/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // r_surf.c: surface-related refresh code #include "quakedef.h" #ifndef SERVERONLY #include "glquake.h" #include "shader.h" #include "renderque.h" #include "com_mesh.h" #include #if (defined(GLQUAKE) || defined(VKQUAKE)) && defined(MULTITHREAD) #define THREADEDWORLD int webo_blocklightmapupdates; //0 no webo, &1=using threadedworld, &2=already uploaded. so update when !=3 #else #define webo_blocklightmapupdates 0 #endif #ifdef BEF_PUSHDEPTH qboolean r_pushdepth; #endif extern cvar_t r_ambient; model_t *currentmodel; static size_t maxblocksize; static vec3_t *blocknormals; static unsigned *blocklights; lightmapinfo_t **lightmap; int numlightmaps; extern const float rgb9e5tab[32]; extern cvar_t r_stains; extern cvar_t r_loadlits; extern cvar_t r_stainfadetime; extern cvar_t r_stainfadeammount; extern cvar_t r_lightmap_nearest; extern cvar_t r_lightmap_format; double r_loaderstalltime; extern int r_dlightframecount; static void Surf_FreeLightmap(lightmapinfo_t *lm); static int lightmap_shift; int Surf_LightmapShift (model_t *model) { extern cvar_t gl_overbright_all, gl_overbright; if (gl_overbright_all.ival || (model->engineflags & MDLF_NEEDOVERBRIGHT)) lightmap_shift = bound(0, gl_overbright.ival, 2); else lightmap_shift = 0; return lightmap_shift; } void QDECL Surf_RebuildLightmap_Callback (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue) { Mod_RebuildLightmaps(); } //radius, x y z, r g b void Surf_StainSurf (model_t *mod, msurface_t *surf, float *parms) { int sd, td; float dist, rad, minlight; float change; vec3_t impact, local; int s, t; int i; int smax, tmax; float amm; int lim; vec4_t *lmvecs; float *lmvecscale; stmap *stainbase; lightmapinfo_t *lm; lim = 255 - (r_stains.value*255); #define stain(x) \ change = stainbase[(s)*3+x] + amm*parms[4+x]; \ stainbase[(s)*3+x] = bound(lim, change, 255); if (surf->lightmaptexturenums[0] < 0) return; lm = lightmap[surf->lightmaptexturenums[0]]; smax = (surf->extents[0]>>surf->lmshift)+1; tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>surf->lmshift)+1; if (mod->facelmvecs) lmvecs = mod->facelmvecs[surf-mod->surfaces].lmvecs, lmvecscale = mod->facelmvecs[surf-mod->surfaces].lmvecscale; else lmvecs = surf->texinfo->vecs, lmvecscale = surf->texinfo->vecscale; stainbase = lm->stainmaps; stainbase += (surf->light_t[0] * lm->width + surf->light_s[0]) * 3; rad = *parms; dist = DotProduct ((parms+1), surf->plane->normal) - surf->plane->dist; rad -= fabs(dist); minlight = 0; if (rad < minlight) //not hit return; minlight = rad - minlight; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { impact[i] = (parms+1)[i] - surf->plane->normal[i]*dist; } local[0] = DotProduct (impact, lmvecs[0]) + lmvecs[0][3]; local[1] = DotProduct (impact, lmvecs[1]) + lmvecs[1][3]; local[0] -= surf->texturemins[0]; local[1] -= surf->texturemins[1]; for (t = 0 ; tlmshift))*lmvecscale[1]; if (td < 0) td = -td; for (s=0 ; slmshift))*lmvecscale[0]; if (sd < 0) sd = -sd; if (sd > td) dist = sd + (td>>1); else dist = td + (sd>>1); if (dist < minlight) { amm = (rad - dist); stain(0); stain(1); stain(2); surf->stained = true; } } stainbase += 3*lm->width; } if (surf->stained) surf->cached_dlight=-1; } //combination of R_AddDynamicLights and R_MarkLights /* static void Surf_StainNode (mnode_t *node, float *parms) { mplane_t *splitplane; float dist; msurface_t *surf; int i; if (node->contents < 0) return; splitplane = node->plane; dist = DotProduct ((parms+1), splitplane->normal) - splitplane->dist; if (dist > (*parms)) { Surf_StainNode (node->children[0], parms); return; } if (dist < (-*parms)) { Surf_StainNode (node->children[1], parms); return; } // mark the polygons surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces + node->firstsurface; for (i=0 ; inumsurfaces ; i++, surf++) { if (surf->flags&~(SURF_DONTWARP|SURF_PLANEBACK)) continue; Surf_StainSurf(surf, parms); } Surf_StainNode (node->children[0], parms); Surf_StainNode (node->children[1], parms); } */ void Surf_AddStain(vec3_t org, float red, float green, float blue, float radius) { physent_t *pe; int i; float parms[7]; if (!cl.worldmodel || cl.worldmodel->loadstate != MLS_LOADED || r_stains.value <= 0) return; parms[0] = radius; parms[1] = org[0]; parms[2] = org[1]; parms[3] = org[2]; parms[4] = red; parms[5] = green; parms[6] = blue; cl.worldmodel->funcs.StainNode(cl.worldmodel, parms); //now stain inline bsp models other than world. for (i=1 ; i< pmove.numphysent ; i++) //0 is world... { pe = &pmove.physents[i]; if (pe->model && pe->model->surfaces == cl.worldmodel->surfaces && pe->model->loadstate == MLS_LOADED) { parms[1] = org[0] - pe->origin[0]; parms[2] = org[1] - pe->origin[1]; parms[3] = org[2] - pe->origin[2]; if (pe->angles[0] || pe->angles[1] || pe->angles[2]) { vec3_t f, r, u, temp; AngleVectors(pe->angles, f, r, u); VectorCopy((parms+1), temp); parms[1] = DotProduct(temp, f); parms[2] = -DotProduct(temp, r); parms[3] = DotProduct(temp, u); } pe->model->funcs.StainNode(pe->model, parms); } } } void Surf_WipeStains(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < numlightmaps; i++) { if (!lightmap[i]) break; if (lightmap[i]->stainmaps) memset(lightmap[i]->stainmaps, 255, lightmap[i]->width*lightmap[i]->height*3*sizeof(stmap)); } } void Surf_LessenStains(void) { int i; msurface_t *surf; int smax, tmax; int s, t; stmap *stain; int stride; int ammount; int limit; lightmapinfo_t *lm; static float time; if (!r_stains.value || !r_stainfadeammount.value) return; time += host_frametime; if (time < r_stainfadetime.value) return; time-=r_stainfadetime.value; ammount = r_stainfadeammount.value; limit = 255 - ammount; surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces; for (i=0 ; inumsurfaces ; i++, surf++) { if (surf->stained) { lm = lightmap[surf->lightmaptexturenums[0]]; surf->cached_dlight=-1;//nice hack here... smax = (surf->extents[0]>>surf->lmshift)+1; tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>surf->lmshift)+1; stain = lm->stainmaps; stain += (surf->light_t[0] * lm->width + surf->light_s[0]) * 3; stride = (lm->width-smax)*3; surf->stained = false; smax*=3; for (t = 0 ; tstained=true; } else //reset to 255 *stain = 255; stain++; } } } } } /* =============== R_AddDynamicLights =============== */ static void Surf_AddDynamicLights_Lum (msurface_t *surf) { size_t lnum; int sd, td; float dist, rad, minlight; vec3_t impact, local; int s, t; int i; int smax, tmax; float l; unsigned *bl; vec4_t *lmvecs; float *lmvecscale; smax = (surf->extents[0]>>surf->lmshift)+1; tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>surf->lmshift)+1; if (currentmodel->facelmvecs) lmvecs = currentmodel->facelmvecs[surf-currentmodel->surfaces].lmvecs, lmvecscale = currentmodel->facelmvecs[surf-currentmodel->surfaces].lmvecscale; else lmvecs = surf->texinfo->vecs, lmvecscale = surf->texinfo->vecscale; for (lnum=rtlights_first; lnumdlightbits & ((dlightbitmask_t)1u<plane->normal) - surf->plane->dist; rad -= fabs(dist); minlight = cl_dlights[lnum].minlight; if (rad < minlight) continue; minlight = rad - minlight; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { impact[i] = cl_dlights[lnum].origin[i] - surf->plane->normal[i]*dist; } local[0] = DotProduct (impact, lmvecs[0]) + lmvecs[0][3]; local[1] = DotProduct (impact, lmvecs[1]) + lmvecs[1][3]; local[0] -= surf->texturemins[0]; local[1] -= surf->texturemins[1]; l = 256*(cl_dlights[lnum].color[0]*NTSC_RED + cl_dlights[lnum].color[1]*NTSC_GREEN + cl_dlights[lnum].color[2]*NTSC_BLUE); bl = blocklights; for (t = 0 ; tlmshift))*lmvecscale[1]; if (td < 0) td = -td; for (s=0 ; slmshift))*lmvecscale[0]; if (sd < 0) sd = -sd; if (sd > td) dist = sd + (td>>1); else dist = td + (sd>>1); if (dist < minlight) bl[0] += (rad - dist)*l; bl++; } } } } /* static void Surf_AddDynamicLightNorms (msurface_t *surf) { int lnum; int sd, td; float dist, rad, minlight; vec3_t impact, local; int s, t; int i; int smax, tmax; vec4_t *lmvecs; float *lmvecscale; float a; smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1; tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1; tex = surf->texinfo; for (lnum=rtlights_first; lnumdlightbits & ((dlightbitmask_t)1u<plane->normal) - surf->plane->dist; rad -= fabs(dist); minlight = cl_dlights[lnum].minlight; if (rad < minlight) continue; minlight = rad - minlight; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { impact[i] = cl_dlights[lnum].origin[i] - surf->plane->normal[i]*dist; } local[0] = DotProduct (impact, lmvecs[0]) + lmvecs[0][3]; local[1] = DotProduct (impact, lmvecs[1]) + lmvecs[1][3]; local[0] -= surf->texturemins[0]; local[1] -= surf->texturemins[1]; a = 256*(cl_dlights[lnum].color[0]*NTSC_RED + cl_dlights[lnum].color[1]*NTSC_GREEN + cl_dlights[lnum].color[2]*NTSC_BLUE); for (t = 0 ; tlmscale)*lmvecscale[1]; if (td < 0) td = -td; for (s=0 ; slmscale)*lmvecscale[0]; if (sd < 0) sd = -sd; if (sd > td) dist = sd + (td>>1); else dist = td + (sd>>1); if (dist < minlight) { // blocknormals[t*smax + s][0] -= (rad - dist)*(impact[0]-local[0])/8192.0; // blocknormals[t*smax + s][1] -= (rad - dist)*(impact[1]-local[1])/8192.0; blocknormals[t*smax + s][2] += 0.5*blocknormals[t*smax + s][2]*(rad - dist)/256; } } } } } */ #ifdef PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL static void Surf_AddDynamicLights_RGB (msurface_t *surf) { int lnum; float sd, td; float dist, rad, minlight; vec3_t impact; vec2_t local; int s, t; int i; int smax, tmax; vec4_t *lmvecs; float *lmvecscale; // float temp; float r, g, b; unsigned *bl; vec3_t lightofs; smax = (surf->extents[0]>>surf->lmshift)+1; tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>surf->lmshift)+1; if (currentmodel->facelmvecs) lmvecs = currentmodel->facelmvecs[surf-currentmodel->surfaces].lmvecs, lmvecscale = currentmodel->facelmvecs[surf-currentmodel->surfaces].lmvecscale; else lmvecs = surf->texinfo->vecs, lmvecscale = surf->texinfo->vecscale; for (lnum=rtlights_first; lnumdlightbits & ((dlightbitmask_t)1u<origin, lightofs); //FIXME: transform by currententity->axis dist = DotProduct (lightofs, surf->plane->normal) - surf->plane->dist; rad -= fabs(dist); minlight = cl_dlights[lnum].minlight; if (rad < minlight) continue; minlight = rad - minlight; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { impact[i] = lightofs[i] - surf->plane->normal[i]*dist; } local[0] = DotProduct (impact, lmvecs[0]) + lmvecs[0][3]; local[1] = DotProduct (impact, lmvecs[1]) + lmvecs[1][3]; local[0] -= surf->texturemins[0]; local[1] -= surf->texturemins[1]; if (r_dynamic.ival == 2) r = g = b = 256; else { r = cl_dlights[lnum].color[0]*128; g = cl_dlights[lnum].color[1]*128; b = cl_dlights[lnum].color[2]*128; } bl = blocklights; if (r < 0 || g < 0 || b < 0) { for (t = 0 ; tlmshift))*lmvecscale[1]; if (td < 0) td = -td; for (s=0 ; slmshift))*lmvecscale[0]; if (sd < 0) sd = -sd; if (sd > td) dist = sd + td*0.5; else dist = td + sd*0.5; if (dist < minlight) { i = bl[0] + (rad - dist)*r; bl[0] = (i<0)?0:i; i = bl[1] + (rad - dist)*g; bl[1] = (i<0)?0:i; i = bl[2] + (rad - dist)*b; bl[2] = (i<0)?0:i; } bl += 3; } } } else { for (t = 0 ; tlmshift))*lmvecscale[1]; if (td < 0) td = -td; for (s=0 ; slmshift))*lmvecscale[0]; if (sd < 0) sd = -sd; if (sd > td) dist = sd + td*0.5; else dist = td + sd*0.5; if (dist < minlight) { bl[0] += (rad - dist)*r; bl[1] += (rad - dist)*g; bl[2] += (rad - dist)*b; } bl += 3; } } } } } #endif static void Surf_BuildDeluxMap (model_t *wmodel, msurface_t *surf, qbyte *dest, lightmapinfo_t *lm, vec3_t *blocknormals) { int smax, tmax; int i, j, size; qbyte *lightmap; qbyte *deluxmap; unsigned scale; int maps; float intensity; vec_t *bnorm; vec3_t temp; int stride; if (!dest) return; smax = (surf->extents[0]>>surf->lmshift)+1; tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>surf->lmshift)+1; size = smax*tmax; lightmap = surf->samples; // set to full bright if no light data if (!wmodel->deluxdata) { for (i=0 ; iorientation[2][0]; blocknormals[i][1] = 0.8;//surf->orientation[2][1]; blocknormals[i][2] = 1;//surf->orientation[2][2]; } goto store; } // clear to no light for (i=0 ; ilightmaps.fmt) { case LM_E5BGR9: deluxmap = ((surf->samples - wmodel->lightdata)/4)*3 + wmodel->deluxdata; for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; for (i=0 ; i>0)&0x1ff),((lm>>9)&0x1ff),((lm>>18)&0x1ff)) * scale * (rgb9e5tab[lm>>27]*(1<<7)); blocknormals[i][0] += intensity*(deluxmap[i*3+0]-127); blocknormals[i][1] += intensity*(deluxmap[i*3+1]-127); blocknormals[i][2] += intensity*(deluxmap[i*3+2]-127); } lightmap += size*4; // skip to next lightmap deluxmap += size*3; } break; case LM_RGB8: deluxmap = surf->samples - wmodel->lightdata + wmodel->deluxdata; for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; for (i=0 ; isamples - wmodel->lightdata)*3 + wmodel->deluxdata; for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; for (i=0 ; idlightframe == r_dlightframecount) // GLR_AddDynamicLightNorms (surf); // bound, invert, and shift switch (lm->fmt) { default: Sys_Error("Bad deluxemap format\n"); break; case PTI_A2BGR10: { unsigned int *destl = (void*)dest, r; stride = (lm->width-smax); bnorm = blocknormals[0]; for (i=0 ; iwidth-smax)*4; bnorm = blocknormals[0]; for (i=0 ; iwidth-smax)*lm->pixbytes; bnorm = blocknormals[0]; for (i=0 ; ipixbytes; bnorm+=3; } } break; } } static unsigned int Surf_PackE5BRG9(int r, int g, int b, int shift) { //5 bits exponent, 3*9 bits of mantissa. no sign bit. int e = 0; float m = max(max(r, g), b) / (float)(1u<= 0.5) { //positive exponent while (m >= (1u<<(e)) && e < 30-15) //don't do nans. e++; } else { //negative exponent... while (m < 1/(1u<<-e) && e > -15) //don't do denormals. e--; } scale = pow(2, e-9); scale *= (1u<>23)&0xff) - 127; if (e < -15) return 0; //too small exponent, treat it as a 0 denormal if (e > 15) m = 0; //infinity instead of a nan else m = (u.u&((1u<<23)-1))>>13; return ((e+15)<<10) | m; } static void Surf_PackRGB16F(void *result, int r, int g, int b, int one) { #if 0 //bulldozer+ or skylake+ supposedly. which means I can't test it, which means I can't enable it. __v4sf rgba = (__v4sf){r, g, b, one} / (float)one; union { __v8hi v; __v4hi i; } tmp; //vcvtps2ph writes either a 64bit mem location, or the lower half of an xmm register. unfortunately ts still an xmm register, and that's 128bit. //the __vXhi weirdness is because half-floats just don't work anywhere but conversions so __vXhf would cause all sorts of compiler errors, is the theory tmp.v = __builtin_ia32_vcvtps2ph(rgba, 1); *(__v4hi*)result = tmp.i; #else ((unsigned short*)result)[0] = Surf_GenHalf(r / (float)one); ((unsigned short*)result)[1] = Surf_GenHalf(g / (float)one); ((unsigned short*)result)[2] = Surf_GenHalf(b / (float)one); ((unsigned short*)result)[3] = /*Surf_GenHalf(1.0);*/0x0fu<<10; //a standard ieee float should have all but the lead bit set of its exponent, and its mantissa 0. #endif } static void Surf_PackRGBX32F(void *result, int r, int g, int b, int one) { ((float*)result)[0] = r/(float)one; ((float*)result)[1] = g/(float)one; ((float*)result)[2] = b/(float)one; ((float*)result)[3] = 1.0; } /*any sane compiler will inline and split this, removing the stainsrc stuff just unpacks the internal lightmap block into texture info ready for upload merges stains and oversaturates overbrights. */ static void Surf_StoreLightmap_RGB(qbyte *dest, unsigned int *bl, int smax, int tmax, unsigned int shift, stmap *stainsrc, lightmapinfo_t *lm) { int r, g, b, m; unsigned int i, j; int stride; switch(lm->fmt) { default: Sys_Error("Surf_StoreLightmap_RGB: Bad format - %s\n", Image_FormatName(lm->fmt)); break; case PTI_A2BGR10: stride = (lm->width-smax)<<2; shift -= 2; for (i=0 ; i> shift; g = *bl++ >> shift; b = *bl++ >> shift; if (stainsrc) // merge in stain { r = (127+r*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; g = (127+g*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; b = (127+b*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; } // quake 2 method, scale highest down to // maintain hue m = max(max(r, g), b); if (m > 1023) { r *= 1023.0/m; g *= 1023.0/m; b *= 1023.0/m; } *(unsigned int*)dest = (3u<<30) | ((b&0x3ff)<<20) | ((g&0x3ff)<<10) | (r&0x3ff); dest += 4; } if (stainsrc) stainsrc += (lm->width - smax)*3; } break; case PTI_E5BGR9: stride = (lm->width-smax)<<2; //5bit shared exponent, with bias of 15. for (i=0 ; i> 8; g = (127+g*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; b = (127+b*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; } *(unsigned int*)dest = Surf_PackE5BRG9(r,g,b,shift+8); dest += 4; } if (stainsrc) stainsrc += (lm->width - smax)*3; } break; case PTI_RGBA16F: stride = (lm->width-smax)<<3; for (i=0 ; i> 8; g = (127+g*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; b = (127+b*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; } Surf_PackRGB16F(dest, r,g,b,1<<(shift+8)); dest += 8; } if (stainsrc) stainsrc += (lm->width - smax)*3; } break; case PTI_RGBA32F: shift = 1u<<(shift+8); stride = (lm->width-smax)<<4; for (i=0 ; i> 8; g = (127+g*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; b = (127+b*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; } Surf_PackRGBX32F(dest, r,g,b,shift); dest += sizeof(float)*4; } if (stainsrc) stainsrc += (lm->width - smax)*3; } break; case PTI_RGBX8: case PTI_RGBA8: stride = (lm->width-smax)<<2; for (i=0 ; i> shift; g = *bl++ >> shift; b = *bl++ >> shift; if (stainsrc) // merge in stain { r = (127+r*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; g = (127+g*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; b = (127+b*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; } // quake 2 method, scale highest down to // maintain hue m = max(max(r, g), b); if (m > 255) { r *= 255.0/m; g *= 255.0/m; b *= 255.0/m; } dest[0] = r; dest[1] = g; dest[2] = b; dest[3] = 255; dest += 4; } if (stainsrc) stainsrc += (lm->width - smax)*3; } break; case PTI_BGRX8: case PTI_BGRA8: stride = (lm->width-smax)<<2; for (i=0 ; i> shift; g = *bl++ >> shift; b = *bl++ >> shift; if (stainsrc) // merge in stain { r = (127+r*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; g = (127+g*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; b = (127+b*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; } // quake 2 method, scale highest down to // maintain hue m = max(max(r, g), b); if (m > 255) { r *= 255.0/m; g *= 255.0/m; b *= 255.0/m; } dest[0] = b; dest[1] = g; dest[2] = r; dest[3] = 255; dest += 4; } if (stainsrc) stainsrc += (lm->width - smax)*3; } break; /* case PTI_BGRX8: case PTI_BGRA8: stride = (lm->width-smax)<<2; bl = blocklights; for (i=0 ; i> shift; g = *bl++ >> shift; b = *bl++ >> shift; if (stainsrc) // merge in stain { r = (127+r*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; g = (127+g*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; b = (127+b*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; } if (r > 255) dest[2] = 255; else if (r < 0) dest[2] = 0; else dest[2] = r; if (g > 255) dest[1] = 255; else if (g < 0) dest[1] = 0; else dest[1] = g; if (b > 255) dest[0] = 255; else if (b < 0) dest[0] = 0; else dest[0] = b; dest[3] = 255; dest += 4; } if (stainsrc) stainsrc += (lmwidth - smax)*3; } break; */ case PTI_RGB565: stride = (lm->width-smax)<<1; for (i=0 ; i> shift; g = *bl++ >> shift; b = *bl++ >> shift; if (stainsrc) // merge in stain { r = (127+r*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; g = (127+g*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; b = (127+b*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; } // quake 2 method, scale highest down to // maintain hue m = max(max(r, g), b); if (m > 255) { r *= 255.0/m; g *= 255.0/m; b *= 255.0/m; } *(unsigned short*)dest = (b>>3) | ((g>>2)<<5) | ((r>>3)<<11); dest += 2; } if (stainsrc) stainsrc += (lm->width - smax)*3; } break; case PTI_RGBA4444: stride = (lm->width-smax)<<1; for (i=0 ; i> shift; g = *bl++ >> shift; b = *bl++ >> shift; if (stainsrc) // merge in stain { r = (127+r*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; g = (127+g*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; b = (127+b*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; } // quake 2 method, scale highest down to // maintain hue m = max(max(r, g), b); if (m > 255) { r *= 255.0/m; g *= 255.0/m; b *= 255.0/m; } *(unsigned short*)dest = ((r>>4)<<12) | ((g>>4)<<8) | ((b>>4)<<4) | 0x000f; dest += 2; } if (stainsrc) stainsrc += (lm->width - smax)*3; } break; case PTI_RGBA5551: stride = (lm->width-smax)<<1; for (i=0 ; i> shift; g = *bl++ >> shift; b = *bl++ >> shift; if (stainsrc) // merge in stain { r = (127+r*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; g = (127+g*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; b = (127+b*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; } // quake 2 method, scale highest down to // maintain hue m = max(max(r, g), b); if (m > 255) { r *= 255.0/m; g *= 255.0/m; b *= 255.0/m; } *(unsigned short*)dest = ((r>>3)<<11) | ((g>>3)<<6) | ((b>>3)<<1) | 0x0001; dest += 2; } if (stainsrc) stainsrc += (lm->width - smax)*3; } break; case PTI_ARGB4444: stride = (lm->width-smax)<<1; for (i=0 ; i> shift; g = *bl++ >> shift; b = *bl++ >> shift; if (stainsrc) // merge in stain { r = (127+r*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; g = (127+g*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; b = (127+b*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; } // quake 2 method, scale highest down to // maintain hue m = max(max(r, g), b); if (m > 255) { r *= 255.0/m; g *= 255.0/m; b *= 255.0/m; } *(unsigned short*)dest = 0xf000 | ((r>>4)<<8) | ((g>>4)<<4) | ((b>>4)<<0); dest += 2; } if (stainsrc) stainsrc += (lm->width - smax)*3; } break; case PTI_ARGB1555: stride = (lm->width-smax)<<1; for (i=0 ; i> shift; g = *bl++ >> shift; b = *bl++ >> shift; if (stainsrc) // merge in stain { r = (127+r*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; g = (127+g*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; b = (127+b*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; } // quake 2 method, scale highest down to // maintain hue m = max(max(r, g), b); if (m > 255) { r *= 255.0/m; g *= 255.0/m; b *= 255.0/m; } *(unsigned short*)dest = 0x8000 | ((r>>3)<<10) | ((g>>3)<<5) | ((b>>3)<<0); dest += 2; } if (stainsrc) stainsrc += (lm->width - smax)*3; } break; case PTI_RGB8: stride = lm->width*3 - (smax*3); for (i=0 ; i> shift; g = *bl++ >> shift; b = *bl++ >> shift; if (stainsrc) // merge in stain { r = (127+r*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; g = (127+g*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; b = (127+b*(*stainsrc++)) >> 8; } // quake 2 method, scale highest down to // maintain hue m = max(max(r, g), b); if (m > 255) { r *= 255.0/m; g *= 255.0/m; b *= 255.0/m; } dest[0] = r; dest[1] = g; dest[2] = b; dest += 3; } if (stainsrc) stainsrc += (lm->width - smax)*3; } break; } } static void Surf_StoreLightmap_Lum(qbyte *dest, unsigned int *bl, int smax, int tmax, unsigned int shift, stmap *stainsrc, unsigned int lmwidth) { int t; unsigned int i, j; for (i=0 ; i>= shift; if (t > 255) t = 255; dest[j] = t; } } } /* =============== R_BuildLightMap Combine and scale multiple lightmaps into the 8.8 format in blocklights =============== */ static void Surf_BuildLightMap (model_t *model, msurface_t *surf, int map, int shift, int ambient, int *d_lightstylevalue) { int smax = (surf->extents[0]>>surf->lmshift)+1; int tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>surf->lmshift)+1; int t; int i; size_t size = (size_t)smax*tmax; unsigned scalergb[3]; unsigned scale; int maps; unsigned *bl; glRect_t *theRect; void *dest; void *deluxedest; void *stainsrc; lightmapinfo_t *lm = lightmap[surf->lightmaptexturenums[map]]; qbyte *src = surf->samples; shift += 7; // increase to base value surf->cached_dlight = (surf->dlightframe == r_dlightframecount); if (size > maxblocksize) { //fixme: fill in? //Threading: this should not be a problem, all surfaces should have been built from the main thread at map load so it should have maxed it there. BZ_Free(blocklights); BZ_Free(blocknormals); maxblocksize = size; blocknormals = BZ_Malloc(maxblocksize * sizeof(*blocknormals)); //already a vector blocklights = BZ_Malloc(maxblocksize * 3*sizeof(*blocklights)); } //make sure we flag the output rect properly. theRect = &lm->rectchange; if (theRect->t > surf->light_t[map]) theRect->t = surf->light_t[map]; if (theRect->l > surf->light_s[map]) theRect->l = surf->light_s[map]; if (theRect->r < surf->light_s[map]+smax) theRect->r = surf->light_s[map]+smax; if (theRect->b < surf->light_t[map]+tmax) theRect->b = surf->light_t[map]+tmax; dest = lm->lightmaps + (surf->light_t[map] * lm->width + surf->light_s[map]) * lm->pixbytes; if (!r_stains.value || !surf->stained) stainsrc = NULL; else stainsrc = lm->stainmaps + (surf->light_t[map] * lm->width + surf->light_s[map]) * 3; lm->modified = true; if (lm->hasdeluxe && model->deluxdata) { lightmapinfo_t *dlm = lightmap[surf->lightmaptexturenums[map]+1]; dlm->modified = true; theRect = &dlm->rectchange; if (theRect->t > surf->light_t[map]) theRect->t = surf->light_t[map]; if (theRect->l > surf->light_s[map]) theRect->l = surf->light_s[map]; if (theRect->r < surf->light_s[map]+smax) theRect->r = surf->light_s[map]+smax; if (theRect->b < surf->light_t[map]+tmax) theRect->b = surf->light_t[map]+tmax; deluxedest = dlm->lightmaps + (surf->light_t[map] * dlm->width + surf->light_s[map]) * dlm->pixbytes; Surf_BuildDeluxMap(model, surf, deluxedest, dlm, blocknormals); } if (lm->fmt != PTI_L8) { // set to full bright if no light data if (ambient < 0) { t = (-1-ambient)*255; for (i=0 ; icached_light[maps] = -1-ambient; surf->cached_colour[maps] = 0xff; } } else if (r_fullbright.value>0) //not qw { for (i=0 ; isamples) { surf->cached_light[0] = d_lightstylevalue[0]; surf->cached_colour[0] = cl_lightstyle[0].colourkey; } else { for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { surf->cached_light[maps] = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; surf->cached_colour[maps] = cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colourkey; } } } else if (!model->lightdata) { /*fullbright if map is not lit. but not overbright*/ for (i=0 ; isamples) { /*no samples, but map is otherwise lit = pure black*/ for (i=0 ; icached_light[0] = d_lightstylevalue[0]; surf->cached_colour[0] = cl_lightstyle[0].colourkey; } else { // clear to no light t = ambient; if (t == 0) memset(blocklights, 0, size*3*sizeof(*bl)); else { for (i=0 ; ilightmaps.prebaked) Sys_Error("Surf_BuildLightMap: q3bsp"); switch(model->lightmaps.fmt) { case LM_E5BGR9: for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { surf->cached_light[maps] = scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; // 8.8 fraction surf->cached_colour[maps] = cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colourkey; if (scale) { VectorScale(cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours, scale, scalergb); for (i=0 ; i>27]*(1<<7); blocklights[i*3+0] += scalergb[0] * e * ((l>> 0)&0x1ff); blocklights[i*3+1] += scalergb[1] * e * ((l>> 9)&0x1ff); blocklights[i*3+2] += scalergb[2] * e * ((l>>18)&0x1ff); } } src += size*4; // skip to next lightmap } break; case LM_RGB8: for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { surf->cached_light[maps] = scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; surf->cached_colour[maps] = cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colourkey; if (scale) { VectorScale(cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours, scale, scalergb); bl = blocklights; for (i=0 ; istyles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { surf->cached_light[maps] = scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; // 8.8 fraction surf->cached_colour[maps] = cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colourkey; if (scale) { VectorScale(cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours, scale, scalergb); bl = blocklights; for (i=0 ; idlightframe == r_dlightframecount) Surf_AddDynamicLights_RGB (surf); Surf_StoreLightmap_RGB(dest, blocklights, smax, tmax, shift, stainsrc, lm); } else { // set to full bright if no light data if (ambient < 0) { t = (-1-ambient)*255; for (i=0 ; icached_light[maps] = -1-ambient; surf->cached_colour[maps] = 0xff; } } else if (r_fullbright.value > 0) { //r_fullbright is meant to be a scaler. for (i=0 ; isamples) { surf->cached_light[0] = d_lightstylevalue[0]; surf->cached_colour[0] = cl_lightstyle[0].colourkey; } else { for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { surf->cached_light[maps] = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; surf->cached_colour[maps] = cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colourkey; } } } else if (!model->lightdata) { //no scalers here. for (i=0 ; icached_light[0] = d_lightstylevalue[0]; surf->cached_colour[0] = cl_lightstyle[0].colourkey; } //surfaces with no light data on lit maps are black else if (!surf->samples) { for (i=0 ; icached_light[0] = d_lightstylevalue[0]; surf->cached_colour[0] = cl_lightstyle[0].colourkey; } else { // clear to no light for (i=0 ; ilightmaps.fmt) { case LM_E5BGR9: for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; surf->cached_light[maps] = scale; // 8.8 fraction surf->cached_colour[maps] = cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colourkey; for (i=0 ; i>0)&0x1ff),((lm>>9)&0x1ff),((lm>>18)&0x1ff)) * scale * (rgb9e5tab[lm>>27]*(1<<7)); } src += size*4; // skip to next lightmap } break; case LM_RGB8: for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; surf->cached_light[maps] = scale; // 8.8 fraction surf->cached_colour[maps] = cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colourkey; for (i=0 ; istyles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; surf->cached_light[maps] = scale; // 8.8 fraction surf->cached_colour[maps] = cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colourkey; for (i=0 ; idlightframe == r_dlightframecount) Surf_AddDynamicLights_Lum (surf); } Surf_StoreLightmap_Lum(dest, blocklights, smax, tmax, shift, stainsrc, lm->width); } } #if defined(THREADEDWORLD) && (defined(Q1BSPS)||defined(Q2BSPS)) static void Surf_BuildLightMap_Worker (model_t *wmodel, msurface_t *surf, int shift, int ambient, int *d_lightstylevalue) { int smax, tmax; int t; int i, j; size_t size; lightmapinfo_t *lm = lightmap[surf->lightmaptexturenums[0]]; qbyte *src; unsigned scalergb[3]; unsigned scale; int maps; unsigned *bl; qbyte *dest; qbyte *deluxedest; stmap *stainsrc; glRect_t *theRect; static size_t maxblocksize; static vec3_t *blocknormals; static unsigned int *blocklights; shift += 7; // increase to base value surf->cached_dlight = false; smax = (surf->extents[0]>>surf->lmshift)+1; tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>surf->lmshift)+1; size = (size_t)smax*tmax; src = surf->samples; if (size > maxblocksize) { //fixme: fill in? maxblocksize = size; blocknormals = BZ_Realloc(blocknormals, maxblocksize * sizeof(*blocknormals)); //already a vector blocklights = BZ_Realloc(blocklights, maxblocksize * 3*sizeof(*blocklights)); } dest = lm->lightmaps + (surf->light_t[0] * lm->width + surf->light_s[0]) * lm->pixbytes; if (!r_stains.value || !surf->stained) stainsrc = NULL; else stainsrc = lm->stainmaps + (surf->light_t[0] * lm->width + surf->light_s[0]) * 3; if (lm->hasdeluxe) { lightmapinfo_t *dlm = lightmap[surf->lightmaptexturenums[0]+1]; deluxedest = dlm->lightmaps + (surf->light_t[0] * dlm->width + surf->light_s[0]) * dlm->pixbytes; Surf_BuildDeluxMap(wmodel, surf, deluxedest, lm, blocknormals); } if (lm->fmt != PTI_L8) { // set to full bright if no light data if (ambient < 0) { //abslight for hexen2 t = (-1-ambient)*255; for (i=0 ; icached_light[maps] = -1-ambient; surf->cached_colour[maps] = 0xff; } } else if (r_fullbright.value>0) { //fullbright cheat for (i=0 ; ilightdata) { /*fullbright if map is not lit. but not overbright*/ for (i=0 ; ilightmaps.prebaked) //rgb { /*q3 lightmaps are meant to be pre-built this code is misguided, and ought never be executed anyway. */ int pixbytes = lm->pixbytes; bl = blocklights; for (i = 0; i < tmax; i++) { for (j = 0; j < smax; j++) { bl[0] = 255*src[(i*pixbytes+j)*3]; bl[1] = 255*src[(i*pixbytes+j)*3+1]; bl[2] = 255*src[(i*pixbytes+j)*3+2]; bl+=3; } } Sys_Error("Surf_BuildLightMap_Worker: q3bsp"); } else switch(wmodel->lightmaps.fmt) { case LM_E5BGR9: for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { surf->cached_light[maps] = scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; // 8.8 fraction surf->cached_colour[maps] = cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colourkey; if (scale) { VectorScale(cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours, scale, scalergb); for (i=0 ; i>27]*(1u<<7); blocklights[i*3+0] += scalergb[0] * e * ((l>> 0)&0x1ff); blocklights[i*3+1] += scalergb[1] * e * ((l>> 9)&0x1ff); blocklights[i*3+2] += scalergb[2] * e * ((l>>18)&0x1ff); } } src += size*4; // skip to next lightmap } break; case LM_RGB8: for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { surf->cached_light[maps] = scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; surf->cached_colour[maps] = cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colourkey; if (scale) { VectorScale(cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours, scale, scalergb); bl = blocklights; for (i=0 ; istyles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { surf->cached_light[maps] = scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; // 8.8 fraction surf->cached_colour[maps] = cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colourkey; if (scale) { VectorScale(cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colours, scale, scalergb); bl = blocklights; for (i=0 ; istained) stainsrc = NULL; Surf_StoreLightmap_RGB(dest, blocklights, smax, tmax, shift, stainsrc, lm); } else { // set to full bright if no light data if (r_fullbright.ival) { for (i=0 ; ilightdata) { for (i=0 ; icached_light[0] = d_lightstylevalue[0]; surf->cached_colour[0] = cl_lightstyle[0].colourkey; } else { // clear to no light for (i=0 ; ilightmaps.fmt) { case LM_E5BGR9: for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; surf->cached_light[maps] = scale; // 8.8 fraction surf->cached_colour[maps] = cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colourkey; if (scale) for (i=0 ; i>0)&0x1ff),((lm>>9)&0x1ff),((lm>>18)&0x1ff)) * scale * (rgb9e5tab[lm>>27]*(1<<7)); } lightmap += size*4; // skip to next lightmap } break; case LM_RGB8: for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; surf->cached_light[maps] = scale; // 8.8 fraction surf->cached_colour[maps] = cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colourkey; if (scale) for (i=0 ; istyles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) { scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; surf->cached_light[maps] = scale; // 8.8 fraction surf->cached_colour[maps] = cl_lightstyle[surf->styles[maps]].colourkey; if (scale) for (i=0 ; iwidth); } //make sure we flag the output rect properly. theRect = &lm->rectchange; if (theRect->t > surf->light_t[0]) theRect->t = surf->light_t[0]; if (theRect->l > surf->light_s[0]) theRect->l = surf->light_s[0]; if (theRect->r < surf->light_s[0]+smax) theRect->r = surf->light_s[0]+smax; if (theRect->b < surf->light_t[0]+tmax) theRect->b = surf->light_t[0]+tmax; lm->modified = true; if (lm->hasdeluxe) { lightmapinfo_t *dlm = lm+1; theRect = &dlm->rectchange; if (theRect->t > surf->light_t[0]) theRect->t = surf->light_t[0]; if (theRect->l > surf->light_s[0]) theRect->l = surf->light_s[0]; if (theRect->r < surf->light_s[0]+smax) theRect->r = surf->light_s[0]+smax; if (theRect->b < surf->light_t[0]+tmax) theRect->b = surf->light_t[0]+tmax; dlm->modified = true; } } #endif /* ============================================================= BRUSH MODELS ============================================================= */ /* ================ R_RenderDynamicLightmaps Multitexture ================ */ void Surf_RenderDynamicLightmaps (msurface_t *fa) { int maps; //surfaces without lightmaps if (fa->lightmaptexturenums[0]<0 || !lightmap) return; // check for lightmap modification if (!fa->samples) { if (fa->cached_light[0] != d_lightstylevalue[0] || fa->cached_colour[0] != cl_lightstyle[0].colourkey) goto dynamic; } else { for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && fa->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) if (d_lightstylevalue[fa->styles[maps]] != fa->cached_light[maps] || cl_lightstyle[fa->styles[maps]].colourkey != fa->cached_colour[maps]) goto dynamic; } if (fa->dlightframe == r_dlightframecount // dynamic this frame || fa->cached_dlight) // dynamic previously { RSpeedLocals(); dynamic: RSpeedRemark(); #ifdef _DEBUG if ((unsigned)fa->lightmaptexturenums[0] >= numlightmaps) Sys_Error("Invalid lightmap index\n"); #endif Surf_BuildLightMap (currentmodel, fa, 0, lightmap_shift, r_ambient.value*255, d_lightstylevalue); RSpeedEnd(RSPEED_DYNAMIC); } } #if defined(THREADEDWORLD) && (defined(Q1BSPS)||defined(Q2BSPS)) static void Surf_RenderDynamicLightmaps_Worker (model_t *wmodel, msurface_t *fa, int *d_lightstylevalue) { int maps; //surfaces without lightmaps if (fa->lightmaptexturenums[0]<0 || !lightmap) return; // check for lightmap modification if (!fa->samples) { if (fa->cached_light[0] != d_lightstylevalue[0] || fa->cached_colour[0] != cl_lightstyle[0].colourkey) goto dynamic; } else { for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXCPULIGHTMAPS && fa->styles[maps] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE ; maps++) if (d_lightstylevalue[fa->styles[maps]] != fa->cached_light[maps] || cl_lightstyle[fa->styles[maps]].colourkey != fa->cached_colour[maps]) goto dynamic; } return; dynamic: #ifdef _DEBUG if ((unsigned)fa->lightmaptexturenums[0] >= numlightmaps) { static float throttle; Con_ThrottlePrintf(&throttle, 0, CON_WARNING"Invalid lightmap index\n"); return; } #endif