/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // cl.input.c -- builds an intended movement command to send to the server #include "quakedef.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "winquake.h" //fps indep stuff. #endif float in_sensitivityscale = 1; void CL_SpareMsec_Callback (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue); cvar_t cl_nodelta = CVAR("cl_nodelta","0"); cvar_t cl_c2spps = CVAR("cl_c2spps", "0"); cvar_t cl_c2sImpulseBackup = SCVAR("cl_c2sImpulseBackup","3"); cvar_t cl_netfps = CVAR("cl_netfps", "150"); cvar_t cl_sparemsec = CVARC("cl_sparemsec", "10", CL_SpareMsec_Callback); cvar_t cl_queueimpulses = CVAR("cl_queueimpulses", "0"); cvar_t cl_smartjump = CVAR("cl_smartjump", "1"); cvar_t cl_prydoncursor = CVAR("cl_prydoncursor", ""); //for dp protocol cvar_t cl_instantrotate = CVARF("cl_instantrotate", "1", CVAR_SEMICHEAT); cvar_t in_xflip = {"in_xflip", "0"}; cvar_t prox_inmenu = CVAR("prox_inmenu", "0"); usercmd_t independantphysics[MAX_SPLITS]; vec3_t mousemovements[MAX_SPLITS]; /*kinda a hack...*/ static int con_splitmodifier; cvar_t cl_forcesplitclient = CVAR("in_forcesplitclient", "0"); extern cvar_t cl_splitscreen; int CL_TargettedSplit(qboolean nowrap) { char *c; int pnum; int mod; if (nowrap) mod = MAX_SPLITS; else mod = cl.splitclients; if (mod < 1) return 0; c = Cmd_Argv(0); pnum = atoi(c+strlen(c)-1); if (pnum && !(c[1] == 'b'&&c[2] == 'u' && !atoi(c+strlen(c)-2))) { pnum--; return pnum; } if (con_splitmodifier > 0) return (con_splitmodifier - 1) % mod; else if (cl_forcesplitclient.ival > 0) return (cl_forcesplitclient.ival-1) % mod; else return 0; } void CL_Split_f(void) { int tmp; char *c; c = Cmd_Argv(0); tmp = con_splitmodifier; if (*c == '+' || *c == '-') { con_splitmodifier = c[2]; Cmd_ExecuteString(va("%c%s", *c, Cmd_Args()), Cmd_ExecLevel); } else { con_splitmodifier = c[1]; Cmd_ExecuteString(Cmd_Args(), Cmd_ExecLevel); } con_splitmodifier = tmp; } void CL_SplitA_f(void) { int tmp; char *c, *args; c = Cmd_Argv(0); args = COM_Parse(Cmd_Args()); if (!args) return; while(*args == ' ' || *args == '\t') args++; tmp = con_splitmodifier; con_splitmodifier = atoi(com_token); if (*c == '+' || *c == '-') Cmd_ExecuteString(va("%c%s", *c, args), Cmd_ExecLevel); else Cmd_ExecuteString(args, Cmd_ExecLevel); con_splitmodifier = tmp; } /* =============================================================================== KEY BUTTONS Continuous button event tracking is complicated by the fact that two different input sources (say, mouse button 1 and the control key) can both press the same button, but the button should only be released when both of the pressing key have been released. When a key event issues a button command (+forward, +attack, etc), it appends its key number as a parameter to the command so it can be matched up with the release. state bit 0 is the current state of the key state bit 1 is edge triggered on the up to down transition state bit 2 is edge triggered on the down to up transition =============================================================================== */ kbutton_t in_mlook, in_klook; kbutton_t in_left, in_right, in_forward, in_back; kbutton_t in_lookup, in_lookdown, in_moveleft, in_moveright; kbutton_t in_strafe, in_speed, in_use, in_jump, in_attack; kbutton_t in_up, in_down; kbutton_t in_button3, in_button4, in_button5, in_button6, in_button7, in_button8; #define IN_IMPULSECACHE 256 int in_impulse[MAX_SPLITS][IN_IMPULSECACHE]; int in_nextimpulse[MAX_SPLITS]; int in_impulsespending[MAX_SPLITS]; float cursor_screen[2]; qboolean cursor_active; void KeyDown (kbutton_t *b) { int k; char *c; int pnum = CL_TargettedSplit(false); c = Cmd_Argv(1); if (c[0]) k = atoi(c)&255; else k = -1; // typed manually at the console for continuous down if (k == b->down[pnum][0] || k == b->down[pnum][1]) return; // repeating key if (!b->down[pnum][0]) b->down[pnum][0] = k; else if (!b->down[pnum][1]) b->down[pnum][1] = k; else { Con_Printf ("Three keys down for a button!\n"); return; } if (b->state[pnum] & 1) return; // still down b->state[pnum] |= 1 + 2; // down + impulse down } void KeyUp (kbutton_t *b) { int k; char *c; int pnum = CL_TargettedSplit(false); c = Cmd_Argv(1); if (c[0]) k = atoi(c)&255; else { // typed manually at the console, assume for unsticking, so clear all b->down[pnum][0] = b->down[pnum][1] = 0; b->state[pnum] = 4; // impulse up return; } if (b->down[pnum][0] == k) b->down[pnum][0] = 0; else if (b->down[pnum][1] == k) b->down[pnum][1] = 0; else return; // key up without coresponding down (menu pass through) if (b->down[pnum][0] || b->down[pnum][1]) return; // some other key is still holding it down if (!(b->state[pnum] & 1)) return; // still up (this should not happen) b->state[pnum] &= ~1; // now up b->state[pnum] |= 4; // impulse up } void IN_KLookDown (void) {KeyDown(&in_klook);} void IN_KLookUp (void) {KeyUp(&in_klook);} void IN_MLookDown (void) {KeyDown(&in_mlook);} void IN_MLookUp (void) { int pnum = CL_TargettedSplit(false); KeyUp(&in_mlook); if ( !(in_mlook.state[pnum]&1) && lookspring.ival) V_StartPitchDrift(pnum); } void IN_UpDown(void) {KeyDown(&in_up);} void IN_UpUp(void) {KeyUp(&in_up);} void IN_DownDown(void) {KeyDown(&in_down);} void IN_DownUp(void) {KeyUp(&in_down);} void IN_LeftDown(void) {KeyDown(&in_left);} void IN_LeftUp(void) {KeyUp(&in_left);} void IN_RightDown(void) {KeyDown(&in_right);} void IN_RightUp(void) {KeyUp(&in_right);} void IN_ForwardDown(void) {KeyDown(&in_forward);} void IN_ForwardUp(void) {KeyUp(&in_forward);} void IN_BackDown(void) {KeyDown(&in_back);} void IN_BackUp(void) {KeyUp(&in_back);} void IN_LookupDown(void) {KeyDown(&in_lookup);} void IN_LookupUp(void) {KeyUp(&in_lookup);} void IN_LookdownDown(void) {KeyDown(&in_lookdown);} void IN_LookdownUp(void) {KeyUp(&in_lookdown);} void IN_MoveleftDown(void) {KeyDown(&in_moveleft);} void IN_MoveleftUp(void) {KeyUp(&in_moveleft);} void IN_MoverightDown(void) {KeyDown(&in_moveright);} void IN_MoverightUp(void) {KeyUp(&in_moveright);} void IN_SpeedDown(void) {KeyDown(&in_speed);} void IN_SpeedUp(void) {KeyUp(&in_speed);} void IN_StrafeDown(void) {KeyDown(&in_strafe);} void IN_StrafeUp(void) {KeyUp(&in_strafe);} void IN_AttackDown(void) {KeyDown(&in_attack);} void IN_AttackUp(void) {KeyUp(&in_attack);} void IN_UseDown (void) {KeyDown(&in_use);} void IN_UseUp (void) {KeyUp(&in_use);} void IN_JumpDown (void) { qboolean condition; int pnum = CL_TargettedSplit(false); condition = (cls.state == ca_active && cl_smartjump.ival && !prox_inmenu.ival); #ifdef Q2CLIENT if (condition && cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2) KeyDown(&in_up); else #endif if (condition && cl.playerview[pnum].stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0 && !cls.demoplayback && !cl.spectator && cl.inframes[cl.validsequence&UPDATE_MASK].playerstate[cl.playernum[pnum]].messagenum == cl.validsequence && cl.waterlevel[pnum] >= 2 && (!cl.teamfortress || !