#include "qcc.h" //#include "decomp.h" //This file is derived from frikdec, but has some extra tweaks to make it more friendly with fte's compiler/opcodes (its not perfect though) //FIXME: there's still a load of mallocs, so we don't allow this more than once per process. //convert vector terms into floats when its revealed that they're using vector ops and not floats //FIXME: fteqcc converts do {} while(1); into a goto -1; which is a really weeeird construct. #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__DJGPP__) #include <malloc.h> #else #include <alloca.h> #endif #undef printf #define printf GUIprintf #define OP_MARK_END_DO 0x00010000 //do{ #define OP_MARK_END_ELSE 0x00000400 //} #define MAX_REGS 65536 #define dstatement_t QCC_dstatement32_t #define statements destatements #define functions defunctions #define strings destrings static dstatement_t *statements; static float *pr_globals; static char *strings; static QCC_ddef32_t *globals; static dfunction_t *functions; static int ofs_return; static int ofs_parms[MAX_PARMS]; static int ofs_size = 3; static QCC_ddef_t *globalofsdef[MAX_REGS]; //forward declarations. QCC_ddef_t *GetField(const char *name); #include <stdio.h> /*int QC_snprintfz(char *buffer, size_t maxlen, const char *format, ...) { int p; va_list argptr; if (!maxlen) return -1; va_start (argptr, format); p = _vsnprintf (buffer, maxlen, format,argptr); va_end (argptr); buffer[maxlen-1] = 0; return p; }*/ extern QCC_opcode_t pr_opcodes []; int endofsystemfields; int debug_offs = 0; int assumeglobals = 0; //unknown globals are assumed to be actual globals and NOT unlocked temps int assumelocals = 0; //unknown locals are assumed to be actual locals and NOT locked temps vfile_t *Decompileofile; vfile_t *Decompileprogssrc; vfile_t *Decompileprofile; char **DecompileProfiles;//[MAX_FUNCTIONS]; static char **rettypes;//[MAX_FUNCTIONS]; extern int quakeforgeremap[]; char *type_names[] = { "void", "string", "float", "vector", "entity", "ev_field", "void()", "ev_pointer", "int", "__variant", "ev_struct", "ev_union", "ev_accessor", "ev_quat", "ev_uinteger" }; const char *typetoname(QCC_type_t *type) { return type->name; } const char *temp_type (int temp, dstatement_t *start, dfunction_t *df) { int i; dstatement_t *stat; stat = start - 1; // determine the type of a temp while(stat > statements) { if (temp == stat->a) return typetoname(*pr_opcodes[stat->op].type_a); else if (temp == stat->b) return typetoname(*pr_opcodes[stat->op].type_b); else if (temp == stat->c) return typetoname(*pr_opcodes[stat->op].type_c); stat--; } // method 2 // find a call to this function for (i = 0; i < numstatements; i++) { stat = &statements[i]; if (stat->op >= OP_CALL0 && stat->op <= OP_CALL8 && ((eval_t *)&pr_globals[stat->a])->function == df - functions) { for(i++; i < numstatements; i++) { stat = &statements[i]; if (ofs_return == stat->a && (*pr_opcodes[stat->op].type_a)->type != ev_void) return type_names[(*pr_opcodes[stat->op].type_a)->type]; else if (ofs_return == stat->b && (*pr_opcodes[stat->op].type_b)->type != ev_void) return type_names[(*pr_opcodes[stat->op].type_b)->type]; else if (stat->op == OP_DONE) break; else if (stat->op >= OP_CALL0 && stat->op <= OP_CALL8 && stat->a != df - functions) break; } } } printf("warning: Could not determine return type for %s\n", df->s_name + strings); return "float"; } pbool IsConstant(QCC_ddef_t *def) { int i; dstatement_t *d; if (def->type & DEF_SAVEGLOBAL) return false; if (pr_globals[def->ofs] == 0) return false; for (i = 1; i < numstatements; i++) { d = &statements[i]; if (d->b == def->ofs) { if (pr_opcodes[d->op].associative == ASSOC_RIGHT) { if (d->op - OP_STORE_F < 6) { return false; } } } } return true; } const char *qcstring(int str) { if ((unsigned)str >= strofs) return ""; return strings+str; } char *type_name (QCC_ddef_t *def) { QCC_ddef_t *j; switch(def->type&~DEF_SAVEGLOBAL) { case ev_field: case ev_pointer: j = GetField(def->s_name + strings); if (j) return qcva(".%s",type_names[j->type]); else return type_names[def->type&~DEF_SAVEGLOBAL]; case ev_void: case ev_string: case ev_entity: case ev_vector: case ev_float: return type_names[def->type&~DEF_SAVEGLOBAL]; case ev_function: return "void()"; case ev_integer: return "int"; // case ev_uinteger: // return "unsigned"; // case ev_quat: // return "quat"; default: return "float"; } }; extern int numstatements; extern int numfunctions; #define FILELISTSIZE 62 /* =============== PR_String Returns a string suitable for printing (no newlines, max 60 chars length) =============== */ const char *PR_String (const char *string) { static char buf[80]; char *s; s = buf; *s++ = '"'; while (string && *string) { if (s == buf + sizeof(buf) - 2) break; if (*string == '\n') { *s++ = '\\'; *s++ = 'n'; } else if (*string == '"') { *s++ = '\\'; *s++ = '"'; } else *s++ = *string; string++; if (s - buf > 60) { *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '.'; break; } } *s++ = '"'; *s++ = 0; return buf; } /* ============ PR_ValueString Returns a string describing *data in a type specific manner ============= */ static char *PR_ValueString (etype_t type, void *val) { static char line[8192]; dfunction_t *f; switch (type) { case ev_string: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s", PR_String(strings + *(int *)val)); break; case ev_entity: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "entity %i", *(int *)val); break; case ev_function: f = functions + *(int *)val; if (!f) QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "undefined function"); else QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s()", strings + f->s_name); break; /* case ev_field: def = PR_DefForFieldOfs ( *(int *)val ); sprintf (line, ".%s", def->name); break; */ case ev_void: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "void"); break; case ev_float: { unsigned int high = *(unsigned int*)val & 0xff000000; if (high == 0xff000000 || !high) //FIXME this is probably a string or something, but we don't really know what type it is. QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "(float)(__variant)%ii", *(int*)val); else QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%5.1f", *(float *)val); } break; case ev_vector: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "'%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f'", ((float *)val)[0], ((float *)val)[1], ((float *)val)[2]); break; case ev_pointer: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "pointer"); break; case ev_field: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "<FIELD@%i>", *(int*)val); break; default: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "bad type %i", type); break; } return line; } static char *filenames[] = { "makevectors", "defs.qc", "button_wait", "buttons.qc", "anglemod", "ai.qc", "boss_face", "boss.qc", "info_intermission", "client.qc", "CanDamage", "combat.qc", "demon1_stand1", "demon.qc", "dog_bite", "dog.qc", "door_blocked", "doors.qc", "Laser_Touch", "enforcer.qc", "knight_attack", "fight.qc", "f_stand1", "fish.qc", "hknight_shot", "hknight.qc", "SUB_regen", "items.qc", "knight_stand1", "knight.qc", "info_null", "misc.qc", "monster_use", "monsters.qc", "OgreGrenadeExplode", "ogre.qc", "old_idle1", "oldone.qc", "plat_spawn_inside_trigger", "plats.qc", "player_stand1", "player.qc", "shal_stand", "shalrath.qc", "sham_stand1", "shambler.qc", "army_stand1", "soldier.qc", "SUB_Null", "subs.qc", "tbaby_stand1", "tarbaby.qc", "trigger_reactivate", "triggers.qc", "W_Precache", "weapons.qc", "LaunchMissile", "wizard.qc", "main", "world.qc", "zombie_stand1", "zombie.qc" }; //FIXME: parse fteextensions.qc instead, or something. #define QW(x) //x, static struct { int num; char *name; //purly for readability. QCC_type_t **returns; QCC_type_t **params[8]; char *text; } builtins[]= { {0, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {1, "makevectors", NULL, {&type_vector}, "void (vector ang)"}, {2, "setorigin", NULL, {&type_entity, &type_vector}, "void (entity e, vector o)"}, {3, "setmodel", NULL, {&type_entity, &type_string}, "void (entity e, string m)"}, {4, "setsize", NULL, {&type_entity, &type_vector, &type_vector}, "void (entity e, vector min, vector max)"}, {5, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {6, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, "void ()"}, {7, "random", NULL, {NULL}, "float ()"}, {8, "sound", NULL, {&type_entity, &type_float, &type_string, &type_float, &type_float}, "void (entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten)"}, {9, "normalize", &type_vector, {&type_vector}, "vector (vector v)"}, {10, "error", NULL, {&type_string}, "void (string e)"}, {11, "objerror", NULL, {&type_string}, "void (string e)"}, {12, "vlen", &type_float, {&type_vector}, "float (vector v)"}, {13, "vectoyaw", &type_float, {&type_vector}, "float (vector v)"}, {14, "spawn", &type_entity, {NULL}, "entity ()"}, {15, "remove", NULL, {&type_entity}, "void (entity e)"}, {16, "traceline", NULL, {&type_vector, &type_vector, &type_float, &type_entity}, "void (vector v1, vector v2, float nomonsters, entity forent)"}, {17, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, "entity ()"}, {18, "find", &type_entity, {&type_entity, &type_field, &type_string}, "entity (entity start, .string fld, string match)"}, {19, "precache_sound", NULL, {&type_string}, "string (string s)"}, {20, "precache_model", NULL, {&type_string}, "string (string s)"}, {21, "stuffcmd", NULL, {&type_entity, &type_string}, "void (entity client, string s)"}, {22, "findradius", NULL, {&type_vector, &type_float}, "entity (vector org, float rad)"}, {23, "bprint", NULL, {QW(&type_float) &type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string}, "void (...)"}, {24, "sprint", NULL, {&type_entity, QW(&type_float) &type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string}, "void (...)"}, {25, "dprint", NULL, {&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string}, "void (...)"