Surf_BuildLightMap_Worker (wmodel, fa, lightmap_shift, r_ambient.value*255, d_lightstylevalue); } #endif //THREADEDWORLD void Surf_RenderAmbientLightmaps (msurface_t *fa, int ambient) { if (!fa->mesh) return; //surfaces without lightmaps if (fa->lightmaptexturenums[0]<0) return; if (fa->cached_light[0] != ambient || fa->cached_colour[0] != 0xff) goto dynamic; if (fa->dlightframe == r_dlightframecount // dynamic this frame || fa->cached_dlight) // dynamic previously { RSpeedLocals(); dynamic: RSpeedRemark(); Surf_BuildLightMap (currentmodel, fa, 0, lightmap_shift, -1-ambient, d_lightstylevalue); RSpeedEnd(RSPEED_DYNAMIC); } } /* ============================================================= WORLD MODEL ============================================================= */ static void Surf_PushChains(batch_t **batches) { batch_t *batch; int i; if (r_refdef.recurse == R_MAX_RECURSE) Sys_Error("Recursed too deep\n"); if (!r_refdef.recurse) { for (i = 0; i < SHADER_SORT_COUNT; i++) for (batch = batches[i]; batch; batch = batch->next) { batch->firstmesh = 0; } } #if R_MAX_RECURSE > 2 else if (r_refdef.recurse > 1) { for (i = 0; i < SHADER_SORT_COUNT; i++) for (batch = batches[i]; batch; batch = batch->next) { batch->recursefirst[r_refdef.recurse] = batch->firstmesh; batch->firstmesh = batch->meshes; } } #endif else { for (i = 0; i < SHADER_SORT_COUNT; i++) for (batch = batches[i]; batch; batch = batch->next) { batch->firstmesh = batch->meshes; } } } static void Surf_PopChains(batch_t **batches) { batch_t *batch; int i; if (!r_refdef.recurse) { for (i = 0; i < SHADER_SORT_COUNT; i++) for (batch = batches[i]; batch; batch = batch->next) { batch->meshes = 0; } } #if R_MAX_RECURSE > 2 else if (r_refdef.recurse > 1) { for (i = 0; i < SHADER_SORT_COUNT; i++) for (batch = batches[i]; batch; batch = batch->next) { batch->meshes = batch->firstmesh; batch->firstmesh = batch->recursefirst[r_refdef.recurse]; } } #endif else { for (i = 0; i < SHADER_SORT_COUNT; i++) for (batch = batches[i]; batch; batch = batch->next) { batch->meshes = batch->firstmesh; batch->firstmesh = 0; } } } //most of this is a direct copy from gl void Surf_SetupFrame(void) { vec3_t pvsorg; int viewcontents; if (!cl.worldmodel || cl.worldmodel->loadstate!=MLS_LOADED) r_refdef.flags |= RDF_NOWORLDMODEL; R_AnimateLight(); if (r_refdef.recurse) { VectorCopy(r_refdef.pvsorigin, pvsorg); } else { VectorCopy(r_refdef.vieworg, pvsorg); R_UpdateHDR(r_refdef.vieworg); } r_viewarea = 0; viewcontents = 0; if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL) { } else if (cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->loadstate == MLS_LOADED && cl.worldmodel->funcs.InfoForPoint) { vec3_t temp; unsigned int cont2; int area2; cl.worldmodel->funcs.InfoForPoint (cl.worldmodel, pvsorg, &r_viewarea, &r_viewcluster, &viewcontents); // check above and below so crossing solid water doesn't draw wrong if (!viewcontents) { // look down a bit VectorCopy (pvsorg, temp); temp[2] -= 16; cl.worldmodel->funcs.InfoForPoint (cl.worldmodel, temp, &area2, &r_viewcluster2, &cont2); if (cont2 & FTECONTENTS_SOLID) r_viewcluster2 = r_viewcluster; } else { // look up a bit VectorCopy (pvsorg, temp); temp[2] += 16; cl.worldmodel->funcs.InfoForPoint (cl.worldmodel, temp, &area2, &r_viewcluster2, &cont2); if (cont2 & FTECONTENTS_SOLID) r_viewcluster2 = r_viewcluster; } } else { r_viewcluster = -1; r_viewcluster2 = -1; } #ifdef TERRAIN if (!(r_refdef.flags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL) && cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->terrain) { viewcontents |= Heightmap_PointContents(cl.worldmodel, NULL, pvsorg); } #endif /*pick up any extra water entities*/ { vec3_t t1,t2; VectorCopy(pmove.player_mins, t1); VectorCopy(pmove.player_maxs, t2); VectorClear(pmove.player_maxs); VectorClear(pmove.player_mins); viewcontents |= PM_ExtraBoxContents(pvsorg); VectorCopy(t1, pmove.player_mins); VectorCopy(t2, pmove.player_maxs); } if (!r_refdef.recurse) { r_viewcontents = viewcontents; if (!r_secondaryview) V_SetContentsColor (viewcontents); } if (r_refdef.playerview->audio.defaulted) { //first scene is the 'main' scene and audio defaults to that (unless overridden later in the frame) r_refdef.playerview->audio.defaulted = false; r_refdef.playerview->audio.entnum = r_refdef.playerview->viewentity; VectorCopy(r_refdef.vieworg, r_refdef.playerview->audio.origin); AngleVectors(r_refdef.viewangles, r_refdef.playerview->audio.forward,r_refdef.playerview->audio.right, r_refdef.playerview->audio.up); // I'm fed up of openal users getting audio bugs when underwater. // if (r_viewcontents & FTECONTENTS_FLUID) // r_refdef.playerview->audio.reverbtype = 1; // else r_refdef.playerview->audio.reverbtype = 0; VectorCopy(r_refdef.playerview->simvel, r_refdef.playerview->audio.velocity); } } /* static mesh_t *surfbatchmeshes[256]; static void Surf_BuildBrushBatch(batch_t *batch) { model_t *model = batch->ent->model; unsigned int i; batch->mesh = surfbatchmeshes; batch->meshes = batch->surf_count; for (i = 0; i < batch->surf_count; i++) { surfbatchmeshes[i] = model->surfaces[batch->surf_first + i].mesh; } } */ void Surf_GenBrushBatches(batch_t **batches, entity_t *ent) { int i; msurface_t *s; batch_t *ob; model_t *model; batch_t *b; unsigned int bef; model = ent->model; if (R_CullEntityBox (ent, model->mins, model->maxs)) return; #ifdef RTLIGHTS if (BE_LightCullModel(ent->origin, model)) return; #endif // calculate dynamic lighting for bmodel if it's not an // instanced model if (!model->lightmaps.prebaked && lightmap && !(webo_blocklightmapupdates&1)) { int k; currententity = ent; currentmodel = ent->model; if (model->nummodelsurfaces != 0 && r_dynamic.ival > 0) { for (k=rtlights_first; kfuncs.MarkLights (&cl_dlights[k], (dlightbitmask_t)1<rootnode); } } Surf_LightmapShift(model); #ifdef HEXEN2 if ((ent->drawflags & MLS_MASK) == MLS_ABSLIGHT) { //update lightmaps. for (s = model->surfaces+model->firstmodelsurface,i = 0; i < model->nummodelsurfaces; i++, s++) Surf_RenderAmbientLightmaps (s, ent->abslight); } else if (ent->drawflags & DRF_TRANSLUCENT) { //update lightmaps. for (s = model->surfaces+model->firstmodelsurface,i = 0; i < model->nummodelsurfaces; i++, s++) Surf_RenderAmbientLightmaps (s, 255); } else #endif { //update lightmaps. for (s = model->surfaces+model->firstmodelsurface,i = 0; i < model->nummodelsurfaces; i++, s++) Surf_RenderDynamicLightmaps (s); } currententity = NULL; } #ifdef BEF_PUSHDEPTH if (r_pushdepth && model->submodelof == r_worldentity.model) bef = BEF_PUSHDEPTH; else bef = 0; #else bef = 0; #endif if (ent->flags & RF_ADDITIVE) bef |= BEF_FORCEADDITIVE; #ifdef HEXEN2 else if ((ent->drawflags & DRF_TRANSLUCENT) && r_wateralpha.value != 1) { bef |= BEF_FORCETRANSPARENT; ent->shaderRGBAf[3] = r_wateralpha.value; } #endif else if ((ent->flags & RF_TRANSLUCENT) && cls.protocol != CP_QUAKE3) bef |= BEF_FORCETRANSPARENT; if (ent->flags & RF_NODEPTHTEST) bef |= BEF_FORCENODEPTH; if (ent->flags & RF_NOSHADOW) bef |= BEF_NOSHADOWS; for (i = 0; i < SHADER_SORT_COUNT; i++) for (ob = model->batches[i]; ob; ob = ob->next) { b = BE_GetTempBatch(); if (!b) continue; *b = *ob; if (b->vbo && b->maxmeshes) { b->user.meshbuf = *b->mesh[0]; b->user.meshbuf.numindexes = b->mesh[b->maxmeshes-1]->indexes+b->mesh[b->maxmeshes-1]->numindexes-b->mesh[0]->indexes; b->user.meshbuf.numvertexes = b->mesh[b->maxmeshes-1]->xyz_array+b->mesh[b->maxmeshes-1]->numvertexes-b->mesh[0]->xyz_array; b->mesh = &b->user.meshptr; b->user.meshptr = &b->user.meshbuf; b->meshes = b->maxmeshes = 1; } else { // if (b->texture) // b->shader = R_TextureAnimation(ent->framestate.g[FS_REG].frame[0], b->texture)->shader; b->meshes = b->maxmeshes; } b->ent = ent; b->flags = bef; if (b->buildmeshes) b->buildmeshes(b); if (!b->shader) b->shader = R_TextureAnimation(ent->framestate.g[FS_REG].frame[0], b->texture)->shader; if (bef & BEF_FORCEADDITIVE && b->shader->sort==SHADER_SORT_OPAQUE) { b->next = batches[SHADER_SORT_ADDITIVE]; batches[SHADER_SORT_ADDITIVE] = b; } else if (bef & BEF_FORCETRANSPARENT && b->shader->sort==SHADER_SORT_OPAQUE) { b->next = batches[SHADER_SORT_BLEND]; batches[SHADER_SORT_BLEND] = b; } else { b->next = batches[b->shader->sort]; batches[b->shader->sort] = b; } } } #ifdef THREADEDWORLD struct webostate_s { char dbgid[12]; struct webostate_s *next; int lastvalid; //keyed to cls.framecount, for cleaning up. model_t *wmodel; int framecount; int cluster[2]; qboolean generating; pvsbuffer_t pvs; vboarray_t ebo; vboarray_t vbo; void *ebomem; size_t idxcount; int numbatches; qbyte areamask[MAX_Q2MAP_AREAS/8]; int lightstylevalues[MAX_NET_LIGHTSTYLES]; //when using workers that only reprocessing lighting at 10fps, things get too ugly when things go out of sync //TODO qbyte *bakedsubmodels; //flags saying whether each submodel was baked or not. baked submodels need to be untinted uncaled unrotated at origin etc vec3_t lastpos; //for better stale ebo selection when we're generating a new position. batch_t *rbatches[SHADER_SORT_COUNT]; struct wesbatch_s { qboolean inefficient; //this batch's shader needs special care with vertex data too size_t numidx; size_t maxidx; size_t firstidx; //offset into the final ebo index_t *idxbuffer; batch_t b; mesh_t m; mesh_t *pm; vbo_t vbo; size_t maxverts; } batches[1]; }; static struct webostate_s *webostates; static struct webostate_s *webogenerating; static int webogeneratingstate; //1 if generating, 0 if not, for waiting for sync. static void R_DestroyWorldEBO(struct webostate_s *es) { int i; if (!es) return; for (i = 0; i < es->numbatches; i++) { if (es->batches[i].inefficient) { BZ_Free(es->batches[i].m.xyz_array); BZ_Free(es->batches[i].m.st_array); BZ_Free(es->batches[i].m.lmst_array[0]); BZ_Free(es->batches[i].m.normals_array); BZ_Free(es->batches[i].m.snormals_array); BZ_Free(es->batches[i].m.tnormals_array); } BZ_Free(es->batches[i].idxbuffer); } #ifdef GLQUAKE if (qrenderer == QR_OPENGL) { if (es->ebo.gl.vbo) qglDeleteBuffersARB(1, &es->ebo.gl.vbo); if (es->vbo.gl.vbo) qglDeleteBuffersARB(1, &es->vbo.gl.vbo); } #endif #ifdef VKQUAKE if (qrenderer == QR_VULKAN) BE_VBO_Destroy(&es->ebo, es->ebomem); #endif BZ_Free(es); } void R_GeneratedWorldEBO(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a_, size_t b_) { double starttime = Sys_DoubleTime(); size_t idxcount, vertcount; unsigned int i; model_t *mod; batch_t *b, *batch; mesh_t *m; int sortid; struct webostate_s *webostate = ctx; webostate->next = webostates; webostates = webostate; webogenerating = NULL; webogeneratingstate = 0; webo_blocklightmapupdates = 1; mod = webostate->wmodel; webostate->lastvalid = cls.framecount; for (i = 0, idxcount = 0, vertcount = 0; i < webostate->numbatches; i++) { idxcount += webostate->batches[i].numidx; vertcount += webostate->batches[i].m.numvertexes; } #ifdef GLQUAKE if (qrenderer == QR_OPENGL) { GL_DeselectVAO(); if (vertcount) { size_t vc; vbo_t *vbo; size_t v_coord = 0; size_t v_tc = v_coord + sizeof(vecV_t)*vertcount; size_t v_lmtc = v_tc + sizeof(vec2_t)*vertcount; size_t v_norm = v_lmtc + sizeof(vec2_t)*vertcount; size_t v_snorm = v_norm + sizeof(vec3_t)*vertcount; size_t v_tnorm = v_snorm + sizeof(vec3_t)*vertcount; size_t v_colour = v_tnorm + sizeof(vec3_t)*vertcount; size_t vbosize = v_colour + sizeof(vec4_t)*vertcount; if (!webostate->vbo.gl.vbo) qglGenBuffersARB(1, &webostate->vbo.gl.vbo); GL_SelectVBO(webostate->vbo.gl.vbo); qglBufferDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vbosize, NULL, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB); for (i = 0, vertcount = 0; i < webostate->numbatches; i++) { if (webostate->batches[i].inefficient) { vc = webostate->batches[i].m.numvertexes; vbo = &webostate->batches[i].vbo; vbo->coord.gl.vbo = webostate->vbo.gl.vbo; vbo->coord.gl.addr = (char*)v_coord + sizeof(vecV_t)*vertcount; vbo->texcoord.gl.vbo = webostate->vbo.gl.vbo; vbo->texcoord.gl.addr = (char*)v_tc + sizeof(vec2_t)*vertcount; vbo->lmcoord[0].gl.vbo = webostate->vbo.gl.vbo; vbo->lmcoord[0].gl.addr = (char*)v_lmtc + sizeof(vec2_t)*vertcount; vbo->normals.gl.vbo = webostate->vbo.gl.vbo; vbo->normals.gl.addr = (char*)v_norm + sizeof(vec3_t)*vertcount; vbo->svector.gl.vbo = webostate->vbo.gl.vbo; vbo->svector.gl.addr = (char*)v_snorm + sizeof(vec3_t)*vertcount; vbo->tvector.gl.vbo = webostate->vbo.gl.vbo; vbo->tvector.gl.addr = (char*)v_tnorm + sizeof(vec3_t)*vertcount; vbo->colours[0].gl.vbo = webostate->vbo.gl.vbo; vbo->colours[0].gl.addr = (char*)v_colour + sizeof(vec4_t)*vertcount; qglBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB,(qintptr_t)vbo->coord.gl.addr, vc*sizeof(vecV_t), webostate->batches[i].m.xyz_array); qglBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB,(qintptr_t)vbo->texcoord.gl.addr, vc*sizeof(vec2_t), webostate->batches[i].m.st_array); qglBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB,(qintptr_t)vbo->lmcoord[0].gl.addr, vc*sizeof(vec2_t), webostate->batches[i].m.lmst_array[0]); qglBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB,(qintptr_t)vbo->normals.gl.addr, vc*sizeof(vec3_t), webostate->batches[i].m.normals_array); qglBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB,(qintptr_t)vbo->svector.gl.addr, vc*sizeof(vec3_t), webostate->batches[i].m.snormals_array); qglBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB,(qintptr_t)vbo->tvector.gl.addr, vc*sizeof(vec3_t), webostate->batches[i].m.tnormals_array); qglBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB,(qintptr_t)vbo->colours[0].gl.addr, vc*sizeof(vec4_t), webostate->batches[i].m.colors4f_array[0]); webostate->batches[i].m.vbofirstvert = 0; vertcount += vc; } } } webostate->ebo.gl.addr = NULL; if (!webostate->ebo.gl.vbo) qglGenBuffersARB(1, &webostate->ebo.gl.vbo); GL_SelectEBO(webostate->ebo.gl.vbo); qglBufferDataARB(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, idxcount*sizeof(index_t), NULL, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB); for (i = 0, idxcount = 0; i < webostate->numbatches; i++) { qglBufferSubDataARB(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, idxcount*sizeof(index_t), webostate->batches[i].numidx*sizeof(index_t), webostate->batches[i].idxbuffer); // BZ_Free(webostate->batches[i].idxbuffer); // webostate->batches[i].idxbuffer = NULL; webostate->batches[i].firstidx = idxcount; idxcount += webostate->batches[i].numidx; } } #endif #ifdef VKQUAKE if (qrenderer == QR_VULKAN) { //this malloc is stupid. //with vulkan we really should be doing this on the worker instead, at least the staging part. index_t *indexes = malloc(sizeof(*indexes) * idxcount); BE_VBO_Destroy(&webostate->ebo, webostate->ebomem); memset(&webostate->ebo, 0, sizeof(webostate->ebo)); webostate->ebomem = NULL; webostate->ebo.vk.offs = 0; for (i = 0, idxcount = 0; i < webostate->numbatches; i++) { memcpy(indexes + idxcount, webostate->batches[i].idxbuffer, webostate->batches[i].numidx*sizeof(index_t)); // BZ_Free(webostate->batches[i].idxbuffer); // webostate->batches[i].idxbuffer = NULL; webostate->batches[i].firstidx = idxcount; idxcount += webostate->batches[i].numidx; } if (idxcount) BE_VBO_Finish(NULL, indexes, sizeof(*indexes) * idxcount, &webostate->ebo, NULL, &webostate->ebomem); else { memset(&webostate->ebo, 0, sizeof(webostate->ebo)); webostate->ebomem = NULL; } free(indexes); vertcount = 0; //unsupported for now. } #endif //should be doing this on the worker, but whatever for (i = 0, sortid = 0; sortid < SHADER_SORT_COUNT; sortid++) { webostate->rbatches[sortid] = NULL; for (batch = mod->batches[sortid]; batch != NULL; batch = batch->next, i++) { if (!webostate->batches[i].numidx) continue; if (batch->shader->flags & SHADER_NODRAW) continue; m = &webostate->batches[i].m; webostate->batches[i].pm = m; b = &webostate->batches[i].b; memcpy(b, batch, sizeof(*b)); b->mesh = &webostate->batches[i].pm; b->meshes = 1; b->vbo = &webostate->batches[i].vbo; if (webostate->batches[i].inefficient) { //we had to generate new buffers because there's something evil in the shader.. m->indexes = webostate->batches[i].idxbuffer; b->vbo->vao = 0; } else { *b->vbo = *batch->vbo; if (b->shader->flags & SHADER_NEEDSARRAYS) { //this ebo cache stuff tracks only indexes, we don't know the actual surfs any more. //if NEEDSARRAYS is flagged then the cpu will need access to the mesh data - which it doesn't have. //while we could figure out this info, there would be a lot of vertexes that are not referenced, which would be horrendously slow. if (b->shader->flags & SHADER_SKY) continue; b->shader = R_RegisterShader_Vertex(mod, "unsupported"); } m->numvertexes = webostate->batches[i].b.vbo->vertcount; } b->vbo->indicies = webostate->ebo; b->vbo->vao = 0; m->numindexes = webostate->batches[i].numidx; m->vbofirstelement = webostate->batches[i].firstidx; b->next = webostate->rbatches[sortid]; webostate->rbatches[sortid] = b; } } r_loaderstalltime += Sys_DoubleTime() - starttime; } #ifdef Q1BSPS static void Surf_SimpleWorld_Q1BSP(struct webostate_s *es, qbyte *pvs) { mleaf_t *leaf; msurface_t *surf, **mark, **end; mesh_t *mesh; model_t *wmodel = es->wmodel; int l = wmodel->numclusters; int fc = es->framecount; int i; int s, f, lastface; struct wesbatch_s *eb; for (leaf = wmodel->leafs+l; l-- > 0; leaf--) { if ((pvs[l>>3] & (1u<<(l&7))) && leaf->nummarksurfaces) { mark = leaf->firstmarksurface; end = mark+leaf->nummarksurfaces; while(mark < end) { surf = *mark++; if (surf->visframe != fc) { surf->visframe = fc; Surf_RenderDynamicLightmaps_Worker (wmodel, surf, es->lightstylevalues); mesh = surf->mesh; eb = &es->batches[surf->sbatch->user.bmodel.ebobatch]; if (eb->maxidx < eb->numidx + mesh->numindexes) { //FIXME: pre-allocate eb->maxidx = eb->numidx + mesh->numindexes + 512; eb->idxbuffer = BZ_Realloc(eb->idxbuffer, eb->maxidx * sizeof(index_t)); } if (eb->inefficient) { //slow path that needs to create new VBOs on the fly too. if (eb->maxverts < eb->m.numvertexes + mesh->numvertexes) { //FIXME: pre-allocate eb->maxverts = eb->m.numvertexes + mesh->numvertexes + 512; eb->m.xyz_array = BZ_Realloc(eb->m.xyz_array, eb->maxverts * sizeof(*eb->m.xyz_array)); eb->m.st_array = BZ_Realloc(eb->m.st_array, eb->maxverts * sizeof(*eb->m.st_array)); eb->m.lmst_array[0] = BZ_Realloc(eb->m.lmst_array[0], eb->maxverts * sizeof(*eb->m.lmst_array[0])); eb->m.normals_array = BZ_Realloc(eb->m.normals_array, eb->maxverts * sizeof(*eb->m.normals_array)); eb->m.snormals_array = BZ_Realloc(eb->m.snormals_array, eb->maxverts * sizeof(*eb->m.snormals_array)); eb->m.tnormals_array = BZ_Realloc(eb->m.tnormals_array, eb->maxverts * sizeof(*eb->m.tnormals_array)); eb->m.colors4f_array[0] = BZ_Realloc(eb->m.colors4f_array[0], eb->maxverts * sizeof(*eb->m.colors4f_array[0])); } memcpy(eb->m.xyz_array+eb->m.numvertexes, mesh->xyz_array, sizeof(*eb->m.xyz_array)*mesh->numvertexes); memcpy(eb->m.st_array+eb->m.numvertexes, mesh->st_array, sizeof(*eb->m.st_array)*mesh->numvertexes); memcpy(eb->m.lmst_array[0]+eb->m.numvertexes, mesh->lmst_array[0], sizeof(*eb->m.lmst_array[0])*mesh->numvertexes); memcpy(eb->m.normals_array+eb->m.numvertexes, mesh->normals_array, sizeof(*eb->m.normals_array)*mesh->numvertexes); memcpy(eb->m.snormals_array+eb->m.numvertexes, mesh->snormals_array, sizeof(*eb->m.snormals_array)*mesh->numvertexes); memcpy(eb->m.tnormals_array+eb->m.numvertexes, mesh->tnormals_array, sizeof(*eb->m.tnormals_array)*mesh->numvertexes); memcpy(eb->m.colors4f_array[0]+eb->m.numvertexes,mesh->colors4f_array[0],sizeof(*eb->m.colors4f_array[0])*mesh->numvertexes); for (i = 0; i < mesh->numindexes; i++) eb->idxbuffer[eb->numidx+i] = mesh->indexes[i] + eb->m.numvertexes; eb->m.numvertexes+=mesh->numvertexes; } else { for (i = 0; i < mesh->numindexes; i++) eb->idxbuffer[eb->numidx+i] = mesh->indexes[i] + mesh->vbofirstvert; } eb->numidx += mesh->numindexes; } } } } for (s = 1; s < wmodel->numsubmodels; s++) { // if (!es->bakedsubmodels[s]) // continue; //not baking this one (not currently visible or something) //FIXME: pvscull it here? lastface = wmodel->submodels[s].firstface + wmodel->submodels[s].numfaces; for (f = wmodel->submodels[s].firstface; f < lastface; f++) { surf = wmodel->surfaces+f; Surf_RenderDynamicLightmaps_Worker (wmodel, surf, es->lightstylevalues); /* mesh = surf->mesh; eb = &es->batches[surf->sbatch->webobatch]; if (eb->maxidx < eb->numidx + mesh->numindexes) { //FIXME: pre-allocate eb->maxidx = eb->numidx + surf->mesh->numindexes + 512; eb->idxbuffer = BZ_Realloc(eb->idxbuffer, eb->maxidx * sizeof(index_t)); } for (i = 0; i < mesh->numindexes; i++) eb->idxbuffer[eb->numidx+i] = mesh->indexes[i] + mesh->vbofirstvert; eb->numidx += mesh->numindexes;*/ } } } #endif #if defined(Q2BSPS) || defined(Q3BSPS) static void Surf_SimpleWorld_Q3BSP(struct webostate_s *es, qbyte *pvs) { mleaf_t *leaf; msurface_t *surf, **mark, **end; mesh_t *mesh; model_t *wmodel = es->wmodel; int l = wmodel->numleafs; //is this doing submodels too? int c; int fc = es->framecount; for (leaf = wmodel->leafs; l --> 0; leaf++) { c = leaf->cluster; if (c < 0 || !leaf->parent) continue; //o.O if ((pvs[c>>3] & (1u<<(c&7))) && leaf->nummarksurfaces && (((unsigned)leaf->area>=MAX_Q2MAP_AREAS)||es->areamask[leaf->area>>3]&1<<(leaf->area&7))) { mark = leaf->firstmarksurface; end = mark+leaf->nummarksurfaces; while(mark < end) { surf = *mark++; if (surf->visframe != fc) { int i; struct wesbatch_s *eb; surf->visframe = fc; mesh = surf->mesh; eb = &es->batches[surf->sbatch->user.bmodel.ebobatch]; if (eb->maxidx < eb->numidx + mesh->numindexes) { //FIXME: pre-allocate eb->maxidx = eb->numidx + mesh->numindexes + 512; eb->idxbuffer = BZ_Realloc(eb->idxbuffer, eb->maxidx * sizeof(index_t)); } if (eb->inefficient) { //slow path that needs to create a single ram-backed mesh //FIXME: for portal/refract surfaces, track surfaces for refract pvs info if (eb->maxverts < eb->m.numvertexes + mesh->numvertexes) { //FIXME: pre-allocate eb->maxverts = eb->m.numvertexes + mesh->numvertexes + 512; eb->m.xyz_array = BZ_Realloc(eb->m.xyz_array, eb->maxverts * sizeof(*eb->m.xyz_array)); eb->m.st_array = BZ_Realloc(eb->m.st_array, eb->maxverts * sizeof(*eb->m.st_array)); eb->m.lmst_array[0] = BZ_Realloc(eb->m.lmst_array[0], eb->maxverts * sizeof(*eb->m.lmst_array[0])); eb->m.normals_array = BZ_Realloc(eb->m.normals_array, eb->maxverts * sizeof(*eb->m.normals_array)); eb->m.snormals_array= BZ_Realloc(eb->m.snormals_array, eb->maxverts * sizeof(*eb->m.snormals_array)); eb->m.tnormals_array= BZ_Realloc(eb->m.tnormals_array, eb->maxverts * sizeof(*eb->m.tnormals_array)); eb->m.colors4f_array[0]= BZ_Realloc(eb->m.colors4f_array[0],eb->maxverts * sizeof(*eb->m.colors4f_array[0])); } memcpy(eb->m.numvertexes+eb->m.xyz_array, mesh->xyz_array, sizeof(*eb->m.xyz_array)*mesh->numvertexes); memcpy(eb->m.numvertexes+eb->m.st_array, mesh->st_array, sizeof(*eb->m.st_array)*mesh->numvertexes); memcpy(eb->m.numvertexes+eb->m.lmst_array[0], mesh->lmst_array[0], sizeof(*eb->m.lmst_array[0])*mesh->numvertexes); memcpy(eb->m.numvertexes+eb->m.normals_array, mesh->normals_array, sizeof(*eb->m.normals_array)*mesh->numvertexes); memcpy(eb->m.numvertexes+eb->m.snormals_array, mesh->snormals_array, sizeof(*eb->m.snormals_array)*mesh->numvertexes); memcpy(eb->m.numvertexes+eb->m.tnormals_array, mesh->tnormals_array, sizeof(*eb->m.tnormals_array)*mesh->numvertexes); memcpy(eb->m.numvertexes+eb->m.colors4f_array[0],mesh->colors4f_array[0],sizeof(*eb->m.colors4f_array[0])*mesh->numvertexes); for (i = 0; i < mesh->numindexes; i++) eb->idxbuffer[eb->numidx+i] = mesh->indexes[i] + eb->m.numvertexes; eb->m.numvertexes+=mesh->numvertexes; } else { //using the general prebaked entire-batch vbos for (i = 0; i < mesh->numindexes; i++) eb->idxbuffer[eb->numidx+i] = mesh->indexes[i] + mesh->vbofirstvert; } eb->numidx += mesh->numindexes; } } } } } #endif void R_GenWorldEBO(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b) { int i; struct webostate_s *es = ctx; qbyte *pvs; int sortid; batch_t *batch; qboolean inefficient; if (!es->numbatches) { es->numbatches = es->wmodel->numbatches; for (i = 0; i < es->numbatches; i++) { es->batches[i].firstidx = 0; es->batches[i].numidx = 0; es->batches[i].maxidx = 0; es->batches[i].idxbuffer = NULL; es->batches[i].inefficient = false; es->batches[i].maxverts = 0; memset(&es->batches[i].m, 0, sizeof(es->batches[i].m)); memset(&es->batches[i].vbo, 0, sizeof(es->batches[i].vbo)); } } else { for (i = 0; i < es->numbatches; i++) { es->batches[i].firstidx = 0; es->batches[i].numidx = 0; es->batches[i].m.numvertexes = 0; } } //set to 2 to reveal the inefficient surfaces... for (sortid = 0; sortid < SHADER_SORT_COUNT; sortid++) for (batch = es->wmodel->batches[sortid]; batch != NULL; batch = batch->next) { inefficient = false; if (r_temporalscenecache.ival < 2) { #if MAXRLIGHTMAPS > 1 if (batch->lmlightstyle[1] != INVALID_LIGHTSTYLE || batch->vtlightstyle[1] != INVALID_VLIGHTSTYLE) continue; //not supported here, show fallback shader instead (would work but with screwed lighting, we prefer a better-defined result). #endif if (!batch->shader) inefficient = true; else if (batch->shader->flags & SHADER_NEEDSARRAYS) inefficient = true; } if (es->batches[batch->user.bmodel.ebobatch].inefficient != inefficient) { es->batches[batch->user.bmodel.ebobatch].inefficient = inefficient; if (!inefficient) { if (es->batches[i].inefficient) { BZ_Free(es->batches[i].m.xyz_array); BZ_Free(es->batches[i].m.st_array); BZ_Free(es->batches[i].m.lmst_array[0]); BZ_Free(es->batches[i].m.normals_array); BZ_Free(es->batches[i].m.snormals_array); BZ_Free(es->batches[i].m.tnormals_array); } BZ_Free(es->batches[i].idxbuffer); memset(&es->batches[i], 0, sizeof(es->batches[i])); } } } //maybe we should just use fatpvs instead, and wait for completion when outside? if (r_novis.ival) { if (es->pvs.buffersize < es->wmodel->pvsbytes) es->pvs.buffer = BZ_Realloc(es->pvs.buffer, es->pvs.buffersize=es->wmodel->pvsbytes); memset(es->pvs.buffer, 0xff, es->pvs.buffersize); pvs = es->pvs.buffer; } else if (es->cluster[1] != -1 && es->cluster[0] != es->cluster[1]) { //view is near to a water boundary. this implies the water crosses the near clip plane. we need both leafs. pvs = es->wmodel->funcs.ClusterPVS(es->wmodel, es->cluster[0], &es->pvs, PVM_REPLACE); pvs = es->wmodel->funcs.ClusterPVS(es->wmodel, es->cluster[1], &es->pvs, PVM_MERGE); } else pvs = es->wmodel->funcs.ClusterPVS(es->wmodel, es->cluster[0], &es->pvs, PVM_REPLACE); #if defined(Q2BSPS) || defined(Q3BSPS) if (es->wmodel->fromgame == fg_quake2 || es->wmodel->fromgame == fg_quake3) Surf_SimpleWorld_Q3BSP(es, pvs); else #endif #ifdef Q1BSPS if (es->wmodel->fromgame == fg_quake || es->wmodel->fromgame == fg_halflife) Surf_SimpleWorld_Q1BSP(es, pvs); else #endif { //panic } COM_AddWork(WG_MAIN, R_GeneratedWorldEBO, es, NULL, 0, 0); } cvar_t r_temporalscenecache = CVARAFD ("r_temporalscenecache", "", "r_scenecache", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Controls whether to generate+reuse a scene cache over multiple frames. This is generated on a separate thread to avoid any associated costs. This can significantly boost framerates on complex maps, but can also stress the gpu more (performance tradeoff that varies per map). An outdated cache may be used if the cache takes too long to build (eg: lightmap animations), which could cause the odd glitch when moving fast (but retain more consistent framerates - another tradeoff).\n0: Tranditional quake rendering.\n1: Generate+Use the scene cache."); #else cvar_t r_temporalscenecache = CVARAFD ("r_temporalscenecache", "", "r_scenecache", CVAR_NOSET, "Controls whether to generate+reuse a scene cache over multiple frames. This is generated on a separate thread to avoid any associated costs. This can significantly boost framerates on complex maps, but can also stress the gpu more (performance tradeoff that varies per map). An outdated cache may be used if the cache takes too long to build (eg: lightmap animations), which could cause the odd glitch when moving fast (but retain more consistent framerates - another tradeoff).\n0: Tranditional quake rendering.\n1: Generate+Use the scene cache."); #endif /* ============= R_DrawWorld ============= */ static pvsbuffer_t surf_frustumvis[R_MAX_RECURSE]; void Surf_DrawWorld (void) { //surfvis vs entvis - the key difference is that surfvis is surfaces while entvis is volume. though surfvis should be frustum culled also for lighting. entvis doesn't care. qbyte *surfvis, *entvis; int areas[2]; RSpeedLocals(); if (r_refdef.flags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL) { r_refdef.flags |= RDF_NOWORLDMODEL; r_refdef.scenevis = NULL; BE_DrawWorld(NULL); return; } if (!cl.worldmodel || cl.worldmodel->loadstate != MLS_LOADED) { /*Don't act as a wallhack*/ return; } if (!r_refdef.areabitsknown && cl.worldmodel->funcs.WriteAreaBits) { //generate the info each frame, as the gamecode didn't tell us what to use. cl.worldmodel->funcs.WriteAreaBits(cl.worldmodel, r_refdef.areabits, sizeof(r_refdef.areabits), r_viewarea, false); r_refdef.areabitsknown = true; } currentmodel = cl.worldmodel; currententity = &r_worldentity; r_dynamic.ival = r_dynamic.value; { #ifdef THREADEDWORLD int sc = r_temporalscenecache.ival; #endif RSpeedRemark(); Surf_LightmapShift(currentmodel); #ifdef THREADEDWORLD if (!*r_temporalscenecache.string && cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->loadstate == MLS_LOADED && (cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake || cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_halflife)) { //when empty, pick a suitable default. //at what point is it a win? should we consider batch counts? probability of offscreen-only surfaces? if (cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake || cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_halflife) sc = ((r_novis.ival==1)||(cl.worldmodel->numleafs > 6000)) && r_waterstyle.ival<=1 && r_telestyle.ival<=1 && r_slimestyle.ival<=1 && r_lavastyle.ival<=1 && Media_Capturing()<2; } if (sc != r_temporalscenecache.ival) { r_temporalscenecache.ival = sc; r_temporalscenecache.modified = true; } if (r_temporalscenecache.modified || r_dynamic.modified) { r_dynamic.modified = false; r_temporalscenecache.modified = false; #ifdef RTLIGHT Sh_CheckSettings(); //fiddle with r_dynamic vs r_shadow_realtime_dlight. #endif COM_WorkerPartialSync(webogenerating, &webogeneratingstate, true); while (webostates) { void *webostate = webostates; webostates = webostates->next; R_DestroyWorldEBO(webostate); } webo_blocklightmapupdates = false; } if (!r_temporalscenecache.ival) ; else if (!r_refdef.recurse && currentmodel->type == mod_brush) { struct webostate_s *webostate, *best = NULL, *kill, **link; vec_t bestdist = FLT_MAX; for (webostate = webostates; webostate; webostate = webostate->next) { if (webostate->wmodel != currentmodel) continue; // kill = webostate->next; // if (kill && kill->lastvalid < cls.framecount-5) // { // webostate->next = kill->next; // R_DestroyWorldEBO(kill); // } if (webostate->cluster[0] == r_viewcluster && webostate->cluster[1] == r_viewcluster2) { VectorCopy(r_refdef.vieworg, webostate->lastpos); if (!r_refdef.areabitsknown || !memcmp(webostate->areamask, r_refdef.areabits, MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES)) { best = webostate; bestdist = 0; break; } else if (bestdist) { best = webostate; bestdist = 0; } } else { vec3_t m; float d; VectorSubtract(webostate->lastpos, r_refdef.vieworg, m); d = DotProduct(m,m); if (bestdist > d) { bestdist = d; best = webostate; } } } webostate = best; if (qrenderer != QR_OPENGL && qrenderer != QR_VULKAN) ; #ifdef Q1BSPS else if (currentmodel->fromgame == fg_quake || currentmodel->fromgame == fg_halflife || currentmodel->fromgame == fg_quake3) { if (!webogenerating) { qboolean gennew = false; if (!webostate) gennew = true; //generate an initial one, if we can. else { if (!gennew && !currentmodel->lightmaps.prebaked) { int i = cl_max_lightstyles; for (i = 0; i < cl_max_lightstyles; i++) { if (webostate->lightstylevalues[i] != d_lightstylevalue[i]) { //a lightstyle changed. something needs to be rebuilt. FIXME: should probably have a bitmask for whether the lightstyle is relevant... gennew = true; break; } } } if (!gennew && r_refdef.areabitsknown && memcmp(webostate->areamask, r_refdef.areabits, MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES)) gennew = true; if (!gennew && (webostate->cluster[0] != r_viewcluster || webostate->cluster[1] != r_viewcluster2)) { if (webostate->pvs.buffersize != currentmodel->pvsbytes || r_viewcluster2 < 0) gennew = true; //o.O else if (memcmp(webostate->pvs.buffer, webostate->wmodel->funcs.ClusterPVS(webostate->wmodel, r_viewcluster, NULL, PVM_FAST), currentmodel->pvsbytes)) gennew = true; else { //okay, so the pvs didn't change despite the clusters changing. this happens when using unvised maps or lots of func_detail //just hack the cluster numbers so we don't have to do the memcmp above repeatedly for no reason. webostate->cluster[0] = r_viewcluster; webostate->cluster[1] = r_viewcluster2; } } } if (gennew) { int i; static int ebogensequence; if (!currentmodel->numbatches) { int sortid; batch_t *batch; currentmodel->numbatches = 0; for (sortid = 0; sortid < SHADER_SORT_COUNT; sortid++) for (batch = currentmodel->batches[sortid]; batch != NULL; batch = batch->next) { batch->user.bmodel.ebobatch = currentmodel->numbatches; currentmodel->numbatches++; } /*TODO submodels too*/ } webogeneratingstate = true; webogenerating = NULL; if (webostate) webostate->lastvalid = cls.framecount; for (link = &webostates; (kill=*link); ) { if (kill->lastvalid < cls.framecount-5 && kill->wmodel == currentmodel && kill != webostate) { //this one looks old... kill it. if (webogenerating) R_DestroyWorldEBO(webogenerating); //can't use more than one, tidy up stale ones webogenerating = kill; *link = kill->next; } else link = &(*link)->next; } if (!webogenerating) { webogenerating = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(*webogenerating) + sizeof(webogenerating->batches[0]) * (currentmodel->numbatches-1) + currentmodel->pvsbytes); memset(&webogenerating->vbo, 0, sizeof(webogenerating->vbo)); memset(&webogenerating->ebo, 0, sizeof(webogenerating->ebo)); webogenerating->ebomem = NULL; webogenerating->numbatches = 0; } VectorCopy(r_refdef.vieworg, webogenerating->lastpos); webogenerating->wmodel = currentmodel; webogenerating->framecount = --ebogensequence; webogenerating->cluster[0] = r_viewcluster; webogenerating->cluster[1] = r_viewcluster2; webogenerating->pvs.buffer = (qbyte*)(webogenerating+1) + sizeof(webogenerating->batches[0])*(currentmodel->numbatches-1); webogenerating->pvs.buffersize = currentmodel->pvsbytes; memcpy(webogenerating->areamask, r_refdef.areabits, MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES); for (i = 0; i < cl_max_lightstyles; i++) webogenerating->lightstylevalues[i] = d_lightstylevalue[i]; Q_strncpyz(webogenerating->dbgid, "webostate", sizeof(webogenerating->dbgid)); COM_AddWork(WG_LOADER, R_GenWorldEBO, webogenerating, NULL, 0, 0); } } } #endif //if they teleported, don't show something ugly - like obvious wallhacks. if (webogenerating && !r_novis.ival && cl.splitclients<=1 && webostate && (webostate->cluster[0] != r_viewcluster || webostate->cluster[1] != r_viewcluster2)) { vec3_t m; float d; VectorSubtract(webostate->lastpos, r_refdef.vieworg, m); d = sqrt(DotProduct(m,m)); if (d > 40 && memcmp(webostate->pvs.buffer, webogenerating->wmodel->funcs.ClusterPVS(webogenerating->wmodel, webogenerating->cluster[0], NULL, PVM_FAST), webostate->pvs.buffersize)) { Con_DLPrintf(2, "Blocking for scenecache generation (distance = %g)\n", d); webostate = webogenerating; COM_WorkerPartialSync(webogenerating, &webogeneratingstate, true); } } else if (webogenerating && !webostate) { //block the first time around to avoid possible race conditions. webostate = webogenerating; COM_WorkerPartialSync(webogenerating, &webogeneratingstate, true); } if (webostate) { entvis = surfvis = webostate->pvs.buffer; webostate->lastvalid = cls.framecount; if (webostate->cluster[0] == r_viewcluster && webostate->cluster[1] == r_viewcluster2) VectorCopy(r_refdef.vieworg, webostate->lastpos); r_dynamic.ival = -1; //don't waste time on dlighting models. RSpeedEnd(RSPEED_WORLDNODE); areas[0] = 1; areas[1] = r_viewarea; CL_LinkStaticEntities(entvis, areas); TRACE(("dbg: calling R_DrawParticles\n")); if (!r_refdef.recurse && !(r_refdef.flags & RDF_DISABLEPARTICLES)) P_DrawParticles (); TRACE(("dbg: calling BE_DrawWorld\n")); r_refdef.scenevis = surfvis; BE_DrawWorld(webostate->rbatches); /*FIXME: move this away*/ if (currentmodel->fromgame == fg_quake || currentmodel->fromgame == fg_halflife) Surf_LessenStains(); return; } } #endif #ifdef RTLIGHT if (r_shadow_realtime_dlight.ival || currentmodel->type != mod_brush || !(currentmodel->fromgame == fg_quake || currentmodel->fromgame == fg_halflife) || !currentmodel->funcs.MarkLights) r_dynamic.ival = -1; #endif Surf_PushChains(currentmodel->batches); if (currentmodel->funcs.PrepareFrame) { int clusters[2] = {r_viewcluster, r_viewcluster2}; currentmodel->funcs.PrepareFrame(currentmodel, &r_refdef, r_viewarea, clusters, &surf_frustumvis[r_refdef.recurse], &entvis, &surfvis); } else if (currentmodel->type != mod_brush) entvis = surfvis = NULL; #ifdef MAP_DOOM else if (currentmodel->fromgame == fg_doom) { entvis = surfvis = NULL; R_DoomWorld(); } #endif else entvis = surfvis = NULL; RSpeedEnd(RSPEED_WORLDNODE); areas[0] = 1; areas[1] = r_viewarea; r_refdef.sceneareas = areas; if (!(r_refdef.flags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL)) { CL_LinkStaticEntities(entvis, r_refdef.sceneareas); TRACE(("dbg: calling R_DrawParticles\n")); if (!r_refdef.recurse && !