/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // console.c #include "quakedef.h" console_t con_main; console_t *con_current; // points to whatever is the visible console console_t *con_chat; // points to a chat console #define Font_ScreenWidth() (vid.pixelwidth) static int Con_DrawProgress(int left, int right, int y); #ifdef QTERM #include <windows.h> typedef struct qterm_s { console_t *console; qboolean running; HANDLE process; HANDLE pipein; HANDLE pipeout; HANDLE pipeinih; HANDLE pipeoutih; struct qterm_s *next; } qterm_t; qterm_t *qterms; qterm_t *activeqterm; #endif //int con_linewidth; // characters across screen //int con_totallines; // total lines in console scrollback float con_cursorspeed = 4; cvar_t con_numnotifylines = SCVAR("con_notifylines","4"); //max lines to show cvar_t con_notifytime = SCVAR("con_notifytime","3"); //seconds cvar_t con_centernotify = SCVAR("con_centernotify", "0"); cvar_t con_displaypossibilities = SCVAR("con_displaypossibilities", "1"); cvar_t con_maxlines = SCVAR("con_maxlines", "1024"); cvar_t cl_chatmode = SCVAR("cl_chatmode", "2"); cvar_t con_numnotifylines_chat = CVAR("con_numnotifylines_chat", "8"); cvar_t con_notifytime_chat = CVAR("con_notifytime_chat", "8"); cvar_t con_separatechat = CVAR("con_separatechat", "0"); #define NUM_CON_TIMES 24 #define MAXCMDLINE 256 extern unsigned char key_lines[32][MAXCMDLINE]; extern int edit_line; extern int key_linepos; static conline_t *selstartline, *selendline; static unsigned int selstartoffset, selendoffset; qboolean con_initialized; /*makes sure the console object works*/ void Con_Finit (console_t *con) { if (con->current == NULL) { con->oldest = con->current = Z_Malloc(sizeof(conline_t)); con->linecount = 0; } if (con->display == NULL) con->display = con->current; } /*returns a bitmask: 1: currently active 2: has text that has not been seen yet */ int Con_IsActive (console_t *con) { return (con == con_current) | (con->unseentext*2); } /*kills a console_t object. will never destroy the main console (which will only be cleared)*/ void Con_Destroy (console_t *con) { console_t *prev; conline_t *t; /*purge the lines from the console*/ while (con->current) { t = con->current; con->current = t->older; Z_Free(t); } con->display = con->current = con->oldest = NULL; selstartline = NULL; selendline = NULL; if (con == &con_main) { /*main console is never destroyed, only cleared (unless shutting down)*/ if (con_initialized) Con_Finit(con); return; } for (prev = &con_main; prev->next; prev = prev->next) { if (prev->next == con) { prev->next = con->next; break; } } BZ_Free(con); if (con_current == con) con_current = &con_main; } /*obtains a console_t without creating*/ console_t *Con_FindConsole(char *name) { console_t *con; for (con = &con_main; con; con = con->next) { if (!strcmp(con->name, name)) return con; } return NULL; } /*creates a potentially duplicate console_t - please use Con_FindConsole first, as its confusing otherwise*/ console_t *Con_Create(char *name, unsigned int flags) { console_t *con; con = Z_Malloc(sizeof(console_t)); Q_strncpyz(con->name, name, sizeof(con->name)); con->flags = flags; Con_Finit(con); con->next = con_main.next; con_main.next = con; return con; } /*sets a console as the active one*/ void Con_SetActive (console_t *con) { con_current = con; } /*for enumerating consoles*/ qboolean Con_NameForNum(int num, char *buffer, int buffersize) { console_t *con; for (con = &con_main; con; con = con->next, num--) { if (num <= 0) { Q_strncpyz(buffer, con->name, buffersize); return true; } } if (buffersize>0) *buffer = '\0'; return false; } /*print text to a console*/ void Con_PrintCon (console_t *con, char *txt); #ifdef QTERM void QT_Update(void) { char buffer[2048]; DWORD ret; qterm_t *qt; qterm_t *prev = NULL; for (qt = qterms; qt; qt = (prev=qt)->next) { if (!qt->running) { if (Con_IsActive(qt->console)) continue; Con_Destroy(qt->console); if (prev) prev->next = qt->next; else qterms = qt->next; CloseHandle(qt->pipein); CloseHandle(qt->pipeout); CloseHandle(qt->pipeinih); CloseHandle(qt->pipeoutih); CloseHandle(qt->process); Z_Free(qt); break; //be lazy. } if (WaitForSingleObject(qt->process, 0) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { if ((ret=GetFileSize(qt->pipeout, NULL))) { if (ret!