(in_forward.state[pnum] & 1)) ) KeyDown(&in_up); else if (condition && cl.spectator && Cam_TrackNum(pnum) == -1) KeyDown(&in_up); else KeyDown(&in_jump); } void IN_JumpUp (void) { if (cl_smartjump.ival) KeyUp(&in_up); KeyUp(&in_jump); } void IN_Button3Down(void) {KeyDown(&in_button3);} void IN_Button3Up(void) {KeyUp(&in_button3);} void IN_Button4Down(void) {KeyDown(&in_button4);} void IN_Button4Up(void) {KeyUp(&in_button4);} void IN_Button5Down(void) {KeyDown(&in_button5);} void IN_Button5Up(void) {KeyUp(&in_button5);} void IN_Button6Down(void) {KeyDown(&in_button6);} void IN_Button6Up(void) {KeyUp(&in_button6);} void IN_Button7Down(void) {KeyDown(&in_button7);} void IN_Button7Up(void) {KeyUp(&in_button7);} void IN_Button8Down(void) {KeyDown(&in_button8);} void IN_Button8Up(void) {KeyUp(&in_button8);} float in_rotate; void IN_Rotate_f (void) {in_rotate += atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));} //is this useful? //This function incorporates Tonik's impulse 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 to select the prefered weapon on the basis of having it. //It also incorporates split screen input as well as impulse buffering void IN_Impulse (void) { int newimp; int best, i, imp, items; int pnum = CL_TargettedSplit(false); newimp = Q_atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (Cmd_Argc() > 2) { items = cl.playerview[pnum].stats[STAT_ITEMS]; best = 0; for (i = Cmd_Argc() - 1; i > 0; i--) { imp = Q_atoi(Cmd_Argv(i)); if (imp < 1 || imp > 8) continue; switch (imp) { case 1: if (items & IT_AXE) best = 1; break; case 2: if (items & IT_SHOTGUN && cl.playerview[pnum].stats[STAT_SHELLS] >= 1) best = 2; break; case 3: if (items & IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN && cl.playerview[pnum].stats[STAT_SHELLS] >= 2) best = 3; break; case 4: if (items & IT_NAILGUN && cl.playerview[pnum].stats[STAT_NAILS] >= 1) best = 4; break; case 5: if (items & IT_SUPER_NAILGUN && cl.playerview[pnum].stats[STAT_NAILS] >= 2) best = 5; break; case 6: if (items & IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER && cl.playerview[pnum].stats[STAT_ROCKETS] >= 1) best = 6; break; case 7: if (items & IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER && cl.playerview[pnum].stats[STAT_ROCKETS] >= 1) best = 7; break; case 8: if (items & IT_LIGHTNING && cl.playerview[pnum].stats[STAT_CELLS] >= 1) best = 8; } } if (best) newimp = best; } if (in_impulsespending[pnum]>=IN_IMPULSECACHE) { Con_Printf("Too many impulses, ignoring %i\n", newimp); return; } if (cl_queueimpulses.ival) { in_impulse[pnum][(in_nextimpulse[pnum]+in_impulsespending[pnum])%IN_IMPULSECACHE] = newimp; in_impulsespending[pnum]++; } else { in_impulse[pnum][(in_nextimpulse[pnum])%IN_IMPULSECACHE] = newimp; in_impulsespending[pnum]=1; } } void IN_Restart (void) { IN_Shutdown(); IN_ReInit(); } /* =============== CL_KeyState Returns 0.25 if a key was pressed and released during the frame, 0.5 if it was pressed and held 0 if held then released, and 1.0 if held for the entire time =============== */ float CL_KeyState (kbutton_t *key, int pnum) { float val; qboolean impulsedown, impulseup, down; impulsedown = key->state[pnum] & 2; impulseup = key->state[pnum] & 4; down = key->state[pnum] & 1; val = 0; if (impulsedown && !impulseup) { if (down) val = 0.5; // pressed and held this frame else val = 0; // I_Error (); } if (impulseup && !impulsedown) { if (down) val = 0; // I_Error (); else val = 0; // released this frame } if (!impulsedown && !impulseup) { if (down) val = 1.0; // held the entire frame else val = 0; // up the entire frame } if (impulsedown && impulseup) { if (down) val = 0.75; // released and re-pressed this frame else val = 0.25; // pressed and released this frame } key->state[pnum] &= 1; // clear impulses return val; } void CL_ProxyMenuHook(char *command, kbutton_t *key) { if ((key->state[0] & 3) == 3) //2 is impulse down, 1 is held down { key->state[0] = 0; // clear impulses Cbuf_AddText(command, RESTRICT_DEFAULT); } } void CL_ProxyMenuHooks(void) { if (!prox_inmenu.ival) return; CL_ProxyMenuHook("say proxy:menu down\n", &in_back); CL_ProxyMenuHook("say proxy:menu up\n", &in_forward); CL_ProxyMenuHook("say proxy:menu left\n", &in_left); CL_ProxyMenuHook("say proxy:menu right\n", &in_right); CL_ProxyMenuHook("say proxy:menu left\n", &in_moveleft); CL_ProxyMenuHook("say proxy:menu right\n", &in_moveright); CL_ProxyMenuHook("say proxy:menu use\n", &in_jump); } //========================================================================== cvar_t cl_upspeed = SCVARF("cl_upspeed","400", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t cl_forwardspeed = SCVARF("cl_forwardspeed","400", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t cl_backspeed = SCVARF("cl_backspeed","400", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t cl_sidespeed = SCVARF("cl_sidespeed","400", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t cl_movespeedkey = SCVAR("cl_movespeedkey","2.0"); cvar_t cl_yawspeed = SCVAR("cl_yawspeed","140"); cvar_t cl_pitchspeed = SCVAR("cl_pitchspeed","150"); cvar_t cl_anglespeedkey = SCVAR("cl_anglespeedkey","1.5"); /* ================ CL_AdjustAngles Moves the local angle positions ================ */ void CL_AdjustAngles (int pnum, double frametime) { float speed, quant; float up, down; if (in_speed.state[pnum] & 1) { if (ruleset_allow_frj.ival) speed = frametime * cl_anglespeedkey.ival; else speed = frametime * bound(-2, cl_anglespeedkey.ival, 2); } else speed = frametime; if (in_rotate && pnum==0 && !(cl.fpd & FPD_LIMIT_YAW)) { quant = in_rotate; if (!cl_instantrotate.ival) quant *= speed; in_rotate -= quant; if (ruleset_allow_frj.ival) cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[YAW] += quant; } if (!