//These are defined later in the source tree. This file should probably be moved to a later spot.
struct progfuncs_s;
struct globalvars_s;
struct texture_s;
struct texnums_s;
struct vbo_s;
struct mesh_s;
struct batch_s;
struct entity_s;
struct dlight_s;
struct galiasbone_s;


#define FST_BASE 0	//base frames
#define FS_REG 1	//regular frames
#define FS_COUNT 2	//regular frames
typedef struct {
	struct {
		int frame[2];
		float frametime[2];
		float lerpfrac;

		float subblendfrac;	//hl models are weird

		int endbone;
	} g[2];

	float *bonestate;
	int bonecount;
	qboolean boneabs;

	float bonecontrols[MAX_BONE_CONTROLLERS];	//hl special bone controllers
} framestate_t;

//function prototypes

#if defined(SERVERONLY)
#define qrenderer QR_NONE
#define FNC(n) (n)			//FNC is defined as 'pointer if client build, direct if dedicated server'

#define Mod_SkinForName Mod_SkinNumForName
#define Mod_FrameForName Mod_FrameNumForName
#define Mod_GetFrameDuration Mod_FrameDuration

#define FNC(n) (*n)
extern r_qrenderer_t qrenderer;
extern char *q_renderername;

mpic_t *R2D_SafeCachePic (char *path);
mpic_t *R2D_SafePicFromWad (char *name);
void R2D_DrawCrosshair (void);
void R2D_ScalePic (int x, int y, int width, int height, mpic_t *pic);
void R2D_SubPic(int x, int y, int width, int height, mpic_t *pic, int srcx, int srcy, int srcwidth, int srcheight);
void R2D_TransPicTranslate (int x, int y, int width, int height, qbyte *pic, qbyte *translation);
void R2D_TileClear (int x, int y, int w, int h);
void R2D_FadeScreen (void);

void R2D_ConsoleBackground (int firstline, int lastline, qboolean forceopaque);
void R2D_EditorBackground (void);

void R2D_Image(float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, mpic_t *pic);

void R2D_ImageColours(float r, float g, float b, float a);
void R2D_ImagePaletteColour(unsigned int i, float a);
void R2D_FillBlock(int x, int y, int w, int h);

extern void	(*Draw_Init)							(void);
extern void	(*Draw_TinyCharacter)					(int x, int y, unsigned int num);
extern qboolean (*Draw_IsCached)					(char *picname);	//can be null

extern void	(*R_Init)								(void);
extern void	(*R_DeInit)								(void);
extern void	(*R_RenderView)							(void);		// must set r_refdef first

extern void	(*R_NewMap)								(void);
extern void	(*R_PreNewMap)							(void);

extern void	(*R_AddStain)							(vec3_t org, float red, float green, float blue, float radius);
extern void	(*R_LessenStains)						(void);

extern qboolean	(*VID_Init)							(rendererstate_t *info, unsigned char *palette);
extern void	(*VID_DeInit)							(void);
extern void	(*VID_SetPalette)						(unsigned char *palette);
extern void	(*VID_ShiftPalette)						(unsigned char *palette);
extern char *(*VID_GetRGBInfo)						(int prepad, int *truevidwidth, int *truevidheight);
extern void	(*VID_SetWindowCaption)					(char *msg);

extern void SCR_Init								(void);
extern void SCR_DeInit								(void);
extern void (*SCR_UpdateScreen)						(void);
extern void SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque					(void);
extern void SCR_EndLoadingPlaque					(void);
extern void SCR_DrawConsole							(qboolean noback);
extern void SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole					(void);
extern void SCR_EraseCenterString					(void);
extern void SCR_CenterPrint							(int pnum, char *str, qboolean skipgamecode);

void R_DrawTextField(int x, int y, int w, int h, char *text, unsigned int defaultmask, unsigned int fieldflags);
#define CPRINT_BALIGN		(1<<0)	//B
#define CPRINT_TALIGN		(1<<1)	//T
#define CPRINT_LALIGN		(1<<2)	//L
#define CPRINT_RALIGN		(1<<3)	//R
#define CPRINT_BACKGROUND	(1<<4)	//P

