Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.

This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.

Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.

Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
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 * name:		l_struct.c
 * desc:		structure reading / writing
 * $Archive: /MissionPack/CODE/botlib/l_struct.c $

#ifdef BOTLIB
#include "q_shared.h"
#include "botlib.h"				//for the include of be_interface.h
#include "l_script.h"
#include "l_precomp.h"
#include "l_struct.h"
#include "l_utils.h"
#include "be_interface.h"
#endif //BOTLIB

#ifdef BSPC
//include files for usage in the BSP Converter
#include "../bspc/qbsp.h"
#include "../bspc/l_log.h"
#include "../bspc/l_mem.h"
#include "l_precomp.h"
#include "l_struct.h"

#define qtrue	true
#define qfalse	false
#endif //BSPC

// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
fielddef_t *FindField(fielddef_t *defs, char *name)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; defs[i].name; i++)
		if (!strcmp(defs[i].name, name)) return &defs[i];
	} //end for
	return NULL;
} //end of the function FindField
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
qboolean ReadNumber(source_t *source, fielddef_t *fd, void *p)
	token_t token;
	int negative = qfalse;
	long int intval, intmin = 0, intmax = 0;
	double floatval;

	if (!PC_ExpectAnyToken(source, &token)) return 0;

	//check for minus sign
	if (token.type == TT_PUNCTUATION)
		if (fd->type & FT_UNSIGNED)
			SourceError(source, "expected unsigned value, found %s", token.string);
			return 0;
		} //end if
		//if not a minus sign
		if (strcmp(token.string, "-"))
			SourceError(source, "unexpected punctuation %s", token.string);
			return 0;
		} //end if
		negative = qtrue;
		//read the number
		if (!PC_ExpectAnyToken(source, &token)) return 0;
	} //end if
	//check if it is a number
	if (token.type != TT_NUMBER)
		SourceError(source, "expected number, found %s", token.string);
		return 0;
	} //end if
	//check for a float value
	if (token.subtype & TT_FLOAT)
		if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) != FT_FLOAT)
			SourceError(source, "unexpected float");
			return 0;
		} //end if
		floatval = token.floatvalue;
		if (negative) floatval = -floatval;
		if (fd->type & FT_BOUNDED)
			if (floatval < fd->floatmin || floatval > fd->floatmax)
				SourceError(source, "float out of range [%f, %f]", fd->floatmin, fd->floatmax);
				return 0;
			} //end if
		} //end if
		*(float *) p = (float) floatval;
		return 1;
	} //end if
	intval = token.intvalue;
	if (negative) intval = -intval;
	//check bounds
	if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_CHAR)
		if (fd->type & FT_UNSIGNED) {intmin = 0; intmax = 255;}
		else {intmin = -128; intmax = 127;}
	} //end if
	if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_INT)
		if (fd->type & FT_UNSIGNED) {intmin = 0; intmax = 65535;}
		else {intmin = -32768; intmax = 32767;}
	} //end else if
	if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_CHAR || (fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_INT)
		if (fd->type & FT_BOUNDED)
			intmin = Maximum(intmin, fd->floatmin);
			intmax = Minimum(intmax, fd->floatmax);
		} //end if
		if (intval < intmin || intval > intmax)
			SourceError(source, "value %d out of range [%d, %d]", intval, intmin, intmax);
			return 0;
		} //end if
	} //end if
	else if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_FLOAT)
		if (fd->type & FT_BOUNDED)
			if (intval < fd->floatmin || intval > fd->floatmax)
				SourceError(source, "value %d out of range [%f, %f]", intval, fd->floatmin, fd->floatmax);
				return 0;
			} //end if
		} //end if
	} //end else if
	//store the value
	if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_CHAR)
		if (fd->type & FT_UNSIGNED) *(unsigned char *) p = (unsigned char) intval;
		else *(char *) p = (char) intval;
	} //end if
	else if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_INT)
		if (fd->type & FT_UNSIGNED) *(unsigned int *) p = (unsigned int) intval;
		else *(int *) p = (int) intval;
	} //end else
	else if ((fd->type & FT_TYPE) == FT_FLOAT)
		*(float *) p = (float) intval;
	} //end else
	return 1;
} //end of the function ReadNumber
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
qboolean ReadChar(source_t *source, fielddef_t *fd, void *p)
	token_t token;

	if (!PC_ExpectAnyToken(source, &token)) return 0;

	//take literals into account
	if (token.type == TT_LITERAL)
		*(char *) p = token.string[0];
	} //end if
		if (!ReadNumber(source, fd, p)) return 0;
	} //end if
	return 1;
} //end of the function ReadChar
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
int ReadString(source_t *source, fielddef_t *fd, void *p)
	token_t token;

	if (!PC_ExpectTokenType(source, TT_STRING, 0, &token)) return 0;
	//remove the double quotes
	//copy the string
	strncpy((char *) p, token.string, MAX_STRINGFIELD);
	//make sure the string is closed with a zero
	((char *)p)[MAX_STRINGFIELD-1] = '\0';
	return 1;
} //end of the function ReadString
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
int ReadStructure(source_t *source, structdef_t *def, char *structure)
	token_t token;
	fielddef_t *fd;
	void *p;
	int num;