(r_refdef.flags & RDF_DISABLEPARTICLES)) P_DrawParticles (); } TRACE(("dbg: calling BE_DrawWorld\n")); r_refdef.scenevis = surfvis; BE_DrawWorld(cl.worldmodel->batches); Surf_PopChains(cl.worldmodel->batches); /*FIXME: move this away*/ if (cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake || cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_halflife) Surf_LessenStains(); r_refdef.sceneareas = NULL; } } unsigned int Surf_CalcMemSize(msurface_t *surf) { if (surf->mesh) return 0; if (!surf->numedges) return 0; //figure out how much space this surface needs return sizeof(mesh_t) + sizeof(index_t)*(surf->numedges-2)*3 + (sizeof(vecV_t)+sizeof(vec2_t)*2+sizeof(vec3_t)*3+sizeof(vec4_t))*surf->numedges; } void Surf_DeInit(void) { int i; #ifdef THREADEDWORLD webo_blocklightmapupdates = 0; while(webogenerating) COM_WorkerPartialSync(webogenerating, &webogeneratingstate, true); while (webostates) { void *webostate = webostates; webostates = webostates->next; R_DestroyWorldEBO(webostate); } #endif for (i = 0; i < numlightmaps; i++) { Surf_FreeLightmap(lightmap[i]); lightmap[i] = NULL; } if (lightmap) BZ_Free(lightmap); for (i = 0; i < R_MAX_RECURSE; i++) Z_Free(surf_frustumvis[i].buffer); memset(surf_frustumvis, 0, sizeof(surf_frustumvis)); CL_FreeDlights(); lightmap=NULL; numlightmaps=0; Alias_Shutdown(); Shader_ResetRemaps(); } void Surf_Clear(model_t *mod) { int i; vbo_t *vbo; // if (mod->fromgame == fg_doom3) // return;/*they're on the hunk*/ #ifdef THREADEDWORLD struct webostate_s **link, *t; while(webogenerating) COM_WorkerPartialSync(webogenerating, &webogeneratingstate, true); for (link = &webostates; (t=*link); ) { if (t->wmodel == mod) { *link = t->next; R_DestroyWorldEBO(t); } else link = &(*link)->next; } #endif while(mod->vbos) { vbo = mod->vbos; mod->vbos = vbo->next; BE_ClearVBO(vbo, false); } if (!mod->submodelof) { for (i = 0; i < mod->numtextures; i++) { R_UnloadShader(mod->textures[i]->shader); mod->textures[i]->shader = NULL; } } mod->numtextures = 0; BZ_Free(mod->shadowbatches); mod->numshadowbatches = 0; mod->shadowbatches = NULL; #ifdef RTLIGHTS Sh_PurgeShadowMeshes(); #endif BZ_Free(blocklights); BZ_Free(blocknormals); blocklights = NULL; blocknormals = NULL; maxblocksize = 0; } uploadfmt_t Surf_NameToFormat(const char *nam) { static uploadfmt_t tab[] = {PTI_L8, PTI_RGB8, PTI_BGRA8, PTI_A2BGR10, PTI_E5BGR9, PTI_RGBA16F, PTI_RGBA32F, PTI_RGB565, PTI_RGBA4444, PTI_RGBA5551}; int idx = atoi(nam)-1; if (idx>=0 && idx < countof(tab)) return tab[idx]; if (!Q_strcasecmp(nam, "e5bgr9") || !Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgb9e5")) return PTI_E5BGR9; //prefered hdr format, for some reason. if (!Q_strcasecmp(nam, "a2bgr10") || !Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgb10a2") || !Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgb10")) return PTI_A2BGR10; //prefered ldr format. hurrah for 10 bits. if (!Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgba32f")) return PTI_RGBA32F; //big bulky hdr format if (!Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgba16f")) return PTI_RGBA16F; //tolerable hdr format // if (!Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgba8s")) // return PTI_RGBA8_SIGNED; if (!Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgb565") || !Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgb5")) return PTI_RGB565; //boo hiss if (!Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgba4444") || !Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgba4")) return PTI_RGBA4444; //erk if (!Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgba5551") || !Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgba51") || !Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgb5a1")) return PTI_RGBA5551; if (!Q_strcasecmp(nam, "argb4444")) return PTI_ARGB4444; if (!Q_strcasecmp(nam, "argb1555")) return PTI_ARGB1555; if (!Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgbx8") || !Q_strcasecmp(nam, "bgrx8") || !Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgba8") || !Q_strcasecmp(nam, "bgra8")) { //most common format(s) for lightmaps in various engines... if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_BGRX8]) return PTI_BGRX8; //probably fastest if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_RGBX8]) return PTI_RGBX8; //no bgr? odd... if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_BGRA8]) return PTI_BGRA8; //no padded formats at all? erk! return PTI_RGBA8; //probably the slowest for pc hardware. } if (!Q_strcasecmp(nam, "rgb8") || !Q_strcasecmp(nam, "bgr8")) return PTI_RGB8; //generally not recommended (misaligned so the gpu has to compensate) if (!Q_strcasecmp(nam, "l8")) return PTI_L8; if (*nam) Con_Printf("Unknown lightmap format: %s\n", nam); return PTI_INVALID; } //pick fastest mode for lightmap data uploadfmt_t Surf_LightmapMode(model_t *model) { uploadfmt_t fmt = Surf_NameToFormat(r_lightmap_format.string); if (model && model->lightmaps.prebaked && model->lightmaps.fmt!=LM_RGB8) fmt = PTI_INVALID; //don't let them force it away if we can't support it. this sucks. if (!sh_config.texfmt[fmt]) { qboolean hdr = (vid.flags&VID_SRGBAWARE), rgb = false; if (fmt != PTI_INVALID) Con_Printf("lightmap format %s not supported by renderer\n", r_lightmap_format.string); if (model) { switch (model->lightmaps.fmt) { case LM_E5BGR9: hdr = rgb = true; break; case LM_RGB8: rgb = true; break; case LM_L8: break; } if (model->deluxdata) rgb = true; if (model->terrain) //the terrain code requires rgba8. hdr = false; } if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_E5BGR9] && hdr) fmt = PTI_E5BGR9; else if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_RGBA16F] && hdr) fmt = PTI_RGBA16F; else if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_RGBA32F] && hdr) fmt = PTI_RGBA32F; else if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_A2BGR10] && rgb) fmt = PTI_A2BGR10; else if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_L8] && !rgb && !r_deluxemapping && r_dynamic.ival<=0) fmt = PTI_L8; else if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_BGRX8]) fmt = PTI_BGRX8; else if (sh_config.texfmt[PTI_RGB8]) fmt = PTI_RGB8; else fmt = PTI_RGBX8; } if (!model->submodelof) Con_DPrintf("%s: Using lightmap format %s\n", model->name, Image_FormatName(fmt)); return fmt; } static void Surf_FreeLightmap(lightmapinfo_t *lm) { if (lm) { #ifdef GLQUAKE if (lm->pbo_handle) { qglBindBufferARB(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, lm->pbo_handle); qglUnmapBufferARB(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB); qglBindBufferARB(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, 0); qglDeleteBuffersARB(1, &lm->pbo_handle); } #endif if (!lm->external) Image_DestroyTexture(lm->lightmap_texture); BZ_Free(lm); } } //needs to be followed by a BE_UploadAllLightmaps at some point int Surf_NewLightmaps(int count, int width, int height, uploadfmt_t fmt, qboolean deluxe) { int first = numlightmaps; int i; unsigned int pixbytes, pixw, pixh, pixd; unsigned int dpixbytes, dpixw, dpixh, dpixd; uploadfmt_t dfmt; #ifdef THREADEDWORLD extern int webo_blocklightmapupdates; webo_blocklightmapupdates = 0; #endif if (!count) return -1; if (deluxe && (count & 1)) { deluxe = false; // count+=1; Con_Print("WARNING: Deluxemapping with odd number of lightmaps\n"); } Image_BlockSizeForEncoding(fmt, &pixbytes, &pixw, &pixh, &pixd); if (pixw != 1 || pixh != 1 || pixd != 1) return -1; //compressed formats are unsupported dfmt = PTI_A2BGR10; //favour this one, because it tends to be slightly faster. if (!sh_config.texfmt[dfmt]) dfmt = PTI_BGRX8; if (!sh_config.texfmt[dfmt]) dfmt = PTI_RGBX8; if (!sh_config.texfmt[dfmt]) dfmt = PTI_RGB8; Image_BlockSizeForEncoding(dfmt, &dpixbytes, &dpixw, &dpixh, &dpixd); if (dpixw != 1 || dpixh != 1 || dpixd != 1) return -1; //compressed formats are unsupported Sys_LockMutex(com_resourcemutex); i = numlightmaps + count; lightmap = BZ_Realloc(lightmap, sizeof(*lightmap)*(i)); while(i --> first) { #ifdef GLQUAKE extern cvar_t gl_pbolightmaps; //we might as well use a pbo for our staging memory. if (qrenderer == QR_OPENGL && qglBufferStorage && qglMapBufferRange && gl_pbolightmaps.ival && Sys_IsMainThread()) { //glBufferStorage and GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT generally means gl4.4+ (we need persistent for scenecache) //pbos are 2.1 if (deluxe && ((i - numlightmaps)&1)) { lightmap[i] = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*lightmap[i])); lightmap[i]->width = width; lightmap[i]->height = height; lightmap[i]->lightmaps = NULL; lightmap[i]->stainmaps = NULL; lightmap[i]->hasdeluxe = false; lightmap[i]->pixbytes = dpixbytes; lightmap[i]->fmt = dfmt; } else { lightmap[i] = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*lightmap[i]) + (sizeof(stmap)*3)*width*height); lightmap[i]->width = width; lightmap[i]->height = height; lightmap[i]->lightmaps = NULL; lightmap[i]->stainmaps = (qbyte*)(lightmap[i]+1); lightmap[i]->hasdeluxe = deluxe; lightmap[i]->pixbytes = pixbytes; lightmap[i]->fmt = fmt; } qglGenBuffersARB(1, &lightmap[i]->pbo_handle); qglBindBufferARB(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, lightmap[i]->pbo_handle); //note: we only write the memory. the pbo would normally be in system memory anyway so there shouldn't be too much cost from coherent mappings. qglBufferStorage(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, lightmap[i]->pixbytes*width*height, NULL, GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT|GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT|GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT); lightmap[i]->lightmaps = qglMapBufferRange(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, 0, lightmap[i]->pixbytes*width*height, GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT|GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT|GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT); qglBindBufferARB(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, 0); } else #endif { if (deluxe && ((i - numlightmaps)&1)) { //deluxemaps always use a specific format. lightmap[i] = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*lightmap[i]) + (sizeof(qbyte)*dpixbytes)*width*height); lightmap[i]->width = width; lightmap[i]->height = height; lightmap[i]->lightmaps = (qbyte*)(lightmap[i]+1); lightmap[i]->stainmaps = NULL; lightmap[i]->hasdeluxe = false; lightmap[i]->pixbytes = dpixbytes; lightmap[i]->fmt = dfmt; } else { lightmap[i] = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*lightmap[i]) + (sizeof(qbyte)*pixbytes + sizeof(stmap)*3)*width*height); lightmap[i]->width = width; lightmap[i]->height = height; lightmap[i]->lightmaps = (qbyte*)(lightmap[i]+1); lightmap[i]->stainmaps = (stmap*)(lightmap[i]->lightmaps+pixbytes*width*height); lightmap[i]->hasdeluxe = deluxe; lightmap[i]->pixbytes = pixbytes; lightmap[i]->fmt = fmt; } } lightmap[i]->rectchange.l = 0; lightmap[i]->rectchange.t = 0; lightmap[i]->rectchange.b = lightmap[i]->height; lightmap[i]->rectchange.r = lightmap[i]->width; lightmap[i]->lightmap_texture = r_nulltex; lightmap[i]->modified = true; // lightmap[i]->shader = NULL; lightmap[i]->external = false; // reset stainmap since it now starts at 255 if (lightmap[i]->stainmaps) memset(lightmap[i]->stainmaps, 255, width*height*3*sizeof(stmap)); } numlightmaps += count; Sys_UnlockMutex(com_resourcemutex); return first; } int Surf_NewExternalLightmaps(int count, char *filepattern, qboolean deluxe) { unsigned int nulllight = 0xffffffff; unsigned int nulldeluxe = 0xffff7f7f; int first = numlightmaps; int i; char nname[MAX_QPATH]; qboolean odd = (count & 1) && deluxe; #ifdef THREADEDWORLD extern int webo_blocklightmapupdates; webo_blocklightmapupdates = 0; #endif if (!count) return -1; if (odd) count++; i = numlightmaps + count; lightmap = BZ_Realloc(lightmap, sizeof(*lightmap)*(i)); while(i > first) { i--; lightmap[i] = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*lightmap[i])); lightmap[i]->width = 0; lightmap[i]->height = 0; lightmap[i]->lightmaps = NULL; lightmap[i]->stainmaps = NULL; lightmap[i]->modified = false; lightmap[i]->external = true; lightmap[i]->hasdeluxe = (deluxe && !