/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // sys_win.h #include "quakedef.h" #include "winquake.h" #include "resource.h" #include "errno.h" #include "fcntl.h" #include #include #include #include //#define RESTARTTEST #ifdef MULTITHREAD #include #endif #ifdef GLQUAKE #define PRINTGLARRAYS #endif #ifdef _DEBUG #if _MSC_VER >= 1300 #define CATCHCRASH #endif #endif #if !defined(CLIENTONLY) && !defined(SERVERONLY) qboolean isDedicated = false; #endif extern qboolean isPlugin; qboolean debugout; float gammapending; //to cope with ATI. When it times out, v_gamma is reforced in order to correct/update gamma now the drivers think that they have won. HWND sys_parentwindow; unsigned int sys_parentleft; //valid if sys_parentwindow is set unsigned int sys_parenttop; unsigned int sys_parentwidth; //valid if sys_parentwindow is set unsigned int sys_parentheight; extern int fs_switchgame; #ifdef RESTARTTEST jmp_buf restart_jmpbuf; #endif /* ================ Sys_RandomBytes ================ */ #include qboolean Sys_RandomBytes(qbyte *string, int len) { HCRYPTPROV prov; if(!CryptAcquireContext( &prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) { return false; } if(!CryptGenRandom(prov, len, (BYTE *)string)) { CryptReleaseContext( prov, 0); return false; } CryptReleaseContext(prov, 0); return true; } /* ================= Library loading ================= */ void Sys_CloseLibrary(dllhandle_t *lib) { FreeLibrary((HMODULE)lib); } dllhandle_t *Sys_LoadLibrary(const char *name, dllfunction_t *funcs) { int i; HMODULE lib; lib = LoadLibrary(name); if (!lib) { #ifdef _WIN64 lib = LoadLibrary(va("%s_64", name)); #elif defined(_WIN32) lib = LoadLibrary(va("%s_32", name)); #endif if (!lib) return NULL; } if (funcs) { for (i = 0; funcs[i].name; i++) { *funcs[i].funcptr = GetProcAddress(lib, funcs[i].name); if (!*funcs[i].funcptr) break; } if (funcs[i].name) { Con_DPrintf("Missing export \"%s\" in \"%s\"\n", funcs[i].name, name); Sys_CloseLibrary((dllhandle_t*)lib); lib = NULL; } } return (dllhandle_t*)lib; } void *Sys_GetAddressForName(dllhandle_t *module, const char *exportname) { if (!module) return NULL; return GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)module, exportname); } #ifdef HLSERVER char *Sys_GetNameForAddress(dllhandle_t *module, void *address) { //windows doesn't provide a function to do this, so we have to do it ourselves. //this isn't the fastest way... //halflife needs this function. char *base = (char *)module; IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *datadir; IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *block; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *ntheader; IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dosheader = (void*)base; int i, j; DWORD *funclist; DWORD *namelist; SHORT *ordilist; if (!dosheader || dosheader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) return NULL; //yeah, that wasn't an exe ntheader = (void*)(base + dosheader->e_lfanew); if (!dosheader->e_lfanew || ntheader->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) return NULL; //urm, wait, a 16bit dos exe? datadir = &ntheader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT]; block = (IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *)(base + datadir->VirtualAddress); funclist = (DWORD*)(base+block->AddressOfFunctions); namelist = (DWORD*)(base+block->AddressOfNames); ordilist = (SHORT*)(base+block->AddressOfNameOrdinals); for (i = 0; i < block->NumberOfFunctions; i++) { if (base+funclist[i] == address) { for (j = 0; j < block->NumberOfNames; j++) { if (ordilist[j] == i) { return base+namelist[i]; } } //it has no name. huh? return NULL; } } return NULL; } #endif #ifdef Q2SERVER static HINSTANCE game_library; /* ================= Sys_UnloadGame ================= */ void Sys_UnloadGame (void) { if (!FreeLibrary (game_library)) Sys_Error ("FreeLibrary failed for game library"); game_library = NULL; } /* ================= Sys_GetGameAPI Loads the game dll ================= */ void *Sys_GetGameAPI (void *parms) { void *(VARGS *GetGameAPI) (void *); char name[MAX_OSPATH]; char *path; char cwd[MAX_OSPATH]; #if defined _M_IX86 const char *gamename = "gamex86.dll"; #ifdef NDEBUG const char *debugdir = "release"; #else const char *debugdir = "debug"; #endif #elif defined(__amd64__) || defined(__AMD64__) || defined(_AMD64_) const char *gamename = "gameamd.dll"; #ifdef NDEBUG const char *debugdir = "release"; #else const char *debugdir = "debug"; #endif #elif defined _M_ALPHA const char *gamename = "gameaxp.dll"; #ifdef NDEBUG const char *debugdir = "releaseaxp"; #else const char *debugdir = "debugaxp"; #endif #endif if (game_library) Sys_Error ("Sys_GetGameAPI without Sys_UnloadingGame"); // check the current debug directory first for development purposes #ifdef _WIN32 GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(cwd), cwd); #else _getcwd (cwd, sizeof(cwd)); #endif snprintf (name, sizeof(name), "%s/%s/%s", cwd, debugdir, gamename); game_library = LoadLibrary ( name ); if (game_library) { Con_DPrintf ("LoadLibrary (%s)\n", name); } else { #ifdef DEBUG // check the current directory for other development purposes _snprintf (name, sizeof(name), "%s/%s", cwd, gamename); game_library = LoadLibrary ( name ); if (game_library) { Con_DPrintf ("LoadLibrary (%s)\n", name); } else #endif { // now run through the search paths path = NULL; while (1) { path = COM_NextPath (path); if (!path) return NULL; // couldn't find one anywhere snprintf (name, sizeof(name), "%s/%s", path, gamename); game_library = LoadLibrary (name); if (game_library) { Con_DPrintf ("LoadLibrary (%s)\n",name); break; } } } } GetGameAPI = (void *)GetProcAddress (game_library, "GetGameAPI"); if (!GetGameAPI) { Sys_UnloadGame (); return NULL; } return GetGameAPI (parms); } #endif #define MINIMUM_WIN_MEMORY MINIMUM_MEMORY #define MAXIMUM_WIN_MEMORY 0x8000000 int starttime; qboolean ActiveApp, Minimized; qboolean WinNT; static HANDLE hinput, houtput; HANDLE qwclsemaphore; static HANDLE tevent; void Sys_InitFloatTime (void); int VARGS Sys_DebugLog(char *file, char *fmt, ...) { FILE *fd; va_list argptr; static char data[1024]; va_start(argptr, fmt); vsnprintf(data, sizeof(data)-1, fmt, argptr); va_end(argptr); #if defined(CRAZYDEBUGGING) && CRAZYDEBUGGING > 1 { static int sock; if (!sock) { struct sockaddr_in sa; netadr_t na; int _true = true; int listip; listip = COM_CheckParm("-debugip"); NET_StringToAdr(listip?com_argv[listip+1]:"", &na); NetadrToSockadr(&na, (struct sockaddr_qstorage*)&sa); sa.sin_port = htons(10000); sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (-1==connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&sa, sizeof(sa))) Sys_Error("Couldn't send debug log lines\n"); setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&_true, sizeof(_true)); } send(sock, data, strlen(data), 0); } #endif fd = fopen(file, "ab"); if (fd) { fprintf(fd, "%s", data); fclose(fd); return 0; } return 1; }; #ifdef CATCHCRASH #include "dbghelp.h" typedef BOOL (WINAPI *MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP) ( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD ProcessId, HANDLE hFile, MINIDUMP_TYPE DumpType, PMINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION ExceptionParam, PMINIDUMP_USER_STREAM_INFORMATION UserStreamParam, PMINIDUMP_CALLBACK_INFORMATION CallbackParam ); #ifdef PRINTGLARRAYS #include "glquake.h" #define GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING 0x85B5 #define GL_ARRAY_BUFFER 0x8892 #define GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER 0x8893 #define GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING 0x8894 #define GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING 0x8895 #define GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING 0x8896 #define GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING 0x8897 #define GL_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING 0x8898 #define GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING 0x889A #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED 0x8622 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE 0x8623 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE 0x8624 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE 0x8625 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED 0x886A #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER 0x8645 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING 0x889F #define GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM 0x8B8D char *DecodeGLEnum(GLenum num) { switch(num) { case GL_CW: return "GL_CW"; case GL_CCW: return "GL_CCW"; case GL_NEVER: return "GL_NEVER"; case GL_LESS: return "GL_LESS"; case GL_EQUAL: return "GL_EQUAL"; case GL_LEQUAL: return "GL_LEQUAL"; case GL_GREATER: return "GL_GREATER"; case GL_NOTEQUAL: return "GL_NOTEQUAL"; case GL_GEQUAL: return "GL_GEQUAL"; case GL_ALWAYS: return "GL_ALWAYS"; case GL_FRONT: return "GL_FRONT"; case GL_BACK: return "GL_BACK"; case GL_FRONT_AND_BACK: return "GL_FRONT_AND_BACK"; case GL_COMBINE_ARB: return "GL_COMBINE"; case GL_MODULATE: return "GL_MODULATE"; case GL_REPLACE: return "GL_REPLACE"; case GL_ZERO: return "GL_ZERO"; case GL_ONE: return "GL_ONE"; case GL_SRC_COLOR: return "GL_SRC_COLOR"; case GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR: return "GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR"; case GL_SRC_ALPHA: return "GL_SRC_ALPHA"; case GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA: return "GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"; case GL_DST_ALPHA: return "GL_DST_ALPHA"; case GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA: return "GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA"; case GL_DST_COLOR: return "GL_DST_COLOR"; case GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR: return "GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR"; case GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE: return "GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE"; default: return va("0x%x", num); } } void DumpGLState(void) { int rval; void *ptr; int i; GLint glint; GLint glint4[4]; void (APIENTRY *qglGetVertexAttribiv) (GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint* params); void (APIENTRY *qglGetVertexAttribPointerv) (GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid** pointer); qglGetVertexAttribiv = (void*)wglGetProcAddress("glGetVertexAttribiv"); qglGetVertexAttribPointerv = (void*)wglGetProcAddress("glGetVertexAttribPointerv"); #pragma comment(lib,"opengl32.lib") if (qglGetVertexAttribiv) { glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING, &rval); Sys_Printf("VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING: %i\n", rval); glGetIntegerv(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &rval); Sys_Printf("GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: %i\n", rval); if (glIsEnabled(GL_COLOR_ARRAY)) { glGetIntegerv(GL_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &rval); glGetPointerv(GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER, &ptr); Sys_Printf("GL_COLOR_ARRAY: %s %i:%p\n", glIsEnabled(GL_COLOR_ARRAY)?"en":"dis", rval, ptr); } // if (glIsEnabled(GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_EXT)) // { // glGetPointerv(GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER, &ptr); // Sys_Printf("GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_EXT: %i (%lx)\n", (int) glIsEnabled(GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_EXT), (int) ptr); // } // if (glIsEnabled(GL_INDEX_ARRAY)) { glGetIntegerv(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &rval); glGetPointerv(GL_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER, &ptr); Sys_Printf("GL_INDEX_ARRAY: %s %i:%p\n", glIsEnabled(GL_INDEX_ARRAY)?"en":"dis", rval, ptr); } if (glIsEnabled(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY)) { glGetIntegerv(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &rval); glGetPointerv(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER, &ptr); Sys_Printf("GL_NORMAL_ARRAY: %s %i:%p\n", glIsEnabled(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY)?"en":"dis", rval, ptr); } // glGetPointerv(GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER, &ptr); // Sys_Printf("GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY: %i (%lx)\n", (int) glIsEnabled(GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY), (int) ptr); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { qglClientActiveTextureARB(mtexid0 + i); if (glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY)) { glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &rval); glGetPointerv(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER, &ptr); Sys_Printf("GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY %i: %s %i:%p\n", i, glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY)?"en":"dis", rval, ptr); } } if (glIsEnabled(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY)) { glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &rval); glGetPointerv(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER, &ptr); Sys_Printf("GL_VERTEX_ARRAY: %s %i:%p\n", glIsEnabled(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY)?"en":"dis", rval, ptr); } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int en, bo, as, st, ty, no; qglGetVertexAttribiv(i, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED, &en); if (!en) continue; qglGetVertexAttribiv(i, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &bo); qglGetVertexAttribiv(i, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE, &as); qglGetVertexAttribiv(i, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE, &st); qglGetVertexAttribiv(i, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE, &ty); qglGetVertexAttribiv(i, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED, &no); qglGetVertexAttribPointerv(i, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER, &ptr); Sys_Printf("attrib%i: %s as:%i st:%i ty:%0x %s%i:%p\n", i, en?"en":"dis", as, st,ty,no?"norm ":"", bo, ptr); } glGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM: %i\n", glint); glGetIntegerv(GL_BLEND, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_BLEND: %i\n", glint); glGetIntegerv(GL_BLEND_SRC, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_BLEND_SRC: %i\n", DecodeGLEnum(glint)); glGetIntegerv(GL_BLEND_DST, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_BLEND_DST: %i\n", DecodeGLEnum(glint)); glGetIntegerv(GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK: %i\n", glint); glGetIntegerv(GL_DEPTH_TEST, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_DEPTH_TEST: %i\n", glint); glGetIntegerv(GL_DEPTH_FUNC, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_DEPTH_FUNC: %s\n", DecodeGLEnum(glint)); glGetIntegerv(GL_CULL_FACE, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_CULL_FACE: %i\n", glint); glGetIntegerv(GL_CULL_FACE_MODE, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_CULL_FACE_MODE: %s\n", DecodeGLEnum(glint)); glGetIntegerv(GL_FRONT_FACE, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_FRONT_FACE: %s\n", DecodeGLEnum(glint)); glGetIntegerv(GL_SCISSOR_TEST, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_SCISSOR_TEST: %i\n", glint); glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_TEST, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_STENCIL_TEST: %i\n", glint); glGetIntegerv(GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK, glint4); Sys_Printf("GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK: %i %i %i %i\n", glint4[0], glint4[1], glint4[2], glint4[3]); GL_SelectTexture(0); glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_TEXTURE_2D: %i\n", glint); glGetTexEnviv(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE: %s\n", DecodeGLEnum(glint)); GL_SelectTexture(1); glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_TEXTURE_2D: %i\n", glint); glGetTexEnviv(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE: %s\n", DecodeGLEnum(glint)); GL_SelectTexture(2); glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_TEXTURE_2D: %i\n", glint); glGetTexEnviv(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, &glint); Sys_Printf("GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE: %s\n", DecodeGLEnum(glint)); } } #endif DWORD CrashExceptionHandler (DWORD exceptionCode, LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS exceptionInfo) { char dumpPath[1024]; HANDLE hProc = GetCurrentProcess(); DWORD procid = GetCurrentProcessId(); HANDLE dumpfile; HMODULE hDbgHelp; MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP fnMiniDumpWriteDump; HMODULE hKernel; BOOL (WINAPI *pIsDebuggerPresent)(void); #ifdef PRINTGLARRAYS if (qrenderer == QR_OPENGL) DumpGLState(); #endif hKernel = LoadLibrary ("kernel32"); pIsDebuggerPresent = (void*)GetProcAddress(hKernel, "IsDebuggerPresent"); #ifdef GLQUAKE GLVID_Crashed(); #endif if (pIsDebuggerPresent ()) { /*if we have a current window, minimize it to bring us out of fullscreen*/ extern qboolean vid_initializing; qboolean oldval = vid_initializing; vid_initializing = true; // ShowWindow(mainwindow, SW_MINIMIZE); vid_initializing = oldval; return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } /*if we have a current window, kill it, so it can't steal input of handle window messages or anything risky like that*/ DestroyWindow(mainwindow); hDbgHelp = LoadLibrary ("DBGHELP"); if (hDbgHelp) fnMiniDumpWriteDump = (MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP)GetProcAddress (hDbgHelp, "MiniDumpWriteDump"); else fnMiniDumpWriteDump = NULL; if (fnMiniDumpWriteDump) { if (MessageBox(NULL, "KABOOM! We crashed!\nBlame the monkey in the corner.\nI hope you saved your work.\nWould you like to take a dump now?", DISTRIBUTION " Sucks", MB_ICONSTOP|MB_YESNO) != IDYES) return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; /*take a dump*/ GetTempPath (sizeof(dumpPath)-16, dumpPath); Q_strncatz(dumpPath, DISTRIBUTION"CrashDump.dmp", sizeof(dumpPath)); dumpfile = CreateFile (dumpPath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (dumpfile) { MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION crashinfo; crashinfo.ClientPointers = TRUE; crashinfo.ExceptionPointers = exceptionInfo; crashinfo.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId (); if (fnMiniDumpWriteDump(hProc, procid, dumpfile, MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory|MiniDumpWithDataSegs, &crashinfo, NULL, NULL)) { CloseHandle(dumpfile); MessageBox(NULL, va("You can find the crashdump at\n%s\nPlease send this file to someone.\n\nWarning: sensitive information (like your current user name) might be present in the dump.\nYou will probably want to compress it.", dumpPath), DISTRIBUTION " Sucks", 0); return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } } } else MessageBox(NULL, "Kaboom! Sorry. No MiniDumpWriteDump function.", DISTRIBUTION " Sucks", 0); return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } #endif int *debug; #ifndef SERVERONLY #if (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0400) #define LLKHF_ALTDOWN 0x00000020 #define LLKHF_UP 0x00000080 #define WH_KEYBOARD_LL 13 typedef struct { DWORD vkCode; DWORD scanCode; DWORD flags; DWORD time; DWORD dwExtraInfo; } KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT; #elif defined(MINGW) #ifndef LLKHF_UP #define LLKHF_UP 0x00000080 #endif #endif HHOOK llkeyboardhook; cvar_t sys_disableWinKeys = SCVAR("sys_disableWinKeys", "0"); cvar_t sys_disableTaskSwitch = SCVARF("sys_disableTaskSwitch", "0", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER); // please don't encourage people to use this... LRESULT CALLBACK LowLevelKeyboardProc (INT nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT *pkbhs = (KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT *) lParam; if (ActiveApp) switch (nCode) { case HC_ACTION: { //Trap the Left Windowskey if (pkbhs->vkCode == VK_LWIN) { Key_Event (0, K_LWIN, 0, !(pkbhs->flags & LLKHF_UP)); return 1; } //Trap the Right Windowskey if (pkbhs->vkCode == VK_RWIN) { Key_Event (0, K_RWIN, 0, !(pkbhs->flags & LLKHF_UP)); return 1; } //Trap the Application Key (what a pointless key) if (pkbhs->vkCode == VK_APPS) { Key_Event (0, K_APP, 0, !(pkbhs->flags & LLKHF_UP)); return 1; } // Disable CTRL+ESC //this works, but we've got to give some way to tab out... if (sys_disableTaskSwitch.ival) { if (pkbhs->vkCode == VK_ESCAPE && GetAsyncKeyState (VK_CONTROL) >> ((sizeof(SHORT) * 8) - 1)) return 1; // Disable ATL+TAB if (pkbhs->vkCode == VK_TAB && pkbhs->flags & LLKHF_ALTDOWN) return 1; // Disable ALT+ESC if (pkbhs->vkCode == VK_ESCAPE && pkbhs->flags & LLKHF_ALTDOWN) return 1; } break; } default: break; } return CallNextHookEx (llkeyboardhook, nCode, wParam, lParam); } void SetHookState(qboolean state) { if (!state == !llkeyboardhook) //not so types are comparable return; if (llkeyboardhook) { UnhookWindowsHookEx(llkeyboardhook); llkeyboardhook = NULL; } if (state) llkeyboardhook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, LowLevelKeyboardProc, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0); } #endif /* =============================================================================== FILE IO =============================================================================== */ void Sys_mkdir (char *path) { _mkdir (path); } qboolean Sys_remove (char *path) { if (remove (path) != 0) { int e = errno; if (e == ENOENT) return true; //return success if it doesn't already exist. return false; } return true; } qboolean Sys_Rename (char *oldfname, char *newfname) { return !rename(oldfname, newfname); } static int Sys_EnumerateFiles2 (const char *match, int matchstart, int neststart, int (*func)(const char *fname, int fsize, void *parm, void *spath), void *parm, void *spath) { HANDLE r; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; int nest = neststart; //neststart refers to just after a / qboolean go; qboolean wild = false; while(match[nest] && match[nest] != '/') { if (match[nest] == '?' || match[nest] == '*') wild = true; nest++; } if (match[nest] == '/') { char submatch[MAX_OSPATH]; char tmproot[MAX_OSPATH]; char file[MAX_OSPATH]; if (!wild) return Sys_EnumerateFiles2(match, matchstart, nest+1, func, parm, spath); if (nest-neststart+1> MAX_OSPATH) return 1; memcpy(submatch, match+neststart, nest - neststart); submatch[nest - neststart] = 0; nest++; if (neststart+4 > MAX_OSPATH) return 1; memcpy(tmproot, match, neststart); strcpy(tmproot+neststart, "*.*"); r = FindFirstFile(tmproot, &fd); strcpy(tmproot+neststart, ""); if (r==(HANDLE)-1) return 1; go = true; do { if (*fd.cFileName == '.'); //don't ever find files with a name starting with '.' else if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) //is a directory { if (wildcmp(submatch, fd.cFileName)) { int newnest; if (strlen(tmproot) + strlen(fd.cFileName) + strlen(match+nest) + 2 < MAX_OSPATH) { Q_snprintfz(file, sizeof(file), "%s%s/", tmproot, fd.cFileName); newnest = strlen(file); strcpy(file+newnest, match+nest); go = Sys_EnumerateFiles2(file, matchstart, newnest, func, parm, spath); } } } } while(FindNextFile(r, &fd) && go); FindClose(r); } else { const char *submatch = match + neststart; char tmproot[MAX_OSPATH]; char file[MAX_OSPATH]; if (neststart+4 > MAX_OSPATH) return 1; memcpy(tmproot, match, neststart); strcpy(tmproot+neststart, "*.