/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // sbar.c -- status bar code #include "quakedef.h" //=========================================== //rogue changed and added defines #define RIT_SHELLS 128 #define RIT_NAILS 256 #define RIT_ROCKETS 512 #define RIT_CELLS 1024 #define RIT_AXE 2048 #define RIT_LAVA_NAILGUN 4096 #define RIT_LAVA_SUPER_NAILGUN 8192 #define RIT_MULTI_GRENADE 16384 #define RIT_MULTI_ROCKET 32768 #define RIT_PLASMA_GUN 65536 #define RIT_ARMOR1 8388608 #define RIT_ARMOR2 16777216 #define RIT_ARMOR3 33554432 #define RIT_LAVA_NAILS 67108864 #define RIT_PLASMA_AMMO 134217728 #define RIT_MULTI_ROCKETS 268435456 #define RIT_SHIELD 536870912 #define RIT_ANTIGRAV 1073741824 #define RIT_SUPERHEALTH 2147483648 //=========================================== //hipnotic added defines #define HIT_PROXIMITY_GUN_BIT 16 #define HIT_MJOLNIR_BIT 7 #define HIT_LASER_CANNON_BIT 23 #define HIT_PROXIMITY_GUN (1<<HIT_PROXIMITY_GUN_BIT) #define HIT_MJOLNIR (1<<HIT_MJOLNIR_BIT) #define HIT_LASER_CANNON (1<<HIT_LASER_CANNON_BIT) #define HIT_WETSUIT (1<<(23+2)) #define HIT_EMPATHY_SHIELDS (1<<(23+3)) int sb_updates; // if >= vid.numpages, no update needed #define STAT_MINUS 10 // num frame for '-' stats digit mpic_t *sb_nums[2][11]; mpic_t *sb_colon, *sb_slash; mpic_t *sb_ibar; mpic_t *sb_sbar; mpic_t *sb_scorebar; mpic_t *sb_weapons[7][8]; // 0 is active, 1 is owned, 2-5 are flashes mpic_t *sb_ammo[4]; mpic_t *sb_sigil[4]; mpic_t *sb_armor[3]; mpic_t *sb_items[32]; mpic_t *sb_faces[7][2]; // 0 is gibbed, 1 is dead, 2-6 are alive // 0 is static, 1 is temporary animation mpic_t *sb_face_invis; mpic_t *sb_face_quad; mpic_t *sb_face_invuln; mpic_t *sb_face_invis_invuln; //rogue pictures. mpic_t *rsb_invbar[2]; mpic_t *rsb_weapons[5]; mpic_t *rsb_items[2]; mpic_t *rsb_ammo[3]; mpic_t *rsb_teambord; //all must be found for any to be used. qboolean sb_showscores; qboolean sb_showteamscores; qboolean sbarfailed; qboolean sbar_rogue; qboolean sbar_hexen2; vrect_t sbar_rect; //screen area that the sbar must fit. int sb_lines; // scan lines to draw void Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (int start); void Sbar_TeamOverlay (void); void Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay (void); void Sbar_ChatModeOverlay(void); void Draw_FunString(int x, int y, unsigned char *str) { int ext = COLOR_WHITE<<8; int extstack[4]; int extstackdepth = 0; while(*str) { if (*str == '^') { str++; if (*str >= '0' && *str <= '7') { ext = (*str++-'0')*256 + (ext&~CON_COLOURMASK); //change colour only. continue; } else if (*str == 'a') { str++; ext = (ext & ~CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT) + (CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT - (ext & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT)); continue; } else if (*str == 'b') { str++; ext = (ext & ~CON_BLINKTEXT) + (CON_BLINKTEXT - (ext & CON_BLINKTEXT)); continue; } else if (*str == 's') //store on stack (it's great for names) { str++; if (extstackdepth < sizeof(extstack)/sizeof(extstack[0])) { extstack[extstackdepth] = ext; extstackdepth++; } } else if (*str == 'r') //restore from stack (it's great for names) { str++; if (extstackdepth) { extstackdepth--; ext = extstack[extstackdepth]; } continue; } else if (*str == '^') { Draw_ColouredCharacter(x, y, '^' + ext); str++; } else { Draw_ColouredCharacter(x, y, '^' + ext); x += 8; Draw_ColouredCharacter (x, y, (*str++) + ext); } x += 8; continue; } Draw_ColouredCharacter (x, y, (*str++) + ext); x += 8; } } void Draw_FunStringLen(int x, int y, unsigned char *str, int len) { int ext = COLOR_WHITE<<8; int extstack[4]; int extstackdepth = 0; while(*str) { if (--len< 0) break; if (*str == '^') { str++; if (*str >= '0' && *str <= '7') { ext = (*str++-'0')*256 + (ext&~CON_COLOURMASK); //change colour only. continue; } else if (*str == 'a') { str++; ext = (ext & ~CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT) + (CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT - (ext & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT)); continue; } else if (*str == 'b') { str++; ext = (ext & ~CON_BLINKTEXT) + (CON_BLINKTEXT - (ext & CON_BLINKTEXT)); continue; } else if (*str == 's') //store on stack (it's great for names) { str++; if (extstackdepth < sizeof(extstack)/sizeof(extstack[0])) { extstack[extstackdepth] = ext; extstackdepth++; } } else if (*str == 'r') //restore from stack (it's great for names) { str++; if (extstackdepth) { extstackdepth--; ext = extstack[extstackdepth]; } continue; } else if (*str == '^') { Draw_ColouredCharacter(x, y, '^' + ext); str++; } else { Draw_ColouredCharacter(x, y, '^' + ext); x += 8; Draw_ColouredCharacter (x, y, (*str++) + ext); } x += 8; continue; } Draw_ColouredCharacter (x, y, (*str++) + ext); x += 8; } } static qboolean largegame = false; #ifdef Q2CLIENT void DrawHUDString (char *string, int x, int y, int centerwidth, int xor) { int margin; char line[1024]; int width; int i; margin = x; while (*string) { // scan out one line of text from the string width = 0; while (*string && *string != '\n') line[width++] = *string++; line[width] = 0; if (centerwidth) x = margin + (centerwidth - width*8)/2; else x = margin; for (i=0 ; i<width ; i++) { Draw_Character (x, y, line[i]^xor); x += 8; } if (*string) { string++; // skip the \n x = margin; y += 8; } } } #define STAT_MINUS 10 // num frame for '-' stats digit char *q2sb_nums[2][11] = { {"num_0", "num_1", "num_2", "num_3", "num_4", "num_5", "num_6", "num_7", "num_8", "num_9", "num_minus"}, {"anum_0", "anum_1", "anum_2", "anum_3", "anum_4", "anum_5", "anum_6", "anum_7", "anum_8", "anum_9", "anum_minus"} }; #define ICON_WIDTH 24 #define ICON_HEIGHT 24 #define CHAR_WIDTH 16 #define ICON_SPACE 8 void SCR_DrawField (int x, int y, int color, int width, int value) { char num[16], *ptr; int l; int frame; if (width < 1) return; // draw number string if (width > 5) width = 5; _snprintf (num, sizeof(num), "%i", value); l = strlen(num); if (l > width) l = width; x += 2 + CHAR_WIDTH*(width - l); ptr = num; while (*ptr && l) { if (*ptr == '-') frame = STAT_MINUS; else frame = *ptr -'0'; Draw_TransPic (x,y,Draw_SafeCachePic(q2sb_nums[color][frame])); x += CHAR_WIDTH; ptr++; l--; } } char *Get_Q2ConfigString(int i) { if (i >= Q2CS_IMAGES && i < Q2CS_IMAGES + Q2MAX_IMAGES) return cl.image_name [i-Q2CS_IMAGES]; if (i == Q2CS_STATUSBAR) return cl.q2statusbar; if (i >= Q2CS_MODELS && i < Q2CS_MODELS + Q2MAX_MODELS) return cl.model_name [i-Q2CS_MODELS]; if (i >= Q2CS_SOUNDS && i < Q2CS_SOUNDS + Q2MAX_SOUNDS) return cl.model_name [i-Q2CS_SOUNDS]; //#define