Fix prediction issues with the ftenq protocol. Fix some console image previews. Added mod_precache cvar. set to 0 to significantly reduce memory usage in xonotic... Prevent xonotic's random file writes from forcing full worker syncs, for faster loading. QTV connections are now accepted only from localhost peers by default. git-svn-id: fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
742 lines
21 KiB
742 lines
21 KiB
Basic frame, containing sub-items.
Logically the parent of menu objects. Also used for tabs.
#ifndef MITEM_FRAME_QC__
#define MITEM_FRAME_QC__
class mitem_vslider : mitem
virtual float(vector pos, float scan, float char, float down) item_keypress;
virtual void(vector pos) item_draw;
void() mitem_vslider;
float val;
float minv;
float maxv;
float stride; //size of one 'notch'
class mitem_frame : mitem
virtual void(mitem newfocus, float changedflag) item_focuschange;
virtual float(vector pos, float scan, float char, float down) item_keypress;
virtual void() item_resized;
virtual void(vector pos) item_draw;
virtual void() item_remove;
virtual void(mitem fromitem, string cmd) item_execcommand;
mitem item_children;
mitem item_mactivechild;
mitem item_kactivechild;
mitem item_exclusive;
mitem_vslider vslider; //displayed if any client item's max[y] > our item_size[y]
vector item_framesize; //x=sides, y=top, z=bottom
float frame_stdheight; //adjust RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID to pinch inwards when the frame is smaller than this. Child items crossing the mid-point must size gracefully (like subframes).
float frame_hasscroll;
static mitem(string title) findchildtext;
static mitem(string title) findchildcmd;
static void(mitem newitem, float originflags, vector originmin, vector originmax) add;
static void(mitem newitem, vector pos) adda;
static void(mitem newitem, vector originmin, vector originmax) addm;
static void(mitem newitem, float originflags, vector originmin, vector originmax) addr;
static void(mitem newitem, float ypos) addc;
void() mitem_frame =
item_flags |= IF_ISFRAME;
void(mitem ch, vector parentsize) mitem_parentresized =
float f = ch.resizeflags;
if (f & RS_X_FRACTION)
ch.item_position[0] = parentsize[0] * ch.mins[0];
else if (f & RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MAX)
ch.item_position[0] = parentsize[0] + ch.mins[0];
else if (f & RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID)
ch.item_position[0] = parentsize[0]/2 + ch.mins[0];
else //if (f & RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN)
ch.item_position[0] = ch.mins[0];
if (f & RS_X_FRACTION)
ch.item_position[0] = parentsize[0] * ch.maxs[0];
else if (f & RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MIN)
ch.item_size[0] = ch.maxs[0] - ch.item_position[0];
else if (f & RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID)
ch.item_size[0] = ch.maxs[0]+parentsize[0]/2 - ch.item_position[0];
else if (f & RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX)
ch.item_size[0] = ch.maxs[0]+parentsize[0] - ch.item_position[0];
else //if (f & RS_X_MAX_OWN_MIN)
ch.item_size[0] = ch.maxs[0];
if (f & RS_Y_FRACTION)
ch.item_position[1] = parentsize[1] * ch.mins[1];
else if (f & RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MAX)
ch.item_position[1] = parentsize[1] + ch.mins[1];
else if (f & RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID)
ch.item_position[1] = parentsize[1]/2 + ch.mins[1];
if (ch.item_parent.frame_stdheight)
if (parentsize[1] < ch.item_parent.frame_stdheight)
if (ch.item_position[1] < parentsize[1]*0.5)
ch.item_position[1] += (ch.item_parent.frame_stdheight-parentsize[1])*0.5;
ch.item_position[1] -= (ch.item_parent.frame_stdheight-parentsize[1])*0.5;
else //if (f & RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN)
ch.item_position[1] = ch.mins[1];
if (f & RS_Y_FRACTION)
ch.item_position[1] = parentsize[1] * ch.maxs[1];
else if (f & RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MIN)
ch.item_size[1] = ch.maxs[1] - ch.item_position[1];
else if (f & RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MID)
ch.item_size[1] = ch.maxs[1]+parentsize[1]/2 - ch.item_position[1];
if (ch.item_parent.frame_stdheight)
if (parentsize[1] < ch.item_parent.frame_stdheight)
if (ch.item_position[1]+ch.item_size[1] < parentsize[1]*0.5)