*"); r = FindFirstFile(tmproot, &fd); strcpy(tmproot+neststart, ""); if (r==(HANDLE)-1) return 1; go = true; do { if (*fd.cFileName == '.'); //don't ever find files with a name starting with '.' else if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) //is a directory { if (wildcmp(submatch, fd.cFileName)) { if (strlen(tmproot+matchstart) + strlen(fd.cFileName) + 2 < MAX_OSPATH) { Q_snprintfz(file, sizeof(file), "%s%s/", tmproot+matchstart, fd.cFileName); go = func(file, fd.nFileSizeLow, parm, spath); } } } else { if (wildcmp(submatch, fd.cFileName)) { if (strlen(tmproot+matchstart) + strlen(fd.cFileName) + 1 < MAX_OSPATH) { Q_snprintfz(file, sizeof(file), "%s%s", tmproot+matchstart, fd.cFileName); go = func(file, fd.nFileSizeLow, parm, spath); } } } } while(FindNextFile(r, &fd) && go); FindClose(r); } return go; } int Sys_EnumerateFiles (const char *gpath, const char *match, int (*func)(const char *fname, int fsize, void *parm, void *spath), void *parm, void *spath) { char fullmatch[MAX_OSPATH]; int start; if (strlen(gpath) + strlen(match) + 2 > MAX_OSPATH) return 1; strcpy(fullmatch, gpath); start = strlen(fullmatch); if (start && fullmatch[start-1] != '/') fullmatch[start++] = '/'; fullmatch[start] = 0; strcat(fullmatch, match); return Sys_EnumerateFiles2(fullmatch, start, start, func, parm, spath); } /* =============================================================================== SYSTEM IO =============================================================================== */ /* ================ Sys_MakeCodeWriteable ================ */ void Sys_MakeCodeWriteable (unsigned long startaddr, unsigned long length) { DWORD flOldProtect; //@@@ copy on write or just read-write? if (!VirtualProtect((LPVOID)startaddr, length, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &flOldProtect)) { char str[1024]; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), str, sizeof(str), NULL); Sys_Error("Protection change failed!\nError %d: %s\n", (int)GetLastError(), str); } } /* ================ Sys_Init ================ */ void Sys_Init (void) { // LARGE_INTEGER PerformanceFreq; // unsigned int lowpart, highpart; OSVERSIONINFO vinfo; #ifndef SERVERONLY Cvar_Register(&sys_disableWinKeys, "System vars"); Cvar_Register(&sys_disableTaskSwitch, "System vars"); #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (!isDedicated && !COM_CheckParm("-nomutex")) #else if (!COM_CheckParm("-nomutex")) //we need to create a mutex to allow gamespy to realise that we're running, but it might not be desired as it prevents other clients from running too. #endif { // allocate a named semaphore on the client so the // front end can tell if it is alive // mutex will fail if semephore already exists qwclsemaphore = CreateMutex( NULL, // Security attributes 0, // owner "qwcl"); // Semaphore name // if (!qwclsemaphore) // Sys_Error ("QWCL is already running on this system"); CloseHandle (qwclsemaphore); qwclsemaphore = CreateSemaphore( NULL, // Security attributes 0, // Initial count 1, // Maximum count "qwcl"); // Semaphore name } #endif #if 0 if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency (&PerformanceFreq)) Sys_Error ("No hardware timer available"); // get 32 out of the 64 time bits such that we have around // 1 microsecond resolution lowpart = (unsigned int)PerformanceFreq.LowPart; highpart = (unsigned int)PerformanceFreq.HighPart; lowshift = 0; while (highpart || (lowpart > 2000000.0)) { lowshift++; lowpart >>= 1; lowpart |= (highpart & 1) << 31; highpart >>= 1; } pfreq = 1.0 / (double)lowpart; Sys_InitFloatTime (); #endif // make sure the timer is high precision, otherwise // NT gets 18ms resolution timeBeginPeriod( 1 ); vinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(vinfo); if (!GetVersionEx (&vinfo)) Sys_Error ("Couldn't get OS info"); if ((vinfo.dwMajorVersion < 4) || (vinfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s)) { Sys_Error ("QuakeWorld requires at least Win95 or NT 4.0"); } if (vinfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) WinNT = true; else WinNT = false; } void Sys_Shutdown(void) { if (host_parms.membase) { VirtualFree(host_parms.membase, 0, MEM_RELEASE); host_parms.membase = 0; } if (tevent) CloseHandle (tevent); tevent = NULL; if (qwclsemaphore) CloseHandle (qwclsemaphore); qwclsemaphore = NULL; } void VARGS Sys_Error (const char *error, ...) { va_list argptr; char text[1024]; //, text2[1024]; // DWORD dummy; va_start (argptr, error); vsnprintf (text, sizeof(text), error, argptr); va_end (argptr); #ifndef SERVERONLY SetHookState(false); Host_Shutdown (); #else SV_Shutdown(); #endif MessageBox(NULL, text, "Error", 0); #ifndef SERVERONLY CloseHandle (qwclsemaphore); SetHookState(false); #endif exit (1); } static wchar_t dequake(conchar_t chr) { chr &= CON_CHARMASK; /*only this range are quake chars*/ if (chr >= 0xe000 && chr < 0xe100) { chr &= 0xff; if (chr >= 146 && chr < 156) chr = chr - 146 + '0'; if (chr >= 0x12 && chr <= 0x1b) chr = chr - 0x12 + '0'; if (chr == 143) chr = '.'; if (chr == 128 || chr == 129 || chr == 130 || chr == 157 || chr == 158 || chr == 159) chr = '-'; if (chr >= 128) chr -= 128; if (chr == 16) chr = '['; if (chr == 17) chr = ']'; if (chr == 0x1c) chr = 249; } /*this range contains pictograms*/ if (chr >= 0xe100 && chr < 0xe200) { chr = '?'; } return chr; } void VARGS Sys_Printf (char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char text[1024]; DWORD dummy; conchar_t msg[1024], *end, *in; wchar_t wide[1024], *out; int wlen; if (!houtput && !debugout) return; va_start (argptr,fmt); vsnprintf (text, sizeof(text), fmt, argptr); va_end (argptr); end = COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, text, msg, sizeof(msg), false); out = wide; in = msg; wlen = 0; for (in = msg; in < end; in++) { if (!(*in & CON_HIDDEN)) { *out++ = dequake(*in & CON_CHARMASK); wlen++; } } *out = 0; if (debugout) OutputDebugStringW(wide); if (houtput) WriteConsoleW(houtput, wide, wlen, &dummy, NULL); } void Sys_Quit (void) { #ifndef SERVERONLY SetHookState(false); Host_Shutdown (); SetHookState(false); #else SV_Shutdown(); #endif TL_Shutdown(); #ifdef RESTARTTEST longjmp(restart_jmpbuf, 1); #endif #ifdef USE_MSVCRT_DEBUG if (_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks()) OutputDebugStringA("Leaks detected\n"); #endif exit(1); } #if 1 /* ================ Sys_DoubleTime ================ */ double Sys_DoubleTime (void) { static int first = 1; static LARGE_INTEGER qpcfreq; LARGE_INTEGER PerformanceCount; static LONGLONG oldcall; static LONGLONG firsttime; LONGLONG diff; QueryPerformanceCounter (&PerformanceCount); if (first) { first = 0; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&qpcfreq); firsttime = PerformanceCount.QuadPart; diff = 0; } else diff = PerformanceCount.QuadPart - oldcall; if (diff >= 0) oldcall = PerformanceCount.QuadPart; return (oldcall - firsttime) / (double)qpcfreq.QuadPart; } unsigned int Sys_Milliseconds (void) { return Sys_DoubleTime()*1000; } #else unsigned int Sys_Milliseconds (void) { static DWORD starttime; static qboolean first = true; DWORD now; // double t; now = timeGetTime(); if (first) { first = false; starttime = now; return 0.0; } /* if (now < starttime) // wrapped? { double r; r = (now) + (LONG_MAX - starttime); starttime = now; return r; } if (now - starttime == 0) return 0.0; */ return (now - starttime); } double Sys_DoubleTime (void) { return Sys_Milliseconds()/1000.f; } #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //clipboard HANDLE clipboardhandle; char *cliputf8; char *Sys_GetClipboard(void) { char *clipText; unsigned short *clipWText; if (OpenClipboard(NULL)) { extern cvar_t com_parseutf8; //windows programs interpret CF_TEXT as ansi (aka: gibberish) //so grab utf-16 text and convert it to utf-8 if our console parsing is set to accept that. if (com_parseutf8.ival > 0) { clipboardhandle = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT); if (clipboardhandle) { clipWText = GlobalLock(clipboardhandle); if (clipWText) { unsigned int l, c; for (l = 0; clipWText[l]; l++) ; l = l*4 + 1; clipText = cliputf8 = malloc(l); while(*clipWText) { c = utf8_encode(clipText, *clipWText++, l); if (!c) break; l -= c; clipText += c; } *clipText = 0; return cliputf8; } //failed at the last hurdle GlobalUnlock(clipboardhandle); } } clipboardhandle = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); if (clipboardhandle) { clipText = GlobalLock(clipboardhandle); if (clipText) return clipText; //failed at the last hurdle GlobalUnlock(clipboardhandle); } CloseClipboard(); } clipboardhandle = NULL; return NULL; } void Sys_CloseClipboard(char *bf) { if (clipboardhandle) { free(cliputf8); cliputf8 = NULL; GlobalUnlock(clipboardhandle); CloseClipboard(); clipboardhandle = NULL; } } void Sys_SaveClipboard(char *text) { HANDLE glob; char *temp; unsigned short *tempw; extern cvar_t com_parseutf8; if (!OpenClipboard(NULL)) return; EmptyClipboard(); glob = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, strlen(text) + 1); if (glob == NULL) { CloseClipboard(); return; } if (com_parseutf8.ival > 0) { glob = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, (strlen(text) + 1)*2); if (glob) { tempw = GlobalLock(glob); if (tempw != NULL) { int error; while(*text) { *tempw++ = utf8_decode(&error, text, &text); } *tempw = 0; GlobalUnlock(glob); SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, glob); } else GlobalFree(glob); } } else { //yes, quake chars will get mangled horribly. temp = GlobalLock(glob); if (temp != NULL) { strcpy(temp, text); GlobalUnlock(glob); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, glob); } else GlobalFree(glob); } CloseClipboard(); } //end of clipboard ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// //the system console stuff char *Sys_ConsoleInput (void) { static char text[256]; static int len; INPUT_RECORD recs[1024]; // int count; int i; int ch; DWORD numevents, numread, dummy=0; HANDLE th; char *clipText, *textCopied; if (!hinput) return NULL; for ( ;; ) { if (!GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents (hinput, &numevents)) Sys_Error ("Error getting # of console events"); if (numevents <= 0) break; if (WinNT) { if (!ReadConsoleInputW(hinput, recs, 1, &numread)) Sys_Error ("Error reading console input"); } else { if (!ReadConsoleInputA(hinput, recs, 1, &numread)) Sys_Error ("Error reading console input"); } if (numread != 1) Sys_Error ("Couldn't read console input"); if (recs[0].EventType == KEY_EVENT) { if (recs[0].Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown) { ch = recs[0].Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar; switch (ch) { case '\r': WriteFile(houtput, "\r\n", 2, &dummy, NULL); if (len) { text[len] = 0; len = 0; return text; } break; case '\b': if (len) { len--; WriteFile(houtput, "\b \b", 3, &dummy, NULL); } break; default: if (((ch=='V' || ch=='v') && (recs[0].Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED))) || ((recs[0].Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & SHIFT_PRESSED) && (recs[0].Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode ==VK_INSERT))) { if (OpenClipboard(NULL)) { th = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); if (th) { clipText = GlobalLock(th); if (clipText) { textCopied = BZ_Malloc(GlobalSize(th)+1); strcpy(textCopied, clipText); /* Substitutes a NULL for every token */strtok(textCopied, "\n\r\b"); i = strlen(textCopied); if (i+len>=256) i=256-len; if (i>0) { textCopied[i]=0; text[len]=0; strcat(text, textCopied); len+=dummy; WriteFile(houtput, textCopied, i, &dummy, NULL); } BZ_Free(textCopied); } GlobalUnlock(th); } CloseClipboard(); } } else if (ch >= ' ') { wchar_t wch = ch; WriteConsoleW(houtput, &wch, 1, &dummy, NULL); len += i; } break; } } } } return NULL; } BOOL WINAPI HandlerRoutine (DWORD dwCtrlType) { switch (dwCtrlType) { case CTRL_C_EVENT: case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: case CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT: case CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT: case CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT: Cbuf_AddText ("quit\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); return true; } return false; } #ifndef CP_UTF8 #define CP_UTF8 65001 #endif qboolean Sys_InitTerminal (void) { DWORD m; if (!AllocConsole()) return false; #ifndef SERVERONLY if (qwclsemaphore) { CloseHandle(qwclsemaphore); qwclsemaphore = NULL; } #endif SetConsoleCtrlHandler (HandlerRoutine, TRUE); SetConsoleCP(CP_UTF8); SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8); SetConsoleTitle (FULLENGINENAME " dedicated server"); hinput = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE); houtput = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); GetConsoleMode(hinput, &m); SetConsoleMode(hinput, m | 0x40 | 0x80); return true; } void Sys_CloseTerminal (void) { FreeConsole(); hinput = NULL; houtput = NULL; } // //////////////////////////// void Sys_SendKeyEvents (void) { MSG msg; if (isPlugin) { DWORD avail; static char text[256], *nl; static int textpos = 0; HANDLE input = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); if (!PeekNamedPipe(input, NULL, 0, NULL, &avail, NULL)) { Cmd_ExecuteString("quit force", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } else if (avail) { if (avail > sizeof(text)-1-avail) avail = sizeof(text)-1-avail; if (ReadFile(input, text+textpos, avail, &avail, NULL)) { textpos += avail; while(1) { text[textpos] = 0; nl = strchr(text, '\n'); if (nl) { *nl++ = 0; if (!qrenderer && !strncmp(text, "vid_recenter ", 13)) { Cmd_TokenizeString(text, false, false); sys_parentleft = strtoul(Cmd_Argv(1), NULL, 0); sys_parenttop = strtoul(Cmd_Argv(2), NULL, 0); sys_parentwidth = strtoul(Cmd_Argv(3), NULL, 0); sys_parentheight = strtoul(Cmd_Argv(4), NULL, 0); sys_parentwindow = (HWND)strtoul(Cmd_Argv(5), NULL, 16); } Cmd_ExecuteString(text, RESTRICT_LOCAL); memmove(text, nl, textpos - (nl - text)); textpos -= (nl - text); } else break; } } } } else if (isDedicated) { #ifndef CLIENTONLY SV_GetConsoleCommands (); #endif return; } if (gammapending) { gammapending -= host_frametime; if (gammapending < host_frametime) { gammapending = 0; Cvar_ForceCallback(&v_gamma); } } while (PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { // we always update if there are any event, even if we're paused //if (!GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) // break; // Sys_Quit (); // if (TranslateMessage (&msg)) // continue; DispatchMessage (&msg); } } void Sys_ServerActivity(void) { #ifndef SERVERONLY if (GetActiveWindow() != mainwindow) FlashWindow(mainwindow, true); #endif } /* ============================================================================== WINDOWS CRAP ============================================================================== */ /* ================== WinMain ================== */ void SleepUntilInput (int time) { MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &tevent, FALSE, time, QS_ALLINPUT); } qboolean Sys_Startup_CheckMem(quakeparms_t *parms) { int t; MEMORYSTATUS lpBuffer; lpBuffer.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS); GlobalMemoryStatus (&lpBuffer); // take the greater of all the available memory or half the total memory, // but at least 8 Mb and no more than 16 Mb, unless they explicitly // request otherwise parms->memsize = lpBuffer.dwAvailPhys; if (parms->memsize < MINIMUM_WIN_MEMORY) parms->memsize = MINIMUM_WIN_MEMORY; if (parms->memsize < (lpBuffer.dwTotalPhys >> 1)) parms->memsize = lpBuffer.dwTotalPhys >> 1; if (parms->memsize > MAXIMUM_WIN_MEMORY) parms->memsize = MAXIMUM_WIN_MEMORY; if (COM_CheckParm ("-heapsize")) { t = COM_CheckParm("-heapsize") + 1; if (t < com_argc) parms->memsize = Q_atoi (com_argv[t]) * 1024; } else if (COM_CheckParm ("-mem")) { t = COM_CheckParm("-mem") + 1; if (t < com_argc) parms->memsize = Q_atoi (com_argv[t]) * 1024*1024; } parms->membase = VirtualAlloc (NULL, parms->memsize, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS); // parms->membase = malloc (parms.memsize); if (!parms->membase) return false; return true; } /* ================== WinMain ================== */ HINSTANCE global_hInstance; int global_nCmdShow; char *argv[MAX_NUM_ARGVS]; static char exename[256]; HWND hwnd_dialog; #define