#define MF_DS_VALUE (1i << 0i) typedef struct { float *current; float key; vector *mousepos; vector mousediff; int flags; } menu_t; int (vector topleft, vector bottomright, vector cursor) cursor_in_widget { if (cursor_x <= bottomright_x && cursor_x >= topleft_x) if (cursor_y <= bottomright_y && cursor_y >= topleft_y) return 1; return 0; } void(menu_t *menu, string fieldname, vector pos, float *value, float minv, float maxv) sliderf_widgit = { local vector rpos, spos, col; local float f; local int render_only; local vector mousepos = *menu->mousepos; local vector mp = *menu->mousepos; local vector mousediff = menu->mousediff; local float key = menu->key; render_only = 0; rpos = pos; spos = rpos; spos_x = pos_x + strlen(fieldname) * 8 + 4; /*if they're dragging us, update*/ if ((int)menu->current == (int)value) { if (mousedown == 1) { *value = *value + mousediff_x/10; *value = bound(minv, *value, maxv); f = *value; mp_y = spos_y + 4; mp_x = spos_x + 9 * 8 * (f - minv) / (maxv - minv) + 4; *menu->mousepos = mp; } else { menu->current = (int*)__NULL__; } } else if (mousedown == 1) render_only = 1; if (key == -1 || render_only == 1 ) { if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8 && render_only == 0) { col_x = (sin(time*3.14)+1) / 2; col_y = col_x; col_z = 1; } else col = '1 1 1'; f = *value; if (f < minv) f = minv; if (f > maxv) f = maxv; drawstring(pos, fieldname, '8 8 0', col, 1, 0); drawstring(spos, "^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); if (!(menu->flags & MF_DS_VALUE)) drawstring(spos + '88 0', ftos(f), '8 8 0', col, 1, 0); spos_x += 9*8*(f - minv) / (maxv - minv); drawstring(spos, "^Ue083", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); } else if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8) { if (key == 512) { f = *value; menu->current = value; mp_x = spos_x + 9 * 8 * (f - minv) / (maxv - minv) + 4; *menu->mousepos = mp; } else if (key == 515) *value = bound(minv, *value + (maxv - minv) / 10, maxv); else if (key == 516) *value = bound(minv, *value - (maxv - minv) / 10, maxv); } }; void(menu_t *menu, string fieldname, vector pos, float *value) sliderf_fixed_widgit = { local vector rpos, spos, epos, col; local float f; local int render_only = 0; local vector mousepos = *menu->mousepos; local vector mp = *menu->mousepos; local vector mousediff = menu->mousediff; local vector *mpp = menu->mousepos; local float key = menu->key; rpos = pos; spos = rpos; spos_x = pos_x + strlen(fieldname) * 8 + 4; epos = spos + '20 8'; if (!(menu->flags & MF_DS_VALUE)) epos_x += strlen(sprintf("%f", *value)) * 8; /*if they're dragging us, update*/ if ((int)menu->current == (int)value) { if (mousedown == 1) { *value = *value + mousediff_x/10; f = *value; mp_y = spos_y + 4; mp_x = spos_x + 4; *menu->mousepos = mp; } else { menu->current = (int*)__NULL__; } } else if (mousedown == 1) render_only = 1; if (key == -1 || render_only == 1 ) { if (cursor_in_widget(pos, epos, mousepos) && render_only == 0) { col_x = (sin(time*3.14)+1) / 2; col_y = col_x; col_z = 1; } else col = '1 1 1'; f = *value; drawstring(pos, fieldname, '8 8 0', col, 1, 0); drawstring(spos, "^Ue080^Ue082", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); if (!(menu->flags & MF_DS_VALUE)) drawstring(spos + '20 0', ftos(f), '8 8 0', col, 1, 0); drawstring(spos + '4 0', "^Ue083", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); } else if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8) { if (key == 512) { f = *value; menu->current = value; print(sprintf("test thing: %i %i\n", menu->current, value)); mp_x = spos_x + 4; *mpp = mp; } else if (key == 515) *value = *value + 0.1; else if (key == 516) *value = *value - 0.1; } }; void(menu_t *menu, string fieldname, vector pos, int *value, int minv, int maxv) slideri_widgit = { local vector rpos, spos, epos, col; local int f; local int render_only; local vector mousepos = *menu->mousepos; local vector mp = *menu->mousepos; local vector mousediff = menu->mousediff; local float key; key = menu->key; render_only = 0; rpos = pos; spos = rpos; spos_x = pos_x + strlen(fieldname) * 8 + 4; epos = spos + '88 8'; if (!(menu->flags & MF_DS_VALUE)) epos_x = strlen(sprintf("%i", *value)) * 8; /*if they're dragging us, update*/ if ((int)menu->current == (int)value) { if (mousedown == 1) { *value = *value + mousediff_x/10; *value = bound(minv, *value, maxv); f = *value; mp_y = spos_y + 4; mp_x = spos_x + 9 * 8 * (f - minv) / (maxv - minv) + 4; *menu->mousepos = mp; } else { menu->current = (int*)__NULL__; } } else if (mousedown == 1) render_only = 1; if (key == -1 || render_only == 1 ) { if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8 && render_only == 0) { col_x = (sin(time*3.14)+1) / 2; col_y = col_x; col_z = 1; } else col = '1 1 1'; f = *value; if (f < minv) f = minv; if (f > maxv) f = maxv; drawstring(pos, fieldname, '8 8 0', col, 1, 0); drawstring(spos, "^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); if (!