/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // in_win.c -- windows 95 mouse and joystick code // 02/21/97 JCB Added extended DirectInput code to support external controllers. #include "quakedef.h" #include "winquake.h" //#include "dosisms.h" #define USINGRAWINPUT #ifdef USINGRAWINPUT #include "in_raw.h" #endif void INS_Accumulate (void); #ifdef AVAIL_DINPUT #ifndef _MSC_VER #define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x0500 #endif #include #define DINPUT_BUFFERSIZE 16 #define iDirectInputCreate(a,b,c,d) pDirectInputCreate(a,b,c,d) HRESULT (WINAPI *pDirectInputCreate)(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwVersion, LPDIRECTINPUT * lplpDirectInput, LPUNKNOWN punkOuter); #endif #define DINPUT_VERSION_DX3 0x0300 #define DINPUT_VERSION_DX7 0x0700 // mouse variables static cvar_t m_filter = CVAR("m_filter","0"); static cvar_t m_accel = CVAR("m_accel", "0"); static cvar_t in_dinput = CVARF("in_dinput","0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t in_builtinkeymap = CVARF("in_builtinkeymap", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t in_simulatemultitouch = CVAR("in_simulatemultitouch", "0"); static cvar_t m_accel_noforce = CVAR("m_accel_noforce", "0"); static cvar_t m_threshold_noforce = CVAR("m_threshold_noforce", "0"); static cvar_t cl_keypad = CVAR("cl_keypad", "1"); extern cvar_t cl_forcesplitclient; extern float multicursor_x[8], multicursor_y[8]; extern qboolean multicursor_active[8]; typedef struct { union { HANDLE rawinputhandle; } handles; int qdeviceid; } keyboard_t; typedef struct { union { HANDLE rawinputhandle; // raw input } handles; int numbuttons; int oldbuttons; int qdeviceid; /*the device id controls which player slot it controls, if splitscreen splits it that way*/ } mouse_t; static mouse_t sysmouse; static qboolean restore_spi; static int originalmouseparms[3], newmouseparms[3] = {0, 0, 0}; qboolean mouseinitialized; static qboolean mouseparmsvalid, mouseactivatetoggle; static qboolean mouseshowtoggle = 1; static qboolean dinput_acquired; unsigned int uiWheelMessage; qboolean mouseactive; // joystick defines and variables // where should defines be moved? #define JOY_ABSOLUTE_AXIS 0x00000000 // control like a joystick #define JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS 0x00000010 // control like a mouse, spinner, trackball #define JOY_MAX_AXES 6 // X, Y, Z, R, U, V #define JOY_AXIS_X 0 #define JOY_AXIS_Y 1 #define JOY_AXIS_Z 2 #define JOY_AXIS_R 3 #define JOY_AXIS_U 4 #define JOY_AXIS_V 5 enum _ControlList { AxisNada = 0, AxisForward, AxisLook, AxisSide, AxisTurn }; static DWORD dwAxisFlags[JOY_MAX_AXES] = { JOY_RETURNX, JOY_RETURNY, JOY_RETURNZ, JOY_RETURNR, JOY_RETURNU, JOY_RETURNV }; static DWORD dwAxisMap[JOY_MAX_AXES]; static DWORD dwControlMap[JOY_MAX_AXES]; static PDWORD pdwRawValue[JOY_MAX_AXES]; // none of these cvars are saved over a session // this means that advanced controller configuration needs to be executed // each time. this avoids any problems with getting back to a default usage // or when changing from one controller to another. this way at least something // works. static cvar_t in_joystick = CVARF("joystick","0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); static cvar_t joy_name = CVAR("joyname", "joystick"); static cvar_t joy_advanced = CVAR("joyadvanced", "0"); static cvar_t joy_advaxisx = CVAR("joyadvaxisx", "0"); static cvar_t joy_advaxisy = CVAR("joyadvaxisy", "0"); static cvar_t joy_advaxisz = CVAR("joyadvaxisz", "0"); static cvar_t joy_advaxisr = CVAR("joyadvaxisr", "0"); static cvar_t joy_advaxisu = CVAR("joyadvaxisu", "0"); static cvar_t joy_advaxisv = CVAR("joyadvaxisv", "0"); static cvar_t joy_forwardthreshold = CVAR("joyforwardthreshold", "0.15"); static cvar_t joy_sidethreshold = CVAR("joysidethreshold", "0.15"); static cvar_t joy_pitchthreshold = CVAR("joypitchthreshold", "0.15"); static cvar_t joy_yawthreshold = CVAR("joyyawthreshold", "0.15"); static cvar_t joy_forwardsensitivity = CVAR("joyforwardsensitivity", "-1.0"); static cvar_t joy_sidesensitivity = CVAR("joysidesensitivity", "-1.0"); static cvar_t joy_pitchsensitivity = CVAR("joypitchsensitivity", "1.0"); static cvar_t joy_yawsensitivity = CVAR("joyyawsensitivity", "-1.0"); static cvar_t joy_wwhack1 = CVAR("joywwhack1", "0.0"); static cvar_t joy_wwhack2 = CVAR("joywwhack2", "0.0"); static qboolean joy_avail, joy_advancedinit, joy_haspov; static DWORD joy_oldbuttonstate, joy_oldpovstate; static int joy_id; static DWORD joy_flags; static DWORD joy_numbuttons; #ifdef AVAIL_DINPUT static const GUID fGUID_XAxis = {0xA36D02E0, 0xC9F3, 0x11CF, {0xBF, 0xC7, 0x44, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00}}; static const GUID fGUID_YAxis = {0xA36D02E1, 0xC9F3, 0x11CF, {0xBF, 0xC7, 0x44, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00}}; static const GUID fGUID_ZAxis = {0xA36D02E2, 0xC9F3, 0x11CF, {0xBF, 0xC7, 0x44, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00}}; static const GUID fGUID_SysMouse = {0x6F1D2B60, 0xD5A0, 0x11CF, {0xBF, 0xC7, 0x44, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00}}; static const GUID fIID_IDirectInputDevice7A = {0x57d7c6bc, 0x2356, 0x11d3, {0x8e, 0x9d, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x4f, 0x68, 0x44, 0xae}}; static const GUID fIID_IDirectInput7A = {0x9a4cb684, 0x236d, 0x11d3, {0x8e, 0x9d, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x68, 0x44, 0xae}}; // devices static LPDIRECTINPUT g_pdi; static LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE g_pMouse; static HINSTANCE hInstDI; // current DirectInput version in use, 0 means using no DirectInput static