/*supported halflife API versions: 138 140 */ #if HLSERVER >= 1 #define HALFLIFE_API_VERSION HLSERVER #else #define HALFLIFE_API_VERSION 140 #endif #ifndef QDECL #ifdef _MSC_VER #define QDECL _cdecl #else #define QDECL #endif #endif typedef long hllong; //long is 64bit on amd64+linux, not sure that's what valve meant, but lets keep it for compatibility. typedef struct hledict_s hledict_t; typedef unsigned long hlintptr_t; //this may be problematic. CRestore::ReadField needs a fix. Or 20. typedef unsigned long hlcrc_t; //supposed to be 32bit... *sigh* typedef struct { int allsolid; int startsolid; int inopen; int inwater; float fraction; vec3_t endpos; float planedist; vec3_t planenormal; hledict_t *touched; int hitgroup; } hltraceresult_t; #if HALFLIFE_API_VERSION <= 138 typedef struct { int etype; int number; int flags; vec3_t origin; vec3_t angles; int modelindex; int sequence1; float frame; int colourmap; short skin; short solid; int effects; float scale; int rendermode; int renderamt; int rendercolour; int renderfx; int movetype; float frametime; float framerate; int body; qbyte controller[4]; qbyte blending[2]; short padding; vec3_t velocity; vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; int aiment; } hlbaseline_t; #endif typedef struct { string_t classname; string_t globalname; vec3_t origin; vec3_t oldorigin; vec3_t velocity; vec3_t basevelocity; vec3_t clbasevelocity; vec3_t movedir; vec3_t angles; vec3_t avelocity; vec3_t punchangles; vec3_t v_angle; #if HALFLIFE_API_VERSION > 138 vec3_t endpos; vec3_t startpos; float impacttime; float starttime; #endif int fixangle; float ideal_pitch; float pitch_speed; float ideal_yaw; float yaw_speed; int modelindex; string_t model; int vmodelindex; int vwmodelindex; vec3_t absmin; vec3_t absmax; vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; vec3_t size; float ltime; float nextthink; int movetype; int solid; int skin; int body; int effects; float gravity; float friction; int light_level; int sequence1; int sequence2; float frame; float framestarttime; float framerate; qbyte controller[4]; qbyte blending[2]; float scale; int rendermode; float renderamt; vec3_t rendercolour; int renderfx; float health; float frags; int weapons; float takedamage; int deadflag; vec3_t view_ofs; int buttons; int impulse; hledict_t *chain; hledict_t *dmg_inflictor; hledict_t *enemy; hledict_t *aiment; hledict_t *owner; hledict_t *groundentity; int spawnflags; int flags; int colormap; int team; float max_health; float teleport_time; float armortype; float armorvalue; int waterlevel; int watertype; string_t target; string_t targetname; string_t netname; string_t message; //WARNING: hexen2 uses a float and not a string float dmg_take; float dmg_save; float dmg; float dmg_time; string_t noise; string_t noise1; string_t noise2; string_t noise3; float speed; float air_finished; float pain_finished; float radsuit_finished; hledict_t *edict; #if HALFLIFE_API_VERSION > 138 int playerclass; float maxspeed; float fov; int weaponanim; int msec; int ducking; int timestepsound; int swimtime; int ducktime; int stepleft; float fallvelocity; int gamestate; int oldbuttons; int