dnl dnl This file will be processed to provide relevant package lists for the various packages built from FTE's source. dnl The output will need to be combined with any other packages, and then signed for these packages to be considered valid. dnl Users can add extra sources with the `pkg addsource URL' console command (will show a prompt, to try to avoid exploits). dnl define(`DATE',FTE_DATE)dnl define(`REVISION',FTE_REVISION)dnl define(`DLSIZE',`esyscmd(`stat --printf="%s" $1')')dnl define(`SHA512',`esyscmd(`fteqw -sha512 $1')')dnl define(`URL',`url "$1" dlsize "DLSIZE($1)" sha512 "SHA512($1)" ')dnl define(`CAT',`$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9')dnl define(`ZIP',`unzipfile "$2" URL($1$3)')dnl define(`FILE',`file "$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9"')dnl define(`WINENGINE',`category "Engine" ver "REVISION" gamedir "" license "GPLv2" { arch "win_x86-FTE$1" FILE(fteqw_,REVISION,_32.exe) ZIP(win32/,CAT($2,.exe),CAT($2,_win32.zip)) } { arch "win_x64-FTE$1" FILE(fteqw_,REVISION,_64.exe) ZIP(win64/,CAT($2,64.exe),CAT($2,_win64.zip)) }')dnl define(`LINENGINE2',`{ arch "linux_amd64-FTE$1" FILE(fteqw_,REVISION,_64.bin) ZIP(linux_amd64/,CAT($2,64),$3) }')dnl define(`LINENGINE',`LINENGINE2($1,$2,CAT($2_lin64.zip))')dnl define(`HIDE',)dnl define(`GAME',`ifelse(FTE_GAME,$1,$2 ,)')dnl define(`TEST',`ifelse(FTE_TEST,`1',` test "1" ',` test "0" ')')dnl { package "fte_cl" WINENGINE(-m,fteqw) LINENGINE(-m,fteqw) title "CAT(`FTE Engine ',DATE)" desc "The awesome FTE engine (multi-renderer build)" TEST()dnl } HIDE(` { package "fte_cl_gl" dnl WINENGINE(-gl,fteglqw) dnl //don't bother advertising it on linux dnl title "CAT(`FTE Engine ',DATE,` - OpenGL'") desc "The awesome FTE engine (OpenGL-only build)" TEST()dnl } { package "fte_cl_vk" dnl WINENGINE(-vk,ftevkqw) dnl //don't bother advertising it on linux dnl title "CAT(`FTE Engine ',DATE,` - Vulkan')" desc "The awesome FTE engine (Vulkan-only build)" TEST()dnl } { package "fte_cl_d3d" dnl WINENGINE(-d3d,fted3dqw) //no d3d on linux dnl title "CAT(`FTE Engine ',DATE,` - Direct3D')" desc "The awesome FTE engine (Direct3D-only build)" TEST()dnl }')dnl { package "fte_sv" WINENGINE(-sv,fteqwsv) LINENGINE2(-sv,fteqw-sv,fteqwsv_lin64.zip) title "CAT(`FTE Engine ',DATE,` - Server')" desc "The awesome FTE engine (server-only build)" TEST()dnl } define(`WINPLUG',`category "Plugins" ver "REVISION" gamedir "" license "GPLv2" { arch "win_x86" FILE(fteplug_$1_x86.REVISION.dll) URL(win32/fteplug_$1_x86.dll) } { arch "win_x64" FILE(fteplug_$1_x64.REVISION.dll) URL(win64/fteplug_$1_x64.dll) }')dnl define(`LINPLUG',`{ arch "linux_amd64" FILE(fteplug_$1_amd64.REVISION,.so) URL(linux_amd64/fteplug_$1_amd64.so) }')dnl GAME(quake, { package "fteplug_ezhud" WINPLUG(ezhud) LINPLUG(ezhud) title "EzHud Plugin" replace "ezhud" desc "Some lame alternative configurable hud." TEST()dnl })dnl GAME(quake, { package "fteplug_qi" WINPLUG(qi) LINPLUG(qi) category "Plugins" title "Quake Injector Plugin" replace "Quake Injector Plugin" author "Spike" website "https://www.quaddicted.com/reviews/" desc "Provides a way to quickly list+install+load numerous different maps and mods. Some better than others." desc "If you're a single-player fan then these will keep you going for quite some time." desc "The database used is from quaddicted.com." TEST()dnl })dnl { package "fteplug_irc" WINPLUG(irc) LINPLUG(irc) title "IRC Plugin" replace "IRC Plugin" desc "Allows you to converse on IRC servers in-game." TEST()dnl } { package "fteplug_xmpp" WINPLUG(xmpp) LINPLUG(xmpp) title "XMPP Plugin" desc "Allows you to converse on XMPP servers. This also includes a method for NAT holepunching between contacts." TEST()dnl } HIDE(` { package "fteplug_models" WINPLUG(models) LINPLUG(models) title "Model exporter plugin" desc "" TEST()dnl } { package fteplug_ode TEST()dnl } { package fteplug_cef TEST()dnl } { package "fteplug_ffmpeg" { arch "win_x86" file "fteplug_ffmpeg_x86."#REVISION#".dll" url "win32/fteplug_ffmpeg_x86.dll" } { arch "win_x64" file "fteplug_ffmpeg_x64."#REVISION#".dll" url "win64/fteplug_ffmpeg_x64.dll" } // { // arch "linux_x64" // file "fteplug_ffmpeg_amd64."#REVISION#".so" // url "linux_amd64/fteplug_ffmpeg_amd64.so" // } ver REVISION category "Plugins" title "FFmpeg Plugin" file "fteplug_ffmpeg" gamedir "" TEST()dnl } { package "libffmpeg" { arch "win_x86" url "win32/ffmpeg-4.0-x86.zip" } { arch "win_x64" url "win64/ffmpeg-4.0-x64.zip" } // { // arch "linux_x64" // url "linux_amd64/ffmpeg-4.0-fteplug_ezhud_amd64.so" // } ver "4.0" category "Plugins" title "FFmpeg Library" extract "zip" gamedir "" } ')dnl GAME(quake2, { package "q2game_baseq2" { arch "win_x86" FILE(q2gamex86_baseq2.dll) URL(win32/q2gamex86_baseq2.dll) } { arch "win_x64" FILE(q2gamex64_baseq2.dll) URL(win64/q2gamex64_baseq2.dll) } { arch "linux_amd64" FILE(q2gameamd64_baseq2.so) URL(linux_amd64/q2gameamd64_baseq2.so) } ver "20190606" category "Mods" title "Gamecode: Base Game" license "GPLv2" website "https://github.com/yquake2/yquake2" desc "Quake2 Gamecode (from yamagiq2). Required for single player or servers." TEST()dnl })dnl GAME(quake, { package "fte_csaddon" category "Plugins" title "Ingame Map Editor" ver REVISION gamedir "fte" FILE(csaddon.dat) URL(csaddon/csaddon.dat) desc "This is Spike's map editing user interface. It is only active while running singleplayer (or sv_cheats is enabled)." desc "To activate, set the ca_show cvar to 1 (suggestion: ^abind c toggle ca_show^a)." license "GPLv2, source on fte's svn" author "Spike" TEST()dnl })dnl GAME(quake, { package "fte_menusys" category "AfterQuake" title "Replacement Menus" ver REVISION gamedir "fte" FILE(menu.dat) URL(csaddon/menu.dat) desc "This provides a more modern mouse-first menu system." license "GPLv2, source on fte's svn" author "Spike" TEST()dnl })dnl