#include "quakedef.h" #include "iweb.h" #include "netinc.h" #include "fs.h" #if defined(WEBCLIENT) #if defined(FTE_TARGET_WEB) #define MYJS 1 #if MYJS #include "web/ftejslib.h" #else #include #endif static void DL_Cancel(struct dl_download *dl) { //FIXME: clear out the callbacks somehow dl->ctx = NULL; } static void DL_OnLoad(void *c, void *data, int datasize) { struct dl_download *dl = c; //make sure the file is 'open'. if (!dl->file) { if (*dl->localname) { FS_CreatePath(dl->localname, FS_GAMEONLY); dl->file = FS_OpenVFS(dl->localname, "w+b", FS_GAMEONLY); } else { //emscripten does not close the file. plus we seem to end up with infinite loops. dl->file = FS_OpenTemp(); } } if (dl->file) { VFS_WRITE(dl->file, data, datasize); VFS_SEEK(dl->file, 0); dl->status = DL_FINISHED; } else dl->status = DL_FAILED; dl->replycode = 200; #if !MYJS dl->completed += datasize; #endif } #if MYJS static void DL_OnError(void *c, int ecode) #else static void DL_OnError(void *c) #endif { struct dl_download *dl = c; #if MYJS dl->replycode = ecode; #else dl->replycode = 404; //we don't actually know. should we not do this? #endif Con_Printf("download %p: error %i\n", dl, dl->replycode); dl->status = DL_FAILED; } static void DL_OnProgress(void *c, int position, int totalsize) { struct dl_download *dl = c; dl->completed = position; dl->totalsize = totalsize; } //this becomes a poll function. the main thread will call this once a frame or so. qboolean DL_Decide(struct dl_download *dl) { const char *url = dl->redir; if (!*url) url = dl->url; if (dl->postdata) { DL_Cancel(dl); return false; //safe to destroy it now } if (dl->ctx) { if (dl->status == DL_FINISHED) return false; if (dl->status == DL_FAILED) { DL_Cancel(dl); return false; } } else { dl->status = DL_ACTIVE; dl->abort = DL_Cancel; dl->ctx = dl; #if MYJS emscriptenfte_async_wget_data2(url, dl, DL_OnLoad, DL_OnError, DL_OnProgress); #else //annoyingly, emscripten doesn't provide an onprogress callback, unlike firefox etc, so we can't actually tell how far its got. //we'd need to provide our own js library to fix this. it can be done, I'm just lazy. emscripten_async_wget_data(url, dl, DL_OnLoad, DL_OnError); #endif } return true; } #elif defined(NACL) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern PPB_Core *ppb_core; extern PPB_URLRequestInfo *urlrequestinfo; extern PPB_URLLoader *urlloader; extern PP_Instance pp_instance; extern PPB_Var *ppb_var_interface; struct nacl_dl { char buffer[65536]; PP_Resource req; }; static void readfinished(void* user_data, int32_t result) { struct dl_download *f = user_data; struct nacl_dl *ctx = f->ctx; struct PP_CompletionCallback ccb = {readfinished, f, PP_COMPLETIONCALLBACK_FLAG_NONE}; //trying to clean up if (!ctx) return; // Sys_Printf("lastresult: %i\n", result); if (result == PP_OK) { // Sys_Printf("%s completed\n", f->url); ppb_core->ReleaseResource(ctx->req); ctx->req = 0; f->status = DL_FINISHED; return; } for (; result > 0; result = urlloader->ReadResponseBody(ctx->req, ctx->buffer, sizeof(ctx->buffer), ccb)) { //make sure the file is 'open'. if (!f->file) { if (*f->localname) { FS_CreatePath(f->localname, FS_GAME); f->file = FS_OpenVFS(f->localname, "w+b", FS_GAME); } else f->file = FS_OpenTemp(); } // Sys_Printf("write: %i\n", result); VFS_WRITE(f->file, ctx->buffer, result); f->completed += result; } // Sys_Printf("result: %i\n", result); if (result != PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING) { Sys_Printf("file %s failed or something\n", f->url); ppb_core->ReleaseResource(ctx->req); ctx->req = 0; f->status = DL_FAILED; } } //urloader->open completed static void dlstarted(void* user_data, int32_t result) { struct dl_download *f = user_data; struct nacl_dl *ctx = f->ctx; struct PP_CompletionCallback ccb = {readfinished, f, PP_COMPLETIONCALLBACK_FLAG_NONE}; readfinished(user_data, urlloader->ReadResponseBody(ctx->req, ctx->buffer, sizeof(ctx->buffer), ccb)); } static void nadl_cleanup_cb(void* user_data, int32_t result) { struct nacl_dl *ctx = user_data; if (ctx->req) ppb_core->ReleaseResource(ctx->req); free(ctx); } void NADL_Cleanup(struct dl_download *dl) { struct nacl_dl *ctx = dl->ctx; //we can't free the ctx memory etc, in case the browser still has requests pending on it before it handles our close. //so set up a callback to do it later dl->ctx = NULL; //orphan struct PP_CompletionCallback ccb = {nadl_cleanup_cb, ctx, PP_COMPLETIONCALLBACK_FLAG_NONE}; ppb_core->CallOnMainThread(1000, ccb, 0); } qboolean DL_Decide(struct dl_download *dl) { const char *url = dl->redir; struct nacl_dl *ctx; if (!*url) url = dl->url; if (dl->postdata) { NADL_Cleanup(dl); return false; //safe to destroy it now } if (dl->ctx) { if (dl->status == DL_FAILED || dl->status == DL_FINISHED) { NADL_Cleanup(dl); return false; //safe to destroy it now } } else { PP_Resource dlri; dl->status = DL_ACTIVE; dl->abort = NADL_Cleanup; dl->ctx = ctx = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*ctx)); /*everything goes via nacl, so we might as well just init that here*/ ctx->req = urlloader->Create(pp_instance); dlri = urlrequestinfo->Create(pp_instance); urlrequestinfo->SetProperty(dlri, PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_ALLOWCROSSORIGINREQUESTS, ppb_var_interface->VarFromUtf8(url, strlen(url))); urlrequestinfo->SetProperty(dlri, PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_URL, ppb_var_interface->VarFromUtf8(url, strlen(url))); struct PP_CompletionCallback ccb = {dlstarted, dl, PP_COMPLETIONCALLBACK_FLAG_NONE}; urlloader->Open(ctx->req, dlri, ccb); ppb_core->ReleaseResource(dlri); } return true; } #else qboolean DL_Decide(struct dl_download *dl); /* This file does one thing. Connects to servers and grabs the specified file. It doesn't do any uploading whatsoever. Live with it. It doesn't use persistant connections. */ struct http_dl_ctx_s { struct dl_download *dlctx; SOCKET sock; //FIXME: support https. char *buffer; int bufferused; int bufferlen; int totalreceived; //useful when we're just dumping to a file. struct vfsfile_s *file; //if gzipping, this is a temporary file. we'll write to the real file from this after the transfer is complete. qboolean gzip; qboolean chunking; int chunksize; int chunked; enum {HC_REQUESTING, HC_GETTINGHEADER, HC_GETTING} state; int contentlength; }; void HTTP_Cleanup(struct dl_download *dl) { struct http_dl_ctx_s *con = dl->ctx; dl->ctx = NULL; if (con->sock != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(con->sock); con->sock = INVALID_SOCKET; free(con->buffer); free(con); dl->abort = NULL; dl->status = DL_PENDING; dl->completed = 0; dl->totalsize = 0; } static void ExpandBuffer(struct http_dl_ctx_s *con, int quant) { int newlen; newlen = con->bufferlen + quant; con->buffer = realloc(con->buffer, newlen); con->bufferlen = newlen; } static qboolean HTTP_DL_Work(struct dl_download *dl) { struct http_dl_ctx_s *con = dl->ctx; char buffer[256]; char Location[256]; char mimetype[256]; char *nl; char *msg; int ammount; switch(con->state) { case HC_REQUESTING: ammount = send(con->sock, con->buffer, con->bufferused, 0); if (!ammount) return false; if (ammount < 0) { if (neterrno() != NET_EWOULDBLOCK) return false; return true; } con->bufferused -= ammount; memmove(con->buffer, con->buffer+ammount, con->bufferused); if (!con->bufferused) //that's it, all sent. con->state = HC_GETTINGHEADER; break; case HC_GETTINGHEADER: if (con->bufferlen - con->bufferused < 1530) ExpandBuffer(con, 1530); ammount = recv(con->sock, con->buffer+con->bufferused, con->bufferlen-con->bufferused-15, 0); if (!ammount) return false; if (ammount < 0) { if (neterrno() != NET_EWOULDBLOCK) return false; return true; } con->bufferused+=ammount; con->buffer[con->bufferused] = '\0'; //have we got the entire thing yet? msg = con->buffer; con->chunking = false; con->contentlength = 0; con->gzip = false; *mimetype = 0; *Location = 0; if (strnicmp(msg, "HTTP/", 5)) { //pre version 1. (lame servers. con->state = HC_GETTING; dl->status = DL_ACTIVE; con->contentlength = -1; //meaning end of stream. dl->replycode = 200; } else { qboolean hcomplete = false; while(*msg) { if (*msg == '\n') { if (msg[1] == '\n') { //tut tut, not '\r'? that's not really allowed... msg+=2; hcomplete = true; break; } if (msg[1] == '\r' && msg[2] == '\n') { msg+=3; hcomplete = true; break; } msg++; } while (*msg == ' ' || *msg == '\t') msg++; nl = strchr(msg, '\n'); if (!nl) break;//not complete, don't bother trying to parse it. if (!strnicmp(msg, "Content-Length: ", 16)) con->contentlength = atoi(msg+16); else if (!strnicmp(msg, "Content-Type:", 13)) { *nl = '\0'; Q_strncpyz(mimetype, COM_TrimString(msg+13), sizeof(mimetype)); *nl = '\n'; } else if (!strnicmp(msg, "Location: ", 10)) { *nl = '\0'; Q_strncpyz(Location, COM_TrimString(msg+10), sizeof(Location)); *nl = '\n'; } else if (!strnicmp(msg, "Content-Encoding: ", 18)) { char *chunk = strstr(msg, "gzip"); if (chunk < nl) con->gzip = true; } else if (!strnicmp(msg, "Transfer-Encoding: ", 19)) { char *chunk = strstr(msg, "chunked"); if (chunk < nl) con->chunking = true; } msg = nl; } if (!hcomplete) break;//headers not complete. break out of switch ammount = msg - con->buffer; msg = COM_ParseOut(con->buffer, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); msg = COM_ParseOut(msg, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); dl->replycode = atoi(buffer); if (!stricmp(buffer, "100")) { //http/1.1 servers can give this. We ignore it. con->bufferused -= ammount; memmove(con->buffer, con->buffer+ammount, con->bufferused); return true; } if (!stricmp(buffer, "301") || !stricmp(buffer, "302") || !stricmp(buffer, "303")) { nl = strchr(msg, '\n'); if (nl) *nl = '\0'; Con_Printf("HTTP: %s %s\n", buffer, COM_TrimString(msg)); if (!