#include "quakedef.h" #ifdef GLQUAKE #ifdef RTLIGHTS #include "glquake.h" #include "shader.h" #define SHADOWMAP_SIZE 512 #define nearplane (16) static int shadow_fbo_id; static void Sh_DrawEntLighting(dlight_t *light, vec3_t colour); struct { int numlights; int shadowsurfcount; int numfrustumculled; int numpvsculled; int numscissorculled; } bench; typedef struct { unsigned int count; unsigned int max; mesh_t **s; } shadowmeshsurfs_t; typedef struct shadowmesh_s { unsigned int numindicies; unsigned int maxindicies; index_t *indicies; unsigned int numverts; unsigned int maxverts; vecV_t *verts; //we also have a list of all the surfaces that this light lights. unsigned int numsurftextures; shadowmeshsurfs_t *litsurfs; unsigned int leafbytes; unsigned char *litleaves; } shadowmesh_t; /*state of the current shadow mesh*/ #define inc 128 int sh_shadowframe; static int sh_firstindex; static int sh_vertnum; //vertex number (set to 0 at SH_Begin) static shadowmesh_t *sh_shmesh, sh_tempshmesh; /* functions to add geometry to the shadow mesh */ static void SHM_BeginQuads (void) { sh_firstindex = sh_shmesh->numverts; } static void SHM_End (void) { int i; i = (sh_shmesh->numindicies+(sh_vertnum/4)*6+inc+5)&~(inc-1); //and a bit of padding if (sh_shmesh->maxindicies != i) { sh_shmesh->maxindicies = i; sh_shmesh->indicies = BZ_Realloc(sh_shmesh->indicies, i * sizeof(*sh_shmesh->indicies)); } //add the extra triangles for (i = 0; i < sh_vertnum; i+=4) { sh_shmesh->indicies[sh_shmesh->numindicies++] = sh_firstindex + i+0; sh_shmesh->indicies[sh_shmesh->numindicies++] = sh_firstindex + i+1; sh_shmesh->indicies[sh_shmesh->numindicies++] = sh_firstindex + i+2; sh_shmesh->indicies[sh_shmesh->numindicies++] = sh_firstindex + i+0; sh_shmesh->indicies[sh_shmesh->numindicies++] = sh_firstindex + i+2; sh_shmesh->indicies[sh_shmesh->numindicies++] = sh_firstindex + i+3; } sh_vertnum = 0; } static void SHM_Vertex3fv (const GLfloat *v) { int i; //add the verts as we go i = (sh_shmesh->numverts+inc+5)&~(inc-1); //and a bit of padding if (sh_shmesh->maxverts < i) { sh_shmesh->maxverts = i; sh_shmesh->verts = BZ_Realloc(sh_shmesh->verts, i * sizeof(*sh_shmesh->verts)); } sh_shmesh->verts[sh_shmesh->numverts][0] = v[0]; sh_shmesh->verts[sh_shmesh->numverts][1] = v[1]; sh_shmesh->verts[sh_shmesh->numverts][2] = v[2]; sh_vertnum++; sh_shmesh->numverts++; if (sh_vertnum == 4) { SHM_End(); sh_firstindex = sh_shmesh->numverts; } } void SHM_TriangleFan(int numverts, vecV_t *verts, vec3_t lightorg, float pd) { int v, i, idxs; float *v1; vec3_t v3; vecV_t *outv; index_t *outi; /*make sure there's space*/ v = (sh_shmesh->numverts+numverts*2 + inc)&~(inc-1); //and a bit of padding if (sh_shmesh->maxverts < v) { sh_shmesh->maxverts = v; sh_shmesh->verts = BZ_Realloc(sh_shmesh->verts, v * sizeof(*sh_shmesh->verts)); } outv = sh_shmesh->verts + sh_shmesh->numverts; for (v = 0; v < numverts; v++) { v1 = verts[v]; VectorCopy(v1, outv[v]); v3[0] = ( v1[0]-lightorg[0] )*pd; v3[1] = ( v1[1]-lightorg[1] )*pd; v3[2] = ( v1[2]-lightorg[2] )*pd; outv[v+numverts][0] = v1[0]+v3[0]; outv[v+numverts][1] = v1[1]+v3[1]; outv[v+numverts][2] = v1[2]+v3[2]; } idxs = (numverts-2)*3; /*now add the verts in a fan*/ v = (sh_shmesh->numindicies+idxs*2+inc)&~(inc-1); //and a bit of padding if (sh_shmesh->maxindicies < v) { sh_shmesh->maxindicies = v; sh_shmesh->indicies = BZ_Realloc(sh_shmesh->indicies, v * sizeof(*sh_shmesh->indicies)); } outi = sh_shmesh->indicies + sh_shmesh->numindicies; for (v = 2, i = 0; v < numverts; v++, i+=3) { outi[i+0] = sh_shmesh->numverts; outi[i+1] = sh_shmesh->numverts+v-1; outi[i+2] = sh_shmesh->numverts+v; outi[i+0+idxs] = sh_shmesh->numverts+numverts+v; outi[i+1+idxs] = sh_shmesh->numverts+numverts+v-1; outi[i+2+idxs] = sh_shmesh->numverts+numverts; } /*we added this many*/ sh_shmesh->numverts += numverts*2; sh_shmesh->numindicies += i*2; } static void SHM_Shadow_Cache_Surface(msurface_t *surf) { int i; i = surf->texinfo->texture->wtexno; if (i < 0) return; if (sh_shmesh->litsurfs[i].count == sh_shmesh->litsurfs[i].max) { sh_shmesh->litsurfs[i].max += 64; sh_shmesh->litsurfs[i].s = BZ_Realloc(sh_shmesh->litsurfs[i].s, sizeof(void*)*(sh_shmesh->litsurfs[i].max)); } sh_shmesh->litsurfs[i].s[sh_shmesh->litsurfs[i].count] = surf->mesh; sh_shmesh->litsurfs[i].count++; } static void SHM_Shadow_Cache_Leaf(mleaf_t *leaf) { int i; i = leaf - cl.worldmodel->leafs; sh_shmesh->litleaves[i>>3] |= 1<<(i&7); } void SH_FreeShadowMesh(shadowmesh_t *sm) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < sm->numsurftextures; i++) Z_Free(sm->litsurfs[i].s); Z_Free(sm->litsurfs); Z_Free(sm->indicies); Z_Free(sm->verts); Z_Free(sm); } static void SHM_BeginShadowMesh(dlight_t *dl) { unsigned int i; unsigned int lb; sh_vertnum = 0; lb = (cl.worldmodel->numleafs+7)/8; if (!dl->die || !dl->key) { sh_shmesh = dl->worldshadowmesh; if (!sh_shmesh || sh_shmesh->leafbytes != lb) { /*this shouldn't happen too often*/ if (sh_shmesh) { SH_FreeShadowMesh(sh_shmesh); } /*Create a new shadowmesh for this light*/ sh_shmesh = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*sh_shmesh) + lb); sh_shmesh->leafbytes = lb; sh_shmesh->litleaves = (unsigned char*)(sh_shmesh+1); dl->worldshadowmesh = sh_shmesh; } dl->rebuildcache = false; } else { sh_shmesh = &sh_tempshmesh; if (sh_shmesh->leafbytes != lb) { /*this happens on map changes*/ sh_shmesh->leafbytes = lb; Z_Free(sh_shmesh->litleaves); sh_shmesh->litleaves = Z_Malloc(lb); } } sh_shmesh->maxverts = 0; sh_shmesh->numverts = 0; sh_shmesh->maxindicies = 0; sh_shmesh->numindicies = 0; if (sh_shmesh->numsurftextures != cl.worldmodel->numtextures) { if (sh_shmesh->litsurfs) { for (i = 0; i < sh_shmesh->numsurftextures; i++) Z_Free(sh_shmesh->litsurfs[i].s); Z_Free(sh_shmesh->litsurfs); } sh_shmesh->litsurfs = Z_Malloc(sizeof(shadowmeshsurfs_t)*cl.worldmodel->numtextures); sh_shmesh->numsurftextures=cl.worldmodel->numtextures; } else { for (i = 0; i < sh_shmesh->numsurftextures; i++) sh_shmesh->litsurfs[i].count = 0; } } static struct shadowmesh_s *SHM_FinishShadowMesh(dlight_t *dl) { return sh_shmesh; } /*state of the world that is still to compile*/ static struct { short count; short count2; int next; int prev; } edge[MAX_MAP_EDGES]; static int firstedge; static void SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ1_r (dlight_t *dl, mnode_t *node) { int c, side; mplane_t *plane; msurface_t *surf, **mark; mleaf_t *pleaf; double dot; int v; float l, maxdist; int j, s, t; vec3_t impact; if (node->shadowframe != sh_shadowframe) return; if (node->contents == Q1CONTENTS_SOLID) return; // solid //if light areabox is outside node, ignore node + children for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { if (dl->origin[c] + dl->radius < node->minmaxs[c]) return; if (dl->origin[c] - dl->radius > node->minmaxs[3+c]) return; } // if a leaf node, draw stuff if (node->contents < 0) { pleaf = (mleaf_t *)node; SHM_Shadow_Cache_Leaf(pleaf); mark = pleaf->firstmarksurface; c = pleaf->nummarksurfaces; if (c) { do { (*mark++)->shadowframe = sh_shadowframe; } while (--c); } return; } // node is just a decision point, so go down the apropriate sides // find which side of the node we are on plane = node->plane; switch (plane->type) { case PLANE_X: dot = dl->origin[0] - plane->dist; break; case PLANE_Y: dot = dl->origin[1] - plane->dist; break; case PLANE_Z: dot = dl->origin[2] - plane->dist; break; default: dot = DotProduct (dl->origin, plane->normal) - plane->dist; break; } if (dot >= 0) side = 0; else side = 1; // recurse down the children, front side first SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ1_r (dl, node->children[side]); // draw stuff c = node->numsurfaces; if (c) { surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces + node->firstsurface; { maxdist = dl->radius*dl->radius; for ( ; c ; c--, surf++) { if (surf->shadowframe != sh_shadowframe) continue; // if ((dot < 0) ^ !!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)) // continue; // wrong side // if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) // continue; if (surf->flags & (SURF_DRAWALPHA | SURF_DRAWTILED)) { // no shadows continue; } //is the light on the right side? if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) {//inverted normal. if (-DotProduct(surf->plane->normal, dl->origin)+surf->plane->dist >= dl->radius) continue; } else { if (DotProduct(surf->plane->normal, dl->origin)-surf->plane->dist >= dl->radius) continue; } //Yeah, you can blame LordHavoc for this alternate code here. for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) impact[j] = dl->origin[j] - surf->plane->normal[j]*dot; // clamp center of light to corner and check brightness l = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[0]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[0][3] - surf->texturemins[0]; s = l+0.5;if (s < 0) s = 0;else if (s > surf->extents[0]) s = surf->extents[0]; s = l - s; l = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[1]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][3] - surf->texturemins[1]; t = l+0.5;if (t < 0) t = 0;else if (t > surf->extents[1]) t = surf->extents[1]; t = l - t; // compare to minimum light if ((s*s+t*t+dot*dot) < maxdist) { SHM_Shadow_Cache_Surface(surf); #define PROJECTION_DISTANCE (float)(dl->radius*2)//0x7fffffff //build a list of the edges that are to be drawn. for (v = 0; v < surf->numedges; v++) { int e, delta; e = cl.worldmodel->surfedges[surf->firstedge+v]; //negative edge means backwards edge. if (e < 0) { e=-e; delta = -1; } else { delta = 1; } if (!edge[e].count) { if (firstedge) edge[firstedge].prev = e; edge[e].next = firstedge; edge[e].prev = 0; firstedge = e; edge[e].count = delta; } else { edge[e].count += delta; if (!edge[e].count) //unlink { if (edge[e].next) { edge[edge[e].next].prev = edge[e].prev; } if (edge[e].prev) edge[edge[e].prev].next = edge[e].next; else firstedge = edge[e].next; } } } SHM_TriangleFan(surf->mesh->numvertexes, surf->mesh->xyz_array, dl->origin, PROJECTION_DISTANCE); } } } } // recurse down the back side SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ1_r (dl, node->children[!side]); } static void SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ2_r (dlight_t *dl, mnode_t *node) { int c, side; mplane_t *plane; msurface_t *surf, **mark; mleaf_t *pleaf; double dot; int v; float l, maxdist; int j, s, t; vec3_t impact; if (node->shadowframe != sh_shadowframe) return; if (node->contents == Q2CONTENTS_SOLID) return; // solid //if light areabox is outside node, ignore node + children for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { if (dl->origin[c] + dl->radius < node->minmaxs[c]) return; if (dl->origin[c] - dl->radius > node->minmaxs[3+c]) return; } // if a leaf node, draw stuff if (node->contents != -1) { pleaf = (mleaf_t *)node; SHM_Shadow_Cache_Leaf(pleaf); mark = pleaf->firstmarksurface; c = pleaf->nummarksurfaces; if (c) { do { (*mark++)->shadowframe = sh_shadowframe; } while (--c); } return; } // node is just a decision point, so go down the apropriate sides // find which side of the node we are on plane = node->plane; switch (plane->type) { case PLANE_X: dot = dl->origin[0] - plane->dist; break; case PLANE_Y: dot = dl->origin[1] - plane->dist; break; case PLANE_Z: dot = dl->origin[2] - plane->dist; break; default: dot = DotProduct (dl->origin, plane->normal) - plane->dist; break; } if (dot >= 0) side = 0; else side = 1; // recurse down the children, front side first SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ2_r (dl, node->children[side]); // draw stuff c = node->numsurfaces; if (c) { surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces + node->firstsurface; { maxdist = dl->radius*dl->radius; for ( ; c ; c--, surf++) { if (surf->shadowframe != sh_shadowframe) continue; // if ((dot < 0) ^ !!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)) // continue; // wrong side // if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) // continue; if (surf->flags & (SURF_DRAWALPHA | SURF_DRAWTILED)) { // no shadows continue; } //is the light on the right side? if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) {//inverted normal. if (-DotProduct(surf->plane->normal, dl->origin)+surf->plane->dist >= dl->radius) continue; } else { if (DotProduct(surf->plane->normal, dl->origin)-surf->plane->dist >= dl->radius) continue; } //Yeah, you can blame LordHavoc for this alternate code here. for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) impact[j] = dl->origin[j] - surf->plane->normal[j]*dot; // clamp center of light to corner and check brightness l = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[0]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[0][3] - surf->texturemins[0]; s = l+0.5;if (s < 0) s = 0;else if (s > surf->extents[0]) s = surf->extents[0]; s = l - s; l = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[1]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][3] - surf->texturemins[1]; t = l+0.5;if (t < 0) t = 0;else if (t > surf->extents[1]) t = surf->extents[1]; t = l - t; // compare to minimum light if ((s*s+t*t+dot*dot) < maxdist) { SHM_Shadow_Cache_Surface(surf); #define PROJECTION_DISTANCE (float)(dl->radius*2)//0x7fffffff //build a list of the edges that are to be drawn. for (v = 0; v < surf->numedges; v++) { int e, delta; e = cl.worldmodel->surfedges[surf->firstedge+v]; //negative edge means backwards edge. if (e < 0) { e=-e; delta = -1; } else { delta = 1; } if (!edge[e].count) { if (firstedge) edge[firstedge].prev = e; edge[e].next = firstedge; edge[e].prev = 0; firstedge = e; edge[e].count = delta; } else { edge[e].count += delta; if (!edge[e].count) //unlink { if (edge[e].next) { edge[edge[e].next].prev = edge[e].prev; } if (edge[e].prev) edge[edge[e].prev].next = edge[e].next; else firstedge = edge[e].next; } } } SHM_TriangleFan(surf->mesh->numvertexes, surf->mesh->xyz_array, dl->origin, PROJECTION_DISTANCE); } } } } // recurse down the back side SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ2_r (dl, node->children[!side]); } #ifdef Q2BSPS static void SHM_MarkLeavesQ2(dlight_t *dl, unsigned char *lvis, unsigned char *vvis) { mnode_t *node; int i; mleaf_t *leaf; int cluster; sh_shadowframe++; if (!dl->die) { //static //variation on mark leaves for (i=0,leaf=cl.worldmodel->leafs ; i<cl.worldmodel->numleafs ; i++, leaf++) { cluster = leaf->cluster; if (cluster == -1) continue; if (lvis[cluster>>3] & (1<<(cluster&7)))// && vvis[cluster>>3] & (1<<(cluster&7))) { node = (mnode_t *)leaf; do { if (node->shadowframe == sh_shadowframe) break; node->shadowframe = sh_shadowframe; node = node->parent; } while (node); } } } else { //dynamic lights will be discarded after this frame anyway, so only include leafs that are visible //variation on mark leaves for (i=0,leaf=cl.worldmodel->leafs ; i<cl.worldmodel->numleafs ; i++, leaf++) { cluster = leaf->cluster; if (cluster == -1) continue; if (lvis[cluster>>3] & vvis[cluster>>3] & (1<<(cluster&7))) { node = (mnode_t *)leaf; do { if (node->shadowframe == sh_shadowframe) break; node->shadowframe = sh_shadowframe; node = node->parent; } while (node); } } } } #endif static void SHM_MarkLeavesQ1(dlight_t *dl, unsigned char *lvis) { mnode_t *node; int i; sh_shadowframe++; //variation on mark leaves for (i=0 ; i<cl.worldmodel->numleafs ; i++) { if (lvis[i>>3] & (1<<(i&7))) { node = (mnode_t *)&cl.worldmodel->leafs[i+1]; do { if (node->shadowframe == sh_shadowframe) break; node->shadowframe = sh_shadowframe; node = node->parent; } while (node); } } } #ifdef Q3BSPS void SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ3_r (dlight_t *dl, mnode_t *node) { mplane_t *splitplane; float dist; msurface_t **msurf; msurface_t *surf; mleaf_t *leaf; int i; if (node->contents != -1) { leaf = (mleaf_t *)node; SHM_Shadow_Cache_Leaf(leaf); // mark the polygons msurf = leaf->firstmarksurface; for (i=0 ; i<leaf->nummarksurfaces ; i++, msurf++) { surf = *msurf; //only check each surface once. it can appear in multiple leafs. if (surf->shadowframe == sh_shadowframe) continue; surf->shadowframe = sh_shadowframe; SHM_Shadow_Cache_Surface(surf); } return; } splitplane = node->plane; dist = DotProduct (dl->origin, splitplane->normal) - splitplane->dist; if (dist > dl->radius) { SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ3_r (dl, node->children[0]); return; } if (dist < -dl->radius) { SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ3_r (dl, node->children[1]); return; } SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ3_r (dl, node->children[0]); SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ3_r (dl, node->children[1]); } #endif static void SHM_ComposeVolume_BruteForce(dlight_t *dl) { shadowmeshsurfs_t *sms; unsigned int tno; unsigned int sno; unsigned int vno, vno2; unsigned int fvert, lvert; mesh_t *sm; for (tno = 0; tno < sh_shmesh->numsurftextures; tno++) { sms = &sh_shmesh->litsurfs[tno]; if (!sms->count) continue; for (sno = 0; sno < sms->count; sno++) { sm = sms->s[sno]; if (sm->istrifan) { //planer poly //if ((rand()&63)!=63) //continue; fvert = sh_shmesh->numverts; SHM_TriangleFan(sm->numvertexes, sm->xyz_array, dl->origin, PROJECTION_DISTANCE); vno = (sh_shmesh->numindicies+sm->numvertexes*6); //and a bit of padding if (sh_shmesh->maxindicies < vno) { sh_shmesh->maxindicies = vno; sh_shmesh->indicies = BZ_Realloc(sh_shmesh->indicies, vno * sizeof(*sh_shmesh->indicies)); } lvert = fvert + sm->numvertexes*2-1; for (vno = 0; vno < sm->numvertexes; vno++) { if (vno == sm->numvertexes-1) vno2 = 0; else vno2 = vno+1; sh_shmesh->indicies[sh_shmesh->numindicies++] = fvert+vno; sh_shmesh->indicies[sh_shmesh->numindicies++] = lvert-vno; sh_shmesh->indicies[sh_shmesh->numindicies++] = fvert+vno2; sh_shmesh->indicies[sh_shmesh->numindicies++] = lvert-vno; sh_shmesh->indicies[sh_shmesh->numindicies++] = lvert-vno2; sh_shmesh->indicies[sh_shmesh->numindicies++] = fvert+vno2; } } else { /*each triangle may or may not face the light*/ } } } /* unsigned int numindicies; unsigned int maxindicies; index_t *indicies; unsigned int numverts; unsigned int maxverts; vec3_t *verts; //we also have a list of all the surfaces that this light lights. unsigned int numsurftextures; shadowmeshsurfs_t *litsurfs; unsigned int leafbytes; unsigned char *litleaves; */ } static struct shadowmesh_s *SHM_BuildShadowVolumeMesh(dlight_t *dl, unsigned char *lvis, unsigned char *vvis) { float *v1, *v2; vec3_t v3, v4; if (dl->worldshadowmesh && !dl->rebuildcache) return dl->worldshadowmesh; if (cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake || cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_halflife) { SHM_BeginShadowMesh(dl); SHM_MarkLeavesQ1(dl, lvis); SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ1_r(dl, cl.worldmodel->nodes); } #ifdef Q3BSPS else if (cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake3) { SHM_BeginShadowMesh(dl); sh_shadowframe++; SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ3_r(dl, cl.worldmodel->nodes); SHM_ComposeVolume_BruteForce(dl); return SHM_FinishShadowMesh(dl); // SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ3_r(cl.worldmodel->nodes); //if generating shadow volumes too: // decompose the shadow-casting faces into triangles // find neighbours // emit front faces (clip back faces to the light's cube?) // emit edges where there were no neighbours } #endif #ifdef Q2BSPS else if (cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake2) { SHM_BeginShadowMesh(dl); SHM_MarkLeavesQ2(dl, lvis, vvis); SHM_RecursiveWorldNodeQ2_r(dl, cl.worldmodel->nodes); } #endif else return NULL; SHM_BeginQuads(); while(firstedge) { //border v1 = cl.worldmodel->vertexes[cl.worldmodel->edges[firstedge].v[0]].position; v2 = cl.worldmodel->vertexes[cl.worldmodel->edges[firstedge].v[1]].position; //get positions of v3 and v4 based on the light position v3[0] = v1[0] + ( v1[0]-dl->origin[0] )*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; v3[1] = v1[1] + ( v1[1]-dl->origin[1] )*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; v3[2] = v1[2] + ( v1[2]-dl->origin[2] )*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; v4[0] = v2[0] + ( v2[0]-dl->origin[0] )*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; v4[1] = v2[1] + ( v2[1]-dl->origin[1] )*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; v4[2] = v2[2] + ( v2[2]-dl->origin[2] )*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; if (edge[firstedge].count > 0) { SHM_Vertex3fv(v3); SHM_Vertex3fv(v4); SHM_Vertex3fv(v2); SHM_Vertex3fv(v1); } else { SHM_Vertex3fv(v1); SHM_Vertex3fv(v2); SHM_Vertex3fv(v4); SHM_Vertex3fv(v3); } edge[firstedge].count=0; firstedge = edge[firstedge].next; } SHM_End(); firstedge=0; return SHM_FinishShadowMesh(dl); } static qboolean Sh_VisOverlaps(qbyte *v1, qbyte *v2) { int i, m; if (!v2) return false; m = (cl.worldmodel->numleafs-1)>>3; for (i=0 ; i<m ; i++) { if (v1[i] & v2[i]) return true; } return false; } static qboolean Sh_LeafInView(qbyte *lightvis, qbyte *vvis) { int i; int m = (cl.worldmodel->numleafs); mleaf_t *wl = cl.worldmodel->leafs; unsigned char lv; /*we can potentially walk off the end of the leafs, but lightvis shouldn't be set for those*/ for (i = 0; i < m; i += 1<<3) { lv = lightvis[i>>3];// & vvis[i>>3]; if (!lv) continue; if ((lv&0x01) && wl[i+0].visframe == r_visframecount) return true; if ((lv&0x02) && wl[i+1].visframe == r_visframecount) return true; if ((lv&0x04) && wl[i+2].visframe == r_visframecount) return true; if ((lv&0x08) && wl[i+3].visframe == r_visframecount) return true; if ((lv&0x10) && wl[i+4].visframe == r_visframecount) return true; if ((lv&0x20) && wl[i+5].visframe == r_visframecount) return true; if ((lv&0x40) && wl[i+6].visframe == r_visframecount) return true; if ((lv&0x80) && wl[i+7].visframe == r_visframecount) return true; } return false; } static void Sh_Scissor (int x, int y, int width, int height) { #if 0 //visible scissors glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho (0, glwidth, glheight, 0, -99999, 99999); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); // GL_Set2D(); glColor4f(1,1,1,1); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glColorMask( GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE ); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL_TexEnv(GL_REPLACE); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex2f(x, y); glVertex2f(x+glwidth, y); glVertex2f(x+glwidth, y+glheight); glVertex2f(x, y+glheight); glEnd(); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix(); #endif qglScissor(x, vid.pixelheight - (y + height),width,height); } #define BoxesOverlap(a,b,c,d) ((a)[0] <= (d)[0] && (b)[0] >= (c)[0] && (a)[1] <= (d)[1] && (b)[1] >= (c)[1] && (a)[2] <= (d)[2] && (b)[2] >= (c)[2]) static qboolean Sh_ScissorForBox(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs) { int i, ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2; float x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y, f; vec3_t smins, smaxs; vec4_t v, v2; int r_view_x = 0; int r_view_y = 0; int r_view_width = vid.pixelwidth; int r_view_height = vid.pixelheight; if (0)//!r_shadow_scissor.integer) { Sh_Scissor(r_view_x, r_view_y, r_view_width, r_view_height); return false; } // if view is inside the box, just say yes it's visible if (BoxesOverlap(r_refdef.vieworg, r_refdef.vieworg, mins, maxs)) { Sh_Scissor(r_view_x, r_view_y, r_view_width, r_view_height); return false; } for (i = 0;i < 3;i++) { if (vpn[i] >= 0) { v[i] = mins[i]; v2[i] = maxs[i]; } else { v[i] = maxs[i]; v2[i] = mins[i]; } } f = DotProduct(vpn, r_refdef.vieworg) + 1; if (DotProduct(vpn, v2) <= f) { // entirely behind nearclip plane Sh_Scissor(r_view_x, r_view_y, r_view_width, r_view_height); return true; } if (DotProduct(vpn, v) >= f) { // entirely infront of nearclip plane x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0; for (i = 0;i < 8;i++) { v[0] = (i & 1) ? mins[0] : maxs[0]; v[1] = (i & 2) ? mins[1] : maxs[1]; v[2] = (i & 4) ? mins[2] : maxs[2]; v[3] = 1.0f; Matrix4_Project(v, v2, r_refdef.viewangles, r_refdef.vieworg, r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.fov_y); v2[0]*=r_view_width; v2[1]*=r_view_height; // GL_TransformToScreen(v, v2); //Con_Printf("%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f transformed to %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], v2[3]); x = v2[0]; y = v2[1]; if (i) { if (x1 > x) x1 = x; if (x2 < x) x2 = x; if (y1 > y) y1 = y; if (y2 < y) y2 = y; } else { x1 = x2 = x; y1 = y2 = y; } } } else { // clipped by nearclip plane // this is nasty and crude... // create viewspace bbox i = 0; /*unrolled the first iteration to avoid warnings*/ v[0] = ((i & 1) ? mins[0] : maxs[0]) - r_refdef.vieworg[0]; v[1] = ((i & 2) ? mins[1] : maxs[1]) - r_refdef.vieworg[1]; v[2] = ((i & 4) ? mins[2] : maxs[2]) - r_refdef.vieworg[2]; v2[0] = DotProduct(v, vright); v2[1] = DotProduct(v, vup); v2[2] = DotProduct(v, vpn); smins[0] = smaxs[0] = v2[0]; smins[1] = smaxs[1] = v2[1]; smins[2] = smaxs[2] = v2[2]; for (i = 1;i < 8;i++) { v[0] = ((i & 1) ? mins[0] : maxs[0]) - r_refdef.vieworg[0]; v[1] = ((i & 2) ? mins[1] : maxs[1]) - r_refdef.vieworg[1]; v[2] = ((i & 4) ? mins[2] : maxs[2]) - r_refdef.vieworg[2]; v2[0] = DotProduct(v, vright); v2[1] = DotProduct(v, vup); v2[2] = DotProduct(v, vpn); if (smins[0] > v2[0]) smins[0] = v2[0]; if (smaxs[0] < v2[0]) smaxs[0] = v2[0]; if (smins[1] > v2[1]) smins[1] = v2[1]; if (smaxs[1] < v2[1]) smaxs[1] = v2[1]; if (smins[2] > v2[2]) smins[2] = v2[2]; if (smaxs[2] < v2[2]) smaxs[2] = v2[2]; } // now we have a bbox in viewspace // clip it to the view plane if (smins[2] < 1) smins[2] = 1; // return true if that culled the box if (smins[2] >= smaxs[2]) return