#include "quakedef.h" #ifdef SWQUAKE #include "sw.h" #include "gl_draw.h" #include "shader.h" #include "renderque.h" #include "glquake.h" #if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L //no need to do anything #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #define restrict __restrict #else #define restrict #endif #define ZI_MAX 0xffff /* Our software rendering basically works like this: main thread builds command: command contains vertex data in the command block main thread runs the vertex programs (much like q3) and performs matrix transforms (much like d3d) worker threads read each command sequentially: clip to viewport division of labour between worker threads works by interlacing. each thread gets a different set of scanlines to render. we can also trivially implement interlacing with this method */ cvar_t sw_interlace = CVAR("sw_interlace", "0"); cvar_t sw_vthread = CVAR("sw_vthread", "0"); cvar_t sw_fthreads = CVAR("sw_fthreads", "0"); struct workqueue_s commandqueue; struct workqueue_s spanqueue; static void WT_Triangle(swthread_t *th, swimage_t *img, swvert_t *v1, swvert_t *v2, swvert_t *v3) { //affine vs correct: //to correct perspective, divide interpolants by z. //per pixel, divide by interpolated 1 (actually 1/z) unsigned int tpix; #if 1 #define PERSPECTIVE(v) (v>>16) #else #define PERSPECTIVE(v) (v/zi) #define SPAN_ZI #endif #define SPAN_ST #define SPAN_Z #define PLOT_PIXEL(o) \ { \ if (*zb >= z) \ { \ *zb = z; \ tpix = img->data[ \ ((unsigned)PERSPECTIVE(s)&img->pwidthmask) \ + (((unsigned)PERSPECTIVE(t)&img->pheightmask) * img->pitch) \ ]; \ if (tpix&0xff000000) \ o = tpix; \ } \ } #ifdef MSVCWORKSPROPERLY #include "sw_spans.h" #else /* this file is expected to be #included as the body of a real function to define create a new pixel shader, define PLOT_PIXEL(outval) at the top of your function and you're good to go //modifiers: SPAN_ST - interpolates S+T across the span. access with 'sc' and 'tc' affine... no perspective correction. */ { swvert_t *vt; int y; int secondhalf; //l=value on left //ld=change per y (on left) //d=change per x int xl,xld, xr,xrd; #ifdef SPAN_ST int sl,sld, sd; int tl,tld, td; #endif #ifdef SPAN_ZI int zil, zild, zid; #endif #ifdef SPAN_Z int zl,zld, zd; #endif unsigned int *restrict outbuf; unsigned int *restrict ti; int i; const swvert_t *vlt,*vlb,*vrt,*vrb; int spanlen; int numspans; unsigned int *vplout; int dx, dy; int recalcside; int interlace; float fdx1,fdy1,fdx2,fdy2,fz,d1,d2; if (!img) return; /*we basically render a diamond that is, the single triangle is split into two triangles, outwards towards the midpoint and inwards to the final position. */ /*reorder the verticies for height*/ if (v1->scoord[1] > v2->scoord[1]) { vt = v1; v1 = v2; v2 = vt; } if (v1->scoord[1] > v3->scoord[1]) { vt = v1; v1 = v3; v3 = vt; } if (v2->scoord[1] > v3->scoord[1]) { vt = v3; v3 = v2; v2 = vt; } { const swvert_t *v[3]; v[0] = v1; v[1] = v2; v[2] = v3; //reject triangles with any point offscreen, for now for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (v[i]->scoord[0] < 0 || v[i]->scoord[0] > th->vpwidth) return; if (v[i]->scoord[1] < 0 || v[i]->scoord[1] > th->vpheight) return; if (v[i]->zicoord < 0) return; } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (v[i]->scoord[1] > v[i+1]->scoord[1]) return; } } fdx1 = v2->scoord[0] - v1->scoord[0]; fdy1 = v2->scoord[1] - v1->scoord[1]; fdx2 = v3->scoord[0] - v1->scoord[0]; fdy2 = v3->scoord[1] - v1->scoord[1]; fz = fdx1*fdy2 - fdx2*fdy1; if (fz == 0) { //weird angle... return; } fz = 1.0 / fz; fdx1 *= fz; fdy1 *= fz; fdx2 *= fz; fdy2 *= fz; #ifdef SPAN_ST //affine d1 = (v2->tccoord[0] - v1->tccoord[0])*(img->pwidth<<16); d2 = (v3->tccoord[0] - v1->tccoord[0])*(img->pwidth<<16); sld = fdx1*d2 - fdx2*d1; sd = fdy2*d1 - fdy1*d2; d1 = (v2->tccoord[1] - v1->tccoord[1])*(img->pheight<<16); d2 = (v3->tccoord[1] - v1->tccoord[1])*(img->pheight<<16); tld = fdx1*d2 - fdx2*d1; td = fdy2*d1 - fdy1*d2; #endif #ifdef SPAN_ZI d1 = (1<<16); d2 = (1<<16); zild = 0;//fdx1*d2 - fdx2*d1; zid = 0;//fdy2*d1 - fdy1*d2; #endif #ifdef SPAN_Z d1 = (v2->zicoord - v1->zicoord)*(1<<16); d2 = (v3->zicoord - v1->zicoord)*(1<<16); zld = fdx1*d2 - fdx2*d1; zd = fdy2*d1 - fdy1*d2; #endif ti = img->data; y = v1->scoord[1]; for (secondhalf = 0; secondhalf <= 1; secondhalf++) { if (secondhalf) { // return; if (numspans < 0) { interlace = -numspans; y+=interlace; numspans-=interlace; xl += xld*interlace; xr += xrd*interlace; vplout += th->vpcstride*interlace; #ifdef SPAN_ST sl += sld*interlace; tl += tld*interlace; #endif #ifdef SPAN_ZI zil += zild*interlace; #endif #ifdef SPAN_Z zl += zld*interlace; #endif } /*v2->v3*/ if (fz <= 0) { vlt = v2; //vrt == v1; vlb = v3; //vrb == v3; recalcside = 1; #ifdef SPAN_ST sld -= (((long long)sd*xld)>>16); tld -= (((long long)td*xld)>>16); #endif #ifdef SPAN_ZI zild -= (((long long)zid*xld)>>16); #endif #ifdef SPAN_Z zld -= (((long long)zd*xld)>>16); #endif } else { //vlt == v1; vrt = v2; ///vlb == v3; vrb = v3; recalcside = 2; } //flip the triangle to keep it facing the screen (we swapped the verts almost randomly) numspans = v3->scoord[1] - y; } else { vlt = v1; vrt = v1; /*v1->v2*/ if (fz < 0) { vlb = v2; vrb = v3; } else { vlb = v3; vrb = v2; } recalcside = 3; //flip the triangle to keep it facing the screen (we swapped the verts almost randomly) numspans = v2->scoord[1] - y; } if (recalcside & 1) { dx = (vlb->scoord[0] - vlt->scoord[0]); dy = (vlb->scoord[1] - vlt->scoord[1]); if (dy > 0) xld = (dx<<16) / dy; else xld = 0; xl = (int)vlt->scoord[0]<<16; #ifdef SPAN_ST sl = vlt->tccoord[0] * (img->pwidth<<16); sld = sld + (((long long)sd*xld+32767)>>16); tl = vlt->tccoord[1] * (img->pheight<<16); tld = tld + (((long long)td*xld+32767)>>16); #endif #ifdef SPAN_ZI zil = (1<<16);///vlt->zicoord; zild = zild + (((long long)zid*xld)>>16); #endif #ifdef SPAN_Z zl = vlt->zicoord * (1<<16); zld = zld + (((long long)zd*xld)>>16); #endif } if (recalcside & 2) { dx = (vrb->scoord[0] - vrt->scoord[0]); dy = (vrb->scoord[1] - vrt->scoord[1]); if (dy) xrd = (dx<<16) / dy; else xrd = 0; xr = (int)vrt->scoord[0]<<16; } if (y + numspans > th->vpheight) numspans = th->vpheight - y; if (numspans <= 0) continue; vplout = th->vpcbuf + y * th->vpcstride; //this is a pointer to the left of the viewport buffer. interlace = ((y + th->interlaceline) % th->interlacemod); if (interlace) { if (interlace > numspans) { interlace = numspans; y+=interlace; } else { y+=interlace; numspans-=interlace; } xl += xld*interlace; xr += xrd*interlace; vplout += th->vpcstride*interlace; #ifdef