#include "quakedef.h" #if defined(CL_MASTER) && !defined(NOBUILTINMENUS) #include "cl_master.h" #include "shader.h" //filtering static cvar_t sb_sortcolumn = CVARF("sb_sortcolumn", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t sb_filtertext = CVARF("sb_filtertext", "", CVAR_NOSAVE); static cvar_t sb_hideempty = CVARF("sb_hideempty", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t sb_hidenotempty = CVARF("sb_hidenotempty", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t sb_hidefull = CVARF("sb_hidefull", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t sb_hidedead = CVARF("sb_hidedead", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t sb_hidenetquake = CVARF("sb_hidenetquake", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t sb_hidequakeworld = CVARF("sb_hidequakeworld","0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t sb_hideproxies = CVARF("sb_hideproxies", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); #ifdef FTE_TARGET_WEB static cvar_t sb_showping = CVARF("sb_showping", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); //not really much point showing pings. #else static cvar_t sb_showping = CVARF("sb_showping", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); #endif static cvar_t sb_showaddress = CVARF("sb_showaddress", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t sb_showmap = CVARF("sb_showmap", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t sb_showgamedir = CVARF("sb_showgamedir", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t sb_showplayers = CVARF("sb_showplayers", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t sb_showfraglimit = CVARF("sb_showfraglimit", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t sb_showtimelimit = CVARF("sb_showtimelimit", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t sb_alpha = CVARF("sb_alpha", "0.7", CVAR_ARCHIVE); vrect_t joinbutton, streambutton, specbutton; static float refreshedtime; static int isrefreshing; static enum { SVPV_NO, #ifdef HAVE_PACKET SVPV_PLAYERS, #endif SVPV_RULES, #ifdef HAVE_PACKET SVPV_HELP, SVPV_ROUTE, SVPV_LAST=SVPV_ROUTE, #else SVPV_LAST=SVPV_RULES, #endif } serverpreview; extern cvar_t slist_writeserverstxt; extern cvar_t slist_cacheinfo; static void CalcFilters(emenu_t *menu); void M_Serverlist_Init(void) { char *grp = "Server Browser Vars"; Cvar_Register(&sb_alpha, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_hideempty, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_hidenotempty, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_hidefull, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_hidedead, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_hidenetquake, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_hidequakeworld, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_hideproxies, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_filtertext, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_sortcolumn, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_showping, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_showaddress, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_showmap, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_showgamedir, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_showplayers, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_showfraglimit, grp); Cvar_Register(&sb_showtimelimit, grp); Cvar_Register(&slist_writeserverstxt, grp); Cvar_Register(&slist_cacheinfo, grp); } enum { SLFILTER_HIDENETQUAKE, SLFILTER_HIDEQUAKEWORLD, SLFILTER_HIDEPROXIES, SLFILTER_ONLYFAVOURITES, SLFILTER_HIDEEMPTY, SLFILTER_HIDEFULL, SLFILTER_MAX }; typedef struct { int servers_top; int visibleslots; int scrollpos; int selectedpos; int filtermodcount; int numslots; qboolean stillpolling; qbyte filter[SLFILTER_MAX]; menuedit_t *filtertext; char refreshtext[64]; qboolean sliderpressed; menupicture_t *mappic; } serverlist_t; static void SL_DrawColumnTitle (int *x, int y, int xlen, int mx, char *str, qboolean recolor, qbyte clr, qboolean *filldraw) { int xmin; if (x == NULL) xmin = 0; else xmin = (*x - xlen); if (recolor) str = va("^&%c-%s", clr, str); if (mx >= xmin && !(*filldraw)) { *filldraw = true; R2D_ImageColours((sin(realtime*4.4)*0.25)+0.5, (sin(realtime*4.4)*0.25)+0.5, 0.08, 1.0); R2D_FillBlock(xmin, y, xlen, 8); R2D_ImageColours(1,1,1,1); } Draw_FunStringWidth(xmin, y, str, xlen, false, false); if (x != NULL) *x -= xlen + 8; } static void SL_TitlesDraw (int x, int y, menucustom_t *ths, emenu_t *menu) { int sf = Master_GetSortField(); int mx = mousecursor_x; qboolean filldraw = false; qbyte clr; if (Master_GetSortDescending()) clr = 'D'; else clr = 'B'; x = ths->common.width; if ((mx > x || mousecursor_y < y || mousecursor_y >= y+8) && !serverpreview) filldraw = true; if (sb_showtimelimit.value) {SL_DrawColumnTitle(&x, y, 3*8, mx, "tl", (sf==SLKEY_TIMELIMIT), clr, &filldraw);} if (sb_showfraglimit.value) {SL_DrawColumnTitle(&x, y, 3*8, mx, "fl", (sf==SLKEY_FRAGLIMIT), clr, &filldraw);} if (sb_showplayers.value) {SL_DrawColumnTitle(&x, y, 5*8, mx, "plyrs", (sf==SLKEY_NUMHUMANS), clr, &filldraw);} if (sb_showmap.value) {SL_DrawColumnTitle(&x, y, 8*8, mx, "map", (sf==SLKEY_MAP), clr, &filldraw);} if (sb_showgamedir.value) {SL_DrawColumnTitle(&x, y, 8*8, mx, "gamedir", (sf==SLKEY_GAMEDIR), clr, &filldraw);} if (sb_showping.value) {SL_DrawColumnTitle(&x, y, 3*8, mx, "png", (sf==SLKEY_PING), clr, &filldraw);} if (sb_showaddress.value) {SL_DrawColumnTitle(&x, y, 