ch.item_size[1] += (ch.item_parent.frame_stdheight-parentsize[1])*0.5;
ch.item_size[1] -= (ch.item_parent.frame_stdheight-parentsize[1])*0.5;
else if (f & RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX)
ch.item_size[1] = ch.maxs[1]+parentsize[1] - ch.item_position[1];
else //if (f & RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN)
ch.item_size[1] = ch.maxs[1];
void(mitem fromitem, string cmd) mitem_frame::item_execcommand =
if (item_parent)
item_parent.item_execcommand(fromitem, cmd);
localcmd(strcat(cmd, "\n"));
mitem(string title) mitem_frame::findchildtext =
mitem ch;
for (ch = item_children; ch; ch = ch.item_next)
if (ch.item_text == title)
return ch;
return __NULL__;
mitem(string title) mitem_frame::findchildcmd =
mitem ch;
for (ch = item_children; ch; ch = ch.item_next)
if (ch.item_command == title)
return ch;
return __NULL__;
//adds an item with the desired origin settings
void(mitem newitem, float originflags, vector originmin, vector originmax) mitem_frame::add =
newitem.item_next = item_children;
item_children = newitem;
newitem.item_parent = this;
//set up position and resize
newitem.resizeflags = originflags;
newitem.mins = originmin;
newitem.maxs = originmax;
local vector parentsize = [item_size[0] - item_framesize[0]*2, item_size[1] - (item_framesize[1] + item_framesize[2])];
mitem_parentresized(newitem, parentsize);
item_flags |= IF_CLIENTMOVED; //make sure it happens.
// if (!item_kactivechild && (newitem.item_flags & IF_SELECTABLE))
// item_focuschange(newitem, IF_KFOCUSED);
//adds an item to the parent with an absolute position relative to the parent's top-left. objects are expected to already have a size specified.
void(mitem newitem, vector pos) mitem_frame::adda =
local vector parentsize = [item_size[0] - item_framesize[0]*2, item_size[1] - (item_framesize[1] + item_framesize[2])];
newitem.item_next = item_children;
item_children = newitem;
newitem.item_parent = this;
newitem.mins = pos;
newitem.maxs = newitem.item_size;
mitem_parentresized(newitem, parentsize);
item_flags |= IF_CLIENTMOVED; //make sure it happens.
// if (!item_kactivechild && (newitem.item_flags & IF_SELECTABLE))
// item_focuschange(newitem, IF_KFOCUSED);
//adds an item to the parent in reverse order (ie: at the tail, so the actual order in code)
void(mitem newitem, float originflags, vector originmin, vector originmax) mitem_frame::addr =
local vector parentsize = [item_size[0] - item_framesize[0]*2, item_size[1] - (item_framesize[1] + item_framesize[2])];
if (item_children)
local mitem prev;
for (prev = item_children; prev.item_next; prev = prev.item_next)
prev.item_next = newitem;
newitem.item_next = __NULL__;
newitem.item_next = item_children;
item_children = newitem;
newitem.item_parent = this;
newitem.resizeflags = originflags;
newitem.mins = originmin;
newitem.maxs = originmax;
mitem_parentresized(newitem, parentsize);
item_flags |= IF_CLIENTMOVED; //make sure it happens.
// if (!item_kactivechild && (newitem.item_flags & IF_SELECTABLE))
// item_focuschange(newitem, IF_KFOCUSED);
//adds an item on the parent with the x coord centered, and absolute y.
//if multiple items are at the same ypos, it will recenter all with respect to the others
void(mitem newitem, float ypos) mitem_frame::addc =
float w, c;
local mitem prev;
local vector parentsize = [item_size[0] - item_framesize[0]*2, item_size[1] - (item_framesize[1] + item_framesize[2])];
newitem.item_next = item_children;
item_children = newitem;
newitem.item_position[1] = ypos;
newitem.item_position[0] = (parentsize[0] - newitem.item_size[0])*0.5;
newitem.item_parent = this;
newitem.mins[0] = 0;
newitem.mins[1] = ypos;
newitem.maxs = newitem.item_size;
//count the width of the other items at this height.
w = 0;
c = 0;
for (prev = item_children; prev; prev = prev.item_next)
if (prev.resizeflags == newitem.resizeflags && prev.mins[1] == ypos && prev.maxs[1] == newitem.maxs[1])
w += prev.maxs[0];
c += 1;
//distribute them evenly (from the right, because its add-at-head)
w += (c-1)*16; //this much gap space
for (prev = item_children; prev; prev = prev.item_next)
if (prev.resizeflags == newitem.resizeflags && prev.mins[1] == ypos && prev.maxs[1] == newitem.maxs[1])
w -= prev.maxs[0];
prev.mins[0] = (w+prev.maxs[0])/-2;
mitem_parentresized(prev, parentsize);
w -= 16;
item_flags |= IF_CLIENTMOVED; //make sure it happens.