=INVALID_FILE_SIZE) { ReadFile(qt->pipeout, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-32, &ret, NULL); buffer[ret] = '\0'; Con_PrintCon(qt->console, buffer); } } } else { Con_PrintCon(qt->console, "Process ended\n"); qt->running = false; } } } void QT_KeyPress(void *user, int key) { qbyte k[2]; qterm_t *qt = user; DWORD send = key; //get around a gcc warning k[0] = key; k[1] = '\0'; if (qt->running) { if (*k == '\r') { // *k = '\r'; // WriteFile(qt->pipein, k, 1, &key, NULL); // Con_PrintCon(k, &qt->console); *k = '\n'; } if (GetFileSize(qt->pipein, NULL)<512) { WriteFile(qt->pipein, k, 1, &send, NULL); Con_PrintCon(qt->console, k); } } return; } void QT_Create(char *command) { HANDLE StdIn[2]; HANDLE StdOut[2]; qterm_t *qt; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; STARTUPINFO SUInf; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcInfo; int ret; qt = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*qt)); memset(&sa,0,sizeof(sa)); sa.nLength=sizeof(sa); sa.bInheritHandle=true; CreatePipe(&StdOut[0], &StdOut[1], &sa, 1024); CreatePipe(&StdIn[1], &StdIn[0], &sa, 1024); memset(&SUInf, 0, sizeof(SUInf)); SUInf.cb = sizeof(SUInf); SUInf.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; /* qt->pipeout = StdOut[0]; qt->pipein = StdIn[0]; */ qt->pipeoutih = StdOut[1]; qt->pipeinih = StdIn[1]; if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), StdIn[0], GetCurrentProcess(), &qt->pipein, 0, FALSE, // not inherited DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) qt->pipein = StdIn[0]; else CloseHandle(StdIn[0]); if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), StdOut[0], GetCurrentProcess(), &qt->pipeout, 0, FALSE, // not inherited DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) qt->pipeout = StdOut[0]; else CloseHandle(StdOut[0]); SUInf.hStdInput = qt->pipeinih; SUInf.hStdOutput = qt->pipeoutih; SUInf.hStdError = qt->pipeoutih; //we don't want to have to bother working out which one was written to first. if (!SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, SUInf.hStdOutput)) Con_Printf("Windows sucks\n"); if (!SetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE, SUInf.hStdError)) Con_Printf("Windows sucks\n"); if (!SetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE, SUInf.hStdInput)) Con_Printf("Windows sucks\n"); printf("Started app\n"); ret = CreateProcess(NULL, command, NULL, NULL, true, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &SUInf, &ProcInfo); qt->process = ProcInfo.hProcess; CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hThread); qt->running = true; qt->console = Con_Create("QTerm", 0); qt->console->redirect = QT_KeyPress; Con_PrintCon(qt->console, "Started Process\n"); Con_SetVisible(qt->console); qt->next = qterms; qterms = activeqterm = qt; } void Con_QTerm_f(void) { if(Cmd_IsInsecure()) Con_Printf("Server tried stuffcmding a restricted commandqterm %s\n", Cmd_Args()); else QT_Create(Cmd_Args()); } #endif void Key_ClearTyping (void) { key_lines[edit_line][1] = 0; // clear any typing key_linepos = 1; } /* ================ Con_ToggleConsole_f ================ */ void Con_ToggleConsole_f (void) { SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); Key_ClearTyping (); if (key_dest == key_console) { if (m_state) key_dest = key_menu; else key_dest = key_game; } else key_dest = key_console; } /* ================ Con_ToggleChat_f ================ */ void Con_ToggleChat_f (void) { Key_ClearTyping (); if (key_dest == key_console) { if (cls.state == ca_active) key_dest = key_game; } else key_dest = key_console; } void Con_ClearCon(console_t *con) { conline_t *t; while (con->current) { t = con->current; con->current = t->older; Z_Free(t); } con->display = con->current = con->oldest = NULL; selstartline = NULL; selendline = NULL; /*reset the line pointers, create an active line*/ Con_Finit(con); } /* ================ Con_Clear_f ================ */ void Con_Clear_f (void) { Con_ClearCon(&con_main); } void Cmd_ConEcho_f(void) { console_t *con; con = Con_FindConsole(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (!con) con = Con_Create(Cmd_Argv(1), 0); if (con) { Cmd_ShiftArgs(1, false); Con_PrintCon(con, Cmd_Args()); Con_PrintCon(con, "\n"); } } void Cmd_ConClear_f(void) { console_t *con; con = Con_FindConsole(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (con) Con_ClearCon(con); } void