21*8, mx, "address", (sf==SLKEY_ADDRESS), clr, &filldraw);} SL_DrawColumnTitle(NULL, y, x, mx, "hostname ", (sf==SLKEY_NAME), clr, &filldraw); } static qboolean SL_TitlesKey (menucustom_t *ths, emenu_t *menu, int key, unsigned int unicode) { int x; int mx = mousecursor_x/8; int sortkey; qboolean descending; char sortchar = 0; if (key != K_MOUSE1) return false; do { x = ths->common.width/8; if (mx > x) return false; //out of bounds if (sb_showtimelimit.value) {x-=4;if (mx > x) {sortkey = SLKEY_TIMELIMIT; sortchar='t'; break;}} if (sb_showfraglimit.value) {x-=4;if (mx > x) {sortkey = SLKEY_FRAGLIMIT; sortchar='f'; break;}} if (sb_showplayers.value) {x-=6;if (mx > x) {sortkey = SLKEY_NUMHUMANS; sortchar='p'; break;}} if (sb_showmap.value) {x-=9;if (mx > x) {sortkey = SLKEY_MAP; sortchar='m'; break;}} if (sb_showgamedir.value) {x-=9;if (mx > x) {sortkey = SLKEY_GAMEDIR; sortchar='g'; break;}} if (sb_showping.value) {x-=4;if (mx > x) {sortkey = SLKEY_PING; sortchar='l'; break;}} if (sb_showaddress.value) {x-=22;if (mx > x) {sortkey = SLKEY_ADDRESS; sortchar='a'; break;}} sortkey = SLKEY_NAME; sortchar='n'; break; } while (0); // if (sortkey == SLKEY_ADDRESS) // return true; switch(sortkey) { case SLKEY_NUMPLAYERS: case SLKEY_NUMHUMANS: //favour descending order (low first) descending = Master_GetSortField()!=sortkey||!Master_GetSortDescending(); break; default: //favour ascending order (low first) descending = Master_GetSortField()==sortkey&&!Master_GetSortDescending(); break; } if (descending) Cvar_Set(&sb_sortcolumn, va("-%c", sortchar)); else Cvar_Set(&sb_sortcolumn, va("+%c", sortchar)); Master_SetSortField(sortkey, descending); Master_SortServers(); return true; } typedef enum { ST_NORMALQW, ST_FTESERVER, ST_QUAKE2, ST_QUAKE3, ST_NETQUAKE, ST_QTV, ST_PROXY, ST_FAVORITE, MAX_SERVERTYPES } servertypes_t; static float serverbackcolor[MAX_SERVERTYPES * 2][3] = { {0.08, 0.08, 0.08}, // default {0.16, 0.16, 0.16}, {0.14, 0.07, 0.07}, // FTE server {0.28, 0.14, 0.14}, {0.04, 0.09, 0.04}, // Quake 2 {0.08, 0.18, 0.08}, {0.05, 0.05, 0.12}, // Quake 3 {0.10, 0.10, 0.24}, {0.12, 0.08, 0.02}, // NetQuake {0.24, 0.16, 0.04}, {0.10, 0.05, 0.10}, // FTEQTV {0.20, 0.10, 0.20}, {0.10, 0.05, 0.10}, // qizmo {0.20, 0.10, 0.20}, {0.01, 0.13, 0.13}, // Favorite {0.02, 0.26, 0.26} }; static float serverhighlight[MAX_SERVERTYPES][3] = { {0.35, 0.35, 0.45}, // Default {0.60, 0.30, 0.30}, // FTE Server {0.25, 0.45, 0.25}, // Quake 2 {0.20, 0.20, 0.60}, // Quake 3 {0.40, 0.40, 0.25}, // NetQuake {0.45, 0.20, 0.45}, // FTEQTV {0.45, 0.20, 0.45}, // qizmo {0.10, 0.60, 0.60} // Favorite }; static servertypes_t flagstoservertype(int flags) { if (flags & SS_FAVORITE) return ST_FAVORITE; if (flags & SS_PROXY) { if (flags & SS_FTESERVER) return ST_QTV; else return ST_PROXY; } #ifdef _DEBUG if (flags & SS_FTESERVER) return ST_FTESERVER; #endif switch(flags & SS_PROTOCOLMASK) { case SS_QEPROT: return ST_NETQUAKE; case SS_NETQUAKE: return ST_NETQUAKE; case SS_QUAKE2: return ST_QUAKE2; case SS_QUAKE3: return ST_QUAKE3; case SS_QUAKEWORLD: return ST_NORMALQW; case SS_UNKNOWN: return ST_NORMALQW; default: return ST_FTESERVER; //bug } } static void SL_ServerDraw (int x, int y, menucustom_t *ths, emenu_t *menu) { serverlist_t *info = (serverlist_t*)(menu + 1); serverinfo_t *si; int thisone = ths->dint + info->scrollpos; servertypes_t stype; char adr[MAX_ADR_SIZE]; if (sb_filtertext.modifiedcount != info->filtermodcount) CalcFilters(menu); si = Master_SortedServer(thisone); if (si) { x = ths->common.width; stype = flagstoservertype(si->special); if (thisone == info->selectedpos) { R2D_ImageColours(SRGBA( serverhighlight[(int)stype][0], serverhighlight[(int)stype][1], serverhighlight[(int)stype][2], 1.0)); } else if (thisone == info->scrollpos + (int)(mousecursor_y-info->servers_top)/8 && mousecursor_x < x && !serverpreview) R2D_ImageColours(SRGBA((sin(realtime*4.4)*0.25)+0.5, (sin(realtime*4.4)*0.25)+0.5, 0.08, sb_alpha.value)); else if (selectedserver.inuse && NET_CompareAdr(&si->adr, &selectedserver.adr) && !strcmp(si->brokerid, selectedserver.brokerid)) R2D_ImageColours(SRGBA(((sin(realtime*4.4)*0.25)+0.5) * 0.5, ((sin(realtime*4.4)*0.25)+0.5)*0.5, 0.08*0.5, sb_alpha.value)); else { R2D_ImageColours(SRGBA( serverbackcolor[(int)stype * 2 + (thisone & 1)][0], serverbackcolor[(int)stype * 2 + (thisone & 1)][1], serverbackcolor[(int)stype * 2 + (thisone & 1)][2], sb_alpha.value)); } R2D_FillBlock(0, y, ths->common.width, 8); R2D_ImageColours(1,1,1,1); if (sb_showtimelimit.value) {Draw_FunStringWidth((x-3*8), y, va("%i", si->tl), 3*8, false, false); x-=4*8;} if (sb_showfraglimit.value) {Draw_FunStringWidth((x-3*8), y, va("%i", si->fl), 3*8, false, false); x-=4*8;} if (sb_showplayers.value) {Draw_FunStringWidth((x-5*8), y, va("%2i/%2i", si->numhumans, si->maxplayers), 5*8, false, false); x-=6*8;} if (sb_showmap.value) {Draw_FunStringWidth((x-8*8), y, si->map, 8*8, false, false); x-=9*8;} if (sb_showgamedir.value) {Draw_FunStringWidth((x-8*8), y, si->gamedir, 8*8, false, false); x-=9*8;} if (sb_showping.value) {Draw_FunStringWidth((x-3*8), y, *si->brokerid?"