int dinput; typedef struct MYDATA { LONG lX; // X axis goes here LONG lY; // Y axis goes here LONG lZ; // Z axis goes here BYTE bButtonA; // One button goes here BYTE bButtonB; // Another button goes here BYTE bButtonC; // Another button goes here BYTE bButtonD; // Another button goes here #if (DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= DINPUT_VERSION_DX7) BYTE bButtonE; // DX7 buttons BYTE bButtonF; BYTE bButtonG; BYTE bButtonH; #endif } MYDATA; static DIOBJECTDATAFORMAT rgodf[] = { { &fGUID_XAxis, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, lX), DIDFT_AXIS | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { &fGUID_YAxis, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, lY), DIDFT_AXIS | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { &fGUID_ZAxis, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, lZ), 0x80000000 | DIDFT_AXIS | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { 0, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, bButtonA), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { 0, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, bButtonB), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { 0, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, bButtonC), 0x80000000 | DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { 0, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, bButtonD), 0x80000000 | DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, #if (DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= DINPUT_VERSION_DX7) { 0, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, bButtonE), 0x80000000 | DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { 0, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, bButtonF), 0x80000000 | DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { 0, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, bButtonG), 0x80000000 | DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { 0, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, bButtonH), 0x80000000 | DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, #endif }; #define NUM_OBJECTS (sizeof(rgodf) / sizeof(rgodf[0])) static DIDATAFORMAT df = { sizeof(DIDATAFORMAT), // this structure sizeof(DIOBJECTDATAFORMAT), // size of object data format DIDF_RELAXIS, // absolute axis coordinates sizeof(MYDATA), // device data size NUM_OBJECTS, // number of objects rgodf, // and here they are }; #if (DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= DINPUT_VERSION_DX7) // DX7 devices static LPDIRECTINPUT7 g_pdi7; static LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE7 g_pMouse7; // DX7 specific calls #define iDirectInputCreateEx(a,b,c,d,e) pDirectInputCreateEx(a,b,c,d,e) static HRESULT (WINAPI *pDirectInputCreateEx)(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwVersion, REFIID riidltf, LPVOID *ppvOut, LPUNKNOWN punkOuter); #endif #else #define dinput 0 #endif static JOYINFOEX ji; // raw input specific defines #ifdef USINGRAWINPUT // defines #define MAX_RI_DEVICE_SIZE 128 #define INIT_RIBUFFER_SIZE (sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)+sizeof(RAWMOUSE)) #define RI_RAWBUTTON_MASK 0x000003E0 #define RI_INVALID_POS 0x80000000 // raw input dynamic functions typedef INT (WINAPI *pGetRawInputDeviceList)(OUT PRAWINPUTDEVICELIST pRawInputDeviceList, IN OUT PINT puiNumDevices, IN UINT cbSize); typedef INT(WINAPI *pGetRawInputData)(IN HRAWINPUT hRawInput, IN UINT uiCommand, OUT LPVOID pData, IN OUT PINT pcbSize, IN UINT cbSizeHeader); typedef INT(WINAPI *pGetRawInputDeviceInfoA)(IN HANDLE hDevice, IN UINT uiCommand, OUT LPVOID pData, IN OUT PINT pcbSize); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pRegisterRawInputDevices)(IN PCRAWINPUTDEVICE pRawInputDevices, IN UINT uiNumDevices, IN UINT cbSize); static pGetRawInputDeviceList _GRIDL; static pGetRawInputData _GRID; static pGetRawInputDeviceInfoA _GRIDIA; static pRegisterRawInputDevices _RRID; static keyboard_t *rawkbd; static mouse_t *rawmice; static int rawmicecount; static int rawkbdcount; static RAWINPUT *raw; static int ribuffersize; static cvar_t in_rawinput = CVARD("in_rawinput", "0", "Enables rawinput support for mice in XP onwards. Rawinput permits independant device identification (ie: splitscreen clients can each have their own mouse)"); static cvar_t in_rawinput_keyboard = CVARD("in_rawinput_keyboard", "0", "Enables rawinput support for keyboards in XP onwards as well as just mice. Requires in_rawinput to be set."); static cvar_t in_rawinput_rdp = CVARD("in_rawinput_rdp", "0", "Activate Remote Desktop Protocol devices too."); void INS_RawInput_MouseDeRegister(void); int INS_RawInput_MouseRegister(void); void INS_RawInput_KeyboardDeRegister(void); int INS_RawInput_KeyboardRegister(void); void INS_RawInput_DeInit(void); #endif // forward-referenced functions void INS_StartupJoystick (void); void Joy_AdvancedUpdate_f (void); void INS_JoyMove (float *movements, int pnum); /* =========== Force_CenterView_f =========== */ void Force_CenterView_f (void) { cl.playerview[0].viewangles[PITCH] = 0; } /* =========== INS_UpdateClipCursor =========== */ void INS_UpdateClipCursor (void) { if (mouseinitialized && mouseactive && !dinput) { ClipCursor (&window_rect); } } /* =========== INS_ShowMouse =========== */ static void INS_ShowMouse (void) { if (!mouseshowtoggle) { ShowCursor (TRUE); mouseshowtoggle = 1; } } /* =========== INS_HideMouse =========== */ static void INS_HideMouse (void) { if (mouseshowtoggle) { ShowCursor (FALSE); mouseshowtoggle = 0; } } /* =========== INS_ActivateMouse =========== */ static void INS_ActivateMouse (void) { mouseactivatetoggle = true; if (mouseinitialized && !mouseactive) { #ifdef AVAIL_DINPUT #if (DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= DINPUT_VERSION_DX7) if (dinput >= DINPUT_VERSION_DX7) { if (g_pMouse7) { if (!dinput_acquired) { IDirectInputDevice7_Acquire(g_pMouse7); dinput_acquired = true; } } else { return; } } else #endif if (dinput) { if (g_pMouse) { if (!dinput_acquired) { IDirectInputDevice_Acquire(g_pMouse); dinput_acquired = true; } } else { return; } } else #endif { #ifdef USINGRAWINPUT if (rawmicecount > 0) { if (INS_RawInput_MouseRegister()) { Con_SafePrintf("Raw input: unable to register raw input for mice, deinitializing\n"); INS_RawInput_MouseDeRegister(); } } if (rawkbdcount > 0) { if (INS_RawInput_KeyboardRegister()) { Con_SafePrintf("Raw input: unable to register raw input for keyboard, deinitializing\n"); INS_RawInput_KeyboardDeRegister(); } } #endif if (mouseparmsvalid) restore_spi = SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SETMOUSE, 0, newmouseparms, 0); SetCursorPos (window_center_x, window_center_y); SetCapture (mainwindow); ClipCursor (&window_rect); } mouseactive = true; } } /* =========== INS_DeactivateMouse =========== */ static void INS_DeactivateMouse (void) { mouseactivatetoggle = false; if (mouseinitialized && mouseactive) { #ifdef AVAIL_DINPUT #if (DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= DINPUT_VERSION_DX7) if (dinput >= DINPUT_VERSION_DX7) { if (g_pMouse7) { if (dinput_acquired) { IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(g_pMouse7); dinput_acquired = false; } } else { return; } } else #endif if (dinput) { if (g_pMouse) { if (dinput_acquired) { IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(g_pMouse); dinput_acquired = false; } } } else #endif { #ifdef USINGRAWINPUT if (rawmicecount > 0) INS_RawInput_MouseDeRegister(); #endif if (restore_spi) SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SETMOUSE, 0, originalmouseparms, 0); ClipCursor (NULL); ReleaseCapture (); } mouseactive = false; } } /* =========== INS_SetQuakeMouseState =========== */ void INS_SetQuakeMouseState (void) { if (mouseactivatetoggle) INS_ActivateMouse (); else INS_DeactivateMouse(); } /* =========== INS_RestoreOriginalMouseState =========== */ void INS_RestoreOriginalMouseState (void) { if (mouseactivatetoggle) { INS_DeactivateMouse (); mouseactivatetoggle = true; } // try to redraw the cursor so it gets reinitialized, because sometimes it // has garbage after the mode switch ShowCursor (TRUE); ShowCursor (FALSE); } void INS_UpdateGrabs(int fullscreen, int activeapp) { int grabmouse; if (!activeapp) grabmouse = false; else if (fullscreen || in_simulatemultitouch.ival) grabmouse = true; else if (_windowed_mouse.value) { if (!Key_MouseShouldBeFree()) grabmouse = true; else grabmouse = false; } else grabmouse = false; //visiblity if (grabmouse) INS_HideMouse(); else INS_ShowMouse(); #ifdef HLCLIENT //halflife gamecode does its own mouse control... yes this is vile. if (grabmouse) { if (CLHL_GamecodeDoesMouse()) grabmouse = 2; } if (grabmouse == 2) { INS_DeactivateMouse(); CLHL_SetMouseActive(true); return; } CLHL_SetMouseActive(false); #endif if (grabmouse) INS_ActivateMouse(); else INS_DeactivateMouse(); } #ifdef AVAIL_DINPUT BOOL CALLBACK INS_EnumerateDevices(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE inst, LPVOID parm) { Con_DPrintf("EnumerateDevices found: %s\n", inst->tszProductName); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } /* =========== INS_InitDInput =========== */ int INS_InitDInput (void) { HRESULT hr; DIPROPDWORD dipdw = { { sizeof(DIPROPDWORD), // diph.dwSize sizeof(DIPROPHEADER), // diph.dwHeaderSize 0, // diph.dwObj DIPH_DEVICE, // diph.dwHow }, DINPUT_BUFFERSIZE, // dwData }; if (!hInstDI) { hInstDI = LoadLibrary("dinput.dll"); if (hInstDI == NULL) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't load dinput.dll\n"); return 0; } } #if (DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= DINPUT_VERSION_DX7) if (!pDirectInputCreateEx) pDirectInputCreateEx = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInstDI,"DirectInputCreateEx"); if (pDirectInputCreateEx) // use DirectInput 7 { // register with DirectInput and get an IDirectInput to play with. hr = iDirectInputCreateEx(global_hInstance, DINPUT_VERSION_DX7, &fIID_IDirectInput7A, &g_pdi7, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) return 0; IDirectInput7_EnumDevices(g_pdi7, 0, &INS_EnumerateDevices, NULL, DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY); // obtain an interface to the system mouse device. hr = IDirectInput7_CreateDeviceEx(g_pdi7, &fGUID_SysMouse, &fIID_IDirectInputDevice7A, &g_pMouse7, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't open DI7 mouse device\n"); return 0; } // set the data format to "mouse format". hr = IDirectInputDevice7_SetDataFormat(g_pMouse7, &df); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't set DI7 mouse format\n"); return 0; } // set the cooperativity level. hr = IDirectInputDevice7_SetCooperativeLevel(g_pMouse7, mainwindow, DISCL_EXCLUSIVE | DISCL_FOREGROUND); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't set DI7 coop level\n"); return 0; } // set the buffer size to DINPUT_BUFFERSIZE elements. // the buffer size is a DWORD property associated with the device hr = IDirectInputDevice7_SetProperty(g_pMouse7, DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &dipdw.diph); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't set DI7 buffersize\n"); return 0; } return DINPUT_VERSION_DX7; } #endif if (!pDirectInputCreate) { pDirectInputCreate = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInstDI,"DirectInputCreateA"); if (!pDirectInputCreate) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't get DI3 proc addr\n"); return 0; } } // register with DirectInput and get an IDirectInput to play with. hr = iDirectInputCreate(global_hInstance, DINPUT_VERSION_DX3, &g_pdi, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { return 0; } IDirectInput_EnumDevices(g_pdi, 0, &INS_EnumerateDevices, NULL, DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY); // obtain an interface to the system mouse device. hr = IDirectInput_CreateDevice(g_pdi, &fGUID_SysMouse, &g_pMouse, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't open DI3 mouse device\n"); return 0; } // set the data format to "mouse format". hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat(g_pMouse, &df); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't set DI3 mouse format\n"); return 0; } // set the cooperativity level. hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetCooperativeLevel(g_pMouse, mainwindow, DISCL_EXCLUSIVE | DISCL_FOREGROUND); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't set DI3 coop level\n"); return 0; } // set the buffer size to DINPUT_BUFFERSIZE elements. // the buffer size is a DWORD property associated with the device hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty(g_pMouse, DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &dipdw.diph); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't set DI3 buffersize\n"); return 0; } return DINPUT_VERSION_DX3; } void INS_CloseDInput (void) { #if (DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= DINPUT_VERSION_DX7) if (g_pMouse7) { IDirectInputDevice7_Release(g_pMouse7); g_pMouse7 = NULL; } if (g_pdi7) { IDirectInput7_Release(g_pdi7); g_pdi7 = NULL; } #endif if (g_pMouse) { IDirectInputDevice_Release(g_pMouse); g_pMouse = NULL; } if (g_pdi) { IDirectInput_Release(g_pdi); g_pdi = NULL; } if (hInstDI) { FreeLibrary(hInstDI); hInstDI = NULL; pDirectInputCreate = NULL; } } #endif #ifdef USINGRAWINPUT void INS_RawInput_MouseDeRegister(void) { RAWINPUTDEVICE Rid; // deregister raw input Rid.usUsagePage = 0x01; Rid.usUsage = 0x02; Rid.dwFlags = RIDEV_REMOVE; Rid.hwndTarget = NULL; (*_RRID)(&Rid, 1, sizeof(Rid)); } void INS_RawInput_KeyboardDeRegister(void) { RAWINPUTDEVICE Rid; // deregister raw input Rid.usUsagePage = 0x01; Rid.usUsage = 0x02; Rid.dwFlags = RIDEV_REMOVE; Rid.hwndTarget = NULL; (*_RRID)(&Rid, 1, sizeof(Rid)); } void INS_RawInput_DeInit(void) { if (rawmicecount > 0) { INS_RawInput_MouseDeRegister(); Z_Free(rawmice); rawmicecount = 0; } if (rawkbdcount > 0) { INS_RawInput_KeyboardDeRegister(); Z_Free(rawkbd); rawkbdcount = 0; } memset(multicursor_active, 0, sizeof(multicursor_active)); } #endif #ifdef USINGRAWINPUT // raw input registration functions int INS_RawInput_MouseRegister(void) { // This function registers to receive the WM_INPUT messages RAWINPUTDEVICE Rid; // Register only for mouse messages from wm_input. //register to get wm_input messages Rid.usUsagePage = 0x01; Rid.usUsage = 0x02; Rid.dwFlags = RIDEV_NOLEGACY; // adds HID mouse and also ignores legacy mouse messages Rid.hwndTarget = NULL; // Register to receive the WM_INPUT message for any change in mouse (buttons, wheel, and movement will all generate the same message) if (!(*_RRID)(&Rid, 1, sizeof(Rid))) return 1; return 0; } int INS_RawInput_KeyboardRegister(void) { RAWINPUTDEVICE Rid; Rid.usUsagePage = 0x01; Rid.usUsage = 0x06; Rid.dwFlags = RIDEV_NOLEGACY | RIDEV_APPKEYS | RIDEV_NOHOTKEYS; // fetch everything, disable hotkey behavior (should cvar?) Rid.hwndTarget = NULL; if (!(*_RRID)(&Rid, 1, sizeof(Rid))) return 1; return 0; } int INS_RawInput_Register(void) { if (INS_RawInput_MouseRegister()) return !in_rawinput_keyboard.ival || INS_RawInput_KeyboardRegister(); return 0; } int INS_RawInput_IsRDPDevice(char *cDeviceString) { // mouse is \\?\Root#RDP_MOU#, keyboard is \\?\Root#RDP_KBD#" char cRDPString[] = "\\\\?\\Root#RDP_"; int i; if (strlen(cDeviceString) < strlen(cRDPString)) { return 0; } for (i = strlen(cRDPString) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (cDeviceString[i] != cRDPString[i]) return 0; } return 1; } void INS_RawInput_Init(void) { // "0" to exclude, "1" to include PRAWINPUTDEVICELIST pRawInputDeviceList; int inputdevices, i, j, mtemp, ktemp; char dname[MAX_RI_DEVICE_SIZE]; // Return 0 if rawinput is not available HMODULE user32 = LoadLibrary("user32.dll"); if (!user32) { Con_SafePrintf("Raw input: unable to load user32.dll\n"); return; } _RRID = (pRegisterRawInputDevices)GetProcAddress(user32,"RegisterRawInputDevices"); if (!_RRID) { Con_SafePrintf("Raw input: function RegisterRawInputDevices could not be registered\n"); return; } _GRIDL = (pGetRawInputDeviceList)GetProcAddress(user32,"GetRawInputDeviceList"); if (!_GRIDL) { Con_SafePrintf("Raw input: function GetRawInputDeviceList could not be registered\n"); return; } _GRIDIA = (pGetRawInputDeviceInfoA)GetProcAddress(user32,"GetRawInputDeviceInfoA"); if (!_GRIDIA) { Con_SafePrintf("Raw input: function GetRawInputDeviceInfoA could not be registered\n"); return; } _GRID = (pGetRawInputData)GetProcAddress(user32,"GetRawInputData"); if (!