//#include "glquake.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR #define VKInstWin32Funcs VKFunc(CreateWin32SurfaceKHR) #endif #ifdef ANDROID #define VK_USE_PLATFORM_ANDROID_KHR #define VKInstXLibFuncs VKFunc(CreateAndroidSurfaceKHR) #elif defined(__linux__) #define VK_USE_PLATFORM_XLIB_KHR #define VKInstXLibFuncs VKFunc(CreateXlibSurfaceKHR) #define VK_USE_PLATFORM_XCB_KHR #define VKInstXCBFuncs VKFunc(CreateXcbSurfaceKHR) #endif #define VK_NO_PROTOTYPES #include "../vulkan/vulkan.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(UINT64_MAX) #define UINT64_MAX _UI64_MAX #ifndef _UI64_MAX #define _UI64_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffui64 #endif #endif #ifndef VKInstWin32Funcs #define VKInstWin32Funcs #endif #ifndef VKInstXLibFuncs #define VKInstXLibFuncs #endif #ifndef VKInstXCBFuncs #define VKInstXCBFuncs #endif #define VKInstArchFuncs VKInstWin32Funcs VKInstXLibFuncs VKInstXCBFuncs //funcs needed for creating an instance #define VKInstFuncs \ VKFunc(EnumerateInstanceLayerProperties) \ VKFunc(EnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties) \ VKFunc(CreateInstance) //funcs specific to an instance #define VKInst2Funcs \ VKFunc(EnumeratePhysicalDevices) \ VKFunc(EnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties) \ VKFunc(GetPhysicalDeviceProperties) \ VKFunc(GetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties) \ VKFunc(GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR) \ VKFunc(GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR) \ VKFunc(GetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR) \ VKFunc(GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR) \ VKFunc(GetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties) \ VKFunc(GetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties) \ VKFunc(GetPhysicalDeviceFeatures) \ VKFunc(DestroySurfaceKHR) \ VKFunc(CreateDevice) \ VKFunc(DestroyInstance) \ VKInstArchFuncs //funcs specific to a device #define VKDevFuncs \ VKFunc(AcquireNextImageKHR) \ VKFunc(QueuePresentKHR) \ VKFunc(CreateSwapchainKHR) \ VKFunc(GetSwapchainImagesKHR) \ VKFunc(DestroySwapchainKHR) \ VKFunc(CmdBeginRenderPass) \ VKFunc(CmdEndRenderPass) \ VKFunc(CmdBindPipeline) \ VKFunc(CmdDrawIndexedIndirect) \ VKFunc(CmdDraw) \ VKFunc(CmdDrawIndexed) \ VKFunc(CmdSetViewport) \ VKFunc(CmdSetScissor) \ VKFunc(CmdBindDescriptorSets) \ VKFunc(CmdBindIndexBuffer) \ VKFunc(CmdBindVertexBuffers) \ VKFunc(CmdPushConstants) \ VKFunc(CmdPushDescriptorSetKHR) \ VKFunc(CmdClearAttachments) \ VKFunc(CmdClearColorImage) \ VKFunc(CmdClearDepthStencilImage) \ VKFunc(CmdCopyImage) \ VKFunc(CmdCopyBuffer) \ VKFunc(CmdCopyImageToBuffer) \ VKFunc(CmdCopyBufferToImage) \ VKFunc(CmdBlitImage) \ VKFunc(CmdPipelineBarrier) \ VKFunc(CmdSetEvent) \ VKFunc(CmdResetEvent) \ VKFunc(CmdWaitEvents) \ VKFunc(CreateDescriptorSetLayout) \ VKFunc(DestroyDescriptorSetLayout) \ VKFunc(CreatePipelineLayout) \ VKFunc(DestroyPipelineLayout) \ VKFunc(CreateShaderModule) \ VKFunc(DestroyShaderModule) \ VKFunc(CreateGraphicsPipelines) \ VKFunc(DestroyPipeline) \ VKFunc(CreatePipelineCache) \ VKFunc(GetPipelineCacheData) \ VKFunc(DestroyPipelineCache) \ VKFunc(QueueSubmit) \ VKFunc(QueueWaitIdle) \ VKFunc(DeviceWaitIdle) \ VKFunc(BeginCommandBuffer) \ VKFunc(ResetCommandBuffer) \ VKFunc(EndCommandBuffer) \ VKFunc(DestroyDevice) \ VKFunc(GetDeviceQueue) \ VKFunc(GetBufferMemoryRequirements) \ VKFunc(GetImageMemoryRequirements) \ VKFunc(GetImageSubresourceLayout) \ VKFunc(CreateFramebuffer) \ VKFunc(DestroyFramebuffer) \ VKFunc(CreateCommandPool) \ VKFunc(ResetCommandPool) \ VKFunc(DestroyCommandPool) \ VKFunc(CreateDescriptorPool) \ VKFunc(ResetDescriptorPool) \ VKFunc(DestroyDescriptorPool) \ VKFunc(AllocateDescriptorSets) \ VKFunc(CreateSampler) \ VKFunc(DestroySampler) \ VKFunc(CreateImage) \ VKFunc(DestroyImage) \ VKFunc(CreateBuffer) \ VKFunc(DestroyBuffer) \ VKFunc(AllocateMemory) \ VKFunc(FreeMemory) \ VKFunc(BindBufferMemory) \ VKFunc(BindImageMemory) \ VKFunc(MapMemory) \ VKFunc(FlushMappedMemoryRanges) \ VKFunc(UnmapMemory) \ VKFunc(UpdateDescriptorSets) \ VKFunc(AllocateCommandBuffers) \ VKFunc(FreeCommandBuffers) \ VKFunc(CreateRenderPass) \ VKFunc(DestroyRenderPass) \ VKFunc(CreateSemaphore) \ VKFunc(DestroySemaphore) \ VKFunc(CreateFence) \ VKFunc(GetFenceStatus) \ VKFunc(WaitForFences) \ VKFunc(ResetFences) \ VKFunc(DestroyFence) \ VKFunc(CreateImageView) \ VKFunc(DestroyImageView) //all vulkan funcs #define VKFuncs \ VKInstFuncs \ VKInst2Funcs \ VKDevFuncs \ VKFunc(GetInstanceProcAddr)\ VKFunc(GetDeviceProcAddr) #ifdef VK_NO_PROTOTYPES #define VKFunc(n) extern PFN_vk##n vk##n; VKFuncs #undef VKFunc #else // #define VKFunc(n) static const PFN_vk##n vk##n = vk##n; // VKFuncs // #undef VKFunc #endif #define vkallocationcb NULL #ifdef _DEBUG #define VkAssert(f) do {VkResult err = f; if (err) Sys_Error("%s == %i", #f, err); } while(0) #define VkWarnAssert(f) do {VkResult err = f; if (err) Con_Printf("%s == %i\n", #f, err); } while(0) #else #define VkAssert(f) f #define VkWarnAssert(f) f #endif typedef struct vk_image_s { VkImage image; VkDeviceMemory memory; VkImageView view; VkSampler sampler; VkImageLayout layout; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; uint32_t layers; uint32_t mipcount; uint32_t encoding; uint32_t type; //PTI_2D/3D/CUBE } vk_image_t; enum dynbuf_e { DB_VBO, DB_EBO, DB_UBO, DB_STAGING, DB_MAX }; struct vk_rendertarg { VkCommandBuffer cbuf; //cbuf allocated for this render target. VkFramebuffer framebuffer; vk_image_t colour, depth, mscolour; image_t q_colour, q_depth, q_mscolour; //extra sillyness... uint32_t width; uint32_t height; qboolean multisample; qboolean depthcleared; //starting a new gameview needs cleared depth relative to other views, but the first probably won't. VkRenderPassBeginInfo restartinfo; VkSemaphore presentsemaphore; qboolean firstuse; struct vk_rendertarg *prevtarg; }; struct vk_rendertarg_cube { uint32_t size; image_t q_colour, q_depth; //extra sillyness... vk_image_t colour, depth; struct vk_rendertarg face[6]; }; #define VQ_RENDER 0 #define VQ_PRESENT 1 #define VQ_ALTRENDER 2 #define VQ_ALTRENDER_COUNT 16 #define VQ_COUNT 3 extern struct vulkaninfo_s { unsigned short triplebuffer; qboolean vsync; qboolean allowsubmissionthread; qboolean khr_swapchain; //aka: not headless. we're actually rendering stuff! qboolean nv_glsl_shader; //we can load glsl shaders. probably missing lots of reflection info though, so this is probably too limited. qboolean nv_dedicated_allocation; //nvidia-specific extension that provides hints that there's no memory aliasing going on. qboolean khr_dedicated_allocation; //standardised version of the above where the driver decides whether a resource is worth a dedicated allocation. qboolean khr_push_descriptor; //more efficient descriptor streaming VkInstance instance; VkDevice device; VkPhysicalDevice gpu; VkSurfaceKHR surface; uint32_t queuefam[VQ_COUNT]; uint32_t queuenum[VQ_COUNT]; VkQueue queue_render; VkQueue queue_present; VkQueue queue_alt[1]; VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memory_properties; VkCommandPool cmdpool; VkPhysicalDeviceLimits limits; #define ACQUIRELIMIT 8 VkSemaphore acquiresemaphores[ACQUIRELIMIT]; VkFence acquirefences[ACQUIRELIMIT]; uint32_t acquirebufferidx[ACQUIRELIMIT]; unsigned int aquirenext; volatile unsigned int aquirelast; //set inside the submission thread VkPipelineCache pipelinecache; struct vk_fencework { VkFence fence; struct vk_fencework *next; void (*Passed) (void*); VkCommandBuffer