// if (!item_kactivechild && (newitem.item_flags & IF_SELECTABLE))
// item_focuschange(newitem, IF_KFOCUSED);
//Adds the item in the exact middle of the parent, in both axis
void(mitem newitem, vector min, vector max) mitem_frame::addm =
//updates this.item_activechild, and calls focus notifications to ensure things get the message.
//flag should be IF_MFOCUSED or IF_KFOCUSED
void(mitem newfocus, float flag) mitem_frame::item_focuschange =
local mitem it;
if (newfocus == this)
//our focus didn't change, but the parent is telling us that *it* got changed while we're the focus
if (flag & IF_MFOCUSED)
if (item_parent.item_flags & IF_MFOCUSED && item_parent.item_mactivechild == this)
item_flags |= IF_MFOCUSED;
item_flags = item_flags - (item_flags&IF_MFOCUSED);
//and tell the child
it = item_mactivechild;
if (it)
if (it.item_focuschange)
it.item_focuschange(it, IF_MFOCUSED);
if (flag & IF_KFOCUSED)
if (item_parent.item_flags & IF_KFOCUSED && item_parent.item_kactivechild == this)
item_flags |= IF_KFOCUSED;
item_flags = item_flags - (item_flags&IF_KFOCUSED);
//and tell the child
it = item_kactivechild;
if (it)
if (it.item_focuschange)
it.item_focuschange(it, IF_KFOCUSED);
if ((flag & IF_MFOCUSED) && item_mactivechild != newfocus)
//make key focus follow the mouse cursor. this should probably only apply to button menus or something? :s
if (newfocus && (item_flags & IF_FOCUSFOLLOWSMOUSE))
flag |= IF_KFOCUSED;
it = item_mactivechild;
item_mactivechild = newfocus;
if (it)
it.item_flags = it.item_flags - (it.item_flags&IF_MFOCUSED);
if (it.item_focuschange)
it.item_focuschange(it, IF_MFOCUSED);
it = item_mactivechild;
if (it)
it.item_flags = it.item_flags | (item_flags & IF_MFOCUSED);
if (it.item_focuschange)
it.item_focuschange(it, IF_MFOCUSED);
if ((flag & IF_KFOCUSED) && item_kactivechild != newfocus)
it = item_kactivechild;
item_kactivechild = newfocus;
if (it)
it.item_flags = it.item_flags - (it.item_flags&IF_KFOCUSED);
if (it.item_focuschange)
it.item_focuschange(it, IF_KFOCUSED);
it = item_kactivechild;
if (it)
it.item_flags = it.item_flags | (item_flags & IF_KFOCUSED);
if (it.item_focuschange)
it.item_focuschange(it, IF_KFOCUSED);
float(vector pos, float scan, float char, float down) mitem_vslider::item_keypress =
if (down != 1)
if (scan == K_MOUSE1 && ui.mgrabs == this)
ui.mgrabs = __NULL__;
return FALSE;
if (scan == K_MWHEELDOWN)
val = bound(minv, val+stride, maxv);
else if (scan == K_MWHEELUP)
val = bound(minv, val-stride, maxv);
else if (scan == K_MOUSE1)
ui.mgrabs = this;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void(vector pos) mitem_vslider::item_draw =
float f;
float w = item_size[0];
float h = item_size[1];
float isize = w;
vector v = dp_workarounds?'0 0 0':drawgetimagesize("scrollbars/slider.tga");
if (v != '0 0 0')
ui.drawpic(pos, "scrollbars/arrow_up.tga", [w, w], '1 1 1', item_alpha, 0); //top
pos_y += w;
h -= w*2;
ui.drawpic(pos + [0, h], "scrollbars/arrow_down.tga", [w, w], '1 1 1', item_alpha, 0); //bottom
ui.drawpic(pos, "scrollbars/slidebg.tga", [w, h], '1 1 1', item_alpha, 0); //back-middle
isize = (v_y * w) / (v_x);
if (isize > h/2)
isize = h/2;
// ui.drawfill(pos, [w, w], '1 1 1', item_alpha, 0); //top
// pos_y += w;
// h -= w*2;
// ui.drawfill(pos + [0, h], [w, w], '1 1 1', item_alpha, 0); //bottom
ui.drawfill(pos, [w, h], '0.5 0.5 0.5', item_alpha, 0); //back-middle
if (ui.mgrabs == this)
f = (ui.mousepos[1] - pos_y - (isize/2))/(h - isize);
f = bound(0, f, 1);
val = minv + (f * (maxv - minv));
f = bound(0, (val - minv) / (maxv - minv), 1);
h -= isize;
if (v != '0 0 0')
ui.drawpic(pos + [0, h*f], "scrollbars/slider.tga", [w, isize], '1 1 1', item_alpha, 0); //back-middle
ui.drawfill(pos + [0, h*f], [w, isize], '1 1 1', item_alpha, 0); //back-middle
void() mitem_vslider::mitem_vslider =
item_size[0] = 8;
item_size[1] = 128;
//does NOT wrap.
