/* a) b) Make a version of Mix Paint that just draws the texture onto tiles and replaces any other texture there instead of mixing, call it Tex Paint Single b2) Rename Mix Paint to Tex Paint Mix c) Add 2 buttons to incr/decrease Percentage setting d) Add option to switch from circular selection reticle to square e) Make reticle follow mouse properly (I can see it moving on the sonar map up above, but it's definitely not where I'm pointing the mouse) f) Make Tex Kill choose the circular or square reticle you selected (suggestion D), right now it only uses square g) Possibly an option to manually shrink the world bounds from the outside in (for eliminating unwanted space) */ enum { ter_reload, //reload the entire thing ter_save, //save the entire heightmap ter_sethole, //punch a hole in the terrain ter_height_set, //set heights to a specific value ter_height_smooth, //smooth the heights slightly (non-destructive) ter_height_spread, //smooth the heights slightly (leaves center as-is) ter_height_flatten, //smooth the heights slightly (non-destructive), such that the middle becomes flatter faster than the edges ter_height_raise, //raise the terrain in a bell (negative value to lower) ter_height_lower, //lower the terrain in a bell (negative value to raise) ter_tex_kill, //set section texture ter_tex_get, //get section texture ter_tex_paint, //paint a specific texture with gracefulish blending. ter_tex_paint_single, //paint a texture with 100% opacity and no attenuation (other than radius) ter_mixconcentrate, //figure out which is the strongest mixed texture and make it stronger ter_mixnoise, //add random noise to the affected samples ter_mixblur, //blur the texture mixture ter_water_set, //lower the terrain in a bell (negative value to raise) ter_mesh_add, //add a mesh ter_mesh_kill, //remove meshes within the radius ter_tint, //paints new colour modifiers/tints ter_reset, //destroy's the entire section completely, resetting it to default. ter_reloadsect, //reload a section, reverting changes. ter_blank, ter_radius, ter_quant, ter_strength, ter_mesh, ter_tintval, ter_tex, ter_roundpegsquarehole, ter_count }; static var float eradius = 256; static var float equant = 8; static var float epercent = 40; static var float squaretool = 0; static string tex[8]; static var string tint[8] = {"1 1 1", "1.2 0.9 0.9", "0 1 0"}; static string meshname; static var float curtool = ter_blank; static var float lasttool = ter_blank; static float painttex; static float mautorepeattime; static entity tempent; static var float texturesearch = -1; static float texturesearchfirst; static string texturesearchhighlighted; float autocvar_mod_terrain_networked; vector vidsize; float mousedown; static string toolname[ter_count] = { "reload", "save", "holes", "height set", "height smooth", "height spread", "height flatten", "height raise", "height lower", "tex kill", "tex get", "tex paint blend", "tex paint single", "tex concentrate", "tex noise", "tex blur", "water set", "mesh add", "mesh kill", "tex tint", "revert to default", "reload single section", "", "rad", "quant", "str", "mesh", "tex" }; #define terrain_edit terrain_editfoo __variant(float action, ...) terrain_edit = #278; void(vector m, float repeated) editor_do = { vector t = mousefar; vector o = mousenear; if (vlen(o - t) > 8192) t = o + normalize(t)*8192; traceline(o, t, TRUE, world); self = world; switch(curtool) { case ter_reload: if (repeated) //don't autorepeat that... return; if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "f", TEREDIT_RELOAD); else if (!(float)terrain_edit(TEREDIT_RELOAD)) print("Unable to reload terrain.\n"); else print("Terrain changes discarded.