#include "bothdefs.h" #ifndef NOMEDIA #include "quakedef.h" typedef struct { qbyte *data; int count; } cblock_t; typedef struct { qboolean restart_sound; int s_rate; int s_width; int s_channels; int width; int height; qbyte *pic; qbyte *pic_pending; // order 1 huffman stuff int *hnodes1; // [256][256][2]; int numhnodes1[256]; int h_used[512]; int h_count[512]; int cinematictime; qboolean cinematicpalette_active; qbyte cinematicpalette[768]; FILE *cinematic_file; int cinematicframe; } cinematics_t; cinematics_t cin; void CIN_StopCinematic (void) { Media_PlayFilm(""); cin.cinematictime = 0; // done if (cin.pic) { Z_Free (cin.pic); cin.pic = NULL; } if (cin.pic_pending) { Z_Free (cin.pic_pending); cin.pic_pending = NULL; } if (cin.cinematicpalette_active) { // re.CinematicSetPalette(NULL); cin.cinematicpalette_active = false; } if (cin.cinematic_file) { fclose (cin.cinematic_file); cin.cinematic_file = NULL; } if (cin.hnodes1) { Z_Free (cin.hnodes1); cin.hnodes1 = NULL; } // switch back down to 11 khz sound if necessary if (cin.restart_sound) { cin.restart_sound = false; S_Restart_f (); } } /* ==================== SCR_FinishCinematic Called when either the cinematic completes, or it is aborted ==================== */ void CIN_FinishCinematic (void) { // tell the server to advance to the next map / cinematic if (cls.state == ca_active) { MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd); SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message, va("nextserver %i\n", cl.servercount)); } } //========================================================================== /* ================== SmallestNode1 ================== */ static int SmallestNode1 (int numhnodes) { int i; int best, bestnode; best = 99999999; bestnode = -1; for (i=0 ; i<numhnodes ; i++) { if (cin.h_used[i]) continue; if (!cin.h_count[i]) continue; if (cin.h_count[i] < best) { best = cin.h_count[i]; bestnode = i; } } if (bestnode == -1) return -1; cin.h_used[bestnode] = true; return bestnode; } /* ================== Huff1TableInit Reads the 64k counts table and initializes the node trees ================== */ static void Huff1TableInit (void) { int prev; int j; int *node, *nodebase; qbyte counts[256]; int numhnodes; cin.hnodes1 = Z_Malloc (256*256*2*4); memset (cin.hnodes1, 0, 256*256*2*4); for (prev=0 ; prev<256 ; prev++) { memset (cin.h_count,0,sizeof(cin.h_count)); memset (cin.h_used,0,sizeof(cin.h_used)); // read a row of counts fread (counts, 1, sizeof(counts), cin.cinematic_file); for (j=0 ; j<256 ; j++) cin.h_count[j] = counts[j]; // build the nodes numhnodes = 256; nodebase = cin.hnodes1 + prev*256*2; while (numhnodes != 511) { node = nodebase + (numhnodes-256)*2; // pick two lowest counts node[0] = SmallestNode1 (numhnodes); if (node[0] == -1) break; // no more node[1] = SmallestNode1 (numhnodes); if (node[1] == -1) break; cin.h_count[numhnodes] = cin.h_count[node[0]] + cin.h_count[node[1]]; numhnodes++; } cin.numhnodes1[prev] = numhnodes-1; } } /* ================== Huff1Decompress ================== */ static cblock_t Huff1Decompress (cblock_t in) { qbyte *input; qbyte *out_p; int nodenum; int count; cblock_t out; int inbyte; int *hnodes, *hnodesbase; //int i; // get decompressed count count = in.data[0] + (in.data[1]<<8) + (in.data[2]<<16) + (in.data[3]<<24); input = in.data + 4; out_p = out.data = Z_Malloc (count); // read bits hnodesbase = cin.hnodes1 - 256*2; // nodes 0-255 aren't stored hnodes = hnodesbase; nodenum = cin.numhnodes1[0]; while (count) { inbyte = *input++; //----------- if (nodenum < 256) { hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9); *out_p++ = nodenum; if (!--count) break; nodenum = cin.numhnodes1[nodenum]; } nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)]; inbyte >>=1; //----------- if (nodenum < 256) { hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9); *out_p++ = nodenum; if (!--count) break; nodenum = cin.numhnodes1[nodenum]; } nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)]; inbyte >>=1; //----------- if (nodenum < 256) { hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9); *out_p++ = nodenum; if (!--count) break; nodenum = cin.numhnodes1[nodenum]; } nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)]; inbyte >>=1; //----------- if (nodenum < 256) { hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9); *out_p++ = nodenum; if (!--count) break; nodenum = cin.numhnodes1[nodenum]; } nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)]; inbyte >>=1; //----------- if (nodenum < 256) { hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9); *out_p++ = nodenum; if (!--count) break; nodenum = cin.numhnodes1[nodenum]; } nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)]; inbyte >>=1; //----------- if (nodenum < 256) { hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9); *out_p++ = nodenum; if (!--count) break; nodenum = cin.numhnodes1[nodenum]; } nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)]; inbyte >>=1; //----------- if (nodenum < 256) { hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9); *out_p++ = nodenum; if (!