//does NOT pass go.
static mitem(mitem item, float upwards) menu_simplenextitem =
mitem_frame menu = item.item_parent;
mitem prev;
if (upwards)
if (item)
item = item.item_next;
if (!item)
return __NULL__;
return item;
return __NULL__;
for(prev = menu.item_children; prev.item_next; prev = prev.item_next)
if (prev.item_next == item)
return prev;
return __NULL__;
//finds the next/prev item through multiple children, returning NULL when it runs out of items in the sequence.
//call this with item==null to find the first item in the sequence (to handle wraps).
static mitem(mitem_frame menu, float upwards, mitem item) menu_findnextitem =
mitem_frame frame;
mitem citem;
if (item && (item.item_flags & IF_ISFRAME))
frame = (mitem_frame)item;
citem = menu_findnextitem(frame, upwards, frame.item_kactivechild?frame.item_kactivechild:frame.item_mactivechild);
if (citem)
return citem;
if (!item)
{ //we go for the opposite end here, as we assume to be starting/unfocused
item = menu.item_children;
if (!upwards && item)
item = item.item_next;
item = menu_simplenextitem(item, upwards);
if (!item)
{ //we reached the end of the list, let the parent frame try its next
return __NULL__;
if (item.item_flags & IF_ISFRAME)
{ //if the next item is a frame, try and select its first element instead
frame = (mitem_frame)item;
citem = menu_findnextitem(frame, upwards, __NULL__);
if (citem)
return citem;
if (item.item_flags & IF_INVISIBLE)
if (item.item_flags & IF_SELECTABLE)
return item;
static void(mitem item) menu_deselectitem =
if (!item)
if (item && (item.item_flags & IF_ISFRAME))
mitem_frame frame = (mitem_frame)item;
if (frame.item_kactivechild)
item.item_focuschange(__NULL__, IF_KFOCUSED); //deselect the previous one
static void(mitem item) menu_selectitem =
if (!item)
mitem_frame menu = item.item_parent;
if (menu)
if (menu.item_kactivechild != item)
menu.item_focuschange(item, IF_KFOCUSED); //focus on the new
void(mitem_frame rootmenu, float upwards) menu_selectnextitem =
mitem item = menu_findnextitem(rootmenu, upwards, rootmenu.item_kactivechild?rootmenu.item_kactivechild:rootmenu.item_mactivechild);
if (!item)
item = menu_findnextitem(rootmenu, upwards, __NULL__);
item.item_focuschange(item, IF_KFOCUSED); //focus on the new
float(vector pos, float scan, float char, float down) mitem_frame::item_keypress =
mitem ch;
float handled = FALSE;
//compensate for the frame
pos[0] += item_framesize[0];
pos[1] += item_framesize[1];
if (scan >= K_MOUSE1 && scan <= K_MOUSE5 && scan != K_MWHEELUP && scan != K_MWHEELDOWN)
if (item_exclusive)
ch = item_exclusive;
ch = item_mactivechild;
if (down) //keyboard focus follows on mouse click.
item_focuschange(ch, IF_KFOCUSED);
ch = item_kactivechild;
if (!ch && down)
//if there's no key child active, then go and pick one so you can just start using keyboard access etc.
if (item_exclusive)
ch = item_exclusive;
else if (item_mactivechild)
ch = item_mactivechild;
mitem c;
for (c = item_children; c; c = c.item_next)
if (c.item_flags & IF_SELECTABLE)
ch = c;
if (ch)
item_focuschange(ch, IF_KFOCUSED);
ch = item_kactivechild;
if (vslider)
pos[1] -= vslider.val;
if (ch)
if (ch.item_keypress)
handled = ch.item_keypress(pos + ch.item_position, scan, char, down);
if (vslider && !handled && (scan == K_MWHEELUP || scan == K_MWHEELDOWN)) //give mwheel to the slider if its visible.