(in_strafe.state[pnum] & 1)) { quant = cl_yawspeed.ival; if (cl.fpd & FPD_LIMIT_YAW || !ruleset_allow_frj.ival) quant = bound(-900, quant, 900); cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[YAW] -= speed*quant * CL_KeyState (&in_right, pnum); cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[YAW] += speed*quant * CL_KeyState (&in_left, pnum); } if (in_klook.state[pnum] & 1) { V_StopPitchDrift (pnum); quant = cl_pitchspeed.ival; if (cl.fpd & FPD_LIMIT_PITCH || !ruleset_allow_frj.ival) quant = bound(-700, quant, 700); cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[PITCH] -= speed*quant * CL_KeyState (&in_forward, pnum); cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[PITCH] += speed*quant * CL_KeyState (&in_back, pnum); } up = CL_KeyState (&in_lookup, pnum); down = CL_KeyState(&in_lookdown, pnum); quant = cl_pitchspeed.ival; if (!ruleset_allow_frj.ival) quant = bound(-700, quant, 700); cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[PITCH] -= speed*cl_pitchspeed.ival * up; cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[PITCH] += speed*cl_pitchspeed.ival * down; if (up || down) V_StopPitchDrift (pnum); } /* ================ CL_BaseMove Send the intended movement message to the server ================ */ void CL_BaseMove (usercmd_t *cmd, int pnum, float extra, float wantfps) { float scale = 1;//extra/1000.0f * 1/wantfps; // // adjust for speed key // if (in_speed.state[pnum] & 1) scale *= cl_movespeedkey.value; if (in_strafe.state[pnum] & 1) { cmd->sidemove += scale*cl_sidespeed.value * CL_KeyState (&in_right, pnum); cmd->sidemove -= scale*cl_sidespeed.value * CL_KeyState (&in_left, pnum); } cmd->sidemove += scale*cl_sidespeed.value * CL_KeyState (&in_moveright, pnum); cmd->sidemove -= scale*cl_sidespeed.value * CL_KeyState (&in_moveleft, pnum); if(in_xflip.ival) cmd->sidemove *= -1; cmd->upmove += scale*cl_upspeed.value * CL_KeyState (&in_up, pnum); cmd->upmove -= scale*cl_upspeed.value * CL_KeyState (&in_down, pnum); if (! (in_klook.state[pnum] & 1) ) { cmd->forwardmove += scale*cl_forwardspeed.value * CL_KeyState (&in_forward, pnum); cmd->forwardmove -= scale*cl_backspeed.value * CL_KeyState (&in_back, pnum); } } int MakeChar (int i) { if (i < -127*4) i = -127*4; if (i > 127*4) i = 127*4; return i; } void CL_ClampPitch (int pnum) { float mat[16]; float roll; static float oldtime; float timestep = realtime - oldtime; oldtime = realtime; #if 0 if (cl.pmovetype[pnum] == PM_WALLWALK) { vec3_t impact; vec3_t norm; float mat2[16]; vec3_t cross; vec3_t view[4]; float dot; AngleVectors(cl.viewangles[pnum], view[0], view[1], view[2]); Matrix4x4_RM_FromVectors(mat, view[0], view[1], view[2], vec3_origin); Matrix4_Multiply(Matrix4x4_CM_NewRotation(-cl.viewanglechange[pnum][PITCH], 0, 1, 0), mat, mat2); Matrix4_Multiply(Matrix4x4_CM_NewRotation(cl.viewanglechange[pnum][YAW], 0, 0, 1), mat2, mat); Matrix3x4_RM_ToVectors(mat, view[0], view[1], view[2], view[3]); VectorMA(cl.simorg[pnum], -48, view[2], view[3]); if (!TraceLineN(cl.simorg[pnum], view[3], impact, norm)) { norm[0] = 0; norm[1] = 0; norm[2] = 1; } /*keep the roll relative to the 'ground'*/ CrossProduct(norm, view[2], cross); dot = DotProduct(view[0], cross); roll = timestep * 360 * -(dot); Matrix4_Multiply(Matrix4x4_CM_NewRotation(roll, 1, 0, 0), mat, mat2); Matrix3x4_RM_ToVectors(mat2, view[0], view[1], view[2], view[3]); VectorAngles(view[0], view[2], cl.viewangles[pnum]); cl.viewangles[pnum][PITCH]=360 - cl.viewangles[pnum][PITCH]; VectorClear(cl.viewanglechange[pnum]); return; } #endif #if 1 if ((cl.playerview[pnum].gravitydir[2] != -1 || cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[2]) && !cl.playerview[pnum].fixangles && !cl.intermission) { float surfm[16], invsurfm[16]; float viewm[16]; vec3_t view[4]; vec3_t surf[3]; vec3_t vang; void PerpendicularVector( vec3_t dst, const vec3_t src ); /*calc current view matrix relative to the surface*/ AngleVectors(cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles, view[0], view[1], view[2]); VectorNegate(view[1], view[1]); /*calculate the surface axis with up from the pmove code and right/forwards relative to the player's directions*/ if (!cl.playerview[pnum].gravitydir[0] && !cl.playerview[pnum].gravitydir[1] && !cl.playerview[pnum].gravitydir[2]) { VectorSet(surf[2], 0, 0, 1); } else { VectorNegate(cl.playerview[pnum].gravitydir, surf[2]); } VectorNormalize(surf[2]); PerpendicularVector(surf[1], surf[2]); VectorNormalize(surf[1]); CrossProduct(surf[2], surf[1], surf[0]); VectorNegate(surf[0], surf[0]); VectorNormalize(surf[0]); Matrix4x4_RM_FromVectors(surfm, surf[0], surf[1], surf[2], vec3_origin); Matrix3x4_InvertTo4x4_Simple(surfm, invsurfm); /*calc current view matrix relative to the surface*/ Matrix4x4_RM_FromVectors(viewm, view[0], view[1], view[2], vec3_origin); Matrix4_Multiply(viewm, invsurfm, mat); /*convert that back to angles*/ Matrix3x4_RM_ToVectors(mat, view[0], view[1], view[2], view[3]); VectorAngles(view[0], view[2], vang); vang[PITCH] *= -1; /*edit it*/ if (vang[PITCH] < -180) vang[PITCH] += 360; if (vang[PITCH] > 180) vang[PITCH] -= 360; if (vang[ROLL] > 180) vang[ROLL] -= 360; vang[PITCH] += cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[PITCH]; vang[YAW] += cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[YAW]; /*keep the player looking relative to their ground (smoothlyish)*/ if (!vang[ROLL]) { if (!cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[PITCH] && !cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[YAW] && !cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[ROLL]) return; } else { if (fabs(vang[ROLL]) < host_frametime*180) vang[ROLL] = 0; else if (vang[ROLL] > 0) vang[ROLL] -= host_frametime*180; else vang[ROLL] += host_frametime*180; } VectorClear(cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange); /*clamp pitch*/ if (vang[PITCH] > cl.maxpitch) vang[PITCH] = cl.maxpitch; if (vang[PITCH] < cl.minpitch) vang[PITCH] = cl.minpitch; /*turn those angles back to a matrix*/ AngleVectors(vang, view[0], view[1], view[2]); VectorNegate(view[1], view[1]); Matrix4x4_RM_FromVectors(mat, view[0], view[1], view[2], vec3_origin); /*rotate back into world space*/ Matrix4_Multiply(mat, surfm, viewm); /*and figure out the final result*/ Matrix3x4_RM_ToVectors(viewm, view[0], view[1], view[2], view[3]); VectorAngles(view[0], view[2], cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles); cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] *= -1; if (cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] < -180) cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] += 360; return; } #endif cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] += cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[PITCH]; cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[YAW] += cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[YAW]; cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[ROLL] += cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[ROLL]; VectorClear(cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange); #ifdef