#include #include #include void dumpprogblob(FILE *out, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int size) { if (out) { fwrite(buf, 1, size, out); return; } else out = stdout; size_t totallen, i, linelen; totallen = 0; linelen = 32; fflush(out); fprintf(out, "\""); for (i=0;icvarslength; cvarlen = (cvarlen + 3) & ~3; //round up for padding. fseek(vert, 0, SEEK_END); fseek(frag, 0, SEEK_END); vertlen = ftell(vert); fraglen = ftell(frag); fseek(vert, 0, SEEK_SET); fseek(frag, 0, SEEK_SET); blobsize = sizeof(*blob) + cvarlen + fraglen + vertlen; blob = malloc(blobsize); *blob = *prototype; blob->cvarsoffset = sizeof(*blob); blob->cvarslength = prototype->cvarslength; //unpadded length blob->vertoffset = blob->cvarsoffset+cvarlen; blob->vertlength = vertlen; blob->fragoffset = blob->vertoffset+vertlen; blob->fraglength = fraglen; memcpy((char*)blob+blob->cvarsoffset, (char*)prototype+prototype->cvarsoffset, prototype->cvarslength); fread((char*)blob+blob->vertoffset, blob->vertlength, 1, vert); fread((char*)blob+blob->fragoffset, blob->fraglength, 1, frag); dumpprogblob(out, (unsigned char*)blob, blobsize); free(blob); } int generatevulkanblobs(struct blobheader *blob, size_t maxblobsize, const char *glslname) { char command[1024]; char tempname[256]; char tempvert[256]; char tempfrag[256]; char incpath[256], *sl; int inheader = 1; int i; unsigned short constid = 256; //first few are reserved. const char *permutationnames[] = { "BUMP", "FULLBRIGHT", "UPPERLOWER", "REFLECTCUBEMASK", "SKELETAL", "FOG", "FRAMEBLEND", "LIGHTSTYLED", NULL }; const char *tmppath = "/tmp/"; char customsamplerlines[16][256]; snprintf(tempname, sizeof(tempname), "%stemp.tmp", tmppath); snprintf(tempvert, sizeof(tempvert), "%stemp.vert", tmppath); snprintf(tempfrag, sizeof(tempfrag), "%stemp.frag", tmppath); memcpy(incpath, glslname, sizeof(incpath)); if ((sl = strrchr(incpath, '/'))) sl[1] = 0; else if ((sl = strrchr(incpath, '\\'))) //in case someone is on crappy windows. sl[1] = 0; memcpy(blob->blobmagic, "\xffSPV", 4); blob->blobversion = 1; blob->defaulttextures = 0; blob->numtextures = 0; blob->permutations = 0; blob->cvarsoffset = sizeof(*blob); blob->cvarslength = 0; FILE *glsl = fopen(glslname, "rt"); if (!glsl) { printf("Unable to read %s\n", glslname); return 0; } FILE *temp = fopen(tempname, "wt"); if (!temp) printf("Unable to write %s\n", tempname); while(fgets(command, sizeof(command), glsl)) { if (inheader && !strncmp(command, "!!", 2)) { if (!strncmp(command, "!!cvar", 6) || !strncmp(command, "!!arg", 5)) { unsigned int type; unsigned int size; union { float f; unsigned int u; } u[4]; char *arg; unsigned char *cb = (unsigned char*)blob + blob->cvarsoffset + blob->cvarslength; if (command[2] == 'a') { type = command[5] == 'i' || command[5] == 'f' || command[5] == 'b'; size = type?1:(command[5]-'0'); arg = strtok(command+7, " ,=\r\n"); type = command[6-type] - 'a' + 'A'; } else { type = command[6] == 'i' || command[6] == 'f' || command[6] == 'b'; size = type?1:(command[6]-'0'); arg = strtok(command+8, " ,=\r\n"); type = command[7-type]; } cb[0] = (constid>>8)&0xff; cb[1] = (constid>>0)&0xff; cb[2] = type; cb[3] = size + '0'; cb += 4; while(*arg) *cb++ = *arg++; *cb++ = 0; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (arg) { arg = strtok(NULL, " ,=\r\n"); if (!arg) { printf("%s has no default value. Assuming 0\n", cb+4); u[i].u = 0; //0 either way. } else if (type == 'f' || type == 'F') u[i].f = atof(arg); else u[i].u = atoi(arg); } else u[i].u = 0; *cb++ = (u[i].u>>24)&0xff; *cb++ = (u[i].u>>16)&0xff; *cb++ = (u[i].u>>8)&0xff; *cb++ = (u[i].u>>0)&0xff; } blob->cvarslength = cb - ((unsigned char*)blob + blob->cvarsoffset); constid += size; } else if (!strncmp(command, "!!permu", 7)) { char *arg = strtok(command+7, " ,\r\n"); for (i = 0; permutationnames[i]; i++) { if (!strcmp(arg, permutationnames[i])) { blob->permutations |= 1u<defaulttextures |= 1u<<0; else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "projectionmap")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<1; //material else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "diffuse")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<2; else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "normalmap")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<3; else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "specular")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<4; else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "upper")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<5; else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "lower")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<6; else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "fullbright")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<7; else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "paletted")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<8; else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "reflectcube")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<9; else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "reflectmask")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<10; else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "displacement")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<11; //batch