}, {26, "ftos", &type_string, {&type_float}, "string (float f)"}, {27, "vtos", &type_string, {&type_vector}, "string (vector v)"}, {28, "coredump", NULL, {NULL}, "void ()"}, {29, "traceon", NULL, {NULL}, "void ()"}, {30, "traceoff", NULL, {NULL}, "void ()"}, {31, "eprint", NULL, {&type_entity}, "void (entity e)"}, {32, "walkmove", &type_float, {&type_float, &type_float}, "float (float yaw, float dist)"}, {33, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {34, "droptofloor", NULL, {&type_float, &type_float}, "float ()"}, {35, "lightstyle", NULL, {&type_float, &type_string}, "void (float style, string value)"}, {36, "rint", &type_float, {&type_vector}, "float (float v)"}, {37, "floor", &type_float, {&type_vector}, "float (float v)"}, {38, "ceil", &type_float, {&type_vector}, "float (float v)"}, {39, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {40, "checkbottom", &type_float, {&type_entity}, "float (entity e)"}, {41, "pointcontents", &type_float, {&type_vector}, "float (vector v)"}, {42, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {43, "fabs", &type_float, {&type_float}, "float (float f)"}, {44, "aim", NULL, {&type_entity, &type_float}, "vector (entity e, float speed)"}, {45, "cvar", &type_string, {&type_string}, "float (string s)"}, {46, "localcmd", NULL, {&type_string}, "void (string s)"}, {47, "nextent", &type_entity, {&type_entity}, "entity (entity e)"}, {48, "", NULL, {&type_vector, &type_vector, &type_float, &type_float}, "void (vector o, vector d, float color, float count)"}, {49, "changeyaw", NULL, {NULL}, "void ()"}, {50, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {51, "vectoangles", &type_vector, {&type_vector}, "vector (vector v)"}, {52, "WriteByte", NULL, {&type_float, &type_float}, "void (float to, float f)"}, {53, "WriteChar", NULL, {&type_float, &type_float}, "void (float to, float f)"}, {54, "WriteShort", NULL, {&type_float, &type_float}, "void (float to, float f)"}, {55, "WriteLong", NULL, {&type_float, &type_float}, "void (float to, float f)"}, {56, "WriteCoord", NULL, {&type_float, &type_float}, "void (float to, float f)"}, {57, "WriteAngle", NULL, {&type_float, &type_float}, "void (float to, float f)"}, {58, "WriteString", NULL, {&type_float, &type_string}, "void (float to, string s)"}, {59, "WriteEntity", NULL, {&type_float, &type_entity}, "void (float to, entity s)"}, {60, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {61, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {62, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {63, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {64, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {65, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {66, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {67, "movetogoal", NULL, {&type_float}, "void (float step)"}, {68, "precache_file", NULL, {&type_string}, "string (string s)"}, {69, "makestatic", NULL, {&type_entity}, "void (entity e)"}, {70, "changelevel", NULL, {&type_string}, "void (string s)"}, {71, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {72, "cvar_set", NULL, {&type_string, &type_string}, "void (string var, string val)"}, {73, "centerprint", NULL, {&type_entity,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string}, "void (entity client, string s, ...)"}, {74, "ambientsound", NULL, {&type_vector, &type_string, &type_float, &type_float}, "void (vector pos, string samp, float vol, float atten)"}, {75, "precache_model2", NULL, {&type_string}, "string (string s)"}, {76, "precache_sound2", NULL, {&type_string}, "string (string s)"}, {77, "precache_file2", NULL, {&type_string}, "string (string s)"}, {78, "setspawnparms", NULL, {&type_entity}, "void (entity e)"}, //quakeworld specific {79, "logfrag", NULL, {&type_entity, &type_entity}, "void(entity killer, entity killee)"}, {80, "infokey", &type_string, {&type_entity, &type_string}, "string(entity e, string key)"}, {81, "stof", &type_float, {&type_string}, "float(string s)"}, {82, "multicast", NULL, {&type_vector, &type_float}, "void(vector where, float set)"}, /* //these are mvdsv specific {83, "executecmd", NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {84, "tokenize", NULL, {&type_string}, NULL}, {85, "argc", &type_float, {NULL}, "float()"}, {86, "argv", &type_string, {&type_float}, "string(float f)"}, {87, "teamfield", NULL, {NULL}, "void(.string fs)"}, {88, "substr", &type_string, {&type_string, &type_float, &type_float}, "string(string, float, float)"}, {89, "strcat", &type_string, {&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string}, "string (...)"}, {90, "strlen", &type_float, {&type_string}, "float(string s)"}, {91, "str2byte", &type_float, {&type_string}, "float(string s)"}, {92, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {93, "newstr", &type_string, {&type_string}, "string(...)"}, {94, "freestr", NULL, {&type_string}, "void(string s)"}, {95, "conprint", NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {96, "readcmd", &type_string, {&type_string}, "string(string cmd)"}, {97, "strcpy", NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {98, "strstr", &type_string, {&type_string, &type_string}, "string(string str, string sub)"}, {99, "strncpy", NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {100, "log", NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {101, "redirectcmd", NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {102, "calltimeofday", NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {103, "forcedemoframe", NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, */ //some QSG extensions {83, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {84, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {85, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {86, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {87, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {88, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {89, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, NULL}, {90, "tracebox", NULL, {&type_vector, &type_vector, &type_vector, &type_vector, &type_float, &type_entity}, "void(vector start, vector mins, vector maxs, vector end, float nomonsters, entity ent)"}, {91, "randomvec", &type_vector, {NULL}, "vector()"}, {92, "getlight", &type_vector, {&type_vector}, "vector(vector org)"}, {93, "registercvar", &type_float, {&type_string, &type_string}, "float(string cvarname, string defaultvalue)"}, {94, "min", &type_float, {&type_float,&type_float,&type_float,&type_float,&type_float,&type_float,&type_float,&type_float},"float(float a, float b, ...)"}, {95, "max", &type_float, {&type_float,&type_float,&type_float,&type_float,&type_float,&type_float,&type_float,&type_float},"float(float a, float b, ...)"}, {96, "bound", &type_float, {&type_float,&type_float,&type_float}, "float(float minimum, float val, float maximum)"}, {97, "pow", &type_float, {&type_float,&type_float}, "float(float value, float exp)"}, {98, "findfloat", &type_entity, {&type_entity,&type_field,&type_float}, "entity(entity start, .__variant fld, __variant match)"}, {99, "checkextension",&type_float, {&type_string}, "float(string extname)"}, {100, "builtin_find", &type_float, {&type_string}, "float(string builtinname)"}, {101, "redirectcmd", NULL, {&type_entity,&type_string}, "void(entity to, string str)"}, {102, "anglemod", &type_float, {&type_float}, "float(float value)"}, {103, "cvar_string", &type_string, {&type_string}, "string(string cvarname)"}, {104, "showpic", NULL, {NULL}, "void(string slot, string picname, float x, float y, float zone, optional entity player)"}, {105, "hidepic", NULL, {NULL}, "void(string slot, optional entity player)"}, {106, "movepic", NULL, {NULL}, "void(string slot, float x, float y, float zone, optional entity player)"}, {107, "changepic", NULL, {NULL}, "void(string slot, string picname, optional entity player)"}, {108, "showpicent", NULL, {NULL}, "void(string slot, entity player)"}, {109, "hidepicent", NULL, {NULL}, "void(string slot, entity player)"}, {110, "fopen", &type_float, {&type_string,&type_float}, "float(string filename, float mode, optional float mmapminsize)"}, {111, "fclose", NULL, {&type_float}, "void(float fhandle)"}, {112, "fgets", &type_string, {&type_float,&type_string}, "string(float fhandle)"}, {113, "fputs", NULL, {&type_float,&type_string}, "void(float fhandle, string s, optional string s2, optional string s3, optional string s4, optional string s5, optional string s6, optional string s7)"}, {114, "strlen", &type_float, {&type_string}, "float(string s)"}, {115, "strcat", &type_string, {&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string,&type_string},"string(string s1, optional string s2, optional string s3, optional string s4, optional string s5, optional string s6, optional string s7, optional string s8)"}, {116, "substring", &type_string, {&type_string,&type_float,&type_float}, "string(string s, float start, float length)"}, {117, "stov", &type_vector, {&type_string}, "vector(string s)"}, {118, "strzone", &type_string, {&type_string}, "string(string s, ...)"}, {119, "strunzone", NULL, {&type_string}, "void(string s)"}, }; char *DecompileValueString(etype_t type, void *val); QCC_ddef_t *DecompileGetParameter(gofs_t ofs); QCC_ddef_t *DecompileFindGlobal(const char *name); char *DecompilePrintParameter(QCC_ddef_t * def); QCC_ddef_t *DecompileFunctionGlobal(int funcnum); char *ReadProgsCopyright(char *buf, size_t bufsize) { char *copyright, *e; dprograms_t *progs = (dprograms_t*)buf; int lowest = progs->ofs_statements; lowest = min(lowest, progs->ofs_globaldefs); lowest = min(lowest, progs->ofs_fielddefs); lowest = min(lowest, progs->ofs_functions); lowest = min(lowest, progs->ofs_strings); lowest = min(lowest, progs->ofs_globals); lowest = min(lowest, progs->ofs_fielddefs); copyright = (char*)(progs+1); if (!strncmp("\r\n\r\n", copyright, 4)) { copyright += 4; e = copyright+strlen(copyright)+1; if (e && !strncmp(e, "\r\n\r\n", 4)) { if (e+4 <= buf+lowest) { return copyright; } } } return NULL; } int DecompileReadData(char *srcfilename, char *buf, size_t bufsize) { dprograms_t progs; int i, j; void *p; char name[1024]; QCC_ddef_t *fd; int stsz = 16, defsz=16; // int quakeforge = false; memcpy(&progs, buf, sizeof(progs)); if (progs.version == PROG_QTESTVERSION) { defsz = -32; //ddefs_t is 32bit stsz = -16; //statements is mostly 16bit. there's some line numbers in there too. } else if (progs.version == PROG_VERSION) stsz = defsz = 16; else if (progs.version == 7) { if (progs.secondaryversion == PROG_SECONDARYVERSION16) { //regular 16bit progs, just an extended instruction set probably. stsz = defsz = 16; } else if (progs.secondaryversion == PROG_SECONDARYVERSION32) { //32bit fte progs. everything is 32bit. stsz = defsz = 32; } else { //progs is kk7 (certain QW TF mods). defs are 16bit but statements are 32bit. so this is unusable for saved games. stsz = 32; defsz = 16; //gah! fucked! } } else { stsz = defsz = 16; // quakeforge = true; } strings = buf + progs.ofs_strings; strofs = progs.numstrings; numstatements = progs.numstatements; // if (numstatements > MAX_STATEMENTS) // Sys_Error("Too many statements"); if (stsz == 32) statements = (dstatement32_t*)(buf+progs.ofs_statements); else if (stsz == 16) { //need to expand the statements to 32bit. const dstatement16_t *statements6 = (const dstatement16_t*)(buf+progs.ofs_statements); statements = malloc(numstatements * sizeof(*statements)); for (i = 0; i < numstatements; i++) { statements[i].op = statements6[i].op; if (statements[i].op == OP_GOTO) statements[i].a = (signed short)statements6[i].a; else statements[i].a = (unsigned short)statements6[i].a; if (statements[i].op == OP_IF_I || statements[i].op == OP_IFNOT_I || statements[i].op == OP_IF_F || statements[i].op == OP_IFNOT_F || statements[i].op == OP_IF_S || statements[i].op == OP_IFNOT_S) statements[i].b = (signed short)statements6[i].b; else statements[i].b = (unsigned short)statements6[i].b; statements[i].c = (unsigned short)statements6[i].c; } } else if (stsz == -16) { const qtest_statement_t *statements3 = (const qtest_statement_t*)(buf+progs.ofs_statements); statements = malloc(numstatements * sizeof(*statements)); for (i = 0; i < numstatements; i++) { statements[i].op = statements3[i].op; if (statements[i].op == OP_GOTO) statements[i].a = (signed short)statements3[i].a; else statements[i].a = (unsigned short)statements3[i].a; if (statements[i].op == OP_IF_I || statements[i].op == OP_IFNOT_I || statements[i].op == OP_IF_F || statements[i].op == OP_IFNOT_F || statements[i].op == OP_IF_S || statements[i].op == OP_IFNOT_S) statements[i].b = (signed short)statements3[i].b; else statements[i].b = (unsigned short)statements3[i].b; statements[i].c = (unsigned short)statements3[i].c; } } else externs->Sys_Error("Unrecognised progs version"); numfunctions = progs.numfunctions; functions = (dfunction_t*)(buf+progs.ofs_functions); DecompileProfiles = calloc(numfunctions, sizeof(*DecompileProfiles)); rettypes = calloc(numfunctions, sizeof(*rettypes)); numglobaldefs = progs.numglobaldefs; numfielddefs = progs.numfielddefs; if (defsz == 16) { const QCC_ddef16_t *gd16 = (const QCC_ddef16_t*)(buf+progs.ofs_globaldefs); globals = malloc(numglobaldefs * sizeof(*globals)); for (i = 0; i < numglobaldefs; i++) { globals[i].ofs = gd16[i].ofs; globals[i].s_name = gd16[i].s_name; globals[i].type = gd16[i].type; } gd16 = (const QCC_ddef16_t*)(buf+progs.ofs_fielddefs); fields = malloc(numfielddefs * sizeof(*fields)); for (i = 0; i < numfielddefs; i++) { fields[i].ofs = gd16[i].ofs; fields[i].s_name = gd16[i].s_name; fields[i].type = gd16[i].type; } } else if (defsz == -32) { const qtest_function_t *funcin = (const qtest_function_t*)(buf+progs.ofs_functions); const qtest_def_t *gdqt = (const qtest_def_t*)(buf+progs.ofs_globaldefs); globals = malloc(numglobaldefs * sizeof(*globals)); for (i = 0; i < numglobaldefs; i++) { globals[i].ofs = gdqt[i].ofs; globals[i].s_name = gdqt[i].s_name; globals[i].type = gdqt[i].type; } gdqt = (const qtest_def_t*)(buf+progs.ofs_fielddefs); fields = malloc(numfielddefs * sizeof(*fields)); for (i = 0; i < numfielddefs; i++) { fields[i].ofs = gdqt[i].ofs; fields[i].s_name = gdqt[i].s_name; fields[i].type = gdqt[i].type; } functions = malloc(numfunctions * sizeof(*functions)); for (i = 0; i < numfunctions; i++) { functions[i].first_statement = funcin[i].first_statement; // negative numbers are builtins functions[i].parm_start = funcin[i].parm_start; functions[i].locals = funcin[i].locals; // total ints of parms + locals functions[i].profile = funcin[i].profile; // runtime functions[i].s_name = funcin[i].s_name; functions[i].s_file = funcin[i].s_file; // source file defined in functions[i].numparms = funcin[i].numparms; for (j = 0; j < MAX_PARMS; j++) functions[i].parm_size[j] = funcin[i].parm_size[j]; } } else { globals = (QCC_ddef32_t*)(buf+progs.ofs_globaldefs); fields = (QCC_ddef32_t*)(buf+progs.ofs_fielddefs); } pr_globals = (float*)(buf+progs.ofs_globals); numpr_globals = progs.numglobals; printf("Decompiling...\n"); printf("Read Data from %s:\n", srcfilename); printf("Total Size is %6i\n", bufsize); printf("Version Code is %i\n", progs.version); printf("CRC is %i\n", progs.crc); printf("%6i strofs\n", strofs); printf("%6i numstatements\n", numstatements); printf("%6i numfunctions\n", numfunctions); printf("%6i numglobaldefs\n", numglobaldefs); printf("%6i numfielddefs\n", numfielddefs); printf("%6i numpr_globals\n", numpr_globals); printf("----------------------\n"); if (numpr_globals > MAX_REGS) { printf("fatal error: progs exceeds a limit\n"); exit(1); } ofs_return = OFS_RETURN; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) ofs_parms[i] = OFS_PARM0 + i * 3; ofs_size = 3; /* if (quakeforge) { int typeremap[] = {ev_void, ev_string, ev_float, ev_vector, ev_entity, ev_field, ev_function, ev_pointer, ev_quat, ev_integer, ev_uinteger}; for (i = 1; i < numglobaldefs; i++) { globals[i].type = (globals[i].type & DEF_SAVEGLOBGAL) | typeremap[globals[i].type&~DEF_SAVEGLOBGAL]; } for (i = 1; i < numfielddefs; i++) { fields[i].type = (fields[i].type & DEF_SAVEGLOBGAL) | typeremap[fields[i].type&~DEF_SAVEGLOBGAL]; } for (i = 1; i < numstatements; i++) { if (statements[i].op >= OP_H2_FIRST)// && statements[i].op <= OP_H2_FIRST+sizeof(quakeforgeremap)/sizeof(quakeforgeremap[0])) statements[i].op = quakeforgeremap[statements[i].op-OP_H2_FIRST]; } fd = DecompileFindGlobal(".zero"); if (fd) fd->ofs = -1; fd = DecompileFindGlobal(".return"); if (fd) { ofs_return = fd->ofs; fd->ofs = -1; } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { QC_snprintfz(name, sizeof(name), ".param_%i", i); fd = DecompileFindGlobal(name); if (fd) { ofs_parms[i] = fd->ofs; fd->ofs = -1; } } fd = DecompileFindGlobal(".param_size"); if (fd) ofs_size = ((int*)pr_globals)[fd->ofs]; } */ //fix up the globaldefs for (i = 1; i < numglobaldefs; i++) { if (globals[i].ofs < RESERVED_OFS) globals[i].ofs += numpr_globals; } // fix up the functions for (i = 1; i < numfunctions; i++) { if ((unsigned)functions[i].s_name >= (unsigned)strofs || strlen(functions[i].s_name + strings) <= 0) { fd = DecompileFunctionGlobal(i); if (fd) { functions[i].s_name = fd->s_name; continue; } QC_snprintfz(name, sizeof(name), "function%i", i); name[strlen(name)] = 0; p = malloc(strlen(name + 1)); strcpy(p, name); functions[i].s_name = (char *)p - strings; } if (functions[i].first_statement > 0 && !functions[i].locals && functions[i].numparms) { //vanilla qcc apparently had a bug for (j = 0; j < functions[i].numparms; j++) functions[i].locals += functions[i].parm_size[j]; } } return progs.version; } int DecompileGetFunctionIdxByName(const char *name) { int i; for (i = 1; i < numfunctions; i++) if (!strcmp(name, strings + functions[i].s_name)) { return i; } return 0; } const etype_t DecompileGetFieldTypeByDef(QCC_ddef_t *def) { int i; int ofs = ((int*)pr_globals)[def->ofs]; for (i = 1; i < numfielddefs; i++) if (fields[i].ofs == ofs) { if (!strcmp(strings+def->s_name, strings+fields[i].s_name)) return fields[i].type; } return ev_void; } const char *DecompileGetFieldNameIdxByFinalOffset(int ofs) { int i; for (i = 1; i < numfielddefs; i++) if (fields[i].ofs == ofs) { return fields[i].s_name+strings; } return "UNKNOWN FIELD"; } void DecompileGetFieldNameIdxByFinalOffset2(char *out, size_t outsize, int ofs) { int i; for (i = 1; i < numfielddefs; i++) { if (fields[i].ofs == ofs) { QC_snprintfz(out, outsize, "%s", fields[i].s_name+strings); return; } else if (fields[i].type == ev_vector && fields[i].ofs+1 == ofs) { QC_snprintfz(out, outsize, "%s_y", fields[i].s_name+strings); return; } else if (fields[i].type == ev_vector && fields[i].ofs+2 == ofs) { QC_snprintfz(out, outsize, "%s_z", fields[i].s_name+strings); return; } } QC_snprintfz(out, outsize, "<FIELD@%i>", ofs); } int DecompileAlreadySeen(char *fname, vfile_t **rfile) { int ret = 1; vfile_t *file; file = QCC_FindVFile(fname); if (!file) { ret = 0; if (rfile) { char *header = "//Decompiled code. Please respect the original copyright.\n"; *rfile = QCC_AddVFile(fname, header, strlen(header)); AddSourceFile("progs.src", fname); } } else if (rfile) *rfile = file; return ret; } char *DecompileReturnType(dfunction_t *df); char *DecompileAgressiveType(dfunction_t *df, dstatement_t *last, gofs_t ofs) { QCC_ddef_t *par; par = DecompileGetParameter(ofs); if (par) //single = intended { return type_name(par); } if (ofs == ofs_return && ((last->op >= OP_CALL0 && last->op <= OP_CALL8) || (last->op >= OP_CALL1H && last->op <= OP_CALL8H))) { //offset is a return value, go look at the called function's return type. return DecompileReturnType(functions + ((int*)pr_globals)[last->a]); } while(last >= &statements[df->first_statement]) { if (last->c == ofs && pr_opcodes[last->op].associative == ASSOC_LEFT && pr_opcodes[last->op].priorityclass) { //previous was an operation into the temp return type_names[(*pr_opcodes[last->op].type_c)->type]; // sprintf(fname, "%s ", temp_type6(rds->a, rds, df)); } last--; } return NULL; //got to start of function... shouldn't really happen. } static unsigned int DecompileBuiltin(dfunction_t *df) { unsigned int bi, i; if (df->first_statement > 0) return 0; //not a builtin. bi = -df->first_statement; //okay, so this is kinda screwy, different mods have different sets of builtins, and a load of fte's are #0 too //so just try to match by name first... lots of scanning. :( if (df->s_name>0) { char *biname = strings + df->s_name; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(builtins)/sizeof(builtins[0])); i++) { if (!builtins[i].name) continue; if (!strcmp(builtins[i].name, biname)) { //okay, this one matched. bi = i; break; } } } if (bi >= (sizeof(builtins)/sizeof(builtins[0]))) return 0; //unknown. return bi; } char *DecompileReturnType(dfunction_t *df) { dstatement_t *ds; unsigned short dom; pbool foundret = false; static int recursion; char *ret = NULL; //return null if we don't know. int couldbeastring = true; if (df->first_statement <= 0) { unsigned int