixGlobals) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, int prnum, char *prefix, void (PDECL *found) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, char *name, union eval_s *val, etype_t type, void *ctx), void *ctx); //calls the callback for each named global found
void *(PDECL *AddressableAlloc) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, unsigned int ammount); /*returns memory within the qc block, use stringtoprogs to get a usable qc pointer/string*/
string_t (PDECL *AllocTempString) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, char **str, unsigned int len);
void (PDECL *AddressableFree) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, void *mem); /*frees a block of addressable memory*/
pbool (PDECL *SetWatchPoint) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, char *key);
void (PDECL *AddSharedVar) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, int start, int size);
void (PDECL *AddSharedFieldVar) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, int num, char *relstringtable);
char *(PDECL *RemoveProgsString) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, string_t str);
pbool (PDECL *GetFunctionInfo) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, func_t func, int *argcount, int *builtinnum, char *funcname, size_t funcnamesize); //queries the interesting info from a function def
void (PDECL *GenerateStatementString) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, int statementnum, char *out, int outlen); //disassembles a specific statement. for debugging reports.
fdef_t *(PDECL *FieldInfo) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, unsigned int *count);
char *(PDECL *UglyValueString) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, etype_t type, union eval_s *val);
pbool (PDECL *ParseEval) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, union eval_s *eval, int type, const char *s);
void (PDECL *SetStringField) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, struct edict_s *ed, string_t *fld, const char *str, pbool str_is_static); //if ed is null, fld points to a global. if str_is_static, then s doesn't need its own memory allocated.
pbool (PDECL *DumpProfile) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, pbool resetprofiles);
struct edict_s **edicttable;
typedef struct progexterns_s {
int progsversion; //PROGSTRUCT_VERSION
unsigned char *(PDECL *ReadFile) (const char *fname, void *buffer, int len, size_t *sz);
int (PDECL *FileSize) (const char *fname); //-1 if file does not exist
pbool (PDECL *WriteFile) (const char *name, void *data, int len);
int (VARGS *Printf) (const char *, ...) LIKEPRINTF(1);
void (VARGS *Sys_Error) (const char *, ...) LIKEPRINTF(1);
void (VARGS *Abort) (char *, ...) LIKEPRINTF(1);
pbool (PDECL *CheckHeaderCrc) (pubprogfuncs_t *inst, progsnum_t idx, int crc);
void (PDECL *entspawn) (struct edict_s *ent, int loading); //ent has been spawned, but may not have all the extra variables (that may need to be set) set
pbool (PDECL *entcanfree) (struct edict_s *ent); //return true to stop ent from being freed
void (ASMCALL *stateop) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, float var, func_t func); //what to do on qc's state opcode.
void (ASMCALL *cstateop) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, float vara, float varb, func_t currentfunc); //a hexen2 opcode.
void (ASMCALL *cwstateop) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, float vara, float varb, func_t currentfunc); //a hexen2 opcode.
void (ASMCALL *thinktimeop) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct edict_s *ent, float varb); //a hexen2 opcode.
//used when loading a game
int (PDECL *MapNamedBuiltin) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int headercrc, const char *builtinname); //return 0 for not found.
void (PDECL *loadcompleate) (int edictsize); //notification to reset any pointers.
pbool (PDECL *badfield) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct edict_s *ent, const char *keyname, const char *value); //called for any fields that are not registered
void *(VARGS *memalloc) (int size); //small string allocation malloced and freed randomly by the executor. (use malloc if you want)
void (VARGS *memfree) (void * mem);
int (PDECL *useeditor) (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, const char *filename, int *line, int *statement, char *reason, pbool fatal); //called on syntax errors or step-by-step debugging. line and statement(if line was set to 0) can be used to change the next line. return value is the new debug state to use/step.
void (PDECL *addressablerelocated) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, char *oldb, char *newb, int oldlen); //called when the progs memory was resized. you must fix up all pointers to globals, strings, fields, addressable blocks.
builtin_t *globalbuiltins; //these are available to all progs
int numglobalbuiltins;
double *gametime; //used to prevent the vm from reusing an entity faster than 2 secs.
struct edict_s **sv_edicts; //pointer to the engine's reference to world.
unsigned int *sv_num_edicts; //pointer to the engine's edict count.