Cmd_ConClose_f(void) { console_t *con; con = Con_FindConsole(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (con) Con_Destroy(con); } void Cmd_ConActivate_f(void) { console_t *con; con = Con_FindConsole(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (con) Con_SetActive(con); } /* ================ Con_MessageMode_f ================ */ void Con_MessageMode_f (void) { chat_team = false; key_dest = key_message; } /* ================ Con_MessageMode2_f ================ */ void Con_MessageMode2_f (void) { chat_team = true; key_dest = key_message; } void Con_ForceActiveNow(void) { key_dest = key_console; scr_conlines = scr_con_current = vid.height; } /* ================ Con_Init ================ */ void Log_Init (void); void Con_Init (void) { con_current = &con_main; Con_Finit(&con_main); con_main.linebuffered = Con_ExecuteLine; con_main.commandcompletion = true; con_initialized = true; Con_Printf ("Console initialized.\n"); // // register our commands // Cvar_Register (&con_notifytime, "Console controls"); Cvar_Register (&con_centernotify, "Console controls"); Cvar_Register (&con_numnotifylines, "Console controls"); Cvar_Register (&con_displaypossibilities, "Console controls"); Cvar_Register (&cl_chatmode, "Console controls"); Cvar_Register (&con_maxlines, "Console controls"); Cvar_Register (&con_numnotifylines_chat, "Console controls"); Cvar_Register (&con_notifytime_chat, "Console controls"); Cvar_Register (&con_separatechat, "Console controls"); Cmd_AddCommand ("toggleconsole", Con_ToggleConsole_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("togglechat", Con_ToggleChat_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("messagemode", Con_MessageMode_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("messagemode2", Con_MessageMode2_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("clear", Con_Clear_f); #ifdef QTERM Cmd_AddCommand ("qterm", Con_QTerm_f); #endif Cmd_AddCommand ("conecho", Cmd_ConEcho_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("conclear", Cmd_ConClear_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("conclose", Cmd_ConClose_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("conactivate", Cmd_ConActivate_f); Log_Init(); } void Con_Shutdown(void) { while(con_main.next) { Con_Destroy(con_main.next); } con_initialized = false; Con_Destroy(&con_main); } void TTS_SayConString(conchar_t *stringtosay); /* ================ Con_Print Handles cursor positioning, line wrapping, etc All console printing must go through this in order to be logged to disk If no console is visible, the notify window will pop up. ================ */ void Con_PrintCon (console_t *con, char *txt) { conchar_t expanded[4096]; conchar_t *c; conline_t *oc; COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, txt, expanded, sizeof(expanded), false); c = expanded; while (*c) { conchar_t *o; switch (*c & (CON_CHARMASK)) { case '\r': con->cr = true; break; case '\n': con->cr = false; while (con->linecount >= con_maxlines.ival) { if (con->oldest == con->current) break; if (selstartline == con->oldest) selstartline = NULL; if (selendline == con->oldest) selendline = NULL; if (con->display == con->oldest) con->display = con->oldest->newer; con->oldest = con->oldest->newer; Z_Free(con->oldest->older); con->oldest->older = NULL; con->linecount--; } con->linecount++; if (con->flags & CONF_NOTIMES) con->current->time = 0; else con->current->time = realtime; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(NOMEDIA) if (con->current) TTS_SayConString((conchar_t*)(con->current+1)); #endif con->current->newer = Z_Malloc(sizeof(conline_t) + sizeof(conchar_t)); con->current->newer->older = con->current; con->current = con->current->newer; con->current->length = 0; o = (conchar_t *)(con->current+1)+con->current->length; *o = 0; if (con->display == con->current->older) con->display = con->current; break; default: if (con->cr) { con->current->length = 0; con->cr = false; } if (selstartline == con->current) selstartline = NULL; if (selendline == con->current) selendline = NULL; oc = con->current; con->current = BZ_Realloc(con->current, sizeof(*con->current)+(con->current->length+2)*sizeof(conchar_t)); if (con->display == oc) con->display = con->current; if (con->oldest == oc) con->oldest = con->current; if (con->current->older) con->current->older->newer = con->current; o = (conchar_t *)(con->current+1)+con->current->length; *o = *c; o[1] = 0; con->current->length+=1; break; } c++; } } void Con_Print (char *txt) { Con_PrintCon(&con_main, txt); //client console } void Con_CycleConsole(void) { while(1) { con_current = con_current->next; if (!con_current) con_current = &con_main; if (con_current->flags & CONF_HIDDEN) continue; break; } } void Con_Log(char *s); /* ================ Con_Printf Handles cursor positioning, line wrapping, etc ================ */ #ifndef CLIENTONLY extern redirect_t sv_redirected; extern char outputbuf[8000]; void SV_FlushRedirect (void); #endif #define MAXPRINTMSG 4096 // FIXME: make a buffer size safe vsprintf? void VARGS Con_Printf (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; va_start (argptr,fmt); vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg), fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); #ifndef CLIENTONLY // add to redirected message if (sv_redirected) { if (strlen (msg) + strlen(outputbuf) > sizeof(outputbuf) - 1) SV_FlushRedirect (); strcat (outputbuf, msg); if (sv_redirected != -1) return; } #endif // also echo to debugging console Sys_Printf ("%s", msg); // also echo to debugging console // log all messages to file Con_Log (msg); if (!con_initialized) return; // write it to the scrollable buffer Con_Print (msg); } void VARGS Con_SafePrintf (char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; va_start (argptr,fmt); vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); // write it to the scrollable buffer Con_Printf ("%s", msg); } void VARGS Con_TPrintf (translation_t text, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; char *fmt = languagetext[text][cls.language]; va_start (argptr,text); vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg), fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); // write it to the scrollable buffer Con_Printf ("%s", msg); } void VARGS Con_SafeTPrintf (translation_t text, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; char *fmt = languagetext[text][cls.language]; va_start (argptr,text); vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg), fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); // write it to the scrollable buffer Con_Printf ("%s", msg); } /* ================ Con_DPrintf A Con_Printf that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set ================ */ void VARGS Con_DPrintf (char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; extern cvar_t log_developer; #ifdef CRAZYDEBUGGING va_start (argptr,fmt); vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); Sys_Printf("%s", msg); return; #else if (!developer.value && !log_developer.value) return; // early exit #endif va_start (argptr,fmt); vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); if (!developer.value) Con_Log(msg); else Con_PrintCon(&con_main, msg); } /* ============================================================================== DRAWING ============================================================================== */ /* ================ Con_DrawInput The input line scrolls horizontally if typing goes beyond the right edge y is the bottom of the input return value is the top of the region ================ */ int Con_DrawInput (int left, int right, int y) { #ifdef _WIN32 extern qboolean ActiveApp; #endif int i; int lhs, rhs; int p; unsigned char *text, *fname = NULL; extern int con_commandmatch; conchar_t maskedtext[2048]; conchar_t *endmtext; conchar_t *cursor; conchar_t *cchar; qboolean cursorframe; int x; y -= Font_CharHeight(); if (key_dest != key_console && con_current->vislines != vid.height) return y; // don't draw anything (always draw if not active) if (!con_current->linebuffered) return y; //fixme: draw any unfinished lines of the current console instead. text = key_lines[edit_line]; //copy it to an alternate buffer and fill in text colouration escape codes. //if it's recognised as a command, colour it yellow. //if it's not a command, and the cursor is at the end of the line, leave it as is, // but add to the end to show what the compleation will be. i = text[key_linepos]; text[key_linepos] = 0; cursor = COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, text, maskedtext, sizeof(maskedtext) - sizeof(maskedtext[0]), true); text[key_linepos] = i; endmtext = COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, text, maskedtext, sizeof(maskedtext) - sizeof(maskedtext[0]), true); endmtext[1] = 0; i = 0; x = left; if (con_current->commandcompletion) { if (cl_chatmode.ival && (text[1] == '/' || (cl_chatmode.ival == 2 && Cmd_IsCommand(text+1)))) { //color the first token yellow, it's a valid command for (p = 1; (maskedtext[p]&CON_CHARMASK)>' '; p++) maskedtext[p] = (maskedtext[p]&CON_CHARMASK) | (COLOR_YELLOW<<CON_FGSHIFT); } // else // Plug_SpellCheckMaskedText(maskedtext+1, i-1, x, y, 8, si, con_current->linewidth); if (cursor == endmtext) //cursor is at end { int cmdstart; cmdstart = text[1] == '/'?2:1; fname = Cmd_CompleteCommand(text+cmdstart, true, true, con_commandmatch); if (fname) //we can compleate it to: { for (p = min(strlen(fname), key_linepos-cmdstart); fname[p]>' '; p++) maskedtext[p+cmdstart] = (unsigned int)fname[p] | (COLOR_GREEN<<CON_FGSHIFT); if (p < key_linepos-cmdstart) p = key_linepos-cmdstart; maskedtext[p+cmdstart] = 0; } } } // else // Plug_SpellCheckMaskedText(maskedtext+1, i-1, x, y, 8, si, con_current->linewidth); #ifdef _WIN32 if (!ActiveApp) cursorframe = 0; else #endif cursorframe = ((int)(realtime*con_cursorspeed)&1); for (lhs = 0, i = key_linepos-1; i >= 0; i--) { lhs += Font_CharWidth(maskedtext[i]); } for (rhs = 0, i = key_linepos+1; maskedtext[i]; i++) { rhs += Font_CharWidth(maskedtext[i]); } //put the cursor in the middle x = (right-left)/2; //move the line to the right if there's not enough text to touch the right hand side if (x < right-rhs) x = right - rhs; //if the left hand side is on the right of the left point (overrides right alignment) if (x - lhs > 0) x = lhs; lhs = x - lhs + left; for (cchar = maskedtext; cchar < cursor; cchar++) { lhs = Font_DrawChar(lhs, y, *cchar); } rhs = x + left; if (cursorframe) { // extern cvar_t com_parseutf8; // if (com_parseutf8.ival) // Font_DrawChar(rhs, y, (*cursor&~(CON_BGMASK|CON_FGMASK)) | (COLOR_BLUE<<CON_BGSHIFT) | CON_NONCLEARBG | CON_WHITEMASK); // else Font_DrawChar(rhs, y, 0xe000|11|CON_WHITEMASK); } else if (*cursor) Font_DrawChar(rhs, y, *cursor); rhs += Font_CharWidth(*cursor); for (cchar = cursor+1; *cchar; cchar++) { rhs = Font_DrawChar(rhs, y, *cchar); } /*if its getting completed to something, show some help about the command that is going to be used*/ if (!text[1]) con_commandmatch = 0; if (con_commandmatch && fname && Cmd_IsCommand(text+(text[1] == '/'?2:1))) { cvar_t *var; char *desc = NULL; if (!desc) { var = Cvar_FindVar(fname); if (var && var->description) desc = var->description; } if (!desc) { desc = Cmd_Describe(fname); } if (desc) { int lines; conchar_t *starts[8]; conchar_t *ends[8]; conchar_t *end; end = maskedtext; end = COM_ParseFunString((COLOR_YELLOW<<CON_FGSHIFT), va("%s: %s", fname, desc), end, (maskedtext+sizeof(maskedtext)/sizeof(maskedtext[0])-1-end)*sizeof(maskedtext[0]), true); lines = Font_LineBreaks(maskedtext, end, right - left, 8, starts, ends); while(lines-->0) { rhs = left; y -= Font_CharHeight(); for (cchar = starts[lines]; cchar < ends[lines]; cchar++) { rhs = Font_DrawChar(rhs, y, *cchar); } } } } /*just above that, we have the tab completion list*/ if (con_commandmatch && con_displaypossibilities.value) { int lines; conchar_t *starts[32]; conchar_t *ends[32]; conchar_t *end; char *cmd; int cmdstart; cmdstart = text[1] == '/'?2:1; end = maskedtext; for (i = 1; ; i++) { cmd = Cmd_CompleteCommand (text+cmdstart, true, true, i); if (!cmd) break; end = COM_ParseFunString((COLOR_GREEN<<CON_FGSHIFT), va("%s\t", cmd), end, (maskedtext+sizeof(maskedtext)/sizeof(maskedtext[0])-1-end)*sizeof(maskedtext[0]), true); } lines = Font_LineBreaks(maskedtext, end, right - left, 32, starts, ends); while(lines-->0) { rhs = left; y -= Font_CharHeight(); for (cchar = starts[lines]; cchar < ends[lines]; cchar++) { rhs = Font_DrawChar(rhs, y, *cchar); } } } return y; } /* ================ Con_DrawNotify Draws the last few lines of output transparently over the game top ================ */ void Con_DrawNotifyOne (console_t *con) { conchar_t *starts[NUM_CON_TIMES], *ends[NUM_CON_TIMES]; conchar_t *c; conline_t *l; int lines=con->notif_l; int line; int x = con->notif_x, y = con->notif_y; int w = con->notif_w; int maxlines; float