Q2CS_LIGHTS (Q2CS_IMAGES +Q2MAX_IMAGES) //#define Q2CS_ITEMS (Q2CS_LIGHTS +Q2MAX_LIGHTSTYLES) //#define Q2CS_PLAYERSKINS (Q2CS_ITEMS +Q2MAX_ITEMS) //#define Q2CS_GENERAL (Q2CS_PLAYERSKINS +Q2MAX_CLIENTS) return ""; } void Sbar_ExecuteLayoutString (char *s) { int x, y; int value; int width; int index; // q2clientinfo_t *ci; if (cls.state != ca_active) return; if (!s[0]) return; x = sbar_rect.x; y = sbar_rect.y; width = 3; while (s) { s = COM_Parse (s); if (!strcmp(com_token, "xl")) { s = COM_Parse (s); x = sbar_rect.x + atoi(com_token); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "xr")) { s = COM_Parse (s); x = sbar_rect.x + sbar_rect.width + atoi(com_token); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "xv")) { s = COM_Parse (s); x = sbar_rect.x + sbar_rect.width/2 - 160 + atoi(com_token); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "yt")) { s = COM_Parse (s); y = sbar_rect.y + atoi(com_token); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "yb")) { s = COM_Parse (s); y = sbar_rect.y + sbar_rect.height + atoi(com_token); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "yv")) { s = COM_Parse (s); y = sbar_rect.y + sbar_rect.height/2 - 120 + atoi(com_token); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "pic")) { // draw a pic from a stat number s = COM_Parse (s); value = cl.q2frame.playerstate.stats[atoi(com_token)]; if (value >= Q2MAX_IMAGES || value < 0) Host_EndGame ("Pic >= Q2MAX_IMAGES"); if (Get_Q2ConfigString(Q2CS_IMAGES+value)) { // SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x, y); // SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x+23, y+23); Draw_Pic (x, y, Draw_SafeCachePic(Get_Q2ConfigString(Q2CS_IMAGES+value))); } continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "client")) { // draw a deathmatch client block int score, ping, time; s = COM_Parse (s); x = sbar_rect.width/2 - 160 + atoi(com_token); s = COM_Parse (s); y = sbar_rect.height/2 - 120 + atoi(com_token); // SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x, y); // SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x+159, y+31); s = COM_Parse (s); value = atoi(com_token); if (value >= MAX_CLIENTS || value < 0) Host_EndGame ("client >= MAX_CLIENTS"); // ci = &cl.clientinfo[value]; s = COM_Parse (s); score = atoi(com_token); s = COM_Parse (s); ping = atoi(com_token); s = COM_Parse (s); time = atoi(com_token); // DrawAltString (x+32, y, ci->name); Draw_String (x+32, y+8, "Score: "); Draw_Alt_String (x+32+7*8, y+8, va("%i", score)); Draw_String (x+32, y+16, va("Ping: %i", ping)); Draw_String (x+32, y+24, va("Time: %i", time)); // if (!ci->icon) // ci = &cl.baseclientinfo; // Draw_Pic (x, y, Draw_CachePic(ci->iconname)); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "ctf")) { // draw a ctf client block int score, ping; char block[80]; s = COM_Parse (s); x = sbar_rect.width/2 - 160 + atoi(com_token); s = COM_Parse (s); y = sbar_rect.height/2 - 120 + atoi(com_token); // SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x, y); // SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x+159, y+31); s = COM_Parse (s); value = atoi(com_token); if (value >= MAX_CLIENTS || value < 0) Host_EndGame ("client >= MAX_CLIENTS"); // ci = &cl.clientinfo[value]; s = COM_Parse (s); score = atoi(com_token); s = COM_Parse (s); ping = atoi(com_token); if (ping > 999) ping = 999; sprintf(block, "%3d %3d %-12.12s", score, ping, "Player"/*ci->name*/); // if (value == cl.playernum) // Draw_Alt_String (x, y, block); // else Draw_String (x, y, block); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "picn")) { // draw a pic from a name s = COM_Parse (s); // SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x, y); // SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x+23, y+23); Draw_Pic (x, y, Draw_SafeCachePic(com_token)); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "num")) { // draw a number s = COM_Parse (s); width = atoi(com_token); s = COM_Parse (s); value = cl.q2frame.playerstate.stats[atoi(com_token)]; SCR_DrawField (x, y, 0, width, value); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "hnum")) { // health number int color; width = 3; value = cl.q2frame.playerstate.stats[Q2STAT_HEALTH]; if (value > 25) color = 0; // green else if (value > 0) color = (cl.q2frame.serverframe>>2) & 1; // flash else color = 1; if (cl.q2frame.playerstate.stats[Q2STAT_FLASHES] & 1) Draw_Pic (x, y, Draw_SafeCachePic("field_3")); SCR_DrawField (x, y, color, width, value); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "anum")) { // ammo number int color; width = 3; value = cl.q2frame.playerstate.stats[Q2STAT_AMMO]; if (value > 5) color = 0; // green else if (value >= 0) color = (cl.q2frame.serverframe>>2) & 1; // flash else continue; // negative number = don't show if (cl.q2frame.playerstate.stats[Q2STAT_FLASHES] & 4) Draw_Pic (x, y, Draw_SafeCachePic("field_3")); SCR_DrawField (x, y, color, width, value); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "rnum")) { // armor number int color; width = 3; value = cl.q2frame.playerstate.stats[Q2STAT_ARMOR]; if (value < 1) continue; color = 0; // green if (cl.q2frame.playerstate.stats[Q2STAT_FLASHES] & 2) Draw_Pic (x, y, Draw_SafeCachePic("field_3")); SCR_DrawField (x, y, color, width, value); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "stat_string")) { s = COM_Parse (s); index = atoi(com_token); if (index < 0 || index >= Q2MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS) Host_EndGame ("Bad stat_string index"); index = cl.q2frame.playerstate.stats[index]; if (index < 0 || index >= Q2MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS) Host_EndGame ("Bad stat_string index"); Draw_String (x, y, Get_Q2ConfigString(index)); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "cstring")) { s = COM_Parse (s); DrawHUDString (com_token, x, y, 320, 0); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "string")) { s = COM_Parse (s); Draw_String (x, y, com_token); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "cstring2")) { s = COM_Parse (s); DrawHUDString (com_token, x, y, 320,0x80); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "string2")) { s = COM_Parse (s); Draw_Alt_String (x, y, com_token); continue; } if (!strcmp(com_token, "if")) { // draw a number s = COM_Parse (s); value = cl.q2frame.playerstate.stats[atoi(com_token)]; if (!value) { // skip to endif while (s && strcmp(com_token, "endif") ) { s = COM_Parse (s); } } continue; } } } #endif /* =============== Sbar_ShowTeamScores Tab key down =============== */ void Sbar_ShowTeamScores (void) { if (sb_showteamscores) return; sb_showteamscores = true; sb_updates = 0; } /* =============== Sbar_DontShowTeamScores Tab key up =============== */ void Sbar_DontShowTeamScores (void) { sb_showteamscores = false; sb_updates = 0; } /* =============== Sbar_ShowScores Tab key down =============== */ void Sbar_ShowScores (void) { if (sb_showscores) return; sb_showscores = true; sb_updates = 0; } /* =============== Sbar_DontShowScores Tab key up =============== */ void Sbar_DontShowScores (void) { sb_showscores = false; sb_updates = 0; } /* =============== Sbar_Changed =============== */ void Sbar_Changed (void) { sb_updates = 0; // update next frame } /* =============== Sbar_Init =============== */ qboolean sbar_loaded; char *failedpic; mpic_t *Sbar_PicFromWad(char *name) { mpic_t *ret; ret = Draw_SafePicFromWad(name); if (ret) return ret; failedpic = name; return NULL; } void Sbar_Flush (void) { sbar_loaded = false; } void Sbar_Start (void) //if one of these fails, skip the entire status bar. { int i; if (sbar_loaded) return; sbar_loaded = true; if (!wad_base) //the wad isn't loaded. This is an indication that it doesn't exist. { sbarfailed = true; return; } failedpic = NULL; sbarfailed = false; for (i=0 ; i<10 ; i++) { sb_nums[0][i] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("num_%i",i)); sb_nums[1][i] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("anum_%i",i)); } sb_nums[0][10] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("num_minus"); sb_nums[1][10] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("anum_minus"); sb_colon = Sbar_PicFromWad ("num_colon"); sb_slash = Sbar_PicFromWad ("num_slash"); sb_weapons[0][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_shotgun"); sb_weapons[0][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_sshotgun"); sb_weapons[0][2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_nailgun"); sb_weapons[0][3] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_snailgun"); sb_weapons[0][4] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_rlaunch"); sb_weapons[0][5] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_srlaunch"); sb_weapons[0][6] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv_lightng"); sb_weapons[1][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_shotgun"); sb_weapons[1][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_sshotgun"); sb_weapons[1][2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_nailgun"); sb_weapons[1][3] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_snailgun"); sb_weapons[1][4] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_rlaunch"); sb_weapons[1][5] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_srlaunch"); sb_weapons[1][6] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("inv2_lightng"); for (i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) { sb_weapons[2+i][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_shotgun",i+1)); sb_weapons[2+i][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_sshotgun",i+1)); sb_weapons[2+i][2] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_nailgun",i+1)); sb_weapons[2+i][3] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_snailgun",i+1)); sb_weapons[2+i][4] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_rlaunch",i+1)); sb_weapons[2+i][5] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_srlaunch",i+1)); sb_weapons[2+i][6] = Sbar_PicFromWad (va("inva%i_lightng",i+1)); } sb_ammo[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_shells"); sb_ammo[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_nails"); sb_ammo[2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_rocket"); sb_ammo[3] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_cells"); sb_armor[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_armor1"); sb_armor[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_armor2"); sb_armor[2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_armor3"); sb_items[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_key1"); sb_items[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_key2"); sb_items[2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_invis"); sb_items[3] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_invuln"); sb_items[4] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_suit"); sb_items[5] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_quad"); sb_sigil[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_sigil1"); sb_sigil[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_sigil2"); sb_sigil[2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_sigil3"); sb_sigil[3] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sb_sigil4"); sb_faces[4][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face1"); sb_faces[4][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_p1"); sb_faces[3][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face2"); sb_faces[3][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_p2"); sb_faces[2][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face3"); sb_faces[2][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_p3"); sb_faces[1][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face4"); sb_faces[1][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_p4"); sb_faces[0][0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face5"); sb_faces[0][1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_p5"); sb_face_invis = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_invis"); sb_face_invuln = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_invul2"); sb_face_invis_invuln = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_inv2"); sb_face_quad = Sbar_PicFromWad ("face_quad"); sb_sbar = Sbar_PicFromWad ("sbar"); sb_ibar = Sbar_PicFromWad ("ibar"); sb_scorebar = Sbar_PicFromWad ("scorebar"); if (failedpic) sbarfailed = true; failedpic = NULL; //try to detect rogue wads, and thus the stats we will be getting from the server. failedpic = NULL; rsb_invbar[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_invbar1"); rsb_invbar[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_invbar2"); rsb_weapons[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_lava"); rsb_weapons[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_superlava"); rsb_weapons[2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_gren"); rsb_weapons[3] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_multirock"); rsb_weapons[4] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_plasma"); rsb_items[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_shield1"); rsb_items[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_agrav1"); rsb_teambord = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_teambord"); rsb_ammo[0] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_ammolava"); rsb_ammo[1] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_ammomulti"); rsb_ammo[2] = Sbar_PicFromWad ("r_ammoplasma"); if (!failedpic || COM_CheckParm("-rogue")) sbar_rogue = true; else sbar_rogue = false; } void Sbar_Init (void) { Cmd_AddCommand ("+showscores", Sbar_ShowScores); Cmd_AddCommand ("-showscores", Sbar_DontShowScores); Cmd_AddCommand ("+showteamscores", Sbar_ShowTeamScores); Cmd_AddCommand ("-showteamscores", Sbar_DontShowTeamScores); } //============================================================================= // drawing routines are reletive to the status bar location /* ============= Sbar_DrawPic ============= */ void Sbar_DrawPic (int x, int y, mpic_t *pic) { Draw_Pic (sbar_rect.x + x /* + ((sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1) */, sbar_rect.y + y + (sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT), pic); } /* ============= Sbar_DrawSubPic ============= JACK: Draws a portion of the picture in the status bar. */ void Sbar_DrawSubPic(int x, int y, mpic_t *pic, int srcx, int srcy, int width, int height) { Draw_SubPic (sbar_rect.x + x, sbar_rect.y + y+(sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT), pic, srcx, srcy, width, height); } /* ============= Sbar_DrawTransPic ============= */ void Sbar_DrawTransPic (int x, int y, mpic_t *pic) { Draw_TransPic (sbar_rect.x + x /*+ ((sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1) */, sbar_rect.y + y + (sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT), pic); } /* ================ Sbar_DrawCharacter Draws one solid graphics character ================ */ void Sbar_DrawCharacter (int x, int y, int num) { Draw_Character (sbar_rect.x + x /*+ ((sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1) */ + 4, sbar_rect.y + y + sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT, num); } /* ================ Sbar_DrawString ================ */ void Sbar_DrawString (int x, int y, char *str) { Draw_String (sbar_rect.x + x /*+ ((sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1) */, sbar_rect.y + y+ sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT, str); } /* ============= Sbar_itoa ============= */ int Sbar_itoa (int num, char *buf) { char *str; int pow10; int dig; str = buf; if (num < 0) { *str++ = '-'; num = -num; } for (pow10 = 10 ; num >= pow10 ; pow10 *= 10) ; do { pow10 /= 10; dig = num/pow10; *str++ = '0'+dig; num -= dig*pow10; } while (pow10 != 1); *str = 0; return str-buf; } /* ============= Sbar_DrawNum ============= */ void Sbar_DrawNum (int x, int y, int num, int digits, int color) { char str[12]; char *ptr; int l, frame; #undef small int small=false; if (digits < 0) { small = true; digits*=-1; } l = Sbar_itoa (num, str); ptr = str; if (l > digits) ptr += (l-digits); if (small) { if (l < digits) x += (digits-l)*8; while (*ptr) { Sbar_DrawCharacter(x, y, *ptr+18 - '0'); ptr++; x+=8; } return; } if (l < digits) x += (digits-l)*24; while (*ptr) { if (*ptr == '-') frame = STAT_MINUS; else frame = *ptr -'0'; Sbar_DrawTransPic (x,y,sb_nums[color][frame]); x += 24; ptr++; } } //============================================================================= //ZOID: this should be MAX_CLIENTS, not MAX_SCOREBOARD!! //int fragsort[MAX_SCOREBOARD]; int fragsort[MAX_CLIENTS]; int scoreboardlines; typedef struct { char team[16+1]; int frags; int players; int plow, phigh, ptotal; } team_t; team_t teams[MAX_CLIENTS]; int teamsort[MAX_CLIENTS]; int scoreboardteams; /* =============== Sbar_SortFrags =============== */ void Sbar_SortFrags (qboolean includespec) { int i, j, k; // sort by frags scoreboardlines = 0; for (i=0 ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++) { if (cl.players[i].name[0] && (!cl.players[i].spectator || includespec)) { fragsort[scoreboardlines] = i; scoreboardlines++; if (cl.players[i].spectator) cl.players[i].frags = -999; } } for (i=0 ; i<scoreboardlines ; i++) for (j=0 ; j<scoreboardlines-1-i ; j++) if (cl.players[fragsort[j]].frags < cl.players[fragsort[j+1]].frags) { k = fragsort[j]; fragsort[j] = fragsort[j+1]; fragsort[j+1] = k; } } void Sbar_SortTeams (void) { int i, j, k; player_info_t *s; char t[16+1]; // request new ping times every two second scoreboardteams = 0; if (!cl.teamplay) return; // sort the teams memset(teams, 0, sizeof(teams)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) teams[i].plow = 999; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { s = &cl.players[i]; if (!s->name[0]) continue; if (s->spectator) continue; // find his team in the list t[16] = 0; Q_strncpyz(t, Info_ValueForKey(s->userinfo, "team"), sizeof(t)); if (!t || !t[0]) continue; // not on team for (j = 0; j < scoreboardteams; j++) if (!strcmp(teams[j].team, t)) { teams[j].frags += s->frags; teams[j].players++; goto addpinginfo; } if (j == scoreboardteams) { // must add him j = scoreboardteams++; strcpy(teams[j].team, t); teams[j].frags = s->frags; teams[j].players = 1; addpinginfo: if (teams[j].plow > s->ping) teams[j].plow = s->ping; if (teams[j].phigh < s->ping) teams[j].phigh = s->ping; teams[j].ptotal += s->ping; } } // sort for (i = 0; i < scoreboardteams; i++) teamsort[i] = i; // good 'ol bubble sort for (i = 0; i < scoreboardteams - 1; i++) for (j = i + 1; j < scoreboardteams; j++) if (teams[teamsort[i]].frags < teams[teamsort[j]].frags) { k = teamsort[i]; teamsort[i] = teamsort[j]; teamsort[j] = k; } } int Sbar_ColorForMap (int m) { m = (m < 0) ? 0 : ((m > 13) ? 13 : m); m *= 16; return m < 128 ? m + 8 : m + 8; } /* =============== Sbar_SoloScoreboard =============== */ void Sbar_SoloScoreboard (void) { float time; char str[80]; int minutes, seconds, tens, units; Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, sb_scorebar); // time time = cl.gametime; time += realtime - cl.gametimemark; minutes = time / 60; seconds = time - 60*minutes; tens = seconds / 10; units = seconds - 10*tens; sprintf (str,"Time :%3i:%i%i", minutes, tens, units); Sbar_DrawString (184, 4, str); } void Sbar_CoopScoreboard (void) { float time; char str[80]; int minutes, seconds, tens, units; int l; sprintf (str,"Monsters:%3i /%3i", cl.stats[0][STAT_MONSTERS], cl.stats[0][STAT_TOTALMONSTERS]); Sbar_DrawString (8, 4, str); sprintf (str,"Secrets :%3i /%3i", cl.stats[0][STAT_SECRETS], cl.stats[0][STAT_TOTALSECRETS]); Sbar_DrawString (8, 12, str); // time time = cl.gametime; time += realtime - cl.gametimemark; minutes = time / 60; seconds = time - 60*minutes; tens = seconds / 10; units = seconds - 10*tens; sprintf (str,"Time :%3i:%i%i", minutes, tens, units); Sbar_DrawString (184, 4, str); // draw level name l = strlen (cl.levelname); Sbar_DrawString (232 - l*4, 12, cl.levelname); } //============================================================================= /* =============== Sbar_DrawInventory =============== */ void Sbar_DrawInventory (int pnum) { int i; char num[6]; float time; int flashon; qboolean headsup; qboolean hudswap; headsup = !