*Location) Con_Printf("Server redirected to null location\n"); else { HTTP_Cleanup(dl); if (*Location == '/') { char *cur = *dl->redir?dl->redir:dl->url; char *curserver = cur; char *curpath; /*same server+protocol*/ if (!strncmp(curserver, "http://", 7)) curserver += 7; curpath = strchr(curserver, '/'); if (!curpath) curpath = curserver + strlen(curserver); if (cur == dl->redir) *curpath = 0; else Q_strncpyz(dl->redir, cur, (curpath-cur) + 1); Q_strncatz(dl->redir, Location, sizeof(dl->redir)); } else Q_strncpyz(dl->redir, Location, sizeof(dl->redir)); dl->poll = DL_Decide; dl->status = DL_PENDING; } return true; } if (stricmp(buffer, "200")) { nl = strchr(msg, '\n'); if (!nl) return false; //eh? if (nl>msg&&nl[-1] == '\r') nl--; *nl = '\0'; Con_Printf("HTTP: %s%s\n", buffer, msg); return false; //something went wrong. } con->bufferused -= ammount; dl->totalsize = con->contentlength; memmove(con->buffer, con->buffer+ammount, con->bufferused); } if (dl->notifystarted) dl->notifystarted(dl, *mimetype?mimetype:NULL); if (!dl->file) { #ifndef NPFTE if (*dl->localname) { FS_CreatePath(dl->localname, FS_GAME); dl->file = FS_OpenVFS(dl->localname, "w+b", FS_GAME); } else dl->file = FS_OpenTemp(); #endif if (!dl->file) { if (*dl->localname) Con_Printf("HTTP: Couldn't open file \"%s\"\n", dl->localname); else Con_Printf("HTTP: Couldn't open temporary file\n"); dl->status = DL_FAILED; return false; } } if (con->gzip) { #if !defined(NPFTE) && defined(AVAIL_ZLIB) con->file = FS_OpenTemp(); #else Con_Printf("HTTP: no support for gzipped files \"%s\"\n", dl->localname); dl->status = DL_FAILED; return false; #endif } else con->file = dl->file; con->state = HC_GETTING; dl->status = DL_ACTIVE; //Fall through case HC_GETTING: if (con->bufferlen - con->bufferused < 1530) ExpandBuffer(con, 1530); ammount = recv(con->sock, con->buffer+con->bufferused, con->bufferlen-con->bufferused-1, 0); if (ammount < 0) { if (neterrno() != NET_EWOULDBLOCK) return false; return true; } con->bufferused+=ammount; if (con->chunking) //FIXME: NEEDS TESTING!!! { int trim; char *nl; con->buffer[con->bufferused] = '\0'; for(;;) { //work out as we go. if (con->chunksize)//we are trying to parse a chunk. { trim = con->bufferused - con->chunked; if (trim > con->chunksize) trim = con->chunksize; //don't go into the next size field. con->chunksize -= trim; con->chunked += trim; if (!con->chunksize) { //we need to find the next \n and trim it. nl = strchr(con->buffer+con->chunked, '\n'); if (!nl) break; nl++; trim = nl - (con->buffer+con->chunked); memmove(con->buffer + con->chunked, nl, con->buffer+con->bufferused-nl+1); con->bufferused -= trim; } if (!(con->bufferused - con->chunked)) break; } else { nl = strchr(con->buffer+con->chunked, '\n'); if (!nl) break; con->chunksize = strtol(con->buffer+con->chunked, NULL, 16); //it's hex. nl++; trim = nl - (con->buffer+con->chunked); memmove(con->buffer + con->chunked, nl, con->buffer+con->bufferused-nl+1); con->bufferused -= trim; } } con->totalreceived+=con->chunked; if (con->file && con->chunked) //we've got a chunk in the buffer { //write it if (VFS_WRITE(con->file, con->buffer, con->chunked) != con->chunked) { Con_Printf("Write error whilst downloading %s\nDisk full?\n", dl->localname); return false; } //and move the unparsed chunk to the front. con->bufferused -= con->chunked; memmove(con->buffer, con->buffer+con->chunked, con->bufferused); con->chunked = 0; } } else { con->totalreceived+=ammount; if (con->file) //we've got a chunk in the buffer { //write it if (VFS_WRITE(con->file, con->buffer, con->bufferused) != con->bufferused) { Con_Printf("Write error whilst downloading %s\nDisk full?