#ifndef LOADSAVE_QC #define LOADSAVE_QC //I'm feeling lazy, so I'm going to only provide X slots, like quake's menu. static string savenames[] = { "a0", "a1", "a2", "quick", "s0", "s1", "s2", "s3", "s4", "s5", "s6", "s7", "s8", "s9", }; #define NUMSAVESLOTS savenames.length /* class mitem_savescreeny : mitem { virtual void(vector pos) item_draw = { string s = sprintf("saves/s%g/screeny.png", selectedsaveslot); if not(whichpack(s)) if (drawgetimagesize(s) != '0 0 0') ui.drawpic(pos, s, item_size, item_rgb, item_alpha, 0); }; }; */ class mitem_saveoption : mitem_text { string slot; float mode; virtual void() mitem_saveoption = { if (mode) item_flags |= IF_SELECTABLE; }; virtual void(vector pos) item_draw = { //some sort of pulsing if its active. if (item_flags & IF_KFOCUSED) ui.drawfill(pos, item_size, '1 0 0', sin(cltime)*0.125+0.150, 0); float w = stringwidth(item_text, TRUE, '1 1 0'*item_scale); ui.drawstring(pos + [(item_size_x-w)/2, 0], item_text, '1 1 0' * item_scale, menuitem_textcolour(this), item_alpha, 0); }; virtual float(vector pos, float scan, float char, float down) item_keypress = { if (!down) return FALSE; if (ISCONFIRMKEY(scan) || ((scan == K_MOUSE1 || scan == K_TOUCHTAP) && mouseinbox(pos, this.item_size))) { if (item_flags & IF_KFOCUSED) { switch(mode) { case 0: break; //can't load a slot which is empty. case 1: localcmd(sprintf("m_pop;load %s\n", slot)); break; case 2: //FTE has a savegame_legacy command if you want compatibility with other engines. localcmd(sprintf("m_pop;wait;echo \"%s\";save %s\n", _("Saving Game"), slot)); //localcmd(sprintf("m_pop;wait;screenshot saves/s%g/screeny.png;echo \"%s\";save s%g\n", slot, _("Saving Game"), slot)); break; } } else { item_parent.item_focuschange(this, IF_KFOCUSED); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; }; }; class mitem_savepreview : mitem { //assumption: the only selectable children in the parent are save options. virtual void(vector pos) item_draw = { mitem_saveoption sel; sel = (mitem_saveoption)item_parent.item_kactivechild; if (sel) { string s = sprintf("saves/%s/screeny.tga", sel.slot); if (drawgetimagesize(s) != '0 0 0') ui.drawpic(pos, s, item_size, item_rgb, item_alpha, 0); } }; }; static string(string savename) scansave = { string l; float f = fopen(sprintf("saves/%s/info.fsv", savename), FILE_READ); if (f < 0) f = fopen(sprintf("%s.sav", savename), FILE_READ); if (f < 0) return __NULL__; //weird fgets(f); //should be the version l = fgets(f); //description if (l) l = strreplace("_", " ", l); fclose(f); return l; }; void(mitem_desktop desktop, float mode) M_LoadSave = { mitem_exmenu m = spawn(mitem_exmenu, item_text:"Load/Save", item_flags:IF_SELECTABLE, item_command:"m_main"); desktop.add(m, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX, '0 0', '0 0'); desktop.item_focuschange(m, IF_KFOCUSED); m.totop(); string l; float i; float smode; float pos = NUMSAVESLOTS*16/-2; mitem_pic banner = spawn(mitem_pic, item_text:((mode==2)?"gfx/p_save.lmp":"gfx/p_load.lmp"), item_size_y:24, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN); m.add(banner, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MID, [(banner.item_size_x)*-0.5, pos-32], [(banner.item_size_x)*0.5, pos-8]); for (i = 0; i < NUMSAVESLOTS; i++) { l = scansave(savenames[i]); smode = mode; if (l=="") { l = "Empty Slot"; if (mode==1) smode = 0; } m.addm(spawn (mitem_saveoption, item_scale:16, slot:savenames[i], mode:smode, item_text:l), [-320, pos+i*16], [320, pos+(i+1)*16]); } m.addm(spawn(mitem_savepreview), [-320, -240], [320, 240]); addmenuback(m); }; void(mitem_desktop desktop) M_Load = { M_LoadSave(desktop, 1); }; void(mitem_desktop desktop) M_Save = { if (!(isserver() || dp_workarounds)) M_Main(desktop); //can't save when not connected. this should be rare, but can if you use the console or the main menu options are stale. else M_LoadSave(desktop, 2); }; #endif