(cl_sbar.value || (scr_viewsize.value<100&&cl.splitclients==1)); hudswap = cl_hudswap.value; // Get that nasty float out :) if (!headsup) { if (sbar_rogue) { if ( cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON] >= RIT_LAVA_NAILGUN ) Sbar_DrawPic (0, -24, rsb_invbar[0]); else Sbar_DrawPic (0, -24, rsb_invbar[1]); } else Sbar_DrawPic (0, -24, sb_ibar); } // weapons for (i=0 ; i<7 ; i++) { if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & (IT_SHOTGUN<<i) ) { time = cl.item_gettime[pnum][i]; flashon = (int)((cl.time - time)*10); if (flashon < 0) flashon = 0; if (flashon >= 10) { if ( cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON] == (IT_SHOTGUN<<i) ) flashon = 1; else flashon = 0; } else flashon = (flashon%5) + 2; if (headsup) { if (i || sbar_rect.height>200) Sbar_DrawSubPic ((hudswap) ? 0 : (sbar_rect.width-24),-68-(7-i)*16 , sb_weapons[flashon][i],0,0,24,16); } else Sbar_DrawPic (i*24, -16, sb_weapons[flashon][i]); // Sbar_DrawSubPic (0,0,20,20,i*24, -16, sb_weapons[flashon][i]); if (flashon > 1) sb_updates = 0; // force update to remove flash } } if (sbar_rogue) { // check for powered up weapon. if ( cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON] >= RIT_LAVA_NAILGUN ) { for (i=0;i<5;i++) { if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON] == (RIT_LAVA_NAILGUN << i)) { if (headsup) { if (sbar_rect.height>200) Sbar_DrawSubPic ((hudswap) ? 0 : (sbar_rect.width-24),-68-(5-i)*16 , rsb_weapons[i],0,0,24,16); } else Sbar_DrawPic ((i+2)*24, -16, rsb_weapons[i]); } } } } // ammo counts for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) { sprintf (num, "%3i",cl.stats[pnum][STAT_SHELLS+i] ); if (headsup) { // Sbar_DrawSubPic(3, -24, sb_ibar, 3, 0, 42,11); Sbar_DrawSubPic((hudswap) ? 0 : (sbar_rect.width-42), -24 - (4-i)*11, sb_ibar, 3+(i*48), 0, 42, 11); if (num[0] != ' ') Sbar_DrawCharacter ( (hudswap) ? 3 : (sbar_rect.width-39), -24 - (4-i)*11, 18 + num[0] - '0'); if (num[1] != ' ') Sbar_DrawCharacter ( (hudswap) ? 11 : (sbar_rect.width-31), -24 - (4-i)*11, 18 + num[1] - '0'); if (num[2] != ' ') Sbar_DrawCharacter ( (hudswap) ? 19 : (sbar_rect.width-23), -24 - (4-i)*11, 18 + num[2] - '0'); } else { if (num[0] != ' ') Sbar_DrawCharacter ( (6*i+1)*8 - 2, -24, 18 + num[0] - '0'); if (num[1] != ' ') Sbar_DrawCharacter ( (6*i+2)*8 - 2, -24, 18 + num[1] - '0'); if (num[2] != ' ') Sbar_DrawCharacter ( (6*i+3)*8 - 2, -24, 18 + num[2] - '0'); } } flashon = 0; // items for (i=0 ; i<6 ; i++) if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & (1<<(17+i))) { time = cl.item_gettime[pnum][17+i]; if (time && time > cl.time - 2 && flashon ) { // flash frame sb_updates = 0; } else Sbar_DrawPic (192 + i*16, -16, sb_items[i]); if (time && time > cl.time - 2) sb_updates = 0; } if (sbar_rogue) { // new rogue items for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++) { if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & (1<<(29+i))) { time = cl.item_gettime[pnum][29+i]; if (time && time > cl.time - 2 && flashon ) { // flash frame sb_updates = 0; } else { Sbar_DrawPic (288 + i*16, -16, rsb_items[i]); } if (time && time > cl.time - 2) sb_updates = 0; } } } else { // sigils for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & (1<<(28+i))) { time = cl.item_gettime[pnum][28+i]; if (time && time > cl.time - 2 && flashon ) { // flash frame sb_updates = 0; } else Sbar_DrawPic (320-32 + i*8, -16, sb_sigil[i]); if (time && time > cl.time - 2) sb_updates = 0; } } } //============================================================================= /* =============== Sbar_DrawFrags =============== */ void Sbar_DrawFrags (void) { int i, k, l; int top, bottom; int x, y, f; char num[12]; player_info_t *s; Sbar_SortFrags (false); // draw the text l = scoreboardlines <= 4 ? scoreboardlines : 4; x = 23; // xofs = (sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1; y = sbar_rect.height - SBAR_HEIGHT - 23; for (i=0 ; i<l ; i++) { k = fragsort[i]; s = &cl.players[k]; if (!s->name[0]) continue; if (s->spectator) continue; // draw background top = s->topcolor; bottom = s->bottomcolor; top = (top < 0) ? 0 : ((top > 13) ? 13 : top); bottom = (bottom < 0) ? 0 : ((bottom > 13) ? 13 : bottom); top = Sbar_ColorForMap (top); bottom = Sbar_ColorForMap (bottom); // Draw_Fill (xofs + x*8 + 10, y, 28, 4, top); // Draw_Fill (xofs + x*8 + 10, y+4, 28, 3, bottom); Draw_Fill (sbar_rect.x+x*8 + 10, sbar_rect.y+y, 28, 4, top); Draw_Fill (sbar_rect.x+x*8 + 10, sbar_rect.y+y+4, 28, 3, bottom); // draw number f = s->frags; sprintf (num, "%3i",f); Sbar_DrawCharacter ( (x+1)*8 , -24, num[0]); Sbar_DrawCharacter ( (x+2)*8 , -24, num[1]); Sbar_DrawCharacter ( (x+3)*8 , -24, num[2]); if (k == cl.playernum[0]) { Sbar_DrawCharacter (x*8+2, -24, 16); Sbar_DrawCharacter ( (x+4)*8-4, -24, 17); } x+=4; } } //============================================================================= /* =============== Sbar_DrawFace =============== */ void Sbar_DrawFace (int pnum) { int f, anim; if ( (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & (IT_INVISIBILITY | IT_INVULNERABILITY) ) == (IT_INVISIBILITY | IT_INVULNERABILITY) ) { Sbar_DrawPic (112, 0, sb_face_invis_invuln); return; } if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & IT_QUAD) { Sbar_DrawPic (112, 0, sb_face_quad ); return; } if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVISIBILITY) { Sbar_DrawPic (112, 0, sb_face_invis ); return; } if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVULNERABILITY) { Sbar_DrawPic (112, 0, sb_face_invuln); return; } if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_HEALTH] >= 100) f = 4; else f = cl.stats[pnum][STAT_HEALTH] / 20; if (f < 0) f=0; if (cl.time <= cl.faceanimtime[pnum]) { anim = 1; sb_updates = 0; // make sure the anim gets drawn over } else anim = 0; Sbar_DrawPic (112, 0, sb_faces[f][anim]); } /* ============= Sbar_DrawNormal ============= */ void Sbar_DrawNormal (int pnum) { if (cl_sbar.value || (scr_viewsize.value<100&&cl.splitclients==1)) Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, sb_sbar); // armor