--count) break; nodenum = cin.numhnodes1[nodenum]; } nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)]; inbyte >>=1; //----------- if (nodenum < 256) { hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9); *out_p++ = nodenum; if (!--count) break; nodenum = cin.numhnodes1[nodenum]; } nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)]; inbyte >>=1; } if (input - in.data != in.count && input - in.data != in.count+1) { Con_Printf ("Decompression overread by %i", (input - in.data) - in.count); } out.count = out_p - out.data; return out; } /* ================== SCR_ReadNextFrame ================== */ qbyte *CIN_ReadNextFrame (void) { int r; int command; qbyte samples[22050/14*4]; qbyte compressed[0x20000]; int size; qbyte *pic; cblock_t in, huf1; int start, end, count; // read the next frame r = fread (&command, 4, 1, cin.cinematic_file); if (r == 0) // we'll give it one more chance r = fread (&command, 4, 1, cin.cinematic_file); if (r != 1) return NULL; command = LittleLong(command); if (command == 2) return NULL; // last frame marker if (command == 1) { // read palette fread (cin.cinematicpalette, 1, sizeof(cin.cinematicpalette), cin.cinematic_file); cin.cinematicpalette_active=0; // dubious.... exposes an edge case } // decompress the next frame fread (&size, 1, 4, cin.cinematic_file); size = LittleLong(size); if (size > sizeof(compressed) || size < 1) Host_Error ("Bad compressed frame size"); fread (compressed, 1, size, cin.cinematic_file); // read sound start = cin.cinematicframe*cin.s_rate/14; end = (cin.cinematicframe+1)*cin.s_rate/14; count = end - start; fread (samples, 1, count*cin.s_width*cin.s_channels, cin.cinematic_file); S_RawAudio (0, samples, cin.s_rate, count, cin.s_channels, cin.s_width); in.data = compressed; in.count = size; huf1 = Huff1Decompress (in); pic = huf1.data; cin.cinematicframe++; return pic; } /* ================== SCR_RunCinematic ================== */ qboolean CIN_DrawCinematic (void); qboolean CIN_RunCinematic (void) { int frame; if (cin.cinematictime <= 0) { CIN_StopCinematic (); return false; } if (cin.cinematictime-3 > realtime*1000) cin.cinematictime = realtime*1000; /* if (key_dest != key_game) { // pause if menu or console is up cin.cinematictime = realtime - cin.cinematicframe*1000/14; return true; }*/ frame = (realtime*1000 - cin.cinematictime)*14/1000; if (frame <= cin.cinematicframe) return true; if (frame > cin.cinematicframe+1) { Con_Printf ("Dropped frame: %i > %i\n", frame, cin.cinematicframe+1); cin.cinematictime = realtime*1000 - cin.cinematicframe*1000/14; } if (cin.pic) Z_Free (cin.pic); cin.pic = cin.pic_pending; cin.pic_pending = NULL; cin.pic_pending = CIN_ReadNextFrame (); if (!cin.pic_pending) { CIN_StopCinematic (); CIN_FinishCinematic (); cin.cinematictime = 1; // hack to get the black screen behind loading SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque (); cin.cinematictime = 0; return false; } return true; } /* ================== SCR_DrawCinematic Returns true if a cinematic is active, meaning the view rendering should be skipped ================== */ qboolean CIN_DrawCinematic (void) { if (cin.cinematictime <= 0) { return false; } if (key_dest == key_menu) { // blank screen and pause if menu is up // re.CinematicSetPalette(NULL); cin.cinematicpalette_active = false; // return true; } if (!cin.cinematicpalette_active) { // re.CinematicSetPalette(cl.cinematicpalette); cin.cinematicpalette_active = true; } if (!cin.pic) return true; Media_ShowFrame8bit(cin.pic, cin.width, cin.height, cin.cinematicpalette); // re.DrawStretchRaw (0, 0, viddef.width, viddef.height, // cin.width, cin.height, cin.pic); return true; } /* ================== SCR_PlayCinematic ================== */ qboolean CIN_PlayCinematic (char *arg) { int width, height; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; // int old_khz; // make sure CD isn't playing music CDAudio_Stop(); cin.cinematicframe = 0; COM_FOpenFile (arg, &cin.cinematic_file); if (!cin.cinematic_file) { _snprintf (name, sizeof(name), "video/%s", arg); COM_FOpenFile (name, &cin.cinematic_file); } if (!cin.cinematic_file) { // Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "Cinematic %s not found.\n", name); CIN_FinishCinematic (); cin.cinematictime = 0; // done return false; } SCR_EndLoadingPlaque (); fread (&width, 1, 4, cin.cinematic_file); fread (&height, 1, 4, cin.cinematic_file); cin.width = LittleLong(width); cin.height = LittleLong(height); fread (&cin.s_rate, 1, 4, cin.cinematic_file); cin.s_rate = LittleLong(cin.s_rate); fread (&cin.s_width, 1, 4, cin.cinematic_file); cin.s_width = LittleLong(cin.s_width); fread (&cin.s_channels, 1, 4, cin.cinematic_file); cin.s_channels = LittleLong(cin.s_channels); Huff1TableInit (); // switch up to 22 khz sound if necessary /*old_khz = Cvar_VariableValue ("snd_khz"); if (old_khz != cin.s_rate/1000) { cin.restart_sound = true; Cvar_SetValue ("snd_khz", cin.s_rate/1000); S_Restart_f (); Cvar_SetValue ("snd_khz", old_khz); }*/ cin.cinematicframe = 0; cin.pic = CIN_ReadNextFrame (); cin.cinematictime = Sys_DoubleTime ()*1000+0.001; return true; } #endif