Q2CLIENT if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2) { float pitch; pitch = SHORT2ANGLE(cl.q2frame.playerstate.pmove.delta_angles[PITCH]); if (pitch > 180) pitch -= 360; if (cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] + pitch < -360) cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] += 360; // wrapped if (cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] + pitch > 360) cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] -= 360; // wrapped if (cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] + pitch > cl.maxpitch) cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] = cl.maxpitch - pitch; if (cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] + pitch < cl.minpitch) cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] = cl.minpitch - pitch; } else #endif #ifdef Q3CLIENT if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE3) //q3 expects the cgame to do it { //no-op } else #endif { if (cl.playerview[pnum].fixangle) return; if (cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] > cl.maxpitch) cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] = cl.maxpitch; if (cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] < cl.minpitch) cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[PITCH] = cl.minpitch; } // if (cl.viewangles[pnum][ROLL] > 50) // cl.viewangles[pnum][ROLL] = 50; // if (cl.viewangles[pnum][ROLL] < -50) // cl.viewangles[pnum][ROLL] = -50; roll = timestep*cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[ROLL]*30; if ((cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[ROLL]-roll < 0) != (cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[ROLL]<0)) cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[ROLL] = 0; else cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[ROLL] -= timestep*cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[ROLL]*3; } /* ============== CL_FinishMove ============== */ void CL_FinishMove (usercmd_t *cmd, int msecs, int pnum) { int i; int bits; CL_ClampPitch(pnum); // // always dump the first two message, because it may contain leftover inputs // from the last level // if (cl.movesequence <= 2) { cmd->buttons = 0; return; } // // figure button bits // bits = 0; if (in_attack .state[pnum] & 3) bits |= 1; in_attack.state[pnum] &= ~2; if (in_jump .state[pnum] & 3) bits |= 2; in_jump.state[pnum] &= ~2; if (in_use .state[pnum] & 3) bits |= 4; in_use.state[pnum] &= ~2; if (in_button3.state[pnum] & 3) bits |= 4; in_button3.state[pnum] &= ~2; //yup, flag 4 twice. if (in_button4.state[pnum] & 3) bits |= 8; in_button4.state[pnum] &= ~2; if (in_button5.state[pnum] & 3) bits |= 16; in_button5.state[pnum] &= ~2; if (in_button6.state[pnum] & 3) bits |= 32; in_button6.state[pnum] &= ~2; if (in_button7.state[pnum] & 3) bits |= 64; in_button7.state[pnum] &= ~2; if (in_button8.state[pnum] & 3) bits |= 128; in_button8.state[pnum] &= ~2; cmd->buttons = bits; // send milliseconds of time to apply the move cmd->msec = msecs; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) cmd->angles[i] = ((int)(cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[i]*65536.0/360)&65535); if (in_impulsespending[pnum] && !cl.paused) { in_nextimpulse[pnum]++; in_impulsespending[pnum]--; cmd->impulse = in_impulse[pnum][(in_nextimpulse[pnum]-1)%IN_IMPULSECACHE]; } else cmd->impulse = 0; } void CL_DrawPrydonCursor(void) { if (cursor_active && cl_prydoncursor.ival > 0) { SCR_DrawCursor(cl_prydoncursor.ival); V_StopPitchDrift (0); } } void CL_UpdatePrydonCursor(usercmd_t *from, float cursor_screen[2], vec3_t cursor_start, vec3_t cursor_impact, int *entnum) { vec3_t cursor_end; vec3_t temp; vec3_t cursor_impact_normal; cursor_active = true; if (!cl_prydoncursor.ival) { //center the cursor cursor_screen[0] = 0; cursor_screen[1] = 0; } else { cursor_screen[0] = mousecursor_x/(vid.width/2.0f) - 1; cursor_screen[1] = mousecursor_y/(vid.height/2.0f) - 1; if (cursor_screen[0] < -1) cursor_screen[0] = -1; if (cursor_screen[1] < -1) cursor_screen[1] = -1; if (cursor_screen[0] > 1) cursor_screen[0] = 1; if (cursor_screen[1] > 1) cursor_screen[1] = 1; } /* if (cl.cmd.cursor_screen[0] < -1) { cl.viewangles[YAW] -= m_yaw.value * (cl.cmd.cursor_screen[0] - -1) * vid.realwidth * sensitivity.value * cl.viewzoom; cl.cmd.cursor_screen[0] = -1; } if (cl.cmd.cursor_screen[0] > 1) { cl.viewangles[YAW] -= m_yaw.value * (cl.cmd.cursor_screen[0] - 1) * vid.realwidth * sensitivity.value * cl.viewzoom; cl.cmd.cursor_screen[0] = 1; } if (cl.cmd.cursor_screen[1] < -1) { cl.viewangles[PITCH] += m_pitch.value * (cl.cmd.cursor_screen[1] - -1) * vid.realheight * sensitivity.value * cl.viewzoom; cl.cmd.cursor_screen[1] = -1; } if (cl.cmd.cursor_screen[1] > 1) { cl.viewangles[PITCH] += m_pitch.value * (cl.cmd.cursor_screen[1] - 1) * vid.realheight * sensitivity.value * cl.viewzoom; cl.cmd.cursor_screen[1] = 1; } */ VectorClear(cursor_start); temp[0] = (cursor_screen[0]+1)/2; temp[1] = (-cursor_screen[1]+1)/2; temp[2] = 1; VectorCopy(r_origin, cursor_start); Matrix4x4_CM_UnProject(temp, cursor_end, cl.playerview[0].viewangles, cursor_start, r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.fov_y); CL_SetSolidEntities(); //don't bother with players, they don't exist in NQ... TraceLineN(cursor_start, cursor_end, cursor_impact, cursor_impact_normal); *entnum = 0; // P_RunParticleEffect(cursor_impact, vec3_origin, 15, 16); } #ifdef NQPROT void CLNQ_SendMove (usercmd_t *cmd, int pnum, sizebuf_t *buf) { int i; if (cls.demoplayback!