#define CPRINT_OBITUARTY	(1<<16)	//O (show at 2/3rds from top)
#define CPRINT_PERSIST		(1<<17)	//P (doesn't time out)
#define CPRINT_TYPEWRITER	(1<<18)	//  (char at a time)


extern void	FNC(Mod_Init)							(void);
extern void	FNC(Mod_ClearAll)						(void);
extern struct model_s *FNC(Mod_ForName)				(char *name, qboolean crash);
extern struct model_s *FNC(Mod_FindName)			(char *name);
extern void	*FNC(Mod_Extradata)						(struct model_s *mod);	// handles caching
extern void	FNC(Mod_TouchModel)						(char *name);

extern void	FNC(Mod_NowLoadExternal)				(void);

extern void	FNC(Mod_Think)							(void);
extern int FNC(Mod_SkinForName)						(struct model_s *model, char *name);
extern int FNC(Mod_FrameForName)					(struct model_s *model, char *name);
extern float FNC(Mod_GetFrameDuration)				(struct model_s *model, int framenum);

#undef FNC

extern qboolean	Mod_GetTag						(struct model_s *model, int tagnum, framestate_t *framestate, float *transforms);
extern int Mod_TagNumForName					(struct model_s *model, char *name);

int Mod_GetNumBones(struct model_s *model, qboolean allowtags);
int Mod_GetBoneRelations(struct model_s *model, int firstbone, int lastbone, framestate_t *fstate, float *result);
int Mod_GetBoneParent(struct model_s *model, int bonenum);
struct galiasbone_s *Mod_GetBoneInfo(struct model_s *model);
char *Mod_GetBoneName(struct model_s *model, int bonenum);

void Draw_FunString(int x, int y, const void *str);
void Draw_AltFunString(int x, int y, const void *str);
void Draw_FunStringWidth(int x, int y, const void *str, int width);

int r_regsequence;

#define Mod_Q1LeafPVS Mod_LeafPVS
// qbyte *Mod_LeafPVS (struct mleaf_s *leaf, struct model_s *model, qbyte *buffer);

typedef struct
	int regsequence;
} texcom_t;
struct texid_s
		unsigned int num;
#if defined(D3DQUAKE) || defined(SWQUAKE)
		void *ptr;
	texcom_t *ref;
#if 1
typedef struct texid_s texid_t;
#define texid_tf texid_t
#define TEXASSIGN(d,s) d=s
#define TEXASSIGNF(d,s) d=s
#define TEXVALID(t) ((t).ref!=NULL)
typedef struct texid_s texid_t[1];
typedef struct texid_s texid_tf;
#define TEXASSIGN(d,s) memcpy(&d,&s,sizeof(d))
#define TEXASSIGNF(d,s) memcpy(&d,&s,sizeof(d))
#define TEXVALID(t) 1
typedef enum uploadfmt
        TF_RGBA32,              /*rgba byte order*/
        TF_BGRA32,              /*bgra byte order*/
        TF_RGBX32,              /*rgb byte order, with extra wasted byte after blue*/
		TF_BGRX32,              /*rgb byte order, with extra wasted byte after blue*/
        TF_RGB24,               /*bgr byte order, no alpha channel nor pad, and top down*/
        TF_BGR24_FLIP,  /*bgr byte order, no alpha channel nor pad, and bottom up*/
        TF_SOLID8,      /*8bit quake-palette image*/
        TF_TRANS8,      /*8bit quake-palette image, index 255=transparent*/
        TF_TRANS8_FULLBRIGHT,   /*fullbright 8 - fullbright texels have alpha 255, everything else 0*/
        TF_HEIGHT8,     /*image data is greyscale, convert to a normalmap and load that, uploaded alpha contains the original heights*/
        TF_HEIGHT8PAL, /*source data is palette values rather than actual heights, generate a fallback heightmap*/
        TF_H2_T7G1, /*8bit data, odd indexes give greyscale transparence*/
        TF_H2_TRANS8_0, /*8bit data, 0 is transparent, not 255*/
        TF_H2_T4A4,     /*8bit data, weird packing*/