	if (!PC_ExpectTokenString(source, "{")) return 0;
		if (!PC_ExpectAnyToken(source, &token)) return qfalse;
		//if end of structure
		if (!strcmp(token.string, "}")) break;
		//find the field with the name
		fd = FindField(def->fields, token.string);
		if (!fd)
			SourceError(source, "unknown structure field %s", token.string);
			return qfalse;
		} //end if
		if (fd->type & FT_ARRAY)
			num = fd->maxarray;
			if (!PC_ExpectTokenString(source, "{")) return qfalse;
		} //end if
			num = 1;
		} //end else
		p = (void *)(structure + fd->offset);
		while (num-- > 0)
			if (fd->type & FT_ARRAY)
				if (PC_CheckTokenString(source, "}")) break;
			} //end if
			switch(fd->type & FT_TYPE)
				case FT_CHAR:
					if (!ReadChar(source, fd, p)) return qfalse;
					p = (char *) p + sizeof(char);
				} //end case
				case FT_INT:
					if (!ReadNumber(source, fd, p)) return qfalse;
					p = (char *) p + sizeof(int);
				} //end case
				case FT_FLOAT:
					if (!ReadNumber(source, fd, p)) return qfalse;
					p = (char *) p + sizeof(float);
				} //end case
				case FT_STRING:
					if (!ReadString(source, fd, p)) return qfalse;
					p = (char *) p + MAX_STRINGFIELD;
				} //end case
				case FT_STRUCT:
					if (!fd->substruct)
						SourceError(source, "BUG: no sub structure defined");
						return qfalse;
					} //end if
					ReadStructure(source, fd->substruct, (char *) p);
					p = (char *) p + fd->substruct->size;
				} //end case
			} //end switch
			if (fd->type & FT_ARRAY)
				if (!PC_ExpectAnyToken(source, &token)) return qfalse;
				if (!strcmp(token.string, "}")) break;
				if (strcmp(token.string, ","))
					SourceError(source, "expected a comma, found %s", token.string);
					return qfalse;
				} //end if
			} //end if
		} //end while
	} //end while
	return qtrue;
} //end of the function ReadStructure
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
int WriteIndent(FILE *fp, int indent)
	while(indent-- > 0)
		if (fprintf(fp, "\t") < 0) return qfalse;
	} //end while
	return qtrue;
} //end of the function WriteIndent
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
int WriteFloat(FILE *fp, float value)
	char buf[128];
	int l;

	Com_sprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%f", value);
	l = strlen(buf);
	//strip any trailing zeros
	while(l-- > 1)
		if (buf[l] != '0' && buf[l] != '.') break;
		if (buf[l] == '.')
			buf[l] = 0;
		} //end if
		buf[l] = 0;
	} //end while
	//write the float to file
	if (fprintf(fp, "%s", buf) < 0) return 0;
	return 1;
} //end of the function WriteFloat
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
int WriteStructWithIndent(FILE *fp, structdef_t *def, char *structure, int indent)
	int i, num;
	void *p;
	fielddef_t *fd;

	if (!WriteIndent(fp, indent)) return qfalse;
	if (fprintf(fp, "{\r\n") < 0) return qfalse;

	for (i = 0; def->fields[i].name; i++)
		fd = &def->fields[i];
		if (!WriteIndent(fp, indent)) return qfalse;
		if (fprintf(fp, "%s\t", fd->name) < 0) return qfalse;
		p = (void *)(structure + fd->offset);
		if (fd->type & FT_ARRAY)
			num = fd->maxarray;
			if (fprintf(fp, "{") < 0) return qfalse;
		} //end if
			num = 1;
		} //end else
		while(num-- > 0)
			switch(fd->type & FT_TYPE)
				case FT_CHAR:
					if (fprintf(fp, "%d", *(char *) p) < 0) return qfalse;
					p = (char *) p + sizeof(char);
				} //end case
				case FT_INT:
					if (fprintf(fp, "%d", *(int *) p) < 0) return qfalse;
					p = (char *) p + sizeof(int);
				} //end case
				case FT_FLOAT:
					if (!WriteFloat(fp, *(float *)p)) return qfalse;
					p = (char *) p + sizeof(float);
				} //end case
				case FT_STRING:
					if (fprintf(fp, "\"%s\"", (char *) p) < 0) return qfalse;
					p = (char *) p + MAX_STRINGFIELD;
				} //end case
				case FT_STRUCT:
					if (!WriteStructWithIndent(fp, fd->substruct, structure, indent)) return qfalse;
					p = (char *) p + fd->substruct->size;
				} //end case
			} //end switch
			if (fd->type & FT_ARRAY)
				if (num > 0)
					if (fprintf(fp, ",") < 0) return qfalse;
				} //end if
					if (fprintf(fp, "}") < 0) return qfalse;
				} //end else
			} //end if
		} //end while
		if (fprintf(fp, "\r\n") < 0) return qfalse;
	} //end for

	if (!WriteIndent(fp, indent)) return qfalse;
	if (fprintf(fp, "}\r\n") < 0) return qfalse;
	return qtrue;
} //end of the function WriteStructWithIndent
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
int WriteStructure(FILE *fp, structdef_t *def, char *structure)
	return WriteStructWithIndent(fp, def, structure, 0);
} //end of the function WriteStructure