bi = DecompileBuiltin(df); if (bi) if (builtins[bi].returns) return type_names[(*builtins[bi].returns)->type]; return "void"; //no returns statements found } if (rettypes[df - functions]) return rettypes[df - functions]; recursion++; ds = statements + df->first_statement; /* * find a return statement, to determine the result type */ while (1) { dom = (ds->op) % OP_MARK_END_ELSE; if (!dom) break; // if (dom == OPQF_RETURN_V) // break; if (dom == OP_RETURN) { if (ds->a != 0) //some code is buggy. { foundret = true; if (recursion < 10) { ret = DecompileAgressiveType(df, ds-1, ds->a); if (ret) break; } if (((int*)pr_globals)[ds->a] < 0 && ((int*)pr_globals)[ds->a] >= strofs) couldbeastring = false; //definatly not else { char buf[64]; QC_snprintfz(buf, sizeof(buf), "%f", pr_globals[ds->a]); if (strcmp(buf, "0.000000")) couldbeastring = false; //doesn't fit the profile } } } ds++; } recursion--; if (foundret) { if (!ret) { if (couldbeastring) ret = "string /*WARNING: could not determine return type*/"; else ret = "float /*WARNING: could not determine return type*/"; } } else ret = "void"; //no returns statements found rettypes[df - functions] = ret; return ret; } void DecompileCalcProfiles(void) { int i, ps; gofs_t j; char *knew; static char fname[512]; static char line[512]; dfunction_t *df; QCC_ddef_t *par; for (i = 1; i < numfunctions; i++) { df = functions + i; fname[0] = '\0'; line[0] = '\0'; DecompileProfiles[i] = NULL; if (df->first_statement <= 0) { unsigned int bi = DecompileBuiltin(df); if (bi && builtins[bi].text) QC_snprintfz(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s %s", builtins[bi].text, strings + functions[i].s_name); else { QC_snprintfz(fname, sizeof(fname), "__variant(...) %s", strings + functions[i].s_name); printf("warning: unknown builtin %s\n", strings + functions[i].s_name); } } else { char *rettype; rettype = DecompileReturnType(df); if (!rettype) { //but we do know that it's not void rettype = "float /*WARNING: could not determine return type*/"; } strcpy(fname, rettype); strcat(fname, "("); /* * determine overall parameter size */ for (j = 0, ps = 0; j < df->numparms; j++) ps += df->parm_size[j]; if (ps > 0) { int p; for (p = 0, j = df->parm_start; j < (df->parm_start) + ps; p++) { line[0] = '\0'; par = DecompileGetParameter(j); if (!par) par = DecompileGetParameter((short)j); if (!par) { //Error("Error - No parameter names with offset %i.", j); // printf("No parameter names with offset %i\n", j); if (p<8) j += df->parm_size[p]; else j += 1; if (p<8&&df->parm_size[p] == 3) { if (j < (df->parm_start) + ps) QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "vector par%i, ", p); else QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "vector par%i", p); } else { if (j < (df->parm_start) + ps) QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "__variant par%i, ", p); else QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "__variant par%i", p); } } else { if (par->type == ev_vector) j += 2; j++; if (j < (df->parm_start) + ps) { QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s, ", DecompilePrintParameter(par)); } else { QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s", DecompilePrintParameter(par)); } } strcat(fname, line); } } strcat(fname, ") "); line[0] = '\0'; QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), strings + functions[i].s_name); strcat(fname, line); } knew = (char *)malloc(strlen(fname) + 1); strcpy(knew, fname); DecompileProfiles[i] = knew; } } QCC_ddef_t *GlobalAtOffset(dfunction_t *df, gofs_t ofs) { QCC_ddef_t *def; int i, j; def = globalofsdef[ofs]; if (def) return def; for (i = 0; i < numglobaldefs; i++) { def = &globals[i]; if (def->ofs == ofs) { /*if (!strings[def->s_name]) { char line[16]; char *buf; sprintf(line, "_s_%i", def->ofs); //globals, which are defined after the locals of the function they are first used in... buf = malloc(strlen(line)+1); //must be static variables, but we can't handle them very well strcpy(buf, line); def->s_name = buf - strings; }*/ globalofsdef[ofs] = def; return def; } } if (ofs >= df->parm_start && ofs < df->parm_start + df->locals) { static QCC_ddef_t parm[8]; static char *parmnames[] = {"par0","par1","par2","par3","par4","par5","par6","par7"}; int parmofs = ofs - df->parm_start; for (i = 0; i < df->numparms && i < 8; i++) { if (parmofs < df->parm_size[i]) { parm[i].ofs = ofs - parmofs; parm[i].s_name = parmnames[i]-strings; parm[i].type = ev_void; ofs = parm[i].ofs; for (j = 0; j < numglobaldefs; j++) { def = &globals[j]; if (def->ofs == ofs) { char line[256], *buf; sprintf(line, "%s_%c", strings+def->s_name, 'x'+parmofs); //globals, which are defined after the locals of the function they are first used in... def = malloc(sizeof(*def)+strlen(line)+1); //must be static variables, but we can't handle them very well buf = (char*)(def+1); strcpy(buf, line); def->s_name = buf - strings; def->type = ev_float; return def; } } return &parm[i]; } parmofs -= df->parm_size[i]; } //moo } //FIXME: if its within the current function's bounds, its: // within param list: argument // never written: immediate // optimised: a local / locked temp. // vanilla qcc: always a temp (other locals will be named) //elsewhere: // if its assigned to somewhere, then its a temp // otherwise its a const. return NULL; } char *DecompileGlobal(dfunction_t *df, gofs_t ofs, QCC_type_t * req_t) { int i; QCC_ddef_t *def; static char line[8192]; char *res; line[0] = '\0'; /*if (req_t == &def_short) { QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%ii", ofs); res = (char *)malloc(strlen(line) + 1); strcpy(res, line); return res; }*/ def = GlobalAtOffset(df, ofs); if (def) { const char *defname = qcstring(def->s_name); if (!strcmp(defname, "IMMEDIATE") || !strcmp(defname, ".imm") || !def->s_name) { etype_t ty; if (!req_t) ty = def->type; else { ty = (etype_t)(req_t->type); if (!ty) ty = def->type; } QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s", DecompileValueString(ty, &pr_globals[def->ofs])); } else { if (!*defname) { char line[16]; char *buf; QCC_ddef_t *parent; if (ofs >= df->parm_start && ofs < df->parm_start + df->locals) goto lookslikealocal; else if ((parent = GlobalAtOffset(df, ofs-1)) && parent->type == ev_vector) { // _y QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s_y", strings+parent->s_name); //globals, which are defined after the locals of the function they are first used in... buf = malloc(strlen(line)+1); //must be static variables, but we can't handle them very well strcpy(buf, line); def->s_name = buf - strings; } else if ((parent = GlobalAtOffset(df, ofs-2)) && parent->type == ev_vector) { // _z QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s_z", strings+parent->s_name); //globals, which are defined after the locals of the function they are first used in... buf = malloc(strlen(line)+1); //must be static variables, but we can't handle them very well strcpy(buf, line); def->s_name = buf - strings; } else { QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "_sloc_%i", def->ofs); //globals, which are defined after the locals of the function they are first used in... buf = malloc(strlen(line)+1); //must be static variables, but we can't handle them very well strcpy(buf, line); def->s_name = buf - strings; } } QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s", strings + def->s_name); if (def->type == ev_field && req_t == type_field && req_t->aux_type == type_float && DecompileGetFieldTypeByDef(def) == ev_vector) strcat(line, "_x"); else if (def->type == ev_vector && req_t == type_float) strcat(line, "_x"); } res = (char *)malloc(strlen(line) + 1); strcpy(res, line); return res; } if (ofs >= df->parm_start && ofs < df->parm_start + df->locals) { int parmofs; lookslikealocal: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "local_%i", ofs); for (i = 0, parmofs = ofs - df->parm_start; i < df->numparms && i < 8; i++) { if (parmofs < df->parm_size[i]) { if (parmofs) QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "par%i_%c", i, 'x'+parmofs); else QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "par%i", i); break; } parmofs -= df->parm_size[i]; } if (!assumelocals && i == df->numparms) return NULL; //we don't know what this is. assume its a temp res = (char *)malloc(strlen(line) + 1); strcpy(res, line); return res; } if (assumeglobals) { //unknown globals are normally assumed to be temps if (ofs >= ofs_parms[7]+ofs_size) { QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "tmp_%i", ofs); res = (char *)malloc(strlen(line) + 1); strcpy(res, line); return res; } } return NULL; } static struct { char *text; QCC_type_t *type; } IMMEDIATES[MAX_REGS]; gofs_t DecompileScaleIndex(dfunction_t *df, gofs_t ofs) { gofs_t nofs = 0; /*if (ofs > ofs_parms[7]+ofs_size) nofs = ofs - df->parm_start + ofs_parms[7]+ofs_size; else*/ nofs = ofs; if ((nofs < 0) || (nofs > MAX_REGS - 1)) { printf("Fatal Error - Index (%i) out of bounds.\n", nofs); return 0; exit(1); } return nofs; } void DecompileImmediate_Free(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_REGS; i++) { if (IMMEDIATES[i].text) { free(IMMEDIATES[i].text); IMMEDIATES[i].text = NULL; } } } void DecompileImmediate_Insert(dfunction_t *df, gofs_t ofs, char *knew, QCC_type_t *type) { QCC_ddef_t *d; int nofs; nofs = DecompileScaleIndex(df, ofs); if (IMMEDIATES[nofs].text) { // fprintf(Decompileofile, "/*WARNING: Discarding \"%s\"/", IMMEDIATES[nofs]); free(IMMEDIATES[nofs].text); IMMEDIATES[nofs].text = NULL; } d = GlobalAtOffset(df, ofs); if (d && d->s_name)// && strcmp(strings+d->s_name, "IMMEDIATE")) { //every operator has a src (or two) and a dest. //many compilers optimise by using the dest of a maths/logic operator to store to a local/global //they then skip off the storeopcode. //without this, we would never see these stores. IMMEDIATES[nofs].text = NULL; IMMEDIATES[nofs].type = NULL; QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s = %s;\n", strings + d->s_name, knew); } else { IMMEDIATES[nofs].text = (char *)malloc(strlen(knew) + 1); strcpy(IMMEDIATES[nofs].text, knew); IMMEDIATES[nofs].type = type; } } void FloatToString(char *out, size_t outsize, float f) { char *e; QC_snprintfz(out, outsize, "%f", f); //trim any trailing decimals e = strchr(out, '.'); if (e) { e = e+strlen(e); while (e > out && e[-1] == '0') e--; if (e > out && e[-1] == '.') e--; *e = 0; } } char *DecompileImmediate_Get(dfunction_t *df, gofs_t ofs, QCC_type_t *req_t) { char *res; gofs_t nofs; nofs = DecompileScaleIndex(df, ofs); // printf("DecompileImmediate - Index scale: %i -> %i.