\n", dl->localname); return false; } con->bufferused = 0; } } if (!ammount) { //server closed off the connection. if (con->chunksize) dl->status = DL_FAILED; else { #if !defined(NPFTE) && defined(AVAIL_ZLIB) if (con->gzip) { VFS_SEEK(con->file, 0); dl->file = FS_DecompressGZip(con->file, dl->file); con->file = NULL; } #endif dl->status = (dl->replycode == 200)?DL_FINISHED:DL_FAILED; } return false; } dl->completed = con->totalreceived; break; } return true; } void HTTPDL_Establish(struct dl_download *dl) { unsigned long _true = true; struct sockaddr_qstorage serveraddr; struct http_dl_ctx_s *con; int addressfamily; int addresssize; char server[128]; char uri[MAX_OSPATH]; char *slash; const char *url = dl->redir; if (!*url) url = dl->url; if (!strnicmp(url, "http://", 7)) url+=7; slash = strchr(url, '/'); if (!slash) { Q_strncpyz(server, url, sizeof(server)); Q_strncpyz(uri, "/", sizeof(uri)); } else { Q_strncpyz(uri, slash, sizeof(uri)); Q_strncpyz(server, url, sizeof(server)); server[slash-url] = '\0'; } con = malloc(sizeof(*con)); memset(con, 0, sizeof(*con)); dl->ctx = con; dl->abort = HTTP_Cleanup; dl->status = DL_RESOLVING; if (!NET_StringToSockaddr(server, 80, &serveraddr, &addressfamily, &addresssize)) { dl->status = DL_FAILED; return; } dl->status = DL_QUERY; if ((con->sock = socket (addressfamily, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) { dl->status = DL_FAILED; return; } //don't bother binding. its optional. //FIXME: make the connect call with a non-blocking socket. //FIXME: use a vfsfile_t instead of a direct socket to support https //not yet blocking. if (connect(con->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&serveraddr, addresssize) == -1) { int err = neterrno(); switch(err) { case NET_EACCES: Con_Printf("HTTP: connect(%s): access denied. Check firewall.\n", server); break; case NET_ETIMEDOUT: Con_Printf("HTTP: connect(%s): timed out.\n", server); break; default: Con_Printf("HTTP: connect(%s): %s", server, strerror(neterrno())); break; } dl->status = DL_FAILED; return; } if (ioctlsocket (con->sock, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1) //now make it non blocking. { dl->status = DL_FAILED; return; } if (dl->postdata) { ExpandBuffer(con, 1024 + strlen(uri) + strlen(server) + strlen(con->dlctx->postmimetype) + dl->postlen); Q_snprintfz(con->buffer, con->bufferlen, "POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "Content-Length: %u\r\n" "Content-Type: %s\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" #if !defined(NPFTE) && defined(AVAIL_ZLIB) "Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n" #endif "User-Agent: "FULLENGINENAME"\r\n" "\r\n", uri, server, (unsigned int)dl->postlen, dl->postmimetype); con->bufferused = strlen(con->buffer); memcpy(con->buffer + con->bufferused, dl->postdata, dl->postlen); con->bufferused += dl->postlen; } else { ExpandBuffer(con, 512*1024); Q_snprintfz(con->buffer, con->bufferlen, "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" #if !defined(NPFTE) && defined(AVAIL_ZLIB) "Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n" #endif "User-Agent: "FULLENGINENAME"\r\n" "\r\n", uri, server); con->bufferused = strlen(con->buffer); } con->contentlength = -1; } qboolean HTTPDL_Poll(struct dl_download *dl) { /*failed previously*/ if (dl->status == DL_FAILED) return false; if (!dl->ctx) { HTTPDL_Establish(dl); if (dl->status == DL_FAILED) { HTTP_Cleanup(dl); dl->status = DL_FAILED; return false; } } if (dl->ctx) { if (!HTTP_DL_Work(dl)) if (dl->status != DL_FINISHED) dl->status = DL_FAILED; if (dl->status == DL_FAILED) { HTTP_Cleanup(dl); dl->status = DL_FAILED; return false; } if (dl->status == DL_FINISHED) return false; } return true; } /* //decode a base64 byte to a 0-63 value. Cannot cope with =. static unsigned int Base64_DecodeByte(char byt) { if (byt >= 'A' && byt <= 'Z') return (byt-'A') + 0; if (byt >= 'a' && byt <= 'z') return (byt-'a') + 26; if (byt >= '0' && byt <= '9') return (byt-'0') + 52; if (byt == '+') return 62; if (byt == '/') return 63; return -1; } //FIXME: we should be able to skip whitespace. static int Base64_Decode(char *out, int outlen, char **srcout, int *srclenout) { int len = 0; unsigned int result; char *src = *srcout; int srclen = *srclenout; //4 input chars give 3 output chars while(srclen >= 4) { if (len+3 > outlen) { //ran out of space in the output buffer *srcout = src; *srclenout = srclen; return len; } result = Base64_DecodeByte(src[0])<<18; result |= Base64_DecodeByte(src[1])<<12; out[len++] = (result>>16)&0xff; if (src[2] != '=') { result |= Base64_DecodeByte(src[2])<<6; out[len++] = (result>>8)&0xff; if (src[3] != '=') { result |= Base64_DecodeByte(src[3])<<0; out[len++] = (result>>0)&0xff; } } if (result & 0xff000000) return 0; //some kind of invalid char src += 4; srclen -= 4; } //end of string *srcout = src; *srclenout = srclen; //some kind of error if (srclen) { if (srclen != 1 || *src) return 0; } return len; } qboolean DataScheme_Decode(struct dl_download *dl) { char block[8192]; int remaining, blocksize; char mimetype[256]; char baseval[256]; char charsetval[256]; char *url; char *data; char *charset; char *base; //failed previously if (dl->status == DL_FAILED) return false; //data:[][;charset=][;base64], *mimetype = 0; *baseval = 0; *charsetval = 0; url = dl->url; if (!strncmp(url, "data:", 5)) url+=5; //should always match data = strchr(url, ','); if (!data) return false; charset = memchr(url, ';', data-url); if (charset) { base = memchr(charset+1, ';', data-charset); if (base) { if (data-(base+1) >= sizeof(baseval)) return false; memcpy(baseval, base+1, data-(base+1)); baseval[data-(base+1)] = 0; } else base = data; if (base-(charset+1) >= sizeof(charsetval)) return false; memcpy(charsetval, charset+1, base-(charset+1)); charsetval[base-(charset+1)] = 0; if (!strchr(charsetval, '=')) { strcpy(baseval, charsetval); *charsetval = 0; } } else charset = data; if (charset-(url) >= sizeof(charsetval)) return false; memcpy(mimetype, url, charset-(url)); mimetype[charset-(url)] = 0; if (!*mimetype) Q_strncpyz(mimetype, "text/plain", sizeof(mimetype)); if (!