t; Font_BeginString(font_conchar, x, y, &x, &y); Font_Transform(con->notif_w, 0, &w, NULL); if (con->notif_l < 0) con->notif_l = 0; if (con->notif_l > NUM_CON_TIMES) con->notif_l = NUM_CON_TIMES; lines = maxlines = con->notif_l; if (x == 0 && y == 0 && con->notif_w == vid.width) y = Con_DrawProgress(0, w, 0); l = con->current; if (!l->length) l = l->older; for (; l && lines > con->notif_l-maxlines; l = l->older) { t = l->time; if (!t) continue; //hidden from notify t = realtime - t; if (t > con->notif_t) break; line = Font_LineBreaks((conchar_t*)(l+1), (conchar_t*)(l+1)+l->length, w, lines, starts, ends); if (!line && lines > 0) { lines--; starts[lines] = NULL; ends[lines] = NULL; } while(line --> 0 && lines > 0) { lines--; starts[lines] = starts[line]; ends[lines] = ends[line]; } if (lines == 0) break; } //clamp it properly while (lines < con->notif_l-maxlines) { lines++; } if (con->flags & CONF_NOTIFY_BOTTOM) y -= (con->notif_l - lines) * Font_CharHeight(); while (lines < con->notif_l) { x = 0; if (con_centernotify.value) { for (c = starts[lines]; c < ends[lines]; c++) { x += Font_CharWidth(*c); } x = (w - x) / 2; } Font_LineDraw(x, y, starts[lines], ends[lines]); y += Font_CharHeight(); lines++; } Font_EndString(font_conchar); } void Con_DrawNotify (void) { console_t *con; con_main.flags = CONF_NOTIFY; /*keep the main console up to date*/ con_main.notif_l = con_numnotifylines.ival; con_main.notif_w = vid.width; con_main.notif_t = con_notifytime.value; if (con_chat) { con_chat->notif_l = con_numnotifylines_chat.ival; con_chat->notif_w = vid.width - 64; con_chat->notif_y = vid.height - sb_lines - 8*4; con_chat->notif_t = con_notifytime_chat.value; } for (con = &con_main; con; con = con->next) { if (con->flags & CONF_NOTIFY) Con_DrawNotifyOne(con); } if (key_dest == key_message) { int x, y; conchar_t *starts[8]; conchar_t *ends[8]; conchar_t markup[MAXCMDLINE+64]; conchar_t *c; int lines, i; Font_BeginString(font_conchar, 0, 0, &x, &y); y = con_main.notif_l * Font_CharHeight(); c = COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, va(chat_team?"say_team: %s":"say: %s", chat_buffer), markup, sizeof(markup), true); *c++ = (0xe00a+((int)(realtime*con_cursorspeed)&1))|CON_WHITEMASK; lines = Font_LineBreaks(markup, c, Font_ScreenWidth(), 8, starts, ends); for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { x = 0; Font_LineDraw(x, y, starts[i], ends[i]); y += Font_CharHeight(); } Font_EndString(font_conchar); } } //send all the stuff that was con_printed to sys_print. //This is so that system consoles in windows can scroll up and have all the text. void Con_PrintToSys(void) { console_t *curcon = &con_main; conline_t *l; int i; conchar_t *t; for (l = curcon->oldest; l; l = l->newer) { t = (conchar_t*)(l+1); //fixme: utf8? for (i = 0; i < l->length; i++) Sys_Printf("%c", t[i]&0xff); Sys_Printf("\n"); } } //returns the bottom of the progress bar static int Con_DrawProgress(int left, int right, int y) { #ifdef RUNTIMELIGHTING extern model_t *lightmodel; extern int relitsurface; #endif conchar_t dlbar[1024]; unsigned char progresspercenttext[128]; char *progresstext = NULL; char *txt; int x, tw; int i, j; int barwidth, barleft; float progresspercent = 0; *progresspercenttext = 0; // draw the download bar // figure out width if (cls.downloadmethod) { unsigned int count, total; qboolean extra; progresstext = cls.downloadlocalname; progresspercent = cls.downloadpercent; if ((int)(realtime/2)&1) sprintf(progresspercenttext, " %02d%% (%ukbps)", (int)progresspercent, CL_DownloadRate()/1000); else { CL_GetDownloadSizes(&count, &total, &extra); if (total == 0) { //just show progress sprintf(progresspercenttext, " %02f%%", progresspercent); } else { sprintf(progresspercenttext, " %02d%% (%u%skb)", (int)progresspercent, total/1024, extra?"+":""); } } } #ifdef RUNTIMELIGHTING else if (lightmodel) { if (relitsurface < lightmodel->numsurfaces) { progresstext = "light"; progresspercent = (relitsurface*100.0f) / lightmodel->numsurfaces; sprintf(progresspercenttext, " %02d%%", (int)progresspercent); } } #endif //at this point: //progresstext: what is being downloaded/done (can end up truncated) //progresspercent: its percentage (used only for the slider) //progresspercenttext: that percent as text, essentually the right hand part of the bar. if (progresstext) { //chop off any leading path if ((txt = strrchr(progresstext, '/')) != NULL) txt++; else txt = progresstext; x = 0; COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, txt, dlbar, sizeof(dlbar), false); for (i = 0; dlbar[i]; ) { x += Font_CharWidth(dlbar[i]); i++; } //if the string is wider than a third of the screen if (x > (right - left)/3) { //truncate the file name and add ... x += 3*Font_CharWidth('.'