---":va("%i", si->ping), 3*8, false, false); x-=4*8;} if (sb_showaddress.value) {Draw_FunStringWidth((x-21*8), y, Master_ServerToString(adr, sizeof(adr), si), 21*8, false, false); x-=22*8;} Draw_FunStringWidth(0, y, si->name, x, false, false); } } void MC_EditBox_Key(menuedit_t *edit, int key, unsigned int unicode); static qboolean SL_ServerKey (menucustom_t *ths, emenu_t *menu, int key, unsigned int unicode) { static int lastclick; int curtime; int oldselection; serverlist_t *info = (serverlist_t*)(menu + 1); serverinfo_t *server; qboolean ctrl = keydown[K_LCTRL] || keydown[K_RCTRL]; if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_TOUCH) { oldselection = info->selectedpos; info->selectedpos = info->scrollpos + (mousecursor_y-info->servers_top)/8; server = Master_SortedServer(info->selectedpos); selectedserver.inuse = true; SListOptionChanged(server); if (server) { snprintf(info->mappic->picturename, 32, "levelshots/%s", server->map); if (!*server->map || !R2D_SafeCachePic(info->mappic->picturename)) snprintf(info->mappic->picturename, 32, "levelshots/nomap"); } else { snprintf(info->mappic->picturename, 32, "levelshots/nomap"); return true; } curtime = Sys_Milliseconds(); if (lastclick > curtime || lastclick < curtime-250) { //shouldn't happen, or too old a click lastclick = curtime; return true; } if (oldselection == info->selectedpos) serverpreview = (server->adr.prot>=NP_STREAM)?SVPV_RULES:1; return true; } else if (ctrl && key == 'f') { server = Master_SortedServer(info->selectedpos); if (server) { server->special ^= SS_FAVORITE; sb_favouriteschanged = true; } } else if (key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_GP_DIAMOND_CONFIRM || (ctrl && (key == 's' || key == 'j')) || key == K_SPACE) { server = Master_SortedServer(info->selectedpos); if (server) { serverpreview = 1; selectedserver.inuse = true; SListOptionChanged(server); } return true; } else { MC_EditBox_Key(info->filtertext, key, unicode); return true; } return false; } static void SL_PreDraw (emenu_t *menu) { serverlist_t *info = (serverlist_t*)(menu + 1); Master_CheckPollSockets(); if (isrefreshing) { if (!CL_QueryServers()) { //extra second, to ensure we got replies if (isrefreshing != 2) { isrefreshing = 2; refreshedtime = Sys_DoubleTime()+1; } } else isrefreshing = 1; //something new came up if (isrefreshing == 2) { if (refreshedtime < Sys_DoubleTime()) { isrefreshing = false; Master_SortServers(); } } } info->numslots = Master_NumSorted(); snprintf(info->refreshtext, sizeof(info->refreshtext), localtext("Refresh - %u/%u/%u\n"), info->numslots, Master_NumAlive(), Master_TotalCount()); } qboolean NET_SendPollPacket(int len, void *data, netadr_t to); static void SL_PostDraw (emenu_t *menu) { #ifdef HAVE_PACKET static char *helpstrings[] = { "rmb: cancel", "j: join", "o: observe", "b: join with automatic best route", "v: say server info", "ctrl-v: say_team server info", "c: copy server info to clipboard", "ctrl-c: copy server info only to clipboard", "i: view serverinfo", "k: toggle this info" }; int skins = 0; #endif char buf[64]; serverlist_t *info = (serverlist_t*)(menu + 1); Master_CheckPollSockets(); if (serverpreview != SVPV_NO) { serverinfo_t *server = selectedserver.inuse?Master_InfoForServer(&selectedserver.adr, selectedserver.brokerid):NULL; int h = 0; int w = 240; char *qtv; #ifdef HAVE_PACKET if (server && selectedserver.refreshtime < realtime) { selectedserver.refreshtime = realtime + 4; server->sends++; #ifdef NQPROT //we might have gotten stuck. reset the poll if ((server->special&SS_PROTOCOLMASK) == SS_NETQUAKE) { //start spamming the server to get all of its details. silly protocols. selectedserver.lastplayer = 0; *selectedserver.lastrule = 0; SZ_Clear(&net_message); net_message.packing = SZ_RAWBYTES; net_message.currentbit = 0; MSG_WriteLong(&net_message, 0);// save space for the header, filled in later MSG_WriteByte(&net_message, CCREQ_PLAYER_INFO); MSG_WriteByte(&net_message, selectedserver.lastplayer); *((int *)net_message.data) = BigLong(NETFLAG_CTL | (net_message.cursize & NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK)); NET_SendPollPacket(net_message.cursize, net_message.data, server->adr); SZ_Clear(&net_message); MSG_WriteLong(&net_message, 0);// save space for the header, filled in later MSG_WriteByte(&net_message, CCREQ_RULE_INFO); MSG_WriteString(&net_message, selectedserver.lastrule); *((int *)net_message.data) = BigLong(NETFLAG_CTL | (net_message.cursize & NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK)); NET_SendPollPacket(net_message.cursize, net_message.data, server->adr); SZ_Clear(&net_message); } else #endif Master_QueryServer(server); } #endif R2D_ImageColours(1,1,1,1); if (server && server->moreinfo) { int lx, x, y, i; if (serverpreview == SVPV_RULES) { for (i = 0; ; i++) { char *key = Info_KeyForNumber(server->moreinfo->info, i); if (!strcmp(key, "hostname") || !strcmp(key, "status")) //these are part of the header ; else if (*key) h++; else break; } } #ifdef HAVE_PACKET else if (serverpreview == SVPV_HELP) h = countof(helpstrings); else if (serverpreview == SVPV_ROUTE) { //count the number of proxies the best route will need serverinfo_t *prox; for (h = 1, prox = server; prox; h++, prox = prox->prevpeer) ; w += 120; } else if (serverpreview == SVPV_PLAYERS) { h += server->moreinfo->numplayers+2; for (i = 0; i < server->moreinfo->numplayers; i++) { if (*server->moreinfo->players[i].skin && strcmp(server->moreinfo->players[i].skin, "base")) { skins = true; w += 8*8+8; break; } } } #endif h += 4; h *= 8; Draw_ApproxTextBox(vid.width/2.0f - w/2-4, vid.height/2.0f - h/2 - 8, w+8, h+8); lx = vid.width/2 - w/2; y = vid.height/2 - h/2 - 4; x = lx; Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, Info_ValueForKey(server->moreinfo->info, "hostname"), w, 2, false); y += 8; Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, Info_ValueForKey(server->moreinfo->info, "status"), w, 