*charsetval) Q_strncpyz(charsetval, "charset=US-ASCII", sizeof(charsetval)); if (dl->notifystarted) dl->notifystarted(dl, *mimetype?mimetype:NULL); if (!dl->file) { #ifndef NPFTE if (*dl->localname) { FS_CreatePath(dl->localname, FS_GAME); dl->file = FS_OpenVFS(dl->localname, "w+b", FS_GAME); } else dl->file = FS_OpenTemp(); #endif if (!dl->file) { if (*dl->localname) Con_Printf("HTTP: Couldn't open file \"%s\"\n", dl->localname); else Con_Printf("HTTP: Couldn't open temporary file\n"); dl->status = DL_FAILED; return false; } } data++; remaining = strlen(data); while(remaining > 0) { blocksize = Base64_Decode(block, sizeof(block), &data, &remaining); if (!blocksize) { dl->status = DL_FAILED; return false; } VFS_WRITE(dl->file, block, blocksize); } dl->status = DL_FINISHED; return false; } */ qboolean DL_Decide(struct dl_download *dl) { const char *url = dl->redir; if (!*url) url = dl->url; /*if (!strnicmp(url, "data:", 5)) dl->poll = DataScheme_Decode; else*/ if (!strnicmp(url, "http://", 7)) dl->poll = HTTPDL_Poll; else { dl->status = DL_FAILED; return false; } return true; } #endif /*!defined(NACL)*/ #ifdef MULTITHREAD static int DL_Thread_Work(void *arg) { struct dl_download *dl = arg; while (!dl->threaddie) { if (!dl->poll(dl)) { #ifdef NPFTE //the plugin doesn't have a download loop if (dl->notifycomplete) dl->notifycomplete(dl); if (dl->file) VFS_CLOSE(dl->file); #else if (dl->status != DL_FAILED && dl->status != DL_FINISHED) dl->status = DL_FAILED; #endif break; } } return 0; } /*create a thread to perform the given download to use: call DL_Create (not HTTP_CL_Get!) to get a context, then call this. note that you need to call DL_Close from another thread, NOT IN THE NOTIFY FUNC. the file handle must be safe to write to in threads. */ qboolean DL_CreateThread(struct dl_download *dl, vfsfile_t *file, void (*NotifyFunction)(struct dl_download *dl)) { if (!dl) return false; if (file) dl->file = file; if (NotifyFunction) dl->notifycomplete = NotifyFunction; dl->threadctx = Sys_CreateThread("download", DL_Thread_Work, dl, THREADP_NORMAL, 0); if (!dl->threadctx) return false; return true; } #endif /*create a standalone download context*/ struct dl_download *DL_Create(const char *url) { struct dl_download *newdl; newdl = malloc(sizeof(*newdl) + strlen(url)+1); if (!newdl) return NULL; memset(newdl, 0, sizeof(*newdl)); newdl->url = (char*)(newdl+1); strcpy(newdl->url, url); newdl->poll = DL_Decide; if (!newdl->poll(newdl)) { free(newdl); newdl = NULL; } return newdl; } /*destroys an entire download context*/ void DL_Close(struct dl_download *dl) { #ifndef NPFTE if (cls.download == &dl->qdownload) cls.download = NULL; #endif #ifdef MULTITHREAD dl->threaddie = true; if (dl->threadctx) Sys_WaitOnThread(dl->threadctx); #endif if (dl->abort) dl->abort(dl); if (dl->file) VFS_CLOSE(dl->file); if (dl->postdata) BZ_Free(dl->postdata); free(dl); } /*updates pending downloads*/ #ifndef NPFTE static struct dl_download *activedownloads; /*create a download context and add it to the list, for lazy people. not threaded*/ struct dl_download *HTTP_CL_Get(const char *url, const char *localfile, void (*NotifyFunction)(struct dl_download *dl)) { struct dl_download *newdl = DL_Create(url); if (!newdl) return newdl; newdl->notifycomplete = NotifyFunction; if (localfile) Q_strncpyz(newdl->localname, localfile, sizeof(newdl->localname)); newdl->next = activedownloads; activedownloads = newdl; return newdl; } struct dl_download *HTTP_CL_Put(const char *url, const char *mime, const char *data, size_t datalen, void (*NotifyFunction)(struct dl_download *dl)) { struct dl_download *dl; if (!