\n"); break; case ter_save: if (repeated) //don't autorepeat that... return; if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "f", TEREDIT_SAVE); else print(sprintf("Saved %g chunks\n", (float)terrain_edit(TEREDIT_SAVE))); break; case ter_sethole: //use view center instead of targetted - you cannot target that which is not there if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvff", TEREDIT_SETHOLE, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_SETHOLE, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); break; case ter_height_smooth: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvff", TEREDIT_HEIGHT_SMOOTH, trace_endpos, eradius, epercent/100.0); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_HEIGHT_SMOOTH, trace_endpos, eradius, epercent/100.0); break; case ter_height_spread: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvff", TEREDIT_HEIGHT_SPREAD, trace_endpos, eradius, epercent/100.0); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_HEIGHT_SPREAD, trace_endpos, eradius, epercent/100.0); break; case ter_water_set: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvff", TEREDIT_WATER_SET, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_WATER_SET, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); break; case ter_height_set: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvff", TEREDIT_HEIGHT_SET, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_HEIGHT_SET, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); break; case ter_height_raise: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvff", TEREDIT_HEIGHT_RAISE, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_HEIGHT_RAISE, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); break; case ter_height_lower: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvff", TEREDIT_HEIGHT_LOWER, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_HEIGHT_LOWER, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); break; case ter_tex_get: strunzone(tex[0]); strunzone(tex[1]); strunzone(tex[2]); strunzone(tex[3]); tex[0] = strzone(terrain_edit(TEREDIT_TEX_GET, trace_endpos, 0, 0)); tex[1] = strzone(terrain_edit(TEREDIT_TEX_GET, trace_endpos, 0, 1)); tex[2] = strzone(terrain_edit(TEREDIT_TEX_GET, trace_endpos, 0, 2)); tex[3] = strzone(terrain_edit(TEREDIT_TEX_GET, trace_endpos, 0, 3)); break; // case ter_mixset: // terrain_edit(curtool, trace_endpos, eradius, equant, emix); // break; case ter_tex_paint: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvffs", TEREDIT_TEX_BLEND, trace_endpos, eradius, epercent/100.0, tex[painttex]); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_TEX_BLEND, trace_endpos, eradius, epercent/100.0, tex[painttex]); break; case ter_tex_paint_single: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvfs", TEREDIT_TEX_REPLACE, trace_endpos, eradius, tex[painttex]); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_TEX_REPLACE, trace_endpos, eradius, tex[painttex]); break; case ter_tex_kill: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvffs", TEREDIT_TEX_KILL, trace_endpos, eradius, equant, tex[painttex]); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_TEX_KILL, trace_endpos, eradius, equant, tex[painttex]); break; case ter_reset: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvf", TEREDIT_RESET_SECT, trace_endpos, eradius); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_RESET_SECT, trace_endpos, eradius); break; case ter_reloadsect: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvf", TEREDIT_RELOAD_SECT, trace_endpos, eradius); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_RELOAD_SECT, trace_endpos, eradius); break; case ter_mixconcentrate: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvff", TEREDIT_TEX_UNIFY, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_TEX_UNIFY, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); break; case ter_mixnoise: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvff", TEREDIT_TEX_NOISE, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_TEX_NOISE, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); break; case ter_mixblur: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvff", TEREDIT_TEX_BLUR, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_TEX_BLUR, trace_endpos, eradius, equant); break; case