int edictsize; //size of edict_t
void *user; /*contains the owner's world reference in FTE*/
} progparms_t, progexterns_t;
pubprogfuncs_t * PDECL InitProgs(progparms_t *ext);
typedef union eval_s
string_t string;
float _float;
float _vector[3];
func_t function;
int _int;
int edict;
float prog; //so it can easily be changed
} eval_t;
#define PR_CURRENT -1
#define PR_ANY -2 //not always valid. Use for finding funcs
#define PR_ANYBACK -3
#ifndef DLL_PROG
#define PR_Configure(pf, memsize, max_progs, profiling) (*pf->Configure) (pf, memsize, max_progs, profiling)
#define PR_LoadProgs(pf, s) (*pf->LoadProgs) (pf, s)
#define PR_InitEnts(pf, maxents) (*pf->InitEnts) (pf, maxents)
#define PR_ExecuteProgram(pf, fnum) (*pf->ExecuteProgram) (pf, fnum)
#define PR_globals(pf, num) (*pf->globals) (pf, num)
#define PR_entvars(pf, ent) (*pf->entvars) (pf, ent)
#define PR_RegisterFieldVar(pf,type,name,reqofs,qcofs) (*pf->RegisterFieldVar) (pf,type,name,reqofs,qcofs)
#define ED_Alloc(pf,isobj,extsize) (*pf->EntAlloc) (pf, isobj, extsize)
#define ED_Free(pf, ed) (*pf->EntFree) (pf, ed)
#define ED_Clear(pf, ed) (*pf->EntClear) (pf, ed)
#define PR_LoadEnts(pf, s, kf) (*pf->load_ents) (pf, s, kf)
#define PR_SaveEnts(pf, buf, size, maxsize, mode) (*pf->save_ents) (pf, buf, size, maxsize, mode)
#if 0//def _DEBUG
#define EDICT_NUM(pf, num) (*pf->EDICT_NUM) (pf, num)
#define EDICT_NUM(pf, num) (pf->edicttable[num])
#define NUM_FOR_EDICT(pf, e) (*pf->NUM_FOR_EDICT) (pf, (struct edict_s*)(e))
#define SetGlobalEdict(pf, ed, ofs) (*pf->SetGlobalEdict) (pf, ed, ofs)
#define PR_VarString(pf,first) (*pf->VarString) (pf,first)
#define PR_StartCompile(pf,argc,argv) (*pf->StartCompile) (pf,argc,argv)
#define PR_ContinueCompile(pf) (*pf->ContinueCompile) (pf)
#define PR_StackTrace(pf,locals) (*pf->StackTrace) (pf,locals)
#define PR_AbortStack(pf) (*pf->AbortStack) (pf)
#define PR_RunError(pf,str) (*pf->RunError) (pf,str)
#define PR_PrintEdict(pf,ed) (*pf->PrintEdict) (pf, ed)
#define PR_FindFunction(pf, name, num) (*pf->FindFunction) (pf, name, num)
#define PR_FindGlobal(pf, name, progs, type) (*pf->FindGlobal) (pf, name, progs, type)
#define PR_AddString(pf, ed, len, demarkup) (*pf->AddString) (pf, ed, len, demarkup)
#define PR_Alloc(pf,size,whatfor) (*pf->Tempmem) (pf, size, whatfor)
#define PR_AddressableAlloc(pf,size) (*pf->AddressableAlloc) (pf, size)
#define PR_AddressableFree(pf,mem) (*pf->AddressableFree) (pf, mem)
#define PROG_TO_EDICT(pf, ed) (*pf->ProgsToEdict) (pf, ed)
#define EDICT_TO_PROG(pf, ed) (*pf->EdictToProgs) (pf, (struct edict_s*)ed)
#define PR_RegisterBuiltin(pf, name, func) (*pf->RegisterBuiltin) (pf, name, func)
#define PR_GetString(pf,s) (*pf->StringToNative) (pf, s)
#define PR_GetStringOfs(pf,o) (*pf->StringToNative) (pf, G_INT(o))
#define PR_SetString(pf, s) (*pf->StringToProgs) (pf, s)
#define NEXT_EDICT(pf,o) EDICT_NUM(pf, NUM_FOR_EDICT(pf, o)+1)
#define RETURN_EDICT(pf, e) (((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = EDICT_TO_PROG(pf, e))
//builtin funcs (which operate on globals)
//To use these outside of builtins, you will likly have to use the 'globals' method.
#define G_FLOAT(o) (((float *)pr_globals)[o])
#define G_FLOAT2(o) (((float *)pr_globals)[OFS_PARM0 + o*3])
#define G_INT(o) (((int *)pr_globals)[o])
#define G_EDICT(pf, o) PROG_TO_EDICT(pf, G_INT(o)) //((edict_t *)((char *) sv.edicts+ *(int *)&((float *)pr_globals)[o]))
#define G_EDICTNUM(pf, o) NUM_FOR_EDICT(pf, G_EDICT(pf, o))
#define G_VECTOR(o) (&((float *)pr_globals)[o])
#define G_FUNCTION(o) (*(func_t *)&((float *)pr_globals)[o])
#define PR_GetString(p,s) (s?s + p->stringtable:"")
#define PR_GetStringOfs(p,o) (G_INT(o)?G_INT(o) + p->stringtable:"")
#define PR_SetStringOfs(p,o,s) (G_INT(o) = s - p->stringtable)
//#define PR_SetString(p, s) ((s&&*s)?(s - p->stringtable):0)
#ifdef QCGC
#define PR_NewString(p, s) (p)->TempString(p, s)
#define PR_NewString(p, s) PR_SetString(p, PR_AddString(p, s, 0, false))
#define ev_prog ev_integer
#define E_STRING(o) (char *)(((int *)((char *)ed) + progparms.edictsize)[o])
//#define pr_global_struct pr_globals
#define OFS_NULL 0
#define OFS_RETURN 1
#define OFS_PARM0 4 // leave 3 ofs for each parm to hold vectors
#define OFS_PARM1 7
#define OFS_PARM2 10
#define OFS_PARM3 13
#define OFS_PARM4 16
#define OFS_PARM5 19
#define OFS_PARM6 22
#define OFS_PARM7 25
#define RESERVED_OFS 28
#undef edict_t
#undef globalvars_t
#endif //PROGSLIB_H