=DPB_NONE) return; //err... don't bother... :) // // always dump the first two message, because it may contain leftover inputs // from the last level // if (cl.movesequence <= 2 || cls.state == ca_connected) { MSG_WriteByte (buf, clc_nop); return; } MSG_WriteByte (buf, clc_move); if (cls.protocol_nq >= CPNQ_DP7 || (cls.fteprotocolextensions2 & PEXT2_PREDINFO)) MSG_WriteLong(buf, cl.movesequence); MSG_WriteFloat (buf, cl.gametime); // so server can get ping times for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { if ((cls.protocol_nq == CPNQ_FITZ666 || cls.protocol_nq == CPNQ_PROQUAKE3_4) && buf->prim.anglesize <= 1) { //fitz/proquake protocols are always 16bit for this angle and 8bit elsewhere. rmq is always at least 16bit //the above logic should satify everything. MSG_WriteAngle16 (buf, cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[i]); } else MSG_WriteAngle (buf, cl.playerview[pnum].viewangles[i]); } MSG_WriteShort (buf, cmd->forwardmove); MSG_WriteShort (buf, cmd->sidemove); MSG_WriteShort (buf, cmd->upmove); if (cls.protocol_nq >= CPNQ_DP6 || (cls.fteprotocolextensions2 & PEXT2_PRYDONCURSOR)) { vec3_t cursor_start, cursor_impact; int cursor_entitynumber; CL_UpdatePrydonCursor(cmd, cursor_screen, cursor_start, cursor_impact, &cursor_entitynumber); MSG_WriteLong (buf, cmd->buttons); MSG_WriteByte (buf, cmd->impulse); MSG_WriteShort (buf, cursor_screen[0] * 32767.0f); MSG_WriteShort (buf, cursor_screen[1] * 32767.0f); MSG_WriteFloat (buf, cursor_start[0]); MSG_WriteFloat (buf, cursor_start[1]); MSG_WriteFloat (buf, cursor_start[2]); MSG_WriteFloat (buf, cursor_impact[0]); MSG_WriteFloat (buf, cursor_impact[1]); MSG_WriteFloat (buf, cursor_impact[2]); MSG_WriteEntity (buf, cursor_entitynumber); } else { MSG_WriteByte (buf, cmd->buttons); MSG_WriteByte (buf, cmd->impulse); } } void Name_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue) { if (cls.state <= ca_connected) return; if (cls.protocol != CP_NETQUAKE) return; CL_SendClientCommand(true, "name \"%s\"\n", var->string); } void CLNQ_SendCmd(sizebuf_t *buf) { int i; usercmd_t *cmd; i = cl.movesequence & UPDATE_MASK; cl.outframes[i].senttime = realtime; cmd = &cl.outframes[i].cmd[0]; *cmd = independantphysics[0]; cmd->lightlevel = 0; #ifdef CSQC_DAT CSQC_Input_Frame(0, cmd); #endif memset(&independantphysics[0], 0, sizeof(independantphysics[0])); //inputs are only sent once we receive an entity. if (cls.signon == 4) { // send the unreliable message if (independantphysics[0].impulse && !cls.netchan.message.cursize) CLNQ_SendMove (cmd, 0, &cls.netchan.message); else CLNQ_SendMove (cmd, 0, buf); } for (i = 0; i < cl.numackframes; i++) { MSG_WriteByte(buf, clcdp_ackframe); MSG_WriteLong(buf, cl.ackframes[i]); } cl.numackframes = 0; } #else void Name_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue) { } #endif float CL_FilterTime (double time, float wantfps, qboolean ignoreserver) //now returns the extra time not taken in this slot. Note that negative 1 means uncapped. { float fps, fpscap; if (cls.timedemo || cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE3) return -1; /*ignore the server if we're playing demos, sending to the server only as replies, or if its meant to be disabled (netfps depending on where its called from)*/ if (cls.demoplayback != DPB_NONE || cls.protocol != CP_QUAKEWORLD || ignoreserver) { if (!wantfps) return -1; fps = max (30.0, wantfps); } else { fpscap = cls.maxfps ? max (30.0, cls.maxfps) : 0x7fff; #ifdef IRCCONNECT if (cls.netchan.remote_address.type == NA_IRC) fps = bound (0.1, wantfps, fpscap); //if we're connected via irc, allow a greatly reduced minimum cap else #endif if (wantfps < 1) fps = fpscap; else fps = bound (6.7, wantfps, fpscap); //we actually cap ourselves to 150msecs (1000/7 = 142) } if (time < 1000 / fps) return 0; return time - (1000 / fps); } qboolean allowindepphys; typedef struct clcmdbuf_s { struct clcmdbuf_s *next; int len; qboolean reliable; char command[4]; //this is dynamically allocated, so this is variably sized. } clcmdbuf_t; clcmdbuf_t *clientcmdlist; void VARGS CL_SendClientCommand(qboolean reliable, char *format, ...) { qboolean oldallow; va_list argptr; char string[2048]; clcmdbuf_t *buf, *prev; if (cls.demoplayback && cls.demoplayback != DPB_EZTV) return; //no point. va_start (argptr, format); Q_vsnprintfz (string,sizeof(string), format,argptr); va_end (argptr); Con_DPrintf("Queing stringcmd %s\n", string); #ifdef Q3CLIENT if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE3) { CLQ3_SendClientCommand("%s", string); return; } #endif oldallow = allowindepphys; CL_AllowIndependantSendCmd(false); buf = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*buf)+strlen(string)); strcpy(buf->command, string); buf->len = strlen(buf->command); buf->reliable = reliable; //add to end of the list so that the first of the list is the first to be sent. if (!clientcmdlist) clientcmdlist = buf; else { for (prev = clientcmdlist; prev->next; prev=prev->next) ; prev->next = buf; } CL_AllowIndependantSendCmd(oldallow); } int CL_RemoveClientCommands(char *command) { clcmdbuf_t *next, *first; int removed = 0; int len = strlen(command); CL_AllowIndependantSendCmd(false); if (!clientcmdlist) return 0; while(!strncmp(clientcmdlist->command, command, len)) { next = clientcmdlist->next; Z_Free(clientcmdlist); clientcmdlist=next; removed++; if (!clientcmdlist) return removed; } first = clientcmdlist; while(first->next) { if (!strncmp(first->next->command, command, len)) { next = first->next->next; Z_Free(first->next); first->next = next; removed++; } else first = first->next; } return removed; } void CL_FlushClientCommands(void) { clcmdbuf_t *next; CL_AllowIndependantSendCmd(false); while(clientcmdlist) { Con_DPrintf("Flushed command %s\n", clientcmdlist->command); next = clientcmdlist->next; Z_Free(clientcmdlist); clientcmdlist=next; } } qboolean runningindepphys; #ifdef MULTITHREAD void *indeplock; void *indepthread; void CL_AllowIndependantSendCmd(qboolean allow) { if (!runningindepphys) return; if (allowindepphys != allow && runningindepphys) { if (allow) Sys_UnlockMutex(indeplock); else Sys_LockMutex(indeplock); allowindepphys = allow; } } int CL_IndepPhysicsThread(void *param) { double sleeptime; double fps; double time, lasttime; double spare; lasttime = Sys_DoubleTime(); while(runningindepphys) { time = Sys_DoubleTime(); spare = CL_FilterTime((time - lasttime)*1000, cl_netfps.value, false); if (spare) { //don't let them bank too much and get sudden bursts if (spare > 15) spare = 15; time -= spare/1000.0f; Sys_LockMutex(indeplock); if (cls.state) CL_SendCmd(time - lasttime, false); lasttime = time; Sys_UnlockMutex(indeplock); } fps = cl_netfps.value; if (fps < 4) fps = 4; while (fps < 100) fps*=2; sleeptime = 1/fps; Sys_Sleep(sleeptime); } return 0; } void CL_UseIndepPhysics(qboolean allow) { if (runningindepphys == allow) return; if (allow) { //enable it indeplock = Sys_CreateMutex(); runningindepphys = true; indepthread = Sys_CreateThread("indepphys", CL_IndepPhysicsThread, NULL, THREADP_HIGHEST, 8192); allowindepphys = true; } else { //shut it down. runningindepphys = false; //tell thread to exit gracefully Sys_LockMutex(indeplock); Sys_WaitOnThread(indepthread); Sys_UnlockMutex(indeplock); Sys_DestroyMutex(indeplock); } } #else void CL_AllowIndependantSendCmd(qboolean allow) { } void CL_UseIndepPhysics(qboolean allow) { } #endif void CL_SpareMsec_Callback (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue) { if (var->value > 50) { Cvar_ForceSet(var, "50"); return; } else