_GRID) { Con_SafePrintf("Raw input: function GetRawInputData could not be registered\n"); return; } rawmicecount = 0; rawmice = NULL; raw = NULL; ribuffersize = 0; // 1st call to GetRawInputDeviceList: Pass NULL to get the number of devices. if ((*_GRIDL)(NULL, &inputdevices, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST)) != 0) { Con_SafePrintf("Raw input: unable to count raw input devices\n"); return; } // Allocate the array to hold the DeviceList pRawInputDeviceList = Z_Malloc(sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST) * inputdevices); // 2nd call to GetRawInputDeviceList: Pass the pointer to our DeviceList and GetRawInputDeviceList() will fill the array if ((*_GRIDL)(pRawInputDeviceList, &inputdevices, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST)) == -1) { Con_SafePrintf("Raw input: unable to get raw input device list\n"); return; } // Loop through all devices and count the mice for (i = 0, mtemp = 0, ktemp = 0; i < inputdevices; i++) { j = MAX_RI_DEVICE_SIZE; // Get the device name and use it to determine if it's the RDP Terminal Services virtual device. if ((*_GRIDIA)(pRawInputDeviceList[i].hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, dname, &j) < 0) dname[0] = 0; if (!(in_rawinput_rdp.value) && INS_RawInput_IsRDPDevice(dname)) // use rdp (cvar) continue; switch (pRawInputDeviceList[i].dwType) { case RIM_TYPEMOUSE: mtemp++; break; case RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD: if (!in_rawinput_keyboard.ival) continue; ktemp++; break; default: // (RIM_TYPEHID) support joysticks? break; } } // exit out if no devices found if (!mtemp && !ktemp) { Con_SafePrintf("Raw input: no usable device found\n"); return; } // Loop again and bind devices rawmice = (mouse_t *)Z_Malloc(sizeof(mouse_t) * mtemp); rawkbd = (keyboard_t *)Z_Malloc(sizeof(keyboard_t) * ktemp); for (i = 0; i < inputdevices; i++) { j = MAX_RI_DEVICE_SIZE; // Get the device name and use it to determine if it's the RDP Terminal Services virtual device. if ((*_GRIDIA)(pRawInputDeviceList[i].hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, dname, &j) < 0) dname[0] = 0; if (!(in_rawinput_rdp.value) && INS_RawInput_IsRDPDevice(dname)) // use rdp (cvar) continue; switch (pRawInputDeviceList[i].dwType) { case RIM_TYPEMOUSE: // set handle rawmice[rawmicecount].handles.rawinputhandle = pRawInputDeviceList[i].hDevice; rawmice[rawmicecount].numbuttons = 10; rawmice[rawmicecount].qdeviceid = rawmicecount; rawmicecount++; break; case RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD: if (!in_rawinput_keyboard.ival) continue; rawkbd[rawkbdcount].handles.rawinputhandle = pRawInputDeviceList[i].hDevice; rawkbd[rawkbdcount].qdeviceid = rawkbdcount; rawkbdcount++; break; default: continue; } // print pretty message about device dname[MAX_RI_DEVICE_SIZE - 1] = 0; for (mtemp = strlen(dname); mtemp >= 0; mtemp--) { if (dname[mtemp] == '#') { dname[mtemp + 1] = 0; break; } } Con_SafePrintf("Raw input type %i: [%i] %s\n", (int)pRawInputDeviceList[i].dwType, i, dname); } // free the RAWINPUTDEVICELIST Z_Free(pRawInputDeviceList); // alloc raw input buffer raw = BZ_Malloc(INIT_RIBUFFER_SIZE); ribuffersize = INIT_RIBUFFER_SIZE; Con_SafePrintf("Raw input: initialized with %i mice and %i keyboards\n", rawmicecount, rawkbdcount); return; // success } #endif /* =========== INS_StartupMouse =========== */ void INS_StartupMouse (void) { if ( COM_CheckParm ("-nomouse") ) return; mouseinitialized = true; //make sure it can't get stuck INS_DeactivateMouse (); #ifdef AVAIL_DINPUT if (in_dinput.value) { dinput = INS_InitDInput (); if (dinput) { Con_SafePrintf ("DirectInput initialized, version %i\n", (dinput >> 8 & 0xFF)); } else { Con_SafePrintf ("DirectInput not initialized\n"); } } else dinput = 0; if (!dinput) #endif { if (!mouseparmsvalid) mouseparmsvalid = SystemParametersInfo (SPI_GETMOUSE, 0, originalmouseparms, 0); if (mouseparmsvalid) { if ( m_accel_noforce.value ) newmouseparms[2] = originalmouseparms[2]; if ( m_threshold_noforce.value ) { newmouseparms[0] = originalmouseparms[0]; newmouseparms[1] = originalmouseparms[1]; } } } sysmouse.numbuttons = 10; // if a fullscreen video mode was set before the mouse was initialized, // set the mouse state appropriately if (mouseactivatetoggle) INS_ActivateMouse (); } /* =========== INS_Init =========== */ void INS_ReInit (void) { #ifdef USINGRAWINPUT if (in_rawinput.value) { INS_RawInput_Init(); } #endif INS_StartupMouse (); INS_StartupJoystick (); // INS_ActivateMouse(); } void INS_Init (void) { //keyboard variables Cvar_Register (&cl_keypad, "Input Controls"); Cvar_Register (&in_dinput, "Input Controls"); Cvar_Register (&in_builtinkeymap, "Input Controls"); Cvar_Register (&in_simulatemultitouch, "Input Controls"); Cvar_Register (&m_accel_noforce, "Input Controls"); Cvar_Register (&m_threshold_noforce, "Input Controls"); // this looks strange but quake cmdline definitions // and MS documentation don't agree with each other if (COM_CheckParm ("-noforcemspd")) Cvar_Set(&m_accel_noforce, "1"); if (COM_CheckParm ("-noforcemaccel")) Cvar_Set(&m_threshold_noforce, "1"); if (COM_CheckParm ("-noforcemparms")) { Cvar_Set(&m_accel_noforce, "1"); Cvar_Set(&m_threshold_noforce, "1"); } if (COM_CheckParm ("-dinput")) Cvar_Set(&in_dinput, "1"); // joystick variables Cvar_Register (&in_joystick, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_name, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_advanced, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_advaxisx, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_advaxisy, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_advaxisz, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_advaxisr, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_advaxisu, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_advaxisv, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_forwardthreshold, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_sidethreshold, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_pitchthreshold, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_yawthreshold, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_forwardsensitivity, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_sidesensitivity, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_pitchsensitivity, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_yawsensitivity, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_wwhack1, "Joystick