true; // ok some of it is infront of the view, transform each corner back to // worldspace and then to screenspace and make screen rect // initialize these variables just to avoid compiler warnings x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0; for (i = 0;i < 8;i++) { v2[0] = (i & 1) ? smins[0] : smaxs[0]; v2[1] = (i & 2) ? smins[1] : smaxs[1]; v2[2] = (i & 4) ? smins[2] : smaxs[2]; v[0] = v2[0] * vright[0] + v2[1] * vup[0] + v2[2] * vpn[0] + r_refdef.vieworg[0]; v[1] = v2[0] * vright[1] + v2[1] * vup[1] + v2[2] * vpn[1] + r_refdef.vieworg[1]; v[2] = v2[0] * vright[2] + v2[1] * vup[2] + v2[2] * vpn[2] + r_refdef.vieworg[2]; v[3] = 1.0f; Matrix4_Project(v, v2, r_refdef.viewangles, r_refdef.vieworg, r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.fov_y); v2[0]*=r_view_width; v2[1]*=r_view_height; //Con_Printf("%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f transformed to %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], v2[3]); x = v2[0]; y = v2[1]; if (i) { if (x1 > x) x1 = x; if (x2 < x) x2 = x; if (y1 > y) y1 = y; if (y2 < y) y2 = y; } else { x1 = x2 = x; y1 = y2 = y; } } #if 1 // this code doesn't handle boxes with any points behind view properly x1 = 1000;x2 = -1000; y1 = 1000;y2 = -1000; for (i = 0;i < 8;i++) { v[0] = (i & 1) ? mins[0] : maxs[0]; v[1] = (i & 2) ? mins[1] : maxs[1]; v[2] = (i & 4) ? mins[2] : maxs[2]; v[3] = 1.0f; Matrix4_Project(v, v2, r_refdef.viewangles, r_refdef.vieworg, r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.fov_y); v2[0]*=r_view_width; v2[1]*=r_view_height; //Con_Printf("%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f transformed to %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], v2[3]); if (v2[2] > 0) { x = v2[0]; y = v2[1]; if (x1 > x) x1 = x; if (x2 < x) x2 = x; if (y1 > y) y1 = y; if (y2 < y) y2 = y; } } #endif } ix1 = x1 - 1.0f; iy1 = y1 - 1.0f; ix2 = x2 + 1.0f; iy2 = y2 + 1.0f; //Con_Printf("%f %f %f %f\n", x1, y1, x2, y2); if (ix1 < r_view_x) ix1 = r_view_x; if (iy1 < r_view_y) iy1 = r_view_y; if (ix2 > r_view_x + r_view_width) ix2 = r_view_x + r_view_width; if (iy2 > r_view_y + r_view_height) iy2 = r_view_y + r_view_height; if (ix2 <= ix1 || iy2 <= iy1) return true; // set up the scissor rectangle qglScissor(ix1, iy1, ix2 - ix1, iy2 - iy1); //qglEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); return false; } void GL_BeginRenderBuffer_DepthOnly(texid_t depthtexture) { if (gl_config.ext_framebuffer_objects) { if (!shadow_fbo_id) { qglGenRenderbuffersEXT(1, &shadow_fbo_id); qglBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, shadow_fbo_id); qglDrawBuffer(GL_NONE); qglReadBuffer(GL_NONE); } else qglBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, shadow_fbo_id); if (TEXVALID(depthtexture)) qglFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, depthtexture.num, 0); } } void GL_EndRenderBuffer_DepthOnly(texid_t depthtexture, int texsize) { if (gl_config.ext_framebuffer_objects) { qglBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0); } else { GL_MTBind(0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, depthtexture); qglCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, texsize, texsize); } } static void Sh_GenShadowFace(dlight_t *l, shadowmesh_t *smesh, int face, float proj[16]) { float mvm[16]; vec3_t t1,t2; int smsize = SHADOWMAP_SIZE; int tno; mesh_t *m; texture_t *tex; // qglDepthRange(0, 1); if (l->fov) qglViewport (0, 0, smsize, smsize); else qglViewport (((face/2)*smsize)/3, ((face&1)*smsize)/2, smsize/3, smsize/2); switch(face) { case 0: //forward Matrix4_ModelViewMatrixFromAxis(mvm, l->axis[0], l->axis[1], l->axis[2], l->origin); break; case 1: //back VectorNegate(l->axis[0], t1); VectorNegate(l->axis[1], t2); Matrix4_ModelViewMatrixFromAxis(mvm, t1, t2, l->axis[2], l->origin); break; case 2: //left VectorNegate(l->axis[1], t1); VectorNegate(l->axis[0], t2); Matrix4_ModelViewMatrixFromAxis(mvm, l->axis[1], t2, l->axis[2], l->origin); break; case 3: //right VectorNegate(l->axis[1], t1); Matrix4_ModelViewMatrixFromAxis(mvm, t1, l->axis[0], l->axis[2], l->origin); break; case 4: //up VectorNegate(l->axis[0], t2); Matrix4_ModelViewMatrixFromAxis(mvm, l->axis[2], l->axis[1], t2, l->origin); break; case 5: //down VectorNegate(l->axis[2], t1); Matrix4_ModelViewMatrixFromAxis(mvm, t1, l->axis[1], l->axis[0], l->origin); break; } qglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); qglLoadMatrixf(mvm); R_SetFrustum(proj, mvm); if (smesh) for (tno = 0; tno < smesh->numsurftextures; tno++) { m = NULL; if (!smesh->litsurfs[tno].count) continue; tex = cl.worldmodel->textures[tno]; BE_DrawMesh_List(tex->shader, smesh->litsurfs[tno].count, smesh->litsurfs[tno].s, &tex->vbo, &tex->shader->defaulttextures, 0); } BE_SelectMode(BEM_DEPTHONLY); BE_BaseEntTextures(); if (0) { int i; static float depth[SHADOWMAP_SIZE*SHADOWMAP_SIZE]; qglReadPixels(0, 0, smsize, smsize, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, depth); for (i = SHADOWMAP_SIZE*SHADOWMAP_SIZE; i --> 0; ) { if (depth[i] == 1) *((unsigned int*)depth+i) = 0; else *((unsigned int*)depth+i) = 0xff000000|((((unsigned char)(int)(depth[i]*128)))*0x10101); } qglTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, smsize, smsize, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, depth); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP); } } void Sh_Shutdown(void) { if (shadow_fbo_id) { qglDeleteRenderbuffersEXT(1, &shadow_fbo_id); shadow_fbo_id = 0; } } void Sh_GenShadowMap (dlight_t *l, qbyte *lvis) { int f; int smsize = SHADOWMAP_SIZE; float proj[16]; shadowmesh_t *smesh; if (!TEXVALID(l->stexture)) { l->stexture = GL_AllocNewTexture(smsize, smsize); GL_MTBind(0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, l->stexture); qglTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32_ARB, smsize, smsize, 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); // qglTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, smsize, smsize, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP); } smesh = SHM_BuildShadowVolumeMesh(l, lvis, NULL); /*polygon offsets. urgh.