if (var->value < 0) { Cvar_ForceSet(var, "0"); return; } } /* ================= CL_SendCmd ================= */ vec3_t accum[MAX_SPLITS]; qboolean CL_WriteDeltas (int plnum, sizebuf_t *buf) { int i; usercmd_t *cmd, *oldcmd; qboolean dontdrop = false; i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence-2) & UPDATE_MASK; cmd = &cl.outframes[i].cmd[plnum]; if (cl_c2sImpulseBackup.ival >= 2) dontdrop = dontdrop || cmd->impulse; MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (buf, &nullcmd, cmd); oldcmd = cmd; i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence-1) & UPDATE_MASK; if (cl_c2sImpulseBackup.ival >= 3) dontdrop = dontdrop || cmd->impulse; cmd = &cl.outframes[i].cmd[plnum]; MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (buf, oldcmd, cmd); oldcmd = cmd; i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence) & UPDATE_MASK; if (cl_c2sImpulseBackup.ival >= 1) dontdrop = dontdrop || cmd->impulse; cmd = &cl.outframes[i].cmd[plnum]; MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (buf, oldcmd, cmd); return dontdrop; } #ifdef Q2CLIENT qboolean CLQ2_SendCmd (sizebuf_t *buf) { int seq_hash; qboolean dontdrop; usercmd_t *cmd; int checksumIndex, i; qbyte lightlev; seq_hash = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence; // send this and the previous cmds in the message, so // if the last packet was dropped, it can be recovered i = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK; cmd = &cl.outframes[i].cmd[0]; if (cls.resendinfo) { MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clcq2_userinfo); MSG_WriteString (&cls.netchan.message, cls.userinfo[0]); cls.resendinfo = false; } MSG_WriteByte (buf, clcq2_move); // save the position for a checksum qbyte checksumIndex = buf->cursize; MSG_WriteByte (buf, 0); if (!cl.q2frame.valid || cl_nodelta.ival) MSG_WriteLong (buf, -1); // no compression else MSG_WriteLong (buf, cl.q2frame.serverframe); lightlev = R_LightPoint(cl.playerview[0].simorg); // msecs = msecs - (double)msecstouse; i = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK; cmd = &cl.outframes[i].cmd[0]; *cmd = independantphysics[0]; cmd->lightlevel = lightlev; cl.outframes[i].senttime = realtime; memset(&independantphysics[0], 0, sizeof(independantphysics[0])); if (cmd->buttons) cmd->buttons |= 128; //fixme: this isn't really what's meant by the anykey. // calculate a checksum over the move commands dontdrop = CL_WriteDeltas(0, buf); buf->data[checksumIndex] = Q2COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte( buf->data + checksumIndex + 1, buf->cursize - checksumIndex - 1, seq_hash); if (cl.sendprespawn) buf->cursize = 0; //tastyspleen.net is alergic. return dontdrop; } #endif qboolean CLQW_SendCmd (sizebuf_t *buf) { int seq_hash; qboolean dontdrop = false; usercmd_t *cmd; int checksumIndex, firstsize, plnum; int clientcount, lost; int curframe; int st = buf->cursize; cl.movesequence = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence; //make sure its correct even over map changes. curframe = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK; seq_hash = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence; // send this and the previous cmds in the message, so // if the last packet was dropped, it can be recovered clientcount = cl.splitclients; if (!clientcount) clientcount = 1; for (plnum = 0; plnum<clientcount; plnum++) { cmd = &cl.outframes[curframe].cmd[plnum]; *cmd = independantphysics[plnum]; cmd->lightlevel = 0; #ifdef CSQC_DAT CSQC_Input_Frame(plnum, cmd); #endif memset(&independantphysics[plnum], 0, sizeof(independantphysics[plnum])); } cl.outframes[curframe].senttime = realtime; if ((cls.fteprotocolextensions2 & PEXT2_PRYDONCURSOR) && (*cl_prydoncursor.string && cl_prydoncursor.ival >= 0) && cls.state == ca_active) { vec3_t cursor_start, cursor_impact; int cursor_entitynumber = 0; cmd = &cl.outframes[curframe].cmd[0]; CL_UpdatePrydonCursor(cmd, cursor_screen, cursor_start, cursor_impact, &cursor_entitynumber); MSG_WriteByte (buf, clc_prydoncursor); MSG_WriteShort(buf, cursor_screen[0] * 32767.0f); MSG_WriteShort(buf, cursor_screen[1] * 32767.0f); MSG_WriteFloat(buf, cursor_start[0]); MSG_WriteFloat(buf, cursor_start[1]); MSG_WriteFloat(buf, cursor_start[2]); MSG_WriteFloat(buf, cursor_impact[0]); MSG_WriteFloat(buf, cursor_impact[1]); MSG_WriteFloat(buf, cursor_impact[2]); MSG_WriteEntity(buf, cursor_entitynumber); } else cursor_active = false; MSG_WriteByte (buf, clc_move); // save the position for a checksum qbyte checksumIndex = buf->cursize; MSG_WriteByte (buf, 0); // write our lossage percentage lost = CL_CalcNet(); MSG_WriteByte (buf, (qbyte)lost); firstsize=0; for (plnum = 0; plnum<clientcount; plnum++) { cmd = &cl.outframes[curframe].cmd[plnum]; if (plnum) MSG_WriteByte (buf, clc_move); dontdrop = CL_WriteDeltas(plnum, buf) || dontdrop; if (!firstsize) firstsize = buf->cursize; } // calculate a checksum over the move commands buf->data[checksumIndex] = COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte( buf->data + checksumIndex + 1, firstsize - checksumIndex - 1, seq_hash); // request delta compression of entities if (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - cl.validsequence >= UPDATE_BACKUP-1) cl.validsequence = 0; //delta_sequence is the _expected_ previous sequences, so is set before it arrives. if (cl.validsequence && !cl_nodelta.ival && cls.state == ca_active && !cls.demorecording) { cl.inframes[cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence&UPDATE_MASK].delta_sequence = cl.validsequence; MSG_WriteByte (buf, clc_delta); // Con_Printf("%i\n", cl.validsequence); MSG_WriteByte (buf, cl.validsequence&255); } else cl.inframes[cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence&UPDATE_MASK].delta_sequence = -1; if (cl.sendprespawn) buf->cursize = st; //tastyspleen.net is alergic. return dontdrop; } void CL_SendCmd (double frametime, qboolean mainloop) { sizebuf_t buf; qbyte data[1024]; int i, plnum; usercmd_t *cmd; float wantfps; qboolean fullsend; static float pps_balance = 0; static int dropcount = 0; static double msecs; int msecstouse; qboolean dontdrop=false; clcmdbuf_t *next; if (runningindepphys) { double curtime; static double lasttime; curtime = Sys_DoubleTime(); frametime = curtime - lasttime; lasttime = curtime; } CL_ProxyMenuHooks(); if (cls.demoplayback != DPB_NONE) { if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_MVD || cls.demoplayback == DPB_EZTV) { extern cvar_t cl_splitscreen; cl.ackedmovesequence = cl.movesequence; i = cl.movesequence & UPDATE_MASK; cl.movesequence++; cl.outframes[i].senttime = realtime; // we haven't gotten a reply yet // cl.outframes[i].receivedtime = -1; // we haven't gotten a reply yet if (cl.splitclients > cl_splitscreen.ival+1) { cl.splitclients = cl_splitscreen.ival+1; if (cl.splitclients < 1) cl.splitclients = 1; } for (plnum = 0; plnum < cl.splitclients; plnum++) { cmd = &cl.outframes[i].cmd[plnum]; memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd)); msecs += frametime*1000; if (msecs > 50) msecs = 50; cmd->msec = msecs; msecs -= cmd->msec; independantphysics[0].msec = 0; CL_AdjustAngles (plnum, frametime); // get basic movement from keyboard CL_BaseMove (cmd, plnum, 1, 1); // allow mice or other external controllers to add to the move IN_Move (mousemovements[plnum], plnum); independantphysics[plnum].forwardmove += mousemovements[plnum][0]; independantphysics[plnum].sidemove += mousemovements[plnum][1]; independantphysics[plnum].upmove += mousemovements[plnum][2]; VectorClear(mousemovements[plnum]); // if we are spectator, try autocam if (cl.spectator) Cam_Track(plnum, cmd); CL_FinishMove(cmd, cmd->msec, plnum); Cam_FinishMove(plnum, cmd); } while (clientcmdlist) { next = clientcmdlist->next; CL_Demo_ClientCommand(clientcmdlist->command); Con_DPrintf("Sending stringcmd %s\n", clientcmdlist->command); Z_Free(clientcmdlist); clientcmdlist = next; } cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence = cl.movesequence; } IN_Move (NULL, 0); return; // sendcmds come from the demo } memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.maxsize = sizeof(data); buf.cursize = 0; buf.data = data; buf.prim = cls.netchan.message.prim; #ifdef IRCCONNECT if (cls.netchan.remote_address.type != NA_IRC) #endif if (msecs>150) //q2 has 200 slop. msecs=150; msecs += frametime*1000; // Con_Printf("%f\n", msecs); if (msecs<0) msecs=0; //erm. msecstouse = (int)msecs; //casts round down. if (msecstouse == 0) return; #ifdef IRCCONNECT if (cls.netchan.remote_address.type != NA_IRC) #endif if (msecstouse > 200) // cap at 200 to avoid servers splitting movement more than four times msecstouse = 200; // align msecstouse to avoid servers wasting our msecs if (msecstouse > 100) msecstouse &= ~3; // align to 4 else if (msecstouse > 50) msecstouse &= ~1; // align to 2 wantfps = cl_netfps.value; fullsend = true; if (!runningindepphys) { // while we're not playing send a slow keepalive fullsend to stop mvdsv from screwing up if (cls.state < ca_active && !cls.downloadmethod) { #ifdef IRCCONNECT //don't spam irc. if (cls.netchan.remote_address.type == NA_IRC) wantfps = 0.5; else #endif wantfps = 12.5; } if (cl_netfps.value > 0 || !fullsend) { int spare; spare = CL_FilterTime(msecstouse, wantfps, false); if (!spare && (msecstouse < 200 #ifdef IRCCONNECT || cls.netchan.remote_address.type == NA_IRC #endif )) fullsend = false; if (spare > cl_sparemsec.ival) spare = cl_sparemsec.ival; if (spare > 0) msecstouse -= spare; } } #ifdef HLCLIENT if (!CLHL_BuildUserInput(msecstouse, &independantphysics[0])) #endif for (plnum = 0; plnum < cl.splitclients; plnum++) { // CL_BaseMove (&independantphysics[plnum], plnum, (msecstouse - independantphysics[plnum].msec), wantfps); CL_AdjustAngles (plnum, frametime); IN_Move (mousemovements[plnum], plnum); CL_ClampPitch(plnum); independantphysics[plnum].forwardmove += mousemovements[plnum][0]; independantphysics[plnum].sidemove += mousemovements[plnum][1]; independantphysics[plnum].upmove += mousemovements[plnum][2]; VectorClear(mousemovements[plnum]); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) independantphysics[plnum].angles[i] = ((int)(cl.playerview[plnum].viewangles[i]*65536.0/360)&65535); if (!independantphysics[plnum].msec) { CL_BaseMove (&independantphysics[plnum], plnum, (msecstouse - independantphysics[plnum].msec), wantfps); CL_FinishMove(&independantphysics[plnum], msecstouse, plnum); } // if we are spectator, try autocam // if (cl.spectator) Cam_Track(plnum, &independantphysics[plnum]); Cam_FinishMove(plnum, &independantphysics[plnum]); independantphysics[plnum].msec = msecstouse; } //the main loop isn't allowed to send if (runningindepphys && mainloop) return; // if (skipcmd) // return; if (!fullsend) return; // when we're actually playing we try to match netfps exactly to avoid gameplay problems #ifdef NQPROT if (cls.protocol != CP_NETQUAKE || cls.netchan.nqreliable_allowed) #endif { CL_SendDownloadReq(&buf); while (clientcmdlist) { next = clientcmdlist->next; if (clientcmdlist->reliable) { if (cls.netchan.message.cursize + 2+strlen(clientcmdlist->command)+100 > cls.netchan.message.maxsize) break; MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd); MSG_WriteString (&cls.netchan.message, clientcmdlist->command); } else { if (buf.cursize + 2+strlen(clientcmdlist->command)+100 <= buf.maxsize) { MSG_WriteByte (&buf, clc_stringcmd); MSG_WriteString (&buf, clientcmdlist->command); } } Con_DPrintf("Sending stringcmd %s\n", clientcmdlist->command); Z_Free(clientcmdlist); clientcmdlist = next; } } // if we're not doing clc_moves and etc, don't continue unless we wrote something previous // or we have something on the reliable buffer (or we're loopback and don't care about flooding) if (!fullsend && cls.netchan.remote_address.type != NA_LOOPBACK && buf.cursize < 1 && cls.netchan.message.cursize < 1) return; if (fullsend) { switch (cls.protocol) { #ifdef NQPROT case CP_NETQUAKE: msecs -= (double)msecstouse; CLNQ_SendCmd (&buf); break; #endif case CP_QUAKEWORLD: msecs -= (double)msecstouse; dontdrop = CLQW_SendCmd (&buf); break; #ifdef Q2CLIENT case CP_QUAKE2: msecs -= (double)msecstouse; dontdrop = CLQ2_SendCmd (&buf); break; #endif #ifdef Q3CLIENT case CP_QUAKE3: CLQ3_SendCmd(&independantphysics[0]); memset(&independantphysics[0], 0, sizeof(independantphysics[0])); return; // Q3 does it's own thing #endif default: Host_EndGame("Invalid protocol in CL_SendCmd: %i", cls.protocol); return; } } i = cl.movesequence & UPDATE_MASK; cmd = &cl.outframes[i].cmd[0]; if (cls.demorecording) CL_WriteDemoCmd(cmd); cl.movesequence++; #ifdef IRCCONNECT if (cls.netchan.remote_address.type == NA_IRC) { if (dropcount >= 2) { dropcount = 0; } else { // don't count this message when calculating PL cl.inframes[i].latency = -3; // drop this message cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence++; dropcount++; return; } } else #endif //shamelessly stolen from fuhquake if (cl_c2spps.ival>0) { pps_balance += frametime; // never drop more than 2 messages in a row -- that'll cause PL // and don't drop if one of the last two movemessages have