Fork 0
forked from fte/fteqw
Shpoike 8dadfb4878 Added sys_openfile console command(and menu option) to web and flatpak(via cmake+dbus) builds, to 'install' packages on sandboxed systems a bit more easily.
Cmake: Add FTE_WERROR option, defaults to true in debug builds and off in release builds (in case future compilers have issues).
Cmake: Pull in libXscreensaver so we don't get interrupted by screensavers when playing demos.
Make: Added `make webcl-rel` for a web build without server bloat (eg for sites focused on demo playback. Yes, this means you XantoM).
fteqcc: Include the decompiler in fteqcc (non-gui) builds ('-d' arg).
fteqcc: Decompiler can now mostly handle hexen2 mods without any unknown opcodes.
Allow ezHud and OpenSSL to be compiled as in-engine plugins, potentially for web and windows ports respectively.
Web: Fix support for ogg vorbis. Add support for voip.
Web: Added basic support for WebXR.
QTV: Don't try seeking on unseekable qtv streams. Don't spam when developer 1 is set.
QTV: add support for some eztv extensions.
MVD: added hack to use ktx's vweps in mvd where mvdsv doesn't bother to record the info.
qwfwd: hack around a hack in qwfwd, allowing it to work again.
recording: favour qwd in single player, instead of mvd.
Protocol: reduce client memory used for precache names. Bump maximum precache counts - some people are just abusive, yes you Orl.
hexen2: add enough clientside protocol compat to play the demo included with h2mp. lacks effects.
in_xflip: restored this setting.
fs_hidesyspaths: new cvar, defaults to enabled so you won't find your username or whatever turning up in screenshots or the like. change it to 0 before debuging stuff eg via 'path'.
gl_overbright_models: Added cvar to match QS.
netchan: Added MTU determination, we'll no longer fail to connect when routers stupidly drop icmp packets.
Win: try a few other versions of xinput too.
CSQC: Added a CSQC_GenerateMaterial function, to give the csqc a chance to generate custom materials.
MenuQC: Added support for the skeletal objects API.
2024-07-14 19:58:24 +01:00

113 lines
6.1 KiB

class options_effects : mitem_exmenu
// virtual float(string key) isvalid = {};
virtual string(string key) get =
if (key == "r_replacemodels")
return super::get(key)!=""?"1":"0"; //make it a boolean
return super::get(key);
virtual void(string key, string newval) set =
if (key == "r_replacemodels") //convert from boolean to some arbitrary list.
newval = stof(newval)?"iqm md5mesh md3":"";
super::set(key, newval);
nonstatic void(mitem_desktop desktop) M_Options_Effects =
mitem_exmenu m;
m = spawn(options_effects, item_text:_("Effects Options"), item_flags:IF_SELECTABLE, item_command:"m_options");
desktop.item_focuschange(m, IF_KFOCUSED);
float h = 200 * 0.5;
//draw title art above the options
mitem_pic banner = spawn(mitem_pic, item_text:"gfx/p_option.lmp", item_size_y:24, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN);
m.add(banner, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_OWN_MIN|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MID, [(160-160-banner.item_size_x)*0.5, -h-32], [banner.item_size_x, -h-8]);
//spawn a container frame for the actual options. this provides a scrollbar if we have too many items.
mitem_frame fr = spawn(mitem_frame, item_flags: IF_SELECTABLE, frame_hasscroll:TRUE);
m.add(fr, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [-160, -h], [160, h*2]);
float pos = 0;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Show Framerate"), cv3("showfps", "scr_showfps", "show_fps"), '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("High Res Textures"), "gl_load24bit", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Texture Mode"), "gl_texturemode", '280 8', _(
"GL_NEAREST \"Nearest\" "
"GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST \"Nearest (Nearest mips)\" "
"GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR \"Nearest (Linear mips)\" "
"GL_LINEAR \"Linear\" "
"GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST \"Linear (Nearest mips)\" "
"GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR \"Linear (Linear mips)\" "
"n.l \"Nearest (Smooth)\" "
//"l.n \"Linear (Unsmooth)\" "
//"nnl \"Nearest (Nearest mips, Smooth)\" "
//"lnn \"Linear (Nearest mips, Unsmooth)\" "
"nll \"Nearest (Smooth mips)\" "
//"lln \"Linear (Linear mips, Unsmooth)\" "
)), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Anistrophy"), cv2("gl_texture_anisotropy"/*qs*/, "gl_texture_anisotropic_filtering"/*old fte*/), '280 8', _(
"0 \"Off\" "
"2 \"2\" "
"4 \"4\" "
"8 \"8\" "
"16 \"16\" "
)), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Replacement Models"), "r_replacemodels", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Double-bright Models"), "gl_overbright_models", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Lightmaps Only"), "r_lightmap", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
if (engine == E_QSS)
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Wireframe"), "r_showtris", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Simple DLights"), "gl_flashblend", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Stereo"), "r_stereo", '0 8 0.25', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Wireframe"), "r_wireframe", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Bloom"), "r_bloom", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Simple Textures"), "r_drawflat", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Paletted Rendering"), "r_softwarebanding", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("HDR"), "r_hdr_irisadaptation", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Coronas"), "r_coronas", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Relief Mapping"), "r_glsl_offsetmapping", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("RT Dynamic Lights"), "r_shadow_realtime_dlight", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("RT World Lighting"), "r_shadow_realtime_world", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Water Effects"), "r_waterstyle", '280 8', _(
"1 \"Classic\" "
"2 \"Ripples\" "
"3 \"Reflections\" "
)), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("View Projection"), "r_projection", '280 8', _(
"0 \"Standard\" "
"1 \"Stereographic / Pannini\" "
"2 \"Fish-Eye\" "
"3 \"Panoramic\" "
"4 \"Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area\" "
"5 \"Equirectangular\" "
)), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("View Projection Fov"), "ffov", '280 8', _(
"90 \"Normal\" "
"180 \"180 degrees\" "
"270 \"270 degrees\" "
"360 \"360 degrees\" "
)), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Particle Density"), "r_part_density", '0.25 4 0.25', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:_("Apply"), item_command:"vid_restart", item_scale:8, item_flags:IF_RIGHTALIGN), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [0, pos], [-8, 8]); pos += 8;