*/ qglEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); qglPolygonOffset(5, 25); BE_SetupForShadowMap(); /*set framebuffer*/ GL_BeginRenderBuffer_DepthOnly(l->stexture); qglClear (GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); if (l->fov) { Matrix4_Projection_Far(proj, l->fov, l->fov, nearplane, l->radius); qglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); qglLoadMatrixf(proj); /*single face*/ Sh_GenShadowFace(l, smesh, 0, proj); } else { Matrix4_Projection_Far(proj, 90, 90, nearplane, l->radius); qglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); qglLoadMatrixf(proj); /*generate faces*/ for (f = 0; f < 6; f++) { Sh_GenShadowFace(l, smesh, f, proj); } } /*end framebuffer*/ GL_EndRenderBuffer_DepthOnly(l->stexture, smsize); qglDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); qglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); qglLoadMatrixf(r_refdef.m_projection); qglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); qglLoadMatrixf(r_refdef.m_view); qglViewport(r_refdef.pxrect.x, vid.pixelheight - r_refdef.pxrect.y, r_refdef.pxrect.width, r_refdef.pxrect.height); R_SetFrustum(r_refdef.m_projection, r_refdef.m_view); } static float shadowprojectionbias[16] = { 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.4993f, 1.0f }; static void Sh_DrawShadowMapLight(dlight_t *l, vec3_t colour, qbyte *vvis) { float t[16]; float bp[16]; float proj[16], view[16]; vec3_t biasorg; int ve; vec3_t mins, maxs; qbyte *lvis; qbyte lvisb[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8]; if (R_CullSphere(l->origin, l->radius)) { bench.numfrustumculled++; return; //this should be the more common case } mins[0] = l->origin[0] - l->radius; mins[1] = l->origin[1] - l->radius; mins[2] = l->origin[2] - l->radius; maxs[0] = l->origin[0] + l->radius; maxs[1] = l->origin[1] + l->radius; maxs[2] = l->origin[2] + l->radius; if (Sh_ScissorForBox(mins, maxs)) { bench.numscissorculled++; return; } if (l->worldshadowmesh) { lvis = l->worldshadowmesh->litleaves; //fixme: check head node first? if (!Sh_LeafInView(l->worldshadowmesh->litleaves, vvis)) { bench.numpvsculled++; return; } } else { int leaf; leaf = cl.worldmodel->funcs.LeafnumForPoint(cl.worldmodel, l->origin); lvis = cl.worldmodel->funcs.LeafPVS(cl.worldmodel, leaf, lvisb, sizeof(lvisb)); if (!Sh_VisOverlaps(lvis, vvis)) //The two viewing areas do not intersect. { bench.numpvsculled++; return; } } Sh_GenShadowMap(l, lvis); if (l->fov) Matrix4_Projection_Far(proj, l->fov, l->fov, nearplane, l->radius); else Matrix4_Projection_Far(proj, 90, 90, nearplane, l->radius); VectorMA(l->origin, 0, l->axis[0], biasorg); Matrix4_ModelViewMatrixFromAxis(view, l->axis[0], l->axis[1], l->axis[2], l->origin); //bp = shadowprojectionbias*proj*view; Matrix4_Multiply(shadowprojectionbias, proj, t); Matrix4_Multiply(t, view, bp); t[0] = bp[0]; t[1] = bp[4]; t[2] = bp[8]; t[3] = bp[12]; t[4] = bp[1]; t[5] = bp[5]; t[6] = bp[9]; t[7] = bp[13]; t[8] = bp[2]; t[9] = bp[6]; t[10] = bp[10]; t[11] = bp[14]; t[12] = bp[3]; t[13] = bp[7]; t[14] = bp[11]; t[15] = bp[15]; bench.numlights++; qglMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE); GL_MTBind(7, GL_TEXTURE_2D, l->stexture); // qglEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE_ARB, GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE_ARB); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC_ARB, GL_LEQUAL); qglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE_ARB, GL_LUMINANCE); qglLoadMatrixf(bp); qglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); GL_SelectTexture(0); ve = 0; BE_SelectDLight(l, colour); BE_SelectMode(l->fov?BEM_SMAPLIGHTSPOT:BEM_SMAPLIGHT); Sh_DrawEntLighting(l, colour); GL_SelectTexture(7); qglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); qglMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE); qglLoadIdentity(); qglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); } // warning: �Sh_WorldLightingPass� defined but not used /* static void Sh_WorldLightingPass(void) { msurface_t *s; int i; int ve; ve = 0; for (i = 0; i < cl.worldmodel->numsurfaces; i++) { s = &cl.worldmodel->surfaces[i]; if(s->visframe != r_framecount) continue; if (ve != s->texinfo->texture->vbo.vboe) { ve = s->texinfo->texture->vbo.vboe; GL_SelectVBO(s->texinfo->texture->vbo.vbocoord); GL_SelectEBO(s->texinfo->texture->vbo.vboe); qglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(vecV_t), s->texinfo->texture->vbo.coord); } qglDrawRangeElements(GL_TRIANGLES, s->mesh->vbofirstvert, s->mesh->numvertexes, s->mesh->numindexes, GL_INDEX_TYPE, (index_t*)(s->mesh->vbofirstelement*sizeof(index_t))); RQuantAdd(RQUANT_LITFACES, s->mesh->numindexes); } } */ /* draws faces facing the light Note: Backend mode must have been selected in advance, as must the light to light from */ static void Sh_DrawEntLighting(dlight_t *light, vec3_t colour) { int tno; texture_t *tex; shadowmesh_t *sm; sm = light->worldshadowmesh; if (light->rebuildcache) sm = &sh_tempshmesh; if (sm) { for (tno = 0; tno < sm->numsurftextures; tno++) { if (!sm->litsurfs[tno].count) continue; tex = cl.worldmodel->textures[tno]; if (tex->shader->flags & SHADER_NODLIGHT) continue; BE_DrawMesh_List(tex->shader, sm->litsurfs[tno].count, sm->litsurfs[tno].s, &tex->vbo, &tex->shader->defaulttextures, 0); } BE_BaseEntTextures(); } } #define PROJECTION_DISTANCE (float)(dl->radius*2)//0x7fffffff /*Fixme: this is brute forced*/ #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma message("brush shadows are bruteforced") #endif static void Sh_DrawBrushModelShadow(dlight_t *dl, entity_t *e) { int v; float *v1, *v2; vec3_t v3, v4; vec3_t lightorg; int i; model_t *model; msurface_t *surf; if (BE_LightCullModel(e->origin, e->model)) return; RotateLightVector((void *)e->axis, e->origin, dl->origin, lightorg); BE_SelectEntity(e); GL_SelectVBO(0); GL_SelectEBO(0); qglEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); BE_PushOffsetShadow(true); model = e->model; surf = model->surfaces+model->firstmodelsurface; for (i = 0; i < model->nummodelsurfaces; i++, surf++) { if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) {//inverted normal. if (DotProduct(surf->plane->normal, lightorg)-surf->plane->dist >= -0.1) continue; } else { if (DotProduct(surf->plane->normal, lightorg)-surf->plane->dist <= 0.1) continue; } if (surf->flags & (SURF_DRAWALPHA | SURF_DRAWTILED)) { // no shadows continue; } if (!surf->mesh) continue; //front face qglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(vecV_t), surf->mesh->xyz_array); qglDrawArrays(GL_POLYGON, 0, surf->mesh->numvertexes); // qglDrawRangeElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, surf->mesh->numvertexes, surf->mesh->numindexes, GL_INDEX_TYPE, surf->mesh->indexes); RQuantAdd(RQUANT_SHADOWFACES, surf->mesh->numvertexes); for (v = 0; v < surf->mesh->numvertexes; v++) { //border v1 = surf->mesh->xyz_array[v]; v2 = surf->mesh->xyz_array[( v+1 )%surf->mesh->numvertexes]; //get positions of v3 and v4 based on the light position v3[0] = ( v1[0]-lightorg[0] )*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; v3[1] = ( v1[1]-lightorg[1] )*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; v3[2] = ( v1[2]-lightorg[2] )*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; v4[0] = ( v2[0]-lightorg[0] )*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; v4[1] = ( v2[1]-lightorg[1] )*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; v4[2] = ( v2[2]-lightorg[2] )*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; //Now draw the quad from the two verts to the projected light //verts qglBegin( GL_QUAD_STRIP ); qglVertex3fv(v1); qglVertex3f (v1[0]+v3[0], v1[1]+v3[1], v1[2]+v3[2]); qglVertex3fv(v2); qglVertex3f (v2[0]+v4[0], v2[1]+v4[1], v2[2]+v4[2]); qglEnd(); } //back //the same applies as earlier qglBegin(GL_POLYGON); for (v = surf->mesh->numvertexes-1; v >=0; v--) { v1 = surf->mesh->xyz_array[v]; v3[0] = (v1[0]-lightorg[0])*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; v3[1] = (v1[1]-lightorg[1])*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; v3[2] = (v1[2]-lightorg[2])*PROJECTION_DISTANCE; qglVertex3f(v1[0]+v3[0], v1[1]+v3[1], v1[2]+v3[2]); } qglEnd(); } BE_PushOffsetShadow(false); } /*when this is called, the gl state has been set up to draw the stencil volumes using whatever extensions we have if secondside is set, then the gpu sucks and we're drawing stuff the slow 2-pass way, and this is the second pass. */ static void Sh_DrawStencilLightShadows(dlight_t *dl, qbyte *lvis, qbyte *vvis, qboolean secondside) { extern cvar_t gl_part_flame; int i; struct shadowmesh_s *sm; entity_t *ent; BE_PushOffsetShadow(false); sm = SHM_BuildShadowVolumeMesh(dl, lvis, vvis); if (!sm) Sh_DrawBrushModelShadow(dl, &r_worldentity); else { //qglEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); //qglPolygonOffset(shaderstate.curpolyoffset.factor, shaderstate.curpolyoffset.unit); GL_SelectVBO(0); GL_SelectEBO(0); qglEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); //draw cached world shadow mesh qglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(vecV_t), sm->verts); qglDrawRangeElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, sm->numverts, sm->numindicies, GL_INDEX_TYPE, sm->indicies); RQuantAdd(RQUANT_SHADOWFACES, sm->numindicies); //qglEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); //qglPolygonOffset(shaderstate.curpolyoffset.factor, shaderstate.curpolyoffset.unit); } if (!r_drawentities.value) return; // draw sprites seperately, because of alpha blending for (i=0 ; i<cl_numvisedicts ; i++) { ent = &cl_visedicts[i]; if (ent->flags & (RF_NOSHADOW|Q2RF_BEAM)) continue; { if (ent->keynum == dl->key && ent->keynum) continue; } if (!ent->model) continue; if (cls.allow_anyparticles || ent->visframe) //allowed or static { if (ent->model->engineflags & MDLF_ENGULPHS) { if (gl_part_flame.value) continue; } } switch (ent->model->type) { case mod_alias: R_DrawGAliasShadowVolume (ent, dl->origin, dl->radius); break; case mod_brush: Sh_DrawBrushModelShadow (dl, ent); break; default: break; } } BE_SelectEntity(&r_worldentity); } //draws a light using stencil shadows. //redraws world geometry up to 3 times per light... static qboolean Sh_DrawStencilLight(dlight_t *dl, vec3_t colour, qbyte *vvis) { int sdecrw; int sincrw; int leaf; qbyte *lvis; qbyte lvisb[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8]; vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; if (R_CullSphere(dl->origin, dl->radius)) { bench.numfrustumculled++; return false; //this should be the more common case } mins[0] = dl->origin[0] - dl->radius; mins[1] = dl->origin[1] - dl->radius; mins[2] = dl->origin[2] - dl->radius; maxs[0] = dl->origin[0] + dl->radius; maxs[1] = dl->origin[1] + dl->radius; maxs[2] = dl->origin[2] + dl->radius; if (!dl->rebuildcache) { //fixme: check head node first? if (!Sh_LeafInView(dl->worldshadowmesh->litleaves, vvis)) { bench.numpvsculled++; return false; } lvis = NULL; } else { leaf = cl.worldmodel->funcs.LeafnumForPoint(cl.worldmodel, dl->origin); lvis = cl.worldmodel->funcs.LeafPVS(cl.worldmodel, leaf, lvisb, sizeof(lvisb)); if (!Sh_VisOverlaps(lvis, vvis)) //The two viewing areas do not intersect. { bench.numpvsculled++; return false; } } //sets up the gl scissor (and culls to view) if (Sh_ScissorForBox(mins, maxs)) { bench.numscissorculled++; return false; //this doesn't cull often. } bench.numlights++; BE_SelectDLight(dl, colour); BE_SelectMode(BEM_STENCIL); //The backend doesn't maintain scissor state. // qglEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); //The backend doesn't maintain stencil test state either - it needs to be active for more than just stencils, or disabled. its awkward. qglEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); //FIXME: is it practical to test to see if scissors allow not clearing the stencil buffer? /*we don't need all that much stencil buffer depth, and if we don't get enough or have dodgy volumes, wrap if we can*/ sincrw = GL_INCR; sdecrw = GL_DECR; if (gl_config.ext_stencil_wrap) { //minimise damage... sincrw = GL_INCR_WRAP_EXT; sdecrw = GL_DECR_WRAP_EXT; } //our stencil writes. #ifdef _DEBUG /* if (r_shadows.value == 666) //testing (visible shadow volumes) { checkerror(); qglColorMask( GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE ); qglColor3f(dl->color[0], dl->color[1], dl->color[2]); qglDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); qglEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); qglPolygonOffset(-1, -1); // qglPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); Sh_DrawStencilLightShadows(dl, lvis, false); qglDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); checkerror(); qglPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); }*/ #endif if (qglStencilOpSeparateATI) { qglClearStencil(0); qglClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); GL_CullFace(0); qglStencilFunc( GL_ALWAYS, 1, ~0 ); qglStencilOpSeparateATI(GL_BACK, GL_KEEP, sincrw, GL_KEEP); qglStencilOpSeparateATI(GL_FRONT, GL_KEEP, sdecrw, GL_KEEP); Sh_DrawStencilLightShadows(dl, lvis, vvis, false); qglStencilOpSeparateATI(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); GL_CullFace(SHADER_CULL_FRONT); qglStencilFunc( GL_EQUAL, 