2, false); y += 8; Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, Master_ServerToString(buf, sizeof(buf), server), w, 2, false); y += 8; Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^Ue01d^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01e^Ue01f", w, 2, false); y+=8; if (serverpreview == SVPV_RULES) { for (i = 0; ; i++) { char *key = Info_KeyForNumber(server->moreinfo->info, i); if (!strcmp(key, "hostname") || !strcmp(key, "status")) ; else if (*key) { char *value = Info_ValueForKey(server->moreinfo->info, key); x = lx; Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, key, w/2 - 8, true, true); x+=w/2; Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, value, w/2, false, false); y += 8; } else break; } } #ifdef HAVE_PACKET else if (serverpreview == SVPV_HELP) { x = lx; for (i = 0; i < countof(helpstrings); i++) { Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, localtext(helpstrings[i]), w, false, false); y += 8; } } else if (serverpreview == SVPV_ROUTE) { serverinfo_t *prox; for (prox = server; prox; prox = prox->prevpeer) { Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, va("%i", prox->cost), 32-8, true, false); Draw_FunStringWidth (x + 32, y, Master_ServerToString(buf, sizeof(buf), prox), w/2 - 8 - 32, true, false); Draw_FunStringWidth (x + w/2, y, prox->name, w/2, false, false); y += 8; } } else if (serverpreview == SVPV_PLAYERS) { int teamplay = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(server->moreinfo->info, "teamplay")); x = lx; Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^mFrgs", 28, true, false); x += 32+8; Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^mPng", 28, true, false); x += 3*8+8; if (teamplay) { Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^mTeam", 4*8, false, false); x += 4*8+8; Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^mName", 12*8, false, false); } else { Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "^mName", 16*8, false, false); } if (skins) { Draw_FunStringWidth (lx+w-(8*8+8), y, "^mSkin", 8*8, false, false); x = lx+w; } y+=8; for (i = 0; i < server->moreinfo->numplayers; i++) { x = lx; if (server->moreinfo->players[i].isspec&1) Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, "spec", 32, true, false); else { R2D_ImagePaletteColour (Sbar_ColorForMap(server->moreinfo->players[i].topc), 1.0); R2D_FillBlock (x, y+1, 32, 3); R2D_ImagePaletteColour (Sbar_ColorForMap(server->moreinfo->players[i].botc), 1.0); R2D_FillBlock (x, y+4, 32, 4); R2D_ImageColours (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, va("%3i", server->moreinfo->players[i].frags), 32-4, true, false); } x += 32+8; if (server->moreinfo->players[i].isspec&2) Draw_FunStringWidth (x-8, y, "bot", 3*8+8, true, false); else Draw_FunStringWidth (x-8, y, va("%3i", server->moreinfo->players[i].ping), 3*8+8, true, false); x += 3*8+8; if (teamplay) { Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, server->moreinfo->players[i].team, 4*8, false, false); x += 4*8+8; } if (skins) { Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, server->moreinfo->players[i].name, lx+w-(8*8+8)-x, false, false); x += lx+w-(8*8+8)-x; Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, server->moreinfo->players[i].skin, 8*8, false, false); } else Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, server->moreinfo->players[i].name, lx+w-x, false, false); y += 8; } Draw_FunStringWidth (lx, y, localtext("^h(left/rightarrow for different info)"), w, false, false); } #endif } else { Draw_ApproxTextBox(vid.width/2 - 100, vid.height/2 - 16, 200, 16*3); Draw_FunStringWidth(vid.width/2 - 100, vid.height/2 - 8, localtext("Querying server"), 200, 2, false); Draw_FunStringWidth(vid.width/2 - 100, vid.height/2 + 0, localtext("Please wait"), 200, 2, false); } if (server && (server->special & SS_PROTOCOLMASK) == SS_QUAKEWORLD) { int lx = vid.width/2 - w/2; int y = vid.height/2 - h/2 - 4 + h; int bh, bw; qboolean active = false; bw = w+16+12; bh = 24; // lx += bw-12; bw = strlen(localtext("Observe"))*8 + 24; bw = ((bw+15)/16) * 16; //width must be a multiple of 16 // lx -= bw; specbutton.x = lx; specbutton.y = y; specbutton.width = bw + 16; specbutton.height = bh + 16; R2D_ImageColours(1,1,1,1); y += 8; Draw_ApproxTextBox(lx, y, bw, bh); if (mousecursor_x >= specbutton.x && mousecursor_x < specbutton.x+specbutton.width) if (mousecursor_y >= specbutton.y && mousecursor_y < specbutton.y+specbutton.height) active = true; Draw_FunStringWidth(lx, y + (bh-8)/2, localtext("Observe"), bw, 2, active);y+=8; } qtv = Info_ValueForKey(server->moreinfo->info, "qtvstream"); if (server && *qtv) { int lx = vid.width/2 - w/2; int y = vid.height/2 - h/2 - 4 + h; int bh, bw; qboolean active = false; bw = w+16+12; bh = 24; // lx += bw-12; bw = strlen(localtext("Stream"))*8 + 24; bw = ((bw+15)/16) * 16; //width must be a multiple of 16 // lx -= bw; streambutton.x = lx; streambutton.y = y; streambutton.width = bw + 16; streambutton.height = bh + 16; R2D_ImageColours(1,1,1,1); y += 8; Draw_ApproxTextBox(lx, y, bw, bh); if (mousecursor_x >= streambutton.x && mousecursor_x < streambutton.x+streambutton.width) if (mousecursor_y >= streambutton.y && mousecursor_y < streambutton.y+streambutton.height) active = true; Draw_FunStringWidth(lx, y + (bh-8)/2, localtext("Stream"), bw, 2, active);y+=8; } { int lx = vid.width/2 - w/2; int y = vid.height/2 - h/2 - 4 + h; int bw, bh; qboolean active = false; bw = w+16; bh = 24; lx += w-12; bw = strlen(localtext("Join"))*8 + 24; bw = ((bw+15)/16) * 16; //width must be a multiple of 16 lx -= bw; joinbutton.x = lx; joinbutton.y = y; joinbutton.width = bw + 16; joinbutton.height = bh + 16; R2D_ImageColours(1,1,1,1); y += 8; lx += 8; Draw_ApproxTextBox(lx, y, bw, bh); if (mousecursor_x >= joinbutton.x && mousecursor_x < joinbutton.x+joinbutton.width) if (mousecursor_y >= joinbutton.y && mousecursor_y < joinbutton.y+joinbutton.height) active = true; Draw_FunStringWidth(lx, y + (bh-8)/2, localtext("Join"), bw, 2, active);y+=8; } } else if (isrefreshing) { R2D_ImageColours(1,1,1,1); Draw_ApproxTextBox(vid.width/2 - 100-4, vid.height/2 - 24, 200, 64); Draw_FunStringWidth(vid.width/2 - 100, vid.height/2 - 8, localtext("Refreshing, please wait"), 200, 2, false); Draw_FunStringWidth(vid.width/2 - 100, vid.height/2 + 0, va(localtext("polling %i of %i"), Master_NumPolled(), Master_TotalCount()), 200, 2, false); } else if (!info->numslots) { R2D_ImageColours(1,1,1,1); if (!Master_TotalCount()) { Draw_FunStringWidth(0, vid.height/2 - 8, localtext("No servers found"), vid.width, 2, false); #ifdef HAVE_PACKET Draw_FunStringWidth(0, vid.height/2 + 0, localtext("Check internet connection"), vid.width, 2, false); #endif } else if (!Master_NumAlive()) { Draw_FunStringWidth(0, vid.height/2 - 8, localtext("No servers responding"), vid.width, 2, false); #ifdef HAVE_PACKET Draw_FunStringWidth(0, vid.height/2 + 0, localtext("Check udp internet connection"), vid.width, 2, false); #endif } else { Draw_FunStringWidth(0, vid.height/2 - 8, localtext("All servers were filtered out"), vid.width, 2, false); Draw_FunStringWidth(0, vid.height/2 + 0, localtext("Change filter settings"), vid.width, 2, false); } } } static qboolean SL_Key (emenu_t *menu, int key, unsigned int unicode) { serverlist_t *info = (serverlist_t*)(menu + 1); if (serverpreview != SVPV_NO) { char buf[64]; serverinfo_t *server = selectedserver.inuse?Master_InfoForServer(&selectedserver.adr, selectedserver.brokerid):NULL; qboolean ctrldown = keydown[K_LCTRL] || keydown[K_RCTRL]; if (key == K_ESCAPE || key == K_GP_DIAMOND_CANCEL || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_MOUSE4) { serverpreview = SVPV_NO; return true; } else if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_TOUCH) { if (mousecursor_x >= joinbutton.x && mousecursor_x < joinbutton.x+joinbutton.width) if (mousecursor_y >= joinbutton.y && mousecursor_y < joinbutton.y+joinbutton.height) { serverpreview = SVPV_NO; goto dojoin; } if (mousecursor_x >= specbutton.x && mousecursor_x < specbutton.x+joinbutton.width) if (mousecursor_y >= specbutton.y && mousecursor_y < specbutton.y+joinbutton.height) { serverpreview = SVPV_NO; goto dospec; } if (mousecursor_x >= streambutton.x && mousecursor_x < streambutton.x+streambutton.width) if (mousecursor_y >= streambutton.y && mousecursor_y < streambutton.y+streambutton.height) { serverpreview = SVPV_NO; goto dostream; } return true; } #ifdef HAVE_PACKET else if (key == 'i') { serverpreview = ((serverpreview==SVPV_RULES)?1:SVPV_RULES); return true; } else if (key == 'k') { serverpreview = ((serverpreview==SVPV_HELP)?1:SVPV_HELP); return true; } #endif else if (key == K_LEFTARROW || key == K_KP_LEFTARROW || key == K_GP_DPAD_LEFT) { if (--serverpreview < 1) serverpreview = SVPV_LAST; #ifdef HAVE_PACKET if (serverpreview == SVPV_ROUTE && server) Master_FindRoute(server->adr); #endif return true; } else if (key == K_RIGHTARROW || key == K_KP_RIGHTARROW || key == K_GP_DPAD_RIGHT) { if (++serverpreview > SVPV_LAST) serverpreview = 1; #ifdef HAVE_PACKET if (serverpreview == SVPV_ROUTE && server) Master_FindRoute(server->adr); #endif return true; } #ifdef HAVE_PACKET else if (key == 'b' && serverpreview != SVPV_ROUTE) { if (server) Master_FindRoute(server->adr); serverpreview = SVPV_ROUTE; return true; } #endif else if (key == 't') { dostream: Cbuf_AddText(va("qtvplay \"%s\"\n", Info_ValueForKey(server->moreinfo->info, "qtvstream")), RESTRICT_LOCAL); M_RemoveAllMenus(true); return true; } else if (key == 'b' || key == 'o' || key == 'j' || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_GP_DIAMOND_CONFIRM || key == K_GP_DIAMOND_ALTCONFIRM) //join { if (key == 's' || key == 'o' || key == K_GP_DIAMOND_ALTCONFIRM) { dospec: Cbuf_AddText("spectator 1\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } else if (key == 'j' || key == K_GP_DIAMOND_CONFIRM) { dojoin: Cbuf_AddText("spectator 0\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } //which connect command are we using? #ifdef NQPROT if ((server->special & SS_PROTOCOLMASK) == SS_QEPROT) Cbuf_AddText("connectqe ", RESTRICT_LOCAL); else #endif Cbuf_AddText("connect ", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //output the server's address Cbuf_AddText(va("%s", Master_ServerToString(buf, sizeof(buf), server)), RESTRICT_LOCAL); #ifdef HAVE_PACKET if (serverpreview == SVPV_ROUTE || key == 'b') { //and postfix it with routing info if we're going for a proxied route. if (serverpreview != SVPV_ROUTE) Master_FindRoute(server->adr); for (server = server->prevpeer; server; server = server->prevpeer) Cbuf_AddText(va("@%s", Master_ServerToString(buf, sizeof(buf), server)), RESTRICT_LOCAL); } #endif Cbuf_AddText("\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); M_RemoveAllMenus(true); return true; } else if (server && key == 'c' && ctrldown) //copy to clip { Sys_SaveClipboard(CBT_CLIPBOARD, Master_ServerToString(buf, sizeof(buf), server)); return true; } else if (server && (key == 'v' || key == 'c')) //say to current server { char *s; char safename[128]; Q_strncpyz(safename, server->name, sizeof(safename)); //ALWAYS sanitize your inputs. while((s = strchr(safename, ';'))) *s = ' '; while((s = strchr(safename, '\n'))) *s = ' '; if (key == 'c') Sys_SaveClipboard(CBT_CLIPBOARD, va("%s - %s\n", server->name, Master_ServerToString(buf, sizeof(buf), server))); else if (ctrldown) Cbuf_AddText(va("say_team %s - %s\n", server->name, Master_ServerToString(buf, sizeof(buf), server)), RESTRICT_LOCAL); else Cbuf_AddText(va("say %s - %s\n", server->name, Master_ServerToString(buf, sizeof(buf), server)), RESTRICT_LOCAL); return true; } //eat (nearly) all keys else if (!