if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVULNERABILITY) { Sbar_DrawNum (24, 0, 666, 3, 1); Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, draw_disc); } else { if (sbar_rogue) { Sbar_DrawNum (24, 0, cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ARMOR], 3, cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ARMOR] <= 25); if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_ARMOR3) Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, sb_armor[2]); else if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_ARMOR2) Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, sb_armor[1]); else if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_ARMOR1) Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, sb_armor[0]); } else { Sbar_DrawNum (24, 0, cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ARMOR], 3, cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ARMOR] <= 25); if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR3) Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, sb_armor[2]); else if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR2) Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, sb_armor[1]); else if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ARMOR1) Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, sb_armor[0]); } } // face Sbar_DrawFace (pnum); // health Sbar_DrawNum (136, 0, cl.stats[pnum][STAT_HEALTH], 3 , cl.stats[pnum][STAT_HEALTH] <= 25); // ammo icon if (sbar_rogue) { if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_SHELLS) Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, sb_ammo[0]); else if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_NAILS) Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, sb_ammo[1]); else if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_ROCKETS) Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, sb_ammo[2]); else if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_CELLS) Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, sb_ammo[3]); else if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_LAVA_NAILS) Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, rsb_ammo[0]); else if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_PLASMA_AMMO) Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, rsb_ammo[1]); else if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & RIT_MULTI_ROCKETS) Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, rsb_ammo[2]); } else { if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & IT_SHELLS) Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, sb_ammo[0]); else if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & IT_NAILS) Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, sb_ammo[1]); else if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ROCKETS) Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, sb_ammo[2]); else if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_ITEMS] & IT_CELLS) Sbar_DrawPic (224, 0, sb_ammo[3]); } Sbar_DrawNum (248, 0, cl.stats[pnum][STAT_AMMO], 3 , cl.stats[pnum][STAT_AMMO] <= 10); } /* =============== Sbar_Draw =============== */ void Sbar_Draw (void) { #ifdef TEXTEDITOR extern qboolean editoractive; #endif qboolean headsup; char st[512]; int pnum; int deadcount=0; if (scr_con_current == vid.height) return; // console is full screen #ifdef TEXTEDITOR if (editoractive) return; #endif if (UI_DrawStatusBar((sb_showscores?1:0) + (sb_showteamscores?2:0))>0) return; if (UI_MenuState()) return; headsup = !(cl_sbar.value || (scr_viewsize.value<100&&cl.splitclients==1)); if ((sb_updates >= vid.numpages) && !headsup) return; #ifdef Q2CLIENT if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2) { SCR_VRectForPlayer(&sbar_rect, 0); if (*cl.q2statusbar) Sbar_ExecuteLayoutString(cl.q2statusbar); if (*cl.q2layout) { if (cl.q2frame.playerstate.stats[Q2STAT_LAYOUTS]) Sbar_ExecuteLayoutString(cl.q2layout); } return; } #endif Sbar_Start(); for (pnum = 0; pnum < cl.splitclients; pnum++) { if (cl.splitclients>1 || scr_chatmode) { SCR_VRectForPlayer(&sbar_rect, pnum); } else { //single player sbar takes full screen sbar_rect.width = vid.width; sbar_rect.height = vid.height; sbar_rect.x = 0; sbar_rect.y = 0; } if (sbarfailed) //files failed to load. { if (scr_viewsize.value != 120) Cvar_Set(&scr_viewsize, "120"); Sbar_DrawString (0, -8, va("%i", cl.stats[pnum][STAT_HEALTH])); continue; } scr_copyeverything = 1; // scr_fullupdate = 0; sb_updates++; // top line if (sb_lines > 24) { if (!cl.spectator || autocam[pnum] == CAM_TRACK) Sbar_DrawInventory (pnum); if (!headsup || sbar_rect.width<512) Sbar_DrawFrags (); } // main area if (sb_lines > 0) { if (cl.spectator) { if (autocam[pnum] != CAM_TRACK) { Sbar_DrawPic (0, 0, sb_scorebar); Sbar_DrawString (160-7*8,4, "SPECTATOR MODE"); Sbar_DrawString(160-14*8+4, 12, "Press [ATTACK] for AutoCamera"); } else { if (sb_showscores || cl.stats[pnum][STAT_HEALTH] <= 0) Sbar_SoloScoreboard (); else if (cls.gamemode != GAME_DEATHMATCH) Sbar_CoopScoreboard (); else Sbar_DrawNormal (pnum); // Sbar_DrawString (160-14*8+4,4, "SPECTATOR MODE - TRACK CAMERA"); sprintf(st, "Tracking %-.13s, [JUMP] for next", cl.players[spec_track[pnum]].name); Sbar_DrawString(0, -8, st); } } else if (sb_showscores || (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 && cl.splitclients == 1)) { if (!pnum) { if (cls.gamemode != GAME_DEATHMATCH) Sbar_CoopScoreboard (); else Sbar_SoloScoreboard (); } } else Sbar_DrawNormal (pnum); } if (cl.stats[pnum][STAT_HEALTH] <= 0) deadcount++; } // main screen deathmatch rankings // if we're dead show team scores in team games if (deadcount == cl.splitclients && !cl.spectator) { if (cl.teamplay > 0 && !sb_showscores) Sbar_TeamOverlay(); else Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (0); } else if (sb_showscores) Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (0); else if (sb_showteamscores) Sbar_TeamOverlay(); #ifdef RGLQUAKE if (cl.splitclients) { if (sb_showscores || sb_showteamscores || deadcount == cl.splitclients) sb_updates = 0; // clear unused areas in gl #if 0 { int x = (sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1; // left if (x > 0) { Draw_TileClear (0, sbar_rect.height - sb_lines, x, sb_lines); Draw_TileClear (x+320, sbar_rect.height - sb_lines, sbar_rect.width - x+320, sb_lines); } } #endif if (sbar_rect.width > 320 && !headsup) Draw_TileClear (320, sbar_rect.height - sb_lines, sbar_rect.width - 320, sb_lines); } #endif if (sb_lines > 0) Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay (); { extern int scr_chatmode; if (scr_chatmode) Sbar_ChatModeOverlay(); } } //============================================================================= /* ================== Sbar_IntermissionNumber ================== */ void Sbar_IntermissionNumber (int x, int y, int num, int digits, int color) { char str[12]; char *ptr; int l, frame; l = Sbar_itoa (num, str); ptr = str; if (l > digits) ptr += (l-digits); if (l < digits) x += (digits-l)*24; while (*ptr) { if (*ptr == '-') frame = STAT_MINUS; else frame = *ptr -'0'; Draw_TransPic (x,y,sb_nums[color][frame]); x += 24; ptr++; } } /* ================== Sbar_TeamOverlay team frags added by Zoid ================== */ void Sbar_TeamOverlay (void) { mpic_t *pic; int i, k, l; int x, y; char num[12]; char team[5]; team_t *tm; int plow, phigh, pavg; // request new ping times every two second if (!cl.teamplay) { Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(0); return; } scr_copyeverything = 1; scr_fullupdate = 0; pic = Draw_SafeCachePic ("gfx/ranking.lmp"); if (pic) Draw_Pic ((vid.width-pic->width)/2, 0, pic); y = 24; x = (vid.width - 320)/2 + 36; Draw_String(x, y, "low/avg/high team total players"); y += 8; // Draw_String(x, y, "------------ ---- ----- -------"); Draw_String(x, y, "\x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f"); y += 8; // sort the teams Sbar_SortTeams(); // draw the text l = scoreboardlines; for (i=0 ; i < scoreboardteams && y <= vid.height-10 ; i++) { k = teamsort[i]; tm = teams + k; // draw pings plow = tm->plow; if (plow < 0 || plow > 999) plow = 999; phigh = tm->phigh; if (phigh < 0 || phigh > 999) phigh = 999; if (!tm->players) pavg = 999; else pavg = tm->ptotal / tm->players; if (pavg < 0 || pavg > 999) pavg = 999; sprintf (num, "%3i/%3i/%3i", plow, pavg, phigh); Draw_String ( x, y, num); // draw team Q_strncpyz (team, tm->team, sizeof(team)); Draw_String (x + 104, y, team); // draw total sprintf (num, "%5i", tm->frags); Draw_String (x + 104 + 40, y, num); // draw players sprintf (num, "%5i", tm->players); Draw_String (x + 104 + 88, y, num); if (!strncmp(Info_ValueForKey(cl.players[cl.playernum[0]].userinfo, "team"), tm->team, 16)) { Draw_Character ( x + 104 - 8, y, 16); Draw_Character ( x + 104 + 32, y, 17); } y += 8; } y += 8; Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(y); } /* ================== Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay ping time frags name ================== */ void Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (int start) { mpic_t *pic; int i, k, l; int top, bottom; int x, y, f; char num[12]; player_info_t *s; int total; int minutes; int p; char team[64]; int skip = 10; if (largegame) skip = 8; // request new ping times every two second if (realtime - cl.last_ping_request > 2 && cls.protocol == CP_QUAKEWORLD) { cl.last_ping_request = realtime; CL_SendClientCommand(false, "pings"); } scr_copyeverything = 1; scr_fullupdate = 0; if (!start) { pic = Draw_SafeCachePic ("gfx/ranking.lmp"); if (pic) Draw_Pic ((vid.width - 320)/2 + 160-pic->width/2, 0, pic); } // scores Sbar_SortFrags (true); // draw the text l = scoreboardlines; if (start) y = start; else y = 24; if (cl.teamplay) { x = (vid.width - 320)/2 + 4; // 0 40 64 104 152 192 Draw_String ( x , y, "ping pl time frags team name"); y += 8; // Draw_String ( x , y, "---- -- ---- ----- ---- ----------------"); Draw_String ( x , y, "\x1d\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f"); y += 8; } else { x = (vid.width - 320)/2 + 16; // 0 40 64 104 152 Draw_String ( x , y, "ping pl time frags name"); y += 8; // Draw_String ( x , y, "---- -- ---- ----- ----------------"); Draw_String ( x , y, "\x1d\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f"); y += 8; } for (i=0 ; i<l && y <= vid.height-10 ; i++) { k = fragsort[i]; s = &cl.players[k]; if (!s->name[0]) continue; // draw ping p = s->ping; if (p < 0 || p > 999) p = 999; sprintf (num, "%4i", p); Draw_FunString ( x, y, num); // draw pl p = s->pl; sprintf (num, "%3i", p); if (p > 25) Draw_Alt_String ( x+32, y, num); else Draw_String ( x+32, y, num); if (s->spectator) { Draw_String (x+56, y, "(spectator)"); // draw name if (cl.teamplay) Draw_FunString (x+152+40, y, s->name); else Draw_FunString (x+152, y, s->name); y += skip; continue; } // draw time if (cl.intermission) total = cl.completed_time - s->entertime; else total = realtime - s->entertime; minutes = (int)total/60; sprintf (num, "%4i", minutes); Draw_String ( x+64 , y, num); // draw background top = s->topcolor; bottom = s->bottomcolor; top = Sbar_ColorForMap (top); bottom = Sbar_ColorForMap (bottom); if (largegame) Draw_Fill ( x+104, y+1, 40, 3, top); else Draw_Fill ( x+104, y, 40, 4, top); Draw_Fill ( x+104, y+4, 40, 4, bottom); // draw number f = s->frags; sprintf (num, "%3i",f); Draw_Character ( x+112 , y, num[0]); Draw_Character ( x+120 , y, num[1]); Draw_Character ( x+128 , y, num[2]); if ((cl.spectator && k == spec_track[0]) || (!cl.spectator && k == cl.playernum[0])) { Draw_Character ( x + 104, y, 16); Draw_Character ( x + 136, y, 17); } // team if (cl.teamplay) { Q_strncpyz (team, Info_ValueForKey(s->userinfo, "team"), sizeof(team)); Draw_FunStringLen (x+152, y, team, 4); } // draw name if (cl.teamplay) Draw_FunString (x+152+40, y, s->name); else Draw_FunString (x+152, y, s->name); y += skip; } Draw_Character(0,0,COLOR_WHITE<<8); if (y >= vid.height-10) // we ran over the screen size, squish largegame = true; } void Sbar_ChatModeOverlay(void) { int start =0; mpic_t *pic; int i, k, l; int top, bottom; int x, y; player_info_t *s; char team[5]; int skip = 10; if (largegame) skip = 8; // request new ping times every two second if (realtime - cl.last_ping_request > 2 && cls.protocol == CP_QUAKEWORLD) { cl.last_ping_request = realtime; CL_SendClientCommand(false, "pings"); } scr_copyeverything = 1; scr_fullupdate = 0; if (!start) { pic = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/ranking.lmp"); Draw_Pic (160-pic->width/2, 0, pic); } // scores Sbar_SortFrags (true); if (Cam_TrackNum(0)>=0) Q_strncpyz (team, Info_ValueForKey(cl.players[Cam_TrackNum(0)].userinfo, "team"), sizeof(team)); else if (cl.playernum[0]>=0 && cl.playernum[0]<MAX_CLIENTS) Q_strncpyz (team, Info_ValueForKey(cl.players[cl.playernum[0]].userinfo, "team"), sizeof(team)); else *team = '\0'; // draw the text l = scoreboardlines; if (start) y = start; else y = 24; y = vid.height/2; x = 4; Draw_String ( x , y, "name"); y += 8; Draw_String ( x , y, "\x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f"); y += 8; for (i=0 ; i<l && y <= vid.height-10 ; i++) { k = fragsort[i]; s = &cl.players[k]; if (!s->name[0]) continue; // draw background top = s->topcolor; bottom = s->bottomcolor; top = Sbar_ColorForMap (top); bottom = Sbar_ColorForMap (bottom); if (largegame) Draw_Fill ( x, y+1, 8, 3, top); else Draw_Fill ( x, y, 8, 4, top); Draw_Fill ( x, y+4, 8, 4, bottom); if (cl.spectator && k == Cam_TrackNum(0)) { Draw_Character ( x, y, 16); Draw_Character ( x+vid.width/2-16, y, 17); } else if (!cl.spectator && k == cl.playernum[0]) { Draw_Character ( x, y, 16); Draw_Character ( x+vid.width/2-16, y, 17); } else if (cl.teamplay) { if (!stricmp(Info_ValueForKey(s->userinfo, "team"), team)) { Draw_Character ( x, y, '['); Draw_Character ( x+vid.width/2-16, y, ']'); } } // draw name if (cl.teamplay) Draw_FunString (x+8, y, s->name); else Draw_FunString (x+8, y, s->name); y += skip; } Draw_Character(0,0,COLOR_WHITE<<8); if (y >= vid.height-10) // we ran over the screen size, squish largegame = true; } /* ================== Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay frags name frags team name displayed to right of status bar if there's room ================== */ void Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay (void) { int i, k; int top, bottom; int x, y, f; char num[12]; player_info_t *s; char team[64]; int numlines; char name[64+1]; team_t *tm; if (sbar_rect.width < 512 || !sb_lines) return; // not enuff room scr_copyeverything = 1; scr_fullupdate = 0; // scores Sbar_SortFrags (false); if (sbar_rect.width >= 640) Sbar_SortTeams(); if (!scoreboardlines) return; // no one there? // draw the text y = sbar_rect.height - sb_lines - 1; numlines = sb_lines/8; if (numlines < 3) return; // not enough room // find us for (i=0 ; i < scoreboardlines; i++) if (fragsort[i] == cl.playernum[0]) break; if (i == scoreboardlines) // we're not there, we are probably a spectator, just display top i = 0; else // figure out start i = i - numlines/2; if (i > scoreboardlines - numlines) i = scoreboardlines - numlines; if (i < 0) i = 0; x = 324; for (/* */ ; i < scoreboardlines && y < sbar_rect.height - 8 + 1; i++) { k = fragsort[i]; s = &cl.players[k]; if (!s->name[0]) continue; // draw ping top = s->topcolor; bottom = s->bottomcolor; top = Sbar_ColorForMap (top); bottom = Sbar_ColorForMap (bottom); Draw_Fill ( x, y+1, 40, 3, top); Draw_Fill ( x, y+4, 40, 4, bottom); // draw number f = s->frags; sprintf (num, "%3i",f); Draw_ColouredCharacter ( x+8 , y, (COLOR_WHITE<<8)|num[0]); Draw_Character ( x+16, y, num[1]); Draw_Character ( x+24, y, num[2]); if ((cl.spectator && k == spec_track[0]) || (!cl.spectator && k == cl.playernum[0])) { Draw_Character ( x, y, 16); Draw_Character ( x + 32, y, 17); } Q_strncpyz(name, s->name, sizeof(name)); // team and name if (cl.teamplay) { Q_strncpyz (team, Info_ValueForKey(s->userinfo, "team"), sizeof(team)); Draw_FunStringLen (x+48, y, team, 4); Draw_FunStringLen (x+48+40, y, name, MAX_DISPLAYEDNAME); } else Draw_FunStringLen (x+48, y, name, MAX_DISPLAYEDNAME); y += 8; } // draw teams if room if (sbar_rect.width < 640 || !cl.teamplay) return; // draw seperator x += 208; for (y = sbar_rect.height - sb_lines; y < sbar_rect.height - 6; y += 2) Draw_ColouredCharacter(x, y, (COLOR_WHITE<<8)|14); x += 16; y = sbar_rect.height - sb_lines; for (i=0 ; i < scoreboardteams && y <= sbar_rect.height; i++) { k = teamsort[i]; tm = teams + k; // draw pings Q_strncpyz (team, tm->team, sizeof(team)); Draw_FunStringLen (x, y, team, 4); // draw total sprintf (num, "%5i", tm->frags); Draw_FunString(x + 40, y, num); if (!strncmp(Info_ValueForKey(cl.players[cl.playernum[0]].userinfo, "team"), tm->team, 16)) { Draw_Character ( x - 8, y, 16); Draw_Character ( x + 32, y, 17); } y += 8; } } void Sbar_CoopIntermission (void) { mpic_t *pic; int dig; int num; scr_copyeverything = 1; scr_fullupdate = 0; pic = Draw_SafeCachePic ("gfx/complete.lmp"); if (!pic) return; Draw_Pic ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 64, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 24, pic); pic = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/inter.lmp"); Draw_TransPic ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 0, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 56, pic); // time dig = cl.completed_time/60; Sbar_IntermissionNumber ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 160, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 64, dig, 3, 0); num = cl.completed_time - dig*60; Draw_TransPic ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 234,(sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 64,sb_colon); Draw_TransPic ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 246,(sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 64,sb_nums[0][num/10]); Draw_TransPic ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 266,(sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 64,sb_nums[0][num%10]); //it is assumed that secrits/monsters are going to be constant for any player... Sbar_IntermissionNumber ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 160, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 104, cl.stats[0][STAT_SECRETS], 3, 0); Draw_TransPic ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 232,(sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 104,sb_slash); Sbar_IntermissionNumber ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 240, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 104, cl.stats[0][STAT_TOTALSECRETS], 3, 0); Sbar_IntermissionNumber ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 160, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 144, cl.stats[0][STAT_MONSTERS], 3, 0); Draw_TransPic ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 232,(sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 144,sb_slash); Sbar_IntermissionNumber ((sbar_rect.width - 320)/2 + 240, (sbar_rect.height - 200)/2 + 144, cl.stats[0][STAT_TOTALMONSTERS], 3, 0); } /* ================== Sbar_IntermissionOverlay ================== */ void Sbar_IntermissionOverlay (void) { scr_copyeverything = 1; scr_fullupdate = 0; if (UI_DrawIntermission()>0) return; if (cls.gamemode != GAME_DEATHMATCH) Sbar_CoopIntermission(); else if (cl.teamplay > 0 && !sb_showscores) Sbar_TeamOverlay (); else Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (0); } /* ================== Sbar_FinaleOverlay ================== */ void Sbar_FinaleOverlay (void) { mpic_t *pic; scr_copyeverything = 1; if (UI_DrawFinale()>0) return; pic = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/finale.lmp"); Draw_TransPic ( (vid.width-pic->width)/2, 16, pic); }