cbuf; } *fencework, *fencework_last; //callback for each fence as its passed. mostly for loading code or freeing memory. int filtermip[3]; int filterpic[3]; int mipcap[2]; float max_anistophy; float max_anistophy_limit; struct descpool { VkDescriptorPool pool; int availsets; int totalsets; struct descpool *next; } *descpool; struct dynbuffer { size_t flushed; //size already copied to the gpu size_t offset; //size written by the cpu (that might not yet be flushed) size_t size; //maximum buffer size size_t align; qboolean stagingcoherent; VkBuffer stagingbuf; VkDeviceMemory stagingmemory; VkBuffer devicebuf; VkDeviceMemory devicememory; VkBuffer renderbuf; //either staging or device. this is the buffer that we tell vulkan about void *ptr; struct dynbuffer *next; } *dynbuf[DB_MAX]; struct vk_rendertarg *backbufs; struct vk_rendertarg *rendertarg; struct vkframe { struct vkframe *next; struct dynbuffer *dynbufs[DB_MAX]; struct descpool *descpools; VkSemaphore acquiresemaphore; VkCommandBuffer *cbufs; size_t numcbufs; size_t maxcbufs; VkFence finishedfence; struct vk_frameend { struct vk_frameend *next; void (*FrameEnded) (void*); } *frameendjobs; struct vk_rendertarg *backbuf; } *frame, *unusedframes; struct vk_frameend *frameendjobs; uint32_t backbuf_count; VkRenderPass shadow_renderpass; //clears depth etc. VkRenderPass renderpass[3]; //reload-both(resume prior renderpass), clear-depth-dontcare-colour(gl_clear==0), clear-both(cl_clear!=0) VkSwapchainKHR swapchain; uint32_t bufferidx; VkSampleCountFlagBits multisamplebits; VkFormat depthformat; VkFormat backbufformat; qboolean srgbcapable; qboolean neednewswapchain; //something changed that invalidates the old one. qboolean devicelost; //we seriously fucked up somewhere. or the gpu is shite. struct vkwork_s { struct vkwork_s *next; VkQueue queue; VkCommandBuffer cmdbuf; VkSemaphore semwait; VkPipelineStageFlags semwaitstagemask; VkSemaphore semsignal; VkFence fencesignal; struct vk_fencework *fencedwork; struct vkframe *present; } *work; void *submitthread; void *submitcondition; void (*dopresent)(struct vkframe *theframe); texid_t sourcecolour; texid_t sourcedepth; shader_t *scenepp_waterwarp; shader_t *scenepp_antialias; shader_t *scenepp_rescale; } vk; struct pipeline_s { struct pipeline_s *next; unsigned int permu:16; //matches the permutation (masked by permutations that are supposed to be supported) unsigned int flags:16; //matches the shader flags (cull etc) unsigned int blendbits; //matches blend state. VkPipeline pipeline; }; uint32_t vk_find_memory_try(uint32_t typeBits, VkFlags requirements_mask); uint32_t vk_find_memory_require(uint32_t typeBits, VkFlags requirements_mask); void VK_DoPresent(struct vkframe *theframe); qboolean VK_Init(rendererstate_t *info, const char **sysextname, qboolean (*createSurface)(void), void (*dopresent)(struct vkframe *theframe)); void VK_Shutdown(void); void VK_R_BloomBlend (texid_t source, int x, int y, int w, int h); void VK_R_BloomShutdown(void); qboolean R_CanBloom(void); struct programshared_s; qboolean VK_LoadGLSL(struct programshared_s *prog, const char *name, unsigned int permu, int ver, const char **precompilerconstants, const char *vert, const char *tcs, const char *tes, const char *geom, const char *frag, qboolean noerrors, vfsfile_t *blobfile); VkCommandBuffer VK_AllocFrameCBuf(void); void VK_Submit_Work(VkCommandBuffer cmdbuf, VkSemaphore semwait, VkPipelineStageFlags semwaitstagemask, VkSemaphore semsignal, VkFence fencesignal, struct vkframe *presentframe, struct vk_fencework *fencedwork); void VKBE_Init(void); void VKBE_InitFramePools(struct vkframe *frame); void VKBE_RestartFrame(void); void VKBE_FlushDynamicBuffers(void); void VKBE_Set2D(qboolean twodee); void VKBE_ShutdownFramePools(struct vkframe *frame); void