//read menu.h #include "quakedef.h" #include "shader.h" #ifndef NOBUILTINMENUS int selectitem; menu_t *menu_script; void M_Script_Option (menu_t *menu, char *optionvalue, qboolean isexplicit) { menuoption_t *mo; char *scriptname = menu->data; char buf[8192]; //FIXME: not sure about these, as the user typically can't see what they'll do. int expandlevel = RESTRICT_SERVER; int execlevel = RESTRICT_LOCAL; Cbuf_AddText("wait\n", execlevel); if (!*scriptname) { if (isexplicit) Cbuf_AddText(va("%s\n", optionvalue), execlevel); return; } //update the option Cbuf_AddText(va("set option %s\n", COM_QuotedString(optionvalue, buf, sizeof(buf), false)), execlevel); //expand private arguments for (mo = menu->options, *buf = 0; mo; mo = mo->common.next) { if (mo->common.type == mt_edit) { if (strlen(buf) + strlen(mo->edit.text) + 2 >= sizeof(buf)) break; memmove(buf+strlen(mo->edit.text)+1, buf, strlen(buf)+1); memcpy(buf, mo->edit.text, strlen(mo->edit.text)); buf[strlen(mo->edit.text)] = ' '; } } Cmd_TokenizeString(buf, false, false); Cmd_ExpandString(scriptname, buf, sizeof(buf), &expandlevel, true, true); //and execute it as-is Cbuf_AddText(buf, execlevel); Cbuf_AddText("\n", execlevel); } void M_Script_Remove (menu_t *menu) { if (menu == menu_script) menu_script = NULL; M_Script_Option(menu, "cancel", false); } qboolean M_Script_Key (int key, menu_t *menu) { if (menu->selecteditem && menu->selecteditem->common.type == mt_edit) return false; if (key >= '0' && key <= '9' && menu->data) { if (key == '0') //specal case so that "hello" < "0"... (plus matches common impulses) M_Script_Option(menu, "10", false); else M_Script_Option(menu, va("%i", key-'0'), false); return true; } return false; } void M_MenuS_Callback_f (void) { if (menu_script) { M_Script_Option(menu_script, Cmd_Argv(1), true); } } void M_MenuS_Clear_f (void) { if (menu_script) { M_RemoveMenu(menu_script); } } void M_MenuS_Script_f (void) //create a menu. { extern menu_t *topmenu; int items; menu_t *oldmenu; char *alias = Cmd_Argv(1); Key_Dest_Add(kdm_emenu); selectitem = 0; items=0; if (menu_script) { menuoption_t *option; for (option = menu_script->options; option; option = option->common.next) { if (option->common.type == mt_button) { if (menu_script->selecteditem == option) selectitem = items; items++; } } selectitem = items - selectitem-1; M_MenuS_Clear_f(); } oldmenu = topmenu; menu_script = M_CreateMenu(0); if (oldmenu) { M_HideMenu(oldmenu); //bring to front M_AddMenu(oldmenu); } menu_script->remove = M_Script_Remove; menu_script->key = M_Script_Key; Key_Dest_Remove(kdm_console); if (Cmd_Argc() == 1) menu_script->data = Cmd_ParseMultiline(true); else menu_script->data = Z_StrDup(alias); } void M_MenuS_Box_f (void) { int x = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); int y = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); int width = atoi(Cmd_Argv(3)); int height = atoi(Cmd_Argv(4)); if (!menu_script) { Con_Printf("%s with no active menu\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } MC_AddBox(menu_script, x, y, width/8, height/8); } void M_MenuS_CheckBox_f (void) { int x = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); int y = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); char *text = Cmd_Argv(3); char *cvarname = Cmd_Argv(4); int bitmask = atoi(Cmd_Argv(5)); cvar_t *cvar; if (!menu_script) { Con_Printf("%s with no active menu\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } cvar = Cvar_Get(cvarname, text, 0, "User variables"); if (!cvar) return; MC_AddCheckBox(menu_script, x, x+160, y, text, cvar, bitmask); } void M_MenuS_Slider_f (void) { int x = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); int y = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); char *text = Cmd_Argv(3); char *cvarname = Cmd_Argv(4); float min = atof(Cmd_Argv(5)); float max = atof(Cmd_Argv(6)); cvar_t *cvar; if (!menu_script) { Con_Printf("%s with no active menu\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } cvar = Cvar_Get(cvarname, text, 0, "User variables"); if (!cvar) return; MC_AddSlider(menu_script, x, x+160, y, text, cvar, min, max, 0); } void M_MenuS_Picture_f (void) { int x = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); int y = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); char *picname = Cmd_Argv(3); mpic_t *p; if (!menu_script) { Con_Printf("%s with no active menu\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } p = R2D_SafeCachePic(picname); if (!p) return; if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "-")) MC_AddCenterPicture(menu_script, y, p->height, picname); else MC_AddPicture(menu_script, x, y, p->width, p->height, picname); } void M_MenuS_Edit_f (void) { int x = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); int y = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); char *text = Cmd_Argv(3); char *def = Cmd_Argv(4); if (!menu_script) { Con_Printf("%s with no active menu\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } MC_AddEditCvar(menu_script, x, x+160, y, text, def, false); } void M_MenuS_EditPriv_f (void) { int x = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); int y = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); char *text = Cmd_Argv(3); char *def = Cmd_Argv(4); if (!menu_script) { Con_Printf("%s with no active menu\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } MC_AddEdit(menu_script, x, x+160, y, text, def); } void