//read menu.h #include "quakedef.h" #include "winquake.h" #ifndef CLIENTONLY //============================================================================= /* LOAD/SAVE MENU */ #define FTESAVEGAME_VERSION 25000 typedef struct { int issave; int cursorpos; menutext_t *cursoritem; } loadsavemenuinfo_t; #define MAX_SAVEGAMES 20 char m_filenames[MAX_SAVEGAMES][SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH+1]; int loadable[MAX_SAVEGAMES]; menubutton_t *VARGS MC_AddConsoleCommandf(menu_t *menu, int x, int y, char *text, char *command, ...); void M_ScanSaves (void) { int i, j; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; FILE *f; int version; for (i=0 ; i<MAX_SAVEGAMES ; i++) { strcpy (m_filenames[i], "--- UNUSED SLOT ---"); loadable[i] = false; sprintf (name, "%s/saves/s%i/info.fsv", com_gamedir, i); f = fopen (name, "rb"); if (f) { fscanf (f, "%i\n", &version); if (version != FTESAVEGAME_VERSION) { Q_strncpyz (m_filenames[i], "Incompatable version", sizeof(m_filenames[i])); fclose (f); continue; } fscanf (f, "%79s\n", name); Q_strncpyz (m_filenames[i], name, sizeof(m_filenames[i])); // change _ back to space for (j=0 ; j<SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH ; j++) if (m_filenames[i][j] == '_') m_filenames[i][j] = ' '; loadable[i] = true; fclose (f); continue; } /* sprintf (name, "%s/s%i.sav", com_gamedir, i); f = fopen (name, "rb"); if (!f) continue; fscanf (f, "%i\n", &version); if (version != SAVEGAME_VERSION && version != 5 && version != 6) { Q_strncpyz (m_filenames[i], "Incompatable version", sizeof(m_filenames[i])); fclose (f); continue; } else { fscanf (f, "%79s\n", name); Q_strncpyz (m_filenames[i], name, sizeof(m_filenames[i])); } // change _ back to space for (j=0 ; j<SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH ; j++) if (m_filenames[i][j] == '_') m_filenames[i][j] = ' '; loadable[i] = true; fclose (f);*/ } } void M_Menu_Save_f (void) { menuoption_t *op = NULL; menu_t *menu; int i; if (!sv.state) return; if (cl.intermission) return; key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_complex; m_entersound = true; menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(loadsavemenuinfo_t)); menu->data = menu+1; MC_AddCenterPicture (menu, 4, "gfx/p_save.lmp"); menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t *)MC_AddRedText(menu, 8, 32, NULL, false); M_ScanSaves (); for (i=0 ; i< MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++) { op = (menuoption_t *)MC_AddConsoleCommandf(menu, 16, 32+8*i, m_filenames[i], "savegame s%i\ntogglemenu\n", i); if (!menu->selecteditem) menu->selecteditem = op; } } void M_Menu_Load_f (void) { menuoption_t *op = NULL; menu_t *menu; int i; key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_complex; m_entersound = true; menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(loadsavemenuinfo_t)); menu->data = menu+1; MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "gfx/p_load.lmp"); menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t *)MC_AddRedText(menu, 8, 32, NULL, false); M_ScanSaves (); for (i=0 ; i< MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++) { if (loadable[i]) op = (menuoption_t *)MC_AddConsoleCommandf(menu, 16, 32+8*i, m_filenames[i], "loadgame s%i\ntogglemenu\n", i); else MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 16, 32+8*i, m_filenames[i], false); if (!menu->selecteditem && op) menu->selecteditem = op; } } #endif void M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f (void) { int mgt; #ifndef CLIENTONLY menubutton_t *b; #endif menu_t *menu; mpic_t *p; key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_complex; m_entersound = true; mgt = M_GameType(); if (mgt == MGT_QUAKE2) { //q2... menu = M_CreateMenu(0); MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "pics/m_banner_game"); menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*) MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 40, "Easy", "skill 0;deathmatch 0; coop 0;newgame\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 48, "Medium", "skill 1;deathmatch 0; coop 0;newgame\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 56, "Hard", "skill 2;deathmatch 0; coop 0;newgame\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 72, "Load Game", "menu_load\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 80, "Save Game", "menu_save\n"); menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 48, 40, NULL, false); return; } else if (mgt == MGT_HEXEN2) { //h2 menu = M_CreateMenu(0); MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 0, "gfx/menu/hplaque.lmp"); MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 0, "gfx/menu/title1.lmp"); menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*) MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 64, "Easy", "togglemenu\nskill 0;deathmatch 0; coop 0;map demo1\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 72, "Medium", "togglemenu\nskill 1;deathmatch 0; coop 0;map demo1\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 80, "Hard", "togglemenu\nskill 2;deathmatch 0; coop 0;map demo1\n"); // MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 96, "Load Game", "menu_load\n"); MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 64, 104, "Save Game", "menu_save\n"); return; } else { //q1 menu = M_CreateMenu(0); MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp"); } p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/sp_menu.lmp"); if (!p) { MC_AddBox (menu, 60, 10*8, 23, 4); MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 92, 12*8, "Could find file", false); MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 92, 13*8, "gfx/sp_menu.lmp", false); } else { #ifdef CLIENTONLY MC_AddBox (menu, 60, 10*8, 23, 4); MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 92, 12*8, "QuakeWorld is for", false); MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 92, 13*8, "Internet play only", false); #else MC_AddPicture(menu, 72, 32, "gfx/sp_menu.lmp"); b = MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 16, 32, "", "togglemenu\nmaxclients 1;deathmatch 0;coop 0;map start\n"); menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t *)b; b->common.width = p->width; b->common.height = 20; b = MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 16, 52, "", "menu_load\n"); b->common.width = p->width; b->common.height = 20; b = MC_AddConsoleCommand (menu, 16, 72, "", "menu_save\n"); b->common.width = p->width; b->common.height = 20; menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddCursor(menu, 54, 32); #endif } } typedef struct { menucustom_t *list; int nummatches; int selected; int firstshown; int maxmatches; int pathlen; char *command[64]; //these let the menu be used for nearly any sort of file browser. char *ext[64]; int numext; struct demofilelist_s{ char name[64]; int size; } *options; } demomenu_t; void M_DemoDraw(int x, int y, menucustom_t *control, menu_t *menu) { char *text; int i; demomenu_t *info = menu->data; if (info->firstshown > info->selected) info->firstshown = info->selected; if ((vid.height - y)/8 < info->selected - info->firstshown+2) info->firstshown = info->selected - (vid.height - y)/8+2; i = info->firstshown; while(i < info->nummatches) { if (info->options[i].size) text = va("%-30s %6iKB", info->options[i].name+info->pathlen, info->options[i].size/1024); else text = info->options[i].name+info->pathlen; if (i == info->selected) Draw_Alt_String(x+8, y+8, text); else Draw_String(x+8, y+8, text); y+=8; i++; } } void ShowDemoMenu (menu_t *menu, char *path); qboolean M_DemoKey(menucustom_t *control, menu_t *menu, int key) { demomenu_t *info = menu->data; if (!info->nummatches) return false; switch (key) { case K_UPARROW: info->selected--; if (info->selected < 0) info->selected = 0; return true; case K_DOWNARROW: info->selected++; if (info->selected > info->nummatches-1) info->selected = info->nummatches-1; return true; case K_PGUP: info->selected-=10; if (info->selected < 0) info->selected = 0; return true; case K_PGDN: info->selected+=10; if (info->selected > info->nummatches-1) info->selected = info->nummatches-1; return true; case K_ENTER: if (info->options[info->selected].name[strlen(info->options[info->selected].name)-1] == '/') //last char is a slash ShowDemoMenu(menu, va("%s", info->options[info->selected].name)); else { int extnum; for (extnum = 0; extnum < info->numext; extnum++) if (!stricmp(info->options[info->selected].name + strlen(info->options[info->selected].name)-4, info->ext[extnum])) break; if (extnum == info->numext) //wasn't on our list of extensions. extnum = 0; Cbuf_AddText(va("%s \"%s\"\n", info->command[extnum], info->options[info->selected].name), RESTRICT_LOCAL); } return true; } return false; } int DemoAddItem(char *filename, int size, void *parm) { int match; int extnum; demomenu_t *menu = parm; if (filename[strlen(filename)-1] != '/') { for (extnum = 0; extnum < menu->numext; extnum++) if (!stricmp(filename + strlen(filename)-4, menu->ext[extnum])) break; if (extnum == menu->numext) //wasn't on our list of extensions. return true; } if (menu->maxmatches < menu->nummatches+10) { menu->maxmatches = menu->nummatches+10; menu->options = BZ_Realloc(menu->options, menu->maxmatches*sizeof(struct demofilelist_s)); } for (match = 0; match < menu->nummatches; match++) if (!strcmp(menu->options[match].name, filename)) return true; Q_strncpyz(menu->options[menu->nummatches].name, filename, sizeof(menu->options[menu->nummatches].name)); menu->options[menu->nummatches].size = size; menu->nummatches++; return true; } void M_Demo_Remove (menu_t *menu) { demomenu_t *info = menu->data; if (info->options) BZ_Free(info->options); } void ShowDemoMenu (menu_t *menu, char *path) { int c; char *s; char match[256]; while (!strcmp(path+strlen(path)-3, "../")) { c = 0; for (s = path+strlen(path)-3; s >= path; s--) { if (*s == '/') { c++; s[1] = '\0'; if (c == 2) break; } } if (c<2) *path = '\0'; } ((demomenu_t*)menu->data)->nummatches = 0; ((demomenu_t*)menu->data)->firstshown = 0; ((demomenu_t*)menu->data)->selected = 0; ((demomenu_t*)menu->data)->pathlen = strlen(path); if (*path) { sprintf(match, "%s../", path); DemoAddItem(match, 0, menu->data); } sprintf(match, "%s*", path); COM_EnumerateFiles(match, DemoAddItem, menu->data); } void M_Menu_Demos_f (void) { demomenu_t *info; menu_t *menu; key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_complex; m_entersound = true; menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(demomenu_t)); menu->remove = M_Demo_Remove; info = menu->data; info->command[0] = "playdemo"; info->ext[0] = ".qwd"; info->command[1] = "playdemo"; info->ext[1] = ".dem"; info->command[2] = "playdemo"; info->ext[2] = ".dm2"; info->command[3] = "playdemo"; info->ext[3] = ".mvd"; //there are also quizmo demos (.qwz) out there... //we don't support them, but if we were to ask quizmo to decode them for us, we could do. info->numext = 4; MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 24, 8, "Choose a Demo", false); MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 16, 24, "\35\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\37", false); info->list = MC_AddCustom(menu, 0, 32, NULL); info->list->draw = M_DemoDraw; info->list->key = M_DemoKey; menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*)info->list; ShowDemoMenu(menu, ""); } void M_Menu_ParticleSets_f (void) { demomenu_t *info; menu_t *menu; key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_complex; m_entersound = true; menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(demomenu_t)); menu->remove = M_Demo_Remove; info = menu->data; info->command[0] = "r_particlesdesc"; info->ext[0] = ".cfg"; info->numext = 1; MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 24, 8, "Choose a Particle Set", false); MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 16, 24, "\35\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\37", false); info->list = MC_AddCustom(menu, 0, 32, NULL); info->list->draw = M_DemoDraw; info->list->key = M_DemoKey; menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*)info->list; ShowDemoMenu(menu, "particles/"); } void M_Menu_MediaFiles_f (void) { demomenu_t *info; menu_t *menu; key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_complex; m_entersound = true; menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(demomenu_t)); menu->remove = M_Demo_Remove; info = menu->data; info->ext[0] = ".m3u"; info->command[0] = "mediaplaylist"; info->ext[1] = ".mp3"; info->command[1] = "mediaadd"; info->ext[2] = ".wav"; info->command[2] = "mediaadd"; info->ext[3] = ".ogg"; //will this ever be added properly? info->command[3] = "mediaadd"; info->ext[4] = ".roq"; info->command[4] = "playfilm"; info->numext = 5; #ifdef _WIN32 //avis are only playable on windows due to a windows dll being used to decode them. info->ext[info->numext] = ".avi"; info->command[info->numext] = "playfilm"; info->numext++; #endif MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 24, 8, "Media List", false); MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 16, 24, "\35\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\37", false); info->list = MC_AddCustom(menu, 0, 32, NULL); info->list->draw = M_DemoDraw; info->list->key = M_DemoKey; menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*)info->list; ShowDemoMenu(menu, ""); }