else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "lightmap")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<12; else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "deluxemap") || !strcasecmp(arg, "deluxmap")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<13; else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "lightmaps")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<12 | 1u<<14 | 1u<<15 | 1u<<16; else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "deluxemaps") || !strcasecmp(arg, "deluxmaps")) blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<13 | 1u<<17 | 1u<<18 | 1u<<19; //shader pass else if ((i=atoi(arg))) { //legacy if (blob->numtextures < i) blob->numtextures = i; } else { char *eq = strrchr(arg, '='); if (eq) { char *type = strrchr(arg, ':'); int pass = atoi(eq+1); *eq = 0; if (type) *type++ = 0; else type = "2D"; if (pass < 16) { snprintf(customsamplerlines[pass], sizeof(customsamplerlines[pass]), "uniform sampler%s s_%s;\n", type, arg); if (blob->numtextures < ++pass) blob->numtextures = pass; } else printf("sampler binding too high: %s:%s=%i\n", arg, type, pass); } else printf("Unknown texture: \"%s\"\n", arg); } } while((arg = strtok(NULL, " ,\r\n"))); } continue; } else if (inheader && !strncmp(command, "//", 2)) continue; else if (inheader) { const char *specialnames[] = { //light "uniform sampler2DShadow s_shadowmap;\n", "uniform samplerCube s_projectionmap;\n", //material "uniform sampler2D s_diffuse;\n", "uniform sampler2D s_normalmap;\n", "uniform sampler2D s_specular;\n", "uniform sampler2D s_upper;\n", "uniform sampler2D s_lower;\n", "uniform sampler2D s_fullbright;\n", "uniform sampler2D s_paletted;\n", "uniform samplerCube s_reflectcube;\n", "uniform sampler2D s_reflectmask;\n", "uniform sampler2D s_displacement;\n", //batch "uniform sampler2D s_lightmap;\n#define s_lightmap0 s_lightmap\n", "uniform sampler2D s_deluxemap;\n#define s_deluxemap0 s_deluxemap\n", "uniform sampler2D s_lightmap1;\n", "uniform sampler2D s_lightmap2;\n", "uniform sampler2D s_lightmap3;\n", "uniform sampler2D s_deluxmap1;\n", "uniform sampler2D s_deluxmap2;\n", "uniform sampler2D s_deluxmap3;\n" }; int binding = 2; inheader = 0; fprintf(temp, "#define s_deluxmap s_deluxemap\n"); fprintf(temp, "#define OFFSETMAPPING (cvar_r_glsl_offsetmapping>0)\n"); fprintf(temp, "#define SPECULAR (cvar_gl_specular>0)\n"); fprintf(temp, "#ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(specialnames)/sizeof(specialnames[0]); i++) { if (blob->defaulttextures & (1u<numtextures; i++) { fprintf(temp, "layout(set=0, binding=%u) ", binding++); if (*customsamplerlines[i]) fprintf(temp, "%s", customsamplerlines[i]); else fprintf(temp, "uniform sampler2D s_t%u;\n", i); } fprintf(temp, "#endif\n"); //cvar specialisation constants { unsigned char *cb = (unsigned char*)blob + blob->cvarsoffset; while (cb < (unsigned char*)blob + blob->cvarsoffset + blob->cvarslength) { union { float f; unsigned int u; } u[4]; unsigned short id; unsigned char type; unsigned char size; char *name; id = *cb++<<8; id |= *cb++; type = *cb++; size = (*cb++)-'0'; name = cb; cb += strlen(name)+1; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { u[i].u = (cb[0]<<24)|(cb[1]<<16)|(cb[2]<<8)|(cb[3]<<0); cb+=4; } #if 0 //all is well if (size == 1 && type == 'b') fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const bool cvar_%s = %s;\n", id, name, (int)u[0].u?"true":"false"); else if (size == 1 && type == 'i') fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const int cvar_%s = %i;\n", id, name, (int)u[0].u); else if (size == 1 && type == 'f') fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s = %f;\n", id, name, u[0].f); else if (size == 3 && type == 'f') { fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s_x = %f;\n", id+0, name, u[0].f); fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s_y = %f;\n", id+1, name, u[1].f); fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s_z = %f;\n", id+2, name, u[2].f); fprintf(temp, "vec3 cvar_%s = vec3(cvar_%s_x, cvar_%s_y, cvar_%s_z);\n", name, name, name, name); } else if (size == 1 && type == 'B') fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const bool arg_%s = %s;\n", id, name, (int)u[0].u?"true":"false"); else if (size == 1 && type == 'I') fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const int arg_%s = %i;\n", id, name, (int)u[0].u); else if (size == 1 && type == 'F') fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s = %i;\n", id, name, u[0].f); else if (size == 3 && type == 'F') { fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s_x = %f;\n", id+0, name, u[0].f); fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s_y = %f;\n", id+1, name, u[1].f); fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s_z = %f;\n", id+2, name, u[2].f); fprintf(temp, "vec3 arg_%s = vec3(arg_%s_x, arg_%s_y, arg_%s_z);\n", name, name, name, name); } #else //these initialised values are fucked up because glslangvalidator's spirv generator is fucked up and folds specialisation constants. //we get around this by ensuring that all such constants are given unique values to prevent them being folded, with the engine overriding everything explicitly. if (size == 1 && type == 'b') { fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const int _cvar_%s = %i;\n", id, name, id);//(int)u[0].u?"true":"false"); fprintf(temp, "#define cvar_%s (_cvar_%s!=0)\n", name, name); } else if (size == 1 && type == 'i') fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const int cvar_%s = %i;\n", id, name, id);//(int)u[0].u); else if (size == 1 && type == 'f') fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s = %i;\n", id, name, id);//u[0].f); else if (size == 3 && type == 'f') { fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s_x = %i;\n", id+0, name, id+0);//u[0].f); fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s_y = %i;\n", id+1, name, id+1);//u[1].f); fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s_z = %i;\n", id+2, name, id+2);//u[2].f); fprintf(temp, "vec3 cvar_%s = vec3(cvar_%s_x, cvar_%s_y, cvar_%s_z);\n", name, name, name, name); } else if (size == 1 && type == 'B') { fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const int _arg_%s = %i;\n", id, name, id);//(int)u[0].u?"true":"false"); fprintf(temp, "#define arg_%s (_arg_%s!=0)\n", name, name); } else if (size == 1 && type == 'I') fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const int arg_%s = %i;\n", id, name, id);//(int)u[0].u); else if (size == 1 && type == 'F') fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s = %i;\n", id, name, id);//u[0].f); else if (size == 3 && type == 'F') { fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s_x = %i;\n", id+0, name, id+0);//u[0].f); fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s_y = %i;\n", id+1, name, id+1);//u[1].f); fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s_z = %i;\n", id+2, name, id+2);//u[2].f); fprintf(temp, "vec3 arg_%s = vec3(arg_%s_x, arg_%s_y, arg_%s_z);\n", name, name, name, name); } #endif } } //permutation stuff for (i = 0; i < sizeof(specialnames)/sizeof(specialnames[0]); i++) { if (blob->permutations & (1< %s && " #else "echo \"#version 450 core\" > %s && " #endif "cpp %s -I%s -DVULKAN -DVERTEX_SHADER -P >> %s && " /*preprocess the fragment shader*/ #ifdef _WIN32 "echo #version 450 core > %s && " #else "echo \"#version 450 core\" > %s && " #endif "cpp %s -I%s -DVULKAN -DFRAGMENT_SHADER -P >> %s && " /*convert to spir-v (annoyingly we have no control over the output file names*/ "glslangValidator -V -l -d %s %s" /*strip stuff out, so drivers don't glitch out from stuff that we don't use*/ // " && spirv-remap -i vert.spv frag.spv -o vulkan/remap" ,tempvert, tempname, incpath, tempvert //vertex shader args ,tempfrag, tempname, incpath, tempfrag //fragment shader args ,tempvert, tempfrag); //compile/link args. system(command); // remove(tempname); // remove(tempvert); // remove(tempfrag); return 1; } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { const char *inname = argv[1]; const char *blobname = argv[2]; FILE *v, *f, *o; char proto[8192]; char line[256]; int r = 1; if (argc == 1) { printf("%s input.glsl output.fvb\n"); return 1; } if (!generatevulkanblobs((struct blobheader*)proto, sizeof(proto), inname)) return 1; //should have generated two files v = fopen("vert.spv", "rb"); f = fopen("frag.spv", "rb"); if (f && v) { if (argc < 3) { generateprogsblob((struct blobheader*)proto, NULL, v, f); r = 0; } else { o = fopen(blobname, "wb"); if (o) { generateprogsblob((struct blobheader*)proto, o, v, f); fclose(o); r = 0; } else printf("Unable to write blob %s\n", blobname); } } if (f) fclose(f); else printf("Unable to read frag.spv\n"); if (v) fclose(v); else printf("Unable to read vert.spv\n"); remove("vert.spv"); remove("frag.spv"); return r; }