\n", ofs, nofs); // insert at nofs if (IMMEDIATES[nofs].text) { // printf("DecompileImmediate - Reading \"%s\" at index %i.\n", IMMEDIATES[nofs], nofs); if (IMMEDIATES[nofs].type == type_vector && req_t == type_float) { res = (char *)malloc(strlen(IMMEDIATES[nofs].text) + 4); if (strchr(IMMEDIATES[nofs].text, '(')) sprintf(res, "%s[0]", IMMEDIATES[nofs].text); else sprintf(res, "%s_x", IMMEDIATES[nofs].text); } else { res = (char *)malloc(strlen(IMMEDIATES[nofs].text) + 1); strcpy(res, IMMEDIATES[nofs].text); } return res; } else { //you are now entering the hack zone. char temp[8192]; switch(req_t?req_t->type:-1) { case ev_void: //for lack of any better ideas. case ev_float: //denormalised floats need special handling. if ((0x7fffffff&*(int*)&pr_globals[ofs]) >= 1 && (0x7fffffff&*(int*)&pr_globals[ofs]) < 0x00800000) { QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "((float)(__variant)%ii)", *(int*)&pr_globals[ofs]); // if (req_t && *(int*)&pr_globals[ofs] >= 1 && *(int*)&pr_globals[ofs] < strofs) // ; //failure to break means we'll print out a trailing /*string*/ // else break; } else { FloatToString(temp, sizeof(temp), pr_globals[ofs]); break; } case ev_string: { const char *in; char *out; if (((int*)pr_globals)[ofs] < 0 || ((int*)pr_globals)[ofs] > strofs) { printf("Hey! That's not a string! error in %s\n", strings + df->s_name); QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "%f", pr_globals[ofs]); break; } in = &strings[((int*)pr_globals)[ofs]]; out = temp; if (req_t->type != ev_string) { QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "/*%i*/", ((int*)pr_globals)[ofs]); out += strlen(out); } *out++ = '\"'; while (*in) { if (*in == '\"') { *out++ = '\\'; *out++ = '\"'; in++; } else if (*in == '\n') { *out++ = '\\'; *out++ = 'n'; in++; } else if (*in == '\\') { *out++ = '\\'; *out++ = '\\'; in++; } else if (*in == '\r') { *out++ = '\\'; *out++ = 'r'; in++; } else if (*in == '\a') { *out++ = '\\'; *out++ = 'a'; in++; } else if (*in == '\b') { *out++ = '\\'; *out++ = 'b'; in++; } else if (*in == '\f') { *out++ = '\\'; *out++ = 'f'; in++; } else if (*in == '\t') { *out++ = '\\'; *out++ = 't'; in++; } else if (*in == '\v') { *out++ = '\\'; *out++ = 'v'; in++; } else *out++ = *in++; } *out++ = '\"'; *out++ = '\0'; } break; case ev_vector: { char x[64], y[64], z[64]; FloatToString(x, sizeof(x), pr_globals[ofs+0]); FloatToString(y, sizeof(y), pr_globals[ofs+1]); FloatToString(z, sizeof(z), pr_globals[ofs+2]); QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "\'%s %s %s\'", x, y, z); } break; // case ev_quat: // QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "\'%f %f %f %f\'", pr_globals[ofs],pr_globals[ofs+1],pr_globals[ofs+2],pr_globals[ofs+3]); // break; case ev_integer: QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "%ii", ((int*)pr_globals)[ofs]); break; // case ev_uinteger: // QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "%uu", ((int*)pr_globals)[ofs]); // break; case ev_pointer: QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "(__variant*)0x%xi", ((int*)pr_globals)[ofs]); break; case ev_function: if (!((int*)pr_globals)[ofs]) QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "__NULL__/*func*/"); else if (((int*)pr_globals)[ofs] > 0 && ((int*)pr_globals)[ofs] < numfunctions && functions[((int*)pr_globals)[ofs]].s_name>0) QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s/*immediate*/", strings+functions[((int*)pr_globals)[ofs]].s_name); else QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "((__variant(...))%i)", ((int*)pr_globals)[ofs]); break; case ev_entity: if (!pr_globals[ofs]) QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "((entity)__NULL__)"); else QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "(entity)%i", ((int*)pr_globals)[ofs]); break; case ev_field: if (!pr_globals[ofs]) QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "((.void)__NULL__)"); else QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "/*field %s*/%i", DecompileGetFieldNameIdxByFinalOffset(((int*)pr_globals)[ofs]), ((int*)pr_globals)[ofs]); break; default: QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "FIXME"); break; } res = (char *)malloc(strlen(temp) + 1); strcpy(res, temp); return res; } return NULL; } char *DecompileGet(dfunction_t *df, gofs_t ofs, QCC_type_t *req_t) { char *farg1; /*if (req_t == &def_short) { char temp[16]; QC_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "%i", ofs); return strdup(temp); }*/ farg1 = NULL; farg1 = DecompileGlobal(df, ofs, req_t); if (farg1 == NULL) farg1 = DecompileImmediate_Get(df, ofs, req_t); return farg1; } void DecompilePrintStatement(dstatement_t *s); void DecompileIndent(int c) { int i; if (c < 0) c = 0; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "\t"); } } void DecompileOpcode(dfunction_t *df, int a, int b, int c, char *opcode, QCC_type_t *typ1, QCC_type_t *typ2, QCC_type_t *typ3, int usebrackets, int *indent) { static char line[512]; char *arg1, *arg2, *arg3; arg1 = DecompileGet(df, a, typ1); arg2 = DecompileGet(df, b, typ2); arg3 = DecompileGlobal(df, c, typ3); if (arg3) { DecompileIndent(*indent); if (usebrackets) QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s = %s %s %s;\n", arg3, arg1, opcode, arg2); else QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s = %s%s%s;\n", arg3, arg1, opcode, arg2); } else { if (usebrackets) QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "(%s %s %s)", arg1, opcode, arg2); else QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s%s%s", arg1, opcode, arg2); DecompileImmediate_Insert(df, c, line, typ3); } } void DecompileDecompileStatement(dfunction_t * df, dstatement_t * s, int *indent) { static char line[8192]; static char fnam[512]; char *arg1, *arg2, *arg3; int nargs, i, j; dstatement_t *t; unsigned int dom, doc, ifc, tom; QCC_type_t *typ1, *typ2, *typ3; QCC_ddef_t *par; dstatement_t *k; int dum; arg1 = arg2 = arg3 = NULL; line[0] = '\0'; fnam[0] = '\0'; dom = s->op; doc = dom / OP_MARK_END_DO; ifc = (dom % OP_MARK_END_DO) / OP_MARK_END_ELSE; // use program flow information for (i = 0; i < ifc; i++) { (*indent)--; DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "}\n");//FrikaC style modification } for (i = 0; i < doc; i++) { DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "do\n"); DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "{\n"); (*indent)++; } /* * remove all program flow information */ s->op %= OP_MARK_END_ELSE; typ1 = pr_opcodes[s->op].type_a?*pr_opcodes[s->op].type_a:NULL; typ2 = pr_opcodes[s->op].type_b?*pr_opcodes[s->op].type_b:NULL; typ3 = pr_opcodes[s->op].type_c?*pr_opcodes[s->op].type_c:NULL; /* * printf("DecompileDecompileStatement - decompiling %i (%i):\n",(int)(s - statements),dom); * DecompilePrintStatement (s); */ /* * states are handled at top level */ if (s->op == OP_DONE) { } else if (s->op == OP_BOUNDCHECK) { /*these are auto-generated as a sideeffect. currently there is no syntax to explicitly use one (other than asm), but we don't want to polute the code when they're autogenerated, so ditch them all*/ } else if (s->op == OP_STATE) { par = DecompileGetParameter(s->a); if (!par) { printf("Error - Can't determine frame number.\n"); exit(1); } arg2 = DecompileGet(df, s->b, NULL); if (!arg2) { printf("Error - No state parameter with offset %i.\n", s->b); exit(1); } DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "state [ %s, %s ];\n", DecompileValueString((etype_t)(par->type), &pr_globals[par->ofs]), arg2); // free(arg2); } else if (s->op == OP_RETURN/* || s->op == OPQF_RETURN_V*/) { DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "return"); if (s->a) { QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, " "); arg1 = DecompileGet(df, s->a, type_void); //FIXME: we should know the proper type better than this. QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "(%s)", arg1); } QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, ";\n"); } else if (pr_opcodes[s->op].flags & OPF_STD) { DecompileOpcode(df, s->a, s->b, s->c, pr_opcodes[s->op].name, typ1, typ2, typ3, true, indent); } else if ((pr_opcodes[s->op].flags & OPF_LOADPTR) || OP_GLOBALADDRESS == s->op) { arg1 = DecompileGet(df, s->a, typ1); arg2 = DecompileGet(df, s->b, typ2); arg3 = DecompileGlobal(df, s->c, typ3); if (arg3) { DecompileIndent(*indent); if (s->b) QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s = &%s[%s];\n", arg3, arg1, arg2); else QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s = &%s;\n", arg3, arg1); } else { if (s->b) QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s[%s]", arg1, arg2); else QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s", arg1); DecompileImmediate_Insert(df, s->c, line, typ3); } } else if ((OP_LOAD_F <= s->op && s->op <= OP_ADDRESS) || s->op == OP_LOAD_P || s->op == OP_LOAD_I) { if (s->op == OP_ADDRESS) { QCC_ddef_t *def = GlobalAtOffset(df, s->b); if (def && DecompileGetFieldTypeByDef(def) == ev_vector) typ3 = type_vector; } type_field->aux_type = typ3; DecompileOpcode(df, s->a, s->b, s->c, ".", typ1, typ2, typ3, false, indent); type_field->aux_type = NULL; } else if ((OP_LOADA_F <= s->op && s->op <= OP_LOADA_I))// || (OPQF_LOADBI_F <= s->op && s->op <= OPQF_LOADBI_P)) { static char line[512]; char *arg1, *arg2, *arg3; arg1 = DecompileGet(df, s->a, typ1); arg2 = DecompileGet(df, s->b, typ2); arg3 = DecompileGlobal(df, s->c, typ3); if (arg3) { DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s = %s[%s];\n", arg3, arg1, arg2); } else { QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s[%s]", arg1, arg2); DecompileImmediate_Insert(df, s->c, line, typ3); } } else if (pr_opcodes[s->op].flags & OPF_STORE) { QCC_type_t *parmtype=NULL; if (s->b >= ofs_parms[0] && s->b < ofs_parms[7]+ofs_size) { //okay, so typ1 might not be what the store type says it should be. k = s+1; while(k->op%OP_MARK_END_ELSE) { if ((k->op >= OP_CALL0 && k->op <= OP_CALL8) || (k->op >= OP_CALL1H && k->op <= OP_CALL8H)) { //well, this is it. int fn; int pn; dfunction_t *cf; QCC_ddef_t *def; int bi = DecompileBuiltin(df); fn = ((int*)pr_globals)[k->a]; cf = &functions[fn]; if (bi) //builtins don't have this info. { QCC_type_t **p = builtins[bi].params[(s->b-ofs_parms[0])/ofs_size]; parmtype = p?