M_MenuS_Text_f (void) { menuoption_t *option; int x = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); int y = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); char *text = Cmd_Argv(3); char *command = Cmd_Argv(4); if (!menu_script) { Con_Printf("%s with no active menu\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } if (Cmd_Argc() == 4) MC_AddBufferedText(menu_script, x, 0, y, text, false, false); else { option = (menuoption_t *)MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu_script, x, 0, y, text, va("menucallback \"%s\"\n", command)); if (selectitem-- == 0) menu_script->selecteditem = option; } } void M_MenuS_TextBig_f (void) { menuoption_t *option; int x = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); int y = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); char *text = Cmd_Argv(3); char *command = Cmd_Argv(4); if (!menu_script) { Con_Printf("%s with no active menu\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } if (!*command) MC_AddConsoleCommandQBigFont(menu_script, x, y, text, command); else { option = (menuoption_t *)MC_AddConsoleCommandQBigFont(menu_script, x, y, text, va("menucallback %s\n", command)); if (selectitem-- == 0) menu_script->selecteditem = option; } } void M_MenuS_Bind_f (void) { int x = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); int y = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); char *caption = Cmd_Argv(3); char *command = Cmd_Argv(4); if (!menu_script) { Con_Printf("%s with no active menu\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } if (!*caption) caption = command; MC_AddBind(menu_script, x, x+160, y, command, caption, NULL); } void M_MenuS_Comboi_f (void) { int opt; char *opts[64]; char *values[64]; char valuesb[64][8]; int x = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); int y = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); char *caption = Cmd_Argv(3); char *command = Cmd_Argv(4); char *line; cvar_t *var; if (!menu_script) { Con_Printf("%s with no active menu\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } var = Cvar_Get(command, "0", 0, "custom cvars"); if (!var) return; if (!*caption) caption = command; for (opt = 0; opt < sizeof(opts)/sizeof(opts[0])-2 && *(line=Cmd_Argv(5+opt)); opt++) { opts[opt] = line; Q_snprintfz(valuesb[opt], sizeof(valuesb[opt]), "%i", opt); values[opt] = valuesb[opt]; } opts[opt] = NULL; MC_AddCvarCombo(menu_script, x, x+160, y, caption, var, (const char **)opts, (const char **)values); } char *Hunk_TempString(char *s) { char *h; h = Hunk_TempAllocMore(strlen(s)+1); strcpy(h, s); return h; } void M_MenuS_Combos_f (void) { int opt; char *opts[64]; char *values[64]; int x = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); int y = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); char *caption = Cmd_Argv(3); char *command = Cmd_Argv(4); char *line; cvar_t *var; if (!menu_script) { Con_Printf("%s with no active menu\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } var = Cvar_Get(command, "0", 0, "custom cvars"); if (!var) return; if (!*caption) caption = command; line = Cmd_Argv(5); if (!*line) { line = Cbuf_GetNext(Cmd_ExecLevel, true); if (*line != '{') Cbuf_InsertText(line, Cmd_ExecLevel, true); //whoops. Stick the trimmed string back in to the cbuf. else line = "{"; } if (!strcmp(line, "{")) { char *line; Hunk_TempAlloc(4); for (opt = 0; opt < sizeof(opts)/sizeof(opts[0])-2; opt++) { line = Cbuf_GetNext(Cmd_ExecLevel, true); line = COM_Parse(line); if (!strcmp(com_token, "}")) break; opts[opt] = Hunk_TempString(com_token); line = COM_Parse(line); values[opt] = Hunk_TempString(com_token); } } else { for (opt = 0; opt < sizeof(opts)/sizeof(opts[0])-2; opt++) { line = Cmd_Argv(5+opt*2); if (!*line) break; opts[opt] = line; values[opt] = Cmd_Argv(5+opt*2 + 1); } } opts[opt] = NULL; MC_AddCvarCombo(menu_script, x, x+160, y, caption, var, (const char **)opts, (const char **)values); } /* menuclear conmenu menucallback menubox 0 0 320 8 menutext 0 0 "GO GO GO!!!" "radio21" menutext 0 8 "Fall back" "radio22" menutext 0 8 "Stick together" "radio23" menutext 0 16 "Get in position" "radio24" menutext 0 24 "Storm the front" "radio25" menutext 0 24 "Report in" "radio26" menutext 0 24 "Cancel" */ void M_Script_Init(void) { Cmd_AddCommandD("menuclear", M_MenuS_Clear_f, "Pop the currently scripted menu."); Cmd_AddCommandD("menucallback", M_MenuS_Callback_f, "Explicitly invoke the active script menu's callback function with the given option set."); Cmd_AddCommand("conmenu", M_MenuS_Script_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menubox", M_MenuS_Box_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menuedit", M_MenuS_Edit_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menueditpriv", M_MenuS_EditPriv_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menutext", M_MenuS_Text_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menutextbig", M_MenuS_TextBig_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menupic", M_MenuS_Picture_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menucheck", M_MenuS_CheckBox_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menuslider", M_MenuS_Slider_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menubind", M_MenuS_Bind_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menucomboi", M_MenuS_Comboi_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menucombos", M_MenuS_Combos_f); } #endif