/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 * Marco Hladik All rights reserved. * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #define NATIVEMENU_API_VERSION_MIN 0 //will be updated any time a symbol is renamed. #define NATIVEMENU_API_VERSION_MAX 0 //bumped for any change. #ifndef NATIVEMENU_API_VERSION //so you can hold back the reported version in order to work with older engines. #define NATIVEMENU_API_VERSION NATIVEMENU_API_VERSION_MAX //version reported to the other side. #endif struct vfsfile_s; struct serverinfo_s; struct searchpathfuncs_s; struct model_s; struct font_s; struct shader_s; #ifndef __QUAKEDEF_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus typedef enum {qfalse, qtrue} qboolean;//false and true are forcivly defined. #else typedef enum {false, true} qboolean; #endif typedef float vec_t; typedef vec_t vec2_t[2]; typedef vec_t vec3_t[3]; typedef vec_t vec4_t[4]; #ifdef _MSC_VER #define QDECL __cdecl #else #define QDECL #endif #include <stdint.h> typedef uint64_t qofs_t; #endif #if 1 //c++ or standard C #include "cl_master.h" #endif enum slist_test_e; enum hostcachekey_e; //obtained via calls to gethostcacheindexforkey enum fs_relative; enum com_tokentype_e; struct menu_inputevent_args_s { enum { MIE_KEYDOWN = 0, MIE_KEYUP = 1, MIE_MOUSEDELTA = 2, MIE_MOUSEABS = 3, MIE_JOYAXIS = 4, } eventtype; unsigned int devid; union { struct { unsigned int scancode; unsigned int charcode; } key; struct { float delta[2]; float screen[2]; //virtual coords } mouse; struct { unsigned int axis; float val; } axis; }; }; typedef enum { MI_INIT, //initial startup MI_RENDERER, //renderer restarted, any models/shaders/textures handles are no longer valid MI_RESOLUTION, //video mode changed (scale or physical size) but without any gpu resources getting destroyed. you'll want to reload fonts. } mintreason_t; typedef struct { struct model_s *model; int frame[2]; float frametime[2]; float frameweight[2]; vec4_t matrix[3]; //axis/angles+origin } menuentity_t; typedef struct { //these are in virtual coords, thus they need to be floats so that they can be rounded to ints more cleanly... yeah, scaling sucks. vec2_t pos; vec2_t size; float time; //affects shader effects vec_t fov[2]; vec4_t viewmatrix[3]; struct model_s *worldmodel; int numentities; menuentity_t *entlist; } menuscene_t; typedef struct { int api_version; //this may be higher than you expect. const char *engine_version; int (*checkextension) (const char *ext); void (QDECL *error) (const char *err, ...); void (*printf) (const char *text, ...); void (*dprintf) (const char *text, ...); void (*localcmd) (const char *cmd); float (*cvar_float) (const char *name); const char *(*cvar_string) (const char *name, qboolean effective); //NULL if it doesn't exist. return value lasts until cvar_set is called, etc, so don't cache. effective=true reports its active value, not the value that the user wanted. const char *(*cvar_default) (const char *name); void (*cvar_set) (const char *name, const char *value); void (*registercvar) (const char *name, const char *defaultvalue, unsigned int flags, const char *description); void (*registercommand) (const char *name, const char *description); char *(*parsetoken) (const char *data, char *out, int outlen, enum com_tokentype_e *toktype); int (*isserver) (void); int (*getclientstate) (char const**disconnectionreason); void (*localsound) (const char *sample, int channel, float volume); // file input / search crap struct vfsfile_s *(*fopen) (const char *filename, const char *modestring, enum fs_relative fsroot); //modestring should be one of rb,r+b,wb,w+b,ab,wbp. Mostly use a root of FS_GAMEONLY for writes, otherwise FS_GAME for reads. void (*fclose) (struct vfsfile_s *fhandle); char *(*fgets) (struct vfsfile_s *fhandle, char *out, size_t outsize); //returns output buffer, or NULL void (*fprintf) (struct vfsfile_s *fhandle, const char *s, ...); void (*enumeratefiles) (const char *match, int (QDECL *callback)(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *ctx, struct searchpathfuncs_s *package), void *ctx); qboolean (QDECL *nativepath)(const char *fname, enum fs_relative relativeto, char *out, int outlen); //Converts a relative path to a printable system path. All paths are considered to be utf-8. WARNING: This means that windows users will need to use _wfopen etc if they use the resulting path of this function in any system calls. WARNING: this function can and WILL fail for dodgy paths (eg blocking writes to "../engine.dll") // Drawing stuff void (*drawsetcliparea) (float x, float y, float width, float height); void (*drawresetcliparea) (void); struct shader_s *(*cachepic)(const char *name); qboolean (*drawgetimagesize)(struct shader_s *pic, int *x, int *y); void (*drawquad) (const vec2_t position[4], const vec2_t texcoords[4], struct shader_s *pic, const vec4_t rgba, unsigned int be_flags); float (*drawstring) (const vec2_t position, const char *text, struct font_s *font, float height, const vec4_t rgba, unsigned int be_flags); float (*stringwidth) (const char *text, struct font_s *font, float height); struct font_s *(*loadfont) (const char *facename, float intendedheight); //with ttf fonts, you'll probably want one for each size. void (*destroyfont) (struct font_s *font); // 3D scene stuff struct model_s *(*cachemodel)(const char *name); qboolean (*getmodelsize) (struct model_s *model, vec3_t out_mins, vec3_t out_maxs); void (*renderscene) (menuscene_t *scene); // Menu specific stuff void (*pushmenu) (void *ctx); //will have key focus. qboolean (*ismenupushed) (void *ctx); //reports if its still pushed (but not necessarily the active one!). void (*killmenu) (void *ctx); //force-removes a menu. int (*setmousecursor) (const char *cursorname, float hot_x, float hot_y, float scale); //forces absolute mouse coords whenever cursorname isn't NULL const char *(*keynumtostring) (int keynum, int modifier); int (*stringtokeynum) (const char *key, int *modifier); int (*findkeysforcommand) (int bindmap, const char *command, int *out_scancodes, int *out_modifiers, int keycount); // Server browser stuff enum hostcachekey_e (*gethostcacheindexforkey) (const char *key); struct serverinfo_s *(*getsortedhost) (int idx); char *(*gethostcachestring) (struct serverinfo_s *host, enum hostcachekey_e fld); float (*gethostcachenumber) (struct serverinfo_s *host, enum hostcachekey_e fld); void (*resethostcachemasks) (void); void (*sethostcachemaskstring) (qboolean or_, enum hostcachekey_e fld, const char *str, enum slist_test_e op); void (*sethostcachemasknumber) (qboolean or_, enum hostcachekey_e fld, int num, enum slist_test_e op); void (*sethostcachesort) (enum hostcachekey_e fld, qboolean descending); int (*resorthostcache) (void); void (*refreshhostcache) (qboolean fullreset); qboolean (*sendhostcachequeries) (void); //returns true while there are still waiting for servers. should be called each frame while you still care about the servers. } menu_import_t; typedef struct { int api_version; void (*Init) (mintreason_t reason, float vwidth, float vheight, int pwidth, int pheight); void (*Shutdown) (mintreason_t reason); void (*DrawLoading) (double frametime); //pure loading screen. void (*Toggle) (int wantmode); qboolean(*ConsoleCommand) (const char *cmdline, int argc, char const*const*argv); void (*Draw) (void *ctx, double frametime); //draws a menu. qboolean(*InputEvent) (void *ctx, struct menu_inputevent_args_s ev); //return true to prevent the engine handling it (ie: because you already did). void (*Closed) (void *ctx); //a pushed menu was closed. } menu_export_t; #ifndef NATIVEEXPORT #ifdef _WIN32 #define NATIVEEXPORTPROTO __declspec(dllexport) #define NATIVEEXPORT NATIVEEXPORTPROTO #else #define NATIVEEXPORTPROTO #define NATIVEEXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #endif #endif NATIVEEXPORTPROTO menu_export_t *QDECL GetMenuAPI (menu_import_t *import);