variables"); Cvar_Register (&joy_wwhack2, "Joystick variables"); Cmd_AddCommand ("force_centerview", Force_CenterView_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("joyadvancedupdate", Joy_AdvancedUpdate_f); uiWheelMessage = RegisterWindowMessage ( "MSWHEEL_ROLLMSG" ); #ifdef USINGRAWINPUT Cvar_Register (&in_rawinput, "Input Controls"); Cvar_Register (&in_rawinput_keyboard, "Input Controls"); Cvar_Register (&in_rawinput_rdp, "Input Controls"); #endif } /* =========== INS_Shutdown =========== */ void INS_Shutdown (void) { mouseinitialized = false; INS_DeactivateMouse (); INS_ShowMouse (); mouseparmsvalid = false; #ifdef AVAIL_DINPUT INS_CloseDInput(); #endif #ifdef USINGRAWINPUT INS_RawInput_DeInit(); #endif } /* =========== INS_MouseEvent =========== a mouse button was pressed/released, mstate is the current set of buttons pressed. */ void INS_MouseEvent (int mstate) { int i; if (dinput && mouseactive) return; #ifdef HLCLIENT if (CLHL_MouseEvent(mstate)) return; #endif if (1)//mouseactive || (key_dest != key_game)) { // perform button actions for (i=0 ; i= DINPUT_VERSION_DX7) if (dinput >= DINPUT_VERSION_DX7) { hr = IDirectInputDevice7_GetDeviceData(g_pMouse7, sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA), &od, &dwElements, 0); if ((hr == DIERR_INPUTLOST) || (hr == DIERR_NOTACQUIRED)) { dinput_acquired = true; IDirectInputDevice7_Acquire(g_pMouse7); break; } } else #endif { hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceData(g_pMouse, sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA), &od, &dwElements, 0); if ((hr == DIERR_INPUTLOST) || (hr == DIERR_NOTACQUIRED)) { dinput_acquired = true; IDirectInputDevice_Acquire(g_pMouse); break; } } /* Unable to read data or no data available */ if (FAILED(hr) || dwElements == 0) { break; } /* Look at the element to see what happened */ switch (od.dwOfs) { case DIMOFS_X: xd += od.dwData; break; case DIMOFS_Y: yd += od.dwData; break; case DIMOFS_Z: zd += od.dwData; break; case DIMOFS_BUTTON0: case DIMOFS_BUTTON1: case DIMOFS_BUTTON2: case DIMOFS_BUTTON3: #if (DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= DINPUT_VERSION_DX7) case DIMOFS_BUTTON4: case DIMOFS_BUTTON5: case DIMOFS_BUTTON6: case DIMOFS_BUTTON7: #endif IN_KeyEvent(sysmouse.qdeviceid, (od.dwData & 0x80)?true:false, K_MOUSE1 + ((od.dwOfs - DIMOFS_BUTTON0) / (DIMOFS_BUTTON1-DIMOFS_BUTTON0)), 0); break; } } if (xd || yd || zd) IN_MouseMove(sysmouse.qdeviceid, false, xd, yd, zd, 0); } else #endif { INS_Accumulate(); } } /* =========== INS_Move =========== */ void INS_Move (float *movements, int pnum) { if (ActiveApp && !Minimized) { INS_MouseMove (movements, pnum); if (pnum == 1 || cl.splitclients<2) INS_JoyMove (movements, pnum); } } /* =========== INS_Accumulate =========== potentially called multiple times per frame. */ void INS_Accumulate (void) { static POINT current_pos; //static to avoid bugs in vista with largeaddressaware (this is fixed in win7). fixed exe base address prevents this from going above 2gb. if (mouseactive && !dinput) { #ifdef USINGRAWINPUT //raw input disables the system mouse, to avoid dupes if (!rawmicecount) #endif { GetCursorPos (¤t_pos); IN_MouseMove(sysmouse.qdeviceid, false, current_pos.x - window_center_x, current_pos.y - window_center_y, 0, 0); } // force the mouse to the center, so there's room to move (rawinput ignore this apparently) SetCursorPos (window_center_x, window_center_y); } if (!mouseactive) { extern int window_x, window_y; GetCursorPos (¤t_pos); IN_MouseMove(sysmouse.qdeviceid, true, current_pos.x-window_x, current_pos.y-window_y, 0, 0); return; } } #ifdef USINGRAWINPUT void INS_RawInput_MouseRead(void) { int i, tbuttons, j; mouse_t *mouse; // find mouse in our mouse list for (i = 0; i < rawmicecount; i++) { if (rawmice[i].handles.rawinputhandle == raw->header.hDevice) break; } if (i == rawmicecount) // we're not tracking this device return; mouse = &rawmice[i]; multicursor_active[mouse->qdeviceid&7] = 0; // movement if (raw->data.mouse.usFlags & MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE) { if (in_simulatemultitouch.ival) { multicursor_active[mouse->qdeviceid&7] = true; multicursor_x[mouse->qdeviceid&7] = raw->data.mouse.lLastX; multicursor_y[mouse->qdeviceid&7] = raw->data.mouse.lLastY; } IN_MouseMove(mouse->qdeviceid, true, raw->data.mouse.lLastX, raw->data.mouse.lLastY, 0, 0); } else // RELATIVE { if (in_simulatemultitouch.ival) { multicursor_active[mouse->qdeviceid&7] = true; multicursor_x[mouse->qdeviceid&7] += raw->data.mouse.lLastX; multicursor_y[mouse->qdeviceid&7] += raw->data.mouse.lLastY; multicursor_x[mouse->qdeviceid&7] = bound(0, multicursor_x[mouse->qdeviceid&7], vid.pixelwidth); multicursor_y[mouse->qdeviceid&7] = bound(0, multicursor_y[mouse->qdeviceid&7], vid.pixelheight); IN_MouseMove(mouse->qdeviceid, true, multicursor_x[mouse->qdeviceid&7], multicursor_y[mouse->qdeviceid&7], 0, 0); } else IN_MouseMove(mouse->qdeviceid, false, raw->data.mouse.lLastX, raw->data.mouse.lLastY, 0, 0); } // buttons if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_1_DOWN) IN_KeyEvent(mouse->qdeviceid, true, K_MOUSE1, 0); if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_1_UP) IN_KeyEvent(mouse->qdeviceid, false, K_MOUSE1, 