*mime) return NULL; dl = HTTP_CL_Get(url, NULL, NotifyFunction); Q_strncpyz(dl->postmimetype, mime, sizeof(dl->postmimetype)); dl->postdata = BZ_Malloc(datalen); memcpy(dl->postdata, data, datalen); dl->postlen = datalen; return dl; } void HTTP_CL_Think(void) { struct dl_download *dl = activedownloads; struct dl_download **link = NULL; link = &activedownloads; while (*link) { dl = *link; #ifdef MULTITHREAD if (dl->threadctx) { if (dl->status == DL_FINISHED || dl->status == DL_FAILED) { Sys_WaitOnThread(dl->threadctx); dl->threadctx = NULL; continue; } } else #endif if (!dl->poll(dl)) { *link = dl->next; if (dl->file && dl->file->Seek) VFS_SEEK(dl->file, 0); if (dl->notifycomplete) dl->notifycomplete(dl); DL_Close(dl); continue; } link = &dl->next; if (!cls.download) { cls.download = &dl->qdownload; dl->qdownload.method = DL_HTTP; if (*dl->localname) Q_strncpyz(dl->qdownload.localname, dl->localname, sizeof(dl->qdownload.localname)); else Q_strncpyz(dl->qdownload.localname, dl->url, sizeof(dl->qdownload.localname)); Q_strncpyz(dl->qdownload.remotename, dl->url, sizeof(dl->qdownload.remotename)); dl->qdownload.starttime = Sys_DoubleTime(); } if (dl->status == DL_FINISHED) dl->qdownload.percent = 100; else if (dl->status != DL_ACTIVE) dl->qdownload.percent = 0; else if (dl->totalsize <= 0) dl->qdownload.percent = 50; else dl->qdownload.percent = dl->completed*100.0f/dl->totalsize; dl->qdownload.completedbytes = dl->completed; } } #endif #endif /*WEBCLIENT*/ typedef struct { vfsfile_t funcs; char *data; int maxlen; int writepos; int readpos; } vfspipe_t; static qboolean QDECL VFSPIPE_Close(vfsfile_t *f) { vfspipe_t *p = (vfspipe_t*)f; free(p->data); free(p); return true; } static qofs_t QDECL VFSPIPE_GetLen(vfsfile_t *f) { vfspipe_t *p = (vfspipe_t*)f; return p->writepos - p->readpos; } //static unsigned long QDECL VFSPIPE_Tell(vfsfile_t *f) //{ // return 0; //} //static qboolean QDECL VFSPIPE_Seek(vfsfile_t *f, unsigned long offset) //{ // Con_Printf("Seeking is a bad plan, mmkay?\n"); // return false; //} static int QDECL VFSPIPE_ReadBytes(vfsfile_t *f, void *buffer, int len) { vfspipe_t *p = (vfspipe_t*)f; if (len > p->writepos - p->readpos) len = p->writepos - p->readpos; memcpy(buffer, p->data+p->readpos, len); p->readpos += len; if (p->readpos > 8192) { //shift the memory down periodically //fixme: use cyclic buffer? max size, etc? memmove(p->data, p->data+p->readpos, p->writepos-p->readpos); p->writepos -= p->readpos; p->readpos = 0; } return len; } static int QDECL VFSPIPE_WriteBytes(vfsfile_t *f, const void *buffer, int len) { vfspipe_t *p = (vfspipe_t*)f; if (p->writepos + len > p->maxlen) { p->maxlen = p->writepos + len; p->data = realloc(p->data, p->maxlen); } memcpy(p->data+p->writepos, buffer, len); p->writepos += len; return len; } vfsfile_t *VFSPIPE_Open(void) { vfspipe_t *newf; newf = malloc(sizeof(*newf)); newf->data = NULL; newf->maxlen = 0; newf->readpos = 0; newf->writepos = 0; newf->funcs.Close = VFSPIPE_Close; newf->funcs.Flush = NULL; newf->funcs.GetLen = VFSPIPE_GetLen; newf->funcs.ReadBytes = VFSPIPE_ReadBytes; newf->funcs.Seek = NULL;//VFSPIPE_Seek; newf->funcs.Tell = NULL;//VFSPIPE_Tell; newf->funcs.WriteBytes = VFSPIPE_WriteBytes; newf->funcs.seekingisabadplan = true; return &newf->funcs; }