#include "../plugin.h" #include "../engine.h" #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h" #include "libavformat/avformat.h" static size_t activedecoders; static cvar_t *ffmpeg_audiodecoder, *pdeveloper; #define HAVE_DECOUPLED_API (LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MAJOR>57 || (LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MAJOR==57&&LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MINOR>=36)) struct avaudioctx { //raw file uint8_t *filedata; size_t fileofs; size_t filesize; //avformat stuff AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx; int audioStream; AVCodecContext *pACodecCtx; AVFrame *pAFrame; //decoding int64_t lasttime; //output audio //we throw away data if the format changes. which is awkward, but gah. int64_t samples_framestart; int samples_channels; int samples_speed; qaudiofmt_t samples_format; qbyte *samples_buffer; size_t samples_framecount; size_t samples_maxbytes; }; static void S_AV_Purge(sfx_t *s) { struct avaudioctx *ctx = (struct avaudioctx*)s->decoder.buf; s->loadstate = SLS_NOTLOADED; // Free the audio decoder if (ctx->pACodecCtx) avcodec_close(ctx->pACodecCtx); av_free(ctx->pAFrame); // Close the video file avformat_close_input(&ctx->pFormatCtx); //free the decoded buffer free(ctx->samples_buffer); //file storage will be cleared here too free(ctx); if (s->decoder.ended) activedecoders--; memset(&s->decoder, 0, sizeof(s->decoder)); } #define QAF_U8 0x81 #define QAF_S32 0x04 #ifndef MIXER_F32 #define QAF_F32 0x84 #endif #define QAF_F64 0x88 static void S_AV_ReadFrame(struct avaudioctx *ctx) { //reads an audioframe and spits its data into the output sound file for the game engine to use. qaudiofmt_t outformat = QAF_S16, informat=QAF_S16; int channels = ctx->pACodecCtx->channels; int planes = 1, p; unsigned int auddatasize = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, ctx->pACodecCtx->channels, ctx->pAFrame->nb_samples, ctx->pACodecCtx->sample_fmt, 1); switch(ctx->pACodecCtx->sample_fmt) { //we don't support planar audio. we just treat it as mono instead. default: auddatasize = 0; break; case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8P: planes = channels; outformat = QAF_S8; informat = QAF_U8; break; case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8: planes = 1; outformat = QAF_S8; informat = QAF_U8; break; case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16P: planes = channels; outformat = QAF_S16; informat = QAF_S16; break; case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16: planes = 1; outformat = QAF_S16; informat = QAF_S16; break; case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32P: planes = channels; outformat = QAF_S16; informat = QAF_S32; break; case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32: planes = 1; outformat = QAF_S16; informat = QAF_S32; break; #ifdef MIXER_F32 case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP: planes = channels; outformat = QAF_F32; informat = QAF_F32; break; case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT: planes = 1; outformat = QAF_F32; informat = QAF_F32; break; case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBLP: planes = channels; outformat = QAF_F32; informat = QAF_F64; break; case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL: planes = 1; outformat = QAF_F32; informat = QAF_F64; break; #else case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP: planes = channels; outformat = QAF_S16; informat = QAF_F32; break; case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT: planes = 1; outformat = QAF_S16; informat = QAF_F32; break; case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBLP: planes = channels; outformat = QAF_S16; informat = QAF_F64; break; case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL: planes = 1; outformat = QAF_S16; informat = QAF_F64; break; #endif } if (ctx->samples_channels != channels || ctx->samples_speed != ctx->pACodecCtx->sample_rate || ctx->samples_format != outformat) { //something changed, update ctx->samples_channels = channels; ctx->samples_speed = ctx->pACodecCtx->sample_rate; ctx->samples_format = outformat; //and discard any decoded audio. this might loose some. ctx->samples_framestart += ctx->samples_framecount; ctx->samples_framecount = 0; } if (ctx->samples_maxbytes < (ctx->samples_framecount*QAF_BYTES(ctx->samples_format)*ctx->samples_channels)+auddatasize) { ctx->samples_maxbytes = (ctx->samples_framecount*QAF_BYTES(ctx->samples_format)*ctx->samples_channels)+auddatasize; ctx->samples_maxbytes *= 2; //slop ctx->samples_buffer = realloc(ctx->samples_buffer, ctx->samples_maxbytes); } if (planes==1 && outformat != QAF_S8 && informat==outformat) memcpy(ctx->samples_buffer + ctx->samples_framecount*(QAF_BYTES(ctx->samples_format)*ctx->samples_channels), ctx->pAFrame->data[0], auddatasize); else { void *fte_restrict outv = (ctx->samples_buffer + ctx->samples_framecount*(QAF_BYTES(ctx->samples_format)*ctx->samples_channels)); size_t i, samples = auddatasize / (planes*QAF_BYTES(informat)); if (outformat == QAF_S8 && informat == QAF_U8) { char *out = outv; for (p = 0; p < planes; p++, out++) { unsigned char *in = ctx->pAFrame->data[p]; for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) out[i*planes] = in[i]-128; //convert from u8 to s8. } } else if (outformat == QAF_S16 && informat == QAF_S16) { signed short *out = outv; for (p = 0; p < planes; p++, out++) { signed short *in = (signed short *)ctx->pAFrame->data[p]; for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) out[i*planes] = in[i]; //no conversion needed } } else if (outformat == QAF_S16 && informat == QAF_S32) { signed short *out = outv; for (p = 0; p < planes; p++, out++) { signed int *in = (signed int *)ctx->pAFrame->data[p]; for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) out[i*planes] = in[i]>>16; //just use the MSBs, no clamping needed. } } #ifdef MIXER_F32 else if (outformat == QAF_F32 && informat == QAF_F32) { float *out = outv; for (p = 0; p < planes; p++, out++) { float *in = (float *)ctx->pAFrame->data[p]; for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) out[i*planes] = in[i]; //no conversion needed. } } else if (outformat == QAF_F32 && informat == QAF_F64) { float *out = outv; for (p = 0; p < planes; p++, out++) { double *in = (double *)ctx->pAFrame->data[p]; for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) out[i*planes] = in[i]; //no clamping needed. } } #else else if (outformat == QAF_S16 && informat == QAF_F32) { signed short *out = outv; for (p = 0; p < planes; p++, out++) { float *in = (float *)ctx->pAFrame->data[p]; for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) { int v = in[i] * 32767; if (v < -32768) v = -32768; if (v > 32767) v = 32767; out[i*planes] = v; } } } else if (outformat == QAF_S16 && informat == QAF_F64) { signed short *out = outv; for (p = 0; p < planes; p++, out++) { double *in = (double *)ctx->pAFrame->data[p]; for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) { int v = in[i] * 32767; if (v < -32768) v = -32768; if (v > 32767) v = 32767; out[i*planes] = v; } } } #endif } ctx->samples_framecount += auddatasize/(QAF_BYTES(informat)*ctx->samples_channels); } static sfxcache_t *S_AV_Locate(sfx_t *sfx, sfxcache_t *buf, ssamplepos_t start, int length) { //warning: can be called on a different thread. struct avaudioctx *ctx = (struct