((i - numlightmaps)&1)); Q_snprintfz(nname, sizeof(nname), filepattern, i - numlightmaps); TEXASSIGN(lightmap[i]->lightmap_texture, R_LoadHiResTexture(nname, NULL, (r_lightmap_nearest.ival?IF_NEAREST:IF_LINEAR)|IF_NOMIPMAP)); if (lightmap[i]->lightmap_texture->status == TEX_LOADING) COM_WorkerPartialSync(lightmap[i]->lightmap_texture, &lightmap[i]->lightmap_texture->status, TEX_LOADING); if (lightmap[i]->lightmap_texture->status == TEX_FAILED) { if ((i&1) && deluxe) lightmap[i]->lightmap_texture = R_LoadReplacementTexture("*nulldeluxe", NULL, IF_LOADNOW, &nulldeluxe, 1, 1, TF_RGBX32); else lightmap[i]->lightmap_texture = R_LoadReplacementTexture("*nulllight", NULL, IF_LOADNOW, &nulllight, 1, 1, TF_RGBX32); } lightmap[i]->width = lightmap[i]->lightmap_texture->width; lightmap[i]->height = lightmap[i]->lightmap_texture->height; lightmap[i]->fmt = lightmap[i]->lightmap_texture->format; } if (odd) { i = numlightmaps+count-1; if (!TEXVALID(lightmap[i]->lightmap_texture)) { //FIXME: no deluxemaps after all... Z_Free(lightmap[i]); lightmap[i] = NULL; count--; } } numlightmaps += count; return first; } void Surf_BuildModelLightmaps (model_t *m) { int i; int shift; msurface_t *surf; batch_t *batch; int sortid; int newfirst; uploadfmt_t fmt; if (m->loadstate != MLS_LOADED) return; #ifdef TERRAIN //easiest way to deal with heightmap lightmaps is to just purge the entire thing. if (m->terrain) Terr_PurgeTerrainModel(m, false, false); //FIXME: cop out. middle arg should be 'true'. #endif if (m->type != mod_brush) return; if (!m->lightmaps.count) return; currentmodel = m; shift = Surf_LightmapShift(currentmodel); fmt = Surf_LightmapMode(m); #ifdef THREADEDWORLD //make sure nothing is poking the lightmaps while we're rewriting them while(webogenerating) COM_WorkerPartialSync(webogenerating, &webogeneratingstate, true); #endif R_BumpLightstyles(m->lightmaps.maxstyle); //should only really happen with lazy loading if (m->submodelof && m->lightmaps.prebaked) //FIXME: should be all bsp formats { if (m->submodelof->loadstate != MLS_LOADED) return; newfirst = m->submodelof->lightmaps.first; } else { if (!m->lightdata && m->lightmaps.count && m->lightmaps.prebaked) { char pattern[MAX_QPATH]; COM_StripAllExtensions(m->name, pattern, sizeof(pattern)); Q_strncatz(pattern, "/lm_%04u.tga", sizeof(pattern)); newfirst = Surf_NewExternalLightmaps(m->lightmaps.count, pattern, m->lightmaps.deluxemapping); m->lightmaps.count = numlightmaps - newfirst; } else newfirst = Surf_NewLightmaps(m->lightmaps.count, m->lightmaps.width, m->lightmaps.height, fmt, m->lightmaps.deluxemapping); } //fixup batch lightmaps for (sortid = 0; sortid < SHADER_SORT_COUNT; sortid++) for (batch = m->batches[sortid]; batch != NULL; batch = batch->next) { for (i = 0; i < MAXRLIGHTMAPS; i++) { if (batch->lightmap[i] < 0) continue; batch->lightmap[i] = batch->lightmap[i] - m->lightmaps.first + newfirst; } } if (m->lightmaps.prebaked) { int j; unsigned char *src, *stop; unsigned char *dst; //fixup surface lightmaps, and paint for (i=0; inummodelsurfaces; i++) { surf = m->surfaces + i + m->firstmodelsurface; for (j = 0; j < MAXRLIGHTMAPS; j++) { if (surf->lightmaptexturenums[j] < m->lightmaps.first) { surf->lightmaptexturenums[j] = -1; continue; } if (surf->lightmaptexturenums[j] >= m->lightmaps.first+m->lightmaps.count) { surf->lightmaptexturenums[j] = -1; continue; } surf->lightmaptexturenums[j] = surf->lightmaptexturenums[0] - m->lightmaps.first + newfirst; } } if (!m->submodelof) for (i = 0; i < m->lightmaps.count; i++) { if (lightmap[newfirst+i]->external || !m->lightdata) continue; if (lightmap[newfirst+i]->fmt == m->lightmaps.prebaked) { unsigned int bb,bw,bh,bd; Image_BlockSizeForEncoding(m->lightmaps.prebaked, &bb,&bw,&bh,&bd); dst = lightmap[newfirst+i]->lightmaps; src = m->lightdata + i*m->lightmaps.width*m->lightmaps.height*bb; stop = m->lightdata + (i+1)*m->lightmaps.width*m->lightmaps.height*bb; if (stop-m->lightdata > m->lightdatasize) stop = m->lightdata + m->lightdatasize; memcpy(dst, src, stop-src); } //FIXME: replace with Image_ChangeFormat here. but the data may be partial for the last mip. else switch(m->lightmaps.fmt) { case LM_RGB8: dst = lightmap[newfirst+i]->lightmaps; src = m->lightdata + i*m->lightmaps.width*m->lightmaps.height*3; stop = m->lightdata + (i+1)*m->lightmaps.width*m->lightmaps.height*3; if (stop-m->lightdata > m->lightdatasize) stop = m->lightdata + m->lightdatasize; switch(lightmap[newfirst+i]->fmt) { default: Sys_Error("Surf_BuildModelLightmaps: Bad format - %s\n", Image_FormatName(lightmap[newfirst+i]->fmt)); break; case PTI_A2BGR10: for (; src < stop; dst += 4, src += 3) *(unsigned int*)dst = (0x3u<<30) | (src[2]<<22) | (src[1]<<12) | (src[0]<<2); break; case PTI_E5BGR9: for (; src < stop; dst += 4, src += 3) *(unsigned int*)dst = Surf_PackE5BRG9(src[0], src[1], src[2], 8); break; case PTI_BGRA8: case PTI_BGRX8: for (; src < stop; dst += 4, src += 3) { dst[0] = src[2]; dst[1] = src[1]; dst[2] = src[0]; dst[3] = 255; } break; case PTI_RGBA8: case PTI_RGBX8: for (; src < stop; dst += 4, src += 3) { dst[0] = src[0]; dst[1] = src[1]; dst[2] = src[2]; dst[3] = 255; } break; case PTI_BGR8: for (; src < stop; dst += 3, src += 3) { dst[0] = src[2]; dst[1] = src[1]; dst[2] = src[0]; } break; case PTI_RGB8: for (; src < stop; dst += 3, src += 3) { dst[0] = src[0]; dst[1] = src[1]; dst[2] = src[2]; } break; case PTI_RGB565: for (; src < stop; dst += 2, src += 3) *(unsigned short*)dst = ((src[0]>>3)<<11)|((src[1]>>2)<<5)|((src[2]>>3)<<0); break; case PTI_L8: for (; src < stop; dst += 1, src += 3) { dst[0] = max(max(src[0], src[1]), src[2]); } break; } break; case LM_E5BGR9: dst = lightmap[newfirst+i]->lightmaps; src = m->lightdata + i*m->lightmaps.width*m->lightmaps.height*4; stop = m->lightdata + (i+1)*m->lightmaps.width*m->lightmaps.height*4; if (stop-m->lightdata > m->lightdatasize) stop = m->lightdata + m->lightdatasize; if (lightmap[newfirst+i]->fmt == PTI_E5BGR9) memcpy(dst, src, stop-src); else //this can happen on older gpus... Con_Printf(CON_WARNING"Unsupported lightmap format. set ^[/r_lightmap_format e5bgr9^]\n"); break; default: Con_Printf(CON_WARNING"Unsupported input lightmap format\n"); break; } } } else { int j; // if (*m->name == '*') // { // if (!cl.worldmodel || cl.worldmodel->loadstate != MLS_LOADED) // return; // } //fixup surface lightmaps, and paint for (i=0; inummodelsurfaces; i++) { surf = m->surfaces + i + m->firstmodelsurface; for (j = 0; j < MAXRLIGHTMAPS; j++) { if (surf->lightmaptexturenums[j] < m->lightmaps.first) { surf->lightmaptexturenums[j] = -1; continue; } if (surf->lightmaptexturenums[j] >= m->lightmaps.first+m->lightmaps.count) { surf->lightmaptexturenums[j] = -1; continue; } surf->lightmaptexturenums[j] = surf->lightmaptexturenums[j] - m->lightmaps.first + newfirst; Surf_BuildLightMap (m, surf, j, shift, r_ambient.value*255, d_lightstylevalue); } } } m->lightmaps.first = newfirst; } void Surf_ClearSceneCache(void) { #ifdef THREADEDWORLD while(webogenerating) COM_WorkerPartialSync(webogenerating, &webogeneratingstate, true); while (webostates) { void *webostate = webostates; webostates = webostates->next; R_DestroyWorldEBO(webostate); } #endif } /* ================== GL_BuildLightmaps Builds the lightmap texture with all the surfaces from all brush models Groups surfaces into their respective batches (based on the lightmap number). ================== */ void Surf_BuildLightmaps (void) { unsigned int i, j; model_t *m; extern model_t *mod_known; extern int mod_numknown; int maxstyle; //make sure the lightstyle values are correct (and be sure that the sizes cover all models). for (i = 0, maxstyle=0; i < mod_numknown; i++) { m = &mod_known[i]; if (m->loadstate == MLS_LOADED) if (maxstyle < m->lightmaps.maxstyle) maxstyle = m->lightmaps.maxstyle; } R_BumpLightstyles(maxstyle); //should only really happen with lazy loading R_AnimateLight(); while(numlightmaps > 0) { numlightmaps--; Surf_FreeLightmap(lightmap[numlightmaps]); lightmap[numlightmaps] = NULL; } //FIXME: unload stuff that's no longer relevant somehow. for (i = 0; i < mod_numknown; i++) { m = &mod_known[i]; if (m->loadstate != MLS_LOADED) continue; Surf_BuildModelLightmaps(m); for (j = 0; j < m->numenvmaps; j++) if (m->envmaps[j].image) m->envmaps[j].image->regsequence = r_regsequence; } BE_UploadAllLightmaps(); } /* =============== Surf_NewMap =============== */ void Surf_NewMap (model_t *worldmodel) { char namebuf[MAX_QPATH]; extern cvar_t host_mapname; #ifdef BEF_PUSHDEPTH extern cvar_t r_polygonoffset_submodel_maps; char *s; #endif int i; cl.worldmodel = worldmodel; //evil haxx r_dynamic.ival = r_dynamic.value; if (r_dynamic.ival > 0 && (!cl.worldmodel || cl.worldmodel->lightmaps.prebaked)) //quake3 has no lightmaps, disable r_dynamic r_dynamic.ival = 0; memset (&r_worldentity, 0, sizeof(r_worldentity)); AngleVectors(r_worldentity.angles, r_worldentity.axis[0], r_worldentity.axis[1], r_worldentity.axis[2]); VectorInverse(r_worldentity.axis[1]); r_worldentity.model = cl.worldmodel; Vector4Set(r_worldentity.shaderRGBAf, 1, 1, 1, 1); VectorSet(r_worldentity.light_avg, 1, 1, 1); if (cl.worldmodel) COM_FileBase(cl.worldmodel->name, namebuf, sizeof(namebuf)); else *namebuf = '\0'; Cvar_Set(&host_mapname, namebuf); Surf_DeInit(); r_viewcluster = -1; r_viewcluster2 = -1; #ifdef BEF_PUSHDEPTH r_pushdepth = false; for (s = r_polygonoffset_submodel_maps.string; s && *s; ) { s = COM_Parse(s); if (*com_token) if (wildcmp(com_token, namebuf)) { r_pushdepth = true; break; } } #endif TRACE(("dbg: Surf_NewMap: clear particles\n")); P_ClearParticles (); CL_RegisterParticles(); Shader_DoReload(); if (cl.worldmodel) { if (cl.worldmodel->loadstate == MLS_LOADING) COM_WorkerPartialSync(cl.worldmodel, &cl.worldmodel->loadstate, MLS_LOADING); Mod_ParseInfoFromEntityLump(cl.worldmodel); } Shader_DoReload(); #ifdef THREADEDWORLD Cvar_ForceCallback(&r_temporalscenecache); #endif if (!pe) Cvar_ForceCallback(&r_particlesystem); R_Clutter_Purge(); TRACE(("dbg: Surf_NewMap: wiping them stains (getting the cloth out)\n")); Surf_WipeStains(); TRACE(("dbg: Surf_NewMap: building lightmaps\n")); Surf_BuildLightmaps (); TRACE(("dbg: Surf_NewMap: ui\n")); #ifdef VM_UI if (q3) q3->ui.Reset(); #endif TRACE(("dbg: Surf_NewMap: tp\n")); TP_NewMap(); for (i = 0; i < cl.num_statics; i++) { vec3_t mins, maxs; //fixme: no rotation if (!cl_static_entities[i].ent.model && cl_static_entities[i].mdlidx > 0 && cl_static_entities[i].mdlidx < countof(cl.model_precache)) cl_static_entities[i].ent.model = cl.model_precache[cl_static_entities[i].mdlidx]; else if (!cl_static_entities[i].ent.model && cl_static_entities[i].mdlidx < 0 && (-cl_static_entities[i].mdlidx) < countof(cl.model_csqcprecache)) cl_static_entities[i].ent.model = cl.model_csqcprecache[-cl_static_entities[i].mdlidx]; if (cl_static_entities[i].ent.model) { //unfortunately, we need to know the actual size so that we can get this right. bum. if (cl_static_entities[i].ent.model->loadstate == MLS_NOTLOADED) Mod_LoadModel(cl_static_entities[i].ent.model, MLV_WARNSYNC); if (cl_static_entities[i].ent.model->loadstate == MLS_LOADING) COM_WorkerPartialSync(cl_static_entities[i].ent.model, &cl_static_entities[i].ent.model->loadstate, MLS_LOADING); VectorAdd(cl_static_entities[i].ent.origin, cl_static_entities[i].ent.model->mins, mins); VectorAdd(cl_static_entities[i].ent.origin, cl_static_entities[i].ent.model->maxs, maxs); } else { VectorCopy(mins, cl_static_entities[i].ent.origin); VectorCopy(maxs, cl_static_entities[i].ent.origin); } if (cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->loadstate == MLS_LOADED) cl.worldmodel->funcs.FindTouchedLeafs(cl.worldmodel, &cl_static_entities[i].ent.pvscache, mins, maxs); cl_static_entities[i].emit = trailkey_null; } CL_InitDlights(); #ifdef RTLIGHTS Sh_PreGenerateLights(); #endif } void Surf_PreNewMap(void) { extern cvar_t gl_specular; r_loadbumpmapping = r_deluxemapping || r_glsl_offsetmapping.ival; r_loadbumpmapping |= gl_specular.value>0; #ifdef RTLIGHTS r_loadbumpmapping |= r_shadow_realtime_world.ival || r_shadow_realtime_dlight.ival; #endif r_viewcluster = -1; r_viewcluster2 = -1; Shader_DoReload(); } static float sgn(float a) { if (a > 0.0F) return (1.0F); if (a < 0.0F) return (-1.0F); return (0.0F); } void R_ObliqueNearClip(float *viewmat, mplane_t *wplane) { float f; vec4_t q, c; vec3_t ping, pong; vec4_t vplane; //convert world plane into view space Matrix4x4_CM_Transform3x3(viewmat, wplane->normal, vplane); VectorScale(wplane->normal, wplane->dist, ping); Matrix4x4_CM_Transform3(viewmat, ping, pong); vplane[3] = -DotProduct(pong, vplane); // Calculate the clip-space corner point opposite the clipping plane // as (sgn(clipPlane.x), sgn(clipPlane.y), 1, 1) and // transform it into camera space by multiplying it // by the inverse of the projection matrix q[0] = (sgn(vplane[0]) + r_refdef.m_projection_std[8]) / r_refdef.m_projection_std[0]; q[1] = (sgn(vplane[1]) + fabs(r_refdef.m_projection_std[9])) / fabs(r_refdef.m_projection_std[5]); q[2] = -1.0F; q[3] = (1.0F + r_refdef.m_projection_std[10]) / r_refdef.m_projection_std[14]; // Calculate the scaled plane vector f = 2.0F / DotProduct4(vplane, q); Vector4Scale(vplane, f, c); // Replace the third row of the projection matrix r_refdef.m_projection_std[2] = c[0]; r_refdef.m_projection_std[6] = c[1]; r_refdef.m_projection_std[10] = c[2] + 1.0F; r_refdef.m_projection_std[14] = c[3]; } #endif