        /*anything below requires a palette*/
} uploadfmt_t;

//not all modes accept meshes - STENCIL(intentional) and DEPTHONLY(not implemented)
typedef enum backendmode_e
        BEM_STANDARD,			//regular mode to draw surfaces akin to q3 (aka: legacy mode). lightmaps+delux+ambient
        BEM_DEPTHONLY,			//just a quick depth pass. textures used only for alpha test (shadowmaps).
		BEM_WIREFRAME,			//for debugging or something
        BEM_STENCIL,			//used for drawing shadow volumes to the stencil buffer.
        BEM_DEPTHDARK,			//a quick depth pass. textures used only for alpha test. additive textures still shown as normal.
		BEM_CREPUSCULAR,		//sky is special, everything else completely black
		BEM_DEPTHNORM,			//all opaque stuff drawn using 'depthnorm' shader
		BEM_FOG,				//drawing a fog volume
        BEM_LIGHT,				//we have a valid light
        BEM_SMAPLIGHTSPOT,		//we have a spot light using a shadowmap
        BEM_SMAPLIGHT			//we have a light using a shadowmap
} backendmode_t;

typedef struct rendererinfo_s {
	char *description;
	char *name[4];
	r_qrenderer_t rtype;

	void	(*Draw_Init)				(void);
	void	(*Draw_Shutdown)			(void);

	texid_tf (*IMG_LoadTexture)			(char *identifier, int width, int height, uploadfmt_t fmt, void *data, unsigned int flags);
	texid_tf (*IMG_LoadTexture8Pal24)	(char *identifier, int width, int height, qbyte *data, qbyte *palette24, unsigned int flags);
	texid_tf (*IMG_LoadTexture8Pal32)	(char *identifier, int width, int height, qbyte *data, qbyte *palette32, unsigned int flags);
	texid_tf (*IMG_LoadCompressed)		(char *name);
	texid_tf (*IMG_FindTexture)			(char *identifier, unsigned int flags);
	texid_tf (*IMG_AllocNewTexture)		(char *identifier, int w, int h, unsigned int flags);
	void    (*IMG_Upload)				(texid_t tex, char *name, uploadfmt_t fmt, void *data, void *palette, int width, int height, unsigned int flags);
	void    (*IMG_DestroyTexture)		(texid_t tex);

	void	(*R_Init)					(void);
	void	(*R_DeInit)					(void);
	void	(*R_RenderView)				(void);		// must set r_refdef first

	void	(*R_NewMap)					(void);
	void	(*R_PreNewMap)				(void);

	void	(*R_AddStain)				(vec3_t org, float red, float green, float blue, float radius);
	void	(*R_LessenStains)			(void);

	void	(*Mod_Init)					(void);
	void	(*Mod_Shutdown)				(void);
	void	(*Mod_ClearAll)				(void);
	struct model_s *(*Mod_ForName)		(char *name, qboolean crash);
	struct model_s *(*Mod_FindName)		(char *name);
	void	*(*Mod_Extradata)			(struct model_s *mod);	// handles caching
	void	(*Mod_TouchModel)			(char *name);

	void	(*Mod_NowLoadExternal)		(void);
	void	(*Mod_Think)				(void);
	qboolean (*Mod_GetTag)				(struct model_s *model, int tagnum, framestate_t *fstate, float *result);
	int (*Mod_TagNumForName)			(struct model_s *model, char *name);
	int (*Mod_SkinForName)				(struct model_s *model, char *name);
	int (*Mod_FrameForName)				(struct model_s *model, char *name);
	float (*Mod_GetFrameDuration)		(struct model_s *model, int frame);