(key == K_UPARROW || key == K_KP_UPARROW || key == K_GP_DPAD_UP || key == K_DOWNARROW || key == K_KP_DOWNARROW || key == K_GP_DPAD_DOWN)) return true; } if (key == K_HOME) { info->scrollpos = 0; info->selectedpos = 0; } else if (key == K_END) { info->selectedpos = info->numslots-1; info->scrollpos = info->selectedpos - (vid.height-16-7)/8+8; } else if (key == K_PGDN) info->selectedpos += 10; else if (key == K_PGUP) info->selectedpos -= 10; else if (key == K_DOWNARROW || key == K_KP_DOWNARROW || key == K_GP_DPAD_DOWN) info->selectedpos += 1; else if (key == K_UPARROW || key == K_KP_UPARROW || key == K_GP_DPAD_UP) info->selectedpos -= 1; else if (key == K_MWHEELUP) info->selectedpos -= 3; else if (key == K_MWHEELDOWN) info->selectedpos += 3; else return false; { serverinfo_t *server; server = Master_SortedServer(info->selectedpos); // selectedserver.inuse = true; // SListOptionChanged(server); if (server) { snprintf(info->mappic->picturename, 32, "levelshots/%s", server->map); if (!*server->map || !R2D_SafeCachePic(info->mappic->picturename)) snprintf(info->mappic->picturename, 32, "levelshots/nomap"); } else { snprintf(info->mappic->picturename, 32, "levelshots/nomap"); } if (/*serverpreview &&*/ server) { selectedserver.inuse = true; SListOptionChanged(server); #ifdef HAVE_PACKET if (serverpreview == SVPV_ROUTE) Master_FindRoute(server->adr); #endif } } if (info->selectedpos < 0) info->selectedpos = 0; if (info->selectedpos > info->numslots-1) info->selectedpos = info->numslots-1; if (info->scrollpos < info->selectedpos - info->visibleslots) info->scrollpos = info->selectedpos - info->visibleslots; if (info->selectedpos < info->scrollpos) info->scrollpos = info->selectedpos; return true; } static void SL_ServerPlayer (int x, int y, menucustom_t *ths, emenu_t *menu) { if (selectedserver.inuse) { if (selectedserver.detail) if (ths->dint < selectedserver.detail->numplayers) { int i = ths->dint; if (selectedserver.detail->players[i].isspec&1) Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, localtext("spectator"), 32, false, false); else { R2D_ImagePaletteColour (Sbar_ColorForMap(selectedserver.detail->players[i].topc), 1.0); R2D_FillBlock (x, y, 32, 4); R2D_ImagePaletteColour (Sbar_ColorForMap(selectedserver.detail->players[i].botc), 1.0); R2D_FillBlock (x, y+4, 32, 4); R2D_ImageColours (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); Draw_FunStringWidth (x, y, va("%3i", selectedserver.detail->players[i].frags), 32-4, true, false); } Draw_FunStringWidth (x+36, y, selectedserver.detail->players[i].name, 128-36, false, false); } } } static void SL_SliderDraw (int x, int y, menucustom_t *ths, emenu_t *menu) { serverlist_t *info = (serverlist_t*)(menu + 1); mpic_t *pic; R2D_ImageColours(1,1,1,1); pic = R2D_SafeCachePic("scrollbars/slidebg.tga"); if (pic && R_GetShaderSizes(pic, NULL, NULL, false)>0) { R2D_ScalePic(x + ths->common.width - 8, y+8, 8, ths->common.height-16, pic); pic = R2D_SafeCachePic("scrollbars/arrow_up.tga"); R2D_ScalePic(x + ths->common.width - 8, y, 8, 8, pic); pic = R2D_SafeCachePic("scrollbars/arrow_down.tga"); R2D_ScalePic(x + ths->common.width - 8, y + ths->common.height - 8, 8, 8, pic); y += ((info->scrollpos) / ((float)info->numslots - info->visibleslots)) * (float)(ths->common.height-(64+16-1)); y += 8; pic = R2D_SafeCachePic("scrollbars/slider.tga"); R2D_ScalePic(x + ths->common.width - 8, y, 8, 64, pic); } else { R2D_ImageColours(SRGBA(0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 1.0)); R2D_FillBlock(x, y, ths->common.width, ths->common.height); y += ((info->scrollpos) / ((float)info->numslots - info->visibleslots)) * (ths->common.height-8); R2D_ImageColours(SRGBA(0.35, 0.35, 0.55, 1.0)); R2D_FillBlock(x, y, 8, 8); R2D_ImageColours(1,1,1,1); } if (keydown[K_MOUSE1] || keydown[K_TOUCH]) if (mousecursor_x >= ths->common.posx && mousecursor_x < ths->common.posx + ths->common.width) if (mousecursor_y >= ths->common.posy && mousecursor_y < ths->common.posy + ths->common.height) info->sliderpressed = true; if (info->sliderpressed) { if (keydown[K_MOUSE1] || keydown[K_TOUCH]) { float my; serverlist_t *info = (serverlist_t*)(menu + 1); my = mousecursor_y; my -= ths->common.posy; if (R_GetShaderSizes(R2D_SafeCachePic("scrollbars/slidebg.tga"), NULL, NULL, false)>0) { my -= 32+8; my /= ths->common.height - (64+16); } else my /= ths->common.height; my *= (info->numslots-info->visibleslots); if (my > info->numslots-info->visibleslots-1) my = info->numslots-info->visibleslots-1; if (my < 0) my = 0; info->scrollpos = my; } else info->sliderpressed = false; } } static qboolean SL_SliderKey (menucustom_t *ths, emenu_t *menu, int key, unsigned int unicode) { if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_TOUCH) { float my; serverlist_t *info = (serverlist_t*)(menu + 1); my = mousecursor_y; my -= ths->common.posy; if (R_GetShaderSizes(R2D_SafeCachePic("scrollbars/slidebg.tga"), NULL, NULL, false)>0) { my -= 32+8; my /= ths->common.height - (64+16); } else my /= ths->common.height; my *= (info->numslots-info->visibleslots); if (my > info->numslots-info->visibleslots-1) my = info->numslots-info->visibleslots-1; if (my < 0) my = 0; info->scrollpos = my; info->sliderpressed = true; return true; } return false; } static void CalcFilters(emenu_t *menu) { serverlist_t *info = (serverlist_t*)(menu + 1); info->filtermodcount = sb_filtertext.modifiedcount; Master_ClearMasks(); // Master_SetMaskInteger(false, SLKEY_PING, 0, SLIST_TEST_GREATEREQUAL); // Master_SetMaskInteger(false, SLKEY_BASEGAME, SS_UNKNOWN, SLIST_TEST_NOTEQUAL); if (info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDENETQUAKE] && info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEQUAKEWORLD]) Master_SetMaskInteger(false, SLKEY_FLAGS, SS_PROXY, SLIST_TEST_CONTAINS); //show only proxies else { if (info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDENETQUAKE]) Master_SetMaskInteger(false, SLKEY_BASEGAME, SS_NETQUAKE, SLIST_TEST_NOTEQUAL); if (info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEQUAKEWORLD]) Master_SetMaskInteger(false, SLKEY_BASEGAME, SS_QUAKEWORLD, SLIST_TEST_NOTEQUAL); } if (info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEPROXIES]) Master_SetMaskInteger(false, SLKEY_FLAGS, SS_PROXY, SLIST_TEST_NOTCONTAIN); if (!info->filter[SLFILTER_ONLYFAVOURITES]) Master_SetMaskInteger(false, SLKEY_FLAGS, SS_FAVORITE, SLIST_TEST_CONTAINS); if (info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEEMPTY]) Master_SetMaskInteger(false, SLKEY_NUMHUMANS, 0, SLIST_TEST_NOTEQUAL); if (info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEFULL]) Master_SetMaskInteger(false, SLKEY_FREEPLAYERS, 0, SLIST_TEST_NOTEQUAL); if (*sb_filtertext.string) Master_SetMaskString(false, SLKEY_NAME, sb_filtertext.string, SLIST_TEST_CONTAINS); Master_SortServers(); } static qboolean SL_ReFilter (menucheck_t *option, emenu_t *menu, chk_set_t set) { serverlist_t *info = (serverlist_t*)(menu + 1); switch(set) { case CHK_CHECKED: return !info->filter[option->bits]; case CHK_TOGGLE: info->filter[option->bits] ^= 1; Cvar_Set(&sb_hidenetquake, info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDENETQUAKE]?"1":"0"); Cvar_Set(&sb_hidequakeworld, info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEQUAKEWORLD]?"1":"0"); Cvar_Set(&sb_hideproxies, info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEPROXIES]?"1":"0"); Cvar_Set(&sb_hideempty, info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEEMPTY]?"1":"0"); Cvar_Set(&sb_hidefull, info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEFULL]?"1":"0"); CalcFilters(menu); return true; } return true; } static void SL_Remove (emenu_t *menu) { serverlist_t *info = (serverlist_t*)(menu + 1); Cvar_Set(&sb_hidenetquake, info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDENETQUAKE]?"1":"0"); Cvar_Set(&sb_hidequakeworld, info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEQUAKEWORLD]?"1":"0"); Cvar_Set(&sb_hideproxies, info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEPROXIES]?"1":"0"); Cvar_Set(&sb_hideempty, info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEEMPTY]?"1":"0"); Cvar_Set(&sb_hidefull, info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEFULL]?"1":"0"); } static qboolean SL_DoRefresh (menuoption_t *opt, emenu_t *menu, int key) { if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_TOUCH || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_GP_DIAMOND_CONFIRM) { MasterInfo_Refresh(false); isrefreshing = true; return true; } return false; } void M_Menu_ServerList2_f(void) { int i, y, x; emenu_t *menu; menucustom_t *cust; serverlist_t *info; qboolean descending; int sortkey; char *sc; if (!qrenderer) { Cbuf_AddText("wait; menu_servers\n", Cmd_ExecLevel); return; } serverpreview = SVPV_NO; //in case it was lingering. Key_Dest_Remove(kdm_console); menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(serverlist_t)); menu->predraw = SL_PreDraw; menu->postdraw = SL_PostDraw; menu->key = SL_Key; menu->remove = SL_Remove; info = (serverlist_t*)(menu + 1); y = 16; cust = MC_AddCustom(menu, 0, y, NULL, 0, NULL); cust->draw = SL_TitlesDraw; cust->key = SL_TitlesKey; cust->common.height = 8; cust->common.width = vid.width-8; y+=8; info->servers_top = y; info->visibleslots = (vid.height-info->servers_top - 64); cust = MC_AddCustom(menu, vid.width-8, 16, NULL, 0, NULL); cust->draw = SL_SliderDraw; cust->key = SL_SliderKey; cust->common.height = info->visibleslots; cust->common.width = 8; info->visibleslots = (info->visibleslots-8)/8; for (i = 0, y = info->servers_top; i <= info->visibleslots; y +=8, i++) { cust = MC_AddCustom(menu, 0, y, NULL, i, NULL); if (i==0) menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*)&cust->common; cust->draw = SL_ServerDraw; cust->key = SL_ServerKey; cust->common.height = 8; cust->common.width = vid.width-8; cust->common.noselectionsound = true; } menu->dontexpand = true; i = 0; for (x = 256; x < vid.width-64; x += 128) { for (y = vid.height-64+8; y < vid.height; y += 8, i++) { cust = MC_AddCustom(menu, x+16, y, NULL, i, NULL); cust->draw = SL_ServerPlayer; cust->key = NULL; cust->common.height = 8; cust->common.width = 0; } } strcpy(info->refreshtext, localtext("Refresh Server List")); MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 0, 72, vid.height - 64+8*1, localtext("Ping "), &sb_showping, 1); MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 