*p:NULL; } else { fn = cf->parm_start; for (pn = 0; pn < (s->b-ofs_parms[0])/ofs_size; pn++) fn += cf->parm_size[pn]; def = DecompileGetParameter(fn); if (def) { switch(def->type) { case ev_float: parmtype = type_float; break; case ev_string: parmtype = type_string; break; case ev_vector: parmtype = type_vector; break; case ev_entity: parmtype = type_entity; break; case ev_function: parmtype = type_function; break; case ev_integer: parmtype = type_integer; break; // case ev_uinteger: // parmtype = type_uinteger; // break; // case ev_quat: // parmtype = type_quat; // break; default: // parmtype = type_float; break; } } } break; } else if (OP_STORE_F <= s->op && s->op <= OP_STORE_FNC) { if (k->b < s->b) //whoops... older QCCs can nest things awkwardly. break; } k++; } } if (parmtype) arg1 = DecompileGet(df, s->a, parmtype); else arg1 = DecompileGet(df, s->a, typ1); arg3 = DecompileGlobal(df, s->b, typ2); if (arg3) { DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s %s %s;\n", arg3, pr_opcodes[s->op].name, arg1); } else { QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s", arg1); DecompileImmediate_Insert(df, s->b, line, NULL); } } else if (pr_opcodes[s->op].flags & OPF_STOREPTR) { arg1 = DecompileGet(df, s->a, typ2); //FIXME: we need to deal with ref types and other crazyness, so we know whether we need to add * or *& or if we can skip that completely arg2 = DecompileGet(df, s->b, typ2); DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s %s %s;\n", arg2, pr_opcodes[s->op].name, arg1); } else if (OP_CONV_FTOI == s->op) { arg1 = DecompileGet(df, s->a, typ1); QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "(int)%s", arg1); DecompileImmediate_Insert(df, s->c, line, type_integer); } else if (OP_CONV_ITOF == s->op) { arg1 = DecompileGet(df, s->a, typ1); QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "(float)%s", arg1); DecompileImmediate_Insert(df, s->c, line, type_float); } else if (OP_RAND0 == s->op) { DecompileImmediate_Insert(df, ofs_return, "random()", type_float); } else if (OP_RAND1 == s->op) { arg1 = DecompileGet(df, s->a, typ1); QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "random(%s)", arg1); DecompileImmediate_Insert(df, ofs_return, line, type_float); } else if (OP_RAND2 == s->op) { arg1 = DecompileGet(df, s->a, typ1); arg2 = DecompileGet(df, s->b, typ2); QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "random(%s, %s)", arg1, arg2); DecompileImmediate_Insert(df, ofs_return, line, type_float); } else if (OP_NOT_F <= s->op && s->op <= OP_NOT_FNC) { arg1 = DecompileGet(df, s->a, typ1); QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "!%s", arg1); DecompileImmediate_Insert(df, s->c, line, type_float); } else if ((OP_CALL0 <= s->op && s->op <= OP_CALL8) || (OP_CALL1H <= s->op && s->op <= OP_CALL8H)) { if (OP_CALL1H <= s->op && s->op <= OP_CALL8H) nargs = (s->op - OP_CALL1H) + 1; else nargs = s->op - OP_CALL0; arg1 = DecompileGet(df, s->a, type_function); QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s(", arg1); QC_snprintfz(fnam, sizeof(fnam), "%s", arg1); for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { typ1 = NULL; if (i == 0 && OP_CALL1H <= s->op && s->op <= OP_CALL8H) j = s->b; else if (i == 1 && OP_CALL1H <= s->op && s->op <= OP_CALL8H) j = s->c; else j = ofs_parms[i]; if (arg1) free(arg1); arg1 = DecompileGet(df, (gofs_t)j, typ1); strcat(line, arg1); if (i < nargs - 1) strcat(line, ", ");//frikqcc modified } strcat(line, ")"); DecompileImmediate_Insert(df, ofs_return, line, NULL); /* * if ( ( ( (s+1)->a != 1) && ( (s+1)->b != 1) && * ( (s+2)->a != 1) && ( (s+2)->b != 1) ) || * ( ((s+1)->op) % OP_MARK_END_ELSE == OP_CALL0 ) ) { * DecompileIndent(*indent); * fprintf(Decompileofile,"%s;\n",line); * } */ if ((((s + 1)->a != ofs_return) && ((s + 1)->b != ofs_return) && ((s + 2)->a != ofs_return) && ((s + 2)->b != ofs_return)) || ((((s + 1)->op) % OP_MARK_END_ELSE == OP_CALL0) && ((((s + 2)->a != ofs_return)) || ((s + 2)->b != ofs_return)))) { DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s;\n", line); } } else if (s->op == OP_IF_I || s->op == OP_IFNOT_I || s->op == OP_IF_F || s->op == OP_IFNOT_F || s->op == OP_IF_S || s->op == OP_IFNOT_S/* || s->op == OPQF_IFA || s->op == OPQF_IFB || s->op == OPQF_IFAE || s->op == OPQF_IFBE*/) { arg1 = DecompileGet(df, s->a, type_float); //FIXME: this isn't quite accurate... arg2 = DecompileGlobal(df, s->a, NULL); if (s->op == OP_IFNOT_I || s->op == OP_IFNOT_F || s->op == OP_IFNOT_S) { lameifnot: if ((signed int)s->b < 1) { // if (arg1) // free(arg1); // if (arg2) // free(arg2); // if (arg3) // free(arg3); return; printf("Found a negative IFNOT jump.\n"); exit(1); } /* * get instruction right before the target */ t = s + (signed int)s->b - 1; tom = t->op % OP_MARK_END_ELSE; if (tom != OP_GOTO) { /* * pure if */ DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "if (%s)\n", arg1);//FrikaC modified DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "{\n"); (*indent)++; } else { if ((signed int)t->a > 0) { /* * ite */ DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "if (%s)\n", arg1);//FrikaC modified DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "{\n"); (*indent)++; } else { if (((signed int)t->a + (signed int)s->b) > 1) { /* * pure if */ DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "if (%s)\n", arg1);//FrikaC modified DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "{\n"); (*indent)++; } else { dum = 1; for (k = t + (signed int)(t->a); k < s; k++) { tom = k->op % OP_MARK_END_ELSE; if (tom == OP_GOTO || tom == OP_IF_I || tom == OP_IFNOT_I || tom == OP_IF_F || tom == OP_IFNOT_F || tom == OP_IF_S || tom == OP_IFNOT_S) dum = 0; } if (dum) { DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "while (%s)\n", arg1); DecompileIndent(*indent); //FrikaC QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "{\n"); (*indent)++; } else { DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "if (%s)\n", arg1);//FrikaC modified DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "{\n"); (*indent)++; } } } } } /*else if (s->op == OPQF_IFA) { char *t = arg1; arg1 = malloc(strlen(arg1)+8); sprintf(arg1, "(%s) <= 0", t); free(t); goto lameifnot; } else if (s->op == OPQF_IFAE) { char *t = arg1; arg1 = malloc(strlen(arg1)+7); sprintf(arg1, "(%s) < 0", t); free(t); goto lameifnot; } else if (s->op == OPQF_IFB) { char *t = arg1; arg1 = malloc(strlen(arg1)+8); sprintf(arg1, "(%s) >= 0", t); free(t); goto lameifnot; } else if (s->op == OPQF_IFBE) { char *t = arg1; arg1 = malloc(strlen(arg1)+7); sprintf(arg1, "(%s) > 0", t); free(t); goto lameifnot; }*/ else { if ((signed int)s->b>0) { char *t = arg1; //if (!...) arg1 = malloc(strlen(arg1)+2); sprintf(arg1, "!%s", t); free(t); goto lameifnot; } else { /* * do ... while */ (*indent)--; QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "\n"); DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "} while (%s);\n", arg1); } } } else if (s->op == OPD_GOTO_FORSTART) { DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "do_tail\n", (s-statements) + (signed int)s->a); DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "{\n"); (*indent)++; } else if (s->op == OPD_GOTO_WHILE1) { (*indent)--; DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "} while(1);\n"); } else if (s->op == OP_GOTO) { if ((signed int)s->a > 0) { /* * else */ (*indent)--; DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "}\n"); DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "else\n"); DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "{\n"); (*indent)++; } else { /* * while */ (*indent)--; DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "}\n"); } } else { int op = s->op%OP_MARK_END_ELSE; if (op <= OP_BITOR_F && pr_opcodes[s->op].opname) printf("warning: Unknown usage of OP_%s", pr_opcodes[s->op].opname); else { DecompileIndent(*indent); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "[OP_%s", pr_opcodes[op].opname); if (s->a) QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, ", %s", DecompileGet(df, s->a, typ1)); if (s->b) QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, ", %s", DecompileGet(df, s->b, typ1)); if (s->c) QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, ", %s", DecompileGet(df, s->c, typ1)); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "]\n"); printf("warning: Unknown opcode %i in %s\n", op, strings + df->s_name); } } // printf("DecompileDecompileStatement - Current line is \"%s\"\n", line); if (arg1) free(arg1); if (arg2) free(arg2); if (arg3) free(arg3); return; } pbool DecompileDecompileFunction(dfunction_t * df, dstatement_t *altdone) { dstatement_t *ds; int indent; // Initialize DecompileImmediate_Free(); indent = 1; ds = statements + df->first_statement; if(ds->op == OP_STATE) ds++; while (1) { if (ds == altdone) { //decompile the dummy done, cos we can DecompileDecompileStatement(df, statements, &indent); break; } DecompileDecompileStatement(df, ds, &indent); if (!ds->op) break; ds++; } if (indent != 1) { printf("warning: Indentation structure corrupt (in func %s)\n", strings+df->s_name); return false; } return true; } char *DecompileString(int qcstring) { static char buf[8192]; char *s; int c = 1; const char *string = strings+qcstring; if (qcstring < 0 || qcstring >= strofs) return "Invalid String"; s = buf; *s++ = '"'; while (string && *string) { if (c == sizeof(buf) - 2) break; if (*string == '\n') { *s++ = '\\'; *s++ = 'n'; c++; } else if (*string == '"') { *s++ = '\\'; *s++ = '"'; c++; } else { *s++ = *string; c++; } string++; if (c > (int)(sizeof(buf) - 10)) { *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '.'; c += 3; break; } } *s++ = '"'; *s++ = 0; return buf; } char *DecompileValueString(etype_t type, void *val) { static char line[8192]; line[0] = '\0'; switch (type) { case ev_string: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s", DecompileString(*(int *)val)); break; case ev_void: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "void"); break; case ev_float: if (*(float *)val > 999999 || *(float *)val < -999999) // ugh QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%.f", *(float *)val); else if ((!