avaudioctx*)sfx->decoder.buf; AVPacket packet; int64_t curtime; if (!buf) return NULL; curtime = start + length; while (1) { if (start < ctx->samples_framestart) break; //o.O rewind! if (ctx->samples_framestart+ctx->samples_framecount > curtime) break; //no need yet. #ifdef HAVE_DECOUPLED_API if(0==avcodec_receive_frame(ctx->pACodecCtx, ctx->pAFrame)) { S_AV_ReadFrame(ctx); continue; } #endif // We're ahead of the previous frame. try and read the next. if (av_read_frame(ctx->pFormatCtx, &packet) < 0) break; // Is this a packet from the video stream? if(packet.stream_index==ctx->audioStream) { #ifdef HAVE_DECOUPLED_API avcodec_send_packet(ctx->pACodecCtx, &packet); #else int okay; int len; void *odata = packet.data; while (packet.size > 0) { //this old api only decodes part of the packet with each itteration, so keep reading until we decoded the entire thing. okay = false; len = avcodec_decode_audio4(ctx->pACodecCtx, ctx->pAFrame, &okay, &packet); if (len < 0) break; packet.size -= len; packet.data += len; if (okay) S_AV_ReadFrame(ctx); } packet.data = odata; #endif } // Free the packet that was allocated by av_read_frame av_packet_unref(&packet); } buf->length = ctx->samples_framecount; buf->speed = ctx->samples_speed; buf->format = ctx->samples_format; buf->numchannels = ctx->samples_channels; buf->soundoffset = ctx->samples_framestart; buf->data = ctx->samples_buffer; //if we couldn't return any new data, then we're at an eof, return NULL to signal that. if (start == buf->soundoffset + buf->length && length > 0) return NULL; return buf; } static float S_AV_Query(struct sfx_s *sfx, struct sfxcache_s *buf, char *title, size_t titlesize) { struct avaudioctx *ctx = (struct avaudioctx*)sfx->decoder.buf; if (!ctx) return -1; if (buf) { buf->data = NULL; buf->soundoffset = 0; buf->length = 0; buf->numchannels = ctx->samples_channels; buf->speed = ctx->samples_speed; buf->format = ctx->samples_format; } return ctx->pFormatCtx->duration / (float)AV_TIME_BASE; } static int AVIO_Mem_Read(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size) { struct avaudioctx *ctx = opaque; if (ctx->fileofs > ctx->filesize) buf_size = 0; if (buf_size > ctx->filesize-ctx->fileofs) buf_size = ctx->filesize-ctx->fileofs; if (buf_size > 0) { memcpy(buf, ctx->filedata + ctx->fileofs, buf_size); ctx->fileofs += buf_size; return buf_size; } return 0; } static int64_t AVIO_Mem_Seek(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence) { struct avaudioctx *ctx = opaque; whence &= ~AVSEEK_FORCE; switch(whence) { default: return -1; case SEEK_SET: ctx->fileofs = offset; break; case SEEK_CUR: ctx->fileofs += offset; break; case SEEK_END: ctx->fileofs = ctx->filesize + offset; break; case AVSEEK_SIZE: return ctx->filesize; } if (ctx->fileofs < 0) ctx->fileofs = 0; return ctx->fileofs; } /*const char *COM_GetFileExtension (const char *in) { const char *dot; for (dot = in + strlen(in); dot >= in && *dot != '.'; dot--) ; if (dot < in) return ""; in = dot+1; return in; }*/ static qboolean QDECL S_LoadAVSound (sfx_t *s, qbyte *data, size_t datalen, int sndspeed) { struct avaudioctx *ctx; int i; AVCodec *pCodec; const int iBufSize = 4 * 1024; if (!ffmpeg_audiodecoder) return false; if (!ffmpeg_audiodecoder->ival /* && *ffmpeg_audiodecoder.string */) return false; if (!data || !datalen) return false; //ignore it if it looks like a wav file. that means we don't need to figure out how to calculate loopstart. //FIXME: this also blocks playing the audio from avi files too! if (datalen >= 4 && !strncmp(data, "RIFF", 4)) return false; // if (strcasecmp(COM_GetFileExtension(s->name), "wav")) //don't do .wav - I've no idea how to read the loopstart tag with ffmpeg. // return