0, ~0 ); } else if (qglActiveStencilFaceEXT) { /*personally I prefer the ATI way (nvidia method)*/ qglClearStencil(0); qglClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); GL_CullFace(0); qglEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST_TWO_SIDE_EXT); qglActiveStencilFaceEXT(GL_BACK); qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, sincrw, GL_KEEP); qglStencilFunc( GL_ALWAYS, 1, ~0 ); qglActiveStencilFaceEXT(GL_FRONT); qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, sdecrw, GL_KEEP); qglStencilFunc( GL_ALWAYS, 1, ~0 ); Sh_DrawStencilLightShadows(dl, lvis, vvis, false); qglActiveStencilFaceEXT(GL_BACK); qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); qglStencilFunc( GL_ALWAYS, 0, ~0 ); qglActiveStencilFaceEXT(GL_FRONT); qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); qglStencilFunc( GL_EQUAL, 0, ~0 ); qglDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST_TWO_SIDE_EXT); GL_CullFace(SHADER_CULL_FRONT); } else //your graphics card sucks and lacks efficient stencil shadow techniques. { //centered around 0. Will only be increased then decreased less. qglClearStencil(0); qglClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); qglStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 0, ~0); GL_CullFace(SHADER_CULL_BACK); qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, sincrw, GL_KEEP); Sh_DrawStencilLightShadows(dl, lvis, vvis, false); GL_CullFace(SHADER_CULL_FRONT); qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, sdecrw, GL_KEEP); Sh_DrawStencilLightShadows(dl, lvis, vvis, true); qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); qglStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 0, ~0); } //end stencil writing. #if 0 //draw the stencil stuff to the red channel qglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); qglPushMatrix(); qglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); qglPushMatrix(); GL_Set2D(); { qglColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); qglStencilFunc(GL_GREATER, 1, ~0); R2D_ConsoleBackground(vid.height); qglColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); qglStencilFunc(GL_LESS, 1, ~0); R2D_ConsoleBackground(vid.height); qglColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE); qglStencilFunc(GL_NEVER, 1, ~0); R2D_ConsoleBackground(vid.height); } qglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); qglPopMatrix(); qglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); qglPopMatrix(); #endif PPL_RevertToKnownState(); BE_SelectMode(BEM_LIGHT); Sh_DrawEntLighting(dl, colour); qglDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); qglStencilFunc( GL_ALWAYS, 0, ~0 ); return true; } static void Sh_DrawShadowlessLight(dlight_t *dl, vec3_t colour, qbyte *vvis) { vec3_t mins, maxs; if (R_CullSphere(dl->origin, dl->radius)) { bench.numfrustumculled++; return; //this should be the more common case } if (!dl->rebuildcache) { //fixme: check head node first? if (!Sh_LeafInView(dl->worldshadowmesh->litleaves, vvis)) { bench.numpvsculled++; return; } } else { int leaf; qbyte *lvis; qbyte lvisb[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8]; leaf = cl.worldmodel->funcs.LeafnumForPoint(cl.worldmodel, dl->origin); lvis = cl.worldmodel->funcs.LeafPVS(cl.worldmodel, leaf, lvisb, sizeof(lvisb)); if (!dl->die) SHM_BuildShadowVolumeMesh(dl, lvis, vvis); if (!Sh_VisOverlaps(lvis, vvis)) //The two viewing areas do not intersect. { bench.numpvsculled++; return; } } mins[0] = dl->origin[0] - dl->radius; mins[1] = dl->origin[1] - dl->radius; mins[2] = dl->origin[2] - dl->radius; maxs[0] = dl->origin[0] + dl->radius; maxs[1] = dl->origin[1] + dl->radius; maxs[2] = dl->origin[2] + dl->radius; //sets up the gl scissor (and culls to view) if (Sh_ScissorForBox(mins, maxs)) { bench.numscissorculled++; return; //was culled. } bench.numlights++; BE_SelectDLight(dl, colour); BE_SelectMode(BEM_LIGHT); Sh_DrawEntLighting(dl, colour); } void Sh_DrawLights(qbyte *vis) { vec3_t colour; dlight_t *dl; int i; unsigned int ignoreflags; extern cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world, r_shadow_realtime_dlight; extern cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows, r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows; if (!r_shadow_realtime_world.ival && !r_shadow_realtime_dlight.ival) return; /*no stencil?*/ if (gl_config.nofixedfunc) { Con_Printf("FTE does not support stencil shadows without a fixed-function pipeline\n"); r_shadow_realtime_world.ival = 0; r_shadow_realtime_dlight.ival = 0; return; } if (!gl_config.arb_shader_objects) { Con_Printf("Missing GL extensions: switching off realtime lighting.\n"); r_shadow_realtime_world.ival = 0; r_shadow_realtime_dlight.ival = 0; return; } ignoreflags = (r_shadow_realtime_world.value?LFLAG_REALTIMEMODE:LFLAG_NORMALMODE); for (dl = cl_dlights+rtlights_first, i=rtlights_first; i<rtlights_max; i++, dl++) { if (!dl->radius) continue; //dead if (!(dl->flags & ignoreflags)) continue; if (dl->die) { colour[0] = dl->color[0]*10; colour[1] = dl->color[1]*10; colour[2] = dl->color[2]*10; } else { colour[0] = dl->color[0]; colour[1] = dl->color[1]; colour[2] = dl->color[2]; } if (dl->style) { if (cl_lightstyle[dl->style-1].colour & 1) colour[0] *= d_lightstylevalue[dl->style-1]/255.0f; else colour[0] = 0; if (cl_lightstyle[dl->style-1].colour & 2) colour[1] *= d_lightstylevalue[dl->style-1]/255.0f; else colour[1] = 0; if (cl_lightstyle[dl->style-1].colour & 4) colour[2] *= d_lightstylevalue[dl->style-1]/255.0f; else colour[2] = 0; } if (colour[0] < 0.001 && colour[1] < 0.001 && colour[2] < 0.001) continue; //just switch these off. if (((!dl->die)?!r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows.ival:!r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows.ival) || dl->flags & LFLAG_NOSHADOWS) { Sh_DrawShadowlessLight(dl, colour, vis); } else if (dl->flags & LFLAG_SHADOWMAP) { Sh_DrawShadowMapLight(dl, colour, vis); } else { Sh_DrawStencilLight(dl, colour, vis); } } qglDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); BE_SelectMode(BEM_STANDARD); // if (developer.value) // Con_Printf("%i lights drawn, %i frustum culled, %i pvs culled, %i scissor culled\n", bench.numlights, bench.numfrustumculled, bench.numpvsculled, bench.numscissorculled); // memset(&bench, 0, sizeof(bench)); } #endif #endif