!!cvarf ffov //my attempt at lambert azimuthal equal-area view rendering, because you'll remember that name easily. #ifdef VERTEX_SHADER attribute vec2 v_texcoord; varying vec2 texcoord; uniform float cvar_ffov; void main() { texcoord = v_texcoord.xy; //make sure the ffov cvar actually does something meaningful texcoord *= cvar_ffov / 90.0; gl_Position = ftetransform(); } #endif #ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER uniform samplerCube s_t0; varying vec2 texcoord; void main() { vec3 tc; vec2 d; vec2 ang; d = texcoord; //compute the 2d->3d projection float sq = d.x*d.x+d.y*d.y; if (sq > 4.0) gl_FragColor = vec4(0,0,0,1); else { tc.x = sqrt(1.0-(sq/4.0))*d.x; tc.y = sqrt(1.0-(sq/4.0))*d.y; tc.z = -1.0 + (sq/2.0); tc.y *= -1.0; tc.z *= -1.0; gl_FragColor = textureCube(s_t0, tc); } } #endif