#include "../menusys/mitem_grid.qc" enum : int { GPMI_NAME, //name of the package, for use with the pkg command. GPMI_CATEGORY, //category text GPMI_TITLE, //name of the package, for showing the user. GPMI_VERSION, //version info (may have multiple with the same name but different versions) GPMI_DESCRIPTION, //some blurb GPMI_LICENSE, //what license its distributed under GPMI_AUTHOR, //name of the person(s) who created it GPMI_WEBSITE, //where to contribute/find out more info/etc GPMI_INSTALLED, //current state GPMI_ACTION, //desired state GPMI_AVAILABLE, //whether it may be downloaded or not. GPMI_FILESIZE, //whether it may be downloaded or not. GPMI_GAMEDIR, //whether it may be downloaded or not. GPMI_MAPS, //whether it may be downloaded or not. }; class mitem_updategrid : mitem_grid { virtual void(vector pos) item_draw = { //make sure we see any updates as they're detected... __using getpackagemanagerinfo, ftoi; if (getpackagemanagerinfo(grid_numchildren, GPMI_NAME)) { grid_numchildren++; while(getpackagemanagerinfo(grid_numchildren, GPMI_NAME)) grid_numchildren++; item_resized(); } super::item_draw(pos); }; virtual void(vector pos, float idx) grid_draw; virtual float(vector pos, float scan, float char, float down, float idx) grid_keypress; // virtual void(float olditem, float newitem) grid_selectionchanged; }; void(vector pos, float idx) mitem_updategrid::grid_draw = { __using getpackagemanagerinfo, ftoi; string text = getpackagemanagerinfo(idx, GPMI_TITLE); vector col = item_rgb; if (item_flags & IF_MFOCUSED && idx == grid_mactive) col_z = 0; if (item_flags & IF_KFOCUSED && idx == grid_kactive) col_x = 0; string status = getpackagemanagerinfo(idx, GPMI_INSTALLED); string action = getpackagemanagerinfo(idx, GPMI_ACTION); if (action == "purge") //delete the thing action = "^&F4 "; else if (action=="reinstall") //purge then reinstall(the purge status was explicit at least.) action = "^&F2P"; else if (action=="user") //install(explcitly by user) action = "^&F2 "; else if (action=="auto") //install(to satisfy dependancies) action = "^&FA "; else if (action=="disable") action = "^&FE "; else if (action=="retain") action = "^&FE "; else action = "^&F4 "; if (status == "0%" || status == "pending") { ui.drawfill(pos, [item_size_x, item_scale], '0 0 0.5', 0.1, 0); action = status = " "; } else if (strstrofs(status, "%")>=0) { float frac = stof(status)/100; ui.drawfill(pos, [item_size_x*frac, item_scale], '0 0 0.5', 0.9, 0); action = status = " "; } else if (status == "corrupt") status = "^&FE?"; //yellow else if (status == "enabled") status = "^&F2 "; //green else if (status == "present") status = "^&FE "; //yellow else status = "^&F4 "; //red ui.drawstring(pos, strcat(status, action, "^&F-", text), '1 1 0' * item_scale, col, item_alpha, 0); }; /*void(float olditem, float newitem) mitem_updategrid::grid_selectionchanged = { }; */float(vector pos, float scan, float char, float down, float idx) mitem_updategrid::grid_keypress = { __using getpackagemanagerinfo, ftoi; string text; if (!down) return FALSE; else if (scan == K_DEL||scan == K_BACKSPACE||scan == K_LEFTARROW) { text = getpackagemanagerinfo(idx, GPMI_NAME); if (!text) return FALSE; string action = getpackagemanagerinfo(idx, GPMI_ACTION); if (action == "purge") //delete the thing action = "rem"; else if (action=="reinstall") //purge then reinstall(the purge status was explicit at least.) action = "rem"; else if (action=="user") //install(explcitly by user) action = "rem"; else if (action=="auto") //install(to satisfy dependancies) action = "rem"; else action = "del"; text = strcat("pkg quiet_", action, " \"", text, "\"\n"); localcmd(text); } else if (scan == K_RIGHTARROW || scan==K_ENTER || scan == K_MOUSE1 || scan == K_TOUCHTAP) { text = getpackagemanagerinfo(idx, GPMI_NAME); if (!text) return FALSE; text = strcat("pkg quiet_add \"", text, "\"\n"); localcmd(text); } else return FALSE; return TRUE; }; class menu_updates : mitem_exmenu { string filter; mitem_updategrid grid; virtual string(string key) get = { __using getpackagemanagerinfo, ftoi; if (key == "info") { string text=__NULL__, tmp; tmp = getpackagemanagerinfo(grid.grid_kactive, GPMI_VERSION); text = strcat(text, "^aVersion:^a ", tmp?:"Unspecified"); tmp = getpackagemanagerinfo(grid.grid_kactive, GPMI_AUTHOR); text = strcat(text, "\n^aAuthor:^a ", tmp?:"Unknown"); tmp = getpackagemanagerinfo(grid.grid_kactive, GPMI_LICENSE); text = strcat(text, "\n^aLicense:^a ", tmp?:"Unknown"); tmp = getpackagemanagerinfo(grid.grid_kactive, GPMI_WEBSITE); text = strcat(text, "\n^aWebsite:^a ", tmp?:"Unknown"); tmp = getpackagemanagerinfo(grid.grid_kactive, GPMI_DESCRIPTION); text = strcat(text, "\n^aDescription:^a ", tmp?:"No description specified"); return text; } return super::get(key); }; }; void(mitem_desktop desktop) M_Menu_Updates = { mitem it; float h = (480+240)/2; if (!checkbuiltin(getpackagemanagerinfo)) return; //not supported in this engine... localcmd("pkg update\n"); //create the menu, give it focus, and make sure its displayed over everything else. menu_updates m = spawn(menu_updates, item_text:_("Updates List"), item_flags:IF_SELECTABLE, item_command:"m_main", frame_stdheight:h); desktop.add(m, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX, '0 0', '0 0'); desktop.item_focuschange(m, IF_KFOCUSED); m.totop(); //draw title art above the options mitem_pic banner = spawn(mitem_pic, item_text:"gfx/ttl_cstm.lmp", item_size_y:24, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN); m.add(banner, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [banner.item_size_x*-0.5, h*-0.5], [banner.item_size_x*0.5, 24]); //spawn our grid for the actual options. this provides a scrollbar if we have too many items. m.grid = spawn(mitem_updategrid, item_flags: IF_SELECTABLE, item_scale: 8); m.add(m.grid, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MID, [-160, h*-0.5+32], [40, h*0.5]); it = spawn(mitem_label, item_text: "info", item_flags: 0, item_scale: 8); m.add(it, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MID, [40, h*-0.5+32], [0, h*0.5-16]); it = spawn(mitem_button, item_text: "Apply", item_command: "pkg apply\n", item_flags: IF_SELECTABLE, item_scale: 8); m.add(it, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MID, [40+1, h*0.5-16+1], [0-1, h*0.5-1]); //and give us a suitable menu tint too, just because. addmenuback(m); };