SPAN_ST sl += sld*interlace; tl += tld*interlace; #endif #ifdef SPAN_ZI zil += zild*interlace; #endif #ifdef SPAN_Z zl += zld*interlace; #endif } for (; numspans > 0; numspans -= th->interlacemod ,xl += xld*th->interlacemod ,xr += xrd*th->interlacemod ,vplout += th->vpcstride*th->interlacemod ,y += th->interlacemod #ifdef SPAN_ST ,sl += sld*th->interlacemod ,tl += tld*th->interlacemod #endif #ifdef SPAN_ZI ,zil += zild*th->interlacemod #endif #ifdef SPAN_Z ,zl += zld*th->interlacemod #endif ) { #ifdef SPAN_ST unsigned int s = sl; unsigned int t = tl; #endif #ifdef SPAN_ZI unsigned int zi = zil; #else const unsigned int zi = (1<<16); #endif #ifdef SPAN_Z unsigned int z = zl; unsigned int *restrict zb = th->vpdbuf + y * th->vpwidth + (xl>>16); #endif spanlen = (xr - xl)>>16; outbuf = vplout + (xl>>16); while(spanlen-->0) { PLOT_PIXEL(*outbuf); outbuf++; #ifdef SPAN_ST s += sd; t += td; #endif #ifdef SPAN_ZI zi += zid; #endif #ifdef SPAN_Z z += zd; zb++; #endif } } } } #undef SPAN_ST #undef PLOT_PIXEL #endif } static void WT_Clip_Top(swthread_t *th, swvert_t *out, swvert_t *in, swvert_t *result) { float frac; frac = (0 - in->scoord[1]) / (float)(out->scoord[1] - in->scoord[1]); Vector2Interpolate(in->scoord, frac, out->scoord, result->scoord); FloatInterpolate(in->zicoord, frac, out->zicoord, result->zicoord); result->scoord[1] = 0; Vector2Interpolate(in->tccoord, frac, out->tccoord, result->tccoord); } static void WT_Clip_Bottom(swthread_t *th, swvert_t *out, swvert_t *in, swvert_t *result) { float frac; frac = ((th->vpheight) - in->scoord[1]) / (float)(out->scoord[1] - in->scoord[1]); Vector2Interpolate(in->scoord, frac, out->scoord, result->scoord); FloatInterpolate(in->zicoord, frac, out->zicoord, result->zicoord); result->scoord[1] = th->vpheight; Vector2Interpolate(in->tccoord, frac, out->tccoord, result->tccoord); } static void WT_Clip_Left(swthread_t *th, swvert_t *out, swvert_t *in, swvert_t *result) { float frac; frac = (0 - in->scoord[0]) / (float)(out->scoord[0] - in->scoord[0]); Vector2Interpolate(in->scoord, frac, out->scoord, result->scoord); FloatInterpolate(in->zicoord, frac, out->zicoord, result->zicoord); result->scoord[0] = 0; Vector2Interpolate(in->tccoord, frac, out->tccoord, result->tccoord); } static void WT_Clip_Right(swthread_t *th, swvert_t *out, swvert_t *in, swvert_t *result) { float frac; frac = ((th->vpwidth) - in->scoord[0]) / (float)(out->scoord[0] - in->scoord[0]); Vector2Interpolate(in->scoord, frac, out->scoord, result->scoord); FloatInterpolate(in->zicoord, frac, out->zicoord, result->zicoord); result->scoord[0] = th->vpwidth; Vector2Interpolate(in->tccoord, frac, out->tccoord, result->tccoord); } static void WT_Clip_Near(swthread_t *th, swvert_t *out, swvert_t *in, swvert_t *result) { float nearclip = 0; double frac; frac = (nearclip - in->zicoord) / (out->zicoord - in->zicoord); VectorInterpolate(in->vcoord, frac, out->vcoord, result->vcoord); FloatInterpolate(in->zicoord, frac, out->zicoord, result->zicoord); result->zicoord = nearclip; Vector2Interpolate(in->tccoord, frac, out->tccoord, result->tccoord); } static void WT_Clip_Far(swthread_t *th, swvert_t *out, swvert_t *in, swvert_t *result) { float farclip = 1; double frac; frac = (farclip - in->zicoord) / (out->zicoord - in->zicoord); VectorInterpolate(in->vcoord, frac, out->vcoord, result->vcoord); FloatInterpolate(in->zicoord, frac, out->zicoord, result->zicoord); result->zicoord = farclip; Vector2Interpolate(in->tccoord, frac, out->tccoord, result->tccoord); } static int WT_ClipPoly(swthread_t *th, int incount, swvert_t *inv, swvert_t *outv, int flag, void (*clip)(swthread_t *th, swvert_t *out, swvert_t *in, swvert_t *result)) { int p, c; int result = 0; int pf, cf; if (incount < 3) return 0; for (p = incount - 1, c = 0; c < incount; p = c, c++) { pf = inv[p].clipflags & flag; cf = inv[c].clipflags & flag; if (pf && cf) continue; //both clipped, skip it now if (pf ^ cf) { //crossed... emit a new vertex on the boundary if (cf) //new is offscreen clip(th, &inv[c], &inv[p], &outv[result]); else clip(th, &inv[p], &inv[c], &outv[result]); outv[result].clipflags = 0; if (outv[result].scoord[0] < 0) outv[result].clipflags |= CLIP_LEFT_FLAG; if (outv[result].scoord[0] > th->vpwidth) outv[result].clipflags |= CLIP_RIGHT_FLAG; if (outv[result].scoord[1] < 0) outv[result].clipflags |= CLIP_TOP_FLAG; if (outv[result].scoord[1] > th->vpheight) outv[result].clipflags |= CLIP_BOTTOM_FLAG; if (outv[result].zicoord < 0) outv[result].clipflags |= CLIP_NEAR_FLAG; if (outv[result].zicoord > ZI_MAX) outv[result].clipflags |= CLIP_FAR_FLAG; result++; } if (!cf) { outv[result] = inv[c]; result++; } } return result; } //transform the vertex and calculate its final position. static int WT_TransformVertXY(swthread_t *th, swvert_t *v) { int result = 0; vec4_t tr; Matrix4x4_CM_Transform34(th->u.matrix, v->vcoord, tr); if (tr[3] != 1) { tr[0] /= tr[3]; tr[1] /= tr[3]; tr[2] /= tr[3]; } v->scoord[0] = (tr[0]+1)/2 * th->vpwidth; if (v->scoord[0] < 0) result |= CLIP_LEFT_FLAG; if (v->scoord[0] > th->vpwidth) result |= CLIP_RIGHT_FLAG; v->scoord[1] = (tr[1]+1)/2 * th->vpheight; if (v->scoord[1] < 0) result |= CLIP_TOP_FLAG; if (v->scoord[1] > th->vpheight) result |= CLIP_BOTTOM_FLAG; v->clipflags = result; return result; } static void WT_ClipTriangle(swthread_t *th, swimage_t *img, swvert_t *v1, swvert_t *v2, swvert_t *v3) { unsigned int cflags; swvert_t final[2][64]; int list = 0; int i; int count; //check the near/far planes. v1->zicoord = DotProduct(v1->vcoord, th->u.viewplane) - th->u.viewplane[3]; if (v1->zicoord < 0) v1->clipflags = CLIP_NEAR_FLAG; else if (v1->zicoord >= ZI_MAX) v1->clipflags = CLIP_FAR_FLAG; else v1->clipflags = 0; v2->zicoord = DotProduct(v2->vcoord, th->u.viewplane) - th->u.viewplane[3]; if (v2->zicoord < 0) v2->clipflags = CLIP_NEAR_FLAG; else if (v2->zicoord >= ZI_MAX) v2->clipflags = CLIP_FAR_FLAG; else v2->clipflags = 0; v3->zicoord = DotProduct(v3->vcoord, th->u.viewplane) - th->u.viewplane[3]; if (v3->zicoord < 0) v3->clipflags = CLIP_NEAR_FLAG; else if (v3->zicoord >= ZI_MAX) v3->clipflags = CLIP_FAR_FLAG; else v3->clipflags = 0; if (v1->clipflags & v2->clipflags & v3->clipflags) return; //all verticies are off at least one plane cflags = v1->clipflags | v2->clipflags | v3->clipflags; if (0)//!cflags) { //figure out the final 2d positions cflags = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) cflags |= WT_TransformVertXY(th, &final[list][i]); } else { final[list][0] = *v1; final[list][1] = *v2; final[list][2] = *v3; count = 3; //clip to the screen if (cflags & CLIP_NEAR_FLAG) { // return; count = WT_ClipPoly(th, count, final[list], final[list^1], CLIP_NEAR_FLAG, WT_Clip_Near); list ^= 1; } if (cflags & CLIP_FAR_FLAG) { count = WT_ClipPoly(th, count, final[list], final[list^1], CLIP_FAR_FLAG, WT_Clip_Far); list ^= 1; } //figure out the final 2d positions cflags = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) cflags |= WT_TransformVertXY(th, &final[list][i]); } //and clip those by the screen (instead of by plane, to try to prevent crashes) if (cflags & CLIP_TOP_FLAG) { count = WT_ClipPoly(th, count, final[list], final[list^1], CLIP_TOP_FLAG, WT_Clip_Top); list ^= 1; } if (cflags & CLIP_BOTTOM_FLAG) { count = WT_ClipPoly(th, count, final[list], final[list^1], CLIP_BOTTOM_FLAG, WT_Clip_Bottom); list ^= 1; } if (cflags & CLIP_LEFT_FLAG) { count = WT_ClipPoly(th, count, final[list], final[list^1], CLIP_LEFT_FLAG, WT_Clip_Left); list ^= 1; } if (cflags & CLIP_RIGHT_FLAG) { count = WT_ClipPoly(th, count, final[list], final[list^1], CLIP_RIGHT_FLAG, WT_Clip_Right); list ^= 1; } //draw the damn thing. FIXME: generate spans and push to a fragment thread. for (i = 2; i < count; i++) { WT_Triangle(th, img, &final[list][0], &final[list][i-1], &final[list][i]); } } void WQ_ClearBuffer(swthread_t *t, unsigned int *mbuf, qintptr_t stride, unsigned int clearval) { int y; int x; unsigned int *buf; for (y = t->interlaceline; y < t->vpheight; y += t->interlacemod) { buf = mbuf + stride*y; for (x = 0; x < (t->vpwidth & ~15);) { buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; buf[x++] = clearval; } for (; x < t->vpwidth; ) buf[x++] = clearval; } } qboolean WT_HandleCommand(swthread_t *t, wqcom_t *com) { index_t *idx; int i; switch(com->com.command) { case WTC_DIE: t->readpoint += com->com.cmdsize; return 1; case WTC_NOOP: break; case WTC_NEWFRAME: break; case WTC_UNIFORMS: memcpy(&t->u, &com->uniforms.u, sizeof(t->u)); break; case WTC_VIEWPORT: t->vpcbuf = com->viewport.cbuf; t->vpdbuf = com->viewport.dbuf; t->vpwidth = com->viewport.width; t->vpheight = com->viewport.height; t->vpcstride = com->viewport.stride; if (!t->wq->numthreads) { t->interlacemod = com->viewport.interlace; //this many vthreads t->interlaceline = com->viewport.framenum%com->viewport.interlace; //this vthread } else { t->interlacemod = t->wq->numthreads*com->viewport.interlace; //this many vthreads t->interlaceline = (t->threadnum*com->viewport.interlace) + (com->viewport.framenum%com->viewport.interlace); //this vthread } if (com->viewport.clearcolour) { WQ_ClearBuffer(t, t->vpcbuf, t->vpcstride, 0); } if (com->viewport.cleardepth) { WQ_ClearBuffer(t, t->vpdbuf, t->vpwidth, ~0u); } break; case WTC_TRIFAN: for (i = 2; i < com->trifan.numverts; i++) { WT_ClipTriangle(t, com->trifan.texture, &com->trifan.verts[0], &com->trifan.verts[i-1], &com->trifan.verts[i]); } break; case WTC_TRISOUP: idx = (index_t*)(com->trisoup.verts + com->trisoup.numverts); for (i = 0; i < com->trisoup.numidx; i+=3, idx+=3) { WT_ClipTriangle(t, com->trisoup.texture, &com->trisoup.verts[idx[0]], &com->trisoup.verts[idx[1]], &com->trisoup.verts[idx[2]]); } break; case WTC_SPANS: break; default: Sys_Printf("Unknown render command!