0, 72, vid.height - 64+8*2, localtext("Address "), &sb_showaddress, 1); MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 0, 72, vid.height - 64+8*3, localtext("Map "), &sb_showmap, 1); MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 0, 72, vid.height - 64+8*4, localtext("Gamedir "), &sb_showgamedir, 1); MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 0, 72, vid.height - 64+8*5, localtext("Players "), &sb_showplayers, 1); MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 0, 72, vid.height - 64+8*6, localtext("Fraglimit"), &sb_showfraglimit, 1); MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 0, 72, vid.height - 64+8*7, localtext("Timelimit"), &sb_showtimelimit, 1); #ifdef NQPROT if (M_GameType() == MGT_QUAKE1) { MC_AddCheckBoxFunc(menu, 128, 208, vid.height - 64+8*1, localtext("Show NQ "), SL_ReFilter, SLFILTER_HIDENETQUAKE); MC_AddCheckBoxFunc(menu, 128, 208, vid.height - 64+8*2, localtext("Show QW "), SL_ReFilter, SLFILTER_HIDEQUAKEWORLD); } #endif MC_AddCheckBoxFunc(menu, 128, 208, vid.height - 64+8*3, localtext("Show Proxies"), SL_ReFilter, SLFILTER_HIDEPROXIES); info->filtertext = MC_AddEditCvar (menu, 128, 200, vid.height - 64+8*4, localtext("Filter "), sb_filtertext.name, true); MC_AddCheckBoxFunc(menu, 128, 208, vid.height - 64+8*5, localtext("Only Favs "), SL_ReFilter, SLFILTER_ONLYFAVOURITES); MC_AddCheckBoxFunc(menu, 128, 208, vid.height - 64+8*6, localtext("Show Empty"), SL_ReFilter, SLFILTER_HIDEEMPTY); MC_AddCheckBoxFunc(menu, 128, 208, vid.height - 64+8*7, localtext("Show Full "), SL_ReFilter, SLFILTER_HIDEFULL); MC_AddCommand(menu, 64, 320, 0, info->refreshtext, SL_DoRefresh); info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDENETQUAKE] = !!sb_hidenetquake.value; info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEQUAKEWORLD] = !!sb_hidequakeworld.value; info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEPROXIES] = !!sb_hideproxies.value; info->filter[SLFILTER_ONLYFAVOURITES] = true;//!sb_showonlyfavourites.value; info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEEMPTY] = !!sb_hideempty.value; info->filter[SLFILTER_HIDEFULL] = !!sb_hidefull.value; info->mappic = (menupicture_t *)MC_AddPicture(menu, vid.width - 64, vid.height - 64, 64, 64, "012345678901234567890123456789012"); descending = false; sc = sb_sortcolumn.string; if (*sc == '-') descending = true; else if (*sc == '+') descending = false; else sc--; sc++; switch(*sc) { case 't': sortkey = SLKEY_TIMELIMIT; break; case 'f': sortkey = SLKEY_FRAGLIMIT; break; case 'p': sortkey = SLKEY_NUMHUMANS; break; case 'm': sortkey = SLKEY_MAP; break; case 'g': sortkey = SLKEY_GAMEDIR; break; case 'l': sortkey = SLKEY_PING; break; case 'a': sortkey = SLKEY_ADDRESS; break; case 'n': sortkey = SLKEY_NAME; break; default: sortkey = SLKEY_PING; break; } Master_SetSortField(sortkey, descending); if (!Master_TotalCount()) { MasterInfo_Refresh(true); isrefreshing = true; } CalcFilters(menu); } #ifdef HAVE_PACKET static float quickconnecttimeout; static void M_QuickConnect_PreDraw(emenu_t *menu) { serverinfo_t *best = NULL; serverinfo_t *s; char adr[MAX_ADR_SIZE]; int ping; Master_CheckPollSockets(); //see if we were told something important. CL_QueryServers(); if (Sys_DoubleTime() > quickconnecttimeout) { quickconnecttimeout = Sys_DoubleTime() + 15; for (ping = 50; ping < 200 && !best; ping += 50) { for (s = firstserver; s; s = s->next) { if (!s->maxplayers) //no response? continue; if (s->players == s->maxplayers) continue; //server is full already if (s->special & SS_PROXY) continue; //don't quickconnect to a proxy. their player counts are often wrong (especially with qtv) if (s->ping < ping) //don't like servers with too high a ping { if (s->numhumans > 0) { if (best) if (best->numhumans > s->numhumans) continue; //go for the one with most players best = s; } } } } if (best) { Con_TPrintf("Quick connect found %s (gamedir %s, players %i/%i/%i, ping %ims)\n", best->name, best->gamedir, best->numhumans, best->players, best->maxplayers, best->ping); #ifdef NQPROT if ((best->special & SS_PROTOCOLMASK) == SS_QEPROT) Cbuf_AddText(va("connectqe %s\n", Master_ServerToString(adr, sizeof(adr), best)), RESTRICT_LOCAL); else #endif Cbuf_AddText(va("join %s\n", Master_ServerToString(adr, sizeof(adr), best)), RESTRICT_LOCAL); M_ToggleMenu_f(); return; } //retry MasterInfo_Refresh(false); isrefreshing = true; } } static qboolean M_QuickConnect_Key (emenu_t *menu, int key, unsigned int unicode) { return false; } static void M_QuickConnect_Remove (emenu_t *menu) { } static qboolean M_QuickConnect_Cancel (menuoption_t *opt, emenu_t *menu, int key) { return false; } static void M_QuickConnect_DrawStatus (int x, int y, menucustom_t *ths, emenu_t *menu) { Draw_FunString(x, y, va("Polling, %i secs\n", (int)(quickconnecttimeout - Sys_DoubleTime() + 0.9))); } void M_QuickConnect_f(void) { menucustom_t *cust; emenu_t *menu; MasterInfo_Refresh(false); isrefreshing = true; quickconnecttimeout = Sys_DoubleTime() + 5; menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(serverlist_t)); menu->predraw = M_QuickConnect_PreDraw; menu->key = M_QuickConnect_Key; menu->remove = M_QuickConnect_Remove; cust = MC_AddCustom(menu, 64, 64, NULL, 0, NULL); cust->draw = M_QuickConnect_DrawStatus; cust->common.height = 8; cust->common.width = vid.width-8; MC_AddCommand(menu, 64, 0, 128, localtext("Refresh"), SL_DoRefresh); MC_AddCommand(menu, 64, 0, 136, localtext("Cancel"), M_QuickConnect_Cancel); } #endif #endif