0); if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_2_DOWN) IN_KeyEvent(mouse->qdeviceid, true, K_MOUSE2, 0); if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_2_UP) IN_KeyEvent(mouse->qdeviceid, false, K_MOUSE2, 0); if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_3_DOWN) IN_KeyEvent(mouse->qdeviceid, true, K_MOUSE3, 0); if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_3_UP) IN_KeyEvent(mouse->qdeviceid, false, K_MOUSE3, 0); if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_4_DOWN) IN_KeyEvent(mouse->qdeviceid, true, K_MOUSE4, 0); if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_4_UP) IN_KeyEvent(mouse->qdeviceid, false, K_MOUSE4, 0); if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_5_DOWN) IN_KeyEvent(mouse->qdeviceid, true, K_MOUSE5, 0); if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_5_UP) IN_KeyEvent(mouse->qdeviceid, false, K_MOUSE5, 0); // mouse wheel if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_WHEEL) { // If the current message has a mouse_wheel message if ((SHORT)raw->data.mouse.usButtonData > 0) { IN_KeyEvent(mouse->qdeviceid, true, K_MWHEELUP, 0); IN_KeyEvent(mouse->qdeviceid, false, K_MWHEELUP, 0); } if ((SHORT)raw->data.mouse.usButtonData < 0) { IN_KeyEvent(mouse->qdeviceid, true, K_MWHEELDOWN, 0); IN_KeyEvent(mouse->qdeviceid, false, K_MWHEELDOWN, 0); } } // extra buttons tbuttons = raw->data.mouse.ulRawButtons & RI_RAWBUTTON_MASK; for (j=6 ; jqdeviceid, true, K_MOUSE1 + j, 0); } if ( !(tbuttons & (1<qdeviceid, false, K_MOUSE1 + j, 0); } } rawmice[i].oldbuttons &= ~RI_RAWBUTTON_MASK; rawmice[i].oldbuttons |= tbuttons; } void INS_RawInput_KeyboardRead(void) { int i; qboolean down; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; for (i = 0; i < rawkbdcount; i++) { if (rawkbd[i].handles.rawinputhandle == raw->header.hDevice) break; } if (i == rawkbdcount) // not tracking this device return; down = !(raw->data.keyboard.Flags & RI_KEY_BREAK); wParam = (-down) & 0xC0000000; lParam = MapVirtualKey(raw->data.keyboard.VKey, 0)<<16; INS_TranslateKeyEvent(wParam, lParam, down, rawkbd[i].qdeviceid); } void INS_RawInput_Read(HANDLE in_device_handle) { int dwSize; // get raw input if ((*_GRID)((HRAWINPUT)in_device_handle, RID_INPUT, NULL, &dwSize, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)) == -1) { Con_Printf("Raw input: unable to add to get size of raw input header.\n"); return; } if (dwSize > ribuffersize) { ribuffersize = dwSize; raw = (RAWINPUT *)BZ_Realloc(raw, dwSize); } if ((*_GRID)((HRAWINPUT)in_device_handle, RID_INPUT, raw, &dwSize, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)) != dwSize ) { Con_Printf("Raw input: unable to add to get raw input header.\n"); return; } INS_RawInput_MouseRead(); INS_RawInput_KeyboardRead(); } #else void INS_RawInput_Read(HANDLE in_device_handle) { } #endif /* =================== INS_ClearStates =================== */ void INS_ClearStates (void) { if (mouseactive) { memset(&sysmouse, 0, sizeof(sysmouse)); sysmouse.numbuttons = 10; } } /* =============== INS_StartupJoystick =============== */ void INS_StartupJoystick (void) { int numdevs; JOYCAPS jc; MMRESULT mmr; // assume no joystick joy_avail = false; // abort startup if user requests no joystick if ( COM_CheckParm ("-nojoy") ) return; // verify joystick driver is present if ((numdevs = joyGetNumDevs ()) == 0) { Con_Printf ("joystick not found -- driver not present\n"); return; } mmr = JOYERR_UNPLUGGED; // cycle through the joystick ids for the first valid one for (joy_id=0 ; joy_id 14000.0) fTemp = 14000.0; // restore direction information fAxisValue = (fAxisValue > 0.0) ? fTemp : -fTemp; } } // convert range from -32768..32767 to -1..1 fAxisValue /= 32768.0; switch (dwAxisMap[i]) { case AxisForward: if ((joy_advanced.value == 0.0) && (in_mlook.state[pnum] & 1)) { // user wants forward control to become look control if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_pitchthreshold.value) { // if mouse invert is on, invert the joystick pitch value // only absolute control support here (joy_advanced is false) if (m_pitch.value < 0.0) { cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[PITCH] -= (fAxisValue * joy_pitchsensitivity.value) * aspeed * cl_pitchspeed.value; } else { cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[PITCH] += (fAxisValue * joy_pitchsensitivity.value) * aspeed * cl_pitchspeed.value; } V_StopPitchDrift(pnum); } else { // no pitch movement // disable pitch return-to-center unless requested by user // *** this code can be removed when the lookspring bug is fixed // *** the bug always has the lookspring feature on if(lookspring.value == 0.0) V_StopPitchDrift(pnum); } } else { // user wants forward control to be forward control if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_forwardthreshold.value) { movements[0] += (fAxisValue * joy_forwardsensitivity.value) * speed * cl_forwardspeed.value; } } break; case AxisSide: if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_sidethreshold.value) { movements[1] += (fAxisValue * joy_sidesensitivity.value) * speed * cl_sidespeed.value; } break; case AxisTurn: if ((in_strafe.state[pnum] & 1) || (lookstrafe.value && (in_mlook.state[pnum] & 1))) { // user wants turn control to become side control if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_sidethreshold.value) { movements[2] -= (fAxisValue * joy_sidesensitivity.value) * speed * cl_sidespeed.value; } } else { // user wants turn control to be turn control if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_yawthreshold.value) { if(dwControlMap[i] == JOY_ABSOLUTE_AXIS) { cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[YAW] += (fAxisValue * joy_yawsensitivity.value) * aspeed * cl_yawspeed.value; } else { cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[YAW] += (fAxisValue * joy_yawsensitivity.value) * speed * 180.0; } } } break; case AxisLook: if (in_mlook.state[pnum] & 1) { if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_pitchthreshold.value) { // pitch movement detected and pitch movement desired by user if(dwControlMap[i] == JOY_ABSOLUTE_AXIS) { cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[PITCH] += (fAxisValue * joy_pitchsensitivity.value) * aspeed * cl_pitchspeed.value; } else { cl.playerview[pnum].viewanglechange[PITCH] += (fAxisValue * joy_pitchsensitivity.value) * speed * 180.0; } V_StopPitchDrift(pnum); } else { // no pitch movement // disable pitch return-to-center unless requested by user // *** this code can be removed when the lookspring bug is fixed // *** the bug always has the lookspring feature on if(lookspring.value == 0.0) V_StopPitchDrift(pnum); } } break; default: break; } } CL_ClampPitch(pnum); } static qbyte scantokey[] = { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // 8 9 A B C D E F 0, 27, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', // 0 '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '=', K_BACKSPACE, 9, // 0 'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', // 1 'o', 'p', '[', ']', K_ENTER, K_LCTRL, 'a', 's', // 1 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', ';', // 2 '\'', '`', K_LSHIFT, '\\', 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v', // 2 'b', 'n', 'm', ',', '.', '/', K_RSHIFT, K_KP_STAR, // 3 K_LALT, ' ', K_CAPSLOCK, K_F1, K_F2, K_F3, K_F4, K_F5, // 3 K_F6, K_F7, K_F8, K_F9, K_F10, K_PAUSE, K_SCRLCK, K_KP_HOME, // 4 K_KP_UPARROW,K_KP_PGUP, K_KP_MINUS, K_KP_LEFTARROW,K_KP_5, K_KP_RIGHTARROW,K_KP_PLUS, K_KP_END, // 4 K_KP_DOWNARROW,K_KP_PGDN,K_KP_INS, K_KP_DEL, 0, 0, 0, K_F11, // 5 K_F12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '\\', 0, 0, // 6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 7 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 7 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // 8 9 A B C D E F 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 8 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 8 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // a 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // a 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // b 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // b 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // c 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // c 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // d 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // d 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // e 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // e 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // f 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // f // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // 8 9 A B C D E F 0, 27, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', // 0 '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '=', K_BACKSPACE, 9, // 0 'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', // 1 'o', 'p', '[', ']', K_KP_ENTER, K_RCTRL, 'a', 's', // 1 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', ';', // 2 '\'', '`', K_SHIFT, '\\', 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v', // 2 'b', 'n', 'm', ',', '.', K_KP_SLASH, K_SHIFT, K_PRINTSCREEN,// 3 K_RALT, ' ', K_CAPSLOCK, K_F1, K_F2, K_F3, K_F4, K_F5, // 3 K_F6, K_F7, K_F8, K_F9, K_F10, K_KP_NUMLOCK,K_SCRLCK, K_HOME, // 4 K_UPARROW, K_PGUP, '-', K_LEFTARROW,0, K_RIGHTARROW,'+', K_END, // 4 K_DOWNARROW,K_PGDN, K_INS, K_DEL, 0, 0, 0, K_F11, // 5 K_F12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '\\', 0, 0, // 6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 7 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 // 7 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // 8 9 A B C D E F }; /* ======= MapKey Map from windows to quake keynums ======= */ static int MapKey (int vkey) { int key; key = (vkey>>16)&511; if (key < sizeof(scantokey) / sizeof(scantokey[0])) key = scantokey[key]; else key = 0; if (!cl_keypad.ival) { switch(scantokey[key]) { case K_KP_HOME: return '7'; case K_KP_UPARROW: return '8'; case K_KP_PGUP: return '9'; case K_KP_LEFTARROW: return '4'; case K_KP_5: return '5'; case K_KP_RIGHTARROW: return '6'; case K_KP_END: return '1'; case K_KP_DOWNARROW: return '2'; case K_KP_PGDN: return '3'; case K_KP_ENTER: return K_ENTER; case K_KP_INS: return '0'; case K_KP_DEL: return '.'; case K_KP_SLASH: return '/'; case K_KP_MINUS: return '-'; case K_KP_PLUS: return '+'; case K_KP_STAR: return '*'; case K_KP_EQUALS: return '='; } } if (key == 0) Con_DPrintf("key 0x%02x has no translation\n", key); return key; } void INS_TranslateKeyEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, qboolean down, int qdeviceid) { extern cvar_t in_builtinkeymap; int qcode; int unicode; extern int keyshift[256]; extern int shift_down; qcode = MapKey(lParam); if (WinNT && !in_builtinkeymap.value) { BYTE keystate[256]; WCHAR wchars[2]; GetKeyboardState(keystate); if (ToUnicode(wParam, HIWORD(lParam), keystate, wchars, sizeof(wchars)/sizeof(wchars[0]), 0) > 0) { //ignore if more, its probably a compose and > 65535 anyway. we can't represent that. // if (!wchars[1]) unicode = wchars[0]; } else unicode = 0; } else { unicode = (qcode < 128)?qcode:0; if (shift_down && unicode < K_MAX && keyshift[unicode]) unicode = keyshift[unicode]; } Key_Event (qdeviceid, qcode, unicode, down); }