\n"); break; } t->readpoint += com->com.cmdsize; return false; } int WT_Main(void *ptr) { wqcom_t *com; swthread_t *t = ptr; for(;;) { if (t->readpoint == t->wq->pos) { Sys_Sleep(0); continue; } com = (wqcom_t*)&t->wq->queue[t->readpoint & WQ_MASK]; if (WT_HandleCommand(t, com)) break; } return 0; } void SWRast_EndCommand(struct workqueue_s *wq, wqcom_t *com) { wq->pos += com->com.cmdsize; if (!wq->numthreads) { //immediate mode WT_HandleCommand(wq->swthreads, com); } } wqcom_t *SWRast_BeginCommand(struct workqueue_s *wq, int cmdtype, unsigned int size) { wqcom_t *com; //round the command size up, so we always have space for a noop/wrap if needed size = (size + sizeof(com->align)) & ~(sizeof(com->align)-1); //generate a noop if we don't have enough space for the command if ((wq->pos&WQ_MASK) + size > WQ_SIZE) { // SWRast_Sync(); com = (wqcom_t *)&wq->queue[wq->pos&WQ_MASK]; com->com.cmdsize = WQ_SIZE - wq->pos&WQ_MASK; com->com.command = WTC_NOOP; SWRast_EndCommand(wq, com); } com = (wqcom_t *)&wq->queue[wq->pos&WQ_MASK]; com->com.cmdsize = size; com->com.command = cmdtype; return com; } void SWRast_Sync(struct workqueue_s *wq) { int i; swthread_t *t; for (i = 0; i < wq->numthreads; i++) { t = &wq->swthreads[i]; while (t->readpoint != wq->pos) ; } //all worker threads are up to speed } void SWRast_CreateThreadPool(struct workqueue_s *wq, int numthreads) { int i = 0; swthread_t *t; wq->pos = 0; numthreads = ((numthreads > WQ_MAXTHREADS)?WQ_MAXTHREADS:numthreads); #ifdef MULTITHREAD for (i = 0; i < numthreads; i++) { t = &wq->swthreads[i]; t->threadnum = i; t->thread = Sys_CreateThread("swrast", WT_Main, t, THREADP_NORMAL, 0); if (!t->thread) break; } #else numthreads = 0; #endif wq->numthreads = i; if (i == 0) numthreads = 1; else numthreads = i; for (i = 0; i < numthreads; i++) { wq->swthreads[i].readpoint = wq->pos; wq->swthreads[i].wq = wq; } } void SWRast_TerminateThreadPool(struct workqueue_s *wq) { int i; wqcom_t *com = SWRast_BeginCommand(wq, WTC_DIE, sizeof(com->com)); SWRast_EndCommand(wq, com); #ifdef MULTITHREAD for (i = 0; i < wq->numthreads; i++) { Sys_WaitOnThread(wq->swthreads[i].thread); } #endif wq->numthreads = 0; } void SW_Draw_Init(void) { R2D_Init(); R_InitFlashblends(); } void SW_Draw_Shutdown(void) { R2D_Shutdown(); } void SW_R_Init(void) { SWRast_CreateThreadPool(&commandqueue, sw_vthread.ival?1:0); sw_vthread.modified = true; } void SW_R_DeInit(void) { SWRast_TerminateThreadPool(&commandqueue); } void SW_R_RenderView(void) { extern cvar_t gl_screenangle; extern cvar_t gl_mindist; vec3_t newa; int tmpvisents = cl_numvisedicts; /*world rendering is allowed to add additional ents, but we don't want to keep them for recursive views*/ if (!cl.worldmodel || (!cl.worldmodel->nodes && cl.worldmodel->type != mod_heightmap)) r_refdef.flags |= RDF_NOWORLDMODEL; //no fbos here vid.fbvwidth = vid.width; vid.fbvheight = vid.height; vid.fbpwidth = vid.pixelwidth; vid.fbpheight = vid.pixelheight; { //figure out the viewport that we should be using. int x = floor(r_refdef.vrect.x * (float)vid.fbpwidth/(float)vid.width); int x2 = ceil((r_refdef.vrect.x + r_refdef.vrect.width) * (float)vid.fbpwidth/(float)vid.width); int y = floor(r_refdef.vrect.y * (float)vid.fbpheight/(float)vid.height); int y2 = ceil((r_refdef.vrect.y + r_refdef.vrect.height) * (float)vid.fbpheight/(float)vid.height); int w = x2 - x; int h = y2 - y; r_refdef.pxrect.x = x; r_refdef.pxrect.y = y; r_refdef.pxrect.width = w; r_refdef.pxrect.height = h; r_refdef.pxrect.maxheight = vid.fbpheight; } AngleVectors (r_refdef.viewangles, vpn, vright, vup); VectorCopy (r_refdef.vieworg, r_origin); if (r_refdef.useperspective) Matrix4x4_CM_Projection_Inf(r_refdef.m_projection, r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.fov_y, r_refdef.mindist); else Matrix4x4_CM_Orthographic(r_refdef.m_projection, -r_refdef.fov_x/2, r_refdef.fov_x/2, -r_refdef.fov_y/2, r_refdef.fov_y/2, r_refdef.mindist, r_refdef.maxdist>=1?r_refdef.maxdist:9999); VectorCopy(r_refdef.viewangles, newa); newa[0] = r_refdef.viewangles[0]; newa[1] = r_refdef.viewangles[1]; newa[2] = r_refdef.viewangles[2] + gl_screenangle.value; Matrix4x4_CM_ModelViewMatrix(r_refdef.m_view, newa, r_refdef.vieworg); R_SetFrustum (r_refdef.m_projection, r_refdef.m_view); RQ_BeginFrame(); Surf_DrawWorld (); // adds static entities to the list S_ExtraUpdate (); // don't let sound get messed up if going slow // R_DrawDecals(); R_RenderDlights (); RQ_RenderBatchClear(); cl_numvisedicts = tmpvisents; } qboolean SW_SCR_UpdateScreen(void) { wqcom_t *com; extern cvar_t gl_screenangle; float w = vid.width, h = vid.height; r_refdef.time = realtime; SWBE_Set2D(); SWRast_Sync(&commandqueue); SWRast_Sync(&spanqueue); SW_VID_SwapBuffers(); if (sw_vthread.modified) { SWRast_TerminateThreadPool(&commandqueue); SWRast_CreateThreadPool(&commandqueue, sw_vthread.ival?1:0); sw_vthread.modified = false; } if (sw_fthreads.modified) { SWRast_TerminateThreadPool(&spanqueue); SWRast_CreateThreadPool(&spanqueue, sw_fthreads.ival); sw_fthreads.modified = false; } com = SWRast_BeginCommand(&commandqueue, WTC_VIEWPORT, sizeof(com->viewport)); com->viewport.interlace = bound(0, sw_interlace.ival, 15)+1; com->viewport.clearcolour = r_clear.ival; com->viewport.cleardepth = true; SW_VID_UpdateViewport(com); SWRast_EndCommand(&commandqueue, com); Shader_DoReload(); R2D_Font_Changed(); //FIXME: playfilm/editor+q3ui SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole (); if (cls.state == ca_active) { if (!CSQC_DrawView()) V_RenderView (); R2D_BrightenScreen(); } SCR_DrawTwoDimensional(0, 0); V_UpdatePalette (false); return true; } void SW_VBO_Begin(vbobctx_t *ctx, size_t maxsize) { } void SW_VBO_Data(vbobctx_t *ctx, void *data, size_t size, vboarray_t *varray) { } void SW_VBO_Finish(vbobctx_t *ctx, void *edata, size_t esize, vboarray_t *earray, void **vbomem, void **ebomem) { } void SW_VBO_Destroy(vboarray_t *vearray, void *mem) { } void SWBE_Scissor(srect_t *rect) { } rendererinfo_t swrendererinfo = { "Software Renderer", { "sw", "Software", "SoftRast", }, QR_SOFTWARE, SW_Draw_Init, SW_Draw_Shutdown, SW_UpdateFiltering, SW_LoadTextureMips, SW_DestroyTexture, SW_R_Init, SW_R_DeInit, SW_R_RenderView, SW_VID_Init, SW_VID_DeInit, SW_VID_SwapBuffers, SW_VID_ApplyGammaRamps, NULL, NULL, NULL, SW_VID_SetWindowCaption, SW_VID_GetRGBInfo, SW_SCR_UpdateScreen, SWBE_SelectMode, SWBE_DrawMesh_List, SWBE_DrawMesh_Single, SWBE_SubmitBatch, SWBE_GetTempBatch, SWBE_DrawWorld, SWBE_Init, SWBE_GenBrushModelVBO, SWBE_ClearVBO, SWBE_UploadAllLightmaps, SWBE_SelectEntity, SWBE_SelectDLight, SWBE_Scissor, SWBE_LightCullModel, SW_VBO_Begin, SW_VBO_Data, SW_VBO_Finish, SW_VBO_Destroy, SWBE_RenderToTextureUpdate2d, "no more" }; #endif