(menu->flags & MF_DS_VALUE)) drawstring(spos + '88 0', ftos(f), '8 8 0', col, 1, 0); spos_x += 9*8*(f - minv) / (maxv - minv); drawstring(spos, "^Ue083", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); } else if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8) { if (key == 512) { f = *value; menu->current = value; mp_x = spos_x + 9 * 8 * (f - minv) / (maxv - minv) + 4; *menu->mousepos = mp; } else if (key == 515) *value = bound(minv, *value + 1i, maxv); else if (key == 516) *value = bound(minv, *value - 1i, maxv); } }; void(string fieldname, vector pos, vector *mousepos_in, float *value, float key) checkboxf_widgit = { local vector rpos, col; local int render_only; local vector mousepos = *mousepos_in; rpos = pos + '132 0 0'; render_only = 0; // fix this if (mousedown == 1) render_only = 1; if (key == -1 || render_only == 1) { if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8 && render_only == 0) { col_x = (sin(time*3.14)+1) / 2; col_y = col_x; col_z = 1; } else col = '1 1 1'; drawstring(pos, fieldname, '8 8 0', col, 1, 0); rpos_x -= 4; drawstring(rpos, "^Ue080^Ue082", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); drawstring(rpos + '88 0', ((*value) ?"TRUE":"FALSE"), '8 8 0', col, 1, 0); rpos_x += 4; if (*value) drawstring(rpos, "^Ue083", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); } else if (mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8) { if (key == 512) *value = !*value; else if (key == 515) *value = !*value; else if (key == 516) *value = !*value; } }; void(menu_t *menu, string fieldname, vector pos, int *value) checkboxi_widgit = { local vector rpos, epos, spos, col; local int render_only = 0; local vector mousepos = *menu->mousepos; local vector mousediff = menu->mousediff; local float key = menu->key; spos = pos; spos_x += strlen(fieldname) * 8 + 4; epos = spos; epos_x += 16; epos_y += 8; if (!(menu->flags & MF_DS_VALUE)) epos_x += strlen((*value) ? "TRUE":"FALSE") *8; render_only = 0; if (key == -1) { if (cursor_in_widget(pos, epos, mousepos) && render_only == 0) { col_x = (sin(time*3.14)+1) / 2; col_y = col_x; col_z = 1; } else col = '1 1 1'; drawstring(pos, fieldname, '8 8 0', col, 1, 0); drawstring(spos, "^Ue080^Ue082", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); if (!(menu->flags & MF_DS_VALUE)) drawstring(spos + '88 0', ((*value) ?"TRUE":"FALSE"), '8 8 0', col, 1, 0); if (*value) drawstring(spos + '4 0', "^Ue083", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); } if (cursor_in_widget(pos, epos, mousepos) && key != -1) { if (key == 512) *value = !*value; else if (key == 515) *value = !*value; else if (key == 516) *value = !*value; } }; void(string shader, vector org, vector s, vector t, string text, vector col, float alph) drawlame3dtext = { /*the shader must be a 16*16 grid of 256 chars*/ vector st = draw_getimagesize(shader); vector pos = org; float chr; float idx; vector tc0,tc1,tc2,tc3; //with GL_LINEAR sampling, the sample value is interpolated from the nearby two pixels //this means that we must move the texture coord inwards by half of a pixel to avoid any bleed through into neighbouring chars //(with nearest sampling, this isn't needed) if (st != '0 0 0') { st_x = 0.5 / st_x; st_y = 0.5 / st_y; } //precompute the st offset for each vertex tc0_x = (0.0/16) + st_x; tc1_x = (1.0/16) - st_x; tc2_x = (1.0/16) - st_x; tc3_x = (0.0/16) + st_x; tc0_y = (0.0/16) + st_y; tc1_y = (0.0/16) + st_y; tc2_y = (1.0/16) - st_y; tc3_y = (1.0/16) - st_y; /*begin looks up the shader and is thus potentially expensive, fte requires it only once per batch of polygons.*/ R_BeginPolygon(shader); while((chr = text[idx])) { idx+=1; /*handle new lines*/ if (chr == '\n') { org += t; pos = org; continue; } /*skip spaces*/ if (chr != ' ') { /*its a grid, so the top-left texturecoord should be easy to calculate*/ /*weirdly though, qc has no (direct) modulo functionality, not even as a builtin, so this code is ugly*/ st_x = (chr & 15) / 16; st_y = floor(chr/16) / 16; /*plot the poly's point and emit the quad*/ R_PolygonVertex(pos , st + tc0, col, alph); R_PolygonVertex(pos + s, st + tc1, col, alph); R_PolygonVertex(pos+s+t, st + tc2, col, alph); R_PolygonVertex(pos + t, st + tc3, col, alph); R_EndPolygon(); } pos += s; } };