(*(int*)val & 0x7f800000) || (*(int*)val & 0x7f800000)==0x7f800000) && (*(int*)val & 0x7fffffff)) //QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%%%i", *(int*)val); QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "/*%di*/%s", *(int*)val, DecompileString(*(int *)val)); else if ((*(float *)val < 0.001) && (*(float *)val > 0)) QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%.6f", *(float *)val); else QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%g", *(float *)val); break; case ev_vector: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "'%g %g %g'", ((float *)val)[0], ((float *)val)[1], ((float *)val)[2]); break; // case ev_quat: // QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "'%g %g %g %g'", ((float *)val)[0], ((float *)val)[1], ((float *)val)[2], ((float *)val)[3]); // break; case ev_field: DecompileGetFieldNameIdxByFinalOffset2(line, sizeof(line), *(int *)val); break; case ev_entity: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "(entity)%ii", *(int *)val); break; case ev_integer: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%ii", *(int *)val); break; // case ev_uinteger: // QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%uu", *(int *)val); // break; case ev_pointer: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "(__variant*)0x%xi", *(int *)val); break; case ev_function: if (*(int *)val>0 && *(int *)val<numfunctions) QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "(/*func 0x%x*/%s)", *(int *)val, strings+functions[*(int *)val].s_name); else QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "((void())0x%xi)", *(int *)val); break; default: QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "bad type %i", type); break; } return line; } char *DecompilePrintParameter(QCC_ddef_t * def) { static char line[256]; static char debug[128]; line[0] = '0'; if (debug_offs) { QC_snprintfz(debug, sizeof(debug), " /*@%i*/", def->ofs); } else *debug = 0; if (!strings[def->s_name]) //null string... { QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s _p_%i%s", type_name(def), def->ofs, debug); } else if (!strcmp(strings + def->s_name, "IMMEDIATE") || !strcmp(strings + def->s_name, ".imm")) { QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s%s", DecompileValueString((etype_t)(def->type), &pr_globals[def->ofs]), debug); } else { QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s %s%s", type_name(def), strings + def->s_name, debug); } return line; } //we only work with prior fields. const char *GetMatchingField(QCC_ddef_t *field) { int i; QCC_ddef_t *def; int ld, lf; def = NULL; for (i = 0; i < numglobaldefs; i++) { def = &globals[i]; if ((def->type&~DEF_SAVEGLOBAL) == ev_field) { if (((int*)pr_globals)[def->ofs] == field->ofs) { if (!strcmp(strings+def->s_name, strings+field->s_name)) break; //found ourself, give up. lf = strlen(strings + field->s_name); ld = strlen(strings + def->s_name); if (lf - 2 == ld) { if ((strings + field->s_name)[lf-2] == '_') if (!strncmp(strings + field->s_name, strings + def->s_name, ld)) break; } return def->s_name+strings; } } } return NULL; } QCC_ddef_t *GetField(const char *name) { int i; QCC_ddef_t *d; if (!*name) return NULL; if (*name == '.') name++; //some idiot _intentionally_ decided to fuck shit up. go them! for (i = 0; i < numfielddefs; i++) { d = &fields[i]; if (!strcmp(strings + d->s_name, name)) return d; } return NULL; } QCC_ddef_t *DecompileGetParameter(gofs_t ofs) { int i; QCC_ddef_t *def; def = NULL; for (i = 0; i < numglobaldefs; i++) { def = &globals[i]; if (def->ofs == ofs) { return def; } } return NULL; } QCC_ddef_t *DecompileFindGlobal(const char *findname) { int i; QCC_ddef_t *def; const char *defname; def = NULL; for (i = 0; i < numglobaldefs; i++) { def = &globals[i]; defname = strings + def->s_name; if (!strcmp(findname, defname)) { return def; } } return NULL; } QCC_ddef_t *DecompileFunctionGlobal(int funcnum) { int i; QCC_ddef_t *def; def = NULL; for (i = 0; i < numglobaldefs; i++) { def = &globals[i]; if (def->type == ev_function) { if (((int*)pr_globals)[def->ofs] == funcnum) { return def; } } } return NULL; } void DecompilePreceedingGlobals(int start, int end, const char *name) { QCC_ddef_t *par; int j; QCC_ddef_t *ef; static char line[8192]; const char *matchingfield; //print globals leading up to the function. for (j = start; j < end; j++) { par = DecompileGetParameter((gofs_t)j); if (par) { if (par->type & DEF_SAVEGLOBAL) par->type -= DEF_SAVEGLOBAL; if (par->type == ev_function) { if (strcmp(strings + par->s_name, "IMMEDIATE") && strcmp(strings + par->s_name, ".imm")) { if (strcmp(strings + par->s_name, name)) { int f = ((int*)pr_globals)[par->ofs]; //DecompileGetFunctionIdxByName(strings + par->s_name); if (f && strcmp(strings+functions[f].s_name, strings + par->s_name)) { char *s = strrchr(DecompileProfiles[f], ' '); //happens with void() func = otherfunc; //such functions thus don't have their own type+body *s = 0; QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "var %s %s = %s;\n", DecompileProfiles[f], strings + par->s_name, s+1); *s = ' '; } else QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s;\n", DecompileProfiles[f]); } } } else if (par->type != ev_pointer) { if (strcmp(strings + par->s_name, "IMMEDIATE") && strcmp(strings + par->s_name, ".imm") && par->s_name) { if (par->type == ev_field) { ef = GetField(strings + par->s_name); if (!ef) { QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "var .unknowntype %s;\n", strings + par->s_name); printf("Fatal Error: Could not locate a field named \"%s\"\n", strings + par->s_name); } else { //if (ef->type == ev_vector) // j += 2; matchingfield = GetMatchingField(ef); #ifndef DONT_USE_DIRTY_TRICKS //could try scanning for an op_address+op_storep_fnc pair if ((ef->type == ev_function) && !strcmp(strings + ef->s_name, "th_pain")) { QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, ".void(entity attacker, float damage) th_pain;\n"); } else #endif { if (matchingfield) QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "var .%s %s = %s;\n", type_name(ef), strings + ef->s_name, matchingfield); else QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, ".%s %s;\n", type_name(ef), strings + ef->s_name); // fprintf(Decompileofile, "//%i %i %i %i\n", ef->ofs, ((int*)pr_globals)[ef->ofs], par->ofs, ((int*)pr_globals)[par->ofs]); } } } else { if (par->type == ev_vector) j += 2; if (par->type == ev_entity || par->type == ev_void) { QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s %s;\n", type_name(par), strings + par->s_name); } else { line[0] = '\0'; QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%s", DecompileValueString((etype_t)(par->type), &pr_globals[par->ofs])); if (IsConstant(par)) { QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s %s = %s;\n", type_name(par), strings + par->s_name, line); } else { if (pr_globals[par->ofs] != 0) QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s %s /* = %s */;\n", type_name(par), strings + par->s_name, line); else QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s %s;\n", type_name(par), strings + par->s_name, line); } } } } } } } } void DecompileFunction(const char *name, int *lastglobal) { int i, findex, ps; dstatement_t *ds, *ts, *altdone; dfunction_t *df; QCC_ddef_t *par; char *arg2; unsigned short dom, tom; int j, start, end; static char line[8192]; dstatement_t *k; int dum; size_t startpos; for (i = 1; i < numfunctions; i++) if (!strcmp(name, strings + functions[i].s_name)) break; if (i == numfunctions) { printf("Fatal Error: No function named \"%s\"\n", name); exit(1); } df = functions + i; altdone = statements + numstatements; for (j = i+1; j < numfunctions; j++) { if (functions[j].first_statement <= 0) continue; altdone = statements + functions[j].first_statement; break; } findex = i; start = *lastglobal; // if (dfpred->first_statement <= 0 && df->first_statement > 0) // start -= 1; end = df->parm_start; if (!end) { par = DecompileFindGlobal(name); if (par) end = par - globals; } *lastglobal = max(*lastglobal, end + df->locals); DecompilePreceedingGlobals(start, end, name); /* * Check ''local globals'' */ if (df->first_statement <= 0) { QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "%s", DecompileProfiles[findex]); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, " = #%i; \n", -df->first_statement); return; } ds = statements + df->first_statement; while (1) { dom = (ds->op) % OP_MARK_END_ELSE; if (!dom || ds == altdone) break; else if (dom == OP_GOTO) { // check for i-t-e if ((signed int)ds->a > 0) { ts = ds + (signed int)ds->a; ts->op += OP_MARK_END_ELSE; // mark the end of a if/ite construct } else { ts = ds + (signed int)ds->a; //if its a negative goto then it should normally be the end of a while{} loop. if we can't find the while statement itself, then its an infinite loop for (k = (ts); k < ds; k++) { tom = k->op % OP_MARK_END_ELSE; if (tom == OP_IF_I || tom == OP_IFNOT_I || tom == OP_IF_F || tom == OP_IFNOT_F || tom == OP_IF_S || tom == OP_IFNOT_S) { if (k + (signed int)k->b == ds+1) break; } } if (k == ds) { ds->op += OPD_GOTO_WHILE1-OP_GOTO; ts->op += OP_MARK_END_DO; } } } else if (dom == OP_IFNOT_I || dom == OP_IFNOT_F || dom == OP_IFNOT_S) { // check for pure if ts = ds + (signed int)ds->b; tom = (ts - 1)->op % OP_MARK_END_ELSE; if (tom != OP_GOTO) ts->op += OP_MARK_END_ELSE; // mark the end of a if construct else if ((signed int)(ts - 1)->a < 0) { if (((signed int)(ts - 1)->a + (signed int)ds->b) > 1) { // pure if ts->op += OP_MARK_END_ELSE; // mark the end of a if/ite construct } else { dum = 1; for (k = (ts - 1) + (signed int)((ts - 1)->a); k < ds; k++) { tom = k->op % OP_MARK_END_ELSE; if (tom == OP_GOTO || tom == OP_IF_I || tom == OP_IFNOT_I || tom == OP_IF_F || tom == OP_IFNOT_F || tom == OP_IF_S || tom == OP_IFNOT_S) dum = 0; } if (!dum) { // pure if ts->op += OP_MARK_END_ELSE; // mark the end of a if/ite construct } } } } else if (dom == OP_IF_I || dom == OP_IF_F || dom == OP_IF_S) { if ((signed int)ds->b<1) { ts = ds + (signed int)ds->b; //this is some kind of loop, either a while or for. //if the statement before the 'do' is a forwards goto, and it jumps to within the loop (instead of after), then we have to assume that it is a for loop and not a loop inside an else block. if ((ts-1)->op%OP_MARK_END_ELSE == OP_GOTO && (signed int)(ts-1)->a > 0 && (ts-1)+(signed int)(ts-1)->a <= ds) { (--ts)->op += OPD_GOTO_FORSTART - OP_GOTO; //because it was earlier, we need to unmark that goto's target as an end_else ts = ts + (signed int)ts->a; ts->op -= OP_MARK_END_ELSE; } else ts->op += OP_MARK_END_DO; // mark the start of a do construct } else { ts = ds + ds->b; if ((ts-1)->op%OP_MARK_END_ELSE != OP_GOTO) ts->op += OP_MARK_END_ELSE; // mark the end of an if construct else if ((signed int)(ts - 1)->a < 0) { if (((signed int)(ts - 1)->a + (signed int)ds->b) > 1) { // pure if ts->op += OP_MARK_END_ELSE; // mark the end of a if/ite construct } else { dum = 1; for (k = (ts - 1) + (signed int)((ts - 1)->a); k < ds; k++) { tom = k->op % OP_MARK_END_ELSE; if (tom == OP_GOTO || tom == OP_IF_I || tom == OP_IFNOT_I || tom == OP_IF_F || tom == OP_IFNOT_F || tom == OP_IF_S || tom == OP_IFNOT_S) dum = 0; } if (!dum) { // pure if ts->op += OP_MARK_END_ELSE; // mark the end of a if/ite construct } } } } } ds++; } /* * print the prototype */ QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "\n%s", DecompileProfiles[findex]); // handle state functions ds = statements + df->first_statement; if (ds->op == OP_STATE) { par = DecompileGetParameter(ds->a); if (!par) { static QCC_ddef_t pars; //must be a global (gotta be a float), create the def as needed pars.ofs = ds->a; pars.s_name = "IMMEDIATE"-strings; pars.type = ev_float; par = &pars; // printf("Fatal Error - Can't determine frame number."); // exit(1); } arg2 = DecompileGet(df, ds->b, NULL); if (!arg2) { printf("Fatal Error - No state parameter with offset %i.", ds->b); exit(1); } QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, " = [ %s, %s ]", DecompileValueString((etype_t)(par->type), &pr_globals[par->ofs]), arg2); free(arg2); } else { QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, " ="); } QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "\n{\n"); startpos = Decompileofile->size; /* fprintf(Decompileprofile, "%s", DecompileProfiles[findex]); fprintf(Decompileprofile, ") %s;\n", name); */ /* * calculate the parameter size */ for (j = 0, ps = 0; j < df->numparms; j++) { par = DecompileGetParameter((gofs_t)(df->parm_start + ps)); if (par) { if (!strings[par->s_name]) { QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "_p_%i", par->ofs); arg2 = malloc(strlen(line)+1); strcpy(arg2, line); par->s_name = arg2 - strings; } } ps += df->parm_size[j]; } /* * print the locals */ if (df->locals > 0) { if ((df->parm_start) + df->locals - 1 >= (df->parm_start) + ps) { for (i = df->parm_start + ps; i < (df->parm_start) + df->locals; i++) { par = DecompileGetParameter((gofs_t)i); if (!par) { // temps, or stripped... continue; } else { if (!strcmp(strings + par->s_name, "IMMEDIATE") || !strcmp(strings + par->s_name, ".imm")) continue; // immediates don't belong if (!strings[par->s_name]) { QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "_l_%i", par->ofs); arg2 = malloc(strlen(line)+1); strcpy(arg2, line); par->s_name = arg2 - strings; } if (par->type == ev_function) { printf("Warning Fields and functions must be global\n"); } else { if (((int*)pr_globals)[par->ofs]) QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "\tlocal %s = %s;\n", DecompilePrintParameter(par), DecompileValueString(par->type, &pr_globals[par->ofs])); else QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "\tlocal %s;\n", DecompilePrintParameter(par)); } if (par->type == ev_vector) i += 2; } } QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "\n"); } } /* * do the hard work */ if (!DecompileDecompileFunction(df, altdone)) { QCC_InsertVFile(Decompileofile, startpos, "#error Corrupt Function: %s\n#if 0\n", strings+df->s_name); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "#endif\n"); } QCC_CatVFile(Decompileofile, "};\n"); } extern pbool safedecomp; int fake_name; char synth_name[1024]; // fake name part2 pbool TrySynthName(const char *first) { int i; // try to figure out the filename // based on the first function in the file for (i=0; i < FILELISTSIZE; i+=2) { if (!strcmp(filenames[i], first)) { QC_snprintfz(synth_name, sizeof(synth_name), filenames[i + 1]); return true; } } return false; } void DecompileDecompileFunctions(const char *origcopyright) { int i; unsigned int o; dfunction_t *d; pbool bogusname; vfile_t *f; char fname[512]; int lastglob = 1; QCC_ddef_t *def; DecompileCalcProfiles(); AddSourceFile(NULL, "progs.src"); Decompileprogssrc = QCC_AddVFile("progs.src", NULL, 0); if (!Decompileprogssrc) { printf("Fatal Error - Could not open \"progs.src\" for output.\n"); exit(1); } QCC_CatVFile(Decompileprogssrc, "./progs.dat\n\n"); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileprogssrc, "#pragma flag enable lax //remove this line once you've fixed up any decompiler bugs...\n"); if (origcopyright) QCC_CatVFile(Decompileprogssrc, "//#pragma copyright \"%s\"\n", origcopyright); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileprogssrc, "\n", origcopyright); def = DecompileFindGlobal("end_sys_fields"); lastglob = def?def->ofs+1:1; if (lastglob != 1) { QC_snprintfz(synth_name, sizeof(synth_name), "sysdefs.qc"); QC_snprintfz(fname, sizeof(fname), synth_name); if (!DecompileAlreadySeen(fname, &f)) { printf("decompiling %s\n", fname); compilecb(); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileprogssrc, "%s\n", fname); } if (!f) { printf("Fatal Error - Could not open \"%s\" for output.\n", fname); exit(1); } Decompileofile = f; DecompilePreceedingGlobals(1, lastglob, ""); } for (i = 1; i < numfunctions; i++) { d = &functions[i]; fname[0] = '\0'; if (d->s_file <= strofs && d->s_file >= 0) sprintf(fname, "%s", strings + d->s_file); // FrikaC -- not sure if this is cool or what? bogusname = false; if (strlen(fname) <= 0) bogusname = true; else for (o = 0; o < strlen(fname); o++) { if ((fname[o] < 'a' || fname[o] > 'z') && (fname[o] < '0' || fname[o] > '9') && (fname[o] <'A' || fname[o] > 'Z') && (fname[o] != '.' && fname[o] != '!' && fname[o] != '_')) { if (fname[o] == '/') fname[o] = '.'; else if (fname[o] == '\\') fname[o] = '.'; else { bogusname = true; break; } } } if (bogusname) { if (*fname && !DecompileAlreadySeen(fname, NULL)) { synth_name[0] = 0; } if(!TrySynthName(qcva("%s", strings + d->s_name)) && !synth_name[0]) QC_snprintfz(synth_name, sizeof(synth_name), "frik%i.qc", fake_name++); QC_snprintfz(fname, sizeof(fname), synth_name); } else synth_name[0] = 0; if (!DecompileAlreadySeen(fname, &f)) { printf("decompiling %s\n", fname); compilecb(); QCC_CatVFile(Decompileprogssrc, "%s\n", fname); } if (!f) { printf("Fatal Error - Could not open \"%s\" for output.\n", fname); exit(1); } Decompileofile = f; DecompileFunction(strings + d->s_name, &lastglob); } } void DecompileProgsDat(char *name, void *buf, size_t bufsize) { char *c = ReadProgsCopyright(buf, bufsize); if (c) printf("Copyright: %s\n", c); PreCompile(); pHash_Get = &Hash_Get; pHash_GetNext = &Hash_GetNext; pHash_Add = &Hash_Add; pHash_RemoveData = &Hash_RemoveData; Hash_InitTable(&typedeftable, 1024, qccHunkAlloc(Hash_BytesForBuckets(1024))); maxtypeinfos = 64; qcc_typeinfo = (void *)malloc(sizeof(QCC_type_t)*maxtypeinfos); numtypeinfos = 0; type_void = QCC_PR_NewType("void", ev_void, true); type_string = QCC_PR_NewType("string", ev_string, true); type_float = QCC_PR_NewType("float", ev_float, true); type_vector = QCC_PR_NewType("vector", ev_vector, true); type_entity = QCC_PR_NewType("entity", ev_entity, true); type_field = QCC_PR_NewType("__field", ev_field, false); type_function = QCC_PR_NewType("__function", ev_function, false); type_function->aux_type = type_void; type_pointer = QCC_PR_NewType("__pointer", ev_pointer, false); type_integer = QCC_PR_NewType("__integer", ev_integer, true); type_variant = QCC_PR_NewType("variant", ev_variant, true); type_variant = QCC_PR_NewType("__variant", ev_variant, true); DecompileReadData(name, buf, bufsize); DecompileDecompileFunctions(c); printf("Done.\n"); } char *DecompileGlobalStringNoContents(gofs_t ofs) { int i; QCC_ddef_t *def; static char line[128]; line[0] = '0'; QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%i(??""?)", ofs); for (i = 0; i < numglobaldefs; i++) { def = &globals[i]; if (def->ofs == ofs) { line[0] = '0'; QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%i(%s)", def->ofs, strings + def->s_name); break; } } i = strlen(line); for (; i < 16; i++) strcat(line, " "); strcat(line, " "); return line; } char *DecompileGlobalString(gofs_t ofs) { char *s; int i; QCC_ddef_t *def; static char line[128]; line[0] = '0'; QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%i(??""?)", ofs); for (i = 0; i < numglobaldefs; i++) { def = &globals[i]; if (def->ofs == ofs) { line[0] = '0'; if (!strcmp(strings + def->s_name, "IMMEDIATE") || !strcmp(strings + def->s_name, ".imm")) { s = PR_ValueString((etype_t)(def->type), &pr_globals[ofs]); QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%i(%s)", def->ofs, s); } else QC_snprintfz(line, sizeof(line), "%i(%s)", def->ofs, strings + def->s_name); } } i = strlen(line); for (; i < 16; i++) strcat(line, " "); strcat(line, " "); return line; } void DecompilePrintStatement(dstatement_t * s) { int i; printf("%4i : %s ", (int)(s - statements), pr_opcodes[s->op].opname); i = strlen(pr_opcodes[s->op].opname); for (; i < 10; i++) printf(" "); if (s->op == OP_IF_I || s->op == OP_IFNOT_I || s->op == OP_IF_F || s->op == OP_IFNOT_F || s->op == OP_IF_S || s->op == OP_IFNOT_S) printf("%sbranch %i", DecompileGlobalString(s->a), s->b); else if (s->op == OP_GOTO) { printf("branch %i", s->a); } else if ((unsigned)(s->op - OP_STORE_F) < 6) { printf("%s", DecompileGlobalString(s->a)); printf("%s", DecompileGlobalStringNoContents(s->b)); } else { if (s->a) printf("%s", DecompileGlobalString(s->a)); if (s->b) printf("%s", DecompileGlobalString(s->b)); if (s->c) printf("%s", DecompileGlobalStringNoContents(s->c)); } printf("\n"); } void DecompilePrintFunction(char *name) { int i; dstatement_t *ds; dfunction_t *df; for (i = 0; i < numfunctions; i++) if (!strcmp(name, strings + functions[i].s_name)) break; if (i == numfunctions) { printf("Fatal Error: No function names \"%s\"\n", name); exit(1); } df = functions + i; printf("Statements for %s:\n", name); ds = statements + df->first_statement; while (1) { DecompilePrintStatement(ds); if (!ds->op) break; ds++; } }