groupinfo; int customi0; int customi1; int customi2; int customi3; float customf0; float customf1; float customf2; float customf3; vec3_t customv0; vec3_t customv1; vec3_t customv2; vec3_t customv3; hledict_t *custome0; hledict_t *custome1; hledict_t *custome2; hledict_t *custome3; #endif } hlentvars_t; struct hledict_s { qboolean isfree; int spawnnumber; link_t area; // linked to a division node or leaf #if HALFLIFE_API_VERSION > 138 int headnode; int num_leafs; #define HLMAX_ENT_LEAFS 48 short leafnums[HLMAX_ENT_LEAFS]; #else int num_leafs; #define HLMAX_ENT_LEAFS 24 short leafnums[HLMAX_ENT_LEAFS]; hlbaseline_t baseline; #endif float freetime; // sv.time when the object was freed void *moddata; hlentvars_t v; }; #define unk void /* #define FCVAR_ARCHIVE 1 // set to cause it to be saved to vars.rc #define FCVAR_USERINFO 2 // changes the client's info string #define FCVAR_SERVERINFO 4 // notifies players when changed #define FCVAR_SERVERDLL 8 // defined by external DLL #define FCVAR_CLIENTDLL 16 // defined by the client dll #define HLCVAR_PROTECTED 32 // It's a server cvar, but we don't send the data since it's a password, etc. Sends 1 if it's not bland/zero, 0 otherwise as value #define HLCVAR_SPONLY 64 // This cvar cannot be changed by clients connected to a multiplayer server. */ typedef struct hlcvar_s { char *name; char *string; int flags; float value; struct hlcvar_s *next; } hlcvar_t; typedef struct { char *classname; char *key; char *value; hllong handled; } hlfielddef_t; typedef struct { // int self; // int other; // int world; float time; float frametime; float force_retouch; string_t mapname; string_t startspot; float deathmatch; float coop; float teamplay; float serverflags; // float total_secrets; // float total_monsters; float found_secrets; // float killed_monsters; // float parms1, parm2, parm3, parm4, parm; vec3_t v_forward; vec3_t v_up; vec3_t v_right; float trace_allsolid; float trace_startsolid; float trace_fraction; vec3_t trace_endpos; vec3_t trace_plane_normal; float trace_plane_dist; int trace_ent; float trace_inopen; float trace_inwater; int trace_hitgroup; int trace_flags; int msg_entity; int audiotrack; int maxclients; int maxentities; char *stringbase; void *savedata; vec3_t landmark; //43... } SVHL_Globals_t; //http://metamod.org/dllapi_notes.html typedef struct { void (QDECL *GameDLLInit)(void); int (QDECL *DispatchSpawn)(hledict_t *ed); void (QDECL *DispatchThink)(hledict_t *ed); unk (QDECL *DispatchUse)(unk); void (QDECL *DispatchTouch)(hledict_t *e1, hledict_t *e2); void (QDECL *DispatchBlocked)(hledict_t *self, hledict_t *other); void (QDECL *DispatchKeyValue)(hledict_t *ed, hlfielddef_t *fdef); unk (QDECL *DispatchSave)(unk); unk (QDECL *DispatchRestore)(unk); unk (QDECL *DispatchObjectCollsionBox)(unk); unk (QDECL *SaveWriteFields)(unk); unk (QDECL *SaveReadFields)(unk); unk (QDECL *SaveGlobalState)(unk); unk (QDECL *RestoreGlobalState)(unk); unk (QDECL *ResetGlobalState)(unk); qboolean (QDECL *ClientConnect)(hledict_t *ed, char *name, char *ip, char reject[128]); void (QDECL *ClientDisconnect)(hledict_t *ed); void (QDECL *ClientKill)(hledict_t *ed); void (QDECL *ClientPutInServer)(hledict_t *ed); void (QDECL *ClientCommand)(hledict_t *ed); unk (QDECL *ClientUserInfoChanged)(unk); void (QDECL *ServerActivate)(hledict_t *edictlist, int numedicts, int numplayers); #if HALFLIFE_API_VERSION > 138 unk (QDECL *ServerDeactivate)(unk); #endif void (QDECL *PlayerPreThink)(hledict_t *ed); void (QDECL *PlayerPostThink)(hledict_t *ed); unk (QDECL *StartFrame)(unk); unk (QDECL *ParmsNewLevel)(unk); unk (QDECL *ParmsChangeLevel)(unk); unk (QDECL *GetGameDescription)(unk); unk (QDECL *PlayerCustomization)(unk); unk (QDECL *SpectatorConnect)(unk); unk (QDECL *SpectatorDisconnect)(unk); unk (QDECL *SpectatorThink)(unk); //138 #if HALFLIFE_API_VERSION > 138 unk (QDECL *Sys_Error)(unk); unk (QDECL *PM_Move)(unk); unk (QDECL *PM_Init)(unk); unk (QDECL *PM_FindTextureType)(unk); unk (QDECL *SetupVisibility)(unk); unk (QDECL *UpdateClientData)(unk); unk (QDECL *AddToFullPack)(unk); unk (QDECL *CreateBaseline)(unk); unk (QDECL *RegisterEncoders)(unk); unk (QDECL *GetWeaponData)(unk); unk (QDECL *CmdStart)(unk); unk (QDECL *CmdEnd)(unk); unk (QDECL *ConnectionlessPacket)(unk); unk (QDECL *GetHullBounds)(unk); unk (QDECL *CreateInstancedBaselines)(unk); unk (QDECL *InconsistentFile)(unk); unk (QDECL *AllowLagCompensation)(unk); #endif } SVHL_GameFuncs_t; //http://metamod.org/newapi_notes.html struct { unk (QDECL *OnFreeEntPrivateData)(unk); unk (QDECL *GameShutdown)(unk); unk (QDECL *ShouldCollide)(unk); unk (QDECL *CvarValue)(unk); unk (QDECL *CvarValue2 )(unk); } *SVHL_GameFuncsEx; // http://metamod.org/engine_notes.html typedef struct { int (QDECL *PrecacheModel)(char *name); int (QDECL *PrecacheSound)(char *name); void (QDECL *SetModel)(hledict_t *ed, char *modelname); unk (QDECL *ModelIndex)(unk); int (QDECL *ModelFrames)(int midx); void (QDECL *SetSize)(hledict_t *ed, float *mins, float *maxs); void (QDECL *ChangeLevel)(char *nextmap, char *startspot); unk (QDECL *GetSpawnParms)(unk); unk (QDECL *SaveSpawnParms)(unk); float (QDECL *VecToYaw)(float *inv); void (QDECL *VecToAngles)(float *inv, float *outa); unk (QDECL *MoveToOrigin)(unk); unk (QDECL *ChangeYaw)(unk); unk (QDECL *ChangePitch)(unk); hledict_t *(QDECL *FindEntityByString)(hledict_t *last, char *field, char *value); unk (QDECL *GetEntityIllum)(unk); hledict_t *(QDECL *FindEntityInSphere)(hledict_t *last, float *org, float radius); hledict_t *(QDECL *FindClientInPVS)(hledict_t *ed); unk (QDECL *EntitiesInPVS)(unk); void (QDECL *MakeVectors)(float *angles); void (QDECL *AngleVectors)(float *angles, float *forward, float *right, float *up); hledict_t *(QDECL *CreateEntity)(void); void (QDECL *RemoveEntity)(hledict_t *ed); hledict_t *(QDECL *CreateNamedEntity)(string_t name); unk (QDECL *MakeStatic)(unk); unk (QDECL *EntIsOnFloor)(unk); int (QDECL *DropToFloor)(hledict_t *ed); int (QDECL *WalkMove)(hledict_t *ed, float yaw, float dist, int mode); void (QDECL *SetOrigin)(hledict_t *ed, float *neworg); void (QDECL *EmitSound)(hledict_t *ed, int chan, char *soundname, float vol, float atten, int flags, int pitch); void (QDECL *EmitAmbientSound)(hledict_t *ed, float *org, char *samp, float vol, float attenuation, unsigned