ter_tint: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvffvf", TEREDIT_TINT, trace_endpos, eradius, epercent/100.0, stov(tint[painttex]), 1); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_TINT, trace_endpos, eradius, epercent/100.0, stov(tint[painttex]), 1); break; case ter_mesh_add: if (repeated) //don't autorepeat this one. break; terrain_edit(TEREDIT_MESH_ADD, tempent); break; case ter_mesh_kill: if (autocvar_mod_terrain_networked && !isserver()) sendevent("teredit", "fvf", TEREDIT_MESH_KILL, trace_endpos, eradius); else terrain_edit(TEREDIT_MESH_KILL, trace_endpos, eradius); break; } }; float(float keyc, float unic, vector m) editor_terrain_key = { float nt; if (curtool >= ter_radius && curtool <= ter_tex) { string txt = ""; nt = curtool; if (curtool == ter_tex) { if (keyc == 512 && m_x > 128) { txt = texturesearchhighlighted; nt = ter_tex_paint; } if (keyc == 515) texturesearchfirst += floor((vidsize_x)/128) - 1; if (keyc == 516) texturesearchfirst -= floor((vidsize_x)/128) - 1; } if (curtool == ter_radius) txt = itos((int)fabs(eradius)); if (curtool == ter_quant) txt = itos((int)equant); if (curtool == ter_strength) txt = itos((int)epercent); if (curtool == ter_mesh) txt = meshname; if (curtool == ter_tintval) txt = tint[painttex]; if (curtool == ter_tex) txt = tex[painttex]; if (keyc == 10 || keyc == 13) nt = lasttool; else if (keyc == 127) txt = substring(txt, 0, -2); else if (keyc == 8) txt = ""; else if (unic) txt = strcat(txt, chr2str(unic)); if (curtool == ter_radius) { eradius = fabs(stof(txt)); if (squaretool) eradius *= -1; } if (curtool == ter_quant) equant = stof(txt); if (curtool == ter_strength) epercent = stof(txt); if (curtool == ter_mesh) { txt = strzone(txt); strunzone(meshname); meshname = txt; } if (curtool == ter_tex) { txt = strzone(txt); strunzone(tex[painttex]); tex[painttex] = txt; } if (curtool == ter_tintval) { txt = strzone(txt); strunzone(tint[painttex]); tint[painttex] = txt; } if (curtool != nt) { lasttool = curtool; curtool = nt; } } else if (keyc == 13 || (keyc == 512 && m_x < 128)) { if (m_x < 128) { nt = floor((m_y-16) / 8); if (nt != curtool) { if (nt == ter_roundpegsquarehole) { squaretool = !squaretool; eradius = fabs(eradius); if (squaretool) eradius *= -1; } else { lasttool = curtool; curtool = nt; } } } else if (keyc == 13) { editor_do(m, FALSE); } } else if (unic == '+' || unic == '=') eradius += squaretool?-16:16; else if (unic == '-') { eradius = fabs(eradius) - 16; if (eradius < 0) eradius = 0; if (squaretool) eradius *= -1; } else if (curtool == ter_mesh_add && tempent) { if (unic == '[') tempent.angles_y -= 12.5; else if (unic == ']') tempent.angles_y += 12.5; else if (unic == '{') tempent.angles_x -= 12.5; else if (unic == '}') tempent.angles_x += 12.5; else if (unic == '(') tempent.angles_z -= 12.5; else if (unic == ')') tempent.angles_z += 12.5; else if (unic == '@') { tempent.angles_x = gettime(5)*360*360; tempent.angles_y = gettime(5)*360; tempent.angles_z = gettime(5)*360*360*360; } else if (keyc == 127 || keyc == 8) { tempent.angles_x = 0; tempent.angles_y = 0; tempent.angles_z = 0; } else return FALSE; } else if (unic == '(') epercent -= 10; else if (unic == ')') epercent += 10; else if (unic == '[') equant -= 1; else if (unic == ']') equant += 1; else if (unic == '{') painttex = (painttex + 7) & 7; else if (unic == '}') painttex = (painttex + 1) & 7; else if (unic == '1') painttex = 0; else if (unic == '2') painttex = 1; else if (unic == '3') painttex = 2; else if (unic == '4') painttex = 3; else if (unic == '5') painttex = 4; else if (unic == '6') painttex = 5; else if (unic == '7') painttex = 6; else if (unic == '8') painttex = 7; else return FALSE; if (curtool == ter_save || curtool == ter_reload) { editor_do('0 0 0', FALSE); curtool = -1; } return TRUE; }; void(vector mousepos) editor_terrain_add = { float s,c; float r; vector tx, p, col; float a; if (mousepos_x < 128) return; vector t = mousefar; vector o = mousenear; if (vlen(o - t) > 8192) t = o + normalize(t)*8192; traceline(o, t, TRUE, world); if (curtool == ter_mesh_add || curtool == ter_mesh) { if (!tempent) tempent = spawn(); precache_model(meshname); /*just to silence it*/ setmodel(tempent, meshname); setorigin(tempent, trace_endpos); tempent.scale = eradius/256; addentity(tempent); } else { shaderforname("terrainedit", "{" "{\n" "map terrainedit\n" "blendfunc add\n" "rgbgen vertex\n" "alphagen vertex\n" "}\n" "}"); r = eradius;//sqrt(eradius*eradius/2); s = sin(gettime(5)) * r; c = cos(gettime(5)) * r; col_x = (sin(gettime(5))+1.5)*0.1; t = trace_endpos; R_BeginPolygon("terrainedit"); for (a = 0; a < 3.14*2; a += 3.14*2/8) { tx_x = sin(a); tx_y = cos(a); //-1 -1 p_x = t_x + tx_x*c - tx_y*s; p_y = t_y + tx_y*c + tx_x*s; p_z = t_z + 5; tx = (tx*0.5)+'0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(p, tx, col, 1); } R_EndPolygon(); } }; void(vector mousepos) editor_terrain_overlay = { float i; vector pos; vector colour; float ctime = gettime(5); if (mautorepeattime) { if (mousedown != 1) mautorepeattime = 0; else if (mautorepeattime < ctime && ter_mesh_add) { mautorepeattime = ctime + 0.05; editor_do(mousepos, TRUE); } } else if (mousedown == 1) { mautorepeattime = ctime + 0.5; editor_do(mousepos, FALSE); } pos = '128 0 0'; pos_y = vidsize_y - 32; drawfill('0 16 0', pos, '0 0 0', 0.3); pos = '0 16 0'; for (i = 0; i < ter_count; i+=1) { if (curtool == i) colour = '1 0 0'; else if (mousepos_x < 128 && mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + 8) colour = '0 0 1'; else colour = '1 1 1'; if (i == ter_radius) drawstring(pos, sprintf("radius: %g", fabs(eradius)), '8 8 0', colour, 1, 0); else if (i == ter_quant) drawstring(pos, sprintf("quantity: %g", equant), '8 8 0', colour, 1, 0); else if (i == ter_strength) drawstring(pos, sprintf("percent: %g%%", epercent), '8 8 0', colour, 1, 0); else if (i == ter_mesh) drawstring(pos, sprintf("mesh: %s", meshname), '8 8 0', colour, 1, 0); else if (i == ter_roundpegsquarehole) drawstring(pos, sprintf("shape: %s", (squaretool?"square peg":"round")), '8 8 0', colour, 1, 0); else if (i == ter_tex) { if (curtool == ter_tex_get) { drawstring(pos, sprintf("Tex0: %s", tex[0]), '8 8 0', colour, 1, 0); pos_y += 8; drawstring(pos, sprintf("Tex1: %s", tex[1]), '8 8 0', colour, 1, 0); pos_y += 8; drawstring(pos, sprintf("Tex2: %s", tex[2]), '8 8 0', colour, 1, 0); pos_y += 8; drawstring(pos, sprintf("Tex3: %s", tex[3]), '8 8 0', colour, 1, 0); } else drawstring(pos, sprintf("Tex%1i: %s", painttex, tex[painttex]), '8 8 0', colour, 1, 0); if (tex[painttex] != "") if (whichpack(strcat("textures/", tex[painttex], ".tga")) != "") drawpic(pos + '0 8 0', tex[painttex], '128 128 0', '1 1 1', 1); } else if (i == ter_tintval) drawstring(pos, sprintf("Tint%1i: %s", painttex, tint[painttex]), '8 8 0', colour, 1, 0); else drawstring(pos, toolname[i], '8 8 0', colour, 1, 0); pos_y += 8; } if (texturesearchhighlighted) { strunzone(texturesearchhighlighted); texturesearchhighlighted = __NULL__; } if (curtool == ter_tex) { if (texturesearch < 0) texturesearch = search_begin("textures/*", FALSE, TRUE); if (texturesearchfirst > search_getsize(texturesearch)-4) texturesearchfirst = search_getsize(texturesearch)-4; if (texturesearchfirst < 0) texturesearchfirst = 0; i = texturesearchfirst; pos = '128 16'; local float x; for (pos_y = 8; pos_y < vidsize_y; pos_y+=128+8) for (x = 0; x < floor(vidsize_x / 128)-1; ) { string fname = search_getfilename(texturesearch, i); i+=1; if (fname == "") break; if (substring(fname, -1, 1) == "/") continue; drawpic(pos + [x*128, 8], fname, '128 128', '1 1 1', 1, 0); if (substring(fname, 0, 9) == "textures/") fname = substring(fname, 9, -1); string ext = substring(fname, -4, 4); if (ext == ".png" || ext == ".tga" || ext == ".jpg") fname = substring(fname, 0, -5); drawstring(pos + [x*128, 0], fname, '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); x+=1; if (mousepos_x > pos_x+x*128 && mousepos_y > pos_y && mousepos_x < pos_x+(x+1)*128 && mousepos_y < pos_y+(128+8)) { if (texturesearchhighlighted) strunzone(texturesearchhighlighted); texturesearchhighlighted = strzone(fname); } } } };