an impulse if (pps_balance > 0 || dropcount >= 2 || dontdrop) { float pps; pps = cl_c2spps.ival; if (pps < 10) pps = 10; if (pps > 72) pps = 72; pps_balance -= 1 / pps; // bound pps_balance. FIXME: is there a better way? if (pps_balance > 0.1) pps_balance = 0.1; if (pps_balance < -0.1) pps_balance = -0.1; dropcount = 0; } else { // don't count this message when calculating PL cl.inframes[i].latency = -3; // drop this message cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence++; dropcount++; return; } } else { pps_balance = 0; dropcount = 0; } #ifdef VOICECHAT S_Voip_Transmit(clc_voicechat, &buf); #endif // // deliver the message // Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, buf.cursize, buf.data, 2500); if (cls.netchan.fatal_error) { cls.netchan.fatal_error = false; cls.netchan.message.overflowed = false; cls.netchan.message.cursize = 0; } } static char *VARGS vahunk(char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; char *ret; va_start (argptr, format); Q_vsnprintfz (string,sizeof(string), format,argptr); va_end (argptr); ret = Hunk_Alloc(strlen(string)+1); strcpy(ret, string); return ret; } void CL_SendCvar_f (void) { cvar_t *var; char *val; char *name = Cmd_Argv(1); var = Cvar_FindVar(name); if (!var) val = ""; else if (var->flags & CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND) val = ""; else val = var->string; CL_SendClientCommand(true, "sentcvar %s \"%s\"", name, val); } /* ============ CL_InitInput ============ */ void CL_InitInput (void) { int sp; #define inputnetworkcvargroup "client networking options" cl.splitclients = 1; Cmd_AddCommand("rotate", IN_Rotate_f); Cmd_AddCommand("in_restart", IN_Restart); Cmd_AddCommand("sendcvar", CL_SendCvar_f); Cvar_Register (&in_xflip, inputnetworkcvargroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_nodelta, inputnetworkcvargroup); Cvar_Register (&prox_inmenu, inputnetworkcvargroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_c2sImpulseBackup, inputnetworkcvargroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_c2spps, inputnetworkcvargroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_queueimpulses, inputnetworkcvargroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_netfps, inputnetworkcvargroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_sparemsec, inputnetworkcvargroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_smartjump, inputnetworkcvargroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_prydoncursor, inputnetworkcvargroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_instantrotate, inputnetworkcvargroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_forcesplitclient, inputnetworkcvargroup); for (sp = 0; sp < MAX_SPLITS; sp++) { Cmd_AddCommand (vahunk("p%i", sp+1), CL_Split_f); Cmd_AddCommand (vahunk("+p%i", sp+1), CL_Split_f); Cmd_AddCommand (vahunk("-p%i", sp+1), CL_Split_f); /*default mlook to pressed, (on android we split the two sides of the screen)*/ in_mlook.state[sp] = 1; } /*then alternative arged ones*/ Cmd_AddCommand ("p", CL_SplitA_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("+p", CL_SplitA_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("-p", CL_SplitA_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("+moveup", IN_UpDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-moveup", IN_UpUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+movedown", IN_DownDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-movedown", IN_DownUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+left", IN_LeftDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-left", IN_LeftUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+right", IN_RightDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-right", IN_RightUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+forward", IN_ForwardDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-forward", IN_ForwardUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+back", IN_BackDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-back", IN_BackUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+lookup", IN_LookupDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-lookup", IN_LookupUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+lookdown", IN_LookdownDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-lookdown", IN_LookdownUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+strafe", IN_StrafeDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-strafe", IN_StrafeUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+moveleft", IN_MoveleftDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-moveleft", IN_MoveleftUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+moveright", IN_MoverightDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-moveright", IN_MoverightUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+speed", IN_SpeedDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-speed", IN_SpeedUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+attack", IN_AttackDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-attack", IN_AttackUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+use", IN_UseDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-use", IN_UseUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+jump", IN_JumpDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-jump", IN_JumpUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("impulse", IN_Impulse); Cmd_AddCommand ("+klook", IN_KLookDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-klook", IN_KLookUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+mlook", IN_MLookDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-mlook", IN_MLookUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button3", IN_Button3Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button3", IN_Button3Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button4", IN_Button4Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button4", IN_Button4Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button5", IN_Button5Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button5", IN_Button5Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button6", IN_Button6Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button6", IN_Button6Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button7", IN_Button7Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button7", IN_Button7Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button8", IN_Button8Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button8", IN_Button8Up); }