false; s->decoder.buf = ctx = malloc(sizeof(*ctx) + datalen); if (!ctx) return false; //o.O memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)); // Create internal io buffer for FFmpeg ctx->filedata = data; //defer that copy ctx->filesize = datalen; //defer that copy ctx->pFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context(); ctx->pFormatCtx->pb = avio_alloc_context(av_malloc(iBufSize), iBufSize, 0, ctx, AVIO_Mem_Read, 0, AVIO_Mem_Seek); // Open file if(avformat_open_input(&ctx->pFormatCtx, s->name, NULL, NULL)==0) { // Retrieve stream information if(avformat_find_stream_info(ctx->pFormatCtx, NULL)>=0) { ctx->audioStream=-1; for(i=0; i<ctx->pFormatCtx->nb_streams; i++) #if LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 57 if(ctx->pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codecpar->codec_type==AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) #else if(ctx->pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type==AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) #endif { ctx->audioStream=i; break; } if(ctx->audioStream!=-1) { #if LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 57 pCodec=avcodec_find_decoder(ctx->pFormatCtx->streams[ctx->audioStream]->codecpar->codec_id); ctx->pACodecCtx = avcodec_alloc_context3(pCodec); if (avcodec_parameters_to_context(ctx->pACodecCtx, ctx->pFormatCtx->streams[ctx->audioStream]->codecpar) < 0) { avcodec_free_context(&ctx->pACodecCtx); pCodec = NULL; } #else ctx->pACodecCtx=ctx->pFormatCtx->streams[ctx->audioStream]->codec; pCodec=avcodec_find_decoder(ctx->pACodecCtx->codec_id); #endif ctx->pAFrame=av_frame_alloc(); if(pCodec!=NULL && ctx->pAFrame && avcodec_open2(ctx->pACodecCtx, pCodec, NULL) >= 0) { //success } else ctx->audioStream = -1; } } if (ctx->audioStream != -1) { //sucky copy ctx->filedata = (uint8_t*)(ctx+1); memcpy(ctx->filedata, data, datalen); s->decoder.ended = S_AV_Purge; s->decoder.purge = S_AV_Purge; s->decoder.decodedata = S_AV_Locate; s->decoder.querydata = S_AV_Query; activedecoders++; return true; } } S_AV_Purge(s); return false; } qboolean AVAudio_MayUnload(void) { return activedecoders==0; } static qboolean AVAudio_Init(void) { if (!plugfuncs->ExportFunction("MayUnload", AVAudio_MayUnload) || !plugfuncs->ExportFunction("S_LoadSound", S_LoadAVSound)) { Con_Printf("ffmpeg: Engine doesn't support audio decoder plugins\n"); return false; } ffmpeg_audiodecoder = cvarfuncs->GetNVFDG("ffmpeg_audiodecoder_wip", "1", 0, "Enables the use of ffmpeg's decoder for pure audio files.", "ffmpeg"); if (!ffmpeg_audiodecoder->ival) Con_Printf("ffmpeg: audio decoding disabled, use \"set %s 1\" to enable ffmpeg audio decoding\n", ffmpeg_audiodecoder->name); return true; } //generic module stuff. this has to go somewhere. static void AVLogCallback(void *avcl, int level, const char *fmt, va_list vl) { //needs to be reenterant #ifdef _DEBUG char string[1024]; Q_vsnprintf (string, sizeof(string), fmt, vl); if (pdeveloper && pdeveloper->ival) Con_Printf("%s", string); #endif } //get the encoder/decoders to register themselves with the engine, then make sure avformat/avcodec have registered all they have to give. qboolean AVEnc_Init(void); qboolean AVDec_Init(void); qboolean Plug_Init(void) { qboolean okay = false; okay |= AVAudio_Init(); okay |= AVDec_Init(); okay |= AVEnc_Init(); if (okay) { #if ( LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_INT < AV_VERSION_INT(58,9,100) ) av_register_all(); avcodec_register_all(); #endif pdeveloper = cvarfuncs->GetNVFDG("developer", "0", 0, "Developer spam.", "ffmpeg"); av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_WARNING); av_log_set_callback(AVLogCallback); } return okay; }