|CON_WHITEMASK); while (x > (right - left)/3 && i > 0) { i--; x -= Font_CharWidth(dlbar[i]); } dlbar[i++] = '.'|CON_WHITEMASK; dlbar[i++] = '.'|CON_WHITEMASK; dlbar[i++] = '.'|CON_WHITEMASK; dlbar[i] = 0; } //i is the char index of the dlbar so far, x is the char width of it. //add a couple chars dlbar[i] = ':'|CON_WHITEMASK; x += Font_CharWidth(dlbar[i]); i++; dlbar[i] = ' '|CON_WHITEMASK; x += Font_CharWidth(dlbar[i]); i++; COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, progresspercenttext, dlbar+i, sizeof(dlbar)-i*sizeof(conchar_t), false); for (j = i, tw = 0; dlbar[j]; ) { tw += Font_CharWidth(dlbar[j]); j++; } barwidth = (right-left) - (x + tw); //draw the right hand side x = right - tw; for (j = i; dlbar[j]; j++) x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, dlbar[j]); //draw the left hand side x = left; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, dlbar[j]); //and in the middle we have lots of stuff barwidth -= (Font_CharWidth(0xe080|CON_WHITEMASK) + Font_CharWidth(0xe082|CON_WHITEMASK)); x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, 0xe080|CON_WHITEMASK); barleft = x; for(;;) { if (x + Font_CharWidth(0xe081|CON_WHITEMASK) > barleft+barwidth) break; x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, 0xe081|CON_WHITEMASK); } x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, 0xe082|CON_WHITEMASK); Font_DrawChar(barleft+(barwidth*progresspercent)/100 - Font_CharWidth(0xe083|CON_WHITEMASK)/2, y, 0xe083|CON_WHITEMASK); y += Font_CharHeight(); } return y; } //draws console selection choices at the top of the screen, if multiple consoles are available //its ctrl+tab to switch between them int Con_DrawAlternateConsoles(int lines) { char *txt; int x, y = 0; int consshown = 0; console_t *con = &con_main; for (con = &con_main; con; con = con->next) { if (!(con->flags & CONF_HIDDEN)) consshown++; } if (lines == scr_conlines && consshown > 1) { for (x = 0, con = &con_main; con; con = con->next) { if (con->flags & CONF_HIDDEN) continue; if (con == &con_main) txt = "MAIN"; else txt = con->name; if (x != 0 && x+(strlen(txt)+1)*8 > vid.width) { x = 0; y += 8; } Draw_FunString(x, y, va("^&F%i%s", (con==con_current)+con->unseentext*4, txt)); x+=(strlen(txt)+1)*8; } y += 8; } return y; } /* ================ Con_DrawConsole Draws the console with the solid background ================ */ void Con_DrawConsole (int lines, qboolean noback) { extern qboolean scr_con_forcedraw; int x, y, sx, ex, linecount, linelength; conline_t *l; conchar_t *s; int selsx, selsy, selex, seley, selactive; int top; conchar_t *starts[64], *ends[sizeof(starts)/sizeof(starts[0])]; int i; qboolean haveprogress; int hidelines; if (lines <= 0) return; #ifdef QTERM if (qterms) QT_Update(); #endif // draw the background if (!noback) R2D_ConsoleBackground (0, lines, scr_con_forcedraw); con_current->unseentext = false; con_current->vislines = lines; top = Con_DrawAlternateConsoles(lines); x = 8; y = lines; selactive = Key_GetConsoleSelectionBox(&selsx, &selsy, &selex, &seley); Font_BeginString(font_conchar, x, y, &x, &y); Font_BeginString(font_conchar, selsx, selsy, &selsx, &selsy); Font_BeginString(font_conchar, selex, seley, &selex, &seley); ex = Font_ScreenWidth(); sx = x; ex -= sx; y -= Font_CharHeight(); haveprogress = Con_DrawProgress(x, ex - x, y) != y; y = Con_DrawInput (x, ex - x, y); if (selactive) { if (selsx < x) selsx = x; if (selex < x) selex = x; if (selsy > y) selsy = y; if (seley > y) seley = y; selsy -= y; seley -= y; selsy /= Font_CharHeight(); seley /= Font_CharHeight(); selsy--; seley--; if (selsy == seley) { //single line selected backwards if (selex < selsx) { x = selex; selex = selsx; selsx = x; } } if (seley < selsy) { //selection goes upwards x = selsy; selsy = seley; seley = x; x = selex; selex = selsx; selsx = x; } selsy *= Font_CharHeight(); seley *= Font_CharHeight(); selsy += y; seley += y; } if (!con_current->display) con_current->display = con_current->current; l = con_current->display; hidelines = con_current->subline; if (l != con_current->current) { y -= 8; // draw arrows to show the buffer is backscrolled for (x = sx ; x<ex; ) x = (Font_DrawChar (x, y, '^'|CON_WHITEMASK)-x)*4+x; } if (l && l == con_current->current && l->length == 0) l = l->older; for (; l; l = l->older) { s = (conchar_t*)(l+1); linecount = Font_LineBreaks(s, s+l->length, ex-sx, sizeof(starts)/sizeof(starts[0]), starts, ends); //if Con_LineBreaks didn't find any lines at all, then it was an empty line, and we need to ensure that its still drawn if (linecount == 0) { linecount = 1; starts[0] = ends[0] = NULL; } l->lines = linecount; if (hidelines > 0) { linecount -= hidelines; if (linecount < 0) linecount = 0; hidelines -= linecount; } while (linecount-- > 0) { s = starts[linecount]; linelength = ends[linecount] - s; y -= Font_CharHeight(); if (top && y < top) break; if (selactive) { if (y >= selsy) { if (y <= seley) { int sstart; int send; sstart = sx; send = sstart; for (i = 0; i < linelength; i++) send += Font_CharWidth(s[i]); //show something on blank lines if (send == sstart) send = sstart + Font_CharWidth(' '); if (y >= seley) { send = sstart; for (i = 0; i < linelength; i++) { send += Font_CharWidth(s[i]); if (send > selex) break; } selendline = l; if (s) selendoffset = (s+i+1) - (conchar_t*)(l+1); else selendoffset = 0; } if (y <= selsy) { for (i = 0; i < linelength; i++) { x = Font_CharWidth(s[i]); if (sstart + x > selsx) break; sstart += x; } selstartline = l; if (s) selstartoffset = (s+i) - (conchar_t*)(l+1); else selstartoffset = 0; } R2D_ImagePaletteColour(0, 1.0); R2D_FillBlock((sstart*vid.width)/vid.rotpixelwidth, (y*vid.height)/vid.rotpixelheight, ((send - sstart)*vid.width)/vid.rotpixelwidth, (Font_CharHeight()*vid.height)/vid.rotpixelheight); } } } R2D_ImageColours(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); x = sx; Font_LineDraw(x, y, s, s+linelength); if (y < top) break; } if (y < top) break; } if (!haveprogress && lines == vid.height) { char *version = version_string(); int i; Font_BeginString(font_conchar, vid.width, lines, &x, &y); y -= Font_CharHeight(); for (i = 0; version[i]; i++) x -= Font_CharWidth(version[i] | CON_WHITEMASK|CON_HALFALPHA); for (i = 0; version[i]; i++) x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, version[i] | CON_WHITEMASK|CON_HALFALPHA); } Font_EndString(font_conchar); // draw the input prompt, user text, and cursor if desired SCR_DrawCursor(0); } char *Con_CopyConsole(void) { conchar_t *cur; conline_t *l; conchar_t *lend; char *result; int outlen, maxlen; int finalendoffset; if (!selstartline || !selendline) return NULL; maxlen = 1024*1024; result = Z_Malloc(maxlen+1); l = selstartline; cur = (conchar_t*)(l+1) + selstartoffset; finalendoffset = selendoffset; if (selstartline == selendline) { if (selstartoffset+1 == finalendoffset) { //they only selected a single char? //fix that up to select the entire token while (cur > (conchar_t*)(l+1)) { cur--; if ((*cur & 0xff) == ' ') { cur++; break; } } while (finalendoffset < selendline->length) { if ((((conchar_t*)(l+1))[finalendoffset] & 0xff) != ' ') finalendoffset++; else break; } } } outlen = 0; for (;;) { if (l == selendline) lend = (conchar_t*)(l+1) + finalendoffset; else lend = (conchar_t*)(l+1) + l->length; while (cur < lend) { if (outlen == maxlen) break; result[outlen++] = *cur++; } if (l == selendline) break; l = l->newer; if (!l) { Con_Printf("Error: Bad console buffer\n"); break; } #ifdef _WIN32 result[outlen++] = '\r'; #endif result[outlen++] = '\n'; cur = (conchar_t*)(l+1); } result[outlen++] = 0; return result; } /* ================== Con_NotifyBox ================== */ void Con_NotifyBox (char *text) { double t1, t2; // during startup for sound / cd warnings Con_Printf("\n\n\35\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\37\n"); Con_Printf ("%s", text); Con_Printf ("Press a key.\n"); Con_Printf("\35\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\37\n"); key_count = -2; // wait for a key down and up key_dest = key_console; do { t1 = Sys_DoubleTime (); SCR_UpdateScreen (); Sys_SendKeyEvents (); t2 = Sys_DoubleTime (); realtime += t2-t1; // make the cursor blink } while (key_count < 0); Con_Printf ("\n"); key_dest = key_game; }