COBJMACROS #ifndef MINGW #if _MSC_VER > 1200 #include #endif #endif #if _MSC_VER > 1200 #include #endif #include //#include #ifdef _MSC_VER #include "ntverp.h" #endif #if defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR) && (__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3) #define SHARD_APPIDINFOLINK SHARD_APPIDINFOLINK #endif #ifndef SHARD_APPIDINFOLINK // SDK version 7600 = v7.0a & v7.1 #if !defined(VER_PRODUCTBUILD) || VER_PRODUCTBUILD < 7600 typedef struct SHARDAPPIDINFOLINK { IShellLinkW *psl; PCWSTR pszAppID; } SHARDAPPIDINFOLINK; #endif #define SHARD_APPIDINFOLINK 0x00000007 #if !defined(VER_PRODUCTBUILD) || VER_PRODUCTBUILD < 7600 typedef struct { GUID fmtid; DWORD pid; } PROPERTYKEY; #endif typedef struct IPropertyStore IPropertyStore; ; #ifndef MINGW #if !defined(VER_PRODUCTBUILD) || VER_PRODUCTBUILD < 7600 typedef struct IPropertyStore { CONST_VTBL struct { /*IUnknown*/ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( IPropertyStore * This, REFIID riid, void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( IPropertyStore * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( IPropertyStore * This); /*property store stuff*/ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetCount)( IPropertyStore * This, ULONG *count); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetAt)( IPropertyStore * This, DWORD prop, PROPERTYKEY * key); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetValue)( IPropertyStore * This, PROPERTYKEY * key, PROPVARIANT * val); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *SetValue)( IPropertyStore * This, PROPERTYKEY * key, PROPVARIANT * val); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Commit)( IPropertyStore * This); } *lpVtbl; } IPropertyStore; #endif #endif static const IID qIID_IPropertyStore = {0x886d8eeb, 0x8cf2, 0x4446, {0x8d, 0x02, 0xcd, 0xba, 0x1d, 0xbd, 0xcf, 0x99}}; #ifndef MINGW #if !defined(VER_PRODUCTBUILD) || VER_PRODUCTBUILD < 7600 #define IObjectArray IUnknown #endif #endif static const IID qIID_IObjectArray = {0x92ca9dcd, 0x5622, 0x4bba, {0xa8,0x05,0x5e,0x9f,0x54,0x1b,0xd8,0xc9}}; #ifndef MINGW #if !defined(VER_PRODUCTBUILD) || VER_PRODUCTBUILD < 7600 typedef struct IObjectCollection { struct IObjectCollectionVtbl { HRESULT ( __stdcall *QueryInterface )( /* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This, /* [in] */ const GUID * const riid, /* [out] */ void **ppvObject); ULONG ( __stdcall *AddRef )( /* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This); ULONG ( __stdcall *Release )( /* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This); HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetCount )( /* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This, /* [out] */ UINT *pcObjects); HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetAt )( /* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This, /* [in] */ UINT uiIndex, /* [in] */ const GUID * const riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void **ppv); HRESULT ( __stdcall *AddObject )( /* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This, /* [in] */ void *punk); HRESULT ( __stdcall *AddFromArray )( /* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This, /* [in] */ IObjectArray *poaSource); HRESULT ( __stdcall *RemoveObjectAt )( /* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This, /* [in] */ UINT uiIndex); HRESULT ( __stdcall *Clear )( /* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This); } *lpVtbl; } IObjectCollection; #endif #endif static const IID qIID_IObjectCollection = {0x5632b1a4, 0xe38a, 0x400a, {0x92,0x8a,0xd4,0xcd,0x63,0x23,0x02,0x95}}; static const CLSID qCLSID_EnumerableObjectCollection = {0x2d3468c1, 0x36a7, 0x43b6, {0xac,0x24,0xd3,0xf0,0x2f,0xd9,0x60,0x7a}}; #ifndef MINGW #if !defined(VER_PRODUCTBUILD) || VER_PRODUCTBUILD < 7600 typedef struct ICustomDestinationList { struct ICustomDestinationListVtbl { HRESULT ( __stdcall *QueryInterface ) ( /* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This, /* [in] */ const GUID * const riid, /* [out] */ void **ppvObject); ULONG ( __stdcall *AddRef )( /* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This); ULONG ( __stdcall *Release )( /* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This); HRESULT ( __stdcall *SetAppID )( /* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This, /* [string][in] */ LPCWSTR pszAppID); HRESULT ( __stdcall *BeginList )( /* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This, /* [out] */ UINT *pcMinSlots, /* [in] */ const GUID * const riid, /* [out] */ void **ppv); HRESULT ( __stdcall *AppendCategory )( /* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This, /* [string][in] */ LPCWSTR pszCategory, /* [in] IObjectArray*/ void *poa); HRESULT ( __stdcall *AppendKnownCategory )( /* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This, /* [in] KNOWNDESTCATEGORY*/ int category); HRESULT ( __stdcall *AddUserTasks )( /* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This, /* [in] IObjectArray*/ void *poa); HRESULT ( __stdcall *CommitList )( /* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This); HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetRemovedDestinations )( /* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This, /* [in] */ const IID * const riid, /* [out] */ void **ppv); HRESULT ( __stdcall *DeleteList )( /* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPCWSTR pszAppID); HRESULT ( __stdcall *AbortList )( /* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This); } *lpVtbl; } ICustomDestinationList; #endif #endif static const IID qIID_ICustomDestinationList = {0x6332debf, 0x87b5, 0x4670, {0x90,0xc0,0x5e,0x57,0xb4,0x08,0xa4,0x9e}}; static const CLSID qCLSID_DestinationList = {0x77f10cf0, 0x3db5, 0x4966, {0xb5,0x20,0xb7,0xc5,0x4f,0xd3,0x5e,0xd6}}; #endif #if _MSC_VER > 1200 #define WIN7_APPNAME L"FTEQuake" static IShellLinkW *CreateShellLink(char *command, char *target, char *title, char *desc) { HRESULT hr; IShellLinkW *link; IPropertyStore *prop_store; WCHAR buf[1024]; char tmp[1024], *s; // Get a pointer to the IShellLink interface. hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IShellLinkW, &link); if (FAILED(hr)) return NULL; GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(wchar_t)-1); IShellLinkW_SetIconLocation(link, buf, 0); /*grab the first icon from our exe*/ IShellLinkW_SetPath(link, buf); /*program to run*/ Q_strncpyz(tmp, com_quakedir, sizeof(tmp)); /*normalize the gamedir, so we don't end up with the same thing multiple times*/ for(s = tmp; *s; s++) { if (*s == '\\') *s = '/'; else *s = tolower(*s); } swprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), L"%S \"%S\" -basedir \"%S\"", command, target, tmp); IShellLinkW_SetArguments(link, buf); /*args*/ swprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), L"%S", desc); IShellLinkW_SetDescription(link, buf); /*tooltip*/ hr = IShellLinkW_QueryInterface(link, &qIID_IPropertyStore, &prop_store); #ifndef MINGW if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { PROPVARIANT pv; PROPERTYKEY PKEY_Title; pv.vt=VT_LPSTR; pv.pszVal=title; /*item text*/ CLSIDFromString(L"{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}", &(PKEY_Title.fmtid)); PKEY_Title.pid=2; hr = prop_store->lpVtbl->SetValue(prop_store, &PKEY_Title, &pv); hr = prop_store->lpVtbl->Commit(prop_store); prop_store->lpVtbl->Release(prop_store); } #endif return link; } void Sys_RecentServer(char *command, char *target, char *title, char *desc) { SHARDAPPIDINFOLINK appinfo; IShellLinkW *link; link = CreateShellLink(command, target, title, desc); if (!link) return; appinfo.pszAppID=WIN7_APPNAME; appinfo.psl=link; SHAddToRecentDocs(SHARD_APPIDINFOLINK, &appinfo); IShellLinkW_Release(link); } void Win7_Init(void) { HANDLE h; HRESULT (WINAPI *pSetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID)(PCWSTR AppID); h = LoadLibrary("shell32.dll"); if (h) { pSetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID = (void*)GetProcAddress(h, "SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID"); if (pSetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID) pSetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(WIN7_APPNAME); } } void Win7_TaskListInit(void) { ICustomDestinationList *cdl; IObjectCollection *col; IObjectArray *arr; IShellLinkW *link; CoInitialize(NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(&qCLSID_DestinationList, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &qIID_ICustomDestinationList, &cdl))) { UINT minslots; IUnknown *removed; cdl->lpVtbl->BeginList(cdl, &minslots, &qIID_IObjectArray, &removed); if (SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(&qCLSID_EnumerableObjectCollection, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &qIID_IObjectCollection, &col))) { switch(M_GameType()) { case MGT_QUAKE1: link = CreateShellLink("+menu_servers", "", "Server List", "Pick a multiplayer server to join"); if (link) { col->lpVtbl->AddObject(col, (IUnknown*)link); link->lpVtbl->Release(link); } link = CreateShellLink("+map start", "", "Start New Game (Quake)", "Begin a new single-player game"); if (link) { col->lpVtbl->AddObject(col, (IUnknown*)link); link->lpVtbl->Release(link); } break; case MGT_QUAKE2: link = CreateShellLink("+menu_servers", "", "Quake2 Server List", "Pick a multiplayer server to join"); if (link) { col->lpVtbl->AddObject(col, (IUnknown*)link); link->lpVtbl->Release(link); } link = CreateShellLink("+map unit1", "", "Start New Game (Quake2)", "Begin a new game"); if (link) { col->lpVtbl->AddObject(col, (IUnknown*)link); link->lpVtbl->Release(link); } break; case MGT_HEXEN2: link = CreateShellLink("+menu_servers", "", "Hexen2 Server List", "Pick a multiplayer server to join"); if (link) { col->lpVtbl->AddObject(col, (IUnknown*)link); link->lpVtbl->Release(link); } link = CreateShellLink("+map demo1", "", "Start New Game (Hexen2)", "Begin a new game"); if (link) { col->lpVtbl->AddObject(col, (IUnknown*)link); link->lpVtbl->Release(link); } break; } if (SUCCEEDED(col->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(col, &qIID_IObjectArray, &arr))) { cdl->lpVtbl->AddUserTasks(cdl, arr); arr->lpVtbl->Release(arr); } col->lpVtbl->Release(col); } cdl->lpVtbl->AppendKnownCategory(cdl, 1); cdl->lpVtbl->CommitList(cdl); cdl->lpVtbl->Release(cdl); } } #endif #if defined(SVNREVISION) && !defined(MINIMAL) #define SVNREVISIONSTR STRINGIFY(SVNREVISION) #if defined(OFFICIAL_RELEASE) #define BUILDTYPE "rel" #else #define BUILDTYPE "test" #define UPDATE_URL "http://triptohell.info/moodles/" #define UPDATE_URL_VERSION UPDATE_URL "version.txt" #ifdef _WIN64 #define UPDATE_URL_BUILD UPDATE_URL "win64/fte" EXETYPE "64.exe" #else #define UPDATE_URL_BUILD UPDATE_URL "win32/fte" EXETYPE ".exe" #endif #endif #endif #if defined(SERVERONLY) #define EXETYPE "qwsv" //not gonna happen, but whatever. #elif defined(GLQUAKE) && defined(D3DQUAKE) #define EXETYPE "qw" #elif defined(GLQUAKE) #ifdef MINIMAL #define EXETYPE "minglqw" #else #define EXETYPE "glqw" #endif #elif defined(D3DQUAKE) #define EXETYPE "d3dqw" #elif defined(SWQUAKE) #define EXETYPE "swqw" #else //erm... #define EXETYPE "qw" #endif qboolean MyRegGetStringValue(HKEY base, char *keyname, char *valuename, void *data, int datalen) { qboolean result = false; DWORD resultlen = datalen - 1; HKEY subkey; DWORD type = REG_NONE; if (RegOpenKeyEx(base, keyname, 0, KEY_READ, &subkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { result = ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(subkey, valuename, NULL, &type, data, &datalen); RegCloseKey (subkey); } if (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ) ((char*)data)[datalen] = 0; else ((char*)data)[0] = 0; return result; } #ifdef UPDATE_URL void MyRegSetValue(HKEY base, char *keyname, char *valuename, int type, void *data, int datalen) { HKEY subkey; if (RegCreateKeyEx(base, keyname, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &subkey, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegSetValueEx(subkey, valuename, 0, type, data, datalen); RegCloseKey (subkey); } } void MyRegDeleteKeyValue(HKEY base, char *keyname, char *valuename) { HKEY subkey; if (RegOpenKeyEx(base, keyname, 0, KEY_WRITE, &subkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegDeleteValue(subkey, valuename); RegCloseKey (subkey); } } qboolean Update_GetHomeDirectory(char *homedir, int homedirsize) { HMODULE shfolder = LoadLibrary("shfolder.dll"); if (shfolder) { HRESULT (WINAPI *dSHGetFolderPath) (HWND hwndOwner, int nFolder, HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwFlags, LPTSTR pszPath); dSHGetFolderPath = (void *)GetProcAddress(shfolder, "SHGetFolderPathA"); if (dSHGetFolderPath) { char folder[MAX_PATH]; // 0x5 == CSIDL_PERSONAL if (dSHGetFolderPath(NULL, 0x5, NULL, 0, folder) == S_OK) { Q_snprintfz(homedir, homedirsize, "%s/My Games/%s/", folder, FULLENGINENAME); return true; } } // FreeLibrary(shfolder); } return false; } static void Update_CreatePath (char *path) { char *ofs; for (ofs = path+1 ; *ofs ; ofs++) { if (*ofs == '/') { // create the directory *ofs = 0; Sys_mkdir (path); *ofs = '/'; } } } #include "fs.h" void Update_Version_Updated(struct dl_download *dl) { //happens in a thread, avoid va if (dl->file) { if (dl->status == DL_FINISHED) { char buf[8192]; unsigned int size = 0, chunk; char pendingname[MAX_OSPATH]; vfsfile_t *pending; Update_GetHomeDirectory(pendingname, sizeof(pendingname)); Q_strncatz(pendingname, DISTRIBUTION BUILDTYPE EXETYPE".tmp", sizeof(pendingname)); Update_CreatePath(pendingname); pending = VFSOS_Open(pendingname, "wb"); if (!pending) Con_Printf("Unable to write to \"%s\"\n", pendingname); else { while(1) { chunk = VFS_READ(dl->file, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (!chunk) break; size += VFS_WRITE(pending, buf, chunk); } VFS_CLOSE(pending); if (VFS_GETLEN(dl->file) == size) { MyRegSetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\"FULLENGINENAME, "pending" BUILDTYPE EXETYPE, REG_SZ, pendingname, strlen(pendingname)+1); } } } } } void Update_Versioninfo_Available(struct dl_download *dl) { if (dl->file) { if (dl->status == DL_FINISHED) { char linebuf[1024]; while(VFS_GETS(dl->file, linebuf, sizeof(linebuf))) { if (!strnicmp(linebuf, "Revision: ", 10)) { if (atoi(linebuf+10) > atoi(SVNREVISIONSTR)) { struct dl_download *dl; Con_Printf("Downloading update: revision %i\n", atoi(linebuf+10)); dl = HTTP_CL_Get(UPDATE_URL_BUILD, NULL, Update_Version_Updated); dl->file = FS_OpenTemp(); #ifdef MULTITHREAD DL_CreateThread(dl, NULL, NULL); #endif } } } } } } static qboolean doupdatecheck; void Update_Check(void) { struct dl_download *dl; if (doupdatecheck) { doupdatecheck = false; dl = HTTP_CL_Get(UPDATE_URL_VERSION, NULL, Update_Versioninfo_Available); dl->file = FS_OpenTemp(); #ifdef MULTITHREAD DL_CreateThread(dl, NULL, NULL); #endif } } qboolean Sys_CheckUpdated(void) { int ffe = COM_CheckParm("--fromfrontend"); PROCESS_INFORMATION childinfo; STARTUPINFO startinfo = {sizeof(startinfo)}; if (!strcmp(SVNREVISIONSTR, "-")) return false; //no revision info in this build, meaning its custom built and thus cannot check against the available updated versions. else if (COM_CheckParm("-noupdate") || COM_CheckParm("--noupdate")) return false; else if (!COM_CheckParm("-autoupdate") && !COM_CheckParm("--autoupdate")) return false; else if (COM_CheckParm("-plugin")) { //download, but don't invoke. the caller is expected to start us up properly (once installed). } else if (!ffe) { //if we're not from the frontend, we should run the updated build instead char frontendpath[MAX_OSPATH]; char pendingpath[MAX_OSPATH]; char updatedpath[MAX_OSPATH]; MyRegGetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\"FULLENGINENAME, "pending" BUILDTYPE EXETYPE, pendingpath, sizeof(pendingpath)); if (*pendingpath) { MyRegDeleteKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\"FULLENGINENAME, "pending" BUILDTYPE EXETYPE); Update_GetHomeDirectory(updatedpath, sizeof(updatedpath)); Update_CreatePath(updatedpath); Q_strncatz(updatedpath, "cur" BUILDTYPE EXETYPE".exe", sizeof(updatedpath)); DeleteFile(updatedpath); if (MoveFile(pendingpath, updatedpath)) MyRegSetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\"FULLENGINENAME, BUILDTYPE EXETYPE, REG_SZ, updatedpath, strlen(updatedpath)+1); } MyRegGetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\"FULLENGINENAME, BUILDTYPE EXETYPE, updatedpath, sizeof(updatedpath)); if (*updatedpath) { GetModuleFileName(NULL, frontendpath, sizeof(frontendpath)-1); if (CreateProcess(updatedpath, va("\"%s\" %s --fromfrontend \"%s\" \"%s\" %s", frontendpath, COM_Parse(GetCommandLineA()), SVNREVISIONSTR, frontendpath), NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startinfo, &childinfo)) return true; } } else { char frontendpath[MAX_OSPATH]; //com_argv[ffe+1] is frontend revision //com_argv[ffe+2] is frontend location if (atoi(com_argv[ffe+1]) > atoi(SVNREVISIONSTR)) { //ping-pong it back, to make sure we're running the most recent version. GetModuleFileName(NULL, frontendpath, sizeof(frontendpath)-1); if (CreateProcess(com_argv[ffe+2], va("--fromfrontend \"%s\" \"%s\" %s", "", "", COM_Parse(GetCommandLineA())), NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startinfo, &childinfo)) return true; } } doupdatecheck = true; return false; } #else qboolean Sys_CheckUpdated(void) { return false; } void Update_Check(void) { } #endif /* #ifdef _MSC_VER #include void VARGS Signal_Error_Handler(int i) { int *basepointer; __asm {mov basepointer,ebp}; Sys_Error("Received signal, offset was 0x%8x", basepointer[73]); } #endif */ int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { // MSG msg; quakeparms_t parms; double time, oldtime, newtime; char cwd[1024], bindir[1024], *s; const char *qtvfile = NULL; int delay = 0; /* previous instances do not exist in Win32 */ if (hPrevInstance) return 0; memset(&parms, 0, sizeof(parms)); #ifndef MINGW #if _MSC_VER > 1200 Win7_Init(); #endif #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #if _M_IX86_FP >= 1 { int idedx; char cpuname[13]; /*I'm not going to check to make sure cpuid works.*/ __asm { xor eax, eax cpuid mov dword ptr [cpuname+0],ebx mov dword ptr [cpuname+4],edx mov dword ptr [cpuname+8],ecx } cpuname[12] = 0; __asm { mov eax, 0x1 cpuid mov idedx, edx } #if _M_IX86_FP >= 2 if (!(idedx&(1<<26))) MessageBox(NULL, "This is an SSE2 optimised build, and your cpu doesn't seem to support it", DISTRIBUTION, 0); else #endif if (!(idedx&(1<<25))) MessageBox(NULL, "This is an SSE optimised build, and your cpu doesn't seem to support it", DISTRIBUTION, 0); } #endif #endif #ifdef CATCHCRASH __try #endif { /* #ifndef _DEBUG #ifdef _MSC_VER signal (SIGFPE, Signal_Error_Handler); signal (SIGILL, Signal_Error_Handler); signal (SIGSEGV, Signal_Error_Handler); #endif #endif */ global_hInstance = hInstance; global_nCmdShow = nCmdShow; parms.argc = 1; argv[0] = exename; while (*lpCmdLine && (parms.argc < MAX_NUM_ARGVS)) { while (*lpCmdLine && ((*lpCmdLine <= 32) || (*lpCmdLine > 126))) lpCmdLine++; if (*lpCmdLine) { if (*lpCmdLine == '\"') { lpCmdLine++; argv[parms.argc] = lpCmdLine; parms.argc++; while (*lpCmdLine && *lpCmdLine != '\"') lpCmdLine++; } else { argv[parms.argc] = lpCmdLine; parms.argc++; while (*lpCmdLine && ((*lpCmdLine > 32) && (*lpCmdLine <= 126))) lpCmdLine++; } if (*lpCmdLine) { *lpCmdLine = 0; lpCmdLine++; } } } #ifdef RESTARTTEST setjmp (restart_jmpbuf); #endif GetModuleFileName(NULL, bindir, sizeof(bindir)-1); s = COM_SkipPath(exename); strcpy(exename, s); *s = 0; parms.argv = (const char **)argv; COM_InitArgv (parms.argc, parms.argv); if (Sys_CheckUpdated()) return true; isPlugin = !!COM_CheckParm("-plugin"); if (isPlugin) { printf("status Starting up!\n"); fflush(stdout); } if (COM_CheckParm("--version") || COM_CheckParm("-v")) { printf("version: %s\n", version_string()); return true; } if (COM_CheckParm("-outputdebugstring")) debugout = true; if (!GetCurrentDirectory (sizeof(cwd), cwd)) Sys_Error ("Couldn't determine current directory"); if (parms.argc >= 2) { if (*parms.argv[1] != '-' && *parms.argv[1] != '+') { char *e; qtvfile = parms.argv[1]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, cwd, sizeof(cwd)-1); for (e = cwd+strlen(cwd)-1; e >= cwd; e--) { if (*e == '/' || *e == '\\') { *e = 0; break; } } } } TL_InitLanguages(); //tprints are now allowed parms.basedir = cwd; parms.binarydir = bindir; parms.argc = com_argc; parms.argv = com_argv; #if !defined(CLIENTONLY) && !defined(SERVERONLY) if (COM_CheckParm ("-dedicated")) isDedicated = true; #endif if (isDedicated) { #if !defined(CLIENTONLY) if (!Sys_InitTerminal()) Sys_Error ("Couldn't allocate dedicated server console"); #endif } if (!Sys_Startup_CheckMem(&parms)) Sys_Error ("Not enough memory free; check disk space\n"); #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (isDedicated) //compleate denial to switch to anything else - many of the client structures are not initialized. { int delay; SV_Init (&parms); delay = SV_Frame()*1000; while (1) { if (!isDedicated) Sys_Error("Dedicated was cleared"); NET_Sleep(delay, false); delay = SV_Frame()*1000; } return TRUE; } #endif tevent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!tevent) Sys_Error ("Couldn't create event"); #ifdef SERVERONLY Sys_Printf ("SV_Init\n"); SV_Init(&parms); #else Sys_Printf ("Host_Init\n"); Host_Init (&parms); #endif oldtime = Sys_DoubleTime (); if (qtvfile) { char *ext = COM_FileExtension(qtvfile); if (!strcmp(ext, "qwd") || !strcmp(ext, "dem") || !strcmp(ext, "mvd")) Cbuf_AddText(va("playdemo \"#%s\"\n", qtvfile), RESTRICT_LOCAL); else Cbuf_AddText(va("qtvplay \"#%s\"\n", qtvfile), RESTRICT_LOCAL); } //client console should now be initialized. #ifndef MINGW #if _MSC_VER > 1200 Win7_TaskListInit(); #endif #endif if (isPlugin) { printf("status Running!\n"); fflush(stdout); } Update_Check(); /* main window message loop */ while (1) { if (isDedicated) { #ifndef CLIENTONLY NET_Sleep(delay, false); // find time passed since last cycle newtime = Sys_DoubleTime (); time = newtime - oldtime; oldtime = newtime; delay = 1000*SV_Frame (); #else Sys_Error("wut?"); #endif } else { #ifndef SERVERONLY double sleeptime; newtime = Sys_DoubleTime (); time = newtime - oldtime; sleeptime = Host_Frame (time); oldtime = newtime; SetHookState(sys_disableWinKeys.ival); /*sleep if its not yet time for a frame*/ Sys_Sleep(sleeptime); #else Sys_Error("wut?"); #endif } #ifndef SERVERONLY if (fs_switchgame != -1) { SetHookState(false); Host_Shutdown (); COM_InitArgv (parms.argc, parms.argv); if (!Sys_Startup_CheckMem(&parms)) return 0; Host_Init (&parms); } #endif } } #ifdef CATCHCRASH __except (CrashExceptionHandler(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation())) { return 1; } #endif /* return success of application */ return TRUE; } int __cdecl main(void) { char *cmdline; FreeConsole(); cmdline = GetCommandLine(); while (*cmdline && *cmdline == ' ') cmdline++; if (*cmdline == '\"') { cmdline++; while (*cmdline && *cmdline != '\"') cmdline++; if (*cmdline == '\"') cmdline++; } else { while (*cmdline && *cmdline != ' ') cmdline++; } return WinMain(GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, cmdline, SW_NORMAL); } qboolean Sys_GetDesktopParameters(int *width, int *height, int *bpp, int *refreshrate) { HDC hdc; int rate; hdc = GetDC(NULL); *width = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES); *height = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES); *bpp = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL); rate = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VREFRESH); if (rate == 1) rate = 0; *refreshrate = rate; ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); return true; } void Sys_Sleep (double seconds) { Sleep(seconds * 1000); }