VKBE_Shutdown(void); void VKBE_SelectMode(backendmode_t mode); void VKBE_DrawMesh_List(shader_t *shader, int nummeshes, mesh_t **mesh, vbo_t *vbo, texnums_t *texnums, unsigned int beflags); void VKBE_DrawMesh_Single(shader_t *shader, mesh_t *meshchain, vbo_t *vbo, unsigned int beflags); void VKBE_SubmitBatch(batch_t *batch); batch_t *VKBE_GetTempBatch(void); void VKBE_GenBrushModelVBO(model_t *mod); void VKBE_ClearVBO(vbo_t *vbo, qboolean dataonly); void VKBE_UploadAllLightmaps(void); void VKBE_DrawWorld (batch_t **worldbatches); qboolean VKBE_LightCullModel(vec3_t org, model_t *model); void VKBE_SelectEntity(entity_t *ent); qboolean VKBE_SelectDLight(dlight_t *dl, vec3_t colour, vec3_t axis[3], unsigned int lmode); void VKBE_VBO_Begin(vbobctx_t *ctx, size_t maxsize); void VKBE_VBO_Data(vbobctx_t *ctx, void *data, size_t size, vboarray_t *varray); void VKBE_VBO_Finish(vbobctx_t *ctx, void *edata, size_t esize, vboarray_t *earray, void **vbomem, void **ebomem); void VKBE_VBO_Destroy(vboarray_t *vearray, void *mem); void VKBE_Scissor(srect_t *rect); void VKBE_BaseEntTextures(void); struct vk_shadowbuffer; struct vk_shadowbuffer *VKBE_GenerateShadowBuffer(vecV_t *verts, int numverts, index_t *indicies, int numindicies, qboolean istemp); void VKBE_DestroyShadowBuffer(struct vk_shadowbuffer *buf); void VKBE_RenderShadowBuffer(struct vk_shadowbuffer *buf); void VKBE_SetupForShadowMap(dlight_t *dl, int texwidth, int texheight, float shadowscale); qboolean VKBE_BeginShadowmap(qboolean isspot, uint32_t width, uint32_t height); void VKBE_BeginShadowmapFace(void); void VKBE_DoneShadows(void); void VKBE_RT_Gen_Cube(struct vk_rendertarg_cube *targ, uint32_t size, qboolean clear); void VKBE_RT_Gen(struct vk_rendertarg *targ, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, qboolean clear, unsigned int flags); void VKBE_RT_Begin(struct vk_rendertarg *targ); void VKBE_RT_End(struct vk_rendertarg *targ); void VKBE_RT_Destroy(struct vk_rendertarg *targ); struct stagingbuf { VkBuffer buf; VkBuffer retbuf; VkDeviceMemory memory; size_t size; VkBufferUsageFlags usage; }; vk_image_t VK_CreateTexture2DArray(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t layers, uint32_t mips, uploadfmt_t encoding, unsigned int type, qboolean rendertarget); void set_image_layout(VkCommandBuffer cmd, VkImage image, VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask, VkImageLayout old_image_layout, VkAccessFlags srcaccess, VkImageLayout new_image_layout, VkAccessFlags dstaccess); void VK_CreateSampler(unsigned int flags, vk_image_t *img); void *VKBE_CreateStagingBuffer(struct stagingbuf *n, size_t size, VkBufferUsageFlags usage); VkBuffer VKBE_FinishStaging(struct stagingbuf *n, VkDeviceMemory *memptr); void *VK_FencedBegin(void (*passed)(void *work), size_t worksize); void VK_FencedSubmit(void *work); void VK_FencedCheck(void); void *VK_AtFrameEnd(void (*passed)(void *work), void *data, size_t worksize); void VK_Draw_Init(void); void VK_Draw_Shutdown(void); void VK_UpdateFiltering (image_t *imagelist, int filtermip[3], int filterpic[3], int mipcap[2], float anis); qboolean VK_LoadTextureMips (texid_t tex, const struct pendingtextureinfo *mips); void VK_DestroyTexture (texid_t tex); void VK_DestroyVkTexture (vk_image_t *img); void VK_R_Init (void); void VK_R_DeInit (void); void VK_R_RenderView (void); char *VKVID_GetRGBInfo (int *bytestride, int *truevidwidth, int *truevidheight, enum uploadfmt *fmt); qboolean VK_SCR_UpdateScreen (void); void VKBE_RenderToTextureUpdate2d(qboolean destchanged); //improved rgb get that calls the callback when the data is actually available. used for video capture. void VKVID_QueueGetRGBData (void (*gotrgbdata) (void *rgbdata, qintptr_t bytestride, size_t width, size_t height, enum uploadfmt fmt));