int flags, int pitch); void (QDECL *TraceLine)(float *start, float *end, int flags, hledict_t *ignore, hltraceresult_t *result); unk (QDECL *TraceToss)(unk); unk (QDECL *TraceMonsterHull)(unk); void (QDECL *TraceHull)(float *start, float *end, int flags, int hullnum, hledict_t *ignore, hltraceresult_t *result); unk (QDECL *TraceModel)(unk); char *(QDECL *TraceTexture)(hledict_t *againstent, vec3_t start, vec3_t end); unk (QDECL *TraceSphere)(unk); unk (QDECL *GetAimVector)(unk); void (QDECL *ServerCommand)(char *cmd); void (QDECL *ServerExecute)(void); unk (QDECL *ClientCommand)(unk); unk (QDECL *ParticleEffect)(unk); void (QDECL *LightStyle)(int stylenum, char *stylestr); int (QDECL *DecalIndex)(char *decalname); int (QDECL *PointContents)(float *org); void (QDECL *MessageBegin)(int dest, int svc, float *org, hledict_t *ent); void (QDECL *MessageEnd)(void); void (QDECL *WriteByte)(int value); void (QDECL *WriteChar)(int value); void (QDECL *WriteShort)(int value); void (QDECL *WriteLong)(int value); void (QDECL *WriteAngle)(float value); void (QDECL *WriteCoord)(float value); void (QDECL *WriteString)(char *string); void (QDECL *WriteEntity)(int entnum); void (QDECL *CVarRegister)(hlcvar_t *hlvar); float (QDECL *CVarGetFloat)(char *vname); char *(QDECL *CVarGetString)(char *vname); void (QDECL *CVarSetFloat)(char *vname, float v); void (QDECL *CVarSetString)(char *vname, char *v); void (QDECL *AlertMessage)(int level, char *fmt, ...); void (QDECL *EngineFprintf)(FILE *f, char *fmt, ...); void *(QDECL *PvAllocEntPrivateData)(hledict_t *ed, long quant); unk (QDECL *PvEntPrivateData)(unk); unk (QDECL *FreeEntPrivateData)(unk); unk (QDECL *SzFromIndex)(unk); string_t (QDECL *AllocString)(char *string); unk (QDECL *GetVarsOfEnt)(unk); hledict_t * (QDECL *PEntityOfEntOffset)(int ednum); int (QDECL *EntOffsetOfPEntity)(hledict_t *ed); int (QDECL *IndexOfEdict)(hledict_t *ed); hledict_t *(QDECL *PEntityOfEntIndex)(int idx); unk (QDECL *FindEntityByVars)(unk); void *(QDECL *GetModelPtr)(hledict_t *ed); int (QDECL *RegUserMsg)(char *msgname, int msgsize); unk (QDECL *AnimationAutomove)(unk); unk (QDECL *GetBonePosition)(unk); hlintptr_t (QDECL *FunctionFromName)(char *name); char *(QDECL *NameForFunction)(hlintptr_t); unk (QDECL *ClientPrintf)(unk); void (QDECL *ServerPrint)(char *msg); char *(QDECL *Cmd_Args)(void); char *(QDECL *Cmd_Argv)(int argno); int (QDECL *Cmd_Argc)(void); unk (QDECL *GetAttachment)(unk); void (QDECL *CRC32_Init)(hlcrc_t *crc); void (QDECL *CRC32_ProcessBuffer)(hlcrc_t *crc, qbyte *p, int len); void (QDECL *CRC32_ProcessByte)(hlcrc_t *crc, qbyte b); hlcrc_t (QDECL *CRC32_Final)(hlcrc_t crc); long (QDECL *RandomLong)(long minv, long maxv); float (QDECL *RandomFloat)(float minv, float maxv); unk (QDECL *SetView)(unk); unk (QDECL *Time)(unk); unk (QDECL *CrosshairAngle)(unk); void *(QDECL *LoadFileForMe)(char *name, int *size_out); void (QDECL *FreeFile)(void *fptr); unk (QDECL *EndSection)(unk); int (QDECL *CompareFileTime)(char *fname1, char *fname2, int *result); void (QDECL *GetGameDir)(char *gamedir); unk (QDECL *Cvar_RegisterVariable)(unk); unk (QDECL *FadeClientVolume)(unk); unk (QDECL *SetClientMaxspeed)(unk); unk (QDECL *CreateFakeClient)(unk); unk (QDECL *RunPlayerMove)(unk); unk (QDECL *NumberOfEntities)(unk); char *(QDECL *GHL_GetInfoKeyBuffer)(hledict_t *ed); char *(QDECL *GHL_InfoKeyValue)(char *infostr, char *key); unk (QDECL *SetKeyValue)(unk); unk (QDECL *SetClientKeyValue)(unk); unk (QDECL *IsMapValid)(unk); unk (QDECL *StaticDecal)(unk); unk (QDECL *PrecacheGeneric)(unk); int (QDECL *GetPlayerUserId)(hledict_t *ed); unk (QDECL *BuildSoundMsg)(unk); unk (QDECL *IsDedicatedServer)(unk); //138 #if HALFLIFE_API_VERSION > 138 hlcvar_t *(QDECL *CVarGetPointer)(char *varname); unk (QDECL *GetPlayerWONId)(unk); unk (QDECL *Info_RemoveKey)(unk); unk (QDECL *GetPhysicsKeyValue)(unk); unk (QDECL *SetPhysicsKeyValue)(unk); unk (QDECL *GetPhysicsInfoString)(unk); unsigned short (QDECL *PrecacheEvent)(int eventtype, char *eventname); void (QDECL *PlaybackEvent)(int flags, hledict_t *ent, unsigned short eventidx, float delay, float *origin, float *angles, float f1, float f2, int i1, int i2, int b1, int b2); unk (QDECL *SetFatPVS)(unk); unk (QDECL *SetFatPAS)(unk); unk (QDECL *CheckVisibility)(unk); unk (QDECL *DeltaSetField)(unk); unk (QDECL *DeltaUnsetField)(unk); unk (QDECL *DeltaAddEncoder)(unk); unk (QDECL *GetCurrentPlayer)(unk); unk (QDECL *CanSkipPlayer)(unk); unk (QDECL *DeltaFindField)(unk); unk (QDECL *DeltaSetFieldByIndex)(unk); unk (QDECL *DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex)(unk); unk (QDECL *SetGroupMask)(unk); unk (QDECL *CreateInstancedBaseline)(unk); unk (QDECL *Cvar_DirectSet)(unk); unk (QDECL *ForceUnmodified)(unk); unk (QDECL *GetPlayerStats)(unk); unk (QDECL *AddServerCommand)(unk); // unk (QDECL *Voice_GetClientListening)(unk); qboolean (QDECL *Voice_SetClientListening)(int listener, int sender, int shouldlisten); //140 unk (QDECL *GetPlayerAuthId)(unk); unk (QDECL *SequenceGet)(unk); unk (QDECL *SequencePickSentence)(unk); unk (QDECL *GetFileSize)(unk); unk (QDECL *GetApproxWavePlayLen)(unk); unk (QDECL *IsCareerMatch)(unk); unk (QDECL *GetLocalizedStringLength)(unk); unk (QDECL *RegisterTutorMessageShown)(unk); unk (QDECL *GetTimesTutorMessageShown)(unk); unk (QDECL *ProcessTutorMessageDecayBuffer)(unk); unk (QDECL *ConstructTutorMessageDecayBuffer)(unk); unk (QDECL *ResetTutorMessageDecayData)(unk); unk (QDECL *QueryClientCvarValue)(unk); unk (QDECL *QueryClientCvarValue2)(unk); #endif int check; //added so I can be sure parameters match this list, etc } SVHL_Builtins_t; extern SVHL_Globals_t SVHL_Globals; extern SVHL_GameFuncs_t SVHL_GameFuncs; extern hledict_t *SVHL_Edict; extern int SVHL_NumActiveEnts; void QDECL GHL_RemoveEntity(hledict_t *ed); void SVHL_LinkEdict (hledict_t *ent, qboolean touch_triggers); void SVHL_UnlinkEdict (hledict_t *ent); hledict_t *SVHL_TestEntityPosition (hledict_t *ent); void SVHL_TouchLinks ( hledict_t *ent, areanode_t *node ); trace_t SVHL_Move (vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, int type, int forcehull, hledict_t *passedict); int SVHL_PointContents (vec3_t p); int SVHL_AreaEdicts (vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, hledict_t **list, int maxcount);