handled = vslider.item_keypress(pos + vslider.item_position, scan, char, down);
return handled;
void() mitem_frame::item_remove =
local mitem ch;
while (this.item_children)
ch = this.item_children;
this.item_children = ch.item_next;
void() mitem_frame::item_resized =
mitem ch;
vector framemax = [item_size[0] - item_framesize[0]*2, item_size[1] - (item_framesize[1] + item_framesize[2])];
for (ch = this.item_children; ch; ch = ch.item_next)
vector os = ch.item_size;
mitem_parentresized(ch, framemax);
if (ch.item_resized && ch.item_size != os)
item_flags |= IF_CLIENTMOVED; //make sure it happens.
void(vector pos) mitem_frame::item_draw =
local vector omin = ui.drawrectmin, omax = ui.drawrectmax;
local mitem ch = __NULL__;
local vector clientpos;
local vector clientsize;
if (frame_hasscroll && (item_flags & IF_CLIENTMOVED))
//if a client object moved, make sure the scrollbar is updated
item_flags &~= IF_CLIENTMOVED;
clientsize= '0 0';
for(ch = item_children; ch; ch = ch.item_next)
if (clientsize[0] < ch.item_position[0] + ch.item_size[0])
clientsize[0] = ch.item_position[0] + ch.item_size[0];
if (clientsize[1] < ch.item_position[1] + ch.item_size[1])
clientsize[1] = ch.item_position[1] + ch.item_size[1];
// if (clientsize[0] > item_size[0] - item_framesize[0]*2)
// //add hscroll
if (clientsize[1] > item_size[1] - (item_framesize[1]+item_framesize[2]))
if (!vslider)
local mitem_vslider tmp;
tmp = spawn(mitem_vslider, val:0, stride:8);
vslider = tmp;
vslider.maxv = clientsize[1] - (item_size[1] - (item_framesize[1]+item_framesize[2]));
else if (vslider)
vslider = (mitem_vslider)__NULL__;
else if (!frame_hasscroll && this.vslider)
vslider = (mitem_vslider)__NULL__;
//compensate for the frame
pos[0] += item_framesize[0];
pos[1] += item_framesize[1];
clientpos = pos;
clientsize = this.item_size;
clientsize[0] -= item_framesize[0]*2;
clientsize[1] -= (item_framesize[1]+item_framesize[2]);
if (vslider)
//scroll+shrink the client area to fit the slider on it.
clientpos[1] -= vslider.val;
clientsize[0] -= vslider.item_size[0];
if (ui.mousepos != ui.oldmousepos)
local mitem newfocus = __NULL__;
//if the mouse moved, select the new item
if (item_exclusive)
newfocus = item_exclusive;
for(ch = item_children; ch; ch = ch.item_next)
if (ch.item_flags & IF_SELECTABLE)
if (mouseinbox(clientpos + ch.item_position, ch.item_size))
newfocus = ch;
if (vslider)
if (mouseinbox(pos + [clientsize[0], 0], vslider.item_size))
newfocus = vslider;
this.item_focuschange(newfocus, IF_MFOCUSED);
//clip the draw rect to our area, so children don't draw outside it. don't draw if its inverted.
if (pos_x > ui.drawrectmin[0])
ui.drawrectmin[0] = pos_x;
if (pos_y > ui.drawrectmin[1])
ui.drawrectmin[1] = pos_y;
if (pos_x+clientsize_x < ui.drawrectmax[0])
ui.drawrectmax[0] = pos_x+clientsize_x;
if (pos_y+clientsize_y < ui.drawrectmax[1])
ui.drawrectmax[1] = pos_y+clientsize[1];
if (ui.drawrectmax[0] > ui.drawrectmin[0] && ui.drawrectmax[1] > ui.drawrectmin[1])
ui.setcliparea(ui.drawrectmin[0], ui.drawrectmin[1], ui.drawrectmax[0] - ui.drawrectmin[0], ui.drawrectmax[1] - ui.drawrectmin[1]);
if (item_exclusive)
item_exclusive.item_draw(clientpos + ch.item_position);
for(ch = item_children; ch; ch = ch.item_next)
if not (ch.item_flags & IF_INVISIBLE)
ch.item_draw(clientpos + ch.item_position);
ui.setcliparea(omin_x, omin_y, omax_x - omin_x, omax_y - omin_y);
if (vslider)
vslider.item_size[1] = clientsize[1];
vslider.item_draw(pos + [clientsize[0], 0]);
ui.drawrectmin = omin;
ui.drawrectmax = omax;
#define menuitemframe_spawn(sz) spawn(mitem_frame, item_size:sz)
#endif //MITEM_FRAME_QC__