/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Jacob Meuser <jakemsr@sdf.lonestar.org> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* Modifified for FTEQW by Alf Schlichting, a.schlichting@lemarit.com */ /* note: this is for OpenBSD */ #include "quakedef.h" #include "sound.h" #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <poll.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sndio.h> struct sndio_private { struct sio_hdl *hdl; unsigned char *dma_buffer; size_t dma_buffer_size, dma_ptr; }; static int sndio_init(soundcardinfo_t *, int); static void *sndio_lock(soundcardinfo_t *); static void sndio_unlock(soundcardinfo_t *, void *); static void sndio_shutdown(soundcardinfo_t *); static unsigned int sndio_getdmapos(soundcardinfo_t *); static void sndio_submit(soundcardinfo_t *, int, int); static void sndio_setunderwater(soundcardinfo_t *sc, qboolean underwater); //simply a stub. Any ideas how to actually implement this properly? static void sndio_setunderwater(soundcardinfo_t *sc, qboolean underwater) //simply a stub. Any ideas how to actually implement this properly? { } #define SND_ERROR 0 #define SND_LOADED 1 #define SND_NOMORE 2 //like error, but doesn't try the next card. static int sndio_init(soundcardinfo_t *sc, int cardnum) { struct sndio_private *sp; struct sio_par par; unsigned samp_per_buf; char *s; int i; Con_DPrintf("sndio_init called\n"); if (cardnum) return SND_NOMORE; sp = calloc(sizeof(struct sndio_private), 1); if (sp == NULL) { Con_Printf("Could not get mem"); return SND_ERROR; } Con_DPrintf("trying to open sp->hdl\n"); sp->hdl = sio_open(SIO_DEVANY, SIO_PLAY, 1); if (sp->hdl == NULL) { Con_Printf("Could not open sndio device\n"); return SND_NOMORE; } Con_DPrintf("Opened sndio\n"); sc->GetDMAPos = sndio_getdmapos; sc->Submit = sndio_submit; sc->Shutdown = sndio_shutdown; sc->Lock = sndio_lock; sc->Unlock = sndio_unlock; sc->SetWaterDistortion = sndio_setunderwater; sc->handle = sp; sio_initpar(&par); par.rate = sc->sn.speed; par.bits = sc->sn.samplebits; par.sig = 1; par.le = SIO_LE_NATIVE; par.pchan = sc->sn.numchannels; par.appbufsz = par.rate / 20; /* 1/20 second latency */ if (!sio_setpar(sp->hdl, &par) || !sio_getpar(sp->hdl, &par)) { Con_Printf("Error setting audio parameters\n"); sio_close(sp->hdl); return SND_ERROR; } if ((par.pchan != 1 && par.pchan != 2) || (par.bits != 16 || par.sig != 1)) { Con_Printf("Could not set appropriate audio parameters\n"); sio_close(sp->hdl); return SND_ERROR; } /* sc->sn.speed = par.rate; sc->sn.numchannels = par.pchan; sc->sn.samplebits = par.bits; */ /* * find the smallest power of two larger than the buffer size * and use it as the internal buffer's size */ for (i = 1; i < par.appbufsz; i <<= 1) ; /* nothing */ sc->sn.samples = i * par.pchan; sp->dma_buffer_size = sc->sn.samples * sc->sn.samplebits / 8; sc->sn.buffer = calloc(1, sp->dma_buffer_size); if (sc->sn.buffer == NULL) { Con_Printf("Could not allocate audio ring buffer\n"); return SND_ERROR; } dma_ptr = 0; if (!sio_start(sp->hdl)) { Con_Printf("Could not start audio\n"); sio_close(sp->hdl); return SND_ERROR; } sc->sn.samplepos = 0; Con_DPrintf("sc->sn.speed = %d, par.rate = %d\n", sc->sn.speed, par.rate); Con_DPrintf("sc->sn.samplebits = %d, par.bits = %d\n", sc->sn.samplebits, par.bits); Con_DPrintf("sc->sn.numchannels = %d, par.pchan = %d\n", sc->sn.numchannels, par.pchan); Con_DPrintf("sc->sn.samples = %d, par.pchan = %d\n", sc->sn.samples, par.pchan); Con_DPrintf("dma_buffer_size = %d\n", sp->dma_buffer_size); return SND_LOADED; } static void * sndio_lock(soundcardinfo_t *sc, unsigned int *sampidx) { return sc->sn.buffer; } static void sndio_unlock(soundcardinfo_t *sci, void *p) { } static void sndio_shutdown(soundcardinfo_t *sc) { struct sndio_private *sp = sc->handle; sio_close(sp->hdl); free(sc->sn.buffer); sc->sn.buffer = NULL; *sc->name = '\0'; } static unsigned int sndio_getdmapos(soundcardinfo_t *sc) { struct sndio_private *sp = sc->handle; sc->sn.samplepos = dma_ptr / (sc->sn.samplebits / 8); return sc->sn.samplepos; } static void sndio_submit(soundcardinfo_t *sc, int startcount, int endcount) { struct pollfd pfd; struct sndio_private *sp = sc->handle; size_t count, todo, avail; int n; n = sio_pollfd(sp->hdl, &pfd, POLLOUT); while (poll(&pfd, n, 0) < 0 && errno == EINTR) ; if (!(sio_revents(sp->hdl, &pfd) & POLLOUT)) return; avail = sp->dma_buffer_size; while (avail > 0) { todo = sp->dma_buffer_size - dma_ptr; if (todo > avail) todo = avail; count = sio_write(sp->hdl, sc->sn.buffer + dma_ptr, todo); if (count == 0) break; dma_ptr += count; if (dma_ptr >= sp->dma_buffer_size) dma_ptr -= sp->dma_buffer_size; avail -= count; } } int (*pSNDIO_InitCard) (soundcardinfo_t *sc, int cardnum) = &sndio_init;