	qboolean (*VID_Init)				(rendererstate_t *info, unsigned char *palette);
	void	 (*VID_DeInit)				(void);
	void	(*VID_SetPalette)			(unsigned char *palette);
	void	(*VID_ShiftPalette)			(unsigned char *palette);
	char	*(*VID_GetRGBInfo)			(int prepad, int *truevidwidth, int *truevidheight);
	void	(*VID_SetWindowCaption)		(char *msg);

	void	(*SCR_UpdateScreen)			(void);

	//Select the current render mode and modifier flags
	void	(*BE_SelectMode)(backendmode_t mode);
	/*Draws an entire mesh list from a VBO. vbo can be null, in which case the chain may be drawn without batching.
	  Rules for using a list: Every mesh must be part of the same VBO, shader, lightmap, and must have the same pointers set*/
	void	(*BE_DrawMesh_List)(shader_t *shader, int nummeshes, struct mesh_s **mesh, struct vbo_s *vbo, struct texnums_s *texnums, unsigned int be_flags);
	void	(*BE_DrawMesh_Single)(shader_t *shader, struct mesh_s *meshchain, struct vbo_s *vbo, struct texnums_s *texnums, unsigned int be_flags);
	void	(*BE_SubmitBatch)(struct batch_s *batch);
	struct batch_s *(*BE_GetTempBatch)(void);
	//Asks the backend to invoke DrawMeshChain for each surface, and to upload lightmaps as required
	void	(*BE_DrawWorld) (qboolean drawworld, qbyte *vis);
	//called at init, force the display to the right defaults etc
	void	(*BE_Init)(void);
	//Generates an optimised VBO, one for each texture on the map
	void (*BE_GenBrushModelVBO)(struct model_s *mod);
	//Destroys the given vbo
	void (*BE_ClearVBO)(struct vbo_s *vbo);
	//Uploads all modified lightmaps
	void (*BE_UploadAllLightmaps)(void);
	void (*BE_SelectEntity)(struct entity_s *ent);
	void (*BE_SelectDLight)(struct dlight_s *dl, vec3_t colour);
	/*check to see if an ent should be drawn for the selected light*/
	qboolean (*BE_LightCullModel)(vec3_t org, struct model_s *model);

	char *alignment;
} rendererinfo_t;

#define rf currentrendererstate.renderer

#define R_LoadTexture		rf->IMG_LoadTexture
#define R_LoadTexture8Pal24	rf->IMG_LoadTexture8Pal24
#define R_LoadTexture8Pal32	rf->IMG_LoadTexture8Pal32
#define R_LoadCompressed	rf->IMG_LoadCompressed
#define R_FindTexture		rf->IMG_FindTexture
#define R_AllocNewTexture	rf->IMG_AllocNewTexture
#define R_Upload			rf->IMG_Upload
#define R_DestroyTexture	rf->IMG_DestroyTexture

#define BE_Init					rf->BE_Init
#define BE_SelectMode			rf->BE_SelectMode
#define BE_GenBrushModelVBO		rf->BE_GenBrushModelVBO
#define BE_ClearVBO				rf->BE_ClearVBO
#define BE_UploadAllLightmaps	rf->BE_UploadAllLightmaps
#define BE_LightCullModel		rf->BE_LightCullModel
#define BE_SelectEntity			rf->BE_SelectEntity
#define BE_SelectDLight			rf->BE_SelectDLight
#define BE_GetTempBatch			rf->BE_GetTempBatch
#define BE_SubmitBatch			rf->BE_SubmitBatch
#define BE_DrawMesh_List		rf->BE_DrawMesh_List
#define BE_DrawMesh_Single		rf->BE_DrawMesh_Single
#define BE_SubmitMeshes			rf->BE_SubmitMeshes
#define BE_DrawWorld			rf->BE_DrawWorld